MCNAIR MESSENGER THE Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Permit No. 3 Menomonie, WI 54751 Spring 2016 McNair Scholars Program University of Wisconsin-Stout 424 Bowman Hall 802 S. Broadway Menomonie, WI 54751 SUMMER GRADUATE SCHOOL TOUR On August 19th to August 21st eight scholars traveled to University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Marquette University, and University of Wisconsin- Madison. The three day trip involved meeting individuals from each graduate school, guided tours, and individual department meetings for each student. Scholars were able to explore each school and ask questions about applying to specific programs at each school. MCNAIR SCHOLARS PROGRAM Former scholars please drop us an email with your updated information. We especially love to hear about your successes! Or find us on Facebook and LinkedIn by searching McNair Scholars Program. DO YOU KNOW A POTENTIAL MCNAIR SCHOLAR? For more information contact: Sarah Wynn, Ph.D, Director 715-232-5490 424 Bowman Hall Jennifer Giesking, Advisor 715-232-5491 400B Bowman Hall Or find us online at: We are constantly looking for hardworking scholars who have a desire to attend graduate school. More information can be found on our website. The McNair Scholars Program serves first generation, limited income or under-represented students who have a desire to conduct research and go on to graduate school. Students work closely with faculty mentors, participate in graduate preparation workshops, attend conferences, and prepare for the GRE. The program is a 100 percent federally funded Department “Whether or not of Education Program that you reach your goals provides specific activities, in life depends resources and support to entirely on how well assist students in reaching you prepare for them their goal of a doctorate and how badly you degree. want them.” Ronald E. McNair WAEOPP McNAIR AND SSS RETREAT Four scholars participated in a series of graduate school prep workshops at the Chula Vista Resort in Wisconsin Dells on Sept. 25th and 26th. The workshop featured Donald Asher who is one of the foremost authorities on the graduate school admissions process. The key topics covered in the weekend where “Getting into Graduate School and Getting Funded” and “Statement of Purpose and Application Considerations”. Each scholar left with key tips on writing a quality personal statement and increased confidence and enthusiasm for applying to graduate school. McNAIR SCHOLARS PROGRAM Inspiring Innovation. Learn more at www.uwstout. edu/mcnair 24th ANNUAL NATIONAL RONALD E. McNAIR RESEARCH CONFERENCE AND GRADUATE FAIR On October 30th, 2015 ten McNair Scholars traveled to Delavan Wisconsin to present their independent research projects that were completed this past summer. Eight of our scholars presented posters and two students did oral presentations on their individual research projects. All the scholars were also able to visit the graduate school fair where schools across the nation were represented from various departments. The conference is a great opportunity for our scholars to experience a professional research conference in which they present their research, network with faculty, peers, graduate school staff, and learn about nationwide graduate school programs. Thank you to all the faculty mentors for helping each of our scholars with their research. Your support helps the McNair Program continue to successfully serve students each year! 2015 POSTER PRESENTATIONS ംംMARIAH BATES: Maternity Leave Policies: Among ംംETHAN TOSTRUD: Autism Spectrum Disorder ംം ംംJIMMY VANCE: Assessing the Role-Based ംംCHARLES DENIGER: A Study Evaluating Effects ംംMORGAN WOLF: Resident Advisors and Working Mothers in U.S. and Greece Mentor: Nels Paulson ALEXA DeMOE: Depression and Anxiety in Critical Transition Periods in an Adolescent’s Life Mentor: Colleen Etzbach of Multiple Transcriptional Regulatory Elements in Gene Regulation Mentor: Amitava Karmaker and Professional Job Interviews Mentor: Mitchell Sherman Perception of Actions in RPG’s Mentor: Elizabeth Buchanan Diversity Competence Mentor: Sarah Wood Physical Activity at University of Wisconsin–Stout? Mentor: Diane Klemme ംംANTOINETTE LYTE-EVANS: Peace Studies Background Impact on University of Wisconsin–Stout Mentor: James Handley Mentor: Jennifer Grant ംംASHLEY SPINLER: College Students’ Perception of Rape and Reporting Rape Mentor: Jennifer Reinke Alexa DeMoe, Vocational Rehabilitation Degree Esuvat Mollel, Business Administration Degree Lydia Pfluger, Human Development/ Family Studies Degree Ethan Tostrud, Business Administration Degree WRITING A PERSONAL STATEMENT FOR APPLICATIONS Graduate and professional schools often require a written statement as a part of the application. The terminology differs, but may include “statement of purpose,” “letter of intent,” “personal statement,” “personal narrative,” etc. Some statements may require you to answer specific questions; others are unstructured, allowing you to address a wide range of matters. The details of the statement can vary from school to school and from field to field. Goal of the statement should be: Persuade applications committee that you are applicant who should be chosen ംം ംം Based on your experience you will succeed and do well in your field What to include in your statement: State the area of study you wish to specialize in ംംDe’ANDRE JONES: Does Students’ Residence Influence ംംKEODARA MOUA: Designer Child as a Tissue Donor CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! The following students graduated in December 2015 from the University of Wisconsin–Stout and completed all requirements of the McNair Scholars Program. These students are in the process of applying to graduate school. Congratulations and good luck in your future academic and professional endeavors. Ethan Tostrud presenting his poster on Autism Spectrum Disorder and Professional Job Interviews. ംം ംം ംം ംം ംം ംം ംം ംം Why the school is a good fit Why you are a good fit for the school Your intended future career goals What have you done to prepare yourself for study in this field Identify potential faculty that have similar research interests as you or align with your future research goals Address any inconsistencies in your records or scores, such as a bad semester Highlight involvement on and off campus One way to start brainstorming for your statement is to ask yourself two questions: Why have you chosen to attend graduate school in this specific field, and why are you applying to this particular school? ംം ംം What are your qualifications for admission? Sample Outline: ംം Intro: Program and Fit ംം Paragraph 2: Academics ംം Paragraph 3: Research and Faculty ംം Paragraph 4: Work experience/clinical ംം Paragraph 5: Involvement, obstacles, personal qualities ംം Conclusion: Fit Have multiple people review your statement. Make sure you answer any specific questions and stay within the required word limit or page length. If there is no direction on limit keep your statement to two pages double spaced. End the statement with a concise paragraph reiterating your interest, accomplishments, and how the program and school fits into your future career goals.