6509.11k,80 Page 1 of 9 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK Denver, CO FSH 6509.11k - SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK R2 Supplement No. 6509.11k-92-3 Effective September 30, 1992 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. The last supplement to this Handbook was Supplement 6509.11k-92-2 to Chapter 30. Document Name 6509.11k,80 Superseded New (Number of Pages) 9 Digest: Updates direction on timber bonds and related issues, including procedures for Irrevocable Letters of Credit. ELIZABETH ESTILL Regional Forester R2 SUPPLEMENT 6509.11k-92-3 EFFECTIVE 9/30/92 6509.11k,80 Page 2 of 9 SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 80 - BOND ADMINISTRATION, SECURITY AND REQUIREMENTS 82.33 - Irrevocable Letter-of-Credit. The necessary applicable bond forms SF-24, SF-25, SF-25a, FS-6500-7, FS-6500-12, FS-6500-12a, FS-6500-13, FS-6500-13a, FS6500-17 and FS-6500-17a are required in addition to the irrevocable letter-of-credit. The bond form shall be completed with the in-lieu-of surety statement as stated in the parent text. The bank or issuing institution should not sign the bond form, only the principal must sign. The bank or issuing institution's signature on the irrevocable letter-of-credit is all that is required. The bond forms must accompany the irrevocable letter-of-credit (ILOC). Do not approve the ILOC without a properly completed bond form. The bond form must have a Date Bond Executed date equal to or later than the date the irrevocable letter-of-credit was signed. For example, if the bank/institution executes an ILOC on October 15, then the Date Bond Executed date, by the principal, must have a date of October 15 or later. A bond with a Date Bond Executed date earlier than this means that a valid ILOC did not exist at the time the bond form was executed. The period of time (duration) covered by the bond and the ILOC must agree. Do not approve an ILOC containing major variation from the exhibit 02. The following statement is not acceptable and the ILOC shall not be approved if it includes this statement or a likeness: "This credit is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice." The irrevocable letter-of-credit used for performance bond purposes must cover the term of the contract plus a sufficient period of time to close out the contract. A separate ILOC is required for each individual contract. The ILOC used for timber sale payment bond purposes can be issued for a lesser time period than the term of the contract. It should cover at least one year. The ILOC and payment bond Forms FS-6500-12, Payment Bond, and FS-6500-12a, Blanket Payment Bond, shall cover the same period of time as shown on the ILOC. When the bank/institution issues the ILOC for a specific period of time, it shall be necessary to establish a control to ensure a new irrevocable letter-of-credit or extension, or other acceptable surety is obtained to maintain the bonding requirements when the expiration date occurs. If the ILOC is not renewed, the principal must pay cash in advance of cutting. Exhibit 01 is an example of a completed Payment Bond, Form FS-6500-12. Exhibit 02 is an example of an ILOC for blanket payment bond coverage. The ILOC must show the aggregate amount authorized and list the specific timber sale contracts with the contract number covered by the ILOC. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6509.11k-92-3 EFFECTIVE 9/30/92 6509.11k,80 Page 3 of 9 Exhibit 03 is an example of the Blanket Payment Bond, Form FS-6500-12a, that accompanies the ILOC in Exhibit 02. The timber sale contracts shall be listed on the reverse side of the form in the appropriate block. No deletions or additions of timber sales are permitted to an ILOC/Blanket Payment Bond without amending or reissuing the ILOC. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6509.11k-92-3 EFFECTIVE 9/30/92 6509.11k,80 Page 4 of 9 82.33 - Exhibit 01 SEE THE PAPER COPY OF THE MASTER SET FOR SECTION 82.33 - EXHIBIT 01. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6509.11k-92-3 EFFECTIVE 9/30/92 6509.11k,80 Page 5 of 9 82.33 - Exhibit 02 (Printed Letterhead) (Name of Issuing Bank) (City, State and Zip Code) Month DD, 19XX USDA Forest Service XXXX National Forest PO Box YYYY Heaven, CO 99999 Gentlemen: We hereby establish an irrevocable letter-of -credit in your favor, at the request of, and for, the account of (Name of principal) in the aggregate amount not to exceed One Hundred Thousand Dollars ($100,000) to secure the payment on the following timber sales: Name of Sale Death by Chocolate Gettin' a Buzz Blissful Oblivion Forest Service Contract Number XX-99991 XX-99992 XX-99993 Said funds are available by presentation of sight drafts drawn in favor of the USDA Forest Service. All drafts must be made "Drawn under Letter-of-Credit Number 13 (bank/institution name can be entered here also)." This irrevocable letter-of-credit will expire on December 31, 19XX. We hereby agree that drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of the letter-of-credit will be duly honored on due presentation to (Name of bank) or before the expiration date of this letter-of-credit. Sincerely, (Name of bank) (Authorized signature and title) R2 SUPPLEMENT 6509.11k-92-3 EFFECTIVE 9/30/92 6509.11k,80 Page 6 of 9 82.33 - Exhibit 03 SEE THE PAPER COPY OF THE MASTER SET FOR SECTION 82.33 - EXHIBIT 03. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6509.11k-92-3 EFFECTIVE 9/30/92 6509.11k,80 Page 7 of 9 82.33 - Exhibit 03--Continued SEE THE PAPER COPY OF THE MASTER SET FOR SECTION 82.33 - EXHIBIT 03. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6509.11k-92-3 EFFECTIVE 9/30/92 6509.11k,80 Page 8 of 9 83.3 - Timber Sale Bonds. 2. Payment Bonds. a. General Provisions. When a Purchaser furnishes an irrevocable letter of credit as payment bond, the termination date must exceed the last day of timber harvesting by a sufficient number of days to allow for billing and payment. Usually this should be at least 30 calendar days. (1) Blanket Payment Bond Provisions. When the Timber Purchaser furnished a Blanket Payment Bond as payment guarantee for several sales within an Administrative National Forest, the following procedures will be used to insure appropriate financial coverage for timber cut but not removed and for the value of timber removed from sale area for not more than a monthly billing period. (a) The Forest Service Representative (FSR) estimates the sale's financial coverage using the Purchaser's Operating Schedule and current contract rates, for expected volumes to be cut in the next 30-60 days. (b) The FSR then informs Purchaser of the needed financial coverage for the sale(s). (c) The Timber Purchaser can then choose to: (1) reallocate under the blanket bond for all sales involved, (2) make cash payments, (3) transfer available purchaser credit, (4) stop cutting, and/or (5) increase the penal amount of the bond (obtaining an increase rider with Surety) with subsequent reallocation to appropriate sales. (d) Upon approval of the Purchaser's proposed financial coverage, the Bond Approving Officer (Contracting Officer) then submits the Purchaser's approved allocation request (with Increase Rider) to Forest TSA Coordinator for ATSA data-entry. (e) Upon ATSA monthend closure, the Bond Approving Officer sends copies of the monthly ATSA Blanket Guarantee Coverage Report, to the Purchaser, Surety, and FSR. (This report summarizes the allocations made to all contracts contained on the Blanket Payment Bond - Reference FSH 6509.17, Chapter 30). 83.4 - Reclamation Bonds. Region-wide or Forest-wide reclamation bonds shall be accepted for reclamation work. Operators desiring a reclamation bond to cover their activities on a Forest, or throughout the Rocky Mountain Region, should be advised of the blanket bonding procedure. The Forest shall establish a recordkeeping system for blanket bonds on its Forest. Forests and Districts which are contacted by firms who wish to do mineral or exploration work on National Forest System land should determine whether the proposed work involves more than one Forest. If more than one Forest in the Region is to be involved, bonding activities must be coordinated with Management Systems and Administration (MSA), Fiscal and Public Safety (F&PS). Requests for Regional blanket bonds shall be sent to the Assistant Director, MSA-F&PS. The amount of the Region/Forest bond shall be determined jointly with the operator based upon the planned exploration activities. Upon approval of an operator's Region/Forest blanket reclamation bond, the following direction applies: 1. Units shall be notified that a Region/Forest blanket bond is available for the operator by MSA-F&PS. R2 SUPPLEMENT 6509.11k-92-3 EFFECTIVE 9/30/92 6509.11k,80 Page 9 of 9 2. Each project, for which the permit, lease or plan approval is contingent upon a reclamation bond, must be bonded by a specific portion of the Region/Forest bond prior to initiation of the project. 3. Bond amount for each project must be calculated based on the surface disturbing activities described in the proposed operating plan and analysis of reclamation cost. This analysis should be documented and made part of approved operating plans. These calculations should be reviewed annually and the bond amount adjusted to reflect any changes. 4. Request for bond allocations and allocation changes must be sent, under file designation 6500, to the Forest Supervisor for Forest-wide bonds and to the Assistant Director, MSA-F&PS, for Region-wide bonds. These requests must contain the following: a. Name and address of permittee/operator. b. Name and location (legal, County/State) of project (Permit No. or date). c. Dates of allocation request and proposed initiation of work. d. Amount of allocation request/change (if change, indicate reason, such as reclamation cost recalculation due to plan revision of annual updating, satisfactory reclamation upon completion of project, and so forth). e. Surety name and address (bond No. or date executed). 5. Upon approval of the request by the Supervisor's Office for Forest-wide bonds or by the Assistant Director, MSA-F&PS, for Region-wide bonds, an approved allocation statement shall be sent the originating unit. 6. When the bond is no longer required, the units shall notify the Region/Forest so the amount can be reallocated. 7. The Reclamation Evaluation Worksheet indicates that the bond estimate is to include removal of exploration-related debris. An estimate of the cost of removal of that debris shall be included in the Reclamation Evaluation Worksheet and is made a condition of the operating permit. When an operator fails to remove the debris, demand redemption of the entire bond from the surety. Send a copy of the demand to the surety and to the operator. The purpose of this procedure is to encourage the operator to clean up the site. Therefore, if they offer to clean up the site, they should be permitted to do so provided the deadline does not extend into subsequent field seasons. If live explosives are left on the site, Forest Service personnel shall post the area and notify the State licensing authority. Forest Service personnel should not attempt to move or detonate the explosives.