7509.11_70 Page 1 of 5 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK DENVER, CO FSH 7509.11 - DAMS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK R2 Supplement No. 7509.11-94-3 Effective January 31, 1994 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was Supplement 7509.11-94-2 to Chapter 40. Page Code Superseded Sheets 83--1 through 83--1 1 Supplements Covered R2 Supplement 4, 6/86 Document Name Superseded New (Number of Pages) 7509.11_70 (plus separate elec. exhibit) Digest: Updates to electronic format and moves to correct chapter. 2 R2 SUPPLEMENT 7509.11-94-3 EFFECTIVE 1/31/94 ELIZABETH ESTILL Regional Forester 7509.11_70 Page 2 of 5 R2 SUPPLEMENT 7509.11-94-3 EFFECTIVE 1/31/94 7509.11_70 Page 3 of 5 CHAPTER 70 - MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL-USE AND OTHER NON-FOREST SERVICE PROJECTS 73 - REVIEW OF PROPOSED PROJECTS. Follow the activities shown in exhibit 01, for authorized Class A, B, C, and high hazard Class D water storage and transmission projects except those covered under special agreements or memorandum of understanding. Apply applicable activities to channels, flumes, and tunnels. Individuals with designated authority (FSM 7104 R2 Supplement) may approve moderate and low hazard Class D dams. R2 SUPPLEMENT 7509.11-94-3 EFFECTIVE 1/31/94 7509.11_70 Page 4 of 5 73 - Exhibit 01 FLOW CHART AUTHORIZED WATER STORAGE AND TRANSMISSION (WS&T) PROJECTS All Class A, B, C, and High Hazard Class D Projects PROPONENT SUPERVISOR'S OFFICE REGIONAL OFFICE 1. Advises Forest, other involved agencies of proposal. 2. Provides Special Use (SU) application information. 3. Makes Feasibility Studies and Files Special Use (SU) Application. 4. Determines Compatibility with the Forest Plan and Notifies Proponent. 5. Outlines Proposed Subsurface Investigations. 6. Issues Temporary Special Use Permits for Surveys and Investigations; involves RO. 7. Makes Investigations, Surveys and Studies. 8. Forwards Reports to RO. 9. Reviews Reports and Returns Them to Forest. 10. Requires preparation of EA and EIS; prepares and signs Decision Notice and Easements. 11. Works with Proponent to assure environmental mitigation requirements are incorporated in the design. 12. Prepares Preliminary WS&T Plans and Submits Them to the Forest. 13. Forwards to RO with Forest Review. 14. Reviews Preliminary WS&T Plans; Returns Them to the Forest. 15. Advises Proponent and Prepares Recreation Conceptual Design or Provides Cirteria. 16. Prepares final WS&T Drqwings, Specs: Submits 17. Forwards WS&T Drawings, Specs to RO; Advises Them to Forest & State; Prepares Prelim Rec Plan if Proponent of Rec Concept or Reviews Prelim Applicable (1) Design. 16. Reviews Concept and Returns it to the Forest. 18. Prepares Final Rec Design if Applicable, Submits it 19. Approves Rec Design, Issues SU for Construction, to the Forest. Operation & Maintenance. (2) 18. When WS&T Design is Acceptable, Director of Engineering Stamps & Signs it, "Accepted for Construction"; Returns it to the Forest. R2 SUPPLEMENT 7509.11-94-3 EFFECTIVE 1/31/94 7509.11_70 Page 5 of 5 73 - Exhibit 01--Continued 20. Begins Construction; Notifies Forest When: Core 21. Assures Construction Inspection is Adequate; Trench, Abutments are Exposed, Embankmnet Notifies RO of, and Participates in, Periodic and Placing Begins, Filter Construction Starts, Concrete Final Inspection. Work Begins, Other Specified Times, Project is Ready for Final. 21. Participates in Periodic and Final Inspections. 22. Proponent's Engineer Prepares Certification Construciton was According to Plans & Specs. 24. Director of Engineering Signs Certification and approves Fill Schedule. 23. Forwards Certification and Fill Schedule to RO. 25. Notifies Proponent of Acceptance and Authorities Operation. (2) (1) A CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PLAN (COMP) WILL BE PREPARED BY THE PROPONENT AND APPROVED BY THE FOREST OFFICER. THE "COMP" WILL BE MADE A PART OF THE PERMIT. IF THE FINAL AUTHORIZATION IS TO BE AN EASEMENT, THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE WILL BE AUTHORIZED BY A SPECIAL USE PERMIT. (2) IF AN EASEMENT IS ISSUED, IT WILL BE APPROVED BY THE REGIONAL FORESTER