R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 1 of 19 FSM 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 CHAPTER 1560 - STATE, COUNTY, AND LOCAL AGENCIES; PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS 1561.1 - Forestry Department 1561.1 - Exhibit 07 INCIDENT COORDINATION SERVICES INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT Between UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE - 110451059206 INTERMOUNTAIN REGION and UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE-IA-1265-3-9001 ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT UTAH STATE OFFICE - J910A30005 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT IDAHO STATE OFFICE - BLM MOU ID-308 BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT WYOMING STATE OFFICE- -K910-A3-0007 FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE MOUNTAIN AND PRAIRIE REGION (R-6) IA-14-48-0006-93-963 BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS PHOENIX AREA OFFICE - 1450AG3H003017 BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS ALBUQUERQUE AREA OFFICE BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS PORTLAND AREA OFFICE - AGP00035993 and STATE OF UTAH DIVISION OF STATE LANDS AND FORESTRY STATE OF IDAHO DEPARTMENT OF LANDS R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 2 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 07--Continued EASTERN GREAT BASIN COORDINATION CENTER INCIDENT COORDINATION SERVICES INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT /s/ Delmar W. Vail 04/04/93 State Director, USDI Bureau of Land Management, Idaho /s/ James M. Parker State Director, USDI Bureau of Land Management, Utah /s/ Ray Brubaker State Director, USDI Bureau of Land Management, Wyoming /s/ Kermit Johnson BLM Wyoming State Contracting Officer /s/ Ralph O. Morgenwek 1/26/93 Regional Director, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 6 /s/ John W. Chambers for Regional Forester, USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Region /s/ Homer L. Rouse for Robert M. Baker, Regional Director, USDI National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Region /s/ Stanley F. Hamilton Director, Department of Lands, Idaho /s/ Richard P. Klason State Forester, Utah Division of State Lands and Forestry /s/ Richard T. Kelley National Park Service Regional Contracting Officer APPROVED AS TO FORM: R. PAUL VAN DAM Attorney General /s/ Steven F. Alder R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 3 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 07--Continued /s/ Walter R. Mills Area Director, USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs, Phoenix Area /s/ Carl Hotubbee Phoenix Area Area Contracting /s/ George Gover, Acting Area Director, USDA Bureau of Indian Affairs, Portland Area /s/ Don Smouse Area Contracting Officer, USDA, BIA, Portland Area /s/ Sidney L. Mills Area Director, USDI Bureau of Indian Affairs, Albuquerque Area 1/27/93 R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 4 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 07--Continued ARTICLE I.Background and Objectives: This Incident Coordination Services Interagency Agreement is entered into by and between the United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Region, hereinafter referred to as "R4"; the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah State Offices, hereinafter referred to as "ID BLM", "WY BLM", and "UT BLM", respectively; the United States Department of Interior, National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Region hereinafter referred to as "NPS"; the United States Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 6, hereinafter referred to as "FWS"; the United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Portland, Phoenix, Albuquerque, and Navajo Area Offices, hereinafter referred to as "PDX BIA", "PHX BIA", "ABQ BIA", and "NAV BIA", respectively; the State of Utah, Division of State Lands and Forestry, hereinafter referred to as "UT", and the State of Idaho, Department of Lands, hereinafter referred to as "ID". This Agreement is entered into under the authorities of: * Memorandum of Understanding between United States Department of Agriculture and Department of Interior, dated January 28, 1943 * Economy Act of June 30, 1932 (47 Stat. 417; 31 U.S.C. 686) as amended * National Park Service Organic Act of August 1916 (16 U.S.C. 1) * Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (43 U.S.C. 1737) * Granger Thye Act of April 24, 1950, as amended (16 U.S.C. 572 c) * Reciprocal Fire Protection Act, May 27, 1955 (41 U.S.C. 1856) * Disaster Relief Act of May 22, 1974 (42 U.S.C. 1521) * Idaho Forestry Act, Title 38 - Chapter 1 (Idaho Code) * Utah Code Annotated 1988, Title 65.A-8-1 The purpose of this Agreement is to: Establish a method for coordination between and among the above-named agencies to provide for a reduction of duplication of effort and cost of said agencies by ensuring that a single system exists for establishing and maintaining a dispatching/coordination program which is responsive to requests for incident management support in a safe, timely, and cost-effective manner with efficient and effective interagency practices. This system will provide for economic benefits through interagency cooperation and coordination of incident management resources within the Eastern Great Basin Area (defined as that area including state and federal agency lands within the portion of southern Idaho within the established Forest Service Intermountain Region geographic R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 5 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 07--Continued boundary, southwestern Wyoming to include the Bridger-Teton National Forest and the Rock Springs BLM District, and all lands within the state of Utah) hereinafter referred to as the Eastern Great Basin Area. This system will provide uniformity of logistical communication, including intelligence data, and dispatching/coordination procedures among wildland fire management agencies of the Department of the Interior; Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Park Service (NPS), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS); Department of Agriculture; Forest Service (FS); the Utah Division of State Lands and Forestry; the Idaho Department of Lands; the Eastern Great Basin Coordination Center (EGBCC); and the Western Great Basin Coordination Center (WGBCC) and their constituents by: * Identifying, positioning, and utilizing established incident resources to meet anticipated and existing fire protection and all-risk management needs through the use of closest available resources regardless of location and agency affiliation. * Gathering, consolidating, and redistributing intelligence for determining interagency severity and priority setting. * Establishing resource allocation priorities during periods of competition or depletion of resources. No single wildland fire management agency in the Eastern Great Basin Area is capable of economically operating such a system unilaterally and no private sources exist for these support services. Witnesseth: WHEREAS, all federal and state wildland fire management agencies are required to provide for the protection of the resources within their jurisdiction from fire, and WHEREAS, these agencies must be ready to come to the aid of their respective field units during wildfire suppression and other emergencies, and WHEREAS, it is of mutual benefit to all parties to this agreement to share fire suppression resources based in the Eastern Great Basin Area including air tankers, helicopters, smokejumpers, and other national wildfire suppression resources. WHEREAS, it is of mutual benefit to all parties to this agreement to cooperate and share in the coordination of the mobilization and demobilization of equipment and personnel to aid field units during non-fire emergencies, and WHEREAS, all agencies party to this agreement will maintain agreements with one another to provide for cooperative support of incident management. WHEREAS, it is mutually beneficial for all parties to this agreement to: 1. To promote interagency activities and fire management practices in protecting natural resources from fire; R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 6 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 07--Continued 2. To participate in interagency fire readiness and suppression efforts; and 3. To implement, to the fullest extent possible, terms of existing agreements between cooperators for support or management of all types of incidents. ARTICLE II.Statement of Work: NOW THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree to the following for their mutual benefit: 1. UT agrees to: a. 2. Provide a full services facility of 3,000 square feet to be utilized as the interagency EGBCC. All agencies mutually agree to: a. Establish the Eastern Great Basin Coordination Center, to be located at Salt Lake City, Utah and to serve all parties to this agreement in the Eastern Great Basin Area as defined in the "Purpose" section above. b. Ensure that EGBCC provide dispatch coordination, daily fire weather information and area and national situation information. Specific services supplied are detailed, but not limited to those, in the Annual Operating Plan. c. Pay their proportionate share for the fire and all-risk incident services provided by EGBCC as agreed to in the Incident Coordination Services Interagency Agreement Annual Operating Plan which will be reviewed and approved annually. d. Provide EGBCC with information on agency fire protection needs, objectives, policies, and procedures for incorporation into the EGBCC interagency operations. e. Financial obligations of each agency payable after the current federal fiscal year (October 1 - September 30) are contingent upon funds for that purpose being appropriated, budgeted, and otherwise made available. f. Contracting and disbursement regulations of each agency shall apply. g. Funds provided by each agency will be used for purposes identified in the Annual Operating Plan or for other purposes deemed necessary for the continued effective operations of EGBCC. Agency provided funds may consist of contributed dollars, personnel services, or other in-kind services as agreed upon by all parties. h. Annually, prior to the initiation of fire season, lead fire management representatives of the parties hereto shall meet, develop in writing, and obtain signatures on an Incident Coordination Service Interagency Agreement Annual Operating Plan, which shall be attached hereto and made a part hereof this Agreement. R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 7 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 07--Continued i. This Agreement does not change the terms or practices contained in other fire protection agreements between the said agencies or their fire cooperators. j. EGBCC will prepare and update an EGBCC Operating Plan each year. k. Each agency will manage their respective staff in terms of personnel actions, timekeeping, etc.; will support their employees administratively; and will manage their electronic equipment, and other property located at EGBCC. ARTICLE III.Term of Agreement: This Interagency Incident Coordination Services Agreement will take effect on the last date shown on the signature page and operate for a period of five (5) years from that date. At the end of the five year period, the Agreement will be reviewed to determine suitability for renewal, modification, or termination. This Agreement will formally expire at the end of the five year period unless formally reaffirmed or rewritten if necessary. A letter of reaffirmation extending the term of the Agreement, if prepared, will be attached to the original Agreement. ARTICLE IV.Key Officials: Key Officials to implement this Agreement are the agency representatives on the Great Basin Coordinating Group (GBCG) and signatories to the Incident Coordination Services Interagency Agreement Annual Operating Plan. ARTICLE V. Property Utilization: All property (electronic equipment, capitalized equipment, etc.) placed at EGBCC will continue to be the property of the contributing agency. It will be transferred to the center with responsibility for care, maintenance, and safekeeping assigned to the Center Manager. ARTICLE VI. Prior Approval: ARTICLE VII. Reports: ARTICLE VIII. Termination: Not Applicable Not Applicable Any party may terminate this Agreement by providing to the other parties written notice between October 1 and March 1. The written notice shall specify one full federal fiscal year notice. The remaining signatory agencies shall continue the provisions of this Agreement in the absence of the vacating agency. ARTICLE IX.Required Clauses: Officials Not to Benefit R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 8 of 19 No member or delegate to Congress, or resident Commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this agreement, or to any benefit that may arise therefrom, but this provision shall not be construed to extend this agreement if made with a corporation for its general benefit. Nondiscrimination During the performance of this agreement, the participants agree to abide by the terms of Executive Order 11246 on nondiscrimination and will not discriminate against any person because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. The participants will take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed without regard to their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. All parties waive their rights against every other party for compensation for any loss, damage, personal injury, or death occurring in consequence of the performance of this agreement. R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 9 of 19 1561.1 - Forestry Department 1561.1 - Exhibit 08 #5100-6 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR THE SALT LAKE INTERAGENCY FIRE COORDINATION CENTER THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, FOREST SERVICE, UINTA AND WASATCH NATIONAL FORESTS, herein referred to as the FOREST SERVICE AND the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE, NATIONAL OCEANIC AND ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE, herein referred to as the NWS. AND the UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT SALT LAKE DISTRICT, herein referred to as the BLM. AND the UTAH DIVISION OF STATE LANDS/FORESTRY AND FIRE CONTROL, herein referred to as the STATE, R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 10 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF: A. FOREST SERVICE 1. 4. The memorandum of understanding between the United States Department of the Interior and the United States Department of Agriculture, dated January 28, 1943. The memorandum of understanding between the Bureau of Land Management, United States Department of the Interior, and the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, dated February 21, 1963. The Cooperative Fire Agreement between the State Directors, Bureau of Land Management, United States Department of the Interior, at Boise, Idaho; Reno, Nevada, Salt Lake City, Utah; Sacramento, California; and the Regional Forester, Region 4, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, No. 5100-4 dated November 23, 1979. Act of June 30, 1914, as amended (16 U.S.C. 498). 5. Act of June 7, 1924, Section 2 (16 U.S.C. 505). 6. Act of May 27, 1955, Section ., (42 U.S.C. 1856a). 7. Cooperative Agreement No. 5100--1 between the STATE OF UTAH, FIRE CONTROL, and the FOREST SERVICE, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, by the through the Regional Forester, Region 4. 2. 3. B. NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE 1. 2. C. Mission according to the Organic Act (amended), 15 U.S.C. 313 and the Department Organization Order 25-28, October 9, 1970. Precedent setting legislated authorities to cooperate with the Departments of Agriculture and Interior established by 16 U.S.C. 1005, 1006. BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT 1. Section 307(b), Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976; Section 302(c) (15), Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 (63 Stat. 377, as amended), 41 C.F.R. (1-3); Taylor Grazing Act of 28 June 1934 (48 Stat. 1269, 43 USG 315 a). 2. The Cooperative Fire Agreement between the State Directors, Bureau of Land Management, United States Department of the Interior at Boise, Idaho; Reno, Nevada; Salt Lake City, Utah; Sacramento, California; and the Regional Forester, Region 4, Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, No. 5100-4 dated November 23, 1979. 3. The Master Cooperative Agreement between the Governor of Utah and State Director, Bureau of Land Management, dated September 19, 1978, and the Supplemental Fire Control Agreement dated May 18, 1979. R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 11 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued D. STATE OF UTAH 1. Section 24-2-3, ET Seq., Utah Code Ann., 1953, 2nd Replacement Volume, as amended 1979. 2. Cooperative Fire Agreement between the STATE OF UTAH, State Forester and the Forest Service, United States Department of Agriculture, Regional Forester, Region 4, No. 5100-1 dated March 28, 1977. 3. The Master Cooperative Agreement between the Governor of Utah and the State Director, BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT, dated September 19, 1978, and the Supplemental Fire Control Agreement dated May 18, 1979. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the joint operations contemplated hereunder through the establishment of the Salt Lake Interagency Wildfire Center are intended to permit economical joint use of the facilities and coordination of fire fighting resources if each of the parties hereto. (For Interagency personnel position descriptions refer to Exhibit B.) NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED THAT: E. F. THE FOREST SERVICE WILL: 1. Provide the necessary space at 755 Guardsman Way, Salt Lake City, Utah to house an Interagency Fire Center and related Interagency Fire Cache Facility. 2. Provide Clerical assistance as needed for the facility. 3. Provide a Fire Warehouse Person for the Wildfire Cache. 4. Provide a Coordinator at the facility to supervise Interagency Personnel. 5. Provide a Fire Dispatcher. 6. Provide a Computer Terminal. THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE WILL: 1. Provide a Senior Fire Weather Forecaster at the facility. 2. Provide a substitute meteorologist when the regular Fire Weather Meteorologist is unavailable. 3. Provide a Fire Weather Mobil Unit. R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 12 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued G. H. I. THE BUREAU OF LAND MANAGEMENT WILL: 1. Provide a Fire Dispatcher. 2. Contract for a Fire Meteorologist consultant for the Fire Weather Facility. 3. Provide a Graphics Computer Terminal for the State Wide Lightning Detection System. 4. Provide a telecopier. THE STATE OF UTAH WILL: 1. Provide a Coordinator/Dispatcher. 2. Manage the Interagency Fire Cache. 3. Publish an annual Situation Report of Interagency Wildfire Center Operations. IT IS HEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: 1. Each party, except for the National Weather Service, will provide and maintain its own office furniture, machines, and equipment, telephone and radio communication systems, and telephone charges. 2. The BLM, NWS, and State shall not make any alterations to the described premises or construct, hang, or paint any signs on or near the described premise without consent of the USDA-Forest Service. 3. The respective agencies will Reimburse each other for overtime costs incurred, in accordance with current cooperative agreements. 4. All parties shall not be bound to make any expenditures under the terms of this Agreement except as sums are appropriated by the Legislature of the State or by the congress of the United States, or which may otherwise be made available. 5. In the event of damage to the premises of loss of property, the agencies will make settlement in accordance with laws and regulations of the respective agencies. 6. nnually, prior to March 1, all parties to this agreement will review the benefits and responsibilities of each agency to assure that this agreement is mutually beneficial and prepare a written report. 7. The terms of this agreement may be modified by written agreement hereto by mutual consent of the parties. 8. No member of, or delegate to Congress, or resident commissioner, shall be admitted to any share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit that amy arise therefrom, unless it is made with a corporation for its general benefits. R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 13 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued 9. It is agreed that parties hereto will abide by the provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all amendments thereto. 10. This agreement shall become effective on the last date of signing shown below and shall continue in effect until terminated by one party by giving 30 days written notice to the other, except that during the period 1 March to 31 October inclusive, this agreement may be terminated only by mutual agreement of all parties. 11. The Fire Center Coordinator will directly supervise all Interagency personnel at the center, except for National Weather Service personnel. 12. All parties agree to establish and utilize an Interagency Fire Cache. 13. Each agency will cover costs for items as listed in Exhibit A, attached. J. INTERAGENCY DISPATCHING 1. Interagency Personnel Duties and Work Scheduling The Fire Management Officers of each agency will jointly prepare the Interagency personnel duties, procedures and work schedule for the operation of the Fire Center. It will be reviewed annually and revised as needed. 2. Reporting of Fires All fires will be reported immediately and directly to the dispatcher. If a field unit takes initial attack action, they will notify the dispatcher of the fire and the action taken. All fires outside of the respective administrative unit protection boundaries shall be reported to the dispatcher for action. The dispatcher will notify the responsible Fire Management Officer of the fire on their administrative unit as quickly as possible. Initial attack should never be delayed because of communication delays or doubts about administrative responsibility. A going fire will be given priority. All firefighters and equipment necessary for control of a fire may be utilized. Units will not hold back forces or equipment from a going fire because of high fire danger, unless requested to do so by the dispatcher. The dispatcher will be advised of the issuance of Wildfire burning permits and will notify concerned cooperators of the date, time and place of the burning. 3. Aerial Fire Detection All requests for aerial detection for going fires or after thunderstorms should originate from the field unit and will be placed through the dispatcher. The dispatcher may initiate an aerial scouting flight if it is determined that the combined impact on multiple units justify the flight. R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 14 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued 4. Closest Force Utilization To the extent authorized by each agency the closest suppression force may be dispatched for initial attack. Any follow-up action should be dispatched from the agency having jurisdictional responsibility. When other protective agency's forces can make initial attack faster than the forces of the agency with the primary protection responsibility the dispatcher may request the other agency's forces and equipment. Upon arrival at the fire the responsible agency's personnel will assume command, unless otherwise instructed, utilizing all the forces on the fire. Outside agency men and equipment will be used as needed unless a request is made for their early release. 5. Ordering of Resources for Escaped Fires All orders for reinforcements for an escaped fire will be placed through the dispatcher. 6. Air Tanker Dispatching All air tankers and lead plane requests will be placed through the dispatcher. The dispatcher will dispatch the air tanker based on guidelines issued by each agency. All requests for the air tanker will be honored on a first come first serve basis unless multiple requests require the establishment of priorities. Regional priorities must also be considered. 7. Helicopter Dispatching All dispatch of the helicopters and helicopter crews will be through the dispatcher in accordance with guidelines set by each agency. Any off unit assignment of helicopters will be approved by the respective Fire Management Officers. 8. Off Unit Assignment of Overhead All overhead requests will be processed through the dispatcher in accordance with guidelines set by each agency. K. FIRE CACHE WAREHOUSING PROCEDURES 1. 2. Property Management a. Property Officer will be the Fire Center Coordinator. b. The Property Custodian will be the Interagency Fire Cache Manager. Accountability The Fire Cache Manager will maintain an up-to-date inventory of fire cache property. R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 15 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued 3. Replacement and Maintenance All cache items expended on a given fire will be charged to that fire unless other arrangements are made by the user agency. 4. Initial Attack Capability Field units will only maintain sufficient tools and equipment to supply their initial attack forces, and what reinforcements they could muster locally within three hours. All additional supplies will be moved to a central cache. 5. Fire Cache Location The centralized fire cache will be located in the Fire Coordination Center Warehouse and additional storage facilities as appropriate. 6. Dispatch of Fire Supplies All dispatch of fire supplies will be placed on fire order forms through the dispatcher to the warehouse person. The warehouse person will make arrangements for procurement, packaging and transportation to its destination from the Interagency fire cache. R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 16 of 19 561.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued EXHIBIT A Maintenance of Building FS x NWS BLM Fire Cache Management x Coordinator of Facilities x Dispatcher x x Dispatcher/Coordinator x Fire Center Clerk x Computer Terminal Clerk (Seasonal) x Contract Meterologist x Fire Weather Meterologist Reproduction Machine x x Telecopier x Telephone (including line charges for machines except Utah circuit teletype) x Supplies x Fax Paper (weather) Computer Terminal STATE x x x x x x Lightning Detection Graphic Terminal x Teletype (Utah circuit machine rental) x FW Teletype (Long line charges x Weather Fax Machine x Radio Support (Each agency supplies its own radios and maintenance) x Unifax Satellite Picture Receiver Rental x x x x x R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 17 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued EXHIBIT B INTERAGENCY PERSONNEL DUTIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fire Center Coordinator a. Directs and supervises all Interagency Fire Center activities and personnel. b. Serves as Interagency property management officer. c. Serves as coordinator of facility maintenance. Interagency Dispatchers a. Dispatches men, equipment and supplies to interagency fires as per agency request. b. Dispatcher will utilize fire order forms for all fire orders. c. Will follow interagency dispatching plan and guidelines. State Dispatcher/Coordinator a. Property custodian for multi-agency fire cache. b. Keeps accountability records for all fire cache property. c. Supervises fire cache warehouse person. d. Places fire cache replacement orders. Interagency Cache Warehouse Person a. The warehouse person will make arrangements for packaging and shipping items to fires from the fire cache. b. Makes sure the warehouse is kept in an orderly fashion. c. Fills requirements from dispatchers' fire orders. d. Inspects and makes arrangements for repair of fire equipment. Meteorologist a. Provides fire weather forecast services for the Wildland fire agencies throughout Utah. R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 18 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued 6. 7. Fire Center Clerk a. Serves as receptionist for the Interagency Fire Center. b. Answers incoming telephone calls. c. Provides business management support. Computer Terminal Clerk a. Inputs all fire weather data. b. Compiles all weather data from all agencies. c. Operates computer terminal and teletype. R4 SUPPLEMENT 1500-94-4 EFFECTIVE 5/26/94 1561.1-Part04 Page 19 of 19 1561.1 - Exhibit 08--Continued Prepared by: /s/ Jim Soter Fire Management Officer USDA Forest Service Approved by: 3/25/80 Date /s/ Don T. Nebeker Forest Supervisor Uinta National Forest 3-27-80 Date /s/ William J. Alder NOAA National Weather Service 3/26/80 Date /s/ Chandler P. St. John Forest Supervisor Wasatch National Forest 3/28/80 Date /s/ Sheldon Wimmer Fire Management Officer Bureau of Land Management 3/25/80 Date /s/ Jeff M. Sirmon, Acting Regional Forester, R-4 USDA Forest Service 4/11/80 Date /s/ Gary W. Cornell Fire Management Officer State of Utah 3/26/80 Date /s/ P.Williams NOAA, Chief, MSD, WRH National Weather Service /s/ Frank Snell District Manager Salt Lake District Bureau of Land Management 3/28/80 Date Date /s/ Gerald E. Magnuson Utah State Director Associate Bureau of Land Management 4/3/80 Date /s/ William Dinehart, Acting Director Division of State Lands Forestry and Fire Control 4/8/80 Date /s/ Paul L. Sjoblom Utah State Forester 4/8/80 Date