6509.33_301 Page 1 of 15 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS (WO) WASHINGTON, DC FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES Supplement No.: 6509.33-2016-1 Effective Date: February 10, 2016 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: ANSTIENETTE SHARPE FOR: Thelma J. Strong Chief Financial Officer Date Approved: 02/04/2016 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this handbook was 6509.33-2015-2 to chapter 304. New Document 6509.33_301 15 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 6509.33_301 (Supplement 6509.33-2011-2, 12/08/2011) 36 Pages Digest: 301 – Revises and updates direction to include policy and procedure on TDY Travel Allowances. WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 2 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES STANDARD POSTING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION, FSH 6509.33 (For further direction on organization and posting of parent text (white pages) see the Foreword to the Federal Travel Regulation beginning on pages i.) ORGANIZATION. The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) is divided into chapters, parts, subparts (if applicable), sections, and paragraphs. The numbers 301, 302, 303, and 304 connote specific chapters of Title 41 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). The number before the decimal point indicates the part within each chapter; the number after the decimal point indicates the section. For example 301-1.1 refers to: Chapter 301- Part 1. Section 1 Pages within each part are consecutively numbered beginning with Arabic number 1. Each page number is preceded by the part number; for example, the third page of Part 301-2 is numbered 2-3. Individual pages are identified by chapter in the running header. TRANSMITTALS. Transmittals accompany parent text, Department supplements, and Forest Service supplements. File transmittals at the front of the handbook in numerical sequence with the highest amendment or supplement number first. Group the transmittals in the following order by issuing Agency and unit level: - Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) (white transmittals); - Agriculture Travel Regulations (ATR) supplements (yellow transmittals); - Forest Service Travel Regulations (FSTR) supplements (buff transmittals); - Region, Station, or Area Supplements (blue transmittals); and - Forest Supplements (green transmittals). SUPPLEMENTS AND INTERIM DIRECTIVES. Post supplements to the parent text of the Federal Travel Regulation (white pages) at the end of each part (for example, at the end of part 301-1, 301-2, and so on) by color in the following order: - Agriculture Travel Regulations (ATR) supplements (yellow pages); - Forest Service Travel Regulations (FSTR) supplements (buff pages); - Washington Office IDs (pink pages); - Region, Station, or Area Supplements (blue pages); - Region, Station, or Area IDs (pink pages); - Forest Supplements (green pages); and - Forest IDs (pink pages). WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 3 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES Table of Contents 301-1 - APPLICABILITY ................................................................................................. 4 301-1.3 - Who is eligible for TDY allowances? ......................................................................... 4 301-2 - GENERAL RULES ............................................................................................. 5 301-2.1 - Must I have authorization to travel?............................................................................ 5 301-2.2 - What travel expenses may my Agency pay? ............................................................... 5 301-10 - Transportation Expenses ............................................................................... 6 301-10.1 - Am I eligible for payment of transportation expenses? ............................................ 6 301-10.8 - What is my liability if, for personal convenience, I travel by an indirect route or interrupt travel by a direct route? .................................................................................... 6 301-10.108 - What requirements must be met to use a non contract fare? ............................. 7 301-10.114 - What must I do with unused Government Transportation Request(s) (GTR(s), ticket(s) or refund application(s)? ............................................................................... 7 301-10.122 - What class of airline accommodations must I use? ........................................... 7 301-10.124 - What are coach-class Seating Upgrade Programs? ........................................... 8 301-10.200 - What types of Government vehicles may my Agency authorize me to use? .... 8 301-10.303 - What am I reimbursed when use of a POV is determined by my Agency to be advantageous to the Government? .............................................................................. 9 301-10.450 - When can I use a rental vehicle? ....................................................................... 9 301-11 - Per Diem Expenses .................................................................................................... 10 301-11.1 - When am I eligible for an allowance (per diem or actual expense)? .................. 10 301-11.200 - Under what circumstances may my Agency prescribe a reduced per diem rate lower than the prescribed maximum? ....................................................................... 11 301-51 - Paying travel expenses ................................................................................ 12 301-51.1 - What is the required method of payment for official travel expenses? ................... 12 301-52 - Claiming Reimbursement ............................................................................. 12 301-52.1 - Must I file a travel claim? ....................................................................................... 12 301-53 - Using Promotional Materials and Frequent Traveler Programs ............... 13 301-71 - Agency Travel Accountability Requirements ............................................. 13 301-71.200 - Who must review and sign travel claims?........................................................... 13 301-71.300 - What is the policy governing the use of travel advances? .................................. 13 301-73 - Travel Programs ............................................................................................ 14 301-73.102 May we grant a traveler an exception from required use of TMC or ETS once we have fully deployed ETS within the Agency? ..................................................... 14 WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 4 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES 301-1 - APPLICABILITY This handbook supplements the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR), follows the corresponding sections in the FTR, and addresses Agency policy to provide additional detail to FTR direction. Use this handbook in conjunction with the FTR and Agriculture Travel Regulation (ATR) to properly determine travel regulations. This handbook contains items which have been negotiated between the Forest Service and the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) Forest Service Council (FSC). It is not to be altered or supplemented below the National level by units covered by NFFE except as provided in the Master Agreement between the parties. National level changes must not be made without notice, and bargaining between the parties, as appropriate. 301-1.3 - Who is eligible for TDY allowances? This Forest Service policy covers the following individuals traveling on official business: 1. Forest Service employees. 2. Invitational Travelers - Travelers, except contractors, who act in a capacity directly connected with official Forest Service activities. All of the non-employees listed below are eligible to travel using City Pair fares while on official Forest Service business. a. Speakers at Forest Service events, program experts, and advisors. b. Interns, fellows, and research associates. c. Employees of other Federal agencies whose travel is solely for Forest Service business. d. Persons providing personal assistance to employees with special needs who are authorized to travel; and e. Employment applicants traveling at the request of Forest Service. 3. Contractors are subject to the FTR and Forest Service travel policy. Contractors are not authorized to use the City Pair Program to obtain discounted airfares. In addition, contractors are not allowed to claim travel reimbursement using the electronic travel system. WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 5 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES 4. The Volunteers in the National Forests Act of 1972, as amended, authorizes reimbursement to a volunteer for transportation, lodging, and meals and incidental expenses (M&IE). See FSM 1800, chapter 1830. 301-2 - GENERAL RULES 301-2.1 - Must I have authorization to travel? 1. All Forest Service traveler must have a written or electronic travel authorization prior to incurring any travel expenses for any official travel. 2. Post-travel authorizations may be created in the electronic travel system once travel has been completed in the following instances: a. Travel expenses related to incident business or disaster recovery; b. Travel expenses related to threatened law enforcement/investigative employees and members of their families; and c. Travel expenses related to last minute travel when there is inadequate time to complete the authorization prior to departure. 3. The Travel shall use the electronic travel system to make reservations and purchase common carrier transportation, lodging, and car rental arrangements. 4. Forest Service is contractually obligated to use Travel Management Centers (TMCs) for common carrier reservations and ticketing. 5. For more information on types of authorizations and trip purpose codes see FSH 6509.33, chapter 300. 301-2.2 - What travel expenses may my Agency pay? As provided in the FTR, however the traveler shall not be reimbursed for any costs incurred solely for the convenience of the traveler (i.e., travel by an indirect route or interruption of travel by a direct route.) WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 6 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES 301-10 - Transportation Expenses Subpart A - General 301-10.1 - Am I eligible for payment of transportation expenses? Yes, when performing official travel. 301-10.8 - What is my liability if, for personal convenience, I travel by an indirect route or interrupt travel by a direct route? The traveler is responsible for all risks related to deviating from the official travel authorization. When mixing personal travel with official travel, the following procedures must be used: 1. Book the official travel using the Agency designated electronic system. 2. Complete form FS-6500-5 Constructive Travel Using Privately Owned Cost Comparative Stmt or FS-6500-6 Constructive Travel Using Common Carrier Cost Comparative Stmt. To assist with the approval requirement, including requesting annual leave taken in conjunction with the official travel, the approved form with proper documentation (screen prints of the comparable rates) must be attached to the travel authorization regardless of the type of travel. 3. Travelers need justification when they stop enroute to, from, or between points of official business for personal preference. 4. Government fares and/or rental cars must not be used for personal (leisure) travel. 5. Per diem must not be paid for personal days taken in conjunction with official travel. Per diem is not allowed on any day where more than one-half the prescribed workday is charged to annual leave. 6. Any fees and costs resulting from personal travel must be paid by the traveler and must not be reimbursed by the Agency, even if the additional costs are a result of the official travel being canceled. 7. Any cost savings resulting from modified travel, such as exchanged tickets, must be reflected on the travel voucher and returned to the Agency. WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 7 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES 301-10.108 - What requirements must be met to use a non contract fare? Exceptions to the use of the contract city-pair fare must be approved in advance of the tickets being purchased. Approval must be obtained from the Approving Official prior to booking travel. Exceptions to the use of the contract city pair are listed in FTR 301-10.107. Employees shall know or reasonably anticipate, based on the planned trip, that they will use the ticket. Associated fees of changing or canceling the arrangements associated with a non-refundable fare must be taken in consideration prior to purchase. If a non-refundable fare is approved and purchased and the travel is cancelled, the traveler shall claim the cost of the ticket and associated fees using the Agency designated electronic system to file a travel voucher. When the travel voucher is digitally signed in the Agency designated electronic system, in the “Additional Remarks” box, enter: “Non-refundable ticket not used on [give dates and reason(s)]. Non-refundable ticket (include ticket number) will be used on the next travel voucher.” When the deferred ticket is used for official travel at a later date, the employee does not claim the cost of the ticket on the travel voucher, but may claim any change fee or additional costs on the new travel voucher as a miscellaneous expense. When the travel voucher is digitally signed in the Agency designated electronic system, in the “Additional Remarks” box enter: “Used a non-refundable ticket (include ticket number) claimed on travel voucher dated, mm/dd/yyyy.” Subpart B - Common Carrier Transportation 301-10.114 - What must I do with unused Government Transportation Request(s) (GTR(s), ticket(s) or refund application(s)? Travelers are responsible for obtaining credit for unused tickets, deposits, or for reporting a loss to the carrier. Failure to obtain a credit from the carrier will result in the employee being financially liable for the entire amount of the ticket. Employees should not submit the unused ticket to an Agency payment office with the travel voucher if it was charged to the individually billed travel charge card account. The unused ticket must be returned to the Travel Management Center (TMC). Employees may seek advice from ASC-B&F Travel Branch for assistance. 301-10.122 - What class of airline accommodations must I use? A traveler should select coach class when making common carrier arrangements unless a premium (business or first) class accommodation is authorized in writing. A higher class of service may be justified due to the length of an overseas flight, a medical condition certified by a physician, or specific requirements of a donor of artifacts or exhibits. WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 8 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES 301-10.124 - What are coach-class Seating Upgrade Programs? For an additional fee, airline programs allow a passenger to obtain a more desirable seat choice within the coach-class cabin. The use of upgraded/preferred coach seating options is generally a traveler’s personal choice and therefore is at the traveler’s personal expense. Requests for reimbursement of fees that allow only for early boarding, free beverages, and other items that do not guarantee a specific seat assignment will not be approved for reimbursement. However, in certain situations, an employee may request reimbursement of fees associated with upgraded seating by submitting a written justification to their Supervisor or Approving Officer. Requests will be reviewed and evaluated by the Supervisor or Approving Officer based on what is considered reasonable and prudent for government travel and not just the traveler’s personal preference. Approved justifications must be attached to the electronic travel system document and the fee is claimed as part of the airfare cost. Subpart C - Government Vehicle 301-10.200 - What types of Government vehicles may my Agency authorize me to use? 1. An employee should use a Government-owned vehicle (GOV) when available and ordinarily may not be authorized the use of a privately-owned vehicle (POV). The Forest Service may occasionally permit the employee to use a POV or a rental vehicle when Government equipment is available. The supervisor shall authorize the use of a POV or rental vehicle in advance. 2. An employee must use a GOV when: a. A GOV is needed for a continuing assignment basis and is expected to be driven by the employee more than 1,000 miles monthly; or b. A Forest Service or General Services Administration (GSA) vehicle is assigned to the employee or the employee's unit or division and such assignment is based partially or wholly on the employee's anticipated use, and c. Assigned vehicle is available, and d. Vehicle is suitable for the employee's needs. 3. The Forest Service may authorize brief or overnight storage of a GOV at an employee's residence when necessary for the proper performance of official duties under the direction in FSM 7132.1 and FSH 6409.31 - AGPMR 104-38.5003 and 5004. n employee must use a GOV when: WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 9 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES 4. In addition to the purposes listed in FTR 301-10.201, examples of authorized official use of a GOV include a. The carrying of passengers in emergencies threatening loss of life or property. b. Transporting persons on official business, including contractors, collaborators, cooperators, grantees, permittees, prospective bidders, volunteers, and enrollees. Subpart D - Privately-Owned Vehicle (POV) 301-10.303 - What am I reimbursed when use of a POV is determined by my Agency to be advantageous to the Government? The Forest Service must adhere to the established GSA mileage reimbursement rates for Federal employees who use POVs while on official travel. The rate of reimbursement when you use your POV for Government business is dependent upon the availability of a GOV. The rates for the use of these modes of transportation are subject to change at any time, therefore, current POV rates are posted at www.gsa.gov/mileage, and apply accordingly as categorized below: 1. POV-Temporary Duty (No GOV Available). When it has been determined by your approving official that the use of a POV is advantageous to the Government or when there is no suitable GOV available. 2. POV-Available Government Vehicle. When it has been determined by your approving official that the use of a GOV is advantageous to the government, a GOV is available, and the use of a POV is a matter of personal preference. Subpart E - Special Conveyances 301-10.450 - When can I use a rental vehicle? Travelers should use a rental vehicle when it is most advantageous to the Government. The determination of most advantageous to the Government is determined by discussions between the traveler and Authorizing Official after considering factors such as cost, number of passengers, security and location of rental facilities, office hours, and wait times. Travelers must use the least expensive compact car available unless an exception is approved. Authorizing Officials should approve these exceptions on a limited basis and must indicate on the travel authorization the reason for the exception. A global positioning system (GPS) in a rental vehicle is not reimbursable when its inclusion is at additional cost. WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 10 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES Employees shall not engage in talking on any communication devices and/or text messaging when driving a GOV, a POV, or a rental vehicle while on official Government business. Employees, in an official business travel status, who need rental vehicle transportation for personal travel or intermixed personal and Government travel shall use the following guidelines: 1. When feasible, the employee should make arrangements with the company for personal use of a rented vehicle either before or after the Government use is completed, and make arrangements to have a separate billing rendered for the personal use. Employees are not covered by Government vehicle insurance when using a rental car for personal reasons. 2. When the primary need for the rented vehicle is for official business, but the employee intermixes personal use of the vehicle, the employee shall claim reimbursement of the daily rate, plus only that mileage and fuel use that were directly attributable to the official use. 3. If the use is intermixed, and the official use is not the primary purpose for which the vehicle is used, the employee may claim reimbursement for only that mileage for which the vehicle was used for official business at the appropriate mileage reimbursement rate. Employees can access the U.S. Government Car Rental Agreement on the ASC-B&F website. 301-11 - Per Diem Expenses Subpart A - General Rules 301-11.1 - When am I eligible for an allowance (per diem or actual expense)? Travelers are eligible for an allowance when performing official travel away from the official duty station, incurring per diem expenses while performing official travel, and traveling for more than twelve (12) hours. Employees should make every effort to obtain lodging at or below the per diem rate. Actual subsistence must be authorized on a trip-by-trip authorization. An authorization request for actual subsistence reimbursement should be made in advance of travel. Actual subsistence reimbursement may also be approved after travel is completed (“post-approval”) with sufficient justification. Actual subsistence requests up to 150 percent of the established per diem rate can be approved by the Approving Official with sufficient justification. If the request is greater than 150 percent of the established per diem rate, the request must be approved in advance by the Chief. WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 11 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES Subpart C - Reduced Per Diem 301-11.200 - Under what circumstances may my Agency prescribe a reduced per diem rate lower than the prescribed maximum? 1. A reduced per diem rate of 55 percent will be established for long-term assignments greater than thirty (30) days. a. Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE): For 30 calendar days of a long-term assignment, the applicable GSA M&IE rate of the temporary duty location may be authorized. A reduced M&IE rate of 55 percent will be applied on day 31 until the end of the long-term assignment. Interruption of travel will not restart the allowance of full M&IE. b. Lodging: Prior to reporting for the long-term assignment, or during the first 30day period, the employee shall seek long-term residence accommodations. The longterm assignment travel must be documented on a trip-by-trip travel authorization and must document the reduced lodging rate. If reduced lodging cannot be obtained, the employee may request a higher rate from their approving official via the electronic travel system as justified by the anticipated costs. The justification can either be attached as additional documentation or the information can be included on the digital signature page. An employee who is receiving lodging reimbursement at the long-term assignment location may be authorized receipt of an additional lodging allowance while on official temporary duty at another location. The additional lodging is allowed only if the assignee is occupying long-term residence accommodations and is limited to the increased expenses resulting from the temporary duty travel. 2. Line Officers may develop and authorize a reduced per diem rate for remote duty assignments subject to provisions of any applicable collective bargaining agreement. Based on a determination that operations of the Agency may be accomplished more efficiently through the use of "spike camps," the reduced per diem rate must be authorized for any remote duty lasting more than 12 hours, regardless of actual miles from an employee's duty station. The field rates should be revisited annually by the intermediate or local area. At least one or more of the following circumstances must exist in order to authorize use of the reduced per diem rate: a. When it is advantageous to keep employees at fire camps or other emergency locations. WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 12 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES b. When the work activity is in a remote area where a unit's capability to transport employees to their official station would take excessive time or otherwise pose an unacceptable safety hazard. c. When Field Managers determine that the cost of travel to and from worksites, including lost productive time, exceeds the cost of providing a reduced per diem reimbursement. d. For activities such as prescribed burns, when employees are under close control and are not allowed the opportunity to leave the area to obtain meals. This may extend to other operational situations but not to administrative activities such as meetings or training. 301-51 - PAYING TRAVEL EXPENSES 301-51.1 - What is the required method of payment for official travel expenses? You are required to use the travel charge card for all official travel expenses unless you have an exemption. Train tickets may be purchased directly from Amtrak with an individually billed travel charge card or personal funds. Government discounts on Acela trains are not available if tickets are purchased with personal funds. If the traveler does not have a travel charge card, the Acela ticket must be purchased through TMC’s to receive the Government discount. See FSH 6509.33, Chapter 300 for more information on travel charge cards and local travel. 301-52 - CLAIMING REIMBURSEMENT 301-52.1 - Must I file a travel claim? Yes, if the traveler is seeking reimbursement for travel expenses, they must file a travel claim (voucher) in the the electronic travel system system. 1. A travel voucher must be submitted, with receipts electronically attached, within five (5) business days after completion of travel, or every two (2) weeks if on long-term or continuous travel unless incident business or disaster recovery related. 2. If the traveler does not digitally sign the voucher in the electronic travel system, they must sign in ink a printout of the voucher. This signed travel voucher must be electronically attached to the electronic travel system record. The travel arranger may then (and only then) digitally “sign” the travel voucher on behalf of the employee. 3. A voucher for expenses associated with an illness, injury, or natural disaster while in travel status requires approval from an Approving Official. A post authorization or travel authorization amendment must be prepared. WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 13 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES 301-53 - USING PROMOTIONAL MATERIALS AND FREQUENT TRAVELER PROGRAMS The Forest Service policy on the Travel Savings Shared Benefits Program is also referred to as the Travel Gainsharing Program (See the ASC-B&F website for specific information). The Government Employees Incentive Awards Act, Title 5, United States Code, section 4501-4507 (5 U.S.C. 4501-4507), authorizes an agency to pay a cash award for “efficiency” or “economy.” This program rewards employees who save Forest Service money while on temporary duty (TDY) travel. These savings come from the use of less expensive lodging or from the use of Frequent Flyer benefits to purchase airline tickets for official travel. Employee participation in the program is optional and applies only to reservations for air and/or lodging made through the Travel Management Center if applicable. Taxes are withheld (Federal, State, local, FICA) on the award amount. Awards are processed once an employee accumulates a minimum of $200 in savings. However, if at the end of the current fiscal year, the employee has not accumulated a minimum of $200 in savings, then the employee may submit the dollar amount that has been accumulated for the current fiscal year for processing. Savings can be accumulated over multiple trips, but may not be accumulated over multiple fiscal years. 301-71 - AGENCY TRAVEL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS Subpart C - Travel Claims for Reimbursement 301-71.200 - Who must review and sign travel claims? Traveler’s immediate supervisor or delegated individual shall approve travel authorizations and vouchers within five (5) business days. In the absence of an immediate supervisor, a peer of the immediate supervisor or a delegated acting may review and approve the travel voucher. This delegation must be in writing (FSM 1231.3). The Approving Official shall be knowledgeable of the employee’s travel plans and ensure that the travel expenses claimed on the voucher are prudent and necessary. A travel voucher is proper or complete for approval when all applicable documentation and receipts are attached. Subpart D - Accounting for Travel Advances 301-71.300 - What is the policy governing the use of travel advances? 1. Employees issued a travel charge card are not permitted a travel advance unless foreign travel is authorized for an extended period or due to transfer of station. 2. A cancelled travel card account can reflect unfavorable past performance, employees with these accounts are considered high risk in the repayment of travel advances. In the case of extreme hardship, employees who lost their charge card privileges may request written approval by the Chief Financial Officer for a travel advance for per diem on a WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 14 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES trip-by-trip basis. Consideration of such requests is made on a case-by-case basis, and approval should not be assumed. In addition to the employee’s first line supervisor, the employee shall also obtain approval from their Line Officer or at a minimum, two supervisory levels above the employee submitting request, before submitting to the Forest Service Chief Financial Officer. 3. Travelers who do not have a travel charge card may receive a travel advance for per diem and lodging. 4. No advances will be approved if the following conditions exist: a. Prior outstanding travel advance(s); b. Outstanding debts to the Government; c. Prior debt write-offs; or d. Delinquency on a closed government travel charge card. 5. Transportation (tickets) are not included in a travel advance. Any tickets must be charged to the Forest Service’s centrally billed accounts. 6. The use of personal funds to finance all travel expenses (except transportation tickets) on official travel is authorized when employees' travel charge card privileges are cancelled. When personal funds are used, employees shall be reimbursed for qualifying travel expenses by submitting a proper travel voucher. 301-73 - TRAVEL PROGRAMS Subpart B - eTravel Service and Travel Management Service 301-73.102 May we grant a traveler an exception from required use of TMC or ETS once we have fully deployed ETS within the Agency? Use of the Travel Management Center (TMC) via the electronic travel system or directly via telephone for booking reservations and ticketing is mandatory unless one of the conditions below is met. Use of the exemptions is conditioned upon the use of the employee self-service functions of the TMC system being impractical, not simply due to inconvenience. 1. Extended stays at facilities such as a commercial apartment complex, condominium, and so forth. 2. Stays at Government furnished quarters, trailers, college dorms, and/or accommodations with friends or family. WO SUPPLEMENT 6509.33-2016-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/10/2016 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.33_301 Page 15 of 15 FSH 6509.33 - FEDERAL TRAVEL REGULATION CHAPTER 301 - TEMPORARY DUTY (TDY) TRAVEL ALLOWANCES 3. Local travel situations where employees are traveling within/or adjacent to the boundaries of their administrative unit and do not know where lodging would be needed when travel commences. 4. Travel situations where only a rental car is needed, travelers may conduct business directly with the rental agency. 5. Travel to a remote area or small town where travelers have to conduct business directly with the hotel, and travel management centers are unfamiliar with the area.