Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation The classification that this publication describes was authored by: Mark Anderson Patrick Bourgeron Mark T. Bryer Rex Crawford Lisa Engelking Don Faber-Langendoen Mark Gallyoun Kathleen L. Goodin Dennis H. Grossman Sally Landaal Kenneth J. Metzler Karen D. Patterson Milo Pyne Marion S. Reid Lesley Sneddon Alan S. Weakley and by ecologists in the network of Natural Heritage programs and Conservation Data Centers (see back cover). Citation: Maybury, Kathleen P., editor. 1999. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia. ISBN 0-9624590-2-X Copyright 1999 The Nature Conservancy Acknowledgements Don Faber-Langendoen, Alan Weakley, Marion Reid, and Dennis Grossman, deserve special acknowledgement for their ideas, careful review, and other contributions to this publication. Thoughtful review and comments were also provided by Jonathan Adams, Mark Anderson, Mark Bryer, Patrick Comer, Christine A. De Joy, Beth Duris, Stephanie R. Flack, Kathleen L. Goodin, Sally Landaal, Julie Lundgren, Karen D. Patterson, Milo Pyne, Carol Reschke, Lesley Sneddon, and Bruce A. Stein. Deborah A. Gries provided research assistance. Jim Drake, Jonathan L. Haferman, and Stuart Sheppard assisted with maps. Design and Production: Nicole S. Rousmaniere Table of Contents Preface ............................................................................................................................. 2 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 3 Why Communities? ............................................................................................................. 4 Why Is a Classification System Important? .............................................................................. 6 What Is the USNVC? .......................................................................................................... 7 What Is the Current Status of the USNVC? ........................................................................... 10 How Is the USNVC Being Used? ........................................................................................ 12 Within the Conservancy ............................................................................................. 12 Beyond the Conservancy ............................................................................................ 19 Summary and Future Challenges ......................................................................................... 23 Appendices: The Nuts and Bolts of the USNVC System ........................................................... 24 Appendix A—Key Attributes ....................................................................................... 24 Appendix B—Structure and Type Definition ................................................................... 26 Appendix C—Partners in Development and Application .................................................. 29 Cited References .............................................................................................................. 36 I n the early summer of 1991, a biologist invento- Classifications such as the one developed in North Caro- rying a pine savanna on the North Carolina lina have now been compiled, integrated, and expanded Coastal Plain came across a 3-foot-tall plant he couldn’t into a system that is applicable across the nation: the U.S. identify. The puzzling plant species, a member of the sedge National Vegetation Classification, or USNVC. The prod- family, turned out to be unknown to science—and all the uct of a two-decade-long collaboration between the Con- more intriguing because its nearest close relatives were servancy and the network of Natural Heritage programs,† found to be boreal species that occur almost 500 miles the USNVC greatly enhances our ability to recognize, away. Subsequent inventories at this same small site have assess, and conserve natural communities everywhere we documented the presence of an astounding 500 species work, in the United States and beyond. It represents the of vascular plants, as well as large populations of several first U.S. community classification system that is national globally endangered plants and invertebrates. in scope and detailed enough in its consideration of For those dedicated to preserving the nation’s biodiversity, remarkable discoveries like these are usually natural diversity to be useful in making local, site-specific conservation decisions. a call to action, galvanizing efforts to forge In the case of the North Carolina site, a partnerships with members of the local community classification system allowed bi- community, negotiate land deals, and initiate protection agreements. These efforts Preface ologists to recognize and document that at least one plant community found there was are often imbued with a sense of urgency, extremely rare on a global basis. That real- as many sites of exceptional biological value ization was a principal factor in the decision face encroaching development or other threats. In this to make the site a Conservancy preserve long before com- case, however, no sense of crisis ever arose; nothing out prehensive inventories of species had been conducted there. of the ordinary happened at all. At the time the scientist In this report, we present several examples of how discovered the anomalous sedge, large portions of the site scientists within and beyond the Conservancy are using had been a Conservancy preserve for more than five years. the USNVC to accomplish the best possible conservation. Ties to the community were already strong, and protec- Our hope is to make the classification, and its enormous tion efforts had long been part of the day-to-day work of potential for improving conservation decisions, accessible the Conservancy’s North Carolina Field Office. to a wider audience of conservation practitioners. Essen- How did the Conservancy come to identify this tially, we want this tool to be in the hands of those who specific place as being of critical conservation concern years need it, wherever they need it, to carry out effective and before many of the important species discoveries had been efficient conservation. made? In large part, the answer has to do with a scientific The ecologists of approach created expressly to meet conservation needs: The Nature Conservancy, a classification system for ecological communities. August 1998 † The Natural Heritage network is an informal designation of state and other programs that work cooperatively to collect and manage information on rare species and natural communities. 2 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation W hat types of natural vegetation exist across This standardized approach is allowing assess- the landscape? Which types are intrinsically ments of conservation status, trends, and management rare or have been severely degraded by human activities? practices for ecological communities across local, How do we identify the best remaining occurrences of natu- regional, and national landscapes. It has enhanced the ral communities across their geographic ranges? To direct Conservancy’s ability to identify the most important our limited conservation resources to the specific places sites for conserving our nation’s biodiversity, and it is where they will have the greatest impact, we must have playing an important role in our efforts to identify a clear answers to questions such as these—answers that portfolio of conservation sites representative of each ultimately hinge on how we define and categorize the rich ecoregion.† Beyond the Conservancy and Heritage pro- ecological diversity that is one of our nation’s greatest trea- grams, the system’s utility has been widely appreciated: sures. To answer these questions, The Nature Conservancy, it is now accepted as the standard for classification, in partnership with the network of Natural Heritage pro- inventory, and mapping work in all U.S. federal agen- grams, has developed a scientifically sound, consistent, and cies, including the National Park Service, the National flexible classification system that can Forest Service, and the Fish and be applied to terrestrial ecological Wildlife Service. These agencies, communities throughout the world. The system can be used to classify Introduction all types of vegetated communities, along with other academic and professional conservation and management organizations, are from verdant wetlands to arid deserts nearly lacking in plant increasingly becoming the Conservancy’s partners in life, and from the most pristine old-growth forests to the ongoing development and application of the clas- cultivated annual crop fields. Using this system, a team of sification and its provision to a burgeoning number of Conservancy and Heritage ecologists has now completed a users and contributors. first iteration of the natural vegetation types of the United This report briefly describes the classification States. This represents the first time the country’s natural system and identifies major opportunities for applying terrestrial communities have been classified using a single it to meet our current conservation challenges, as well as system on a scale fine enough to be useful for the conser- those that lie ahead. vation of specific sites. † An ecoregion is a relatively large unit of land and water delineated by the biotic and abiotic factors that regulate the structure and function of the communities within it. It provides a unit of geography that is more relevant than political units for organizing and prioritizing conservation planning efforts.1 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 3 A ttempts to conserve biological diversity can species-by-species approach to conservation. Saving be directed at different biological and eco- individual species once they are on the brink of extinc- logical levels, ranging from genes to species to commu- tion often demands large amounts of time, societal nities and ecosystems. Communities can be described concern, and money. Such an approach is clearly neces- as assemblages of species that co-occur in defined areas sary for species that are facing particular threats, and it at certain times and that have the potential to interact is also reasonable for large mammals, birds, and plants 2,3,4 with one another. But com- that are of particular signifi- munities are more than the cance to humans, especially sum of their species; they also represent the myriad biological and environmental interactions that are inherently a part of Why Communities? each unique natural system. those that inspire a sense of awe or affinity. But there are an estimated 10 million to 100 million species on Earth, only a fraction of which are known Thus, by describing, tracking, and preserving commu- to science. 5 These include the little, less glamorous nities, ecologists can protect a complex suite of organ- species that create soils, pollinate plants, and play isms and interactions not easily identified and protected numerous other ecological roles. Protecting the vast through other means. majority of them will require a broader, natural com- In addition, a consensus has emerged within the conservation community about the inadequacy of a munity-based approach that conserves habitats and species assemblages as a whole. The best approach to protecting many of our most imperiled species, such as the elusive and rare San Gabriel Mountain slender salamander, is to preserve the habitats on which they depend. Natural assemblages of plants are widely regarded as biological expressions of the complex factors that make up a particular habitat—factors such as climate, soils, natural disturbance processes, and the structure of the plants themselves. Thus, natural plant communities can be used as a “coarse filter” for protecting numerous species, even the less glamorous species whose very existence—let alone habitat needs—we may have yet to discover. San Gabriel Mountain slender salamander © Kate Spencer 4 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation The ecological community concept has been recognized as an important conservation planning tool for the following reasons: • Communities have inherent value that is worth conserving. They encompass a unique set of interactions among species and contribute to important ecosystem functions. • Communities can be used as surrogates for species and for ecological processes, particularly in species-rich and data-poor areas such as the tropics. • By protecting communities, we protect many species not specifically targeted for conservation. This is especially important for poorly known groups such as fungi and invertebrates. • Monitoring change over time is often most meaningful when done at the level of communities. Changes may be detected in overall species abundance, including the proportion of non-native species; in structure, such as the development of old-growth characteristics; and in function, such as alterations in nutrient cycling. • Communities are an important tool for systematically characterizing the current pattern and condition of © James R. Snyder ecosystems and landscapes. More Than the Sum of Its Parts Tropical forest communities may comprise an especially high number of species. Like all communities, they also comprise a complex array of interactions among species and between species and their environments. Shown here: a seasonally flooded tropical forest, south Florida. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 5 T he Conservancy and the Natural Heritage network concluded that a basic question—to what extent the natu- have recognized ecological communities as ral ecosystems in the United States have been reduced in important elements of conservation for many years. The area or degraded in quality due to human activities— best, most viable occurrences of these communities, could only be answered “by a relatively crude approach along with occurrences of rare and imperiled species, because a systematic approach to understanding these have formed the basis for protection decisions through- systems at a national scale was not yet available.”6 Other out the Conservancy’s history. basic questions, such as, What are the key environmental In the past, despite the recognized importance of factors in relationship to a particular community across ecological communities, no accepted framework for its entire range? and, What is the complete geographic national or international community classification existed. distribution of a particular community? often could not be answered at all. Without a standard approach, community protection decisions were made only on a state-bystate or agency-by-agency basis, based on independently developed classifications. These classifications worked effectively for the conservation of important areas within states or jurisdic- Why Is a Classification System Important? Recognizing the need for a national and international system for classifying terrestrial communities to carry out its mission effectively, the Conservancy, in conjunction with the Natural Heritage network, undertook development of the U.S. National Vegetation Classification tions, but from a national and international perspective, they risked unnecessarily redun- (USNVC) system. A team of more than 100 Conservancy dant protection of a few communities and inadequate and Heritage ecologists established the standardized protection of many others. In addition, in the absence of classification framework and defined the first iteration a common classification, the results of many inventory of U.S. communities within it.† In the coming years, the and monitoring programs, such as those conducted in USNVC will be continuously refined and developed by national forests and parks, state forests and parks, or fish the Conservancy and an expanding network of partners and wildlife refuges, could not be integrated or compared. who are using the system to accomplish their conserva- As recently as 1995, several prominent researchers tion and management goals. † More detailed information about the classification system, including its development, status, and applications, can be found in the recent publication International Classification of Ecological Communities: Terrestrial Vegetation of the United States.7 A first iteration of the list of community types can be found in the second volume of that publication.8 Both volumes are available on the World Wide Web at 6 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation T he USNVC system blends the features of many vegetation structure and that occur under similar habi- existing classification systems that are most tat conditions. useful for conservation. It essentially represents a The association concept encompasses both the structured compilation of an enormous amount of dominant species (those that cover the greatest area) and fine-scale state and local information on vegetation, diagnostic species (those found consistently in some and an integration of this information with a modified vegetation types but not others) regardless of whether version of UNESCO’s worldwide framework for coarse- they are large trees or diminutive understory plants. scale vegetation classification.9 This means associations can reflect a greater ecological Terrestrial ecological communities are classified specificity than can a “cover type” or other type based based on vegetation as it currently exists across the land- solely on the dominant species of the upper stratum. scape. Because of their conservation objectives, the Dominant cover species are often widespread, and may Conservancy and the Natural Heri- occur with many different species tage network are classifying and over large, heterogeneous land- describing only the more natural types of vegetation. The USNVC framework, however, may be used What Is the USNVC? scapes.10,11 For example, in northern Minnesota and adjacent parts of Canada, on moist bedrock sub- to classify all existing vegetation, strates the “generalist” species jack including heavily human-influ- pine (Pinus banksiana) occurs with enced types such as those in developed areas, crop- an understory of balsam fir (Abies balsamea), whereas lands, and places severely altered by past logging or on dry sandplains jack pine grows with bearberry (Arcto- farming. (See Appendix A for additional information staphylos uva-ursi) under its canopy.12 These two distinct about the key attributes of the USNVC.) plant assemblages, and the profoundly different environ- In the USNVC, terrestrial vegetation is classified mental conditions under which they occur, undoubtedly within a nested, seven-level hierarchy, the finest level of represent differences of real ecological significance. which is called the association. (See Appendix B for a com- The differences are captured by including dominant plete explanation of the system’s hierarchical structure.) and diagnostic species in both the over- and understory, The confluence of three interrelated criteria—species as well as habitat conditions, in the association concept. composition, structure, and habitat—conceptually Despite their relatively high degree of ecological speci- defines an association: it represents those plant assem- ficity, associations must repeat across the landscape.† Indi- blages that exhibit similar total species composition and vidual occurrences of the same or different associations, The association concept is intended to be fine enough to be useful for identifying specific, ecologically meaningful sites for conservation, but broad enough to be connected to landscape-scale processes and patterns. † A few associations that are restricted to specific and unusual environmental conditions are exceptions to this general rule. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 7 © Charlie Ott and Gunther Matschke Hawaiian cloud forests m Death Valley m Towering redwoods m The Everglades m Tallgrass prairies Encompassing the boreal and the tropical, alpine summits and deserts well below sea level, the United States is blessed with a great and beautiful variety of natural vegetation. Conceptualizing—even in a general way—the diversity and pattern of this vegetation across the landscape is a daunting prospect. Doing so in a way that helps us understand relatively small-scale but ecologically meaningful patterns is even Death Valley National Monument more of a challenge. however, may range greatly in size. For example, some west- characteristics of the leaves, such as seasonality, shape, ern grasslands occur naturally in patches of tens of thou- and texture. These features are referred to as physiognomic sands of acres. In contrast, southern Appalachian “beech characteristics, and they are generally much more useful gaps,” characterized by stunted, gnarled beech trees, than species composition for rapidly categorizing veg- often occur in sharply bounded mountaintop patches of etation over large geographic areas (or in areas where only a few acres. little is known about the species composition). Associations are grouped into the next level of the At the coarsest level of the USNVC hierarchy, USNVC hierarchy, the alliance, primarily on the basis of the class, vegetation is divided into seven types: Forest, having common dominant species in the upper stratum Woodland, Shrubland, Dwarf-shrubland, Herbaceous, of the vegetation. Alliances, in turn, are nested into Nonvascular, and Sparse Vegetation. A summary of the progressively coarser levels of the hierarchy, primarily USNVC’s seven levels is provided in the box on the based on characteristics related to the structure (height facing page. and spacing) and overall shape of the plants, and to 8 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation © Julie Moore, TNC A Summary of the U.S. National Vegetation Classification System LEVEL PRIMARY BASIS FOR CLASSIFICATION EXAMPLE (SEE PHOTO) Class Structure of vegetation Woodland Subclass Leaf phenology Evergreen Woodland Group Leaf types, corresponding to climate Temperate or Subpolar Needle-Leaved Evergreen Woodland Subgroup Relative human impact (natural/semi-natural, or cultural) Natural/Semi-natural Formation Additional physiognomic and environmental factors, including hydrology Saturated Temperate or Subpolar Needle-Leaved Evergreen Woodland Alliance Dominant/diagnostic species of the uppermost or dominant stratum Longleaf Pine -- (Slash Pine, Pond Pine) Saturated Woodland Alliance † Association Additional dominant/diagnostic species from any strata Longleaf Pine / Little Gallberry / Carolina Wiregrass Woodland † The Longleaf Pine / Little Gallberry / Carolina Wiregrass Woodland. This association is found on flat, poorly drained sites on the Coastal Plain of North and South Carolina. † Rules for naming alliances and associations: The names of dominant and diagnostic species are used in alliance and association names. Those species occurring in the same stratum are separated by a hyphen ( - ); those occurring in different strata are separated by a slash ( / ). Species found less consistently either in all associations of an alliance, or in all occurrences of an association, are placed in parentheses. In most cases, the word “alliance” appears in alliance names to distinguish them from associations. Examples of alliance names: American Beech - Southern Magnolia Forest Alliance [Fagus grandifolia - Magnolia grandiflora Forest Alliance]; Longleaf Pine / Oak Species Woodland Alliance [Pinus palustris / Quercus spp. Woodland Alliance]. Examples of association names: Subalpine Fir / Grouseberry Forest [Abies lasiocarpa / Vaccinium scoparium Forest]; Saltgrass - (Saltmarsh Dropseed) Herbaceous Vegetation [Distichlis spicata - (Sporobolus virginicus) Herbaceous Vegetation]. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 9 T he number of currently defined USNVC types at environments does this type occur? How much varia- each level of the system’s hierarchy and the per- tion (in structure and in species composition) is recog- centage of associations in each class are presented nized within the type? How does this type differ from below. The number of types at the coarser levels of the similar types? and, How does this type respond to dis- hierarchy will not change significantly as the classifica- turbances, both natural and human induced? tion develops. However, changes will occur at the finest Conservancy ecologists are providing answers to levels as the existing alliances and associations are these questions in the form of detailed descriptions of refined and new types are added through additional alliances and associations. Thus far, descriptions have inventories and analyses. been completed for about 80 per- Each of the currently defined associations has a minimum set of information associated with it, including the association’s conservation status, and a list of states and U.S. Forest Service ecoregions 13 where it is known or thought to occur. However, to understand What Is the Current Status of the USNVC? cent of the currently defined alliances and about 40 percent of the associations. An example of a typical description appears on the facing page. It depicts the Blackjack Oak Eastern Red Cedar / Little Bluestem - Orange-Grass St. John’s -Wort alliances and associations in depth and to recognize Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation Association. Otherwise them in the field, ecologists will need answers to more known as the Shawnee Sandstone Glade, this midwestern detailed questions about specific types. Important savanna is naturally restricted to unusually thin-soiled questions regarding each type include: In what types of places where droughty conditions prevail. Total Number of Vegetation Types at Each Level of the USNVC Level Class Subclass Group Formation Alliance Association Number of Types 7 22 62 231 1,642 4,515 Note: Data shown are current as of August 1998 and represent types in the Natural/Semi-natural Subgroup only. 10 Dwarf-shrublands 3% Herbaceous Vegetation 27% Shrublands 16% Woodlands 18% Nonvascular Vegetation <1% Sparse Vegetation 2% Forests 33% Percentage of Associations in Each Class Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation Blackjack Oak - Eastern Red Cedar / Little Bluestem - Orange-Grass St. John’s-Wort Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation [Quercus marilandica - Juniperus virginiana var. virginiana / Schizachyrium scoparium - Hypericum gentianoides Wooded Herbaceous Vegetation] SYNONYM: Shawnee Sandstone Glade. RANGE: This association occurs on the upper slopes and ridgetops of south-facing bluffs and escarpments in the Shawnee Hills of southern Illinois, western Kentucky, and southern Indiana. The present range of this community is probably very close to pre-European settlement range. VEGETATION DESCRIPTION: This community is dominated by graminoid species. Blackjack oak, post oak, and eastern red cedar are the dominant trees; they are found scattered or in patches throughout the occurrence. These trees are generally small, stunted, and limby. The overstory cover seldom exceeds 50 percent. The subcanopy is conspicuously thin or absent. Scattered individual and patches of shrubs occur here, with farkleberry and winged elm the most commonly encountered. Grasses such as little bluestem and poverty oat-grass dominate the herbaceous layer, along with a diverse mixture of forbs. The patchiness and uneven distribution of trees, shrubs, and herbaceous vegetation are a response to thin, infertile soils and droughty conditions. Lichens and mosses are common on exposed bedrock surfaces and on soils not covered with leaf litter and woody debris. MOST ABUNDANT SPECIES: Post oak (Quercus stellata), blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica), eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana), winged elm (Ulmus alata), farkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum), saw greenbrier (Smilax bona-nox), poverty oat-grass (Danthonia spicata), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), Parmelia spp., and Polytrichum spp. DIAGNOSTIC SPECIES: Blackjack oak (Quercus marilandica), farkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum), saw greenbrier (Smilax bona-nox), little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), and orange-grass St. John’s-wort (Hypericum gentianoides). ENVIRONMENTAL DESCRIPTION: This community occurs primarily on south- and southwest-facing slopes. This droughty environment has thin, acidic soils that can erode easily. Bedrock is sandstone, which occurs on the surface as massive outcrops, level benches, and boulders. The slope aspect results in frequent periods of freeze and thaw and consequent erosion and mass wasting. The aspect also contributes to summer temperatures well in excess of those in the cooler and wetter north- and east-facing slopes. SUCCESSIONAL STATUS/HISTORY: Natural disturbance includes periodic fire, wind, storm, and drought. Environmental extremes, including rapidly drained, thin, stony soils; summer droughts lasting three to five weeks Known Occurrences of Shawnee Sandstone Glade or more; and limited water availability for most of the growing season, favor the establishment of this glade association. Periodic fire may help to maintain this community, especially after disturbance from logging or grazing. Fire suppression encourages a transition from glade to woodland. Herds of elk, deer, and buffalo once roamed these hills, and their grazing and browsing may have provided a mechanism for maintaining the “barrens” or glade character. MANAGEMENT COMMENTS: Prescribed fire is becoming a commonly used tool for barrens or glade restoration. Although little data are available concerning presettlement fire frequency, a reduction in this frequency has contributed to recent increases in woody species coverage (Robertson and Heikens 1994). Some researchers suggest that mechanical removal of larger trees and periodic burning (every two or three years) may be necessary to maintain sparse woodland physiognomy. LITERATURE CITED: Robertson, P. A., and A. L. Heikens. 1994. Fire frequency in oak-hickory forests of southern Illinois. Castanea 59: 286-291. Occurrence data are from the following sources: the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Natural Heritage; the Division of Nature Preserves, Indiana Department of Natural Resources; and the Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 11 W ITHIN THE CONSERVANCY The Conservancy’s mission is “to preserve plants, animals, of community types—typically 5 to 25 associations—that and natural communities that represent the diversity of life occur in similar environmental settings. While the same on Earth by protecting the land and waters they need to associations will almost always be found everywhere a par- survive.” Determining which community types urgently ticular complex occurs, similar, but not identical, associa- need protection, and which occurrences represent the best tions are likely to be found in each occurrence of a group. conservation opportunities for each type, provides the basis Examples of ecological groups include northern Rocky for targeting conservation resources appropriately. The Mountain alpine meadows, southwestern desert riparian Conservancy uses two complementary approaches to guide woodlands, and midwestern beech-maple forests. All these determinations: associations can be conceptually grouped in this way, and 1. The best, most viable † occurrences of all the such groups offer a simplified way of understanding and mapping vegetation pattern over community types that occur in an ecoregion, as well as occurrences of rare species, are selected to be included in a portfolio of sites that, collectively, would conserve the full suite of biodiversity within that ecoregion. Essentially, these port- How Is the the USNVC Being Used? folios serve as blueprints for con- large, diverse landscapes. Especially in areas where there is limited information on the precise distribution of associations, ecological groups provide a coarse-scale assessment of community diversity and distribution that can be used as servation success. The USNVC is being used as a guiding a basis for targeting conservation resources. Thus, while framework for these ecoregional blueprints. the USNVC recognizes communities at a relatively fine Three principal entities have recently been identified scale of resolution, it also offers the flexibility to recognize as ecological targets for conservation: USNVC associations, natural ecological groupings of those communities at vari- ecological complexes, and ecological groups. Ecological ous scales for practical use in conservation planning. complexes represent associations that are tightly bound by 2. Although the Conservancy is dedicated to conserv- ecological processes and are invariably found together in ing the best occurrences of all natural vegetation types, tight spatial clusters. Because of the predictable and fine- special attention must be focused on types that are ex- scale occurrence patterns of the associations within them, tremely rare or imminently endangered. To identify these, complexes are most efficiently inventoried, mapped, and the Natural Heritage network and the Conservancy have protected as single entities. An example is the upland/wet- developed a method for evaluating each USNVC associa- land vegetation mosaic found in coastal dune/swale com- tion and assigning an appropriate conservation status plexes. Ecological groups are more conceptual aggregations rank. Because the USNVC is a standardized classification, † Viability is assessed through element occurrence ranking on an excellent to poor scale based on degree of altered species composition and structure, condition, and inferred ecosystem processes. 12 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation each association can be assessed and ranked based on its Percentage of Associations at Each Conservation Status Rank G5 8% GU/G? 18% relative degree of rarity and imperilment on a global, or rangewide, basis (as well as on more local levels). See the table and figure adjacent for the definitions of these ranks GH <1% and the percentage of associations assigned to each. Based on this assessment, more than half of all G1 11% G4 17% defined U.S. associations are of conservation concern, with 31 percent considered critically imperiled or imperiled and another 26 percent considered vulnerable. G2 20% G3 26% American chestnut forests that once covered much of the been part of the national landscape, but that now occur ELIMINATED throughout its range, with no restoration potential due to extinction of dominant or characteristic species. nowhere in the world. throughout its range, with no or virtually no likelihood that it will be rediscovered, but with the potential for restoration (e.g., American Chestnut Forest). centage of all the currently defined associations occurring PRESUMED ELIMINATED (HISTORIC) CRITICALLY IMPERILED. Generally 5 or fewer occurrences and/or very few remaining acres or very vulnerable to elimination throughout its range due to other factor(s). G2 IMPERILED. Generally 6-20 occurrences and/or few remaining acres or very vulnerable to elimination throughout its range due to other factor(s). G3 VULNERABLE. Generally 21-100 occurrences. Either very rare and local throughout its range or found locally, even abundantly, within a restricted range or vulnerable to elimination throughout its range due to specific factors. G4 APPARENTLY SECURE. Uncommon, but not rare (although it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery). Apparently not vulnerable in most of its range. G5 SECURE. Common, widespread, and abundant (though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery). Not vulnerable in most of its range. The maps on the following page illustrate the per- in each state and in each U.S. Forest Service ecoregion13 that are imperiled (G1 or G2). An astounding 30 percent © Samuel M. Gon III, TNC G1 GU is considered “extinct,” but a few are historic. Like the East, these are communities that are known to have once Global Rank Definitions GH ranked G? or GU, only a relatively small percentage of these are believed to be imperiled.) As yet, no association More than half of all associations are of conservation concern, with nearly a third considered critically imperiled or imperiled. Note: Data shown are current as of August 1998. GX (Although 18 percent of the associations are currently UNRANKABLE. Status cannot be determined at this time. G? UNRANKED. Status has not yet been assessed. Note: “G” refers to global (rangewide) status. National (N) and subnational (S) ranks can also be assessed. Critically imperiled Loulu Coastal Mesic Palm Forest, Hawaii Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 13 Occurrence of Imperiled Associations by State and by Ecoregion Percentage of Imperiled (G1, G2) Associations > 30% 20 – 30% 10 – 20% < 10% Note: Data shown are current as of August 1998. Data for Alaska are incomplete and are not shown. or more of the natural communities in areas such as efficient solutions to this national problem will be grounded Hawaii, the Willamette Valley of Oregon, and vast portions in conservation planning and action on an association- of the Midwest and Southeast are in danger of vanishing by-association, site-by-site, and ecoregion-by-ecoregion from our national landscape. basis. The following examples of how the Conservancy and An awareness of just how large the imperilment its partners are preserving imperiled communities, habitats, problem is on a national scale is one of the most sobering, and landscapes will illustrate some of these solutions. (For a but potentially useful, insights to emerge from the develop- comprehensive overview of how the USNVC is being used ment of a national community classification. Effective and throughout the nation and beyond, see Appendix C.) 14 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation EXAMPLE 1 Preserving the Rarest Communities in the Great Lakes States In the Great Lakes basin, scattered from northern New York across southern Ontario and northern Michigan, there are a few places with globally rare native communities collectively known as “alvar” types. These communities, composed of a mixture of prairie and boreal plant species, include woodlands, shrublands, and grasslands that occur as a mosaic on thin soils overlying flat expanses of limestone.14 All are extremely dry in summer, but some are very wet in spring and fall. Many are known to have locally rare species associated with them, and certain species or subspecies of snails may be endemic to these communities. But the communities as a whole are of fundamental significance. Each represents a unique assemblage of plants and animals and a distinct set of species interactions and ecological processes that are inherently worth conserving. We cannot hope to know and understand all the facets of these species, interactions, and processes, but the communities have already provided some surprising discoveries and insights. For example, some alvar communities are now believed to be old-growth habitats, with stunted northern white-cedar (Thuja occidentalis) trees that are at least 500 years old and possibly much older.15 Classification of the Great Lakes alvar communities has clarified and highlighted the diversity, rarity, and vulnerability of these systems. It has also clarified distinctions between these communities and related systems found elsewhere in North America and Scandinavia. The ability to compare the degree of rarity of these alvar communities relative to other types and to understand these communities across their entire geographic range has played an important role in ensuring their protection. For example, Canadian and U.S. conservationists recently met to review all currently known high quality sites, and to identify innovative conservation strategies, including a range of private and public initiatives, to protect them.16 In addition, ongoing biological and hydrological monitoring studies on several of the sites are establishing conservation and management priorities that will protect these unique communities in perpetuity. © Carol Reschke Alvar grassland transitioning to calcareous pavement barrens, Geum Prairie, Chaumont Barrens, New York Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 15 EXAMPLE 2 Preserving Habitats and Species in North Carolina Natural assemblages of plants are a biological expression of environmental conditions such as climate, soils, hydrology, topography, and natural disturbance processes. Essentially, such assemblages are an easily observable indicator of habitats.17 Thus, although defined on the basis of vegetation, each plant community almost certainly © B. A. Sorrie represents a unique set of organisms, including vertebrates, invertebrates, vascular and nonvascular plants, bacteria, and fungi. For this reason, protecting viable examples of every association is a proactive way of protecting whole assemblages of species before any individual species declines into endangerment. Although it is difficult to precisely quantify the success or failure of this “coarse filter” approach, some of the most easily discernible successes will occur in those associations that are naturally rare. (Such associations are a manifestation of unusual environmental conditions and are therefore likely to support naturally rare species adapted to those conditions.) One such success story takes place in the few places on the Atlantic Coastal Plain where coquina limestone, a cemented mixture of broken marine shells and corals, forms the bedrock. Here, on the thin, wet, calcareous soils that form over the coquina, an unusual woodland community occurs. Longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) and pond pine (P. serotina) form a scattered, open canopy over a variety of herbaceous species such as Carolina dropseed (Sporobolus pinetorum) and toothache grass (Ctenium aromaticum). Both the composition and the structure of the vegetation are unusual, and the Carex lutea, a recently discovered species of sedge, known from only nine populations worldwide community is known to occur only in eastern North Carolina. In the early 1980s, the Conservancy made the Neck Savanna, a primary site for this woodland, a conservation priority. The site was chosen on the basis of the known presence of this globally rare community, as well as several rare species. Because the site was preserved and made accessible to biologists, the ensuing 15 years have revealed the presence of numerous additional G1G3 species, including many invertebrates. The largest known population of the rare Venus flytrap cutworm (Hemipachnobia subporphyria subporphyria), for example, was found here. So was a species of sedge previously unknown to science (Carex lutea). The newly described sedge, a tall, clump-forming plant with a long, narrow inflorescence, turned out to be a widely disjunct member of an otherwise boreal group of plants that occur nearly 500 miles away.18 Found only in these naturally rareand now protected“islands” of calcareous savanna, the sedge is now known from a total of nine populations in the world. The decision to protect this site based on the presence of a rare community protected this thenunknown species, as well as populations of other species of great biological value. 16 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation EXAMPLE 3 Creating a Blueprint for Conservation Success in the Intermountain West The ability to evaluate and compare community types across broad geographic areas is one of the principal advantages of the standardized USNVC system. The Conservancy uses this advantage in planning conservation at the ecoregional level, where types, and occurrences of types, must be compared and assessed within and across these huge landscapes. One of the first ecoregional plans was developed for the Conservancy’s Columbia Plateau ecoregion. Stretching across seven states, but primarily located in northern Nevada, southern Idaho, and eastern Washington and Oregon, the Columbia Plateau ecoregion has been described as a 300,000-square-kilometer expanse of “sagebrush-covered volcanic plains and valleys, punctuated by isolated mountain ranges and the dramatic river systems of the Snake, Owyhee, Boise, and Columbia.” 19 In developing the ecoregion’s conservation plan, the Conservancy and its partners addressed two related questions: Where in this vast and diverse area should we target our conservation resources? and, How can we preserve the biological diversity that is representative of the region as a whole? One part of the answer is to focus on preserving the best, most representative occurrences of the communities that occur in the ecoregion. At least 449 USNVC associations have been defined within the Columbia Plateau ecoregiona measure of the tremendous biodiversity of the area. Of these, 105 are considered rare or imperiled (G1 or G2), including once-extensive grassland types of the Palouse prairies that now only occur as fragmented remnants. To ensure that these associations are not lost entirely, the ecoregional planning team included most of the viable occurrences of them as priorities for conservation site selection. Associations that are more common were prioritized partly on the basis of how much fidelity to the ecoregion they exhibit. Those associations that can be protected only within the Columbia Plateau because they are endemic or very limited to it were generally considered to be a higher conservation priority than more widespread types or those that primarily occur in adjacent ecoregions and are only peripheral in the Columbia Plateau. The planning team chose priority occurrences of associations by The Columbia Plateau Ecoregion Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 17 taking into account minimum size requirements, the level to which the occurrence had been affected by human activities, and how all the occurrences could best reflect the natural distribution of the type across the ecoregion. Where specific occurrences of associations were unknown, cover types were used as predictors of the likelihood of an association occurring © Harold Malde in the area. However, the degree to which the blueprint succeeds in capturing all the representative biodiversity of the ecoregion will be assessed on the The Columbia Plateau basis of how well the actual associations were selected. Thus, the USNVC is being used as the framework for understanding the distribution of vegetation types within and among ecoregions, for determining which types are particularly imperiled, andultimatelyfor evaluating our blueprints to ensure that they maintain all the significant aspects of the unique biological and ecological character of the Columbia Plateau ecoregion, and of all the ecoregions in which we work. 18 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation B EYOND THE CONSERVANCY Many federal agencies, including the Department of preserving the plants, animals, and natural communi- Defense, the Environmental Protection Agency, the ties that represent the diversity of life on Earth— National Park Service, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife organizations like the Conservancy are becoming Service, and the U.S. Forest Service, have supported increasingly aware of the importance of working with the development of the USNVC as a useful tool to partners and leveraging our effectiveness by sharing help them meet their conservation and resource man- the best conservation tools and practices. The follow- agement goals. (See Appendix C.) ing examples illustrate how the USNVC is helping EXAMPLE 1 Given the magnitude of the challenge before us— effect conservation “beyond the Conservancy.” Detecting Gaps in Protection: Superior National Forest, Minnesota As is the case with the Conservancy’s ecoregions, a management goal for all lands owned by the U.S. Forest Service has long been to preserve and maintain landscape-scale ecosystem and species diversity. The Forest Service accomplishes this in part through designating research natural areas (RNAs), which, along with other types of established natural areas, form a network of protected lands that are representative of the vegetation and ecosystems of each national forest. The proposed targets of RNA representation include the natural communities, defined by USNVC alliances, that are contained in each subsection (large areas with similar landforms and geologic structures).20 On one of the Forest Service’s lands, Superior National Forest, an assessment was recently completed to determine what gaps exist in the protection of types. Occupying more than two million acres in the Silhouettes of pine, birch, spruce, fir, and cedar—examples of trees that can be found in Superior National Forest, Minnesota. Provided by staff of Northwest Science and Technology, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 19 Arrowhead region of northeastern Minnesota, Superior National Forest is a lake-studded, hilly expanse characterized by a diverse mix of jack, red, and white pine; balsam fir; white and black spruce; white cedar; birch; and aspen. Thirty-seven USNVC alliances have been found there. High-quality examples of every alliance occurring in each of the forest’s six subsections are the proposed targets for an RNA network representative of the vegetation throughout Superior National Forest. Ecologists identified 117 of these alliance-by-subsection targets, only 32 of which (27 percent) were currently protected in natural areas. † Perhaps surprisingly, particular gaps were noted in some of the most widespread, predominant alliances, which were not represented at all in RNAs or other natural areas within most of the subsections. Detecting these fundamental gaps in protection is the first step toward ensuring that our national forest lands remain truly representative of our EXAMPLE 2 nation’s forests. Meeting Our Global Stewardship Responsibilities: Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, Cuba In part because of restricted public access to many of its lands, the U.S. Department of Defense has become an important steward of many sites of significant biological value. The U.S. Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, is no exception. Like many islands, Cuba has a high biological value because of the many species and communities that have evolved there and occur nowhere else. Within Cuba, the U.S. Naval Station is of especially high value. It encompasses a wide variety of coastal and dry tropical habitats and harbors several species of animals that appear to be abundant and thriving within the station’s confines, even as their populations elsewhere are in decline.21 To meet its obligations regarding management of natural resources, the Department of Defense recently funded a rapid ecological assessment (REA) of the station to take a quick, scientific “snapshot” of its biodiversity Given the magnitude of the challenge it faces, the Conservancy is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of working with partners and leveraging its effectiveness by sharing the best conservation tools and practices. † At least 1 example of nearly all of the 37 alliances is protected within one area of the national forest, the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness, but natural areas in other parts of the forest do not protect a representative mix of natural forest types. 20 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation and inform a plan for managing its resources. USNVC alliances and associations were used to C help create this snapshot. U B Aerial photographs and A satellite imagery were used to target and supplement more time- and labor-intensive field sur- Guantanamo Bay Naval Station veys, and 25 associations were delineated at the station. Ecologists targeted 11 of these for conservation action, including several unique palm scrub, cactus scrub, and tropical arid forest types that are known to provide critical habitat for birds of conservation concern. Many of the targeted types are restricted in the total geographic area in which they occur and are degraded nearly everywhere they occur except within the confines of the naval station. The Navy now has a documented, compelling reason to seize this exceptional opportunity to protect these globally endangered EXAMPLE 3 ecological communities and their component species. Understanding Our National Park Lands: Scotts Bluff National Monument, Nebraska What types of communities and species may already be protected on public, Conservancy, or other lands? Are we achieving our management goals in these places? How can the wealth of natural diversity on these lands be portrayed to their ownersU.S. taxpayers, Conservancy members, and others? Standardized inventory and monitoring programs are the keys to answering these questions. As the foundation of its inventorying and monitoring program, the National Park Service is using the USNVC system to map the vegetation across all of its lands. An example can be seen in the detail of the map of Scotts Bluff National Monument shown on the following page. Scotts Bluff is a prominent natural landmark in western Nebraska that was used by emigrants on the Oregon Trail. In 1919 it was set aside with adjacent lands in a 3,000-acre national monument within the National Park Service system. Recent surveys have found that the monument contains 20 USNVC associations For each of Scotts Bluff’s 20 associations, a description has been written characterizing the type on a range wide basis, as well as its local expression at the monument. Monument staff will use the map and associated descriptions in several ways: to direct searches for state-listed rare plant species suspected to occur within the Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 21 Community Map of Scotts Bluff National Monument - Detail Nebraska Siltstone - Clay Butte Sparse Vegetation Inland Siltstone Bluff - Cliff Sparse Vegetation Sand Bluestem - Prairie Sandreed Herbaceous Vegetation Needle-and-Thread Grass - Blue Grama - Threadleaf Sedge Herbaceous Vegetation Ponderosa Pine / Rocky Mountain Juniper Woodland 500 feet Approximate Scale Published courtesy of the USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Program monument; to locate long-term monitoring plots in major prairie types of concern; to monitor the results of restoration efforts; and to track long-term changes in vegetation at the monument. Staff members also intend to use the vegetation descriptions as a means of assessing potential fuel loads and fire behavior when they plan prescribed burns. In addition to these applications, the map and descriptions will form the basis of interpretive displays used to provide visitors with a better understanding of the natural diversity present at the monument. 22 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation O ver the past decade, the Conservancy and the m Maintain and expand Natural Heritage programs have developed partnerships a national classification system for vegetation, and many types within this system have been defined and charac- Existing partnerships between the Conservancy, Heritage terized. This classification, the USNVC, has been invalu- programs, and federal and state agencies have been very able in supporting conservation planning, site identifi- successful in developing the USNVC. In addition, the Eco- cation, and biodiversity monitoring and management. logical Society of America has established a panel for veg- Use of the system has now expanded to a broader part- etation classification that has brought together many nership that includes conservationists, vegetation scien- ecologists from academia to refine standards and provide tists, and resource managers across academic institutions, review. Future development and implementation of the USNVC increasingly depends on a federal and state agencies, private organizations, and other nonprofit organizations. The following challenges remain for the Conservancy and its partners in their ongoing efforts to develop, maintain, document, and support the USNVC: Summary and Future Challenges strong, shared vision of a national classification system and a heightened spirit of cooperation among all partners. In addition, new partnerships will need to be forged to address the needs of an increasingly broad network of contributors and users. m Continue to develop and refine USNVC types and type descriptions m Maintain momentum The Nature Conservancy and the network of Heritage For the Conservancy and its partners, the ongoing devel- programs are continuously collecting and analyzing opment of the USNVC is immensely rewarding. The new data, with a particular focus on communities of undertaking has gained momentum as the importance of conservation concern, areas in which classifications are a national classification system to address conservation, lacking, and areas in which classification confidence is stewardship, and research needs has become increasingly low. Groups of experts will continue to be brought to- obvious. Strong commitments to the USNVC’s develop- gether on a project-by-project and geographic basis to ment are critical to its continued use in effectively and refine the classification system and the descriptions of efficiently conserving and managing our nation’s extraor- the vegetation types so that users will have the infor- dinary biodiversity. mation they need to use the system to its fullest. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 23 APPENDICES: The Nuts and Bolts of the USNVC System Appendix A— F Key Attributes our key attributes characterize the USNVC system: 1. It is based on vegetation. 2. It has been applied to natural vegetation. Classifications of ecological systems can be based on a The USNVC framework may be used to classify all variety of factors, such as vegetation, soils, and landforms, vegetation, from the extremes of natural (types that that can be used either singly or in combination. Conser- appear to be unmodified by human activities) to cul- vancy ecologists, however, made a pivotal decision to tural (planted and maintained types, such as annual develop a terrestrial classification system that is based croplands, tree plantations, orchards, and vineyards). primarily on vegetation. Several factors led to that deci- However, because the Conservancy’s focus is on the pro- sion. First, because the Conservancy’s mission is to pro- tection of natural vegetation, only the more natural types tect biodiversity, a classification that emphasizes the are being classified and described by the Conservancy biotic component of ecological systems was seen as being and the Natural Heritage network. These include types the most relevant. Second, vegetation is an easily measured that occur spontaneously without regular management, component of an ecological system. Indeed, it is often cho- maintenance, or planting, and that generally have a sen as the most useful single factor for classifying terres- strong component of native species. trial ecological systems because it integrates more measurably than any other factor or set of factors the environ- 3. It is based on existing vegetation. mental conditions, ecological processes, and biogeographical dynamics that operate on a site or landscape.10,11 Third, Vegetation classifications are based on either existing vegetation can describe many facets of biological and eco- or potential natural vegetation (PNV). PNV types repre- logical patterns across the landscape. Plants provide the sent the projected mature or stable end points of veg- habitat and structure for many other organisms in an eco- etation development over time (late seral types). These logical community, and vegetation is often used to infer are vegetation types projected to occur and persist on a soil and climate patterns. Fourth, building a single-factor site in the absence of disturbance, whether human- system was simply more practical than building a more caused or natural. PNV classifications offer insight complex, multifactor system. into vegetation-site relationships and can be helpful in 24 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation projecting the type of vegetation expected under a certain set of ecological factors. However, disturbances have 4. It is a hierarchical system, defined by physiognomy and floristics. a profound influence on the structure and composition of vegetation, and each major successional stage follow- The USNVC has a hierarchical taxonomic structure with ing a natural disturbance (or a human-caused distur- physiognomic criteria used at the coarsest levels of the bance that closely mimics a natural one) is biologically hierarchy and floristic criteria used at the finest. Physiog- and ecologically distinct and of inherent worth. Indeed, nomy refers to the structure (height and spacing) and over- important habitat is provided by many communities all shape of plants, and to leaf characteristics, such as sea- that are not at mature or stable end points of vegetation sonality, shape, duration, size, and texture. These features development. For this reason, the Conservancy believes provide a fast, efficient way to categorize vegetation on the conservation of all existing natural community types broad geographic scales. Physiognomic features can will ensure the survival of the greatest possible number often be linked to remote sensing signatures, are easily of species, both plant and animal. recognized in the field, and can be applied even in places In addition to its usefulness for conservation where very little information about the flora exists. purposes, a classification of existing, rather than Floristics refers to species composition. Using species com- potential, vegetation makes fewer assumptions about position or species groups to characterize vegetation natural processes and vegetation dynamics and allows reveals finer-scale local and regional patterns than are the classification to be grounded in what is directly likely to be perceived using physiognomic characters. observable and measurable. Finally, the focus on exis- A combined physiognomic-floristic system allows ting vegetation can support a wide number of uses, for most of the advantages of both approaches and pro- including inventorying and monitoring the current sta- vides a unifying framework within which to relate typi- tus of vegetation. Thus, while the USNVC framework cally coarse-scale physiognomic systems to more local and is comprehensive with regard to existing vegetation— regional floristic systems. Additionally, structuring the encompassing the spectrum from natural to culti- USNVC in a hierarchical fashion allows it to be used at vated—the Conservancy’s efforts have focused on the different taxonomic scales, depending on the amount of best existing occurrences of natural types, both natu- information available and the resolution needed. rally disturbed (early and mid-seral) and naturally undisturbed (late seral). Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 25 APPENDICES: The Nuts and Bolts of the USNVC System Appendix B— Structure & Type Definition T STRUCTURE he USNVC terrestrial † classification system Shrubland: Shrubs generally greater than 0.5 meter tall consists of a seven-level hierarchy. Five levels with individuals or clumps overlapping to not touching (class, subclass, group, subgroup, and formation) are (generally forming greater than 25 percent cover, with based on physiognomic characteristics, and two trees generally forming less than 25 percent cover). Veg- levels (alliance and association) are based on species etation dominated by woody vines is generally treated in composition. this class. Physiognomic Levels Dwarf-shrubland: Low-growing shrubs, usually less than 0.5 meter tall, with individuals or clumps overlap- The physiognomic levels of the USNVC are a modifica- ping to not touching (generally forming greater than 25 tion of the UNESCO world physiognomic classification percent cover; with trees and tall shrubs generally form- of vegetation. 9 ing less than 25 percent cover). CLASS Herbaceous: Herbaceous plants dominant (generally The formation class (or “class”) is based on the structure forming at least 25 percent cover, with trees, shrubs, and of the vegetation: classes are determined by the type, dwarf-shrubs generally forming less than 25 percent cover). height, and relative percentage of cover of the dominant, uppermost life-forms. There are seven classes: Forest: Trees with their crowns overlapping (generally forming 60 percent to 100 percent cover). Nonvascular: Nonvascular cover (bryophytes, noncrustose lichens, and algae) dominant (generally forming at least 25 percent cover). Sparse Vegetation: Abiotic substrate features dominant. Woodland: Open stands of trees with crowns not usu- Vegetation is scattered to nearly absent and generally re- ally touching (generally forming 25 percent to 60 percent stricted to areas of concentrated resources (total vegeta- cover). tion typically forming less than 25 percent cover). † 26 The terrestrial system is defined to include all wetland and shallow-water vegetation with rooted vascular plants. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation SUBCLASS Group, the Temperate Broad-Leaved Evergreen Wood- The Forest, Woodland, Shrubland, and Dwarf-shrubland land Group, and the Temperate or Subpolar Needle- Classes each include three formation subclasses (or “sub- Leaved Evergreen Woodland Group. classes”) based on leaf character: evergreen, deciduous, or Both climate and the presence and character of mixed evergreen-deciduous. The Herbaceous Class com- woody strata are used to separate subclasses into groups prises four subclasses based on a combination of persis- in the Herbaceous and Nonvascular Classes. For example, tence and growth-form characteristics: perennial grasslands, in the Perennial Graminoid (grassland) Subclass, the perennial forb vegetation, annual grasslands or forb veg- Tropical or Subtropical Grassland Group is separated from etation, and hydromorphic vegetation. The relative domi- Temperate or Subpolar Grasslands, as well as from Tropi- nance of either lichens, mosses, or algae divides the cal or Subtropical Grasslands with a Sparse Tree Layer. Nonvascular Class into three subclasses. Lastly, the three Sparse Vegetation subclasses are separated into subclasses of the Sparse Vegetation Class are defined pri- groups based on major topographic position types or marily by the particle sizes of the substrate features: con- landforms (for example, cliffs versus flat to gently slop- solidated rock; boulder, gravel, cobble, or talus; and un- ing bedrock). consolidated material (soil, sand, or ash). SUBGROUP GROUP Each group is divided into either a Natural/Semi-natural The subclasses of the Forest, Woodland, Shrubland, Formation Subgroup or a Cultural Formation Subgroup, and Dwarf-shrubland Classes are further divided into providing a consistent dichotomy between vegetation formation groups (or “groups”) based on leaf charac- actively planted or maintained by humans and all other teristics, such as broad-leaved or needle-leaved. These types of vegetation. This distinction is useful for mapping units are defined and named in conjunction with broad vegetation types across the natural and cultural landscape. climatic types. For example, the Evergreen Woodland Its placement at the subgroup level allows for the develop- Subclass includes the Tropical or Subtropical Broad- ment of culturally distinct formations (for example, Leaved Evergreen Woodland Group, the Tropical or orchards and annual croplands) within the overall USNVC Subtropical Needle-Leaved Evergreen Woodland hierarchy. Hierarchical Vegetation Classification System for the Terrestrial Ecological Communities SYSTEM: TERRESTRIAL FORMATION CLASS FORMATION SUBCLASS FORMATION GROUP FORMATION SUBGROUP physiognomic levels FORMATION floristic levels ALLIANCE ASSOCIATION Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 27 FORMATION The formation level represents vegetation types that share species (those found consistently in some vegetation types but not in others) are considered as well. a definite physiognomy within broadly defined environmental factors, landscape position, or hydrologic regime. ALLIANCE Structural factors such as crown shape and lifeform of the Within a formation, the alliance is a group of plant dominant stratum are used in addition to the physiogno- associations (see “Association” below) sharing one or mic characters already specified at the higher levels. more dominant or diagnostic species, usually found in Hydrologic modifiers, adapted from Cowardin and the uppermost or dominant stratum of the vegetation. 22 others , are used for wetlands. Examples include the Rounded-Crowned Temperate or Subpolar Needle-Leaved ASSOCIATION Evergreen Forest Formation, the Semipermanently An association is defined as a plant community with a Flooded Tropical or Subtropical Broad-Leaved Evergreen definite floristic composition, uniform habitat condi- Shrubland Formation, and the Short Alpine or Subalpine tions, and uniform physiognomy. With the exception Sod Grassland Formation. of a few associations that are restricted to specific and unusual environmental conditions, associations repeat across the landscape. They occur at variable spatial scales Floristic Levels depending on the steepness of environmental gradients The lower two levels of the hierarchy—the alliance and and the patterns of disturbances. The association is the the association—are based on species composition. Both lowest level of the USNVC hierarchy, as well as the basic are primarily defined by their dominant species (those unit for vegetation classification in the USNVC in North that are most abundant or prevalent). Diagnostic America. HOW TYPES ARE DEFINED Many methods are used to define USNVC alliances and about vegetation patterns. About 80 percent of the associations. They range from directly adopting types associations have been defined with the benefit of quan- from compatible state or local classification systems, titative analyses of plot data, analyses either published especially Heritage program classifications, to conduct- in the scientific literature or, less commonly, conducted ing field studies in which new vegetation information is by Conservancy or Heritage ecologists expressly to collected and analyzed. The great majority of existing define USNVC types. Regardless of the specific approach associations has been defined with a mixture of quanti- used, the cornerstone of type definition is structured peer tative analysis of available vegetation data and a review review by experienced local, state Heritage program, and of more qualitative, descriptive types of information regional ecologists. 28 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation APPENDICES: The Nuts and Bolts of the USNVC System Appendix C — P Partners in Development & Application artnerships with federal agencies have been instru- the USNVC in many portions of the country. In addi- mental throughout the development of the USNVC. tion, the Federal Geographic Data Committee facilitated The first national list of rare and threatened ecological a multi-agency review of the physiognomic levels of the communities was compiled with the support of the classification hierarchy as part of a process that led to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.23 The development of the the endorsement of the USNVC system as the federal national list of vegetation alliances and their descriptions standard for vegetation classification and information.25 is being strongly supported by the Gap Analysis Finally, the Ecological Society of America has established Program, a multi-agency program that employs alliances a panel of experts to refine the processes for defining as the standard for state vegetation cover maps used in and reviewing floristic types.. evaluating the conservation status of target species. A Strong partnerships such as these have evolved over biodiversity assessment across 13 Great Plains states, the course of the USNVC’s development as agencies and funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, organizations have become increasingly aware of the need helped to standardize the associations between the for a standardized national classification to accomplish 24 Conservancy’s Midwest, Southeast, and West Regions. their conservation and resource management goals more The U.S. Forest Service is providing ongoing support to efficiently and effectively. At the same time, within the Conservancy ecologists to revise all levels of the classifi- Conservancy and in other conservation organizations, the cation hierarchy and to document the vegetation on importance of working with partners has become increas- national forests in the Southeast. The Forest Service ingly obvious as we strive to dramatically expand our is also supporting classification efforts in other regions. impact in an era of pressing conservation needs. On a national scale, it supports the development and An overview of how and where the USNVC has documentation of conservation status ranks for rare been used and, where possible, some measure of its associations. impact are presented here in the hope that the range These agencies and others have also provided fund- and scope represented will inspire even greater use of ing at local, or project-specific, scales. This support has the classification as a tool to accomplish the important been important in the development and application of work ahead. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 29 SITE-BASED APPLICATIONS Site, State Projected or Actual Use Approximate Acres Affected NATIONAL PARK SERVICE Acadia National Park, Maine Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 70,000 Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 3,300 Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management, acquisition 15,977 Badlands National Park, South Dakota Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 1,314,447 Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park, Georgia and Tennessee Pilot community mapping and classification Congaree Swamp National Monument, South Carolina Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 24,400 Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 5,920 Fort Laramie National Historic Site, Wyoming Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management Gates of the Arctic, Alaska Glacier National Park, Montana Inventory, classification, and mapping 8,202,517 Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management, rare species habitat modeling 1,250,000 Agate Fossil Beds National Monument, Nebraska Assateague Island National Seashore, Maryland 8,119 1,200 Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 80,000 Great Smoky Mountains National Park, North Carolina and Tennessee Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 120,000 Isle Royale National Park, Michigan Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 133,781 Jewel Cave National Monument, South Dakota Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 9,658 Joshua Tree National Monument, California Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 792,749 Kennesaw Mountain National Military Park, Georgia Pilot community mapping and classification 2,884 Mount Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 5,946 Point Reyes National Seashore, California Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 78,000 Rock Creek National Park, Washington, D.C. Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 1,800 Russell Cave National Military Park, Alabama Pilot community mapping and classification Scotts Bluff National Monument, Nebraska Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management (including planning prescribed burning), planning restoration activity, rare species habitat modeling 3,200 Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota Pilot community mapping and classification 3,972 Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management, exotic species habitat modelling, animal habitat modeling 310 384,041 Tuzigoot National Monument, Arizona Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 800 Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management 300,000 Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management Yosemite National Park, California Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management, fire modeling 84,201 1,000,000 U.S. FOREST SERVICE Angelina National Forest, Texas Community classification, keys, ecological classification 153,179 Apalachicola National Forest, Florida Community classification, keys, ecological classification 565,543 Bienville National Forest, Mississippi Black Hills National Forest, South Dakota and Wyoming Community classification, keys, ecological classification 178,400 Community classification, keys, ecological classification, comprehensive inventory of all natural communities 1,531,735 Community classification, keys, ecological classification 634,075 Cherokee National Forest, Tennessee and North Carolina 30 Conecuh National Forest, Alabama Community classification, keys, ecological classification 83,859 Daniel Boone National Forest, Kentucky Community classification, keys, ecological classification 547,285 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation Site, State Projected or Actual Use Approximate Acres Affected U.S. FOREST SERVICE (CONTINUED) De Soto National Forest, Mississippi Community classification, keys, ecological classification 506,026 George Washington National Forest, Virginia and West Virginia Community classification, keys, ecological classification 1,064,562 Homochitto National Forest, Mississippi Community classification, keys, ecological classification 191,572 Jefferson National Forest, Virginia and Kentucky Community classification, keys, ecological classification 716,073 Kisatchie National Forest, Louisiana Community classification, keys, ecological classification 603,158 Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia Community classification, keys, ecological classification 909,136 Nantahala National Forest, North Carolina Community classification, keys, ecological classification 527,486 Ouachita National Forest, Arkansas and Oklahoma Community classification, keys, ecological classification 1,762,567 Ozark National Forest, Arkansas Community classification, keys, ecological classification 1,133,567 Pisgah National Forest, North Carolina Community classification, keys, ecological classification 504,787 Sabine National Forest, Texas Community classification, keys, ecological classification 160,656 Shawnee National Forest, Illinois Community classification, keys and descriptions, ecological classification 277,506 Sumter National Forest, South Carolina Community classification, keys, ecological classification 360,753 Talladega National Forest, Alabama Community classification, keys, ecological classification 389,189 Uwharrie National Forest, North Carolina Community classification, keys, ecological classification 50,189 Caribbean National Forest (El Yunque), Puerto Rico Alliance-level community classification 27,831 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Arnold Air Force Base, Tennessee Vegetation mapping and classification, and application to resource management Camp Shelby, Mississippi Consultation on community classification and conservation significance Eglin Air Force Base, Florida Tier mapping, community classification, and inventory 463,452 Fort Benning, Georgia and Alabama Vegetation mapping and classification, and application to resource management 182,000 Fort Bliss, New Mexico Inventory and characterization of natural resources on part of the Fort Fort Gordon, Georgia Vegetation mapping and classification, and application to resource management Fort Stewart, Georgia Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, Cuba Longleaf pine restoration and community monitoring Moody Air Force Base, Georgia Inventory and characterization of natural resources Naval Station Ingleside, Texas Inventory and characterization of natural resources 483 Nellis Air Force Bombing and Gunnery Range, Nevada Inventory and characterization of natural resources 3,500,000 Panama Department of Defense lands Rapid ecological assessment, inventory, classification at the sub-formation level, mapping, and conservation recommendations Shepherd Air Force Base, Texas Inventory and characterization of natural resources 5,480 White Sands Missle Range, New Mexico Inventory and characterization of natural resources 2,000,000 Rapid Ecological Assessment, community classification, mapping, inventory, and management recommendations 40,118 134,000 * acres affected not available 56,000 279,270 20,000 6,050 75,000 U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE Chincoteague National Wildlife Refuge, Virginia Inventory and mapping, monitoring, management, land acquisition, breeding bird monitoring and management 14,014 Grays Lake National Wildlife Refuge, Idaho Vegetation mapping and classification and application to resource management 16,739 Red Rock Lakes National Wildlife Refuge, Montana Vegetation mapping and classification and application to resource management 45,597 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 31 Site, State Projected or Actual Use Approximate Acres Affected THE NATURE CONSERVANCY (Bioreserves and Other Multi-jurisdictional Areas of Interest) United States ACE (Ashepoo - Combahee - Edisto) Basin, South Carolina Community classification, inventory, mapping, and management recommendations Altamaha River Bioreserve, Georgia Community classification, mapping, and management planning 1,200,000 Block Island, Massachusetts Inventory and mapping; maps used for understanding large landscapes 6,400 Gauley River, West Virginia Inventory and mapping; maps used for understanding large landscapes acres affected not available Gray Ranch, New Mexico Protection of representative vegetation with compatible use Lahontan Valley Wetlands, Nevada Classification, mapping, and management planning Meadow River, West Virginia Inventory and mapping; maps used for understanding large landscapes Schenob Brook, Massachusettes Inventory and mapping Shawangunks, New York Inventory and mapping; maps used for understanding large landscapes (Mapped to a state Heritage classification; data 350,000 32,700 200,000 15 90,000 gathered and analyzed during the project were used to further development of the state classification and the USNVC.) Waterboro Barrens, Maine Inventory and mapping; maps used for understanding large landscapes (Mapped to a state Heritage classification; data 2,140 gathered and analyzed during the project were used to further development of the state classification and the USNVC.) Virginia Coast Reserve, Virginia Winyah Bay Focus Area / Sandy Island, South Carolina Community classification 444,551 Community classification, mapping, and management planning 525,000 International Amapa, Brazil (Champion Paper Company lands) Rapid ecological assessment, inventory, and mapping 700,000 Blue and John Crow Mountains National Park, Jamaica Rapid ecological assessment, inventory, mapping, park planning 194,000 Chaco, Paraguay Rapid ecological assessment, inventory, and mapping TOTAL ACRES AFFECTED 32 Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 2,000,000 39,359,365 OTHER APPLICATIONS Location Projected or Actual Use U.S. FOREST SERVICE Research Natural Area (RNA) Projects All U.S. Forest Service Region 1, Region 2, Region 4, and Region 8 Forests Identifying gaps in protection by assessing alliance coverage in designated RNAs All U.S. Forest Service Region 9 Forests Identifying gaps in protection by assessing alliance distribution and protection status in RNAs or RNA-equivalents for all subsections that include U.S. Forest Service land Other projects All national forests in the northern Great Plains: Montana, northern Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wyoming Descriptions of all G1 and G2 associations Southern Appalachian Assessment for Pisgah, Nantahala, Cherokee, George Washington, Jefferson, Talladega, Chattahoochee, and Sumter National Forests (Alabama, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia) Rare community classification and matrix with rare species occurrences Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee Attribution of all alliances to all U.S. Forest Service subsections to characterize subsection vegetation Region 4 Forests: Payette, Boise, and Sawtooth National Forests, Southwest Idaho Ecogroup Forest Plan Amendment Attribution of all alliances to all U.S. Forest Service subsections to characterize vegetation Region 8 Forests Comprehensive classification for all units for ecosystem management, forest planning, timber typing, and biodiversity conservation U.S. Forest Service ranking project Development of conservation status ranks, descriptions, and supporting information for imperiled community types U.S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Arnold Air Force Base: Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama Barrens Assessment; management planning and context for barrens ecosystems U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Oak Ridge Reservation, Tennessee Inventory, management, natural area planning Savannah River Site, South Carolina Historic vegetation mapping and modeling Hanford Nuclear Reserve, Washington Inventory, management, natural area planning TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY TVA: Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia Pilot community mapping ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Multistate Surveys Calcareous fens: Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island Inventory and prioritization for conservation action Atlantic white cedar swamps: Massachusetts and New Hampshire Inventory and prioritization for conservation action Northern white cedar swamps: Vermont and New Hampshire Inventory and prioritization for conservation action Floodplain forests: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Maryland, West Virginia Inventory and prioritization for conservation action Seeps and seepage forests: Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Hampshire Inventory and prioritization for conservation action Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 33 Location Projected or Actual Use ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) Other Projects Colorado riparian vegetation Standardized descriptions of all riparian types for EPA use produced by the Conservancy and the Colorado Natural Heritage Program (USGS-BRD develped a CD-ROM for delivery of these data to partners in an easy-to-use medium) Connecticut River Watershed: Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut Conservation of neotropical migrant birds, predictive community modeling, biophysical/vegetation assessment of watershed Midwest Oak Ecosystem Recovery Plan Classification of oak savanna and woodland types in the Midwest prairie-forest border region South Platte Watershed: Nebraska, Colorado, Wyoming Inventory of natural resources, management planning Southern Idaho wetlands Identification, classification, inventory, and prioritization of wetlands Upper Arkansas Watershed, Colorado Inventory and prioritization for conservation action Upper Yellowstone Watershed: Montana, Wyoming Inventory and prioritization for conservation action U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY GAP ANALYSIS PROGRAM Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Carolina, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Wisconsin Consultation relative to alliance classification and GAP mapping Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia Regional classifications used by all states; ongoing GAP work incorporating national classification in some states Nationwide Development of alliance descriptions for use by state GAP programs U.S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE East Gulf Coastal Plain savannas and flatwoods: Alabama, Florida, Mississippi Inventory for high-quality communities for conservation planning Conterminous United States Development of a list of rare imperiled types for protection prioritization STATE HERITAGE PROGRAMS AND CANADIAN CDCs* State Natural Heritage programs: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming Various inventory and conservation planning work CDCs: Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, Saskatchewan *Heritage Programs and CDCs are using the USNVC to various degrees. Many are using it in conjunction with state and other classifications. THE NATURE CONSERVANCY United States multistate surveys 34 Coastal Plain ponds: Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware Inventory, data collection and prioritization for conservation action Pine barrens: Maine, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware Inventory, data collection and prioritization for conservation action Shale barrens: Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia Inventory, data collection and prioritization for conservation action Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation Location Projected or Actual Use THE NATURE CONSERVANCY (CONTINUED) United States active Conservancy ecoregional plans Central Appalachians, Central Shortgrass Prairie, Central Tallgrass Prairie, Columbia Plateau, East Gulf Coastal Plain, Great Lakes, Interior Low Plateau, Lower New England, Mid-Atlantic Coastal Plain, Mississippi River Alluvial Plain, Mojave Desert, North Atlantic Coast, Northern Appalachians, Northern Great Plains Steppe, Northern Tallgrass Prairie, Osage Plains/Flint Hills, Puget Trough/Willamette Valley, Sonoran Desert, South Atlantic Coastal Plain, Southern Blue Ridge, West Gulf Coastal Plain (Pineywoods), Western Allegheny Plateau Assessment of viable communities, conservation portfolio design, conservation prioritization, GAP analysis of inventory needs International International Alvar Initiative: Michigan, New York, Ohio, Ontario, Wisconsin. Inventory, classification, ecological research, conservation planning and stewardship West Indies/Caribbean Islands Various: rapid ecological assessment, development of classification, conservation prioritization, inventory, mapping, park planning Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 35 Cited References 1. The Nature Conservancy. 1996. Conservation by design: A framework for mission success. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia. 2. Whittaker, R. H. 1962. Classification of natural communities. Botanical Review 28:1–239. 3. Reschke, C. 1990. Ecological communities of New York State. New York Natural Heritage Program. New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Latham, New York. 4. McPeek, M. A., and T. E. Miller. 1996. Evolutionary biology and community ecology. Ecology 77:1319-1320. 5. Wilson, E. O. 1992. The diversity of life. W. W. Norton & Company, New York. 6. Noss, R. F., E. T. La Roe III, and J. M. Scott. 1995. 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Classification of the wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington, D.C. 18. LeBlond, R. J., A. S. Weakley, A. A. Reznicek, and W. J. Crins. 1994. Carex lutea (Cyperaceae), a rare new Coastal Plain endemic from North Carolina. Sida 16:153161. 23. Grossman, D. H., K. L. Goodin, and C. L. Reuss, editors. 1994. Rare plant communities of the conterminous United States: An initial survey. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia. 19. Columbia Plateau Ecoregional Planning Team. Columbia Plateau: A pilot effort in ecoregional conservation. Unpublished draft, March 13, 1998. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia. 24. Schneider, R. E., D. Faber-Langendoen, R. C. Crawford, and A. S. Weakley. 1997. Great Plains vegetation classification. Supplement document 1 in Ostlie, W. R., R. E. Schneider, J. M. Aldrich, T. M. Faust, R. L. B. McKim, and S. J. Chaplin. The status of biodiversity in the Great Plains. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia. 20. McNab, W. H., and P. E. Avers, editors. 1994. Ecological subregions of the United States: Section descriptions. U.S. Forest Service Administrative Publication WOWSA-5. U.S. Forest Service, Washington, D.C. 21. Asociación Nacional Pro Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (PROAMBIENTE), and The Nature Conservancy. 1998. U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba: Rapid ecological assessment. The Nature Conservancy, Arlington, Virginia. 25. Federal Geographic Data Committee. 1997. Vegetation classification standard, FGDC-STD-005. Web address: Standards/Vegetation. Seeing the Forest and the Trees: Ecological Classification for Conservation 37 Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers in North America north of Mexico Alabama Natural Heritage Program Alaska Natural Heritage Program Alberta Natural Heritage Information Centre Arizona Heritage Data Management System Arkansas Natural Heritage Program Atlantic Canada Conservation Centre British Columbia Conservation Data Centre California Natural Heritage Division Colorado Natural Heritage Program Connecticut Natural Diversity Database Delaware Natural Heritage Program District of Columbia Natural Heritage Program Florida Natural Areas Inventory Georgia Natural Heritage Program Hawaii Natural Heritage Program Idaho Conservation Data Center Illinois Natural Heritage Division Indiana Natural Heritage Data Center Iowa Natural Areas Inventory Kansas Natural Heritage Inventory Kentucky Natural Heritage Program Louisiana Natural Heritage Program Maine Natural Areas Program and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Manitoba Conservation Data Centre Maryland Heritage and Biodiversity Conservation Programs Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program Michigan Natural Features Inventory Minnesota Natural Heritage and Nongame Research and Minnesota County Biological Survey Mississippi Natural Heritage Program Missouri Natural Heritage Database Montana Natural Heritage Program Navajo Natural Heritage Program Nebraska Natural Heritage Program Nevada Natural Heritage Program New Hampshire Natural Heritage Inventory New Jersey Natural Heritage Program New Mexico Natural Heritage Program New York Natural Heritage Program North Carolina Natural Heritage Program Ohio Natural Heritage Data Base Oklahoma Natural Heritage Inventory Ontario Natural Heritage Information Centre Oregon Natural Heritage Program Pennsylvania Natural Diversity InventoryCentral Pennsylvania Natural Diversity InventoryEast Pennsylvania Natural Diversity InventoryWest Le Centre de Données sur le Patrimoine Naturel du Québec Rhode Island Natural Heritage Program Saskatchewan Conservation Data Centre South Carolina Heritage Trust South Dakota Natural Heritage Data Base Tennessee Division of Natural Heritage Tennessee Valley Authority Regional Natural Heritage Texas Conservation Data Center Utah Natural Heritage Program Vermont Nongame and Natural Heritage Program Virginia Division of Natural Heritage Washington Natural Heritage Program West Virginia Natural Heritage Program Wisconsin Natural Heritage Program Wyoming Natural Diversity Database