: Doc_Name Page 1 of 6 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK GIFFORD PINCHOT NATIONAL FOREST (REGION 6) VANCOUVER, WA FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 04 – RESPONSIBILITY Supplement No.: R6/Gifford Pinchot-6509.17-96-1 Effective Date: August 1, 1996 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed Approved: TED C. STUBBLEFIELD Date Approved: 08/01/1996 Forest Supervisor Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. New Document(s): Superseded Document(s): (Last supplement was 6509.17-92-2) 6509.17,10.2--14.32 (6509.17-96-1) 6509.17,10 (6509.17-92-2) 6 Pages 7 Pages Digest: Insert digest information here 10.42 10.43 11.1 11.12 11. 14 Refers user to Section 11.41 (GP Supplement) and Section 11.51 (RO Supplement). Directs Forest and District ATSA Coordinator to send a copy of the final Statement of Account to purchaser. Defines District and Forest Headquarters responsibilities for preparing and inputting data conversion forms. Defines who will perform data entry. Defines the time period for submitting data in order to meet established month end closure dates. R6/GIFFORD_PINCHOT_SUPPLEMENT_6509.17-96-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/01/96 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 6509.17,10 Page 2 of 6 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – STANDARDS FOR TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING 11.4 11.41 12.11 12.12 12.21 12.51 12.53 Identifies Forest preferred alternative for use of Batch Control Record form. Defines where Batch Control Record log will be maintained. Defines Forest Headquarters and District responsibilities. Defines Forest Headquarters and District responsibilities. Defines Forest Headquarters and District responsibilities. Defines District responsibilities regarding verification of Statements of Account. Defines Forest ATSA Coordinator's responsibility for distribution of ATSA outputs. R6/GIFFORD_PINCHOT_SUPPLEMENT_6509.17-96-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/01/96 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 6509.17,10 Page 3 of 6 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – STANDARDS FOR TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING 10.42 - Forest Supervisor. See section 11.41 of this supplement for direction relating to preparing and keeping a log of Batch Control Records. Follow Regional direction pertaining to the Batch Transmittal Record Log (11.51). 10.43 - Timber Sale Contracting Officer. All Statements of Account are received and distributed by the Forest Headquarter's office. When a final Statement of Account is received on District authority timber sales, it will be signed by the Contracting Officer at that level. A copy will be sent to the purchaser and to Forest Headquarters. When a final statement of Account is received on Forest Headquarters authority sales, it will be signed by the Contracting Officer at that level. A copy will be sent to the purchaser and to the District. 11.1 - Manually Prepared Data Conversion Forms. Data conversion forms shall be prepared by District and FH-RES personnel as designated below: 1. FH-RES Responsibility. Prepare and/or keypunch data conversion forms on those contract actions that are approved at Forest Headquarters (FH). A copy of any input, and the approved supporting source document(s), must be sent to the District for information. Following are some specific actions: a. Blanket Payment Bond actions. District will complete the actual input form (FS6500-197) for monthly allocations, however, FH-RES will keypunch after verification. FH-RES will prepare and keypunch all input pertaining to increase, decrease, and cancellation of a Blanket Payment Bond. b. Single Payment and/or Performance Bond actions. c. Input associated with contract modifications. The exception is modification of alternate haul road maintenance charges which the District is responsible for inputting, due to the need for establishing a unique charge identifier for the sale. d. Purchaser credit transfers. e. Cash transfers and refunds. The District will prepare for all level sales the necessary documents and input without the transaction date block completed, and submit it with the recommendation to the FH. FH-RES will complete the transaction date and keypunch the data. f. Contract basic ATSA data. The District will complete as much data as possible for FH authority sales, and submit to FH-RES prior to bid date of the sale. After auction, FHRES will complete input and keypunch data. R6/GIFFORD_PINCHOT_SUPPLEMENT_6509.17-96-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/01/96 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 6509.17,10 Page 4 of 6 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – STANDARDS FOR TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING g. KV and SSF Plans. The District will prepare the necessary input without the transaction date block completed for FH authority sales and submit it with the plan to the FH. Upon approval, FH-RES will complete the transaction date and keypunch the data. 2. District Responsibility. Prepare and/or keypunch data conversion forms on those contract actions that are approved at the District level. A copy of all input, with the supporting source document(s) attached (unless otherwise specified below), must be sent to FH-RES immediately upon completion. Following are some specific actions: a. All input necessary to establish a District authority sale on the ATSA system. On FH authority sales, the District will complete as much of the basic data as possible and submit to FH-RES, prior to sale bid date. After the auction, FH-RES will complete the basic input and keypunch the data. b. All input necessary for maintaining the Permit subsystem (do not send the source documents for permit sales to FH-RES, however do send a copy of input and any control registers used (i.e., the register of firewood permittees, etc)). c. Single Payment and/or Performance Bond actions. d. Input associated with sale closure. The exception is, FH-RES will input the bond release date and the closure date on FH authority sales. e. Any volume transactions needed to maintain ATSA. f. Blanket Payment Bond allocations. District will not keypunch any of these actions. District will complete input and submit to FH-RES for approval and keypunch. g. Alternate haul road maintenance. District will establish unique charge identifiers and will input applicable charges. h. Any associated and miscellaneous charges that were approved at the District (i.e., slash buyout, liquidated damages, interest, administrative charges, etc.). i. Input associated with contract modifications. 11.12 - Data Entry Data entry is done at the Forest and District level according to the designations stated in Section 11.1. 1. Data Files. District level data entry is accomplished by building the data file and submitting direct to KC-IBM. R6/GIFFORD_PINCHOT_SUPPLEMENT_6509.17-96-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/01/96 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 6509.17,10 Page 5 of 6 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – STANDARDS FOR TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING 2. Submission of Data. District will submit data files directly to KC-IBM throughout the month. From the first day of the business month until the date specified in Section 11.14, the District may submit data files daily if needed. All sales and permits sold during that month of business will be entered by the third working day of the following month. All down payments will be frozen by the fourth working day of the following month by FHRES. 11.14 - Scheduler Request. In order to meet the Regional deadlines for closing the Timber Sale Accounting System for each month, Districts must have all data submitted to KC-IBM two working days prior to the Regional deadline (i.e., RO cutoff date is 9th, the 7th is the last night for Districts to submit files to KC-IBM). This will allow at least one day for corrections, and for protection against production failure, prior to FH-RES scheduling Forest closure. This will also allow FH-RES to set the closure one day early if all files are accounted for and valid. If a subunit has problems meeting the scheduled deadline they must contact the Forest ATSA Coordinator, by no later than 3:00 p.m. on the scheduled date, to discuss the problem. The Forest ATSA Coordinator will determine if the subunit can send files at a later time or if the information will be held until the next processing month. 11.4 - Batch Control Record (Form FS-6500-160). This Forest will initiate Regional Alternative No. 1 for meeting the Batch Control process identified in the parent text. This Forest is decentralized in inputting TSA data, and as a result, will follow the Regional direction of having the District ATSA Coordinator submit to the Forest ASTA Coordinator, monthly, the completed TSSA Data Input form, referred to as Exhibit 01 in the R-6 Supplement. 11.41 - Batch Control Record Log. The record log will be maintained at the Forest Headquarters by the Forest ATSA Coordinator. Retention will be as stated in the parent text. 12.11 - Accounting For All Transactions. The District is responsible for accounting for their keypunch data and FH-RES is responsible for accounting for their keypunch data. 12.12 - Correcting Invalid Transactions. Forest Headquarters will be responsible for correcting invalid transactions on rejections of data they entered, and District's are responsible for correcting invalid transactions on their data. Note action taken in accordance with Regional supplement to this section. The Forest ATSA Coordinator is responsible for ensuring that all invalid lines of transaction are accounted for and/or action taken prior to scheduling month end closure. R6/GIFFORD_PINCHOT_SUPPLEMENT_6509.17-96-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/01/96 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 6509.17,10 Page 6 of 6 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – STANDARDS FOR TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING 12.2 - Synopsis (TSA880P1) 12.21 - Verification. To ensure adequate separation of duties, the District will audit the synopsis on Forest Headquarters authority sales, and FH will perform audits on District authority sales. These audits will be performed within the Regional specified timeframes. Synopsis audits should be performed by a person who is knowledgeable of the source documents and accounting procedures used in entering a sale into the ATSA system. At Forest Headquarters this audit will be performed by the ATSA Coordinator. At the District this audit may be performed by either the Financial Assistant, Resource Clerk, Sale Administrator, or the Forest Service Representative. The critical issue in making this decision is to ensure that the person who prepared and/or input the data does not perform the audit. 12.5 - Statement of Account and Supporting Statements (TSA470P1) 12.51 - Verification. Verification of the Statements of Account will be performed at the District level. This verification will be performed in accordance with Regional and Washington level direction. Verification will be performed by either the Financial Assistant, Resource Clerk, Sale Administrator, or the Forest Service Representative. The critical issue in making this decision is to ensure some separation of duties between the preparation, keypunching and reviewing of data. 12.53 - Mailing Requirement. Statements of Account will be mailed to the purchaser by FHRES according to Regional Office standards in 12.53. Statements of Account and all other ATSA outputs will be distributed to the District, electronically or hardcopy (depending upon the format of the output received by the FH), by no later than 0900 the day following receipt by the Forest ATSA Coordinator. In the event of computer breakdown or other possible delay, District ATSA Coordinator will be informed of the delay.