You should be able to locate the following places on a map of the region. For each map quiz, you will be
given the map of the region and 10 places from the following regional list that you will be expected to
locate on the map.
The blank outline map on the next page is identical to the one that will be used for the map quiz.
The Links page of the class website ( )
offers links to interactive sites where you can have fun as you practice your map skills.
Extra Credit: There will be a 1 point extra credit question on each quiz that will ask you to identify the
country in which some recent event in the news has occurred.
*You* are encouraged to submit the extra credit questions. E-mail me your submission no later than 24
hours before the scheduled quiz. If your question is selected, you will receive 5 points extra credit for
that quiz.
Missed Quizzes: Except in extraordinary circumstances, you are allowed to make up or retake only 1
missed quiz during the semester. Make-up/re-take consists of taking the appropriate lizardpoint quiz.
Go to the lizardpoint website:
Select the appropriate lizardpoint quiz indicated on the place name list of the quiz you missed. Because
the lizardpoint regions do not match up with the textbook's regions, in some cases you will need to take
more than one lizardpoint quiz to replace the regional quiz you missed. Once you have selected the
appropriate lizardpoint quiz(zes), do the following:
Select "strict test" then “start over”
Take the quiz or quizzes (without aids!).
Have your quizzes graded and print out or take a screen shot of the results.
You must take the appropriate quiz(zes) at least two times each. You may take it more than
two times if you wish to improve your score.
Turn in your top 2 scores for the appropriate quiz(zes). Your grade for this assignment will
consist of the average of the 2 (or 4) quizzes.
The following countries and their capitals:
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Italy,
Greece, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, United Kingdom, Ireland, Poland, Estonia, Latvia,
Lithuania, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Albania, Croatia, Slovenia,
Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro
Additional: Northern Ireland, Basque Region, Kosovo
Physical Features:
Rhine River, Seine River, Rhone River, Danube River, Thames River, Po River, North Sea, Baltic Sea,
Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea, Black Sea, Aegean Sea, English Channel, Bosporus Straits,
Strait of Gibraltar, Alps, Pyrenees, Apennines, Balkan Peninsula, Iberian Peninsula
lizardpoint Make-up Quiz: European Countries
Europe Map and Places
Europe Map and Places