1023.11 TITLE 1000 - ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT 1023.11 - FEDERAL REGISTER. Personnel responsible for Federal Register issuances in the Regional Office are: Name Floyd Pond Jim Arthur Stephen Sherick Sherry Munther Staff Group PP&B PM IO MS Types of Documents Handled Environmental Impact Statements Meetings Advisory Committees Federal Register Format, Subscriptions, and General Questions. 2. Availability. The Federal Register is available by subscription from the Superintendent of Documents. All requests for subscriptions will be submitted to the RO Federal Register Liaison Officer, Management Systems (Directives, Forms & Reports Manager), prior to submission to the Federal Register Liaison Officer in the Washington Office. One copy of the Federal Register is received in the Regional Office. Management Systems (Directives) coordinates the routing of the Federal Register in the Regional Office. 4. Signing authority. a. The Office of the Federal Register will not accept a document signed by a person for another person in the following manner. /s/ John Jones for JOE DOAKS Regional Forester b. If a person must sign a document for another person, the signer's name and title must be typed on the document. For example: /s/ John Jones JOHN JONES Acting Regional Forester The signature must always be placed on a page containing some text. This is necessary to ensure the integrity of the document. 5. Specific R-1 Signing Authority. James E. Reid, Director of Planning, Programing, & Budgeting is authorized to sign as "Acting" Regional Forester: - Letters to the Federal Register when extending the comment period of Environmental Impact Statements (FSM 1239--R-1). - Notices of Intent 10/83 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 7 1023.32 TITLE 1000 - ORGANIZATION AND MANAGEMENT 1023.32 - Content and Format Requirements. Detailed instruction and guidance for preparing regulations and notices are provided in "Federal Register Document Drafting Handbook". Also see Notice of Intent, exhibit 1, section 31.3 of the NEPA Procedures Handbook, FSH 1909.15. A document submitted for publication in the Federal Register must be set up exactly as shown in exhibit 1 of FSH 1909.15 or the Office of the Federal Register will not accept the document. The complete Forest Service billing code, 3410-11, must be typed at the top of the first page of the original and two copies of each document. 1024 - SECRETARY'S ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS. The regional Office of the General Counsel gave an opinion that the Multiple Use-Sustained Yield Act of June 12, 1960, does not apply to the National Grasslands, since it is specifically concerned with the National Forests. This is not a deterrent to multiple use management on the National Grasslands since Secretary's Administrative Order of June 23, 1960, directs that these lands will be managed under the principles of multiple use and sustained yield. The Multiple Use-Sustained Yield Act of June 12, 1960, and the Secretary's Administrative Order of June 23, 1960, use the same language and terminology for administrative management direction. Secretary's Administrative Order of June 23, 1960, (36 CFR 213) was amended by Secretary's Administrative Order of June 19, 1963, (28 FR 6268) as found in FSM 1024. It stresses the original intent of the Bankhead-Jones Act and emphasizes the guiding philosophy of National Grassland administration. 10/83 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 7