Carmelo Gaudioso, MD, MBA, PhD, Director of Medical Informatics, Associate... Clinical Data Network, and Assistant Professor of Oncology at the...

Carmelo Gaudioso, MD, MBA, PhD, Director of Medical Informatics, Associate Director of the
Clinical Data Network, and Assistant Professor of Oncology at the Roswell Park Cancer
Institute (RCPI), Buffalo, NY.
Dr. Carmelo Gaudioso has a Doctorate in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Rome, Italy. He
is a graduate of the Medical Informatics PhD program at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. His
research area is knowledge management and decision support systems. His PhD thesis adviser was
Hemant Jain, PhD (UWM). His thesis committee members were Charles Kahn, MD (MCW), David
Klemer MD, PhD, (UWM), Richard Priem, PhD (UWM), and Huimin Zhao, PhD (UWM). Upon his
graduation in 2010, he joined the Roswell Park Cancer Institute as a faculty member.