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Amendment No.: 6509.17-2008-2
Effective Date: November 26, 2008
Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: JESSE KING
Chief Financial Officer
Date Approved: 08/13/2008
Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by handbook number and
calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this
amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to
this handbook was 6509.17-2008-1 to 6509.17_zero_code.
New Document
21 Pages
Superseded Document(s) by
Issuance Number and
Effective Date
(Amendment 6509.17-2004-2, 05/27/2004)
21 Pages
10 – In addition to the specific changes listed below, makes minor editorial and technical
changes throughout the chapter.
12.6 – Adds direction to not file preliminary statements of account with the contract.
12.61a - Changes caption of section from “Transfer of Earned Timber Sale Receipts Worksheet
(TSA477P1)” to “Transfer of Earned Timber Sale Receipts (TSA487-P1, TSA488-P1, and
TSA489-P1)” and revises direction.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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12.61a – Moves the caption “Reconciliation” to new code. Revises the caption of this section to
“Contract/Permit Transfer Detail (TSA487-P1)” and adds a description of the report.
12.61a – Moves “Balance Voucher Preparation” to new section. Revises the caption of this
section to “District Sale Detail – Charge Distribution (TSA488-P1)” and includes a brief
description of report.
12.61a - Moves “Filing” to new section. Revises the caption of this section to “District Sale
Detail – Monthly Activity (TSA489-P1)” and includes a brief description of report. Previously
this report was part of section 12.72 – Transfer of Earned Timber Sale Receipts Worksheet
12.61a – Adds new code and caption “Reconciliation” and explains the reconciliation process.
12.61a – Adds new code and caption “Balance Voucher Preparation” and explains that Balance
Voucher (BV) information is now automatically transferred to FFIS from ATSA monthly.
12.61a – Adds new code and caption “Filing” and redefines documentation requirements.
Incorporates direction with changes from expired id 6509.17-2006-1.
12.61h – Adds new code and caption “Timber Receipts and Road Asset Values (TSA486-01 and
-02) and Stewardship Contract Receipts and Credits (TSA486-03)” and sets forth direction on
issuance of reports.
12.61h – Adds new code and caption “Forest Product Receipts and Road Values – Other than
Stewardship Contracts (TSA486-01). This report contains information for other than
stewardship contracts.
12.61h – Adds new code and caption “Forest Product Receipts and Road Values – For
Stewardship Contracts (TSA486-02).” This report contains information related to stewardship
12.61h – Adds new code and caption “Stewardship Contract Receipts and Credits (TSA486P3).”
This report contains information supporting stewardship contracts.
12.61i - Adds new code and caption “Stewardship Non-Monetary Accounting Reports (TSA48401, TSA484-02). The reports contain information on stewardship non-monetary values to FFIS.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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12.71 – Removes the direction that the report may be used to reconcile purchaser road credits
established in the Timber Sale Program Information Reporting System (TSPIRS).
16.1 – Moves direction text to section 16.1a.
16.1a - Adds new code and caption “Bill for Collection Interface” and sets forth direction
previously found in section 16.1.
16.1b - Adds new code and caption “Balance Voucher Interface” and sets forth new direction.
16.1c – Adds new code and caption “Stewardship Standard Voucher Interface” and sets forth
direction for stewardship standard voucher interface process.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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Table of Contents
11 - DATA SUBMISSION ............................................................................................... 6
11.1 - Data Entry ......................................................................................................................... 6
11.2 - Scheduler Request ............................................................................................................ 6
11.3 - Direct Entry from Source Documents .............................................................................. 6
11.4 - Interfaces with Other Systems .......................................................................................... 6
11.41 - Interface Generated Transactions ............................................................................... 7
11.41a - Timber Information Manager (TIM) ........................................................................ 7
11.41b - Foundation Financial Information Systems (FFIS) .................................................. 7
11.41c – Regional Scale .......................................................................................................... 7
12 - REPORTS ................................................................................................................ 7
12.1 - Edit/Update Transaction Reports (TSA272P1, TSA372P1, TSA472P1) ........................ 8
12.2 – Synopsis (TSA880P1) Report .......................................................................................... 8
12.3 - Agreement Reports (TSA350P1) ..................................................................................... 8
12.4 - Permit Product Report (TSA250P1) ................................................................................. 9
12.5 - Statement of Account and Supporting Statements (TSA470P1) ...................................... 9
12.6 - Preliminary (Selective) Statements of Account (TSA480P1) ........................................ 10
12.61 - Road Credit Authority Accounting Report (TSA451P1) ......................................... 10
12.61a - Transfer of Earned Timber Sale Receipts (TSA487-P1, TSA488-P1, TSA489-P1)
................................................................................................................................... 10
12.61b - Sold and Removed Worksheet (TSA478P1 and P2) .............................................. 12
12.61c - Uncut Under Contract (TSA475P2) ....................................................................... 12
12.61d - Report of Closed Contracts (TSA476P1) ............................................................... 12
12.61e - Agreements Scheduled/Past Termination (TSA373P1).......................................... 12
12.61f - Contracts Scheduled/Past Termination (TSA473P1) .............................................. 12
12.61g - Permit Warning Report (TSA271P1) ..................................................................... 12
12.61h – Timber Receipts and Road Asset Values (TSA486-01 and 02) and Stewardship
Contract Receipts and Credits (TSA486-03) ............................................................ 13
12.61i - Stewardship Non-Monetary Accounting Reports (TSA484-01, TSA484-02) ........ 13
13 - NATURAL LANGUAGE CHANGES (NLC) ........................................................... 14
13.1 - Requesting Changes ....................................................................................................... 14
13.2 - Documenting Changes.................................................................................................... 14
13.3 - Contract Folder ............................................................................................................... 15
14 - REGIONAL LEVEL UNLOAD FILES .................................................................... 15
15.1 - Approval ......................................................................................................................... 15
15.2 - Timing ............................................................................................................................ 15
15.3 - Regional Role ................................................................................................................. 15
15.4 - Forest Role...................................................................................................................... 15
15.5 – Washington Office, Financial Management Systems TSA Staff Role .......................... 16
16 - INTERFACES ........................................................................................................ 17
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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16.1 - Timber Sale Accounting (TSA) - Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS)
Interface ........................................................................................................................ 17
16.1a – Bill for Collection Interface ......................................................................................... 17
16.1b – Balance Voucher Interface ........................................................................................... 17
16.1c – Stewardship Standard Voucher Interface ..................................................................... 18
16.2 - Lockbox .......................................................................................................................... 19
16.3 - Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS) - Timber Sale Accounting (TSA)
Interface ........................................................................................................................ 19
17 - MANUALLY CREATED BILLS ............................................................................. 20
17.1 - Bills Created in Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS) But Not Currently
Available ....................................................................................................................... 20
17.2 - Bills Not Created in Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS) ........................ 20
18 - WAIVER FLAGS.................................................................................................... 21
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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Data conversion is the process of transferring information from source documents to the
Automated Timber Sale Accounting (ATSA) system. These data files are entered into ATSA via
interfaces, such as the Timber Information Manager (TIM) Timber Sale Accounting Data Entry
(TSADE) data entry component of TIM, TIM permits module, Foundation Financial Information
System (FFIS), and Regional Scale applications.
11.1 - Data Entry
The forest units currently submit ATSA transactions at least once a month to ensure the current
month is updated prior to month-end closure. However, to reduce month-end impacts, submit
more frequent transmissions rather than submitting a large volume of transactions at the end of
the month. This will ensure timely processing and reconciliation of ATSA data.
11.2 - Scheduler Request
The Scheduler part of the ATSA system initiates the type of production work that is performed.
Submit a scheduler request using the TIM TSADE component of TIM, with an edit/update
service request each month that has activity so that the Automated Timber Sale Accounting
(ATSA) system processes the data. Select a scheduler request with a month-end service request
once each month to close the current month’s business. A yearly closure schedule, showing the
required monthly closure dates is provided to the regions by the National Timber Sale
Accounting staff.
Such scheduling gathers data input entered during the month and closes the month. Each month,
whether there is activity or not, a forest must schedule a month-end closure. Each time the
scheduler is read or updated, a scheduler status listing is provided which reflects the results of
previous night’s production run. Keep this updated status listing through month-end closure and
file with the edit update reports.
11.3 - Direct Entry from Source Documents
Transactions are created directly into the TIMTSA data entry system from source documents
such as permits, contracts, and purchaser credit reports. Each transaction supports a single
grouping of information or an activity relating to the current month’s financial business.
11.4 - Interfaces with Other Systems
The Timber Information Manager (TIM) system, Foundation Financial Information System
(FFIS), and Regional Scale interface with the Automated Timber Sale Accounting (ATSA)
system to facilitate the transfer of information between these systems. For FFIS, it is the billing
and collection information, for TIM, it is contract, permit, and agreement information, and for
Regional Scale, it is volume information by species, product, and unit of measure (S-P-U) by
contract that is interfaced with ATSA.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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11.41 - Interface Generated Transactions
11.41a - Timber Information Manager (TIM)
The following transactions are generated by the Timber Information Manager (TIM) system.
These transactions provide the information needed to establish and track the monthly financial
aspects of the contract or permit.
1. Contracts. All ATSA transaction types and action codes are available in TIM
2. Permits. All ATSA transaction types and action codes are available in TIM TSADE.
11.41b - Foundation Financial Information Systems (FFIS)
The following transactions are provided to the Automated Timber Sale Accounting (ATSA)
system by an FFIS-TSA interface:
1. 4001. Contract Actions. The interface between lockbox and ATSA, once payment has
been received for a contract and posted in FFIS.
2. 7004. Permit Cash Transactions. The interface between lockbox and ATSA once a
payment has been received for a permit and posted to FFIS.
3. 5003. Contract Associated Charge Lump Sum Actions. This transaction
accommodates contract associated charges (lump sum) that are not directly related to the
volumes removed. Examples of these are interest, penalties, administrative charges, or
liquidated damages. It is used to transfer monies from the Timber Sale Deposit Fund to
the appropriate fund accounts.
11.41c – Regional Scale
Scale transactions report the monthly volume removed for scale sales. Scale transactions (5001)
come from two main interfaces: (1) in Regions 1-4 the interface is NATSCALE and (2) in
Regions 5 and 6 the interface is Third Party Scaling Organizations (TPSO). Both regional scale
systems provide the volume transactions needed to produce the monthly volume charges.
The Automated Timber Sale Accounting (ATSA) system reports related to the data entry process
are listed in sections 12.1 through 12.61. See these sections for a brief description of each report
and a brief statement of the required actions on each report. For a detailed description of each
report, refer to chapter 20 of this handbook. See FSH 6209.11, Records Management Handbook,
for retention requirements.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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12.1 - Edit/Update Transaction Reports (TSA272P1, TSA372P1, TSA472P1)
These reports contain both valid and invalid transactions processed on a given date for Permits
(TSA272P1), Agreements (TSA372P1), and Contracts (TSA472P1). Transactions are submitted
in ATSA from TIMTSA data entry, Regional Scale, and FFIS. Units are responsible for:
1. Accounting for all transactions. Account for all transactions input whether valid or
invalid. Perform this verification for contracts, permits, and agreements each time an
update is scheduled. The user shall ensure the valid transactions are in accordance with
data from the source document.
2. Correcting invalid transactions. Evaluate and correct each invalid transaction, as
appropriate. Record the action taken on invalid entries on the edit/update transaction
reports (sec. 12.1).
3. Filing Reports. File these reports in a binder for the current processing month, in
chronological order, either in a consolidated format or by contracts, permits, or
agreements. Do not separate by individual contract, permit, or agreement number.
12.2 – Synopsis (TSA880P1) Report
The Synopsis Report is a summary of the basic timber sale contract information, such as
purchaser information, volume information, rate information, road information, and performance
and payment bond information. The Synopsis Report is generated upon the initial entry of the
timber sale in ATSA and when there is a change in contract information.
Units must verify all information on the first synopsis against the contract and other appropriate
source documents immediately upon receipt. Ensure that the employee performing this
verification dates and initials the synopsis. Follow this procedure to ensure correct contract
information is in the ATSA system. Verify in the same manner, upon receipt, any subsequent
changes to the basic contract data shown on the synopsis.
12.3 - Agreement Reports (TSA350P1)
Agreement reports show the performance or payment bond information for a contract. The three
sections of the agreement report are: Blanket Guarantee Coverage Section, Single Guarantee
Coverage Section – Other Than Cash, and Single Guarantee Coverage Section - Cash. Units are
responsible for the following:
1. Verification. Verify surety identification, surety type, surety name, allocated amounts,
and the penal sum for blanket agreements. Users also need to verify the expiration date,
coverage type, and total surety amount for blanket, single, and cash agreements.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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2. Blanket Agreement Filing. File the Blanket Guarantee Coverage Section along with
the blanket guarantee to provide a clear audit trail.
3. Single Agreement Filing. File the most recent month-end Single Guarantee Coverage
Section Reports.
4. Interim Report Filing. File interim reports that reflect current activity for the blanket
and single agreements only until the next month-end report is received. Interim reports
are produced when a change in the bond information has occurred during the month.
5. Suspense Account Reconciliation. Use the Cash Guarantee Coverage Section of the
Single Guarantee Report to conduct the suspense account reconciliation in accordance
with direction in the Service-wide Finance and Accounting Handbook, FSH 6509.11k,
section 34.21.
12.4 - Permit Product Report (TSA250P1)
The Permit Product Report provides specific information about the permit such as purchaser
information, volume information, rate information, and award and termination dates. Units shall
verify the report against the source document. All necessary corrections must be made before
the termination date to ensure accurate accounting for the permit.
12.5 - Statement of Account and Supporting Statements (TSA470P1)
The Statement of Account and Supporting Statements reflects the current month business for
timber sales. After month-end closure, units must perform the following:
1. Verify statements upon receipt to ensure that cash payments, purchaser credit, and
volume are included. Also, verify changes in stumpage rates and/or associated charges.
Verify these amounts to the source documents and/or contract folder contents. There is
no need to verify mathematical computations because these are performed by the system.
Ensure the copy used for this verification is initialed and dated by the employee making
the verification. Consider this as the official copy for sale records.
2. Document the condition on the Statement of Account (TSA470P1) in the remarks area
and, when appropriate, adjust the Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS)
billing document to reflect the proper billing amount. Do not make pen and ink changes
to the Statement of Account (TSA470P1) and supporting reports instead, process the
appropriate action in the system to reflect the correct amounts on the reports.
3. Mail statements to the purchaser no later than the end of the workday following the
day of receipt. This is necessary to ensure payment of the bill in the current calendar
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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4. Keep copies of TSA470-01 and supporting statements through sale closure at the
supervisor’s and district's offices. File official copies of statements with the contracts at
time of sale closure.
12.6 - Preliminary (Selective) Statements of Account (TSA480P1)
Preliminary Statements of Account are interim reports and may not accurately reflect the
complete financial status of a contract. Administrative reports are summaries (by ranger district,
national forest, or proclaimed unit) of information contained in the Statement of Account
(TSA470P1), Forest Product Permit Report (TSA250P1), and Agreements Reports (TSA350P1).
These reports are intended to be used as a “snapshot” of the financial data, as needed, during a
month. Users may request preliminary or selective statements to verify the accuracy of a
particular transaction. Never substitute these interim statements for the month-end Statement of
Account. Do not provide a copy of these statements to the purchaser. These Statements of
Account must not be filed with the contract.
12.61 - Road Credit Authority Accounting Report (TSA451P1)
This report reflects the purchaser and cost share road credit limits, charges and transferred-in and
transferred-out amounts. It also reports specified road cost limits and amounts established. All
increases and decreases are accounted for during the current fiscal year for the Construction of
Roads by Timber Purchasers. It may be used as a management tool by accounting and
engineering personnel. File the current month report until the next month's report is received.
12.61a - Transfer of Earned Timber Sale Receipts (TSA487-P1, TSA488-P1,
These three reports are produced by ATSA during month-end closures and support the Transfer
of Earned Timber Receipts. Below is a brief description of each report; for a more detailed
description, refer to chapter 20, FSH 6509.17, and Timber Sale Accounting.
1. Contract/Permit Transfer Detail (TSA487-P1). These reports display, by contract and
permit, the dollar amounts distributed as earned revenue to each job code, for transfer to
the Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS), including the Balance Voucher
number. Accounts receivable are also stated for those contracts that have a closing minus
2. District Sale Detail. Charge Distribution (TSA488-P1). The first section of this
document is a detailed display, by proclaimed unit within the district, of the job code
charges for all contracts and permits that had activity during the month. The last section
of the document summarizes, by proclaimed unit within national forest, the job code
amounts that were distributed, the opening and closing minus balances, and provides the
total dollar amount on a deposited basis.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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This information is used for the monthly reconciliation of the Timber Sale Deposit Fund,
fund code TDTD by the Albuquerque Service Center (ASC-B&F) -TSA Operation
3. District Sale Detail – Month’s Activity (TSA489-P1). The first section of this report
is produced at the proclaimed unit level within the district. All contracts and permits
related to the proclaimed unit are included. For each, the opening cash balances, current
month deposits, refunds and transfers, and cash charges are provided. District totals are
determined for each of these items and opening and closing minus balances are
calculated. The last section displays totals, by districts, for all districts within the
proclaimed unit of the national forest. The totals also include opening and closing
balances, current month deposits, refunds and transfers, and cash charges. The ending
cash balance for the current month becomes the next month’s opening cash balance.
Opening and closing minus balances are also shown for the proclaimed unit.
Information contained in this report is used by the ASC-B&F, TSA Operation Section in
performing the monthly reconciliation of the Timber Sale Deposit Fund.
4. Reconciliation. The reconciliation of Earned Timber Sales Receipts is performed at
the Albuquerque Service Center (ASC-B&F) by the Timber Sale Accounting (TSA)
Operation staff. The first is a reconciliation of the earned revenues shown in TSA with
the deposited amounts for each revenue account in the Foundation Financial Information
System (FFIS). The second is a reconciliation of the Timber Sale Deposit Fund (TSDF).
This includes all timber sale transactions, including, for example, deposits, refunds, and
transfers that were processed through the ATSA system and submitted to FFIS. See the
Service-wide Finance and Accounting Handbook, FSH 6509.11k, chapter 30 for the
TSDF reconciliation process and requirements.
Forests become involved with the reconciliation process when there is an out-of-balance
condition between ATSA and FFIS that may not be solved by the ASC-B&F, TSA
Operation staff. When there is an out-of-balance condition between TSA and FFIS that
may not be solved by the ASC-B&F, TSA Operation Section staff, the forest prepares a
TDTD reconciliation issue listing. The issue listing documents transactions that created
the out-of-balance condition such as; collections in transit, transfers not processed,
adjustments to TSA collections, adjustments for timber refunds, and other financial
transactions that create an out-of-balance condition. The forests submits the complete
TDTD issue listings to ASC-B&F, TSA, within 5 working days after TSA closure, or
earlier, if required by audit deadlines.
5. Balance Voucher Preparation. Contract and permit balance voucher (BV) information
is automatically interfaced to the Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS)
monthly, from the ATSA system; as closure requests are scheduled by forests.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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6. Filing. Forests shall maintain documentation when they become involved in solving
an out-of-balance condition between ATSA and FFIS. The ASC-B&F, TSA Operation
Section staff shall file all reports and maintain all documents related to the monthly
12.61b - Sold and Removed Worksheet (TSA478P1 and P2)
The Sold and Removed Worksheet reflects volumes sold and removed during a calendar quarter
(for example: January – March). Use TSA478-P1 to report volumes in thousand board feet
(MBF) and TSA478-P2 to report the volume in hundred cubic feet (CCF). This information is
transferred to the Washington Office, Forest Management staff for use in preparing the official
quarterly Cut and Sold Reports. In addition, the worksheet is produced monthly for the first 2
months of each quarter for forest use.
12.61c - Uncut Under Contract (TSA475P2)
The Uncut Under Contract report provides users with summaries of volume remaining under
contract by forest, district, and purchaser.
12.61d - Report of Closed Contracts (TSA476P1)
The report of closed contracts provides a listing of contracts closed during the quarter and
removed from the contract process.
12.61e - Agreements Scheduled/Past Termination (TSA373P1)
The Agreements Scheduled/Past Termination report identifies bonding documents that are past
their expiration dates and those that shall reach their expiration dates within the next 4 months.
12.61f - Contracts Scheduled/Past Termination (TSA473P1)
The Contracts Scheduled/Past Termination report identifies contracts that are past their
termination dates and those that shall reach their termination dates within the next 4 months.
12.61g - Permit Warning Report (TSA271P1)
The Permit Warning report is provided for the following purposes:
1. To alert users of permits that shall expire within the next month, and
2. To identify permits that have reached their termination date, but require additional
action before they may be closed.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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12.61h – Timber Receipts and Road Asset Values (TSA486-01 and 02) and
Stewardship Contract Receipts and Credits (TSA486-03)
The TSA486-01 and -02 reports are issued by the Proclaimed Unit and the TSA486-03 report is
issued at the administrative forest level. These three reports are produced at the time of monthend closures and are as follows:
1. Forest Product Receipts and Road Values - Other Than Stewardship Contracts
(TSA486-01). This report contains the dollar amounts distributed to Funds NFF, KV,
SSF, and all other cash distributions accounts, by month within the fiscal year, for other
than Stewardship contracts. These values (columns 1 through 4) are then summed to
Total Cash Distribution amount for the month (column 5). Columns 6 and 7 of the report
identifies road credits charged and specified road costs for the primary proclaimed unit of
the forest. Column 8 displays the amount of funds that are subject to 25 percent
payments to the states and counties. This amount is the sum of NFF, KV, SSF, and the
value of purchased credit/specified road costs that are subject to 25 percent payments.
This report does not include the values associated with Stewardship contracts as they are
not, by law, considered in the computation of 25 percent Fund payments.
2. Forest Product Receipts and Road Values – For Stewardship Contracts (TSA486-02).
This report contains the dollar amounts distributed to Funds NFF, KV, SSF, and all other
cash distributions accounts by month within the fiscal year for Stewardship contracts.
These values are then summed to the Total Cash Distribution amount for the month. The
next section of the report identifies road credits charged and specified road costs for the
primary proclaimed unit of the forest. (NOTE: For stewardship contracts, the column
titled “Total Receipts Subject to 25 percent Fund” payments will always have zero values
since stewardship contracts are not currently subject to 25 percent Fund payments.) The
information from this report, combined with the information from report TSA486-01,
provides the total value for the proclaimed unit.
3. Stewardship Contract Receipts and Credits (TSA486-03). This report is by
administrative national forest units and is designed to be used by forest personnel with
stewardship responsibilities. It contains the cash distribution amounts to SCSDNG,
SCrrff (where ‘rr’ equals region numeric identifier and ‘ff’ equals forest numeric
identifier), and other normal distribution accounts and associated charges. It also reports
the stewardship credits applied during the current processing month, applied to date, and
remaining available.
12.61i - Stewardship Non-Monetary Accounting Reports (TSA484-01, TSA484-02)
These two reports are produced by ATSA during month-end closures and support Standard
Vouchers (SV) 86, 88, and 90, reporting stewardship non-monetary values to FFIS.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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1. TSA484-01 report is designed for forest use. It displays, in a single report, all
stewardship contracts on the administrative forest, and the current status of the following
data by individual contract:
a. The above base rate value of forest products removed by the contractor that have
been offset by contractor services provided to the Forest Service (SV/86).
b. The amount of above base rate cash that has been charged to the contractor’s
account that will be offset in the future as the contractor earns stewardship credit
c. The amount of unused stewardship credit that is in the contract account, that will
be offset in the future by above base forest product values, removed from the contract
area or cash payments (SV/90).
2. TSA484-02 report is designed solely for use at the Albuquerque Service Center ASCB&F. It lists and displays each contract separately, one per page.
A natural language change (NLC) is a means to correct information on a contract when such
corrections may not be done through the normal edit/update processes. The NLC must be well
documented so it provides an accurate audit trail. Also, a change to one data item may affect
other data inter-relationships. The user also may not correct certain user input errors if the error
is not identified prior to a month-end or a quarter-end closure, so they are corrected by a NLC.
13.1 - Requesting Changes
The forest Automated Timber Sale Accounting (ATSA) coordinator must request natural
language changes through the regional ATSA coordinator (sec. 04.22, FSH 6509.17-Timber Sale
13.2 - Documenting Changes
Document each natural language change (NLC) request including the review of the request
performed by the regional Automated Timber Sale Accounting (ATSA) coordinator. Ensure the
documentation explains the reason for the requested change, including calculations to arrive at
the necessary adjustment. Ensure the employee requesting the change initials and dates the
documentation. Ensure the employee requesting the change at the regional office level validates
the elements changed. Do not request a natural language change if it may be corrected through
the processing of normal transactions. The action taken by the Washington Office, Financial
Management, Financial Management Systems TSA staff shall be documented, and a copy
returned to the regional coordinator who requested the NLC.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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13.3 - Contract Folder
Documentation supporting natural language changes must be maintained in each contract folder.
The regional level unload files may be requested from the Washington Office, Financial
Management Systems TSA staff, for use as a tool to develop special regional and forest level
Over the last decade, the Forest Service has been actively consolidating and splitting
administrative national forests and districts. These activities have an affect on Timber Sale
Accounting (TSA). The procedures described in sections 15.1 through 15.5 should be followed
to minimize those affects.
15.1 - Approval
The approval process is the most important aspect of the consolidation or split. The Washington
Office, Financial Management Systems, TSA Staff must have written approval from the Chief’s
office prior to making any ATSA system changes.
15.2 - Timing
Approved organizational changes are made in the first month of the fiscal year. For Washington
Office, Financial Management Systems TSA Staff, the timeframe is after monthly closures for
September and before October closures. Generally, the TSA reports are prepared on a "Fiscal
Year to Date" basis. Therefore, any change made prior to the end of the fiscal year will distort
the reports for that fiscal year. In approved cases, changes would be considered until the end of
the first quarter of the year. Each of these requests should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis
by the Washington Office, Financial Management Systems, TSA staff.
15.3 - Regional Role
As requested by the forests, the regional Timber Sale Accounting (TSA) coordinator ensures that
the R0601table for the region is updated. This includes ensuring that the table accurately reflects
the job codes of the unit.
15.4 - Forest Role
As a general rule, Forest Timber Sale Accounting (TSA) coordinators should close as many
contracts and permits as possible prior to any consolidation or split of units. All active contracts
remaining at the end of the fiscal year must be moved to the new unit. The forest TSA
coordinator ensures that any necessary changes are made to the bonding agreement for these
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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1. Single Agreements. When a district or forest consolidates or splits, delete all single
agreements on affected contracts. After the Washington Office, Financial Management
Systems TSA staff has completed the global changes required, the user must re-enter
agreements with the new contract ID prior to the next month-end closure.
2. Blanket Agreements. As applicable, the forest or district takes the following actions
in the following sequence:
a. Forest Change.
(1) Release bonding allocations to all contracts associated with the blanket
(2) Delete all contracts from the blanket agreement.
(3) Delete the blanket agreement.
(4) After the Washington Office, Financial Management Systems TSA staff finishes
the global changes, and prior to the next month-end closure, re-enter the blanket
agreement, all contracts, and all allocations using the new contract identifier.
b. District Change.
(1) Release bonding allocation to all contracts on the affected district associated with
the blanket agreement.
(2) Delete these contracts from the agreement.
(3) After the Washington Office, Financial Management Systems TSA staff has
completed the global changes, re-enter all contracts and all allocations using the new
contract ID prior to the next month-end closure.
15.5 – Washington Office, Financial Management Systems TSA Staff Role
The Washington Office, Financial Management Systems TSA staff is responsible for ensuring
that the following are accomplished when necessary:
1. Changes servicewide tables, related to ATSA systems, (S0500 and S0501) as
requested by a region.
2. Makes global changes to the contract/permit IDs as requested by a region.
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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Sections 16.1 through 16.3 provide a list of interfaces involving Timber Sale Accounting (TSA)
and the actions for specific activities, such as bill collections, balance vouchers, and stewardship
standard vouchers.
16.1 - Timber Sale Accounting (TSA) - Foundation Financial Information System
(FFIS) Interface
16.1a – Bill for Collection Interface
This interface process takes place in the following sequence:
1. Forests set their schedulers within TIM TSADE for month-end closure.
2. At month-end closure, Automated Timber Sale Accounting (ATSA) system creates a
file (TSA470P3), Form FS-6500-89, Bill for Collection, for all contracts with an accounts
3. For each contract described in paragraph 2, a record is created by ATSA at the
National Information Technology Center (NITC) and transmitted to the Foundation
Financial Information System (FFIS) to create the bill.
4. Each record is converted to a FFIS billing document with a transaction code “TM.”
5. The FFIS assigns a bill number using the automatic document numbering table in
FFIS format.
6. All TM billing documents are loaded into FFIS during the nightly cycle.
7. The FFIS transmits the data from Form FS-6500-89, Bill for Collection to the Bills
and Dunning Web site for the units to retrieve and print.
16.1b – Balance Voucher Interface
The interface process between ATSA and FFIS, takes place in the following sequence:
1. Forests set their schedulers in ATSA for month-end closure.
2. At month-end closure, Timber Sale Accounting (TSA) creates earned revenue,
balance voucher (BV) document file, for all contracts and permits with amounts to be
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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3. For each contract or permit described in paragraph 2, a record is created for each BV
line item, by TSA at the National Information Technology Center (NITC), and
transmitted to the National Finance Center (NFC).
4. Each record is converted to a Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS)
Balance Voucher document, with a transaction number format of “RRUUFTS####”,
where RR = Region, UU = Forest, F = Fiscal Year Identifier, TS = Indicates Timber Sale
BV and #### = Balance Voucher Number.
5. The BVs with “TS” indicators are loaded into FFIS during the nightly cycle and
processed. The “TS” is a predefined value that identifies the BV as belonging to a timber
6. The FFIS transmits the processed BVs to all units involved via the FFIS TSA
16.1c – Stewardship Standard Voucher Interface
1. During the month-end closure, Timber Sale Accounting (TSA) creates an accrual and
stewardship related Standard Voucher document file, containing records for all contracts
identified as stewardship contracts. The file should contain the values of forest products
removed by the contractor, which offsets the value of work performed (SV86), the value
of forest products removed that will be offset by contractor work to be performed in the
future (SV88), and the value of contractor work already performed that will be offset by
the value of forest products to be removed by the contractor (SV90).
2. For each of these contracts, a record is created for applicable SV line items by TSA at
the National Information Technology Center (NITC) and transmitted to the National
Finance Center (NFC).
3. Each record is converted to a Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS)
Standard Voucher document with a transaction number format of “RRUUFTS####”,
where RR = Region, UU = Forest, F = Fiscal Year Identifier, TS = Identifies a
stewardship contract SV and #### = Standard Voucher Number.
4. The SVs with “TS” indicators are loaded into FFIS during the nightly cycle and
processed. The “TS” is a predefined value that identifies the SV with a stewardship
5. The SV record reverses every 5th, 10th, and so forth day of the subsequent month, for
previously reported data on all contracts that have not closed during the current
processing month. Only current reporting month data is retained in FFIS.
6. The FFIS transmits the processed SVs against all units involved.
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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16.2 - Lockbox
1. The Timber Sale Accounting (TSA) bills are sent to purchasers either as a result of
month-end closure processes described in section 16.1a, or as a result of an interim
billing. The most common example of an interim billing would be one to release a
payment unit.
2. The purchaser sends the check to the lockbox address printed on the bill for collection.
3. The designated lockbox bank gathers all collections on a daily basis and reports the
receipts to the National Finance Center (NFC).
4. An interface between lockbox and Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS),
builds cash receipt documents that contain, the bill number, Vendor Code, and amount.
The FFIS passes this information to ATSA in the General Ledger Timber Sale
Accounting file (GLTSA) to be processed in the next production run of ATSA.
16.3 - Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS) - Timber Sale Accounting
(TSA) Interface
1. The Standard General Ledger (SGL) is part of the Foundation Financial Information
System (FFIS). The SGL module selects all job codes that are either:
(a) 870NNN FFIS fund TDTD, where nnn represents the proclaimed unit id. The
870nnn job codes are referred to as “Timber Sale Deposit Fund” job codes and
represent all cash deposits (with the exception of cash performance bond deposits)
relating to a timber sale.
(b) “TM” documents with interest, penalty, or administrative charge job codes. After
the selection, a cash transaction is created.
2. Contract/Permit numbers for the transactions are 12-character numeric fields that are
entered into the comments field (for bills for collection) or the description field (for all
other documents).
3. The billing document contains either a C (for contracts) or a P (for permits) as the first
character of the contract/permit number.
4. The seventh character of the contract/permit number controls the first character
(para. 3) and the transaction type. If the seventh character is the number 9, the first
character is a P and a permit transaction (7004) is created. If it is other than the number
9, the first character is a C and a contract transaction (4001) is created.
WO AMENDMENT 6509.17-2008-2
EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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5. All of the TSA transactions (7004, 4001, and 5003) are sent to the National
Information Technology Center (NITC) and are placed in the data collection file of the
forest for which they are applicable.
6. Unidentified contract or permit numbers, ones that do not conform to the field
definitions outlined above, appear on the interface when they are resolved. These
transactions would then be processed as described in paragraph 1 and progress through
the interface as any other payment/refund/transfer.
When the normal interfaces are not working, follow the procedures recommended in sections
17.1 through 17.2 to generate bills manually.
17.1 - Bills Created in Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS) But Not
Currently Available
Follow these procedures under all circumstances:
1. When billing documents from Timber Sale Accounting (TSA) closures have been
created by Financial Foundation Information System (FFIS), users unable to obtain the
billing document from FFIS, shall:
a. Print the TSA470P3 file created by ATSA from the month-end closure process.
b. Obtain the bill numbers from FFIS,
c. Add the bill numbers to the corresponding TSA 470P3 bill, and
d. Mail the bill to the purchaser.
2. If FFIS is not available to obtain the bill numbers, users shall decide whether to wait
for FFIS to be available or to send the bills to the purchasers using the manual method
described in section 17. If users decide to wait until FFIS is available, they shall:
a. Change the collection due date on the TSA 470P3 bills to reflect a due date that is
15 days from the date the bill is issued.
b. Modify the FFIS billing document to reflect the new collection due date.
17.2 - Bills Not Created in Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS)
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EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/26/2008
DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed.
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When bills are not created in Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS), regions must
send a request to the Albuquerque Service Center (ASC), Budget and Finance (B&F), Over the
Counter (OTC) staff, to have the bill created. E-mail a signed request form (found on the ASCB&F OTC Web site) to ASC-B&F OTC. The current link to the ASC-B&F OTC forms is:
Follow the ASC-B&F OTC procedures to create a bill. On the request to create the bill, use the
number and contract sequence as established on the TSA470P3 file.
The Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS) does not calculate late payments correctly
for Timber Sale Accounting (TSA) bills because the timber sale contract requires a purchaser to
pay the bill within 15 days. The FFIS is programmed to allow 30 days to pay a bill and does not
recognize a late payment until 30 days after the issue date. The TSA program was updated to
automatically pass the Waiver Flag to FFIS for all TSA generated bills. The TIM application
also automatically passes the Waiver Flag for all timber related bills. View and validate the
waiver flag status in FFIS by accessing the Outstanding Billings Document Table (OBDT).