6509.17_20 Page 1 of 94 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS (WO) WASHINGTON, DC FSH 6509.17- AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS Amendment No.: 6509.17-2009-1 Effective Date: February 4, 2009 Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: KARREN ALEXANDER for JESSE KING Chief Financial Officer (CFO) Date Approved: 11/13/2008 Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to this handbook was 6509.17-2008-8 to 6509.17_contents. New Document 6509.17_20 94 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date !6509.17,20 Contents (Amendment 6509.17-95-1, 10/11/1995) 6509.17,21-23.16 (Amendment 6509.17-95-2, 10/11/1995) 6509.17,23.2-23.63 (Amendment 6509.17-95-3, 10/11/1995) 6509.17,23.64-24.43 (Amendment 6509.17-95-4, 10/11/1995) 6509.17,24.44-24.7 (Amendment 6509.17-95-5, 10/11/1995) 9 Pages 28 Pages 27 Pages 31 Pages 30 Pages WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 2 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS Digest: 20 – Removes direction previously set forth in chapter 20. Direction for “New Sales Input, Recurring Transactions, Modifications, and Deletions of Basic Contract Data” can be found at http://fsweb.r3.fs.fed.us/asc/bfm/programs/financial-operations/receivables-collections/. Recodes to this chapter direction previously set in FSH 6509.17, chapter 50. Changes chapter caption from “New Sales Input, Recurring Transactions, Modifications, And Deletions of Basic Contract Data” to “Reports.” Throughout the chapter, revises codes, captions, and direction. Makes editorial and technical changes throughout the chapter. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 3 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS Table of Contents 21 – UPDATE TRANSACTIONS REPORTS, FOR PERMITS (TSA272-01), FOR AGREEMENTS (TSA372-01), AND FOR CONTRACTS (TSA472-01) ............... 6 21.1 - Heading and Basic Identifiers .......................................................................................... 6 21.2 - Contents of Daily Edit/Update Reports ............................................................................ 6 21.21 – Contracts Edit/Update Transaction Report (TSA472-01).......................................... 7 21.22 – Permits Edit/Update Transaction Report (TSA272-01) ........................................... 21 21.23 – Agreements Edit/Update Transaction Report (TSA372-01).................................... 23 21.3 – Invalid Information Column Number Identification ..................................................... 24 21.4 - Edit/Update Messages .................................................................................................... 24 21.5 - Reference Numbers ........................................................................................................ 24 21.6 – Edit/Update Statistics ..................................................................................................... 25 21.7 - Frequency of Issuance .................................................................................................... 27 21.8 - Users ............................................................................................................................... 27 21.9 – Duplicate Transaction Warning Report (TSA872-01)................................................... 27 22 – CONTRACTS REPORT OUTPUTS ...................................................................... 28 22.1 – Reports ........................................................................................................................... 28 22.11 - Timber Sale Synopsis (TSA880-01)......................................................................... 30 22.11a – Report Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers...................................................... 30 22.11b - Basic Contract Information..................................................................................... 31 22.11c – Scheduled Payment ................................................................................................ 33 22.11d - Down Payment Deposit Requirement .................................................................... 33 22.11e - Coverage Guarantee/Contract Bonding Total ......................................................... 34 22.11f - Stumpage Distribution Requirements ..................................................................... 35 22.11g - Associated Charges ................................................................................................. 36 22.11h – Roads, Stewardship, Removed and Scaled Dates, Minimum Distribution, and Scheduled Rate Redetermination Information .......................................................... 37 22.11i - Minimum to Principal Accounts ............................................................................. 38 22.11j - Scheduled Rate Redetermination ............................................................................ 39 22.11k – Included Species, Product, and Unit of Measure Information ............................... 39 22.11l - Payment Unit Information ....................................................................................... 41 22.11m - Forest Statistics ...................................................................................................... 43 22.11n - Frequency of Issuance ............................................................................................ 44 22.11o - Users ....................................................................................................................... 44 22.12 - Timber Sale Statement of Account and Supporting Reports, TSA470-01 & TSA48001............................................................................................................................... 44 22.12a - Heading and Basic Sale Identifiers ......................................................................... 45 22.12b - Sale Financial Status ............................................................................................... 45 22.12c - Account Projection/Account Encumbrance ............................................................ 49 22.12d - Distribution of Cash Stumpage Charges ................................................................ 52 22.12e - Associated Charge Accounts .................................................................................. 53 22.12f - Down Payment Deposit Requirement ..................................................................... 54 WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 4 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 22.12g - Remarks .................................................................................................................. 55 22.13 - Calculation of Charges -- Supporting Statement, TSA 470-01 ................................ 55 22.13a - Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers .................................................................. 55 22.13b – Calculation of Charges - Scale Contract ................................................................ 55 22.13c – Calculation of Charges - Payment Unit Contract ................................................... 57 22.13d - Quantity Removed To-Date.................................................................................... 57 22.14 - Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads -- Supporting Statement, TSA 470-01 ........ 58 22.14a - Heading and Basic Sale Identifiers ......................................................................... 58 22.14b - Status of Road Credits ............................................................................................ 58 22.14c – Road CR/CST Limits and Totals to Date ............................................................... 60 22.14d - Current Month Road Credit Activity ...................................................................... 61 22.14e - Other Road Fund Accounting ................................................................................. 61 22.14f - Recovery of Road Construction Costs (Forest Service Construction) .................... 61 22.15 - Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads and Stewardship Credits -- Supporting Statement (TSA 470-01) ........................................................................................... 62 22.15a - Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers .................................................................. 62 22.15b - Status of Credits...................................................................................................... 62 22.15c – Credit Limits and Totals to Date ............................................................................ 63 22.15d - Current Month Stewardship Activity ..................................................................... 64 22.15e - Recovery of Road Construction Costs (Forest Service Construction).................... 64 22.16 - Deck/Raft Inventory -- Supporting Statement, TSA 470-01 .................................... 64 22.16a - Heading and Basic Sale Identifiers ......................................................................... 64 22.16b - Deck/Raft Information ............................................................................................ 64 22.17 - Billing Adjustment Worksheet -- Supporting Statement (TSA470-01) ................... 66 22.17a - Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers .................................................................. 66 22.17b - Billing Adjustment Data ......................................................................................... 66 22.18 - Quarterly Escalation Adjustment Worksheet -- Supporting Statement, TSA470-01 68 22.18a - Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers .................................................................. 69 22.18b - Quarterly Escalation Data ....................................................................................... 69 22.19 - Schedule of Payment Units -- Supporting Statement, TSA470-01 .......................... 70 22.19a - Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers .................................................................. 71 22.19b - Payment Unit Data .................................................................................................. 71 23 – OTHER CONTRACT SUBSYSTEM REPORTS ................................................... 72 23.1 – Road Credits Authority Accounting Report, TSA451-01 ............................................. 73 23.11 - District Detail Sale Listing ....................................................................................... 74 23.12 - District Totals ........................................................................................................... 74 23.13 - Forest Totals ............................................................................................................. 74 23.14 - Forest Monthly Totals .............................................................................................. 74 23.2 – Contracts Scheduled to Terminate Within the Next 4 Months, TSA473-01 ................. 75 23.21 – Contracts Past Termination Date, TSA473-02 ........................................................ 75 23.3 – District Uncut Quantities By Document, TSA475-02 ................................................... 75 23.4 – Closed Contract Profile, TSA476-01 ............................................................................. 76 WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 5 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 23.5 – Sold and Removed Worksheet (MBF), TSA478-01: Sold and Removed Worksheet (CCF), TSA478-02 ....................................................................................................... 77 23.6 – Stewardship Non-Monetary Accounting Report, TSA484-01 ...................................... 78 23.7 – Forest Product Receipts and Road Values – Other Than Stewardship Contracts, TSA486-01; Forest Product Receipts and Road Values For Stewardship Contracts, TSA486-02.................................................................................................................... 80 23.71 – Stewardship Contract Receipts And Credits, TSA486-03 ....................................... 81 23.8 – Transfer of Earned Timber Receipts Reports ................................................................ 81 23.81 – Contract/Permit Transfer Detail, TSA487-01 .......................................................... 82 23.81a – Contract/Permit Identifier, Vendor ID ................................................................... 82 23.81b – Contract/Permit Line Information .......................................................................... 82 23.81c – Contract/Permit Column Explanation, Cash Activity and Transfer Blocks .......... 83 23.81d – Contract/Permit Column Explanation, Accounts Receivable Block ..................... 84 23.81e – Contract/Permit District Total by Proclaimed Unit Summary ............................... 84 23.81f – Contract/Permit Administrative Forest Total ......................................................... 84 23.82 – District Sale Detail – Charge Distribution, TSA488-01 .......................................... 85 23.83 – District Sale Detail – Month’s Activity, TSA489-01 .............................................. 85 23.9 – Sale Objective – Revenue and Quantity FYTD, Document Summary by District and District Summary, TSA570-01 ..................................................................................... 86 24 – OTHER SPECIAL REPORTS PRODUCED BY THE CONTRACTS SUBSYSTEM ........................................................................................................................... 87 24.1 – Contract Scan, TSA490-01 ............................................................................................ 88 25 – PERMITS SUBSYSTEM REPORTS ..................................................................... 88 25.1 – Forest Product Permit Statement– Month-end Closure, TSA250-01 and Forest Products Permit – Edit/Update Process, TSA280-01 .................................................................. 88 25.2 – Permit Closure Warning Report, TSA271-01................................................................ 90 25.3 – Permit Scan, TSA290-01 ............................................................................................... 90 26 – AGREEMENTS SUBSYSTEM REPORTS ........................................................... 90 26.1 – Agreements Detail – Month-end Closure, TSA350-01; Agreements Detail – Edit/Update Process, TSA380-01 ................................................................................. 90 26.2 – Agreements Scheduled to Expire Within the Next 4 Months ........................................ 93 WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 6 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21 – UPDATE TRANSACTIONS REPORTS, FOR PERMITS (TSA272-01), FOR AGREEMENTS (TSA372-01), AND FOR CONTRACTS (TSA472-01) All edit/update transaction reports are issued at the administrative National Forest level. Each report lists all transactions processed during an individual edit/update cycle. The reports display all valid and invalid transactions, assigning each transaction with an appropriate edit/update message. If the system encounters an invalid transaction, it identifies the incorrect data by placing asterisks (*) under that incorrect data and displaying an appropriate error message. Carefully review each report issued after a scheduled update to ensure that the system processed all input transactions as valid. Correct input transactions identified as invalid, if appropriate, and resubmit them in the next edit/update request. This ensures that the system has the latest information for all contracts, permits, and agreements for production of other reports. The expansion of this code provides additional information on the report layout. 21.1 - Heading and Basic Identifiers This section contains the report identifier of TSA-272-01 for permits, TSA372-01 for agreements, or TSA472-01 for contracts, date produced, name of the report, and identifies the region, forest, and district to which the information pertains. These identifiers are displayed at the top of the report from left to right. When reports are produced on calendar dates after the end of the month for which information is being processed, the reports show the date as being the last day of the processing month. For example, if the current processing month is July, and an edit/update is scheduled for July data on August 4, the date displayed on the report would be July 31 because July business would not be closed out by August 4. Reports produced during the period when the calendar date is within the current system processing month shows the actual calendar date as the date the report was produced. 21.2 - Contents of Daily Edit/Update Reports The numbers 1 through 80 are shown as a secondary header just below the report identification information. They run left to right. This represents the maximum positions available for a single line of information. Each transaction has a predefined number of positions. Therefore, when checking out the transaction input and output, know these predefined fields. Positions 1 through 18 identify the specific instrument (contract, permit, or agreement) and the kind of information that will be posted to that data base record. Positions 19 through 80 contain the actual information that will be posted to the record. 1. The first five positions of all transactions are predefined as follows: WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 7 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS a. Position 1 always contains a process identifier of either "C, P, or A". A "C" identifies the Contracts subsystem, "P" the Permits subsystem, and "A" the Agreements subsystem. b. Positions 2 and 3 contain the region number. c. Positions 4 and 5 contain the administrative National Forest number. 2. Contracts and permits positions 6 through 18 are defined as follows: a. Positions 6 and 7 contain the district number. b. Positions 8 through 13 contain the contract or permit number. c. Positions 14 through 17 contain the transaction type processed, such as 4001, 0101, 0401, 7001, and so forth. d. Position 18 contains the action code for the transaction. Valid action codes for contracts and permits are D, I, M, or R. 3. The agreements transaction report, positions 6 through 19, contains the following identification information: a. Positions 6 through 14 contain the agreement identifier (number). b. Positions 15 through 18 contain the transaction type processed, such as 3001, 3002, 3101, or 3201. c. Position 19 contains the action code for the transaction. Valid codes are D, I or M. 21.21 – Contracts Edit/Update Transaction Report (TSA472-01) Positions 19 through 80 contain the information for the Contracts subsystem transaction. Each transaction has a different predefined layout for information content. Therefore, check each transaction against these positions to determine if the data was entered and processed correctly. Exhibit 01 displays the positional information by transaction type for the Contracts Transaction Report. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 8 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01 Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 0101 CONTRACT BASIC INFORMATION 0102 CONTRACT BASIC INFORMATION 0103 CONTRACT BASIC INFORMATION Position Numbers and Information 19-43 Purchaser Address – Line 2 44-68 Purchaser Address – Line 1 69-79 Vendor Identifier Code 44-61 Purchaser City 62-63 Purchaser State 64-72 Zip Code 73-78 User Optional 19-38 Sale Name 39-40 State 41-43 County 44-48 Reserved 49-51 Form Number 52-55 Form Date (MMYY) 56-59 Pricing Method 60 Size Class 61 QSS Indicator 62 Stewardship Indicator 63-68 Bid Date (MMDDYY) 69-74 Award Date (MMDDYY) 75-80 Term Date (MMDDYY) WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 9 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 0104 CONTRACT BASIC INFORMATION 0105 CONTRACT RATE EFFECTIVE DATE (Action Codes I and D) 0105 CONTRACT RATE EFFECTIVE DATE – ADJUSTMENT (Action Code M) Position Numbers and Information 19-22 Reserved 23-27 Stars Sale Number 28 Reserved 29-32 Unit ID (1) 33-35 Percent (1) 36-39 Unit ID (2) 40-42 Percent (2) 43-46 Unit ID (3) 47-49 Percent (3) 50-53 Unit ID (4) 54-56 Percent (4) 57-58 Unit of Measure (U/M) (1) 59-62 Min (1) 63-64 U/M (2) 65-68 Min (2) 69-70 U/M (3) 71-74 Min (3) 75-76 U/M (4) 77-80 Min (4) 19-24 Contract Rate Effective Date (MMDDYY) 19-24 Contract Rate Effective Date (MMDDYY) 25-30 New Rate Effective Date (MMDDYY) WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 10 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 0106 CONTRACT SALE OBJECTIVE CODE (SOC) 0107 CONTRACT SPECIAL CONDITIONS 0201 CONTRACT SPECIES 0202 CONTRACT SPECIES CONVERSION FACTOR Position Numbers and Information 19-22 SOC (1) 23-25 SOC Percent (1) 26-29 SOC (2) 30-32 SOC Percent (2) 33-36 SOC (3) 37-39 SOC Percent (3) 40-43 SOC (4) 44-46 SOC Percent (4)47-50 SOC (5) 47-50 SOC (5) 51-53 SOC Percent (5) 54-57 SOC (6) 58-60 SOC Percent (6) 61-64 SOC (7) 65-67 SOC Percent (7) 68-71 SOC (8) 72-74 SOC Percent (8) 19 2001K Released Sale Indicator 20 2001K Substitute Volume Indicator 21 AG Fund Sale Indicator 19-22 Species 23-24 Product 25-26 Unit of Measure (U/M) 27 Contract Flag 28-34 Original Quantity Estimate 35-41 Revised Quantity Estimate 42-47 Base Rate 48-55 Bid Rate 56-60 Index Name 61-63 Index Species 64-70 Index Base Value 71-76 Rate Effective Date (MMDDYY) 19-22 Species 23-24 Product 25-26 Unit of Measure (U/M) 27-34 Conversion Factor - MBF 35-42 Conversion Factor - CCF WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 11 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 0203 CONTRACT SPECIES TIMBER PROPERTY RATE WITHIN BASE RATE Position Numbers and Information 19-22 Species 23-24 Product 25-26 Unit of Measure (U/M) 27-32 Timber Property Rate 33-38 Rate Effective Date (MMDDYY) 0301 CONTRACT PAYMENT 19-21 Payment Unit ID SPECIES 22-25 Species 26-27 Product 28-29 Unit of Measure (U/M) 30-35 Original Quantity Estimate 36-41 Revised Quantity Estimate 0302 CONTRACT PAYMENT UNIT DATES 19-21 Payment Unit ID 22 Date Type 23-28 Payment Unit Date (MMDDYY) 0401 CONTRACT NORMAL STUMPAGE 19-24 ND Job Code DISTRIBUTION (ND) 25-26 Reserved 27-29 ND Percentage 30-39 ND Original Limit 40-49 ND Revised Limit 50-55 ND Plan Date (MMDDYY) 56-59 ND Proc. or Other Unit ID 0402 CONTRACT TIMBER PROPERTY 19-24 TPV Job Code VALUE DISTRIBUTION (TPV) 25-30 New TPV Job Code 31-34 TPV Proc Or Other Unit ID 0501 CONTRACT ASSOCIATED CHARGES 19-24 AC Job Code (AC) 25-26 Reserved 27-28 AC Charge Type 29-34 AC Charge ID 35-36 AC Unit of Measure 37-42 AC Charge Rate 43-57 AC Account Name 58-61 AC Proc or Other Unit ID 62-67 AC Rate Effective Date (MMDDYY) WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 12 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 0601 CONTRACT ROAD RELATED ORIGINAL LIMITS 0602 CONTRACT OTHER ROAD LIMITS 0603 CONTRACT ROAD RELATED LIMIT – ADJUSTMENTS 0605 CONTRACT SMALL BUSINESS OPTION ROADS 0701 CONTRACT SCHEDULED RATE REDETERMINATION Position Numbers and Information 19-28 Original Purchaser Credit/Specified Road Limit 29-38 Original Cost Share Limit 19-28 Purchaser Credit Transfer In Limit 29-38 Contributed Funds Limit 39-48 Supplement Funds Limit 19-20 Limit Type 21-22 Reserved 23 Limit Adjustment Sign 24-33 Limit Adjustment Amount 34-39 Limit Adjustment Date (MMDDYY) 19-28 Engineer Estimated Road Cost 29-30 Product (1) 31-32 Unit of Measure (U/M) (1) 33-38 Rate (1) 39-40 Product (2) 41-42 U/M (2) 43-48 Rate (2) 49-50 Product (3) 51-52 U/M (3) 53-58 Rate (3) 59-60 Product (4) 61-62 U/M (4) 63-68 Rate (4) 69-70 Product (5) 71-72 U/M (5) 73-78 Rate (5) 19-24 Date (MMDDYY) 25-26 Unit of Measure (U/M) (1) 27-33 Quantity (1) 34-35 U/M (2) 36-42 Quantity (2) 43-44 U/M (3) 45-51 Quantity (3) WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 13 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 0801 CONTRACT DOWN PAYMENT DEPOSIT (DPD) DATA 0901 CONTRACT SCHEDULED PAYMENT (SP) REQUIREMENT 0902 CONTRACT SCHEDULED PAYMENT (SP) REQUIREMENT – DATE ADJUSTMENT 1101 CONTRACT STEWARDSHIP CREDIT (SC) – ORIGINAL LIMIT 1102 CONTRACT STEWARDSHIP CREDIT (SC) – LIMIT ADJUSTMENT 1901 CONTRACT SALE STATUS (SS) Position Numbers and Information 19 DPD Type 20-29 DPD Amount 30-39 DPD Release Volume or Value 19 SP Type 20-25 SP Date (1) (MMDDYY) 26-35 SP Amount (1) 36-41 SP Date (2) (MMDDYY) 42-51 SP Amount (2) 52-57 SP Date (3) (MMDDYY) 58-67 SP Amount (3) 19-24 Old SP Date (1) (MMDDYY) 25-30 New SP Date (1) (MMDDYY) 31-36 Old SP Date (2) (MMDDYY) 37-42 New SP Date (2) (MMDDYY) 43-48 Old SP Date (3) (MMDDYY) 49-54 New SP Date (3) (MMDDYY) 55-60 Old SP Date (4) (MMDDYY) 61-66 New SP Date (4) (MMDDYY) 67-72 Old SP Date (5) (MMDDYY) 73-78 New SP Date (5) (MMDDYY) 19-28 SC Original Limit 19 SC Limit Adjustment Sign 20-29 SC Limit Adjustment Amount 30-35 SC Limit Adjustment Date (MMDDYY) 19-24 SS Date (MMDDYY) 25-28 SS Reason Code WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 14 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 201 CONTRACT ACCOUNT PROJECTION Position Numbers and Information 19-24 Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-33 Value to be Hauled 34-42 Down Timber in Woods 43-51 Outstanding Cash Billing 52-60 Credits Anticipated to be Established 61-69 Value of Timber Estimated to be Felled 70-78 Value Ten Day Cut 2002 CONTRACT SALE 19 Remarks Line No. ADMINISTRATOR’S REMARKS 20-79 Remark Text 2101 CONTRACT RAFT-DECK ACTION 19-24 Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-30 Raft-Deck-ID 31-34 Species 35-36 Product 37-38 Unit of Measure (U/M) 39 Action Type 40 Sign 41-47 Volume Quantity 4001 CONTRACT CASH ACTION 19-24 Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-26 Cash Transaction Type 27 Amount Sign 28-36 Cash Amount Note: Cash Transaction Type CP (Cash Payments) transactions are electronically transferred from the General Ledger to ATSA data collection files on a daily basis. This file is available in the TSA Report Center daily output file identified as GLTSA. 4002 CONTRACT ROAD RELATED 19-24 Transaction Date (MMDDYY) CREDIT 25 Action Type 26-27 Credit Type 28 Sign 29-38 Credit Amount 39-58 Message or Contract ID 59-62 Proclaimed or Other Unit Identifier 63-64 Road Component ID (1) 65-66 Road Component ID (2) WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 15 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 4003 CONTRACT WITHDRAWAL OF INEFFECTIVE TRANSFERRED CREDIT 4004 CONTRACT DOWN PAYMENT DEPOSIT (DPD) ASSIGNMENT 4005 CONTRACT SUPPLEMENTAL AND CONTRIBUTED FUNDS PAYMENT 4006 CONTRACT NORMAL DISTRIBUTION (ND) ADJUSTMENTS Position Numbers and Information 19-24 Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-26 Credit Type 27-36 Withdrawal Amount 37-38 Region Number 39-40 Forest Number 41-42 Ranger District Number 43-48 Contract Number 49-52 Proclaimed or Other Unit Identifier 19-24 DPD Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25 DPD Cash Sign 26-35 DPD Cash Amount 36-41 DPD Cash Job Code 42-43 DPD Credit Type Identifier 44 DPD Credit Amount Sign 45-54 DPD Credit Amount 55 DPD Assignment Indicator 56-59 DPD Proclaimed Unit ID 19-24 Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25 Supplemental Funds Sign 26-34 Supplemental Funds Payment Amount 35 Contributed Funds Sign 36-44 Contributed Funds Payment Amount 19-24 ND Adjustment Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-30 ND Adjustment From Job Code 31-36 ND Adjustment To Job Code 37-46 ND Adjustment Amount 47-50 ND Adjustment Proclaimed or Other Unit ID 51 Stewardship Credit Budget Coordinator Indicator WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 16 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 4007 CONTRACT STEWARDSHIP CREDITS (SC) ESTABLISHED 4008 CONTRACT STEWARDSHIP CREDIT (SC) CASH PAID OUT 5001 CONTRACT VOLUME TRANSACTION – SCALED VOLUMES (VT) 5001 CONTRACT VOLUME TRANSACTION – QUANTITY ADJUSTMENT (QA) Position Numbers and Information 19-24 SC Established Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25 SC Established Sign 26-35 SC Established Amount 36-55 SC Established Message or Identifier 19-24 SC Cash Paid Out Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25 SC Cash Paid Out Sign 26-35 SC Cash Paid Out Amount 36-55 SC Cash Paid Out Message or Identifier 19-24 VT Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-28 VT Species 29-30 VT Product 31-32 VT Unit of Measure (U/M) 33-34 Action Type: VT 35 VT Sign 36-41 VT Quantity 42-55 Reserved 56-61 VT Raft-Deck-ID 19-24 QA Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-28 QA Species 29-30 QA Product 31-32 QA Unit of Measure (U/M) 33-34 Action Type: QA 35 QA Sign 36-41 QA Quantity 42-47 QA Base Rate 48 Reserved 49-55 QA Charge Rate 56-61 QA Raft-Deck-ID WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 17 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 5001 CONTRACT VOLUME TRANSACTION - RATE CORRECTION (RC) 5001 CONTRACT VOLUME TRANSACTION - OTHER PAYMENT (OP) 5002 CONTRACT ASSOCIATED CHARGE – QUANTITY ADJUSTMENT (QA) Position Numbers and Information 19-24 RC Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-28 RC Species 29-30 RC Product 31-32 RC Unit of Measure (U/M) 36-41 RC Quantity 42-47 Reserved 48 RC Sign 49-55 RC Rate Difference 56-62 Reserved 19-24 OP Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-28 OP Species 29-30 OP Product 31-32 OP Unit of Measure (U/M) 33-34 Action Type: OP 35 OP Sign 36-41 OP Quantity 42-48 Reserved 49-55 OP Rate 56-62 OP Contract Clause 19-24 QA Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-30 QA Job Code 31-32 QA Charge Type 33-38 QA Charge Identifier 39-40 QA Unit of Measure (U/M) 41-42 Action Type: QA 43 QA Sign 44-49 QA Quantity 50 Reserved 51-57 QA Rate 58-64 QA Contract Clause 65-68 QA Proclaimed or Other Unit Identifier WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 18 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 5002 CONTRACT ASSOCIATED CHARGE – OTHER PAYMENTS (OP) 5002 CONTRACT ASSOCIATED CHARGE – LOCAL IDENTIFIER (LI) CHARGES Position Numbers and Information 19-24 OP Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-30 OP Job Code 31-32 OP Charge Type 33-38 OP Charge Identifier 39-40 OP Unit of Measure (U/M) 41-42 Action Type: OP 43 OP Sign 44-49 OP Quantity 50 Reserved 51-57 OP Rate 58-64 OP Contract Clause 65-68 OP Proclaimed or Other Unit Identifier 19-24 LI Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-30 Reserved 31-32 LI Charge Type: (04) 33-38 LI Identifier 39-40 LI Unit of Measure (U/M) 41-42 Action Type: LI 43 LI Quantity Sign 44-49 LI Quantity 50-64 Reserved 65-68 LI Proclaimed or Other Unit Identifier WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 19 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 5002 CONTRACT ASSOCIATED CHARGE – RATE CORRECTION (RC) 5003 CONTRACT ASSOCIATED CHARGE – LUMP SUM (LS) CHARGES Position Numbers and Information 19-24 RC Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-30 RC Job Code 33-38 RC Charge Identifier 31-32 RC Charge Type 41-42 Action Type: RC 39-40 RC Unit of Measure (U/M) 41-42 Action Type: RC 44-49 RC Quantity 43 Reserved 50 RC Rate Sign 51-57 RC Rate Difference 58-64 Reserved 65-68 RC Proclaimed or Other Unit Identifier 19-24 LS Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-30 LS Job Code 31-32 LS Action Type 33 LS Amount Sign 34-41 LS Amount 42-48 LS Contract Clause 49-52 LS Proclaimed or Other Unit Identifier WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 20 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.21 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 6001 CONTRACT PAYMENT UNIT SPECIES VOLUME (PUSV) 6001 CONTRACT PAYMENT UNIT SPECIES – RATE CORRECTION (PURC) 9001 CONTRACT CLOSURE INFORMATION Position Numbers and Information 19-24 PUSV Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-27 PUSV Payment Unit Identifier 28-31 PUSV Species 32-33 PUSV Product 34-35 PUSV Unit of Measure (U/M) 36-37 PUSV Action Type: VT 38 PUSV Quantity Sign 39-44 PUSV Quantity 45-52 Reserved 19-24 PURC Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-27 PURC Payment Unit Identifier 28-31 PURC Species 32-33 PURC Product 34-35 PURC Unit of Measure (U/M) 36-37 PURC Action Type: RC 38 Reserved 39-44 PURC Quantity 45 PURC Rate Difference Sign 46-52 PURC Rate Difference 19-24 Volume Removed Date (MMDDYY) 25-30 Volume Scaled Date (MMDDYY) 31-36 Contract Closed Date (MMDDYY) 37-40 Contract Closure Code WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 21 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.22 – Permits Edit/Update Transaction Report (TSA272-01) Positions 19 through 80 contain the information for Permit transaction. Each transaction has a different predefined layout for information content. Therefore, check each transaction against these positions to determine if the data was entered and processed correctly. Exhibit 01 displays the positional information by transaction type for the Permits Transaction Report. 21.22 – Exhibit 01 Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 7001 PERMIT BASIC INFORMATION 7002 PERMIT SOLD INFORMATION Position Numbers and Information 19-23 Reserved 24-28 Stars Sale Number 29-32 Proclaimed or Other Unit Identifier 33-35 Number of Permits 36 Form Number 37 Use Code 38 Size Class 39-40 State Code 41-43 County Code 44-49 Report Date (MMDDYY) 50-55 Termination Date (MMDDYY) 56-80 Purchaser Name 19-22 Species 23-24 Product 25-26 Unit of Measure (U/M) 27-28 Yield Code 29 Sold Quantity and Value Sign 30-36 Sold Quantity 37-43 Sold Value 44-51 Conversion Factor – MBF 52-59 Conversion Factor - CCF WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 22 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.22 – Exhibit 01--Continued Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 7003 PERMIT DISTRIBUTION INFORMATION 7004 PERMIT CASH TRANSACTION 7006 PERMIT SALE OBJECTIVE CODES (SOC) Position Numbers and Information 19-22 Reserved 23-28 Job Code 29-30 Reserved 31 Distribution Amount Sign 32-38 Distribution Amount 19-24 Transaction Date (MMDDYY) 25-26 Cash Transaction Type 27 Cash Amount Sign 28-36 Cash Amount 19-22 SOC (1) 23-25 SOC Percent (1) 26-29 SOC (2) 30-32 SOC Percent (2) 33-36 SOC (3) 37-39 SOC Percent (3) 40-43 SOC (4) 44-46 SOC Percent (4) 47-50 SOC (5) 51-53 SOC Percent (5) 54-57 SOC (6) 58-60 SOC Percent (6) 61-64 SOC (7) 65-67 SOC Percent (7) 68-71 SOC (8) 72-74 SOC Percent (8) WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 23 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.23 – Agreements Edit/Update Transaction Report (TSA372-01) Positions 20 through 80 of the Edit/Update Transaction Report for the Agreements subsystem contain the information for the identified transaction. Each transaction has a different predefined layout for information content. Therefore, check each transaction against these positions to determine if the data was entered and processed correctly. Exhibit 01 displays the positional information by transaction type for the Agreements Transaction Report. 21.23 – Exhibit 01 Contracts Transaction Report Positional Information by Transaction Type Transaction Type/Name 3001 BASIC AGREEMENT INFORMATION 3002 AGREEMENT SURETY NAME 3101 AGREEMENT INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT RELEASE DATE 3201 AGREEMENT INDIVIDUAL CONTRACT ALLOCATION Position Numbers and Information 20 Guarantee Type 21 Agreement Type 22-46 Purchasers Name 47-52 Document Date (MMDDYY) 53-58 Expiration Date (MMDDYY) 59 Agreement Amount Sign 60-67 Agreement Amount 68 Coverage Type 69-70 Ranger District Number 71-76 Contract Number 20 Guarantee Type 21-45 Surety Name 20 Guarantee Type 21-22 Ranger District Number 23-28 Contract Number 29 Coverage Type 30-35 Release Date (MMDDYY) 20 Guarantee Type 21-22 Ranger District Number 23-28 Contract Number 29 Coverage Type 30-35 Allocation Date (MMDDYY) 36 Allocation Amount Sign 37-44 Allocation Amount WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 24 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 21.3 – Invalid Information Column Number Identification When the edit/update determines a transaction is invalid, the column numbers are underscored. Examples are: 1. For volume transaction 5001R where the species is not included on the contract, positions 25 through 32 would be underscored with asterisks (*****) to identify the positions containing invalid information. 2. Where an agreement error for an allocation to a contract on transaction 3201M does not contain the contract number, positions 23 through 28 would be underscored with asterisks (*****) to identify those positions containing invalid information. A message explaining the error is also displayed. 21.4 - Edit/Update Messages The edit/update message identifies valid transactions processed and provides an error message describing the reason for rejection of an invalid transaction. The message area also identifies transactions placed in the carry file for next month processing and identifies them as "HELD FOR NEXT MONTH PROCESSING." The system automatically processes the carry file with the first scheduled edit/update for the next month. There are three messages that reference memos. These are referred to as G1 memo, G2 memo, or G3 memo. Following is the description of each of these memos. 1. G1 Memo. The date must always be less than or equal to the current date and within the current processing month or the next processing month. 2. G2 Memo. The sign must be "+", "-", or blank. If blank, assume it to be positive. 3. G3 Memo. The date must be less than or equal to the current date and less than or equal to the current processing month or within the next processing month. 21.5 - Reference Numbers The Reference Number area is an 8-digit transaction identification area serving two purposes. First, it identifies the data entry file name containing the transaction. If the transaction successfully passes ATSA edit/update checks and is a “Valid Transaction,” the data entry file identifier is the only information noted in this area. However, if the edit/update process detects an error in the transaction, it is identified as an “Invalid Transaction,” and a system error message reference is also noted in this column following the error message. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 25 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS Generally, invalid transactions identify the transaction type and subtype in the four leftmost positions, and the four rightmost positions reference the error message and indicate whether the error was detected in the edit or the update. If the four rightmost positions begin with a number other than 99, then the error was detected in the edit process. If they begin with 99, the error was detected in the update. Some errors detected, such as an invalid contract, permit, or agreement number, do not include the transaction type but reference only an error identifier. 21.6 – Edit/Update Statistics The last page of every forest’s edit/update report gives statistics on the information processed in that edit/update cycle. The statistics page is divided into seven sets of information. They are: 1. Pages. This is the total number of print pages processed for the forest, including the statistics page. 2. RRFF. Lists the number of the region and forest. 3. Process Date. This is the year, month, and day of the processing month to which the information on the report relates. This is the same as the date contained in the forest Scheduler mailbox. 4. Disp. (Disposition). This is a letter symbol indicating the status of the run. A value of "C" appears if the run has successfully completed. An "I" is displayed when the run is incomplete or has otherwise not successfully completed. 5. Total (Transactions and Documents). This is a count of the number of transactions submitted and the number of documents updated. a. The column titled TRANS contains the total number of transactions processed during the edit/update cycle for the forest. The count should agree with the number of transactions transmitted to the Forest Data Collection file for the edit/update cycle b. The column titled DOCS represents the total number of contracts, permits, or agreements updated in the edit/update cycle. c. If a total of six transactions were processed in the contract edit/update cycle and if they all applied to one contract, the transaction (TRANS) count would be six and the document (DOCS) count would be one. 6. Edit/Update Rejected. This area contains five different counts. a. The first count, titled DOCS, is the number of documents (new contracts, new permits, or new agreements) that were being inserted (action code I) and that were rejected because of invalid information in one of the transactions necessary to WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 26 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS establish the document on the ATSA data base. When the count under DOCS is greater than zero, there are normally a number of transactions shown under the TRANS REJECTED column for contracts or permits or the TRANS column for agreements. This information is located in the third field from the left in this section. b. The second count, titled SUBDOCS, is for subdocuments related to only the Contracts subsystem. Permits and Agreement subsystems do not use the subdocument count. A subdocument relates to information carried at the proclaimed unit level within a contract. This count represents the number of transactions (such as 0401, 0106, transactions) rejected because of incorrect percentage distribution relationships. It is necessary to maintain the total at 100 percent. When modifications attempt to cause this figure to be out of balance, the transactions are rejected for the contract; the subdocument count shows the number of contracts that had type 0401 or 0106 transactions rejected because they would have caused the total to be different than 100 percent. c. The third count, titled TRANS REJECTED, is the total number of transactions that were rejected during the edit/update cycle for contracts or permits. For agreements, the column is titled TRANS. This count includes transactions that are being held for next month processing. d. The fourth count, titled VALID UNDER REJ, is the number of transactions that are valid for a contract or permit where the contract or permit is rejected at the document level. Agreements do not report this type of information. e. The fifth count, titled TOTAL REJECTED, is the sum of the TRANS REJECTED column plus the VALID UNDER REJ column. It is the total of transactions that are invalid, that are valid but held because of other invalid conditions, and those held for next month processing because of date. Agreement statistics do not contain a TOTAL REJECTED column. 7. Activity Information. There are three different counts that relate to files established for the forest. Each of these files has a specific use. a. The first count, titled INVALID (W1), identifies the number of transactions determined to be invalid by the edit/update. b. The second count, titled CARRY (W2), provides a count of the number of transactions placed in the Forest Data Collection file “Carry Element” that relates to the business of the next processing month. These transactions are automatically picked up when the forest schedules its first edit/update cycle for the new processing month. The transactions placed in this element are based on the transaction date. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 27 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS Example: the current processing month is July and a 5001R type transaction for volume with an August date is included with the July transaction prior to the July closure. This transaction is placed in the carry file for the forest and the count in the carry column will show as one (1). c. The third count, titled SCALE (W3), is not used by the Permits or Agreements subsystems. The scale column provides a count of the number of valid transactions passed from the edit/update process to the Forest scale element for use by the region in its volume determination process. This count represents the total number of 0101, 0102, 0103, 0201, 0202, and 9001 transactions that were valid; all 5001 transactions whether valid or invalid, and any region’s developed transactions that relate to its scaling processes. The regional transactions contain an "R" in the first position of the transaction. The process does not display these transactions individually on the transaction report but accounts for them in the SCALE (W3) total. 21.7 - Frequency of Issuance An Edit/Update Transaction Report is issued each time the forest schedules processing of their data input files. A separate transaction report is produced for each subsystem (Contracts, Permits, and Agreements) that had a data collection to process when the scheduler request was made. 21.8 - Users The primary user of the Edit/Update Transaction Report is the section assigned responsibility for Timber Sales Accounting, the sale administrator, and the contracting officer. 21.9 – Duplicate Transaction Warning Report (TSA872-01) This warning report is designed to screen for accepted recurring transactions that are identical in all respects as they are processed through the edit update. If such transactions are found, a TSA872-01 report is automatically produced and placed in the forest’s Daily TSA Reports Center file. The report displays both transactions, along with the dates and identification of the input files. The system does not reject either of the transactions if the transactions otherwise are correct to pass edit/update checks. The purpose of the report is to make the user aware of the identical transactions in case they are in fact duplicate entries of the same information. The user should evaluate the input transactions and take corrective action if, in fact, the transactions are duplicates. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 28 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 22 – CONTRACTS REPORT OUTPUTS This section describes the major reports produced by the Contracts subsystem, the information contained in the reports, the source of the information, and its use. Sample copies of these reports are not incorporated in this Handbook. All reports, current and historical, are available at the TSA Reports Web site: http://fsweb.ftcol.wo.fs.fed.us/fcs/tsa/tsa2.html. All reports produced by the Automated Timber Sales Accounting (ATSA) system use the same basic heading information. In the upper left hand corner of all outputs is report identification number. For example, TSA472-01 identifies the Edit/Update Transaction Report, TSA880-01 identifies the Synopsis Report, and TSA470-01 identifies the Statement of Account and all of the Statement’s supporting reports. The report identification is followed by the 8-digit ATSA data base cycle number during which the report was generated. On the line beneath this information is the date and time the system produced the report. The top center of each report contains two lines identifying the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Automated Timber Sales Accounting system. The upper right corner of the report identifies the region and forest where the contract is located. The district number also is present on those reports for individual contracts and district summaries. 22.1 – Reports The purpose of this section is to assist Automated Timber Sales Accounting (ATSA) system users in identifying and understanding the data displayed on the reports issued by the system. The major output reports from the three ATSA Subsystems are: 1. Permits. Accounting for forest product values sold on personal use permit form FS2400-1, Forest Products Removal Permit and Cash Receipt. Report Identifier TSA250-01 TSA271-01 TSA272-01 TSA280-01 TSA290-01 Produced by Month-end Month-end Edit/Update Edit/Update Month-end Report Name Forest Products Permit Statement Permit Closure Warning Report Permits Edit/Update Transaction Report Forest Products Permit Permit SCAN WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 29 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 2. Agreements. Contains bonding and payment guarantee records supporting the contracts Subsystem. Report Identifier TSA350-01 TSA372-01 TSA373-01 TSA380-01 Produced by Month-end Edit/Update Month-end Edit/Update Report Name Agreements Detail Agreements Edit/Update Transaction Report Agreements Scheduled to Expire Within the Next 4 Months Agreements Detail 3. Contracts. Accounting for forest product revenues, constructed road values, and stewardship non-monetary values following the provisions of a broad variety of Forest Service contract forms. Report Identifier TSA451-01 TSA470-01 TSA472-01 TSA473-01 Produced by: Month-end Month-end Edit/Update Month-end TSA475-02 TSA476-01 TSA478-01 TSA478-02 TSA480-01 Month-end Month-end Month-end Month-end Edit/Update TSA484-01 TSA486-01 TSA486-02 TSA486-03 TSA486R-01 TSA486R-02 TSA487-01 Month-end Month-end Month-end Month-end Month-end Month-end Month-end TSA487R-01 TSA487R-03 TSA488-01 Month-end Month-end Month-end TSA489-01 Month-end TSA490-01 TSA570-01 TSA872-01 TSA880-01 Month-end Month-end Edit/Update Edit/Update Report Name Road Credits Authority Accounting Timber Sale Statement of Account Contract Edit/Update Transaction Report Contracts Scheduled to Terminate Within the Next 4 Months District Uncut Quantities by Document Closed Sale Profile Sold and Removed Worksheet (MBF) Sold and Removed Worksheet (CCF) Timber Sale Statement of Account Preliminary/Selective Stewardship Non-Monetary Accounting Report Non-Stewardship Receipts and Road Asset Values Stewardship Receipts and Road Values Stewardship Contract Receipts and Credits National Support Transfer-Washington Office Pipeline Funds Transfer-Fiscal Year Summary Transfer of Earned Timber Receipts – Contract/Permit Transfer Detail National Support Transfer-Washington Office Pipeline Funds Balance Voucher Log Transfer of Earned Timber Receipts – District Sale Detail _Charge Distribution and National Forest Summary Transfer of Earned Timber Receipts – District Sale Detail – Month’s Activity and National Forest Summary Contract SCAN Sale Objective – Revenue & Quantity – FYTD Duplicate Transaction Warning Report Timber Sale Synopsis WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 30 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS All of the above identified Timber Sale Accounting reports are readily available to users on line at the TSA Reports Center; http://fsweb.ftcol.wo.fs.fed.us/fcs/tsa/tsa2.html. 22.11 - Timber Sale Synopsis (TSA880-01) The Synopsis report is a record of essential basic contract provisions and other pertinent information needed for administration of the financial requirements of each timber sale contract. Its purpose is to provide the on-the-ground timber sale administrators, resource personnel, and other interested individuals a summary of the pertinent financial and administration requirements of the specific timber sale contract as they are reflected in the ATSA system. The report is first produced with the initial establishment of a contract record on the ATSA database. A revised Synopsis is produced whenever any changes are made to the contract basic information. All of the information required to establish a contract record on the Automated Timber Sale Accounting database is received from the timber information manager (TIM). Both the supervisor's office and the ranger district office must maintain on file a current copy of the Synopsis for every contract. In addition, a copy should be made available to the contractor for their records. The expansion of this code provides a detailed explanation of each of the eight major areas of the report. 22.11a – Report Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers The heading of the report contains the TSA Run ID which is TSA880-01, date and time the report was produced, the name of the report, period covered, administrative location, and the contract to which the report pertains. 1. Sale Name. This is the name assigned to the sale by the forest and stated in the timber sale contract. 2. Contract Number. This is the 6-digit contract number assigned to and displayed on the contract. 3. Purchaser. This is the name and address of the individual, company, corporation, or partnership to whom or which the Forest Service has awarded or is potentially awarding the identified contract. This information is obtained from the sale contract. When the contractor requests that the Forest Service send statement information for the sale to an address other than the business address recorded on the contract, it can be entered here. This information may be different than the “billing address” maintained on the Vend Table of FFIS. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 31 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 4. Data Current Thru. This is the date the Synopsis report was produced. However, when the current month's business has not been closed out and processing is occurring in the next calendar month, the date displayed is the last day of the month for which current month processing is performed. For example, if July is the current processing month and the actual calendar date is August 8, the report displays a date of July 31. 5. Region. This displays, by number and name, the region where the sale is located. 6. Forest. This displays, by number and name, the forest where the sale is located. 7. District. This displays, by number and name, the ranger district where the sale is located. 22.11b - Basic Contract Information 1. Customer Identification. For privacy reasons, only the last 5 digits of the contractor’s vendor identification code are displayed here. 2. Account Identification. The account ID area is used by some Regions to track local issues. Its usage is defined by each Region. It may be blank. 3. Bid Date. This is the date contract bids were opened. 4. Award Date. This is the date on which the Forest Service formally awarded the contract. If the award date is not known when the sale is initially entered in ATSA, it can be entered later. Cash receipts (transaction 4001R), Transfer-in of Purchaser Credit (transaction 4002R), and Freezing Down Payments Coverage (transaction 4004R) are the only recurring transactions accepted before the award date is entered. This date is the date of award noted in the sale contract. 5. Processing Date. This date represents the current processing month. It is system established and updated. 6. Form No. This identifies the type of contract (2400-2, 2400-3, 2400-3T, 2400-3P, 2400-4, 2400-6, or 2400-6T, 2400-13, 2400-13T, SF33, or SF33T). The form number must agree with the last three digits of the contract form number printed on the actual contract. 7. Form Date. This date identifies the contract form version under which the sale was awarded. Form date information is significant because conditions and provisions differ between the different versions of the same contract form. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 32 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 8. Pricing Method. This identifies the method of pricing that applies to forest product material sold under terms of the contract. Pricing methods are either escalated (rates subject to adjustment based upon indexes reflecting price fluctuations in the lumber market) or flat (fixed rates). If the contract is escalated, the pricing method is stated as “050U,” "100U,” “EXT1,” or “EXT2.” If the contract is flat rate the pricing method is "FLAT." 9. Last Statement. This identifies the year and business month of the last statement issued prior to the time this Synopsis was created. 10. Last Statement Number. This is the number of the last statement issued prior to issuing this Synopsis. 11. Term Date. This is the original termination date stated in the contract. 12. Term Current Date. This is the current termination date of the contract. This date will reflect revision of the original termination date due to contract term adjustment, term extension, or any other accepted reason. A code identifying the reason for any extension is also displayed here. 13. Advertised after 03/31/99. This is an automatic indicator that is set to “Y” on all sales entered into TSA since the beginning of FY 2000. It indicates that roads on this sale are “Specified Roads,” as differentiated from “Purchaser Credit Roads.” If this indicator equals “No,” then the roads on this sale are “Purchaser Credit” roads. 14. Size Class. This defines the sale in relation to its appraised volume and value. 15. Stewardship Contract. This indicator value of “Y” (yes) or “N” (no) is used to identify the contract as being either a stewardship contract or a non-stewardship contract. 16. STARS Sale Number. A 5-digit number assigned to the sale by the STARS (Sales Tracking and Reporting System) program. This number must match that in STARS to ensure the quarterly transfer of information between ATSA and STARS. 17. State. The 2-digit Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) numeric code identifies the State where the sale is physically located. When the sale is in more than one State, the code identifies the State in which the majority of the volume is located. 18. County. This is the 3-digit FIPS numeric code that identifies the county where the sale is physically located. When the sale is in more than one county, the code identifies the county in which the majority of the volume is located. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 33 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 19. Qualifying Salvage Sale. This indicates whether the sale is or is not a qualifying salvage sale as defined in FSM 2435. 20. Salvage Sale 95. The word “Yes” or “No” is displayed to indicate whether the sale is subject to the provisions of the Rescission Salvage Act of July 1995. This Act was only in effect until mid-1997, so very few remaining contracts contain these provisions. 21. Sale Objectives. This area displays the objectives or purposes for which the sale was offered, and what percentage of the sale meets each objective. 22. Sale Status. This is the date that a default action occurred or a new termination date was established for the contract. 23. Sale (Code) Reason. This code identifies the reason for the sale default or extension. 22.11c – Scheduled Payment This section will be displayed only if the contract contains a scheduled payment provision. If such a provision is in the contract, this section displays required charges or cash deposits that must be posted to the contract account by specific stated dates. 1. Date. The date the scheduled payment is required to be made. If more than one date is in the contract provision, they appear in ascending chronological order. 2. Amount. The amount required to be charged or covered by cash deposits by the date. If more than one amount is required, they appear in ascending order and associated with the appropriate date. 22.11d - Down Payment Deposit Requirement This section displays the timber sale contract requirement for down payment. Many forest products contracts do not contain down payment deposit requirements. If a down payment is not required this area will be blank. 1. Type. Three types of down payments have been required by different contract language over the years. The most common type, and the type entered for virtually all new contracts, is type 2. It requires a down payment based on 25 percent of contract stumpage value. Type 1 is the original type and has not been included in contract language since 1993. Type 3 is used for contractors who are deemed by the contracting officer to merit additional down payment requirements and is infrequently used. 2. Assigned. This designation, when “Y,, indicates the contract is a single payment unit sale and the down payment can be used to cover the release of the payment unit. Otherwise the value in this field is “N.” WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 34 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 3. Required Down Payment. This is the dollar value that the contractor must deposit with the Forest Service at the time this contract is executed. 4. Cash (909 XXX). This is the amount of the down payment deposit requirement the contractor has covered with cash. Structured job code 909 XXX (XXX equals proclaimed National Forest) is the job code where the cash payment is deposited. 5. Transferred-In Credit. Any transferred-in purchaser credit that has been applied to cover all or a portion of the down payment requirement is shown here. 6. Effective Purchaser Credit. If purchaser credit earned on the sale has been applied to cover all or a portion of the down payment requirement, that amount is displayed here. 7. Stewardship Credits. If stewardship credit earned on the sale has been applied to cover all or a portion of the down payment requirement, that amount is displayed here. It is unusual for a stewardship contract to require a down payment deposit. 8. Value to be Met. This is the value of timber that must be charged and paid for before the down payment can be released. 22.11e - Coverage Guarantee/Contract Bonding Total This section of the Synopsis provides a record of the various bonds and guarantees provided by the contractor as required or allowed under the terms of the timber sale contract. The information displayed here is stored in the Agreements subsystem. 1. Agreement Number. This is the surety bond numbers or other document identifier found on the bonding document. In the case of cash deposits, this is the 6-character suspense account job code used in FFIS to track the deposit. The letter in parentheses, to the left of the agreement number, indicates whether an agreement provides coverage for a single (S) contract or is a blanket (B) bond, which can be applied toward multiple contracts held by the same contractor. 2. Guarantee Type or Surety Name. This contains the name of the corporate surety that issued the bonding document, or it identifies the guarantee as irrevocable letter of credit, deposited securities, cash deposits, or assignments (savings account and certificates of deposit) when such is the case. The number in parentheses is the numeric code that corresponds to the guarantee type. 3. Coverage Type. This identifies the type of coverage provided by each agreement. Possible coverage types are: performance, payment perform (performance bond used for payment), and payment. The number in parenthesis is the numeric code for each coverage type. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 35 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 4. Document Date. This is the date of execution for surety bonds and guarantees, the date of deposit when the contractor has provided cash, the agreement date for deposited securities, the date the irrevocable letter of credit was issued, or the date the assignment was executed. 5. Expiration Date. This is the date on which each agreement assigned to this contract expires. 6. Released Date. This is the actual date on which each agreement is removed from the identified contract. All agreements must show a release date on the Synopsis before the contract can be closed. When the release date is entered the allocation to the contract is zeroed out. 7. Allocated Amount. These are the individual bonding allocation amounts assigned to the contract. All allocations are processed through the Agreements subsystem, and displayed on the applicable contract Synopsis. Also the grand total of all agreement amounts assigned to the contract is displayed. 8. Contract Bonding Totals. This is a summary of the various bonding allocations for the contract by coverage type. 22.11f - Stumpage Distribution Requirements This section of the Synopsis displays the “normal stumpage distribution” revenue accounts to which cash stumpage charges are deposited. 1. Proclaimed or Other Unit ID and Percent. This identifies the proclaimed National Forest or other land ownership units where the sale is located. Up to four units may be identified. The second field contains the percentage factor that relates to each of these different proclaimed or other units. 2. Job Code. Stumpage receipts are distributed to a variety of revenue job codes. These job codes must also be current and valid in FFIS. The Fund ID and Fund Name information that follows further identifies the revenue account. 3. Fund ID. The fund identification (ID) code is used by the ATSA process to identify the revenue account that the job code represents. Job codes and their associated fund IDs are found in ATSA Table R0601. 4. Fund Name. This is the standard name of the revenue account assigned to the fund ID. Fund IDs and standard names are located in Table S0600. 5. Percent. This is the percentage of stumpage receipts distributed to each job code. Percentage distribution totals must equal 100 percent for each proclaimed unit. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 36 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 6. Collection Limit ($). If a revenue account has a maximum collection limit, that limit is displayed here. Generally, only Salvage Sale and KV accounts contain limits. These limits are based on the KV and Salvage Sale plans. 7. Plan Date. If a collection limit is shown, the date of the plan that supports that limit is displayed here. 8. Number of Adjustments. This is the number of revisions made to an accounts collection limit, and its supporting plan during the life of the contract. Each time a plan is revised, the number is increased by one. 22.11g - Associated Charges This area of the Synopsis displays associated charges information that is applicable to a sale, both those collections required by the contract, and those for services requested by the contractor. Examples of associated charges include slash disposal, erosion control, and road maintenance. If there are no associated charges on the sale, the Synopsis does not display this section. 1. Proclaimed Unit. If the contract is located in more than one proclaimed National Forest or other unit, and there are selected associated charges that apply only to one unit, they are shown by proclaimed or other unit. 2. Job Code. This displays the job code related to each associated charge. Job codes are verified against Forest Job Code Table R0601. They must also be valid in FFIS. The fund ID and fund name information that follows the job code further identifies the specific associated charge account. 3. Fund ID. The fund identification (ID) code is used by the ATSA process to identify the type of associated charge account that the job code represents. Job codes and their associated fund IDs are found in ATSA Table R0601. 4. Fund Name. This is the standard name for the associated charge; or the name supplied by the forest as an override to the standard name. Standard names associated with fund IDs can be found in ATSA Table S0600. 5. Charge Type. The charge type determines how each specific associated charge is computed. There are six different charge types. 6. Charge ID. The charge identification area shows the species and/or product identification as required by charge types 01, 02, and 03. The first four positions are for the species identification and the last two on the right are for the product code. When using charge type 04, the local identifier can use all six positions. With charge types 05 and 06, the charge identification area is blank. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 37 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 7. U/M (Unit of Measure). This identifies the unit of measure that is applicable to each account for charge types 01 thru 05. Charge type 06 does not require a unit of measure. 8. Effective Dates and Rates. This area displays the date(s) that current and future rates charged for each job code, fund ID, charge type, charge ID, and unit of measure combinations went (and go) into effect. Up to three sets of rates and effective dates can exist on a contract at any one time for each account. 22.11h – Roads, Stewardship, Removed and Scaled Dates, Minimum Distribution, and Scheduled Rate Redetermination Information This section contains information related to road construction under contract terms, stewardship activity, minimum distribution to principal account requirements, and, on scaled contracts, the dates that all volume has been removed from the sale area and has been scaled. If the contract provides for a scheduled rate redetermination, that information is also displayed in this section. The Synopsis only displays the above identified information if there is information to be displayed. For example, if there are no road requirements, the portion relating to roads will not be displayed. Likewise for the other informational items designed to be shown here. 1. Stewardship Credit & Road Construction Limits. This area provides a record of limits, adjustment dates, and number of adjustments for selected stewardship and/or roadrelated activities. If the contract does not provide for stewardship credits or road construction allowances, this section of the report is not printed. When the contract does provide for either of these activities, the items of information displayed are as follows: 2. Stewardship Credit Limit. If the contract is identified as a stewardship contract, this limit represents the current estimate of the value of the services the contractor will provide to the Government. The limit may be adjusted throughout the life of the contract. The number of times the limit is changed in the ATSA system is captured and displayed in the number of adjustments column. 3. Purchaser Credit/Specified Road Cost Limit. On sales advertised before April 1, 1999, this represents the maximum amount of purchaser credit the contractor can earn for the construction of specified roads. On sales advertised after March 31, 1999, this represents the value of the specified road to be built on the sale. The value displayed is the current (latest) allowance or limit. The “number of adjustments” column provides a record of the total number of adjustments made to a limit to date. 4. Purchaser Credit Transfer-in Limit. This limit is stated in contract provisions and represents the maximum amount of purchaser credit that can be transferred to this contract from other contracts to the same contractor in the same proclaimed unit. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 38 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 5. Supplemental Fund Limit. This is the maximum dollar amount the Forest Service will pay to the contractor from appropriated funds for the construction of roads to a higher standard than that necessary for removal of timber from the sale areas. 6. Contributed Funds Limit. This represents the maximum dollar amount of appropriated funds the Forest Service will contribute to the contractor for building roads on deficit sales. 7. All Specified Roads Accepted as of. The Synopsis does not display this informational item until the purchaser or specified road credit established amount is equal to the stated credit limit. When this occurs, the date is displayed. It is a system generated date, and it cannot be modified. 8. Forest Service Construction for Small Business. The Synopsis displays this area only when a small business-qualified contractor elects to have the Forest Service construct the roads required by the contract. In these cases the Forest Service will collect from the contractor equal to the engineer's estimated cost of the roads. a. Engineer's Estimated Road Costs. This is the engineer's estimated road cost that will be recovered from the contractor in above base cash before the sale closes. b. Engineers Estimated Cost Recovered as of. This is the amount of the Engineers Estimated Road Cost that has been recovered by the Forest Service as of the date of the Synopsis. c. Minimum Road Construction Collection Rates. The above base rates for collection of the engineer's estimated road costs are based on these product and unit of measure combinations. They are not species-related. 9. Dates Information. This section displays information required before scale contracts close. a. All Logs Removed as of. This is the actual date when the contractor has completed removed of all logs from the sale area. b. All Logs Scaled as of. This is the actual date all scaling was completed for the sale. Payment unit and lump sum sales do not report scaled dates. 22.11i - Minimum to Principal Accounts This section displays the minimum rates by unit of measure that will be distributed to a principal Normal Distribution account. Stewardship contracts do not allow minimum distribution entries; most other contracts require minimum distribution to principal accounts. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 39 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 22.11j - Scheduled Rate Redetermination This section displays information related to scheduled contract rate redetermination when required by the contract. Very few contracts contain rate redetermination provisions. 1. Redetermination Date. This is the date contract rates will be reviewed, and modified if stated conditions are met. 2. Unit of Measure (U/M). This identifies by unit of measure the minimum volume that the contractor is required to have removed and paid for before lower rates can become effective. 3. Minimum Net Quantity Required Removed. This is the volume by unit of measure that the contract requires the contractor to have removed and paid for before lower rates developed from the scheduled rate redetermination can become effective. 22.11k – Included Species, Product, and Unit of Measure Information This area displays information about the forest products included in the contract. 1. Effective Rate Date. This is the date that listed rates became effective. The first rate structure date is award date. Any and succeeding rate structures dates in the contract record follow. 2. Species Code. This identifies all the species included within the contract for removal. It can also identify species the contractor is not to remove under the terms of the contract. If a species is not included for removal, the contract flag contains an N. 3. Product. This identifies the products that correspond with the species listed in paragraph 2 above. 4. U/M (Unit of Measure). This identifies the unit of measure that relates to each species/product listed. The combination of species, product, and unit of measure (S-P-U) is a key identifier in the ATSA system. All volume is measured, reported, and charged by S-P-U combination. Unused S-P-U combinations may be deleted from the contract record and new ones added, but once established in the contract, these combinations cannot be modified. 5. Original Quantity. This is the quantity of the species, product, and unit of measure (S-P-U) combination that is stated in the contract form at the time of sale. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 40 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 6. Revised Quantity. This figure displays most current quantity estimate for the S-P-U combination. Quantity estimate changes need not be the result of formal contract modification. Rather, estimates may be revised anytime it has been determined that the quantities are different than originally estimated regardless of the reason. 7. Contract Flag. An indicator value of "Y" (yes) means that the S-P-U is “included timber” under terms of the contract. A flag of "N" indicates that S-P-U is not included timber under terms of the contract, and a warning will be produced by ATSA if any volume-related transaction is input for that combination. 8. Base Rate. This is the lowest rate that the Forest Service will accept for the S-P-U combination. In some instances, especially on stewardship contracts, a base rate of zero is appropriate. 9. Bid Rate. This is the rate(s) that the contractor bid for each species, product, and unit of measure (S-P-U) combination of included timber. These rates are those shown in the original contract, or the latest modification thereto. 10. Maximum Rate. This rate is only displayed if the S-P-U combination is subject to escalation provisions stated in the contract. It represents maximum stumpage rate that can be charged for the escalated S-P-U combination. 11. Index Name. If the S-P-U combination is subject to escalation, this identifies the index that will be used to adjust bid rates. The index tracks market trends and is the basis of adjustments to the bid rate of the identified S-P-U. 12. Index Code. This is the specific index code that applies to this escalated S-P-U combination. The index code is used to identify the specific index value that is used to adjust the bid rate. 13. Base Index. This is the index value used in the appraisal and stated in the contract. Current indices values are compared with this base index to determine how much to adjust the bid rate each quarter end. 14. Conversion Factors. This area identifies by S-P-U combination the factors used to convert timber quantities sold and quantities cut to either MBF (thousand board feet) and/or CCF (hundred cubic feet) for reporting purposes. The area contains two specific fields, the first for MBF conversion factor information and the second for CCF conversion factor information. Conversion factors in both MBF and CCF are shown for all convertible products. These are product codes 1-10, 12-14, and 18-21. Conversion factor information is not applicable to non-convertible products. Product codes for non-convertible products are 11, 15-17, and 26-99. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 41 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 15. Timber Property Value (TPV) Rate in Base. This area displays that portion of the base rate that relates to timber property value (TPV). The TPV account may also be treated as an associated charge or in the percentage distribution as a normal distribution account. 16. Total. Totals volumes for product and unit of measure for original quantities and revised quantities are displayed, as are base and bid rate values. 17. Additional Effective Rate Dates. This section is displayed only if a contract contains additional rate structures that are effective in the future. If so, the information described in paragraphs 1 thru 16 of this section is repeated for each additional rate structure. A contract may contain up to three different rate structures by effective-rate date. 22.11l - Payment Unit Information If the contract is a payment unit contract, the payment unit status, the volume and current stumpage value for material contained in each payment unit, as well as the associated charges for that payment unit are displayed in this section. If the contract is escalated stumpage, values for each unit not released are updated each quarter end by ATSA and an updated Synopsis is issued. The contractor must cover the current value of the payment unit with cash, stewardship credit, purchaser credit, payment bond, or a combination thereof, before the Forest Service can release a payment unit for cutting. Payment units are shown in payment unit identification sequences sorted alpha-numerically. If the sale is a scaled sale (volume and value of forest products are determined after cutting) this area of the Synopsis will not be shown. 1. Payunit ID. This is the payment unit identifier assigned to the unit as shown in the contract. 2. Release Date. When this date is present, the Forest Service has released the payment unit to the contractor for cutting. Rates in effect at the end of the quarter of release are captured in a “frozen rate structure,” and are the rates charged for volume removed from that payment unit, regardless of the time period the volume is cut and removed. 3. Modified Release Date. If, after the quarter-end of the original release of the payment unit, the contracting officer determines that different rates should apply to previously released payment unit volumes, the original release date may be modified. This modified release date allows the payment unit value to be updated using current quarter rates. The modified release date is most often used when either a scheduled or nonscheduled rate WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 42 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS redetermination is made; after original release of a payment unit, but before it has been cut. If a payment unit has been released and gone through a quarter-end closure, a modified release date creates a new rate structure and updated value. The same applies if a new species S-P-U combination is added to the contract and payment unit. This area contains zeros if the original release date has not been modified 4. Cut (Removed) Date. This is the date when the contractor completes the removal of all timber from the identified payment unit. This area contains zeros if a cut/removed date has not been entered. 5. Accept Date. This is the date when the Forest Service accepted the payment unit as having all contractual requirements completed. Zero values are displayed if the payment unit has not been accepted. 6. Species (Spec) Code. This area displays each S-P-U combination included in the identified payment unit. 7. Orig. Qty. Est. This is the original quantity estimate for the S-P-U in the identified payment unit. 8. Curr. Qty. Est. This field displays the current estimated volume for the S-P-U at the time the Synopsis is issued. Initially this value is the same as the original quantity estimate. Quantity estimates can change for a variety of reasons between the time of payment unit release and when the final volume is removed. The current quantity estimate is used in the calculation of the following payment unit values. 9. Total Stumpage Value. This is the total stumpage value for the payment unit. The value is calculated by multiplying S-P-U current quantity estimates by the current rates if the payment unit has not been released. If the payment unit has been released, the current quantity estimate is multiplied by the value in the frozen rate structure rates assigned to the payment unit. 10. Total Associated Charge Value. This is the total value for all associated charges related to the payment unit. The value is calculated by using the associated charge rates stated in the contract for payment units that the Forest Service has not released. For released payment units, the value is determined by using a frozen associated charge rate structure assigned to the payment unit at time of release. Associated charges with a charge type of 06 are not related to specific payment units and, therefore, are not included in the total associated charge value for payment units 11. Total Base Value. This is the total base-rate value for all S-P-U's in the payment unit. It is that part of the Total Stumpage Value described above that is attributable to contract base rates. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 43 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 22.11m - Forest Statistics The last page of the Synopsis report provides administrative forest-level statistics about the information processed in the update cycle. The report is divided into six groupings of information at the forest level. 1. Pages. The total number of printed pages produced for all Synopsis reports for the edit/update run. 2. RRFF. This identifies the region and forest to which the report applies by number and name. 3. Processing Date. This identifies the year, month, and day to which the information was processed in ATSA. 4. Type of Run. Normally the system shows the type of run as IMPACT. This means that the system created records by contract identifier within the agreements and/or contract subsystem and passed the records to the Synopsis process to create each Synopsis report. If the term INTERNAL appears as the type of run, then the system produced a full set of Synopsis reports for the administrative forest. A complete set of Synopsis reports may be requested by the forest through the regional ATSA coordinator. 5. Contract Information. This section of the report is divided into five separate areas of information. a. Total. This is a count of the impact records passed to the Synopsis process from the agreement and contract applications. b. Individual. This is a count of the unique contract identifiers processed in this run. Because both the agreement and contract applications separately create impact records with contract identifiers, there can be more than one impact record for a contract. If this does occur within a run, the process shows the total count of the impact records (para. 5a). c. Duplicates. This is the number of impact records created by the agreement and contract applications where the contract records were modified by both applications. d. Invalid. This is the number of created impact records for which the process could not find contract information on the contracts data base. This count should always be zero. When there is an entry greater than zero in this field, the forest should notify its regional ATSA coordinator. e. Not Bonded. This is a count of the individual contracts that had Synopsis produced during the processing cycle that do not contain bonding information. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 44 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 6. Ending On. This is the date and time the Synopsis reports were created. 22.11n - Frequency of Issuance A Synopsis report is issued each time a new contract is established in ATSA and each time any of the basic contract information on the report is changed thereafter. 22.11o - Users The primary users are the section responsible for timber sales accounting at the forest level including timber sale administrators, timber staff, district timber clerk, and the contracting officer. 22.12 - Timber Sale Statement of Account and Supporting Reports, TSA470-01 & TSA480-01 TSA470-01 identifies the Statement of Account and its supporting reports that are produced during a month-end closure process. The Statement displays all financially related activities for the processing month. The “Closure Statement” is the final accounting for the month, and that process updates ATSA data base cumulative components. Any changes necessary to this accounting must be corrected or adjusted in the following month. Report TSA480-01 identifies “Preliminary” or “Selective” Statements, issued when requested by the user, prior to a month-end closure. These Statements display financial and other information as it exists in the data base at the time they are produced. “Preliminary” statements are in essence a pre-closure review of all contracts on the unit with monthly activity. A “Selective” statement, on the other hand, is for individually requested contracts. Neither of these types of statements update the contract data base, nor are they the final month-end report. They are just a snapshot of what a month-end statement would look like at that point in time. The Timber Sale Statement of Account provides an accounting of all contractor deposits; credits, payment guarantees, as well as all charges for material removed under individual contract terms. The Statement is designed to be a multi-purpose document. The Forest Service uses it to detail and substantiate charges for forest products removed by the timber purchaser or stewardship contractor. The contracting officer and sale administrators use the data to properly fulfill the contractual financial requirements and administrative responsibilities of the contract. The contractor uses the information for a variety of different purposes. The Statement of Account consists of 1 to 3 or more pages. The first page is the "Statement of Account," and all other pages are referred to as "Supporting Statements.” Only those pages that detail or support information on the Statement of Account are produced. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 45 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS Each Statement of Account prepared for a sale is numbered consecutively as issued, beginning with number one. The first statement is always produced the month the sale was entered into the ATSA system. Subsequently, the general rule is that statements are produced whenever valid recurring transactions are processed. This provides both the Forest Service and the contractor with an audit trail and a method of ensuring that they have received all statements and that all statements are on file. 22.12a - Heading and Basic Sale Identifiers At the top of each Statement is identification information. The upper-left portion shows an identification (ID) block that lists the report number, the processing date, and the time the report was generated. Example: TSA470-01, 09/14/06 AT 18:14. Beginning on the upper left side of the report, the sale name and contract number along with the contractor's name and mailing address are shown. The upper middle portion of the heading displays report name, statement number, and the month and year covered by the report. The upper right corner identifies the region, forest and ranger district where the contract is located. The statement number for any selective or preliminary statement is the same as the number that will be assigned to the month-end statement, regardless of the number of times a selective or preliminary statement is requested during the month for a specific contract. 22.12b - Sale Financial Status The Sale Financial Status section summarizes all the financially related activities affecting the contractor's cash and road or stewardship credits during the reporting period. There are eight basic areas in this section as follows: 1. Credits. This block on the statement summarizes the cash and purchaser or stewardship credits available to apply against the charges for material removed. If the contract is classified as a “Stewardship Contract,” the information lines in this area differ from those where the contract is not stewardship. The “Cash” and “Credits” columns work the same way in both instances. a. Balance Forward. This amount is brought forward from the “Balance Forward to Next Statement” line of the last previously issued monthly statement of account. The cash balance forward may be positive or negative. The credit balance forward will be zero or positive. b. Cash Payment. The report shows all individual cash transactions separately, by date. These include payments received, refunds, and transfers of cash to or from the sale. All collection, refund and transfer information originates from the GLTSA process. The automated interface captures the information in FFIS and moves it into WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 46 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS ATSA where it is then shown on the Statement of Account. Transfers of cash between contracts on the same proclaimed unit are accomplished by entry of ATSA transaction 4001R. This transaction is not processed through FFIS. 2. Non Stewardship Contracts. Very few contracts with purchaser credit provisions remain on the Contracts database. Credits that can be used to offset stumpage costs are not granted under contracts requiring construction of specified roads. In most instances this area will contain zero values. a. Purchaser Credit Established. This line shows purchaser credit established during the month on the sale. The transfer-out of established purchaser credit and the withdrawal of previously transferred-out purchaser credit are also shown on this line. A detailed listing of transactions making up the total shown here is found on the Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads supporting the Statement. b. Purchaser Credit Transferred-In. This line shows transfers in and withdrawal of previously transferred in purchaser credits. A detailed listing of transactions making up the total shown here is found on the Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads supporting the Statement. c. Cost Share Credit Established. This line shows any cost-share credits established on the contract. A detailed listing of transactions making up the total shown here is found on the Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads supporting the Statement. 3. Stewardship Contracts. While stewardship contracts may contain specified road requirements, they do not contain purchaser credit provisions. a. Stewardship Credit Established. The total of stewardship credits granted during the report month is displayed here. A listing of the individual transactions making up this total is found on the "Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads and Stewardship Credits" report. b. Stewardship Credits Paid in Cash. This is the amount that the Forest Service has paid the stewardship contractor in cash to offset stewardship credit earned. This amount reduces the Balance Forward and Stewardship Credit Established amounts shown above. A listing of the individual transactions making up this total is found on the “Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads and Stewardship Credits” report. c. Total - Credits. This is the sum of the balances forward and current month transactions described above. This represents the total cash and credits available for coverage of current charges. 4. Charges. This is the amount due the Forest Service for the materials (products) removed by the contractor. The charges are summarized into the following categories: WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 47 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS a. Adjustments of Distributed Charges. This line is sometimes referred to as the “Credits Converted to Cash” line. The actual activity is an adjustment of previous above-base stumpage charges that the contractor paid in cash that have been converted to charges against recently established purchaser or stewardship credits. This “releases” the stated amount of cash back into the contract account. This adjustment occurs when the contractor has previously paid cash for above-base stumpage value; value that would have been applied against credits had they been available. The adjustment is limited in amount to the lesser of the balance of cash charged above base balance for stumpage, or to the current amount of credit available. This conversion of credit to cash is automatically done by the system and is merely an adjustment of previous charges applied toward stumpage accounts. Previously, cash charges distributed to the Normal Distribution Accounts; for example, National Forest Fund, Knutsen-Vandenburg (KV) fund, and Stewardship Suspense, are decreased, and the amounts applied to credit charged increased. b. Base Rate Stumpage Value. This line contains the base rate value of the material removed during the month. The information is taken from the Calculation of Charges -- Supporting Statement. Base rate charges must be paid in cash. c. Above Base Stumpage Value. This is the stumpage value charged above base rate value for the reported month. The information is taken from the Calculation of Charges -- Supporting Statement. Above base rate stumpage values are first charged against any unused established credits. Above base stumpage charges are applied against cash only when all credit established in the account has been applied. d. Quarterly Escalation Adjustment. This line has activity only for sales requiring escalation of stumpage rates. The amounts that appear are calculated on the Quarterly Escalation Adjustment Worksheet -- Supporting Statement. The escalation adjustment is composed entirely of above base stumpage charges. If escalation is upward and additional amounts are due for stumpage, unused credit in the account may be charged for the increase. Charges are made to cash after credits are exhausted. If the escalation is downward and there is a balance in the cash charged above base, the cash balance is increased up to the amount of the cash charged above base or to the escalation adjustment amount, whichever is less. This action returns previously charged cash to the contractor's account, and it reduces the amounts previously entered in the Distribution of Charges Accounts section. When there is no cash above base balance and escalation is downward, a minus charge is made to the credit account thereby releasing (un-applying) previously charged credits. The returned credit is immediately available for future use as volume is reported cut. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 48 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS e. Road Construction Recovery. An entry appears on this line only when the contract contains a small business road construction option and the contractor has elected to have the Forest Service construct the road. This is commonly referred to as a “turn back road.” The amounts entered are for additional charges above and beyond the current contract rates necessary to recover the engineer's estimated cost of building the road by the time 80 percent of the volume has been cut and removed from the sale area. f. Subtotal - Stumpage Charges. This is the sum of stumpage charges outlined above against the contractor’s cash or credit balances. The cash stumpage charge amounts are distributed to the cash receipts accounts shown in the Distribution of Cash Stumpage Charges section of the Statement of Account. g. Associated Charges This Period. This is the total amount charged during the month for all associated charge accounts. These amounts are from the Calculation of Charges -- Supporting Statement. The contractor must always pay for associated charges in cash. h. Down Payment Deposit. This amount is the down payment deposit required by the contract. The down payment deposit amount remains encumbered until specific individual contract requirements are met. Coverage of the required down payment deposit can be by cash, purchaser credits, stewardship credits, or any combination of these. i. Total - Charges This Statement. This is the sum of the “Subtotal - Stumpage Charges” and the “Associated Charges This Period” lines described above by Cash and Credits. 5. Balance Forward To Next Statement. These balances are carried forward to the "Balances Forward" line on the next Statement of Account issued. These amounts are the difference between the Total--Credits line and the Total--Charges This Statement line. The amount in the cash column can be either positive or negative. The amount in the purchaser credit column must be positive or zero and cannot be a negative. 6. Deck/Raft Inventory Value. This is the value of timber removed from the sale area and placed into storage in a raft or deck that has not been scaled. The amount shown here was developed on the deck/raft inventory report and normally is only used in Region 10. 7. Billing Adjustment. This line contains the amount of charges computed for an escalated sale where the rates are fluctuating during the first and second month of the quarter. Contract requirements and conditions for Billing Adjustments have changed over the years. Currently new contracts do not contain this provision. As the name WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 49 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS implies, the sole purpose of this calculation is to adjust the amount billed. The theory is that adjusting billings monthly in rapidly changing markets will lessen the need for a large additional billing at quarter-end when there is a rapidly rising market, and allows the contractor to make lesser payments during the quarter on a rapidly falling market. 8. Scheduled Payment Requirement. If the contract contains scheduled payment provisions, and if stated values of forest products have not been removed by the stated date, this charge is computed by the system and posted to the contract account. When the required forest product value has been met, or if the contract does not include a scheduled payment provision, this line will show zero values. 9. Adjusted Balances. This is the sum of the Balance Forward to Next Statement minus the Deck/Raft Inventory Value, plus or minus the Billing Adjustment, and minus any Scheduled Payment Requirement. The resulting cash amount, if negative, is also entered as the Amount Billed on the next line. 10. Amount Billed. The Amount Billed shown on the Statement of Account is the value that is provided to FFIS for the preparation and issuance of a Bill for Collection. It is the amount of the negative Adjusted Balance in the Cash column. 22.12c - Account Projection/Account Encumbrance The purpose of the Account Projection (scaled) and Account Encumbrance (tree measurement) section is to provide the contracting officer, sale administrators, and contractor with a forecast of the financial condition of a particular contract at a given future point in time. The sale administrator provides the projection, or the information to calculate the projection. This individual has the best insight into what the current operating schedule is and what is likely to happen on the sale area during the projection period. 1. Account Projection. The account projection section consists of two basic types of information. First are the “Credits”; cash, established credit, and payment guarantees available on the sale. Next are the “Projections” or account encumbrances summarizing the anticipated removal of forest products (materials) from the contract area. a. Credits. (1) Cash Balance. This figure is the positive or negative cash value from the Adjusted Balance line within the Sale Financial Status section of the statement. Displayed for both scaled and payment unit sales. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 50 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS (2) Credits. This is unused, purchaser, or stewardship credit that is available for application against projected above base rate value timber. It is the amount shown on the Adjusted Balance line of the Credits column of the Sale Financial Status section. This applies to both payment unit and scaled sales. (3) Down payment – Lump sum. Only applicable to and displayed on, single unit payment unit sales. In those cases the down payment amount may be used to cover uncut payment unit value. (4) Payment Guarantee Assigned. This is the amount allocated to the sale. The allocated amount comes from the Agreements subsystem. Make adjustments to allocated amounts through the agreements process. Can apply to either scaled or payment unit sales. (5) Performance Guarantee Assigned. An amount will appear here if the contract allows the Performance Bond to cover some or all of cut forest product values. The Agreements subsystem tracks the amount and the various uses of this bond. Performance Guarantee I s normally assigned to payment unit sales. (6) Subtotal Credits. This is the sum of all the different credits listed in paragraphs 1 through 5 above. b. Projections as of __/__/__. This area is only applicable to scale sales and provides a projection of the contractor's operation to ensure sufficient financial coverage has been provided. The “as of date” of the projection is a date input by the user and is the date the projection was prepared. (1) Value to be Hauled Next 30 Days. This is the estimated value of material the contractor plans to remove from the sale area during the 30-calendar days following the Statement month-end date. The estimate includes stumpage values, associated charges, and any other deposits required by the contract. (2) Felled Timber in Woods. This is the estimated value of the felled, but unscaled, material that is on the sale area on the 30th day of the projection. (3) Performance Guarantee Assigned. Performance bonds may be provided as security for timber cut but not removed from the sale area. The assignment represents the amount of performance guarantee allocated to the contract in the Agreements subsystem. The amount appearing under the “Total” column on this line is the computed difference of “Felled Timber in Woods” minus “Performance Guarantee Assigned.” If the result of this calculation is a negative amount, a zero value is displayed. This performance guarantee line only applies to scale contracts. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 51 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS (4) Subtotal - After 30 Day Charges. This is the balance of the Subtotal -- Credits section less the total of paragraphs (1) and (3) above. This subtotal only applies to scale sales. (5) Anticipated Credits -- Next 30 Days. This section projects cash and credits that are expected to be posted to the contractor’s account sometime during the next calendar processing month. (6) Cash Billing Outstanding. This is the same amount as shown on the Amount Billed line of the Sale Financial Status section. It is expected that the contractor will pay this billing during the next month. Contracting officers and sale administrators can also enter estimated billing amounts due to manually prepared billings. (7) Projected Established Credits. This is the estimated amount of purchaser or stewardship credit, if any, that the contractor is expected to establish in the next processing month. (8) Subtotal -- 30 Day Proj. Balance. This amount is computed by adding any “Cash Billing Outstanding” and “Projected Established Credits” amounts to the “Sub-totalAfter 30 Day Charges” amount. c. Estimated Cut Value -- Future Periods. This is the estimated value of the material the contractor is expected to cut in the second future reporting period (60 to 90 days). For example, if the Statement of Account is for July, the amount here is the estimate for September and/or October. d. Projected Balance. This is the sum of all credits and projected charges listed above. It is computed by subtracting “Estimated Cut Value -- Future Periods” from “Subtotal -- 30-Day Proj. Balance”. e. Value of 10-Day Cut. The sale administrator determines this dollar value. The 10-calendar day cut figure is used for comparison purposes and is not included in the computation of the projected balance. The standard contract provisions state that when the credit balance in the contractor's account is less than the amount due for timber the contractor is expected to cut in 10-calendar days, the Forest Service may suspend all or part of the contractor's operation on that sale until it has received payment or acceptable payment guarantee. 2. Account Encumbrance. This area applies to tree measurement contracts only and consists of two basic areas. First is an area that displays the credit coverage available on the sale. Credit coverage’s are described above. The second area provides a record of those payment units the Forest Service has released for cutting but that have not been reported completely cut. It also provides the contractor's unencumbered balance amount, if any. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 52 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS a. Credits. See paragraph 1a (52.12c). This section is identical for both scaled sale Accounts Projections and tree measurement Encumbrance. b. Value of Material Released But Not Cut. This area lists the payment units released for cutting and the value of the remaining uncut material in each unit. The value includes stumpage and associated charges. (1) Total-Account Encumbrance. This is the value of all remaining volume plus associated charges for the identified payment units. (2) Unencumbered Balance. This value is the result of subtracting the “Total Account Encumbrance” amount from “Subtotal—Credits.” When the figure is a negative, immediate corrective action is necessary to increase the amount of the contractor's coverage on the sale. 22.12d - Distribution of Cash Stumpage Charges The Distribution of Cash Stumpage Charges section displays the distribution of stumpage charges paid in cash to the applicable revenue and trust accounts. Cash stumpage charges are distributed to the various accounts based on percentages assigned to the individual accounts. Current distribution percentages can be found on the Synopsis. These percentages are applied to the total computed cash stumpage charges for the current month to determine the amounts distributed to the various accounts. These initial distribution amounts may be further adjusted by the system if a planned collection limit has been reached or a minimum distribution amount is required in a principal account. In rare instances, a contract situation is such that the distribution process cannot fit the total to be distributed into existing accounts. When this situation occurs, the remaining undistributed amount (either positive or negative) is placed in a system generated suspense account. This account is identified as TSASUS. In the next processing month, the user must remedy the situation and move the amount from suspense to a proper normal distribution account using transaction 4006R. The distribution of cash stumpage charges are displayed under the following six columns of information. 1. Fund Name. This is a standard name assigned to the revenue or trust account. 2. Job Code. This is the assigned 6-digit pre-structured or structured accounting code. This code must be valid in both the ATSA and the Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS). WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 53 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 3. Unit ID. This is the proclaimed (National Forest Fund) unit identifier assigned to each proclaimed National Forest. 4. Total This Report. This is the stumpage value charged to cash that has been distributed to each account during the current month. The current month's distribution is totaled and displayed. 5. Total To Date. This is a cumulative total of the amounts distributed to account during the life of the contract to date. A grand total is calculated and displayed. 6. Collection Limits. These represent the maximum collection that can be distributed to some accounts, most commonly Knutsen-Vanderburg (KV) and salvage sale fund (SSF), based on approved KV or SSF plans. If plans change during the life of the sale, the limits can be adjusted. The ATSA process ensures that distribution to accounts with limits do not exceed the limit shown. 7. Minimum Distribution Requirement. Forest Service policy requires a minimum distribution to the National Forest Fund (NFF) on most timber sale contracts. If the sale is a qualifying Salvage Sale, the minimum must be distributed to NFF and/or KV. There are exceptions. Minimum distributions are not allowed on stewardship or botanical product contracts. The amount of the minimum distribution is based on cumulative to-date volumes. The system computes and shows this amount on the Minimum Distribution Requirement line. 22.12e - Associated Charge Accounts The Associated Charge Accounts section of the Statement displays the monies collected for other purposes required by the contract beyond the payment for the forest products. Examples include slash disposal, road maintenance, fines and penalties, and so forth. All of these collections must be “associated” with some requirement stated in the contract. The account information displayed is as follows: 1. Fund Name. This is the system-assigned name for each fund type. Forests can override the system assigned name if desired when initially entering the contract record. 2. Job Code. This is the assigned pre-structured or forest-structured job code for each account. This job code must also be a valid code in FFIS. 3. Total This Report. This is a display of current month charges for each account. The calculation of these monthly charges is displayed on the Calculation of Charges report. 4. Total to Date. This is the total dollar amounts collected to date for each account. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 54 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 22.12f - Down Payment Deposit Requirement The Down payment Deposit Requirement section of the Statement displays the status of down payment deposit when the contract contains a down payment requirement. The status is displayed on each statement until the requirements for the release of the down payment have been met. If no down payment deposit is required by the contract, this section is not printed on the Statement of Account. 1. Amount of Required Deposit. This is the amount of down payment required by the contract. It is stated in the individual contract. 2. Covered By. This area identifies the types of coverage that are used to meet the down payment requirement. a. Cash (Job Code 909XXX). This line displays the amount of the down payment covered by cash deposit. (The job code is a suspense account, with XXX identifying the proclaimed unit.) b. Transferred-in Purchaser Credit. This represents the dollar value of effective purchaser credit that has been transferred into this contract and assigned to cover either all or a portion of the down payment requirement. c. Established Effective Purchaser Credit. Identification of the dollar value of established effective purchaser credit that has been earned on the sale and then assigned as down payment either in total or a lesser amount. d. Established Effective Cost-share Credit. Identification of the dollar value of established effective cost-share credit that has been earned on the sale and assigned to cover the down payment either in total or a lesser amount. 3. Additional Coverage Required. Computed value, determined by subtracting the total of items A, B, C, and D above from the amount of required deposit (para. 1). If the result of this calculation is zero, then the required amount of coverage has been met. If a positive value is calculated, then there still is an outstanding amount due and is to be collected from the contractor. If a negative value, then an over-collection has been made. A refund may be necessary. 4. Required Bid Value To Be Removed For Release Of Down Payment. This line total is the stumpage value of forest products that must be removed and charged before the down payment can be released. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 55 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 5. Value Met To-Date. This is the cumulative stumpage value that has been removed from the sale area to-date. When this value exceeds the amount shown in paragraph 4 above, the down payment amount of coverage is released and can be used by the contractor for other purposes. 22.12g - Remarks The Remarks section of the Statement is available to document contract activity and to communicate with the contractor. Some remarks are system generated. Other remarks are entered by the forest as deemed appropriate. 22.13 - Calculation of Charges -- Supporting Statement, TSA 470-01 The Automated Timber Sale Accounting system provides this supporting statement to substantiate and display in detail how charges against the contractor's account were computed. All charges must have a basis in the timber sale contract or associated charges agreements. Detailed records support most of the charges listed here. Examples of detailed records are log scale reports, sale administrator’s reports, special contract provisions, payment unit release, cut and accepted authorizations. The supporting statement provides a report of materials (volumes) removed from the sale area by species, product, and unit of measure (S-P-U), the stumpage charges for the material, as well as applicable associated charges. The system distinguishes between scale and payment unit sales in the Calculation of Charges-Supporting Statement layouts. 22.13a - Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers The report heading is composed of much of the basic header data contained on the Statement of Account, including the statement number, connecting this supporting document back to the statement it supports. 22.13b – Calculation of Charges - Scale Contract 1. Stumpage Charges. This area of the report identifies the species, product, and unit of measure (S-P-U) of the volume reported during the month, its current contract rate, and its total charge. a. Spec. Code. This column contains the assigned species code for each species removed from the sale area during the current month. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 56 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS b. Product. This column contains the name of the product removed from the sale area during the current month. c. Units. This column contains the unit of measure code for the material reported cut during the current month for the contract. d. Current Quantity. This column contains the quantity of S-P-U material reported cut during the reporting month. The source of this information is scale records and/or other approved records of cut volumes. e. Current Rate. This column contains the current stumpage rates used to calculate the total monthly charge for each S-P-U. f. Charges This Period. This column is the calculated value of stumpage charges for the current report period. The value is calculated by multiplying the current quantity times the current rate. g. Volume Totals. This is the sum of the current quantities by product and unit of measure. h. Total Stumpage Charges. This amount is the sum of the individual S-P-U charges shown in the “Charges This Period” column. 2. Associated Charges. This area identifies, by name, each of the associated charges that are being assessed during the current reporting period. a. Charge Type. The “charge type” determines how the associated charge is computed. b. Charge ID. This identifies the species, products, and in the case of charge type 04 (local charges), a locally assigned identifier for charging. The charge type, charge ID, unit of measure, and rates determine the basis for the value collected for associated charges. c. Units. This identifies the unit of measure used in computing the associated charge. d. Current Quantity. This is the quantity of material reported removed for the current month meeting charge type criteria. It is used in the calculation of the specific associated amount. e. Current Rate. This is the associated charge rate that is used to calculate the charges for reporting period. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 57 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS f. Charges This Period. This value is calculated by multiplying the current quantity by the current rate for each associated charge. g. Total Associated Charges. This is the sum of the individual associated charge values shown in the “Charges This Period” column. 3. Total Stumpage and Associated Charges. This is the sum of the Total Stumpage Charges, Item 1H, and Total Associated Charges, Item 2G, reported above. 4. Total Base. This is the base rate amount of current period stumpage charges that the contractor must pay in cash. This amount is calculated by multiplying the individual S-PU cut quantity times the base rate for each. This amount is displayed on the Timber Sale Statement of Account as the Base Rate Stumpage Value in the “Charges” section. 5. Above Base. This is that portion of the stumpage charge that exceeds base rate value. This amount can be offset by established credits or paid in cash. This amount is displayed on Timber Sale Statement of Account as the Above Base Stumpage Value in the “Charges” section. 22.13c – Calculation of Charges - Payment Unit Contract For payment unit (tree measurement/lump sum) sales, the stumpage and associated charge columns and information are basically the same as for scaled sales. The major difference is that each payment unit is reported individually. Payment unit cut volumes can be reported over a period of several months as volumes are removed from the unit, or at one time when the unit is reported cut. Additional volumes removed from outside designated payment units are identified and charged as “Miscellaneous Volume.” 22.13d - Quantity Removed To-Date The Quantity Removed to Date area displays the timber or forest product volumes removed, both during the current report period and cumulative to-date. 1. Species Code. This column contains the species code for each species authorized for removal from the sale area by the terms of the timber sale contract. 2. Product. This is the name of the forest product associated with the species identified above. 3. Unit. This identifies the unit of measure in which the Forest Service sold the listed species/product. Each S-P-U combination is shown separately on the report. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 58 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 4. Current Quantity. This is the quantity of the S-P-U reported during the current month. 5. To-Date Quantity. The cumulative total by S-P-U of material removed from the sale area through the current report period. 6. Total. This is the sum of all species quantities removed by each product and unit of measure combination. Totals are displayed for current quantity removed and to-date quantity removed. 22.14 - Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads -- Supporting Statement, TSA 470-01 Supporting statement TSA 470-01displays Specified Road Cost (SRDCST), the spectrum of purchaser credits (PRC), small business option (SBO), and supplemental and contributed fund activity. Purchaser Credit was removed from forest product sale contract language in 1999. Very few contracts containing purchaser credits and purchaser credit contract language are still active. They are the exception rather than the rule. If the contract is classified as “Stewardship,” a “Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads and Stewardship Credits” supporting statement in a different format is produced. See section 52.15. 22.14a - Heading and Basic Sale Identifiers The report heading is composed of much of the basic header data contained on the Statement of Account, including the statement number, connecting this supporting document back to the statement it supports. 22.14b - Status of Road Credits The Status of Road Credits header information identifies the cash above base charged and the above base stumpage charges that are applicable to purchaser and cost-share credits. 1. The Status of Road Credits area consists of the following four columns. a. Cash Charged Above Base. This displays the cash charged above base rate value for stumpage activity since the contract was awarded. b. Purchaser Credit Established. This provides a running balance of the remaining unused purchaser credit established on the sale and details the activities that affect the purchaser credit during the report period. Purchaser credit is considered "established" when entered in the ATSA system. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 59 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS c. Transferred In Credits. This is a record of purchaser credit that has been transferred into this contract from other contracts held by the same contractor on the same proclaimed National Forest. Also the charge activity that has affected the transferred-in credit is displayed. d. Cost-Share Credits. This provides a running balance of the remaining cost-share credit earned on the sale and details the activities that affect the cost-share credit during the report period. 2. The activities affecting each of the above described columns consist of the following seven lines of information. a. Opening Balance. These are the amounts in the various accounts at the beginning of the report period. These are carried forward from the previous month's report. b. Credit Established. This applies to purchaser and cost-share credits established. Shown here is the total amount of purchaser/cost-share credit reported established during the month. Details of these total amounts are listed on the right hand side of this report. c. Transfers-In. This shows the amount of effective purchaser credit that was established on a different sale and then transferred to this sale. Details supporting this total are displayed on the right hand side of this report. d. Transfers-Out. This applies to purchaser credit established on this sale, cost-share credit established on this sale, and to credits transferred-in from other sales operated by the same contractor. The transfer-out of purchaser credit established on this sale or cost-share credit established on this sale, or of previously transferred-in credits reduces the amount available to offset charges against on this sale. e. Converted to Cash. On this line, credit amounts are “converted to cash” (that is, applied against previous cash charges), up to the amount of cash charged above base in prior periods. This reduces (causes a negative distribution) to cash distribution accounts. f. Stumpage Charges. This line shows how above base stumpage charges for current month charges have been applied against purchaser credit established, then cost-share credit followed by purchaser credit transferred-in, and finally cash. Credits are utilized first, then above base charges are applied to the cash account. The amounts shown here equal the total of above-base charges reported in the “Sale Financial Status” section of the Statement of Account. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 60 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS g. Cash Above Base Balance. This is the opening balance cash charged above base (para. 2a) plus or minus current month activity. This balance is carried forward to the next period’s statement as the opening balance. h. Road Credit Forward. These are opening balances (para. 2a) plus or minus current month activity. These balances are carried forward to the next month's report. The total of this line equals the “Balance Forward to Next Statement” line in the “Purchaser Credits” column of the “Sale Financial Status” section of the Statement of Account. i. Down Payment Applied. This is the amount of effective purchaser credit, transferred in credits, and effective cost-share credits that have been applied (frozen) to meet the down payment requirement during the current month. j. Effective Road Credit. This is a memo entry that is calculated to show the current available effective purchaser credits for the sale. The amounts shown in paragraphs a through j of this section are accounted for and displayed by proclaimed unit. If the sale area is located in more that one proclaimed unit, paragraphs a through j are repeated for each proclaimed unit within which the sale is located. 22.14c – Road CR/CST Limits and Totals to Date The Road CR/CST Limits and Totals to Date section displays the purchaser credit/specified road cost, the purchaser credit contract limits, and charges for stumpage, both current and cumulative to date. 1. This area consists of the following four columns: a. Purchaser Credit (PURCR) /Specified Road Cost (SRDCST) Established. This is a record of the activities against credit established on the sale or specified road costs reported associated with the contract. b. Transferred-In Credits. This is a record of the effective purchaser and/or costshare credit transferred to this sale from other sales. c. Transferred-Out Credit. This is a record of effective established purchaser credit earned on the sale that has been transferred to other sales operated by the same contractor. d. Cost-Share Credits. This is credit granted for contractor’s work on cost-share roads or deposits by the contractor for such purposes. 2. The data displayed for each of the above described categories are: WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 61 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS a. Contract Limits. These are the current limits of amounts that can be established or reported within each category. b. This Period. This line shows the total dollar value of current month credits established, transferred, or reported. c. Total to Date. This is a cumulative value of credits established, transferred, or reported, contract to date. d. Total Charged To Date. This is a record of the amounts applied to cover stumpage values above base rate from established purchaser credit, established cost-share credit, or transferred-in credits. e. Down Payment Deposit. This line shows the amount of effective purchaser credit established, transferred-in credits, and effective cost-share credits that have been frozen to cover the amount needed to meet the down payment requirement. These amounts are also displayed on the Statement of Account in the lower right hand corner in the area titled “Down Payment Deposit Requirement.” 22.14d - Current Month Road Credit Activity Current Month Road Credit Activity is a memo entry of all the current month's road credits activity on the sale. Each transaction processed during the month is individually displayed. 22.14e - Other Road Fund Accounting The Other Road Fund Accounting is a memo entry record of the amount of contributed funds or supplemental funds paid to the contractor during the current reporting period, the total paid to date, and the total amount (limit) to be paid. 22.14f - Recovery of Road Construction Costs (Forest Service Construction) The Recovery of Road Construction Costs section is only used when a qualifying small business contractor opts to have the Forest Service construct specified roads required to remove the forest products from the sale. Small business option is applicable to both timber sale and stewardship contracts. For contracts advertised prior to April 1, 1999, road cost recovery is included in the current above base stumpage value. For contracts advertised on or after April 1, 1999, road cost recovery is in addition to current contract stumpage value. 1. Minimum Required Recovery - End This Period. This is the calculated amount that must be collected by the Forest Service at this point in the contract life. It is based on the volume removed to date. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 62 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 2. Recovered Costs. This is a record of the actual total cash charged above base and charges to transferred-in purchaser credit at the current time. 3. Additional Charges: This Period. This is a record of additional cash charges and/or charges against transferred-purchaser credit. An additional rate above current stumpage rates may be necessary to ensure collection of the estimated road cost. The total shown here is the running total of all required additional deposits. 4. Engineers Estimated Cost of Roads. This is the estimated construction cost of the road. The engineer's estimated construction cost does not change throughout the life of the sale. 5. Engineers Estimate Recovered To Date. This is the cumulative total amount the Forest Service has collected toward recovery of the construction costs as of the report period. 22.15 - Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads and Stewardship Credits -Supporting Statement (TSA 470-01) This supporting report is issued only when and if the contract is identified as a Stewardship contract. It displays the details of stewardship credit values associated with the contract. 22.15a - Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers The report heading is composed of much of the basic header data contained on the Statement of Account, including the statement number, connecting this supporting document back to the statement it supports. 22.15b - Status of Credits 1. The Status of Road Credits area consists of the following two columns. a. Cash Charged Above Base. This displays the cash charged above base rate value for stumpage activity since the contract was awarded. b. Stewardship Credits. This provides a running balance of the remaining unused stewardship credit established on the sale and details the activities that affected stewardship credit during the report month. Stewardship credit is considered "established" when entered in the ATSA system. 2. The activities affecting each of the above described columns consist of the following information. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 63 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS a. Opening Balance. These are the balances at the beginning of the report month. They are the closing balances on the previous month's report. b. Credit Established. This applies to the Stewardship Credit column only. The total amount of stewardship credit reported during the month is shown here. The individual transactions that compose this total are listed on the right hand side of this report. c. Credits Paid in Cash. This also applies only to the Stewardship Credit column. This is the total amount of established stewardship credit that the Forest Service has redeemed in cash. Cash payments to the contractor reduce the amount of stewardship credit available to offset above base charges of forest products removed. d. Converted to Cash. If, when stewardship credit is established, there is a cash charged above base balance in the contract account, the system will adjust the cash charges to charges against stewardship credits to the extent of the credit established or cash charged above base. This frees cash for other use. e. Stumpage Charges. The total of the amounts displayed here is the total above base value of the stumpage removed during the report month. Above base charges are first applied to any available unused stewardship credits, then to cash. f. Cash Charged Above Base Balance. The balance of cash charged above base on the sale to date at the end of the processing month. This amount will be the opening above base balance in the following reporting period, g. Down Payment Applied. Rarely does a stewardship contract contain a down payment requirement. However, if one is required, and the contractor elects to cover all or part of the requirement with established stewardship credit, that coverage is documented here in the month assigned. h. Unused Credit Forward. This is the available unused stewardship credit remaining at the end of the reporting month. This value will be the beginning balance in the following reporting period. 22.15c – Credit Limits and Totals to Date The Credit Limits and Totals to Date area of the report consist of only two columns. First is an accounting for Specified Road Costs associated with the stewardship contract. No stewardship contracts contain purchaser credit provisions. The estimated specified road cost, the amount of the cost incurred by the contractor in the current month, and total costs incurred to date are displayed. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 64 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS The second column displays the current stewardship credit contract limit, credits established during the current reporting period and total established to date, as well as total credits applied toward above base forest product charges and the cumulative cash payments made to offset credits established. Finally, the amount of any down payment covered with stewardship credit is displayed. 22.15d - Current Month Stewardship Activity Current Month Stewardship Activity is a memo entry of all the current month's Stewardship Credit Established, Stewardship Credit Paid in Cash, and Specified Road Costs Established activity on the sale. Each transaction associated with stewardship credit or specified road costs processed during the month is individually displayed. 22.15e - Recovery of Road Construction Costs (Forest Service Construction) See section 52.14f. The information and data layout are identical on both supporting statements. 22.16 - Deck/Raft Inventory -- Supporting Statement, TSA 470-01 The TSA 470-01document displays the value of unscaled forest products removed from the sale area and placed into storage in a raft or deck. The report provides a continuing inventory estimate of the volume and value of the unscaled forest product material. Currently, this process is rarely used. 22.16a - Heading and Basic Sale Identifiers The report heading is composed of much of the basic header data contained on the Statement of Account, including the statement number, connecting this supporting document back to the statement it supports. 22.16b - Deck/Raft Information There are eleven columns of information involved in the monitoring of deck/raft values. They are as follows. 1. Raft Number. The unique identifier assigned to the specific raft or deck where the material is stored. The identifier is assigned by the forest. 2. Spec. Code. The species codes of the species that make up the identified raft or deck. 3. Product Code. The numeric codes for the specific products that make up the identified raft or deck. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 65 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 4. Units. The name of the unit of measure related to the species and products stored in the raft or deck. 5. Beginning Inventory. The quantity of material contained in the raft or deck at the beginning of the month. The inventory is maintained by the S-P-U combination. This is also the ending inventory from the prior month-end for the identified raft or deck by S-P-U. 6. Quantity Hauled. The volume of material identified by S-P-U that the contractor removes from the sale area during the current month and placed in the raft or deck before scaling. 7. Quantity Scaled. The volume of S-P-U material that was removed from the raft or deck during the current month and scaled. 8. Inventory Adjustment. This volume figure reflects raft or deck inventory adjustments necessary to realistically reflect volumes. Contained. 9. Ending Inventory. The ending inventory is calculated by adding the beginning inventory and quantity hauled together, then subtracting the quantity scaled, and either adding or subtracting any inventory adjustment as appropriate. The ending inventory value becomes the next month's beginning inventory 10. Current Rate. The same current contract stumpage rate used to calculate current month S-P-U charges. 11. Current Value. These values are calculated by multiplying the ending inventory times the current rate for each S-P-U combination. It is the estimated value of the material remaining in the raft or deck at month-end. 12. Stumpage Charge Value. The combined current value (para. 11 above) of all remaining rafts or decks associated with the contract. 13. Associated Charge Value. This dollar amount is calculated by taking the sum of the ending inventory (para. 9 above) for all rafts or decks times the applicable associated charges contained in the contract. 14. Monthly Deck/Raft Inventory Value. This dollar amount is the sum of the stumpage charge value (para. 12 above) plus associated charge value (para. 13 above). It is displayed in the Sale Financial Status section of the Statement of Account on the line titled “Deck/Raft Inventory Value” for coverage and billing purposes. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 66 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 22.17 - Billing Adjustment Worksheet -- Supporting Statement (TSA470-01) Billing Adjustment provisions have not been included in any forest product contracts since 2004. However, there are a dwindling number of contracts that contain these requirements. The billing adjustment process does not change the current contract rates used to compute charges displayed on the Statement of Account. It only adjusts the cash billing amount. On those contracts that require billing adjustment, the volume removed during the first month of the quarter is included with the second month volumes in the calculation to determine the total second month billing adjustment. A Billing Adjustment Worksheet is only produced when all of the conditions stated in the contract provisions for billing adjustment are met. This worksheet supports the billing adjustment amount displayed on the Statement. 22.17a - Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers The report heading is composed of much of the basic header data contained on the Statement of Account, including the statement number, connecting this supporting document back to the statement it supports. A billing adjustment computation is necessary only when the current monthly index differs from the last quarterly index by more than 5 percent. Each species index stands by itself. 22.17b - Billing Adjustment Data The billing adjustment worksheet is prepared in a similar format as the quarterly escalation worksheet. 1. Species Code. The code that identifies each escalated species in the contract. 2. Product. The name of each product as it relates to each escalated species in the contract. 3. Unit of Measure. The name of each unit of measure as it relates to each escalated species/product combination identified in the contract. 4. Index Code. This code identifies the index that is used in computing the escalation adjustment. 5. Quarterly Index. This is the prior quarter-end index for each escalated species/product combination identified in the contract that meets billing adjustment requirements. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 67 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 6. Monthly Index. This is the current month index value for each escalated species/product combination identified in the contract that meets billing adjustment requirements. 7. Base Rate. This is the minimum rate that the Forest Service will accept for the identified S-P-U. 8. Maximum Rate. This is the highest rate a contractor can be charged for each S-P-U that is escalated. It is arrived at by multiplying the bid rate by 2, and then subtracting the base rate for the S-P-U. 9. Calculated Adjusted Rate. The calculated adjusted rate is determine by the system following the requirements of the specific contract. 10. Current Rate. This is the amount to be charged for volume removed for any escalated S-P-U. This amount is generally remains the same throughout each calendar quarter. However, it can change should any of the following information be changed, (for example, a contract modification, extension date or scheduled rate redetermination date). a. Pricing Method. b. Bid Rate. c. Base Rate. d. Index. e. Index Species. f. Index Base. 11. Monthly Rate. To arrive at the monthly rate, the calculated adjusted rate is compared to the maximum rate. a. If it is greater than the maximum rate, the monthly rate is then equal to the maximum rate. b. If it is less than the maximum rate and the contract’s escalation method is 050U or 100U, the calculated adjusted rate is compared to the base rate. If it is less than the base rate, the monthly rate is set equal to the base rate. If it is greater than the base rate, the monthly rate is the calculated adjusted rate. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 68 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS c. If it is less than the maximum rate and the contract’s escalation method is EXT1 or EXT2, the calculated adjusted rate is compared to the bid rate. If it is less than the bid rate, the monthly rate is set equal to the bid rate. If it is greater than the bid rate, the monthly rate is the calculated adjust rate. 12. Rate Difference. This is the current rate less the monthly rate. 13. Monthly Billing Adjustment. If the rate difference does not equal zero, a billing adjustment will be calculated as follows: a. If the contract is a scaled sale, and volume has been removed during the current quarter, that volume times the rate difference equals the Billing Adjustment Amount. The Billing Adjustment Amounts for all of the S-P-Us that qualify are then added together to get the Monthly Billing Adjustment which is then displayed on the Billing Adjustment line of the first page of the Statement of Account. b. If the contract is a payment unit sale, only Miscellaneous Volume that is removed on the sale qualifies for billing adjustment and is calculated as explained above. 14. Unreleased Payment Units Billing Adjustment Amounts. If unreleased payment units are present on a contract, then the total quantity estimate by S-P-U within each unit is multiplied by the rate difference to determine the adjustment amount. The sum of the S-P-U adjustments for each unreleased payment unit is shown in this section. This is the dollar value that must be added to or subtracted from the total payment unit value displayed on the Schedule of Payment Units Report before releasing the unit to the contractor. 22.18 - Quarterly Escalation Adjustment Worksheet -- Supporting Statement, TSA470-01 The Quarterly Escalation Adjustment Worksheet is used to compute charge adjustments on contracts containing charge adjustment provisions. Both scaled and tree measurement contracts may contain these provisions. When the contract contains provisions for charge adjustments, stumpage rates used on current statements are the adjusted rates from the previous quarter. At the end of the current quarter, based upon various prescribed indexes, rates are adjusted and finalized for the escalated material cut (removed) during that quarter that is subject to escalation under the terms of the contract. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 69 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 22.18a - Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers The report heading is composed of much of the basic header data contained on the Statement of Account, including the statement number, connecting this supporting document back to the statement it supports. 22.18b - Quarterly Escalation Data 1. Spec Code. This identifies the species on the contracts that are subject to escalation. 2. Product. The product name is displayed based on the contract. 3. Units. The unit of measure by which the species/product is identified in the contract. 4. Index Code. This is the coding assigned to the index. It identifies the index that was used to appraise the forest products and is used in computing the escalation adjustment. 5. Base Index. This index, assigned to the S-P-U subject to escalation, is stated in the contract. This index is used to determine the increase or decrease in the tentative (bid) rates during the life of the contract. 6. Current Index. This is the present index value for the applicable index code. The Fort Collins National TSA staff enters them in Servicewide Table SO800, which is used in the escalation process. 7. Bid Rate. This is the original contract rate the contractor bid for the timber. This rate is also referred to as tentative rate in the contract. 8. Base Rate. This is the minimum rate that the contractor must pay for the S-P-U. This rate is also stated in the contract. Stumpage rates charged cannot be less than the base rate. 9. Maximum Rate. This is the maximum rate that will be charged for the S-P-U. Stumpage rates cannot escalate upward any more than they can escalate downward. The maximum upward escalation is calculated by multiplying the S-P-U bid rate by 2 and subtracting the base rate. 10. Adjusted Rate. The adjusted rate is used to determine the quarterly escalation adjustment on the Statement of Account. The calculation is a combination of the raw adjusted rate compared to the base rate, bid rate, or maximum rate as follows: WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 70 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS a. When the quarterly index is greater than the base index, the index values on that contract are increasing and, regardless of the pricing method, the adjusted rate is the lesser of the raw adjusted rate or the maximum rate. b. When the quarterly index is less than the base index, the index values on the contract are decreasing; (1) If the pricing method is 050U or 100U, the adjusted rate is the greater of the raw adjusted rate or the base rate. (2) If the pricing method is EXT1 or EXT2, the adjusted rate is the greater of the raw adjusted rate or the bid rate. c. This adjusted rate will become the current rate in the next month-end process. 11. Current Rate Charged. The current rate charged is the rate that was used to determine the amount charged for the S-P-U volume removed during the past quarter. 12. Rate Difference. This is the adjusted rate less the current rate charged. 13. Total Escalated Adjustment Value to Statement of Account. This amount is determined by multiplying the rate difference times the current quarter quantity to arrive at the adjustment to charges for each applicable S-P-U. Sum each S-P-U to arrive at a total and transfer this figure to the Quarterly Escalation Adjustment line of the Statement of Account. On payment unit volume, quarterly escalation appears only against removed volume during the quarter of payment unit release. Thereafter, rates applicable to the SP-U combinations included in that payment unit are “frozen.” The frozen rate is used to compute charges when the S-P-U volume is reported cut and removed. No further charge adjustments will be made for the material in that payment unit. 14. Current Species Rates for Payment Units Not Released. This area of the report displays the new adjusted rate by S-P-U. These new rates are used to recalculate the value for each unreleased payment unit, which also includes associated charges. The newly determined values for the unreleased payment units are displayed on the Schedule of Payment Units – Supporting Statement. An adjustment worksheet is produced each quarter regardless of whether the contractor removes volume from the sale or not. The worksheet is necessary to compute the next quarter S-P-U stumpage rates. 22.19 - Schedule of Payment Units -- Supporting Statement, TSA470-01 WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 71 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS This report provides the Forest Service and the contractor with the current values of individual payment units in the contract. The schedule of payments units is produced for all tree measurement contract types. The current value consists of the stumpage value and related associated charge values. For escalated contracts, the system updates the current value quarterly for all payment units. The report displays three sections of information: 1. The first section shows unreleased payment units listed in payment unit identification (ID) sequence. 2. The second section shows released payment units listed in release date, modified release date sequence, and within date-by-payment unit ID sequence. 3. The third section shows released and cut payment units listed in frozen rate structure sequence by release date, modified release date sequence, and in payment unit ID sequence. 22.19a - Heading and Basic Contract Identifiers The report heading is composed of much of the basic header data contained on the Statement of Account, including the statement number, connecting this supporting document back to the statement it supports. 22.19b - Payment Unit Data The schedule of payment units are displayed in three categories: not released, released, and released and cut. Each section displays the following data for each individual payment unit ID on the contract. 1. S-P-U Codes. This block lists the S-P-U combination for each species in the payment unit. 2. Quantity. This block is the volume shown in the contract for each S-P-U combination listed in the payment unit. 3. Current Value. This shows each S-P-U value within the payment unit. It is calculated by multiplying the volume for each S-P-U combination by applicable contract rate. 4. Associated Charges. This block lists the various associated charges applicable under the contract. The applicable job codes are displayed for each associated charge. The dollar value shown for each associated charge is determined by multiplying the volume in the payment unit times the applicable charge rate assigned to each associated charge. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 72 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 5. Total Payment Unit Value. This is the amount the contractor must pay, or did pay, to release the payment unit. This is the total of the stumpage value and associated charges for the payment unit. 6. Released Date. This is the date the Forest Service formally released the payment unit for cutting to the contractor. 7. Revised Release Date. This date allows for the adjustment of a release date for a payment unit released under one rate structure to a new rate structure. 8. Cut Date. This is the date the Forest Service determines the payment unit has been cut out and all volume removed. 9. Accepted Date. This is the date the Forest Service has determined the contractor has satisfactorily completed all contract requirements for the payment unit, and the contracting officer has accepted the payment unit. The payment units not released are shown in the upper portion of the report. The report displays the S-P-U combination with quantities and current value. All associated charge values related to the payment unit are also shown. The Total Payment Unit Value is the value used when releasing a payment unit if the contract contains flat rates. If the contract contains escalated rates, the Total Payment Unit Value is the value used when releasing a payment unit during the first month of a quarter. For the second and third month, add or subtract the billing adjustment value to or from the Total Payment Unit Value to determine the current value of the payment unit at time of release. The adjustment amount appears on the bottom of the billing adjustment report. The second group is payment units that have been released to the contractor to operate. If the rates are escalated, and the payment unit was released during the current quarter, the rates are adjusted to their current value based on billing adjustments values at time of release. At the quarter-end, in which they were released, the final value will be determined based on the final rates developed by the quarterly escalation process. This represents the total contractual value for the payment unit that the contractor must pay if all conditions of the unit remain the same as they were at time of release. Payment units released and reported cut are the third grouping. When the Forest Service contracting officer accepts each payment unit the date of acceptance is shown. Additionally, the final quantities and value by species, product and unit of measure along with the associated charge values and the total value of the payment unit are displayed. 23 – OTHER CONTRACT SUBSYSTEM REPORTS The following reports are available to users on the TSA Reports Center. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 73 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 1. TSA451-01 2. TSA473-01 3. TSA473-02 4. TSA475-02 5. TSA476-01 6. TSA478-01 7. TSA478-02 8. TSA484-01 9. TSA486-01 10. TSA486-02 11. TSA486-03 12. TSA487-01 13. TSA488-01 14. TSA489-01 15. TSA570-01 16. TSA490-01 17. TSA250-01 18. TSA280-01 19. TSA271-01 20. TSA290-01 21. TSA350-01 22. TSA380-01 23.1 – Road Credits Authority Accounting Report, TSA451-01 The purpose of this monthly report is to display, by sale, purchaser credit and specified road information by month, fiscal year, and contract to date. Developed initially to help support the Timber Sale Program Information Reporting System (TSPIRS), it now is primarily used to report real property values. Very few sales containing purchaser credit provisions still exist, so most information pertains to Specified Road Costs. The report consists of four segments. They are: 1. District Detail Sale Listing. 2. District Totals. 3. Forest Totals. 4. Forest Monthly Totals. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 74 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 23.11 - District Detail Sale Listing Each contract containing road construction and/or reconstruction requirements is displayed on a separate report sheet. Sales are sorted in region, forest, district and contract number order. A separate sheet is produced for each contract displaying the information for that contract. This report does not identify weather the road accounting is purchaser credit or specified road costs. However, this information may be found in summary form on the District Totals report. The top section of the report identifies the contract by number and name, displays purchaser credit or specified road limit adjustments, credits established (value of work done by the contractor), and purchaser credit transfer activities occurring during the current month (CM) and fiscal year-to-date (FYTD). The mid-section of the report displays contractor road construction and reconstruction accomplishments broken down into four components; road prism, road surface, culverts, and bridges. Amounts established during the current month, fiscal year-to-date, and total contract to date is displayed for each component. A column combining both construction and reconstruction amount is found at the far right hand side of the report. Finally, at the bottom of the report component data is summarized for the contract in total. 23.12 - District Totals This report summarizes information from all district sales on one page. It separately displays purchaser credit (PC) and specified road cost (SRD) information by construction and reconstruction and the four road components. Credit limit adjustments as well as amounts established are displayed by PC and SRD. The final portion of the report summarizes all road activities for the district, both SRD and PC, in total. 23.13 - Forest Totals The Forest Totals segment of this report follows the same format and contains the same information as the District Totals segment, but the information contained here is for the administrative forest in total. 23.14 - Forest Monthly Totals This segment displays, by month, a summary of purchaser credit (PC) and specified road (SRD) limit adjustment, PC transfer, and PC and SRD earning (established) information. Fiscal year-todate (FYTD) information for each category is displayed at the bottom of the report. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 75 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 23.2 – Contracts Scheduled to Terminate Within the Next 4 Months, TSA473-01 This monthly report lists, by ranger district, contracts scheduled to terminate within the next 4 months. The contract name and number, the contractor, the bid, award, and current termination date are all displayed, as well as the number of days between the report month-end date and the termination date. Contacts are sorted in days remaining to termination order, with those contracts terminating sooner listed first. The number of contracts scheduled to terminate within the next 4 months are summarized and displayed by termination month at the bottom of the district report. In addition, a list of the contracts scheduled to terminate within the next 4 months is produced for the administrative forest. The information on the forest report is the same as that on the district report. As with the district report, the Forest report is sorted by the days remaining to termination date, with those contracts closest to termination listed first. These reports provide the contracting officer, contract administrators, and the district and forest managers’ timely information, which allows them to ensure that the contract is completed or extended when the termination date arrives. 23.21 – Contracts Past Termination Date, TSA473-02 This monthly report displays the contract number and name, the contractor name, the bid, award, and termination dates, as well as the number of days past termination date as of the report monthend date. A report by district and a summarized administrative forest report are issued as part of month-end processing. Contracts are listed in days past termination order, with the contracts the furthest past termination listed first. This report is important to the contracting officer and forest managers. If contracts are past termination, immediate action is required. 23.3 – District Uncut Quantities By Document, TSA475-02 This report is compiled and issued at the end of each quarter. Its purpose is to display, in various formats, the remaining uncut volume under contract in the actual units of measure (UM) in which it was sold, as well as converted to thousands of board feet (MBF) and hundreds of cubic feet (CCF). All open contracts and permits are reported, even if the current contract termination date has passed. Volumes remaining on contracts that have been identified as being in default are identified and summarized separately. If the quantity cut exceeds the current quantity estimate entered in ATSA system by the user, the system raises the current quantity estimate to equal the amount cut. In this way, over cuts do not decrease estimated volume remaining. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 76 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS This report consists of four separate displays. They are: 1. District Uncut Quantities by Document. All open contracts and permits on each ranger district are displayed by contract or permit name and number, the name of the contractor, and current termination date. For each of the contracts and permits the original and current volume estimates, summarized by UM, as well as the volume reported cut to date is displayed. The “uncut quantity” is the difference between the current quantity estimate and the volume cut to date. The total district uncut quantity under contract is summarized by actual UM, followed by volume under contract converted to MBF and CCF. MBF and CCF conversion factors used are those that are contained in the individual contract records. 2. Forest Uncut Quantities by Document. This display lists all individual open contracts and permits on the administrative forest in one report. The format is identical to the district uncut report. Contracts and permits are sorted and displayed in district number, contract/permit number sequence. The total forest uncut quantities by sold UM, as well as the volume converted to MBF and CCF, are summarized at the end of the report. 3. Uncut Quantities by Ranger District. This format displays the summarized quantities in total for each ranger district on the forest by actual and converted UM. The summarized forest totals are the same as displayed on the forest uncut format. 4. Quantities Remaining by Account. If a forest is using account numbers for whatever reason in ATSA, quantities remaining in actual and converted. 23.4 – Closed Contract Profile, TSA476-01 This report is produced at the end of each quarter for every sale that was closed during that calendar quarter. It is basically a summary of the contract record at the time the contract was completed and closed. In addition to displaying basic contract terms and conditions, the report summarizes the results of contract operations. The report can be broken down into five sections. They are: 1. Basic contract information. This includes contract and contractor identification, location of contract, sale objectives, special conditions, and so forth. 2. Distribution of stumpage value receipts. Proclaimed unit identification, amounts distributed to the different funds and job codes, collection limits, plan dates, and number of plan modifications. The total amount of cash stumpage collections is displayed, as well as the amount of these collections that were above base rate value. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 77 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 3. Associated Charges Collections. Total associated charge collections are listed by job code and fund name. 4. Road Costs and Stewardship Credits. If the contract was a stewardship contract, or if the contract required road construction or reconstruction, this section will be displayed. Data displayed includes original and final limits, credits established and charged, and cash paid out by the Forest Service to offset stewardship contractor costs in excess of above base contract value. If there were no road or stewardship requirements in the contract, this section will not be displayed on the Closed Sale Profile. 5. Final contract species, product, and unit of measure (S-P-U) volume and value. This section identifies all S-P-U combinations included in the contract, the original estimated quantities, the actual quantities removed, accompanied by the total value received for the S-P-U. Only contract total S-P-U information is displayed. Individual payment unit information is not displayed. A copy of this report needs to be filed with the final Statement of Account. Another copy should be filed in the closed contract folder. 23.5 – Sold and Removed Worksheet (MBF), TSA478-01: Sold and Removed Worksheet (CCF), TSA478-02 These two administrative reports are issued monthly. Data reported is cumulative through the end of the each quarter. The two reports contain the same data with the exception of converted volume quantity amounts. The TSA478-01 converts all volume reported to thousands of board feet (MBF). The TSA478-02 converts all reported volume to hundreds of cubic feet (CCF). Dollar values reported are identical on both reports. Data is derived from both the ATSA Contracts and Permits subsystems. Those product volumes where the actual units of measurement sold can be converted to MBF and CCF are converted; non-convertible products are displayed as sold and not included in the convertible products totals. Sold and Removed data are displayed in three different manners on these reports. The displays vary from individual contract/permit detailed information to forest summaries. Volumes and values are identified by State and proclaimed unit, district, and administrative forest. Because most districts are located in only one State and in one proclaimed unit, there is quite a bit of duplicity in most of these displays. The report variations are: 1. District Contract Detail. This portion of the Sold and Removed Worksheets (both MBF and CCF versions) provides the most detailed contract/permit breakdown of volume and value data by ranger district. All contracts and permits that were sold during the current reporting period, as well as those contracts and permits with volume reported removed during, are individually listed on this report. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 78 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS The information reported is sorted by proclaimed unit and State. If the district is located in multiple States and/or proclaimed units, separate listings for each State and/or proclaimed unit will be prepared for each. Individual contracts and permits are identified by contract/permit number, contractor, name, and size class. Volumes and values are displayed by product and species codes. Contract product removed values are displayed, including and excluding purchaser road credits and stewardship credits. District State totals by proclaimed unit, as well as entire district totals are displayed at the end of each District’s report. Non-convertible product volumes are not included in the totals. 2. District Summary by State, Size Class and Product. The District Summary by State summarizes and displays product volumes and values of material sold and removed by size class and number of contracts and permits in the State(s) where the district is located. The vast majority of Forest Service districts are located in only one State. It further breaks out personal use from commercial use. Products, both convertible and non-convertible, are displayed summarized by product, species name, and code for the State(s) within which the district is located. Hardwood and softwood products are also separated on this report. It is a summary of the detail contract and permit data displayed in the ‘District Contract Detail’ portions of this report. The final page(s) of this display summarize this data for the entire administrative forest, regardless of State or proclaimed unit. 3. Proclaimed Unit Summary by State, Size Class and Product. This report displays volume and value sold and removed information by proclaimed forest unit by States within which the proclaimed units lay. The format and information is the same as that in the District Summary by State, size class and product. Proclaimed unit information is summarized by State, followed by an all-inclusive administrative forest summary. 23.6 – Stewardship Non-Monetary Accounting Report, TSA484-01 The purpose of the TSA484-01 monthly report is to provide documentation of the source of financial data used to prepare Standard Vouchers (SV) reporting non-monetary stewardship values to the Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS). The information found on this report is furnished electronically and directly to FFIS as part of the month-end closure process. The report is issued by administrative National Forest. All open contracts designated on the data base as a stewardship contract are listed on the forest report, whether or not there are SV values to be reported for that contract. In this manner the fact that all stewardship contracts have been considered is displayed. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 79 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS All non-monetary values on this report are derived from the ATSA database, and can be determined from the Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads and Stewardship Credits report supporting the contract Statement of Account. The TSA484-01 report is issued at the administrative forest level. One report is issued for each Forest that has stewardship contracts or agreements. District level reports are not produced. All open contracts identified as stewardship contracts are included in the report. Stewardship contracts that were closed during the reporting month will also be included with the closed date shown. No closed contracts will be displayed after the month of closure. Stewardship contracts are sorted and displayed in district, contract number sequence, from smaller number to larger. The following information is displayed for each contract reported: 1. Stewardship Contract Number. The 12-digit contract identifier consisting of region, forest, and district numeric identifiers, plus the six-digit contract number itself. All of the following information is associated with this contract identifier. 2. Stewardship Contract Name. The name of the stewardship project as entered in ATSA. 3. Stewardship Contractor Name. The name of the stewardship contractor as contained in ATSA. 4. Vendor Number. For contractor privacy reasons, this field is left blank on this report. The electronic file transmitted to ASC (TSA484-02) does contain the Vendor ID Number because of the need to report information to other Federal Governmental entities. 5. Award Date. This is the date that the sale was awarded. 6. Closed Date. This field will contain all zeros except for the month that the sale is closed in the ATSA system. Then that date will be displayed here. The month after the closed date is accepted, the contract is removed permanently from this report. 7. Goods (for) Services – (SV86). This is the total to date above base value of goods (forest products) that have been traded to the contractor for the value of services that the contractor has provided to the Forest Service. SV86 is limited to the amount of stewardship credits used to offset above base stumpage charges only. Cash paid to the contractor by the Forest Service for services performed is a monetary transaction and is not reported on SV86. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 80 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 8. Product Value to Stewardship Credit – (SV88). The SV88 value reported is that part of “cash charged above base” balance displayed on the “Status of Timber Sale Contract Roads and Stewardship Credits” supporting report that will be offset by stewardship credit still to be earned. Therefore, it is the lesser of the cash above base balance or the current stewardship limit minus the sum of the stewardship credits charged to date and stewardship credits paid for with cash. 9. Earned Unused Stewardship Credits – (SV90). SV90 is unused stewardship credit earned that is available to either offset forest product above base values that will be removed in future periods or will be paid for in cash. All stewardship credit must either be used to offset above base forest product value or be paid for in cash by the Forest Service before a stewardship contract or agreement can be closed. 10. Forest Totals. The final line on this report is the sum of all contracts SV86, SV88, and SV90 values shown on the report. 23.7 – Forest Product Receipts and Road Values – Other Than Stewardship Contracts, TSA486-01; Forest Product Receipts and Road Values For Stewardship Contracts, TSA486-02 These two reports display the same types of information in the same format, but one reports that information for non-stewardship contracts and the other for stewardship contracts. The prime reason for the Forest Product Receipts and Road Values – Other Than Stewardship Contracts report is to provide a documented basis for 25 percent Fund calculation. Stewardship contract revenues are, by law, exempt from the provisions of the 25 percent fund legislation. The two reports identify and account for all contract revenues while at the same time separating qualifying funds from those that do not qualify for the 25 percent fund calculation. The formats themselves are exactly the same for the two reports, and the following explanation applies equally to each report. Associated charge collections are not relevant to this reporting and are not included. The reports are produced by proclaimed unit because the 25 percent fund calculation and distributions is by proclaimed unit. Each month’s revenue for the contracts in the identified Proclaimed Unit is summarized by cash and road costs. The full fiscal year, 12 months, is displayed, with the bottom ‘Total’ line containing fiscal year-to-date figures. The report consists of eight columns; five reporting cash receipts, two reporting road credits, and the final column disclosing the total amount subject to the 25 percent fund. This column is always zero on TSA486-02. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 81 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS The first three cash collection columns display the earnings subject to 25 percent fund calculations on non-stewardship contracts. They are the National Forest Fund, KV, and the Salvage Sale Fund. The amount that appears in the fourth column includes all other normal distribution accounts. Finally, the fifth column is the total of all cash distributions during the listed month. The sixth and seventh columns of the reports display road credits charged or specified road costs incurred, depending on the language of the various contract forms. The sixth column lists those road amounts applicable to the reported proclaimed unit. Column seven lists any of the road costs that apply to another proclaimed unit. In reality it is very much the exception to have any value in column seven. The eighth, and final, column displays the amount that is subject to the 25 percent fund. The value in this column is the sum of columns one through three (NFF, KV, and SSF) plus column six, Roads. 23.71 – Stewardship Contract Receipts And Credits, TSA486-03 This report was designed to assist the administrative forest stewardship coordinator track total monetary monthly stewardship activity on the unit. Data is displayed for the administrative forest by month. The report consists of eight columns. The first five columns display contract cash activity by month. The amounts distributed to the stewardship suspense account (SCSDNG, TSA fund ID 16), the stewardship retained receipts account (SCRRFF, TSA fund ID 19), all other normal distribution revenue accounts and associated charges collections are displayed. Column five is the sum of all of these cash revenues. The last three columns display the stewardship credit applied during the current month, the stewardship credit used contract to date, and the unused available stewardship credit. Note that these three columns containing stewardship credit figures are only displayed for the current month. 23.8 – Transfer of Earned Timber Receipts Reports Three interrelated reports have been developed to report cash earnings and accounts receivable from forest product sales in a variety of ways, from individual contract and permit account detail, through district, proclaimed, and administrative forest summaries. Forest product receipts are accounted for by proclaimed unit, primarily because of the payments to States requirements. A balance voucher (BV) is prepared by individual contract and permit to transfer earned cash from the Timber Sale Deposit Fund (TDTD) to the various appropriate revenue accounts in the FFIS. This BV is electronically transferred from ATSA to FFIS at the time of a forest’s month-end closure. Value of forest products removed, but for which cash has not yet been collected, is reported as accounts receivable. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 82 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 23.81 – Contract/Permit Transfer Detail, TSA487-01 This report displays all individual contracts and permits with current month cash, product removal activity, or a negative cash balance, listed, and summarized by ranger district. Only that value of forest products removed charged to cash is distributed to identified revenue and other contract accounts. If the cash balance on the contract is inadequate to cover the entire value of material removed, the excess amount is displayed as an accounts receivable to the appropriate distribution and/or associated charges accounts. 23.81a – Contract/Permit Identifier, Vendor ID The 6-digit contract or permit number is displayed on the “Document No:” line. The report is sorted by region, forest, and district; these identifiers are found on the upper right hand corner of each page. For privacy protection purposes only, the last five characters of the Vendor ID are displayed on reports posted to the TSA Reports Center. However, the entire vendor identification is electronic passed from ATSA to FFIS. The term “FS Collect” on the Vendor ID line identifies permit collections submitted by a Forest Service collection officer. 23.81b – Contract/Permit Line Information Pertinent earned transfer information is displayed in three basic sections for each reported contract or permit. They are cash activity, earned transfer amounts, and accounts receivable amounts. l. Cash Activity. The “BOM Cash Available for Transfer” line displays the unencumbered cash balance available at the beginning of the month. All cash related activities that occurred during the month are listed individually under this line. That includes any cash payments received from the contractor, cash refunds to the contractor, transfers of cash between contracts, and release of cash down payment deposits. The “Total Cash Available to Transfer” line is the sum of the BOM Cash Available line and all of the current month listed transactions. 2. Less Transfer Amounts. This section always lists adjustments between normal distribution accounts input via transaction 4006R first. Accepted 4006R transactions by definition offset each other and have a zero effect on the total actual cash available, so these transactions can be posted even if there is a negative cash balance in the contract account. Cash designated to meet contract down payment requirements is always the first transferred to the down payment suspense account. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 83 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS Next, available cash is distributed to the revenue and associated charge accounts. All prior months’ charges that were not covered by cash are processed first, followed by all current month charges. The charges are processed in charge-date sequence. a. Fines, penalties, interest, and non-performance (TSA fund IDs 50, 51, and 52) are always distributed first without regard to the period in which they were incurred. b. Other normal distribution accounts and associated charge account amounts in ATSA fund ID order, from the smallest (02 – NFF) to the largest (99 – Suspense). The sum of transfers to all accounts is displayed on the “Amount Transferred” line. This amount is subtracted from the “Total Cash Available to Transfer” line above to arrive at the “Cash Balance” and “Balance Available for Next Months Transfer” values. These two lines are always equal, and will never be negative. 3. Accounts Receivable. Any remaining distribution or associated charge account balances awaiting contractor cash deposits to cover are displayed by account in this section. These balances will be the first ones transferred when cash is received from the contractor. No accounts will ever be displayed for permits because the cash balance on a permit must exactly equal the charges for materials removed under that permit before distribution is allowed. 23.81c – Contract/Permit Column Explanation, Cash Activity and Transfer Blocks These two blocks, cash activity and transfer blocks, contain six columns of information. They are: 1. Cash Activity Column. This column displays the amount of cash balances, receipts, refunds, and distribution. It documents the flow of cash in the contract account. 2. Job Code. These are the job codes for normal distribution, associated charges, and suspense accounts affected by the identified cash transactions. These codes are the ones transmitted to FFIS on the identified Balance Voucher (BV). 3. Fund ID. This is the ATSA fund ID that is associated with the above job code. 4. Charge Date. This is the last day of the ATSA process month during which the collection and charge activity occurs, displayed in year, month, and day order. For example, if the ATSA monthly activity being reported is for July 2008, the date appearing here would be 080731. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 84 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 5. Balance (BV) Voucher No. The number assigned to the BV by ATSA that transmits the individual contract cash distribution data to FFIS. The number, consisting of 11 digits, is composed of the4-digit region/forest number combination, a 1-digit fiscal year identifier (for example, FY 2008 would be displayed as “8”), alpha characters “TS” that identify the voucher as coming from ATSA, and a 4-digit sequentially assigned identification number. The sequential numbers for each region/forest combination begin with 0001 at the beginning of each new fiscal year. 6. BV Date Processed. This is the date that the forest closed the month in the ATSA system. 23.81d – Contract/Permit Column Explanation, Accounts Receivable Block The Accounts Receivable area contains five columns of information. They are: 1. Charge Amount. This is an amount (identified by information in the following four columns) for which cash was not available in the contract account at time of monthly closure, and therefore, was considered an account receivable. With the exceptions noted above, these “Accounts Receivable” amounts are first to be transferred to revenue and associated charges accounts when cash is posted to the contract account. 2. Job Code. This is the job code associated with the charge amount noted above. 3. Fund ID. The ATSA fund ID identifying job code in ATSA. 4. Charge Date. The first day of the month following the month-end closure when the account receivable was determined. 5. Fund Name. The standard name of the account associated with the ATSA fund ID. 23.81e – Contract/Permit District Total by Proclaimed Unit Summary A summary page by district/proclaimed unit displays by job code and ATSA fund ID the total of cash transferred to revenue, associated charges and suspense accounts in FFIS. In addition, the earned amounts remaining to be transferred (accounts receivable) are summarized and identified. While it is unusual to have a district administering lands in more than one proclaimed unit, a separate summary report is complied for each Unit where that does occur. 23.81f – Contract/Permit Administrative Forest Total A summary page for the entire administrative Forest displays by job code and ATSA fund ID the total of cash transferred to revenue, associated charges, and suspense accounts in FFIS. In addition, the earned amounts remaining to be transferred (accounts receivable) are summarized and identified by job code and fund ID. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 85 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 23.82 – District Sale Detail – Charge Distribution, TSA488-01 Report TSA488-01is produced by proclaimed unit and district combination. It is designed to display reporting month charges by contract number, sorted by ATSA fund ID, and job code. It reports total charges without regard to the cash available to cover those charges. 1. Document Number. The 6-digit contract number is listed. The region, forest, and district identifiers are found in the upper right corner of the report. The proclaimed unit identifier and name are shown in the upper left hand corner of the report. 2. Account Amount. The job code and the ATSA fund ID in parentheses is followed by the amount applied to that job code during that month-end closure for the identified contract or permit. 3. District Totals by Proclaimed Unit. At the end of the District report there is a total summary of the account amount information of all of the contracts/permits listed individually above. 4. National Forest Summary – Charge Distribution. The final page(s) of the TSA488-01 output is the proclaimed National Forest summary of the current months charge distribution. The information is displayed in five columns. a. Account column. This lists the job code, the ATSA fund ID, and the 4-digit proclaimed unit identifier. b. Distribution Amount column. The total amount distributed to the identified account from current month activity is displayed. c. Add. Opening Minus Balance column. The amount of previous month’s charges were not transferred to FFIS because cash coverage was not available to transfer. d. Deduct. Closing Minus Balance column. That amount of distribution to that account which was not covered with cash at the end of the current processing month. e. Total Deposited Basis Column. Computed amount; Distribution Amount, plus Opening Minus Balance, subtract Closing Minus Balance equals Total Deposited Basis. 23.83 – District Sale Detail – Month’s Activity, TSA489-01 Report TSA489-01 lists all open sales, sorted by district/proclaimed unit combination. There are eight columns of information displayed. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 86 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 1. Document Number. This is the 6-digit contract or permit number. The administrative region, forest, and district identifiers are found in the upper right hand corner of the report. The proclaimed unit number and name is found on the upper left corner. 2. Purchaser Name. This is the contract holder’s name as found in the ATSA contract record. 3. Sale Name. The name assigned to the contract and contained in the contract record. 4. Opening Cash Balance. The contract/permit cash balance at the beginning of the reporting month. 5. Deposits. A summary of all cash deposits received during the current processing month. 6. Refunds and Transfers. The total of all cash refunds and cash transfers to or from the contract during the processing month. 7. Cash Charges. This is the value of forest products removed during the current processing that have been or will be paid for by the contractor in cash. Forest product charges covered by purchaser or stewardship credits are not included in this total. 8. Ending Cash Balance. This is the ending cash balance at the end of the processing month as shown on the Statement of Account. It may be positive or negative. It can also be computed on this report by adding the deposits to the opening cash balance, adding or subtracting the refunds and transfer column amount, and subtracting the cash charges value. 23.9 – Sale Objective – Revenue and Quantity FYTD, Document Summary by District and District Summary, TSA570-01 This monthly output is designed to report fiscal year-to-date revenues received and volumes removed by sale objective from all contracts/permits that were open at any time during the fiscal year. All sales are displayed whether or not there was activity on them during the year. All information reported on a month-end report is cumulative fiscal year-to-date. 1. Location Identifier. Administrative region, forest, and district identifiers are located it the upper right hand corner of the report. Unlike many ATSA reports, this information is not tied to proclaimed units. 2. Contract/Permit Identifier, Sale Objective Code(s) (SOC) and Percentages, Closed Date. The leftmost column of this report lists the individual contract/permit number, the sale objective code(s) with percentages applicable to that contract/permit, and a closed WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 87 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS date field. If the contract/permit has not been closed in the current fiscal year the date field is populated with zeros. If a contract/permit has more than one SOC, the total of all percentages assigned to the various codes must equal 100 Percent. 3. Revenue Categories by SOC. Value of forest products removed fiscal year-to-date is displayed by SOC. Distribution of the revenue among the SOC is directly based on the stated percentage of each SOC. The revenue categories are: a. Timber Sales. The amount here is total stumpage value of the forest products, except that which was offset by purchaser credits. b. Purchaser Credit. Very few active contracts still contain purchaser credit. Most often there will be no amount posted here. c. Associated Charges. This is total of all associated charge accounts required by terms of the contract/permit. d. Interest and Penalties. Self explanatory. e. Total Revenue by SOC. Self explanatory. 4. Quantities. The quantity harvested is converted to MBF unit of measure and is fiscal year-to-date. The remaining volume is also in MBF and represents the total estimated volume remaining to be harvested. 5. District Summary. Revenue and quantity by sale objective are summarized for each district. All districts are summarized to provide a forest total of revenue and quantity fiscal year-to-date by sale objective. 24 – OTHER SPECIAL REPORTS PRODUCED BY THE CONTRACTS SUBSYSTEM Several additional reports that are not part of the formal daily, monthly, or quarterly defined outputs are produced by the Contracts subsystem and made available to users. The purpose of these other reports is to meet specific needs expressed by various parts of the user community for varying time periods. Where the ATSA system database contains information to meet the request, a report is developed. With the exception of the Contract Scan report, which is found in the monthly area of the TSA Reports Center, the remaining reports are available in the daily area of the Reports Center on the date produced. ATSA Production Control notifies users of the date that the reports are posted. Contact the regional ATSA coordinator for a listing of current special reports. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 88 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 24.1 – Contract Scan, TSA490-01 The Scan report is basically a listing of all data resident in a contract record on the ATSA data base. Much of the data displayed on the SCAN never directly appears in formal report outputs. Rather, it is important and useful in processing the data and developing accurate information and values that are displayed on the formal reports. 25 – PERMITS SUBSYSTEM REPORTS The ATSA Permits Subsystem is designed to account for the sale of forest products where the volume, value, and resource impacts are minor. These sales are documented on form FS-2400-1, Forest Products Removal Permit and Cash Receipt. They may be entered in ATSA individually, or a number of them may be summarized and entered as one permit. Summarization is most common when permits are issued “over the counter” to numerous individuals. Common examples of materials sold that are reported in summary are Christmas trees and fire wood sales. The Permits Subsystem is designed to automatically close at the month-end that encompasses the closure date when the cash credits equal the total permit charges. A Final Statement is issued and the receipts are distributed accounts established in the individual permit record. No additional user input is required. Where the cash collected amount on the permit does not exactly equal the total charges, the users are alerted in the Permit Closure Warning Report (TSA271-07). 25.1 – Forest Product Permit Statement– Month-end Closure, TSA250-01 and Forest Products Permit – Edit/Update Process, TSA280-01 The TSA250-01 (Month-end Closure) and TSA280-01 (report is produced to document of a new permit, or modification of an existing permit, through the Edit/Update process) are produced in the same format and contain basically the same information. Following the standard ATSA report header, the Forest Product Permit reports can be broken down into five general areas of information. 1. Permit Identification, Permittee, and Time Period Reported. Across the top of these reports the region, forest, district, and permit number identifiers are found. The name of the permittee and the date that the report represents are also found in this area. If it is the TSA280-01 report, there is no “Statement No.” line, and the date is the actual date the edit/update was processed. The TSA250-01 month-end report always displays a statement number and the month-end date of the processing month. Only two TSA25001 statements are issued for most permits; one at the end of the month the permit was issued, the other at the termination date to report completion and closure of the permit. More statements will be issued if any of the basic data contained in the permit record is changed. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 89 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 2. Permit Characteristics. Most of the information displayed in this area is user input. This includes the following items: proclaimed unit, permit form number, use code, saleobjectives and percentages, permit original termination date, size class, number of permits, STARS sale no, State, and county codes. Additional information on the following fields is provided: a. Report Date. The date the permit was issued. b. Process Date. Is the last day of the current processing month. c. Permit Type. All permits are coded in ATSA as “1,” which means that the system automatically reports sold quantity and value as removed upon the termination date of the permit. d. Last Statement Date. Only is displayed on TSA280-01 and is the last month-end that a TSA250-01 was produced. e. Last Statement Number. Only is displayed on TSA280-01 and is the number of the last TSA250-01 issued. f. Current Termination Date. Initially is the same as the original termination date and remains so unless changed by the user. g. Closed Date. Value other than zeros is displayed only on the final TSA250-01 issued for the contract. The date is always the end of the processing month regardless of the termination date listed in the permit record. A closed date other than zeros is followed by a * Final Statement – Permit Closed * notation. h. TM Cost Center. Is not used. 3. Species, Product, Unit of Measure (S-P-U) Volume and Value. The volume, value, and yield code of each S-P-U authorized for removal in the permit document is displayed here. If the products are convertible, MBF and CCF the conversion factors are listed. The “Removed Quantity and Values” are only displayed on the final report at time of permit closure. 4. Stumpage Distribution and Associated Charges. Job codes, their fund names, and distribution amounts are shown. Until the permit is closed the “Amount Earned” column is zero. Until the permit is closed the “Anticipated Earnings” and the “Total Sold Value” must be equal. At time of closure the “Anticipated Earnings” column is zero and the “Amount Earned” column is equal to the Sold and Removed Values. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 90 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 5. Permit Financial Status. This final portion of the Forest Products Permit report displays the cumulative cash activity that has taken place in the individual permit record. Cash receipts, refunds, and cash correction activity on the permit is shown. The “Less Charges to Date” line is “Actual” upon permit closure, any interim month-end statements, and any TSA280-01 reports display the term “Anticipated.” 25.2 – Permit Closure Warning Report, TSA271-01 This very useful month-end report lists by permit identifier (region, forest, district, and 6-digit permit number) all permits scheduled to terminate in the following processing month, plus permits past termination date that the system cannot close because their cash balance does not equal zero. Permits out of balance and past termination date are required to extend the termination date and bring the permit into balance in order to close. By permit number, the permit’s original and current termination dates are displayed along with the projected cash balance at termination date. If the projected balance is other than zero the user has time to make the corrections necessary to allow the permit to close as scheduled. 25.3 – Permit Scan, TSA290-01 The permit scan is merely a listing of all components on the permit data base. The Forest Product Permit Statement (month-end) report contains identical pertinent permit information. The Scan reports basically the same information in a slightly different format. Contact the regional ATSA coordinator for further information about this scan. 26 – AGREEMENTS SUBSYSTEM REPORTS The Agreements Subsystem contains performance and payment guarantee bonding as related to contractors and contracts in the Contracts Subsystem. Single contract and blanket contracts bonds are accounted for by bond type. Bonds may be furnished in several forms. They are Cash, Deposited Securities, Corporate Surety, Assignment of Certificate of Deposit or Savings Accounts, and Irrevocable Letters of Credit. 26.1 – Agreements Detail – Month-end Closure, TSA350-01; Agreements Detail – Edit/Update Process, TSA380-01 The formats of the two Agreements Detail reports are identical. The TSA380-01 Report is designed to provide the user a current, up to date status of agreements after an edit/update process that affects the specific agreement record. The TSA350-01 report is a snapshot of all agreement records at the time of the month-end closure. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 91 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS The Agreements Detail reports are produced in three different formats depending on the characteristics of the bonding data. Plus, the final page of the output is a forest level consolidated summary of numbers of bonds by type, coverage, and amounts. These formats are: 1. Blanket Guarantee Coverage Report. Blanket guarantees can cover some or all contracts held by a contractor in the same administrative National Forest. The key identifiers or blanket bonds are the contractor and the agreement number. A report is prepared for each blanket agreement each month-end regardless of activity. The report lists the overall bond characteristics. These are: Guarantee Type, Agreement Date (effective date of the bond as stated in the bonding document), Agreement Expiration Date (as stated in the bonding document), Total Agreement Amount, the total amount that has been Allocated, and the Unallocated Balance. If a corporate surety has issued the guarantee, the name of the surety is also listed. Nine columns are used to identify contracts assigned to the bond, and coverage detail. a. District Number. Is the numeric 2-digit identifying the ranger district with contracts covered by the bond. b. District Name. The name assigned to the district. c. Contract Number. The 6-digit contract number, when combined with the region, forest, and district fully identify the contract. d. Sale Name. Is the name assigned to the contract. e. Coverage Type. Identifies the purpose of the coverage. Most blanket bonds are guarantees that the contractor will pay for the value of forest products removed within 15 days of billing by the Forest Service. Payment guarantee allows contractors to pay cash in arrears rather than in advance. f. Allocation Date. Is the date that the current allocated amount was assigned to that contract. g. Allocated Amount. Is the current amount of coverage allocated to the contract. h. Released Date. Is the date that the contract was no longer covered under provisions of the agreement. i. Total by District. Is the total amount of the agreement assigned to contracts within the identified ranger district. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 92 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS 2. Single Guarantee Coverage Report Other Than Cash. This report is prepared by ranger district. Each non-cash bond is assigned to forest product contracts is identified. The information reported for each bond includes: a. The 6-digit Contract Number for which the bond has been provided b. The name of the Sale covered by the bond. c. The Contractor’s name. d. The Agreement Number, or other identifier found in the actual bonding document. e. The Guarantee Type coverage, for example, corporate surety, letter of credit, and so forth. f. If the bond is issued by a surety, the Surety’s Name is displayed. g. The Coverage Type provided by the bond; for example, performance, payment. h. The Amount of bond coverage. i. The Date the bond was Issued, as stated on the bonding document. j. The Date the bond expires. k. The Date the bond was released by the Forest Service. This date is shown throughout the calendar quarter in which the bond was released. At the end of that quarter, the record is placed in the closed files. 3. Cash Guarantee Coverage Report. This report is issued as part of the month-end closure process and provides information on all cash bonds related to forest product removal contracts. The report is issued by the administrative National Forest and displays information in ten columns. a. Ranger District Number and Name. Is composed of the 2-digit numeric district identifier and alpha name. b. Purchaser or Contractor Name. Is the name of the contractor as included in the forest product contract. c. Job Code. Identifies the suspense account in which the cash bond deposit has been recorded. d. Deposit Date. Is the date the cash bond was received and deposited by the Forest Service. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 93 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS e. Expiration Date. Is the termination date of the contract covered by the cash bond. f. Coverage Type. Identifies what the bond guarantees the contractor will do, for example, performance, and so forth. g. Contract Number. Identifies the contract document with which the bond is associated. h. Contract Name. Assigned to the contract number. i. Amount Deposited. Is the amount of the bond. j. Released Date. Is the date that the Forest Service refunds the cash bond deposit to the contractor. This date only appears through the quarter in which the bond has been released. During quarter end closure this information is moved to the closed data base. 4. Agreements Detail Forest Statistics. This statistical summary report is issued with both TSA350-01 and TSA380-01 outputs. TSA380-01 statistics summary displays statistics for all agreements that have activity during the edit/update cycle. The TSA35001 statistical summary includes information on all bonding documents that are accounted for in the Agreements Subsystem at the time of the month-end closure process. The purpose of these statistics is to provide the user with a snapshot of activity and status at the time the Agreements Detail reports were produced. The report is composed of two parts, single agreement and blanket agreement information. a. Single Agreement Information. The number of bonds, the bond limits, and allocations are displayed by guarantee type. In addition, allocation totals are displayed by coverage type. The difference between the total bonding limits and bond allocations in the single agreements area is that amount attributable to the value of the bonds that have been released by the Forest Service. b. Blanket Agreement Information. The number of blanket bonds, their total limits, and allocations are displayed by guarantee type. Blanket bond numbers and allocations are also displayed by coverage type. 26.2 – Agreements Scheduled to Expire Within the Next 4 Months This important month-end report, issued at the Forest level, is designed to alert users of bonding coverage that will expire within the next 4 month period. It also identifies those bonds whose expiration dates have past but have not been recorded as released in the Agreements Subsystem. WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2009-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2009 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6509.17_20 Page 94 of 94 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 - REPORTS The report displays all of the pertinent information pertaining to the bonds set to expire. This includes bond identifiers and issuer, contract(s) and contractor covered by the bond, coverage provided by the bond, total amount of the bond and the amount allocated, date of bond issuance, and bond expiration date. The number of days between the end of month being reported and the expiration date are also noted. The Agreements Past Expiration portion of the report displays the same information, except the number of Days Past Expiration is noted.