1561_1561.9_Part01 Page 1 of 14 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL DENVER, CO TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS Supplement No. 1500-96-1 Effective February 11, 1996 POSTING NOTICE: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document name. This supplement replaces all Region 2 text except Interim Directives (ID). Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Title was Supplement 1500-95-2 to FSM 1566.2-1566.23a. This supplement supersedes Supplement 1500-95-1 to 1561-1561.9. Document Name 1561-1561.9 1561-1561.9-Part011561-1561.9-Part02 Superseded New Number of Pages) 13 - 13 24 Digest: This supplement reissues Exhibit 01 with no text changes and adds Exhibit 02. Because of volume, new document names are being used for Agreements and MOU's in FSM 1561.9. 1561.9 - Exhibit 02 adds Memorandum of Understanding related to activities affecting the state transportation system and public lands in the State of Colorado. ELIZABETH ESTILL Regional Forester R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 2 of 13 FSM 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 2/11/96 CHAPTER 1560 - STATE, COUNTY, AND LOCAL AGENCIES; PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ORGANIZATIONS 1561.9 - Transportation Agencies. 1561.9 - Exhibit 01 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING between the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region and Northern Region and South Dakota Department of Transportation and Federal Highway Administration, South Dakota Division I. PURPOSE This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), the Federal Highway Administration - South Dakota Division (FHWA), and the U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region and Northern Region (USFS), establishes procedures for coordinating transportation activities on National Forest System (NFS) lands within the State of South Dakota. II. ROLES AND AUTHORITIES The SDDOT is responsible for the planning, location, design, construction and perpetuation of a safe and efficient public highway system needed for the benefit of the using public in accordance with Title 23, U.S.C. They are also charged with ensuring that social, economic and environmental effects are considered in the planning and design of highway construction projects and that the projects are in the best overall interest of the public; and The FHWA administers federal highway funding to the states. The FHWA is the lead agency for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), as amended, and implementing the regulations of 40 CFR 1500-1508 as they relate to Title 23 U.S.C. projects; and The USFS is charged with the protection, occupancy and multiple use management of NFS lands and resources for the use and benefit of the public and for the development of a Forest Transportation System needed to accomplish these purposes; and R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 3 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued Since many public highways traverse NFS lands, the SDDOT will need authorization to occupy such lands for rights-of-way, waste areas, material sources and highway construction and maintenance operations; and Since elements of the Forest Transportation System and other improvements are connected or adjacent to public highways, the USFS will need approval for development of improvements which may have an effect on highway administration; and Since lack of advance coordination and full realization of the role of the SDDOT, the FHWA and the USFS can result in differences which are difficult, costly and time-consuming to resolve; and In recognition of the responsibilities, interests and limitations set forth above and the mutual benefits of established procedures to facilitate agreement on specific highway matters on or adjacent to NFS lands, the SDDOT, the FHWA and the USFS mutually agree to abide by procedures outlined in this Memorandum of Understanding. III. LONG RANGE PLANNING A. The SDDOT and the USFS shall provide, as requested by the other party, the following information: 1. The SDDOT shall provide the USFS with inventories and functional classification of the State transportation system. 2. The USFS shall provide input to the SDDOT in their functional classification of rural highway systems. 3. The USFS shall provide the SDDOT with Forest SERvice Land Management Plans (FLMP's) that indicate existing and planned NFS land uses, and the relationship between these uses and related travel. 4. The SDDOT shall provide the USFS with copies of the annual Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). B. The SDDOT, the USFS and the FHWA's Central Federal Lands Highway Division (CFLHD) will jointly develop a multi-year PUblic Lands Highway (PLH) Program. Proposed projects will be submitted by the USFS, the SDDOT and County Commissioners. C. The USFS shall notify the SDDOT 120 days prior to any project which will impact SDDOT maintained highways. The USFS shall comply with sight distance and working distance requirements of the SDDOT. R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 4 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued IV. PROJECT COORDINATION A. The USFS shall consult with the SDDOT on specific NFS projects that may affect State highways. B. The SDDOT shall notify the USFS of proposed project(s) and request information on developed recreation sites, potential historic properties or other lands that should be protected under Section 4(f) or potential material sources in the vicinity. In this notification, the SDDOT will designate a SDDOT Project Coordinator. C. The USFS shall designate a USFS Project Coordinator and advise the SDDOT of any potential 4(f) properties and inconsistencies with the FLMP. D. The SDDOT and USFS Project Coordinators shall jointly prepare a "COORDINATION SCHEDULE - SDDOT/USFS" (Exhibit 1). If changes occur in scheduling during the life of the project, a revised schedule shall be prepared by the Project Coordinators. V. PRELIMINARY FIELD REVIEW AND SURVEY A. The SDDOT shall consult with the USFS to determine necessary authorizations or permits required prior to starting any field surveys or site investigations, including heritage resources inventory. B. The USFS shall authorize the SDDOT to survey, with any needed terms and conditions, and shall provide data on survey monuments, property lines, maps, access routes, fire regulations, clearing limitations, material sources and other information pertinent to the survey. C. The SDDOT and the USFS shall participate in a joint Preliminary Field Review. D. The USFS shall identify facilities, special needs, forest product utilization or mitigation measures which should be incorporated into design, such as fences, signs, cattleguards, stock passes, approaches, etc. E. The SDDOT shall include the USFS in the Preliminary Field Review and submit a copy of the subsequent report to the USFS. R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 5 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued VI. ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATION A. The SDDOT, the FHWA and the USFS shall cooperate in development of a single NEPA document of reach proposed project. This NEPA document will be prepared to meet the needs of all decision-making agencies. The USFS and the FHWA shall each prepare its own decision document reflecting specific agency roles and responsibilities. B. Roles and Responsibilities: 1. The FHWA is the lead agency for federally funded projects and is responsible for providing guidance and direction to the SDDOT in the preparation and processing of NEPA and other documents, and for approval of the NEPA document. The FHWA is also responsible for ensuring compliance with NEPA and other federal laws, regulations, and executive orders: e.g., historic preservation, endangered species, 4(f) requirements, floodplains, wetlands and the Clean Water Act. The NEPA requirements and format are determined by the FHWA based on 40 CFR 1500-1508 and 23 CFR 771 regulations and requirements. 2. The SDDOT is responsible for preparation of the NEPA documentation for all aspects of the project, including material sources, under the guidance of the FHWA and for requesting any specific assistance or necessary expertise. The SDDOT is also responsible for preparation of the documents necessary for compliance with other federal laws, regulations and Executive Orders. 3. The USFS is a "cooperating agency" (40 CFR 1508.5) for the project and/or portion(s) of projects involving or affecting NFS lands. The USFS shall review and provide written response to the SDDOT requests concerning NEPA and other Federal laws and regulations. The USFS decision authorizing the issuance of a Letter of Consent for the land transfer is based on the NEPA document and may be appealable under the USFS administrative appeals regulations. C. The USFS shall provide the SDDOT with supplemental social, economic and environmental information for the project area, as available. D. The SDDOT shall implement the coordination/scoping process and invite the USFS to participate. The SDDOT shall document the results of the coordination/scoping process. R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 6 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued E. The SDDOT and the FHWA, in cooperation with the USFS, shall make a tentative determination of the type of NEPA document to be prepared by the SDDOT in accordance with the requirements of 40 CFR 1500-1508 and adequate for decision making. The three classes of environmental documentation covered are Categorical Exclusions (CE), Environmental Assessment (EA) or Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). F. The SDDOT shall conduct cultural heritage resources inventory and evaluation of located heritage resources within the area of potential effect of the preferred alternative and submit a completed report to USFS. G. The USFS shall submit a determination of effect on heritage resources and National Register of Historic Places eligibility to the SDDOT and the South Dakota State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). If the preferred alternative will cause no effect to heritage resources, the heritage process is concluded. If the preferred alternative will affect heritage resources: 1. The SDDOT shall prepare and submit to the USFS a heritage resources mitigation plan in compliance with 36 CFR Part 800. 2. The USFS shall provide comments on mitigation plan to the SDDOT, the SHPO and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. 3. The SDDOT shall conduct heritage resources mitigation according to the plan. If mitigation is not completed prior to issuance of Letter of Consent (Coordination Schedule, Item R), it shall become a construction stipulation attached to the Letter of Consent. 4. The SDDOT shall provide two copies of mitigation report to the USFS within one year of completing field work. 5. If additional heritage resources are located after issuance of the Letter of Consent, the SDDOT shall follow 36 CFR 800 regulations with USFS comment and approval throughout process. H. The USFS shall review the preliminary NEPA document and submit comments to the SDDOT. I. The SDDOT shall prepare a revised NEPA document, addressing comments and recommendations from the FHWA and the USFS. If the NEPA document is an EA or EIS, it will be issued for concurrent public review and comment in accordance with FHWA and USFS procedures. R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 7 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued J. The SDDOT shall coordinate response to public comments with the USFS and the FHWA, and prepare a final NEPA document. K. The FHWA shall review the NEPA document, render a written decision and return it to the SDDOT. L. The SDDOT shall submit the construction plans, other necessary plans, the final NEPA document and signed the FHWA decision document to the USFS. M. The USFS shall prepare any needed Stipulations and submit them to the SDDOT for approval. Requirements should be incorporated into the plans as much as possible to keep written stipulations to a minimum. N. The SDDOT shall review and sign the Stipulations and return them to the USFS. O. Based on the NEPA document and right-of-way (R/W) plans submitted under Section 8, the USFS shall render a decision for the Letter of Consent (LOC). VII. PROJECT DESIGN A. The SDDOT shall provide the USFS with two sets of preliminary plans and notify the USFS of the scheduled preliminary plan-in-hand review. B. The USFS shall participate in the preliminary plan-in-hand review and submit recommendations to the SDDOT. C. The SDDOT shall incorporate mutually agreeable recommendations in the plans and specifications. D. The SDDOT shall provide the USFS with two sets of final construction and R/W plans, along with proposed general contract provisions covering work on NFS lands, and notify the USFS of the scheduled final plans-inhand review. The general contract provisions shall include the USFS standard Fire Plan, Clearing Plan and Erosion Control Plan. E. The USFS shall participate in the final plans-in-hand review and submit a concurrence letter to the SDDOT, acknowledging approval and/or recommended changes in the final design and specifications. R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 8 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued VIII. RIGHTS-OF-WAY A. The SDDOT shall submit final R/W plans and request for a U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) easement to the FHWA. B. The FHWA shall evaluate the request for appropriation and, if in agreement, request a Letter of Consent (LOC) from the USFS. C. The USFS shall review the request for LOC and, if approved, issue a LOC to the FHWA with a copy to the SDDOT. Upon issuance of the LOC, the USFS authorizes immediate entry on NFS lands subject to the terms set forth in the stipulations and LOC. D. Following project completion and based on as-built plans, the FHWA shall issue a DOT easement to the SDDOT. E. The SDDOT shall provide four (4) copies of the recorded easement to the appropriate USFS regional office. F. The SDDOT shall obtain written permission from the USFS for use or occupancy or NFS lands for other highway-related uses outside of the easement areas (example: borrow pits adjacent to construction sites). G. The USFS shall notify the SDDOT of any proposed land ownership adjustment affecting the SDDOT facilities or rights-of-way. IX. CONSTRUCTION/RECONSTRUCTION A. The USFS shall attend the pre-work construction conference with the successful bidder. B. The SDDOT and the USFS shall designate respective Construction Coordinators to provide coordination on matters related to the construction work or changed conditions that may alter the land use aspect of approved plans. C. The SDDOT and the USFS shall jointly participate in final project inspections. R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 9 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued X. MAINTENANCE A. The SDDOT shall coordinate with the USFS on maintenance activities that may affect NFS lands, such as: 1. Removal and disposal of dangerous trees. 2. Disposal of slash or other waste material. 3. Material source or storage. 4. Any changes to drainage patterns. 5. Snow and avalanche control. 6. Rock scaling. B. The SDDOT shall work with the USFS to develop roadside vegetation management plans, to include an annual submission of chemicals used for weed control. C. The SDDOT shall notify the USFS of any merchantable timber which may be generated as a result of maintenance activities. D. The SDDOT shall identify any facilities such as fences, cattleguards, etc., that are USFS responsibility but would be impacted by SDDOT maintenance within the right-of-way. E. The USFS shall provide SDDOT maintenance personnel with information on restrictions or requirements for equipment parking and material storage, emergency communication needs, material sources, disposal areas for slough and slash materials, and changes in road drainage patterns. F. The USFS shall advise the SDDOT of planned USFS activities which may affect highway operations or maintenance. XI. SIGNING A. The SDDOT shall furnish, install and maintain, in conformance with federal and SDDOT requirements, all signs within the right-of-way limits on interstate and state highway systems on NFS lands. B. The SDDOT shall furnish, install and maintain all regulatory warning and guide signs along the highway. All such signing shall be in accordance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devises (MUTCD). R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 10 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued C. Guide signing that may be requested by the USFS includes: 1. Approach signs for NFS facilities. 2. Directional signs to important USFS destinations. 3. Junction signs for USFS primary routes. D. The USFS shall provide other needed informational signs such as the standard National Forest boundary, recreation site, headquarters and special interpretive signs. The USFSD shall obtain a permit from the SDDOT for each installation that must be within the right-of-way. Installations shall meet the requirements of the current highway safety standards. Any regulatory warning or guide signs, such as "Logging Trucks Entering Highway", will be in accordance with MUTCD. XII. ACCESS CONTROL A. Access to interstate highways or control of access highways shall be only by established interchanges except for emergency use, in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the interstate highway system. B. The USFS and its permit holders shall obtain a Road Approach Permit for proposed approaches to state highways. 1. The SDDOT and the USFS shall determine an access arrangement where highway safety will not be jeopardized. 2. New approaches shall be at the expense of the USFS or its permit holders. 3. Future maintenance of approaches will be covered in the Road Approach Permit. C. The USFS may construct temporary approaches, as necessary, during fire fighting or other emergencies without formal SDDOT approval. THe USFS shall notify the SDDOT as soon as practicable. Necessary obliteration and restoration measures will be at no expense to the SDDOT. The USFS shall take precautions during such emergencies to safeguard highway users. R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 11 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued XIII. THIRD PARTY OCCUPANCY A. The grant of highway easement to the SDDOT by the FHWA does not include the grant of any right for non-highway purposes, facilities or occupancy by third parties. In the case of a public utility with which the SDDOT has been negotiating permit provisions on a state highway outside the National Forest boundary, the SDDOT may discuss with that utility provisions which appear applicable over NFS lands. The SDDOT will not issue a permit for the latter, but will advise the USFS of its recommendations. The SDDOT will also advise the utility that it must apply to the USFS for a permit for the land involved. B. The SDDOT and the USFS shall consult before any third party occupancy permits or other encumbrances are acted upon. XIV. MODIFICATION, TERMINATION AND EXPIRATION A. This MOU supersedes and replaces the MOU between the USFS and the SDDOT, and signed by the SDDOT on October 23, 1979. B. This MOU shall be in effect for a period of five (5) years from its date of final signature, unless formally canceled or renewed before that data. C. This MOU may be amended or supplemented by written mutual agreement. D. Deviation from any of the requirements set forth in this MOU may be allowed only through written mutual agreement. E. This MOU may be terminated by any party through 60-day written notice to the other parties. R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 12 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued Approved: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE - FOREST SERVICE /s/ John M. Hughes Regional Forester Northern Division (Region 1) /s/ Gaines Bearden for Regional Forester Rocky Mtn. Region (Regions 2) Date: Date: 12/30/94 4/3/95 SOUTH DAKOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION /s/ Richard L. Howard Secretary of Transportation Date: December 9, 1994 FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION - SOUTH DAKOTA DIVISION /s/ Donald F. Kamnikar Date: 12-13-94 R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 13 of 13 1561.9 - Exhibit 01--Continued EXHIBIT 1 COORDINATION SCHEDULE FOR SDDOT & USFS HIGHWAY PROJECTS PROJECT COUNTY DATE PREPARED SOFS Coordinator SDOT = SD Dept. of Transportation USFS = USDS, Forest Service SO = Supervisor's Office, USFS PCEMS REVISED SDDOT Coordinator FHWA = Federal Highway Administration ROFS = Region Office, USFS RD = Ranger District, USFS Schedule Schedule Task A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. Date SDDOT requests permit to survey from SO SDDOT/SO/RD conduct preliminary route review SDDOT conducts public scoping with SO and RD input SDDOT/SO/FHWA tentatively determine NEPA document req. CE EA EIS _____ SDDOT conducts preliminary plans-in-hand review with SO/RD SDDOT submit heritage report to SO SO submit heritage determination to SDDOT and SHPO SDDOT submit draft NEPA document to SO SDDOT submit final NEPA document to FHWA SDDOT submit NEOA documents, FHWA NEPA decision and construction plans to SO SO submit stipulations, if needed, to SDDOT SDDOT return signed stipulations to SO SO complete draft decision document and submit with fire plan and items in (J) and (L) to RO SDDOT conduct landowners meeting, SO and RD attend SDDOT submit ROW plans to FHWA FHWA request Letter of Consent (LOC) from RO RO sign decision document RO issue decision document SDDOT submit final plans to SO SDDOT conduct final plans-in-hand review with SO and RD SDDOT submit signed final plans and specs to SO Award date: W. Construction Coordinators: SDDOT SO Accomplish R2 SUPPLEMENT 1500-96-1 EFFECTIVE 02/11/96 1561-1561.9-Part01 Page 14 of 13