HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE TEACHER EDUCATION – SECONDARY – SPANISH CURRICULUM PLANNING SHEET 2015-2016 ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN TEACHING DEGREE Required Courses CMST 101 (GI) OR ****CMST 105 (GI)(D) 3 EDUC 101 3 ***EDUC 217 3 ENG 101 (GE) 3 ENG 102 OR ENG 109 3 ENG 238 (GH)(D) 3 GEOG 102 (GB)(D) OR GEOG 103 (GB)(D) HIST 103 (GB)(D) OR HIST 104 (GB)(D) OR HIST 202 (GB)(D) OR HIST 208 (GB)(D) Trans Credit Mil/Test Credit Remaining Requirements/ Comments 3 3 PSY 101 (GB) 3 PSY 207 3 PSY 216 3 **SPAN 102 3 SPAN 201 3 SPAN 202 3 SPAN 203 (GH) 3 SPAN 205 (D) 3 BIO/PHYS SCI ELEC (GL) 4 BIO/PHYS SCI ELEC (GS)(GL) 3 *MATHEMATICS ELEC (GM) 3 PHYS ED ELEC 1 PHYS ED ELEC 1 TOTAL HCC Credit 60 It is the student’s responsibility to APPLY FOR GRADUATION (degree or certificate) by the published deadlines: June 1 for August graduation; and October 1 for December graduation. Req’d Credit Name ________________________ TOTAL CREDITS REMAINING FOR DEGREE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CATALOG PROGRAM INFORMATION AND SPECIFIC COURSE REQUIREMENTS. Prepared by___________________________________ Date: ____________ ASSOCIATE OF ARTS IN TEACHING TEACHER EDUCATION Secondary Education - Spanish Award: Associate of Arts in Teaching No. of credits required: 60 For more information: Contact Dr. Sheila Allen at 443-412-2192, sallen@harford.edu; or Advising, Career, and Transfer Services, 443-4122301. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION The A.A.T. degree program prepares students for transfer into a four-year college or university education program. High school preparation should include four units of English, three units of math of which two should be algebra, and three units of science. Students must have a qualifying score on Praxis CORE or an equivalent assessment in order to earn an AAT degree. Students should plan to take Praxis CORE, which includes core English and math competencies, near completion of 45 credit hours. Information can be obtained from the Test and Assessment Center or the Educational Studies Division. Passing scores on Praxis I, SAT, GRE, or ACT may be submitted in place of Praxis CORE but may not be accepted by all transfer institutions. 2015 - 2016 DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Recommended Course Sequence First Semester EDUC 101 ENG 101 HIST 103 Credits Introduction to Education English Composition History of the United States I or HIST 104 History of the United States II or HIST 202 The Twentieth Century World or HIST 208 American Ethnic History PSY 101 General Psychology SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II ** Physical Education Elective 3 3 Semester Total 16 Second Semester Credits ENG 102 The student will meet the essential technical standards that include physical abilities and behavioral and professional characteristics necessary for the student to successfully complete the Teacher Education Program. PROGRAM GOALS Upon completion of the Teacher Education AAT Degree Programs, students will be able to 1. Demonstrate professional teaching behavior including effective communication. 2. Discuss the development of education/curriculum and select instructional techniques appropriate for a variety of students. 3. Identify influences on development and compare theories of learning. 4. Make decisions in accordance with legal and ethical standards. TRANSFER INFORMATION Past graduates of this program have transferred to four-year state colleges and universities in Maryland and to private and public colleges nationwide. To facilitate transfer, students should consult with an academic advisor early in their studies at HCC and before selecting elective courses. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION According to the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 1.1 million secondary school public teachers will be needed by 2018. Note: The following codes identify courses which satisfy the General Education Degree Requirements: Behavioral/Social Science+ English Composition Arts/Humanities+ Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues Biological/Physical Laboratory Science Mathematics Biological/Physical Science + For AS, AA, and AAT degrees, Behavioral/Social Science and Arts/Humanities electives must be selected from two different disciplines. English Composition and Literature or ENG 109 English Composition: Research Writing GEOG 102 Human Geography or GEOG 103 World Regional Geography PSY 207 Educational Psychology SPAN 201 Intermediate Spanish I Mathematics Elective * 3 3 3 1 Semester Total Third Semester Speech Fundamentals or CMST 105 Interpersonal Communication **** EDUC 217 Introduction to Special Education *** ENG 238 Latin American Literature SPAN 202 Intermediate Spanish II Biological/Physical Lab Science Elective * 3 3 3 3 3 15 Credits CMST 101 Semester Total Fourth Semester 3 3 3 3 4 16 Credits PSY 216 Adolescent Psychology SPAN 203 Survey of Spanish Literature I SPAN 205 Advanced Conversation Biological/Physical Science Elective Physical Education Elective 3 3 3 3 1 Semester Total 13 * General Education courses should be selected with consideration of the requirements of the college to which the student plans to transfer. Students should select these courses with assistance of an advisor. A four credit course may be substituted. ** It is assumed that students will enter the program with Spanish proficiency at least at the 102 level. *** The Introduction to Special Education course required by Harford Community College is a necessary requirement of the College's AAT degree, but is not sufficient to meet all special education or inclusion course requirements for four-year teacher education programs. Students may be required to take additional special education or inclusion courses as a part of the requirements for a baccalaureate degree and teacher education certification at four-year institutions. ****Preferred