6709.12_30 Page 1 of 9 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK KAIBAB NATIONAL FOREST WILLIAMS, ARIZONA FSH 6709.12 – SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 – ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING Supplement No.: 6709.12-2002-1 Effective Date: August 27, 2002. Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: MICHAEL R. WILLIAMS Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 08/27/2002 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was 6709.12-98-1 to 30-35. New Document 6709.12_30 9 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 6709.12_30-35 (Kaibab supplement 6709.12-98-1, dated October 2, 1998) 8 Pages Digest: 32.1 – Identifies Kaibab National Forest accident notification criteria and process. 33 – Formally incorporates existing accident notification procedures on the Kaibab National Forest into handbook and establishes Kaibab Forms 07-6700-01 (Notification of Accident or Injury) and 07-6700-04 (Safety Incident Report). 34 – Establishes flow charts to assist in the accident/injury reporting process. 35.3 – Identifies specially trained Forest individuals to investigate accidents as documented in the Kaibab National Forest Safety Plan. KAIBAB NF SUPPLEMENT 6709.12-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/26/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6709.12_30 Page 2 of 9 FSH 6709.12 – SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 - ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING Digest -- Continued: 36 - Provides Forest supplementation to national accident investigation procedures. The three exhibits are provided to aid in following the proper reporting procedure. Establishes Kaibab Form 07-6700-06 (Motor Vehicle/Property Damage Case Report Transmittal) and establishes internal procedures for routing formal accident/incident case reports. 33.2 Exhibit 01 - Incorporates a flow chart outlining the process for reporting a Personal Injury Accident as Exhibit 01. 33.2 Exhibit 02 - Incorporates a flow chart outlining the process for reporting a Motor Vehicle Accident as Exhibit 02. 33.2 Exhibit 03 - Incorporates a flow chart outlining the process for reporting a Property Damage Accident as Exhibit 03. KAIBAB NF SUPPLEMENT 6709.12-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/26/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6709.12_30 Page 3 of 9 FSH 6709.12 – SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 - ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING 32 - ACCIDENT NOTIFICATION 32.1 – Kaibab National Forest Notification Criteria And Process. 1. All major work related accidents, injuries, or illnesses must be reported to the immediate supervisor, who will in turn notify the Unit Head (District Ranger/Forest Staff Officer). In case of minor accidents, injuries, or illnesses, report these incidents to the immediate supervisor or crew leader, at a minimum. 2. When vehicle accidents or property damages exceed $1000 or personal injuries are severe, such as broken bones, serious illnesses, hospitalization, or fatality, additional notifications must be completed (Sec. 32.1, Exhibits 1-5). Procedures for making these notifications are as follows: a. The Kaibab Forest Dispatcher will be notified by radio or telephone. b. The Kaibab Dispatcher will notify the Forest Safety Officer (Forest Supervisor) and notify the affected unit District Ranger and the Kaibab Safety & Health Coordinator. c. If a serious injury is associated with any accident, the Kaibab Dispatcher will contact the Zone Compensation Officer in Human Resources. d. The Kaibab Dispatcher will first attempt to contact one of the above Forest individuals. If successful, that individual will make the Region and/or Chief notifications. If unsuccessful, the Kaibab Duty Officer will be contacted and will notify the Region or Chief’s Office. Refer to FSH 6709.12, Sections 32.1, 32.2, and Accident Investigation & Reporting Guide (April 2000). REGION 3 CONTACTS ARE: Safety & Occupational Health Manager (James Rawlinson) Regional Aviation Safety Officer (Larry Hindman) OFFICE PHONE CELLULAR PHONE 505-842-3393 505-301-1294 505-842-3351 505-450-8504 WASHINGTON OFFICE CONTACTS ARE: OFFICE PHONE 703-235-8102 Human Resources - Health & Safety ext. 3135 Program Coordinator (Ronald Wilson) PAGER 800-759-7243 (pin 805*6118) KAIBAB NF SUPPLEMENT 6709.12-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/26/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6709.12_30 Page 4 of 9 FSH 6709.12 – SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 - ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING 33 – ACCIDENT REPORTING 33.1 – Kaibab National Forest Accident/Incident Notification Process. All work related vehicle and property accidents, personal injuries and illnesses must be reported to the immediate supervisor and the immediate supervisor will in turn notify the District Ranger and/or Forest Supervisor. Minor personal injuries need only be reported to the immediate supervisor or crew leader. These individuals may use discretion of upward notification, however, if there is any doubt, notify next higher-level manager. However, one of the following Kaibab Forms; 07-6700-01 (Notification of Accident or Injury) or 07-6700-04 (Safety Incident Report) will be utilized on the Kaibab National Forest to report all work related accidents, property damage, injuries, or illnesses. 1. Kaibab Form 07-6700-01, (Notification of Accident or Injury), will be used to report vehicle accidents and/or property damages exceeding $350 damage or a personal injury requiring medical treatment. Supervisor or designee must make e-mail notification within 2 days to the "pdl r3 kaibab accidents" mailing list (sec. 32.1). The “pdl r3 kaibab accidents” e-mail mailing list includes the Forest Supervisor, Kaibab District Rangers, Forest Safety & Health Coordinator, Administrative Officer, Hazard Materials Coordinator, Financial Officer, Personnel Officer, Law Enforcement Officer, and Forest Safety Committee members. 2. Kaibab Form 07-6700-04, (Safety Incident Report) will be used to report vehicle accidents or property damage less than $350, or a minor personal injury or a first aid injury not requiring medical treatment, or to report a “near miss” situation, such as detecting a hazardous situation or event, a procedure, or equipment dysfunction that resulted in a near miss accident. Either make an e-mail notification or send a hard copy to the Kaibab Forest Safety & Health Coordinator. 34 – ACCIDENT INVESTIGATIONS All work related accidents, regardless of severity, require some degree of investigation. The Unit Manager (District Ranger or Staff Officer) is responsible for assuring that all accidents are properly investigated, all necessary forms and reports are completed, and that forms and reports are transmitted as stated below in Section 36. As a minimum, a memo documenting the investigation should be submitted with forms specified in flow charts, Section 33.2, Exhibits 01-03. The flow charts contained in Section 33.2, Exhibits 01, 02, and 03 are designed to provide guidance in the procedures for notification, investigation, and reporting of accidents. 1. Exhibit 01 is for personal injury accidents and occupational illnesses, 2. Exhibit 02 is for motor vehicle accidents, and 3. Exhibit 3 is for property damage incidents/accidents. KAIBAB NF SUPPLEMENT 6709.12-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/26/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6709.12_30 Page 5 of 9 FSH 6709.12 – SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 - ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING The exhibits are not mutually exclusive. Often, an accident involves personal injury, property damage, and motor vehicles. In such a case, the procedures of all three exhibits are applicable. Proper use of the exhibits requires that all three be reviewed and that any applicable paths identified be followed until all procedures have been completed. All formal reports will be mailed to the Personnel Officer, who will insure that reports are properly completed. For minor accident investigation, the unit manager may delegate these responsibilities on a case-by-case basis, however, for very severe accidents, the unit manager should immediately begin an investigation and continue until the responsibility for accident investigation and reporting is taken over by higher organizational levels. 35 – INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES 35.3 – Team Composition. Individuals specifically trained to investigate accidents on the Kaibab National Forest shall be listed in the Kaibab National Forest Safety Plan. Those individuals and the affected unit’s first-level line officer shall immediately begin an investigation and continue until the responsibility for investigation and reporting is assumed by higher organizational levels. For minor injury, illness, or property damage accidents, a single investigator may often suffice. This may be the first line supervisor or delegated to the next lower level manager or a supervisor position. 36 – FOREST SERVICE ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION REPORTS The Kaibab National Forest will utilize Kaibab Form 07-6700-06 (Kaibab NF Motor Vehicle/Property Damage Case Report Transmittal) for internal distribution for motor vehicle/property damage case reports. The following individuals will review case reports: 1. Safety & Health Coordinator - Reviews case report. 2. Fleet Equipment Manager - Reviews motor vehicle accident reports. 3. Road System Manager - Reviews accidents on Forest roads. 4. Property Management Officer - Determines negligence (coordinates with Fleet Equipment Manager, Health and Safety Coordinator, and others as necessary) and indicates decision on AD-112. 5. Administrative Officer – Makes determination on financial liability. KAIBAB NF SUPPLEMENT 6709.12-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/26/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6709.12_30 Page 6 of 9 FSH 6709.12 – SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 - ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING 6. Personnel Officer - Reviews Property Management Officer's determination and follows up with Forest Supervisor on disciplinary action/financial responsibility. 7. Budget & Finance Officer - Makes copy for claim file as needed, indicates action taken on AD-112. 8. Personnel Section Representative - Receives Case File for filing and sends a copy of the completed case to RO-HR; returns copy of AD-112 to submitting unit; and posts closure to Accident Report Log. KAIBAB NF SUPPLEMENT 6709.12-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/02/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6709.12_30 Page 7 of 9 FSH 6709.12 – SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 - ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING 33.2 – Exhibit 01 - Flow Chart for Personal Injury Accidents Responsible Officer Determines initial Level of investigation IBM Notification Fatal Notify Forest Supervisor Immediately See FSH 6709.12 Ch. 32.1 Fatal or Employee Severity Severe Who Involved ? Private Severity Other Complete Appropriate Notification Other Occupational Illness CA-2 Claim Potential Investigation Report Traumatic Injury CA-1 CA-1 To Personnel NO Dr. Needed ? YES APMC Case FS 6100-16 Send to Program Phys. Lost Time ? NO YES Complete CA-2 & Appropriate Checklist for Determination By OWCP * FS-6700-8 Invest. Report per FSH 6709.12 *Initial doctor visits are the employees responsibility, until such time as OWCP makes a ruling in the case. YES More than follow-up visit needed High OWCP Case CA-16 CA-17 OWCP-1500 NO Send all paperwork To Personnel Low FS-6700-8 Report of Incident to Other Than Employees KAIBAB NF SUPPLEMENT 6709.12-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/02/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6709.12_30 Page 8 of 9 FSH 6709.12 – SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 - ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING 33.2 – Exhibit 02 Flow Chart for Motor Vehicles Accidents MOTOR VEHICLE ACCIDENTS Responsible Officer Determines initial Level of investigation IBM Notification NO Appearance Of Negligence? Govt. Vehicles Involved YES SF-91 AD-112 >$350.00 Fleet Manager’s Damage Estimate <$350.00 SF-91 – Operator’s Report SF- 91A-- Investigation Report of MVA SF-94 – Statement of Witness AD-112—Report of Damaged Property Private Low Claim Potential High Investigation Team FS-6700-8 Invest. Report per FSH 6709.12 Investigation Report Send all paperwork to Personnel & Attn: Health and Safety Coordinator FS-6700-8 Report of Incident to Other Than Employees KAIBAB NF SUPPLEMENT 6709.12-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/02/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6709.12_30 Page 9 of 9 FSH 6709.12 – SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAMS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 30 - ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING 33.2 – Exhibit 03 Flow Chart for Property Damage PROPERTY DAMAGE Responsible Officer Determines initial Level of investigation IBM Notification NO Appearance For negligence? Severe? Govt. AD-112 Property Ownership ? Private Claim Potential High YES Investigation Report Documents To Personnel Employee AD-358 Employee Claim Supervisor’s Statement Witness Statement FS-6700-8 Invest. Report per FSH 6709.12 Low FS-6700-8 Report of Incident to Other Than Employees