TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 8/81 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 36 CHAPTER 1530 - INTERDEPARTMENTAL 1535 - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 1535.12 - Memorandum of Understanding on Administration of Emergency Relief for Federal Roads Off Federal-Aid system (See parent text for Memorandum of Agreement dated May 25, 1979). The following agreement is applicable to Montana, South Dakota and Noth Dakota, but does not include Idaho. INTERAGENCY AGREEMENT BETWEEN U.S. FOREST SERVICE, REGIONS 1,2,3,4, AND 5 AND FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, CENTRAL DIRECT FEDERAL DIVISION FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF EMERGENCY RELIEF AVAILABLE UNDER 23 U.S.C. 125 FOR FEDERAL ROADS OFF THE FEDERAL-AID SYSTEM THIS AGREEMENT, made as of the 2 day of June , 1981, by and between the FOREST SERVICE, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (hereinafter referred to as FS), acting through the Regional Foresters of Regions 1,2,3,4, and 5, and the FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (hereinafter referred to as FHwA), acting through the Division Administrator of the Central Direct Federal Division. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS FHwA and FS have agreed by Memorandum of Agreement dated May 25, 1979, to general interagency procedures for administration of the emergency relief (hereinafter referred to as ERFO) funds available under 23 U.S.C. 125 for federal roads off the Federal-Aid system: and WHEREAS the parties hereto desire to establish specific procedures, supplementing the aforesaid general interagency procedures, for administration of the ERFO program in those portions of Forest Service Regions 1,2,3,4, and 5 coincident with the Federal Highway Administrations Central Direct Federal Division; and WHEREAS this agreement provides for more specific procedures between the Division Administrator, Central Direct Federal Division (hereinafter referred to as DA) and the FS Regional Foresters, Regions 1,2,3,4, and 5 (hereinafter referred to as RF) for administering said program; TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 8/81 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 36 NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto hereby mutually agree as follows: 1.GENERAL a. Unless otherwise noted, the numbers and letters shown in parentheses in the following sections of this agreement refer to sections in said FS_FHwA agreement dated May 25, 1979, e.g., (1a) refers to Section 1a of said agreement. b. For the purposes of this program, the objective concerning repair of damage to the Forest Development Trail System is to restore safe and unobstructed public passage for the range of skills possessed by the trail users for whom the trail was constructed or maintained. ERFO funding will be limited to those trails in which the FS has invested a significant amount of construction and/or maintenance capital. Subject to this, the same eligibility criteria will be used for both Forest Development Roads and Trails. In general, however, repairs on trails will be limited to: C. (1) Replacement and repair of seriously damaged structures (bridges, walls, etc.). (2) Repair of slip-outs and removal of slides that make the trail impassable or unsafe for its intended use. (3) The replacement of trail surfacing or tread only if required as part of (1) or (2) above, or it can be demonstrated that the FS had a capital investment in the original surface or tread. The term "project" as used hereinafter is defined as: (1) all damaged sites on a numbered Forest Development Road or Development Trail; or (2) a single damaged site. 2. NOTIFICATION, DAMAGE ASSESSMENT AND FINDING a. Should a Major Disaster Area Declaration be issued by the President, RF notification to the DA of intent to apply for emergency relief need only refer to the declaration, the National Forests included in the declared disaster area, and the type of damage caused. Additional information is required only for those National Forests not covered by a Presidential Disaster Declaration. (2a(2)) b. Although assigned FS personnel will assist assigned FHwA personnel in the field review and cooperate in the preparation of the field report. FHwA is responsible for actual preparation of the field report. (2c(1), 2c(2), 2d(1)) TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 8/81 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 36 c. Detailed site inspections for the purpose of preparing Damage Site Reports should not be started until a briefing meeting is held except where needed emergency repairs might alter physical evidence at a damage site. In those instances, inspection personnel should be experienced in ERFO-assessment. (2c(3), 2c(4)) (1) As a minimum, the following personnel should attend the briefing meeting: (2) (3) d. (a) FHwA and RF ERFO Coordinators; (b) FHwA and RF Field Coordinators (if different from ERFO Coordinators); (c) Forest Engineers of the included National Forests; (d) FHwA and FS personnel to be assigned as damage site survey team members; (e) -Representatives of appropriate cooperating agencies. As a minimum, the following subjects shall be covered at the briefing meeting: (a) Eligibility criteria; (b) Damage Survey procedures; (c) Preparation of Damage Site Report forms and photographs (hereinafter referred to as DSR); (d) Forest-level management review requirements; (e) Betterment eligibility and justification requirements; (f) DSR submittal procedures. Any additional personnel or topics deemed desirable by FS or FHwA may be included in the briefing meeting. A sample DSR in the desired format is enclosed herewith as Exhibit A. (2f(2)) THIS EXHIBIT MAY BE VIEWED IN DIRECTIVES E. It is recognized that the FS must, for its own purposes, identify repair work on damaged routes which will not be eligible for ERFO funding. To make the maximum use of available resources, it may be desirable and/or necessary for the FS to develop this information during the joint FHwA-FS damage site surveys. To the extent possible, FHwA will cooperate with the FS in this task. The degree of FHwA involvement will be TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 8/81 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 36 agreed to by the Field Coordinators and explained during the briefing meeting discussed in 2.c above. (3c) 3. APPLICATION a. The application for ERFO funding authority sent by RF to DA shall include the following: 93a-d) (1) Listing of proposed projects by Forest to include the following information for each project: (a) Project Name; (b) Project Number; (c) Abbreviated description of type of work to be performed; (d) Cost of emergency repair work performed or to be performed; (e) Estimated cost of ERFO-eligible permanent work; (f) Estimated cost of ineligible work to be performed in conjunction with the project. (2) Original copy of DSR with photographs. (3) A list, or other indication, of those projects for which FHwA is requested to perform the work. (4) A statement as to whether the application is interim or the final expected for that disaster. 4.PROGRAMMING a. Immediately upon beginning emergency repairs, Forests will establish the necessary accounting procedures to insure that expenditures are identified by individual projects. (4f) 5.PROJECT PROCEDURES a. DA will notify RF, in the project approval letter, of those specific project plans, specifications and estimates (PS&E) which DA wishes to have the opportunity for further review prior to contract advertisement or performance of the work by force account. The purpose of the review is to insure that the proposed work is eligible for ERFO funding. In general, PS&E reviews will be requested only for projects estimated to cost more than $2000,000 or containing substantial quantities of TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 8/81 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 36 EFRO-eligible betterment work. However, DA reserves the right to review any project. (5c) b. Program reviews, or field reviews of a sampling of completed projects, may also be made by DA as part of FHwA's program administration responsibility. (1i, 5c) c. Reports of program status will be submitted by RF to DA each September 1 and March 1. The reports will provide project status as of June 30 and December 30 respectively. (5d) Each report will contain the following minimum information by Forest: d. e. (1) Project Number; (2) Approved funding by project; (3) Obligations to date by project; (4) Estimated actual work by project completed to date. The final report will contain the following information: (6c) (1) Project Number; (2) Approved funding by project; (3) Actual expenditures by project; (4) Explanation of significant overruns/underruns; (5) Statement that projects were completed in accordance with the approved program; (6) If applicable, the amount of approved obligation authority which should be withdrawn by DA. Procedures, including plans and specifications, used by FS for completing approved work will be commensurate with the complexity of the work involved and FS force account/contract allocation policies and procedures in effect at that time. DA may review these procedures and their application to the projects under consideration. (5c) f.Work being performed on a specific project by force account should be at least 50% completed by the end of the first fiscal year following the disaster. It is expected that all force account work be completed before the end of the second fiscal year. (5f) TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 8/81 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 36 6. FUNDING PROCEDURES. A. Included in the FS responsibility for administration of funds transferred to FS, is the responsibility for administration of those funds which may be subsequently transferred to state or local agencies. (6b) TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 8/81 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 36 7. MISCELLANEOUS a.Renegotiation of any part of this agreement can be initiated at any time by any party hereto. b.This agreement shall become effective on the date of the last approving signature and will continue in effect until termination by any party upon giving 60-day notice. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto, by their duly authorized officials have executed this Memorandum of Agreement in multiple originals. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL DIRECT FEDERAL DIVISION U.S. FOREST SERVICE REGION 1 By: By: /s/ Everette Towle for Regional Forester Date: /s/ J.B--------Division Administrator 6/17/81 Date 3-31-81 U.S. FOREST SERVICE REGION 2 U.S. FOREST SERVICE REGION 3 By: /s/Larry Henson For Regional Forester By: Date: Date: 1/26/81 /s/ Louis Volk, Jr. For Regional Forester 2/13/81 U.S. FOREST SERVICE REGION 4 U.S. FOREST SERVICE REGION 5 By: /s/ J.M. Surmin Regional Forester By: Date: Date: 2/27/81 /s/ Robert W. Cer---For Regional Forester 12/23/81 TITLE 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS 8/81 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 36 SEE EXHIBIT A IN HARD COPY