FSH 6109.15 - POSITION CLASSIFICATION HANDBOOK 3/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 1 CHAPTER 20 - POSITION DESCRIPTION PREPARATION AND REQUIREMENTS 23 - MANDATORY INFORMATION FOR CERTAIN POSITION DESCRIPTIONS 23.4 - POSITIONS WITH EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COLLATERAL ASSIGNMENTS 1. Definition of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Collateral Assignments. EEO collateral assignments are official part-time EEO duties and responsibilities assigned to an employee in addition to the primary duties and responsibilities of the position occupied. Collateral assignments involve such duties as EEO counselor, Civil Rights Advisory Group (CRAG) member, or manager for the Federal Women's Program (FWP), Hispanic Employment Program (HEP) or Native American Program (NAP). Assignments may be terminated or reassigned to another employee at management's discretion without complying with adverse regulations. 2. Documenting EEO Collateral Duties in Official Position Description. All EEO collateral duties and responsibilities must be included in the position description of employees with such assignments and will be added to, changed, or deleted from the position description by the processing of Form FS-6100-13, Position Description Correction Notice. See Exhibit 1 for example of EEO collateral duties. 3. Memorandum of Understanding. When EEO collateral duties are assigned, a Memorandum of Understanding will be prepared by the employee's immediate supervisor and the Forest Supervisor outlining how and when the part-time assignments will be given. Memorandums of Understanding are not required for EEO Counselors and CRAG Members. See Exhibits 2 and 3 for examples of Memorandums of Understanding. FSH 6109.15 - POSITION CLASSIFICATION HANDBOOK 3/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 1 Exhibit 1 Federal Women's Program Manager Service as Federal Women's Program (FWP) Manager and as a member of the Forest Civil Rights Advisory Group. Develops annual work plans for the Forest FWP. Attends management team meetings and advises them on FWP. Develops and carries out specific Affirmative Action items form the Forest Affirmative Action Plan and provides input on total Forest Civil Rights program. Facilitates contacts between managers, women, and other organizations and community groups. Participates in internal Personnel Management, evaluations, and special studies of employment practices, opportunities, etc. Assures that effective career counselling exists and coordinates activities with other individuals in EEO and Personnel Management. Assures that National and Regional FWP objectives and priorities are brought to the attention of the Forest Supervisor and management team and are incorporated into the annual work plan. Serves as a member of the Forest Red Card Committee. Native American Program/Hispanic Employment Program Manager Serves as Native American Program/Hispanic Employment Program (NAP/HEP) Manager and as a member of Forest Civil Rights Advisory Group. Develops annual work plans for the Forest NAP/HEP. Attends management team meetings and advises them on NAP/HEP. Develops and carries out specific Affirmative Action items from the Forest Affirmative Action Plan and provides input on total Forest Civil Rights program. Facilitates contacts between managers, Native Americans, Hispanics and other organizations and community groups. Participates in internal Personnel Management reviews, evaluations, and special studies of employment practices, opportunities, etc. Assures that effective career counseling exists and coordinates activities with other individuals in EEO and Personnel Management. Assures that National and Regional NAP/HEP objectives and priorities are brought to attention of the Forest Supervisor and management team and are incorporated into the annual work plan. Civil Rights Advisory Group Member Serves as a member of the Forest Civil Rights Advisory Group (CRAG). Reviews proposed policy and programs directly related to or impacting civil rights programs prior to implementation and advises the Forest Supervisor on appropriateness, adequacy, and effectiveness in meeting program goals. Monitors continuing civil rights activities. Makes suggestions for changes in these activities that will serve to reinforce and strengthen the Forest's Civil Rights policy. Recommends special programs or projects stressing women and minority involvement for adoption by the Forest. Provides suggestions for increasing effectiveness of the Forest's Affirmative Action Plans for Civil Rights. Provides an additional channel of communication between the Forest Supervisor and women and minority employees. Equal Employment Opportunity Counselor The role of the EEO Counselor is to serve as a bridge between employees and management. The EEO Counselor provides an open and sympathetic channel through which employees and applicants may raise questions, discuss problems, get answers, and informally pursue resolution of problems connected with equal opportunity. Should the informal resolution fall the counselor informs the employee of the rights to file a formal complaint and the appropriate procedures. Submits a written report of the counseling of the employee to the Forest Supervisor if the discrimination complaint becomes formal. Keeps clear records of all counseling activities in order to discuss program problems and progress with the Forest Supervisor. FSH 6109.15 - POSITION CLASSIFICATION HANDBOOK 3/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 1 Exhibit 2 Memorandum of Understanding for Collateral Duties as Native American Program/Hispanic Employment Program Manager The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to ensure there is a clear understanding of the collateral responsibilities associated with the Forest Native American Program/Hispanic Employment Program Manager's (NAP/HEP) position between the employee, immediate supervisor, Forest Supervisor, and Regional NAP/HEP. These additional duties are allotted approximately percent of the employee's official time. Collateral duties will be included in the employee's official position description. Although the normal supervisor/employee relationship continues, the employee will be responsive and accountable to the Forest Supervisor regarding the Forest NAP/HEP. The NAP/HEP will periodically brief the Forest management team and Regional NAP/HEP on program accomplishment. A work plan for the Forest NAP/HEP will be developed (generally on a fiscal year basis). In performing collateral NAP/HEP duties, the NAP/HEP will notify the immediate supervisor about work plans and the amount of time needed away from the primary job for meetings, programs, and training. The NAP/HEP should schedule these in advance as much as possible. A training plan will be developed so the employee receives formal and on-the-job training necessary to perform NAP/HEP responsibilities. Name (Employee/Forest NAP/HEP) Title Date Name (Supervisor) Title Date Name (Forest Supervisor) Title Date FSH 6109.15 - POSITION CLASSIFICATION HANDBOOK 3/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 1 Name (Regional NAP/HEP) Title Date FSH 6109.15 - POSITION CLASSIFICATION HANDBOOK 3/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 1 Exhibit 3 Memorandum of Understanding for Collateral Duties of Federal Women's Program Manager The purpose of the Memorandum of Understanding is to ensure there is a clear understanding of the collateral responsibilities associated with the Forest Federal Women's Program Manager's (FWPM) position between the employees, immediate supervisor, Forest Supervisor, and Regional FWPM: These additional duties are allotted approximately percent of the employee's official time. Collateral duties will be included in the employee's official position description. Although the normal supervisor/employee relationship continues, the employee will be responsive and accountable to Forest Supervisor regarding the Forest FWP. The FWPM will periodically brief the Forest management team and Regional FWPM on program accomplishment. A work plan for the Forest FWP will be developed (generally on a fiscal year bases). In performing collateral FWP duties, the FWPM will notify the immediate supervisor about work plans and the amount of time needed away from the primary job for meetings, programs, and training. The FWPM should schedule these in advance as mush as possible. A training plan will be developed so the employee receives formal and on-the-job training necessary to perform FWPM responsibilities, such as the FWPM Workshop sponsored by the Office of Personnel Management, within the first 6 months of assignment, and other on a continuing basis. Name (Employee/Forest FWPM) Title Date Name (Supervisor) Title Date Name (Forest Supervisor) Title Date FSH 6109.15 - POSITION CLASSIFICATION HANDBOOK 3/86 R-1 SUPPLEMENT 1 Name (Regional FWPM) Title Date