Efficient Approximation of Product Distributions ˘ ´

Efficient Approximation of
Product Distributions*
Guy Even1, Oded Goldreich 2, Michael Luby 3 , Noam Nisan 4 ,
Boban Velickovic
˘ ´5 †
Department of Electrical Engineering Systems, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv,
Tel Aviv 69978, Israel; e-mail: guy@eng.tau.ac.il
Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, Weizmann
Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel; e-mail: oded@wisdom.weizmann.ac.il
International Computer Science Institute, Berkeley, CA 94704;
e-mail: luby@icsi.berkeley.edu
Institute for Computer Science, Hebrew University, Givat-Ram,
Jerusalem, Israel; e-mail: noam@cs.huji.ac.il
Equipe de Logique, Universite
´ Paris VII, France;
e-mail: boban@logique.jussieu.fr
Recei¨ ed 19 February 1997; accepted 20 January 1998
ABSTRACT: We describe efficient constructions of small probability spaces that approximate the joint distribution of general random variables. Previous work on efficient constructions concentrate on approximations of the joint distribution for the special case of identical,
uniformly distributed random variables. Q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Random Struct. Alg., 13,
1]16, 1998
Correspondence to: M. Luby
* Preliminary version has appeared in the Proceedings of the 24th ACM Symposium on the Theory of
Computing (STOC), 1992, pp. 10]16.
† Research partially done while visiting the International Computer Science Institute and while at
Carnegie Mellon University.
Contract grant sponsors: United States]Israel Binational Science Foundation, Jerusalem, Israel Ž8900312 and 92-00226., and National Science Foundation ŽCCR-9304722 and NCR-9416101..
Q 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 1042-9832r98r010001-16
The problem of constructing small sample spaces that ‘‘approximate’’ the independent distribution on n random variables has received considerable attention
recently Žcf. w1, 2, 4, 7, 18x.. The primary motivation for this line of research is that
random variables that are ‘‘approximately’’ independent suffice for the analysis of
many interesting randomized algorithms, and hence, constructing a small probability space that ‘‘approximates’’ the independent distribution yields a way to ‘‘derandomize’’ these algorithms, i.e., convert them to deterministic algorithms of
reasonable complexity by using the deterministically constructed sample space in
place of the ‘‘internal coin tosses’’ of the algorithm. A typical example of the use of
this methodology has been provided by Luby in his work on the maximal independent set problem w16x. Surprisingly, it is often ignored that the random variables
used in that work are neither identically distributed nor uniformly distributed over
some sets, and furthermore that this is likely to be the case in many applications.
In contrast, all general constructions Žfor limited independence. presented so far
apply to random variables uniformly distributed over the same set Žin most cases
the two-element set 0, 14.. Hence it is of primary importance to investigate the
extent to which these constructions can be generalized to deal with the ‘‘k-wise
approximation’’ of arbitrary stochastically independent events.
A. Definitions of Approximation
Throughout the paper we consider the approximation of product distributions;
namely, distributions that are the product of many Žsay, n. independent distributions. Without loss of generality, we assume that each of the individual distributions has a support that is a subset of 0, 1, . . . , m y 14 . Thus a product distribution
on n general m-valued random variables is described by a n-by-m probability
matrix Pn, m s pi, ¨ : i g 1, . . . , n4 , ¨ g 0, . . . , m y 144 , which is a matrix of nonnegative entries such that the sum of the entries in each row equals 1. We refer to this
matrix as the specification matrix. The Ž i, ¨ .-entry, pi, ¨ , specifies the probability that
the ith random variable should take on value ¨ .
From Pn, m we want to produce a finite set S that induces a distribution on n
random variables X 1 , . . . , X n that approximates Žin the sense defined below. the
independent distribution for Pn, m . We view S as a sample space that induces a
distribution on X 1 , . . . , X n defined by choosing a sample point uniformly from S.
That is, for each point s g S and each index i, we have X i Ž s . g 0, . . . , m y 14 ,
where X i Ž s . is the value of the random variable X i on the sample point s. We let
X I denote the subsequence of random variables indexed by I, and X I s V denotes
the event that the subsequence X I takes on the value sequence V g 0, . . . , m y 14 < I < .
By PrS w X I s V x we denote the probability that event X I s V occurs in the distribution induced by S.
We say that S is perfect for Pn, m if it induces a distribution on X 1 , . . . , X n
such that, for all V s ² ¨ 1 , . . . , ¨ n : g 0, . . . , m y 14 n,
PrS X²1, . . . , n: s V s p²1, . . . , n: , V
where pI, V s Ł ljs1 pi j, ¨ j for I s ² i1 , . . . , i l : and V s ² ¨ 1 , . . . , ¨ l :.
We say that S is a Ž k, e .-approximation for Pn, m if for any subsequence I of
size l F k and for any set of possible values V g 0, . . . , m y 14 l ,
<PrS w X I s V x y pI , V < F e
Ž 1.
We stress that Eq. Ž1. asserts a bound on the Max-Norm of the difference
between X I and the pI vector. Bounds in other norms Že.g., Norm-1. can
easily be derived from the Max-Norm bound. Specifically, we say that S is a
Ž k, e .-L1-approximation of Pn, m if for all subsequences I of size k,
<PrS w X I s V x y pI , V < F e
Ž 2.
Vg 0, . . . , my1 4 k
We say that S is an e-approximation for Pn, m if the above holds for k s n Ži.e.,
Eq. Ž1. holds for all I ’s and all V g 0, . . . , m y 14 < I < ..
We say that S is a k-wise independent approximation for Pn, m if Eq. Ž1. holds
with e s 0.
ŽHereafter, the quantification ‘‘for Pn, m ’’ is omitted for brevity whenever Pn, m is
clear from the context..
All constructions for sample spaces considered in this paper are efficient in the
sense that there is a deterministic algorithm that produces the sample space S in
time polynomial in the length of the description of S, where the sample space is
described as a list of sample points and each sample point is described by an n-ary
sequence over 0, . . . , m y 14 .
B. Previous Work on Approximation
All previous work in this area deals with the approximation of identical random
variables that are uniformly distributed over a finite set.1 Let Un, m be the
probability matrix with all entries equal to 1rm that describes the special case of n
identically and uniformly distributed m-valued random variables. Thus Un, 2 is the
important subcase in which all entries are 1r2 Ždescribing n identically and
uniformly distributed Boolean-valued random variables.. It is easy to prove that S
has to be of size at least 2 n to be perfect for V n, 2 Žor any other joint distribution of
n nondegenerate random variables.. Previously known approximations to Un, m are
of three forms:
k-wise independent approximations: Constructions of sample spaces of size
max n, m4 k that are k-wise independent approximations for Un, m are given in
w1, 7x.
e-approximations: Constructions of sample spaces of size polyŽ nre . that are
e-approximations for Un, 2 are given in w2, 18x.
Ž k, e .-approximations: Constructions of sample spaces of size polyŽŽ k log n.re .
that are Ž k, e .-approximations for Un, 2 can be derived from the above Žvia the
reduction of w18x..
This sentence refers to work prior to the conference publication w9x of the current work. In addition to
the discussion in Section 1F, the reader is referred to w11, 14x.
Efficient constructions of Ž k, e .-approximations for general Pn, m with size
Žmax n, kre 4. k are implicit in many works Žcf. w1, 16x.. In fact, any k-wise independent approximation to Un, k r e can be transformed into a Ž k, e .-approximation for
any Pn, m Žby rounding the entries in Pn, m to integer multiples of erk ..2 For
constant k and e s polyŽ1rn., this yields a sample space of size polynomial in n.
On the other hand, it has been shown that the sample space has to be of size at
least n ? k r2 @ to be a k-wise approximation for Un, 2 w6x, and for nonconstant k this is
not polynomial in n.
For some applications the constructions described above suffice. For example, in
the analysis of some of the randomized algorithms for graph problems presented in
w16x Žand in w1x., approximate pairwise independence of the random variables
suffices. Thus a construction of a sample space Žof polynomial size. that is a
pairwise independent approximation for general Pn, m can be used to convert these
Žpolynomial-time. randomized algorithms into deterministic Žpolynomial-time. algorithms. In other applications Žsee w18x., approximations of identically and uniformly distributed Boolean-valued random variables suffice. However, in the other
applications the random variables are general, and more than a constant amount of
independence may be required in the analysis. Thus it is of primary importance to
develop constructions for these cases.
C. New Results on Approximation
In this paper we describe a construction of small sample spaces that are approximations of the independent distribution for any Pn, m . The construction yields a
sample space that is a Ž k, e .-approximation, where the size of the sample space is
polynomial in logŽ n., 2 k , and 1re . Previous results Žcf., w1, 16x. that achieve the
same kind of approximation yield a sample space of size polynomial in logŽ n. and
Ž kre . k . In contrast to previous results, when k s O ŽlogŽ n.. and e s polyŽ1rn., the
size of the sample space in our construction is polynomial in n. This case is
important to some applications Že.g., this construction improves the running time of
some of the algorithms presented in w17x.. Two natural examples follow in which we
obtain a significant improvement.
Example 1. Suppose we wish to approximate n independently distributed 0-1
random variables, each assigned 1 with probability 1r2 q 2 e and 0 otherwise.
Using previously known techniques, one obtains a sample space of size polynomial
in logŽ n. and Ž kre . k , which is a Ž k, e .-approximation of the above. In contrast to
previous results, our construction results in a sample space of size polynomial in
logŽ n., 1re , and 2 k .
Example 2. Suppose we wish to approximate n independently distributed random
variables, where the ith random variable is uniformly distributed over the set
1, 2, . . . , m i 4 and the m i ’s are arbitrary. Using previously known techniques, one
This simple argument does not extend to Ž k, e .-approximation of Un, k r e , because we need a bound
Žof e . on the Norm-1 of the distance to Un, k r e rather than a Max-Norm bound. Indeed, we may obtain
such a Norm-1 bound by using a Ž k, erm k .-approximation of Un, k r e , but then the sample space will be
m k times bigger.
obtains a sample space of size polynomial in Žmax n, kre 4. k that is a Ž k, e .approximation of the above. Again, our construction improves over the above by
providing a sample space of size polynomial in logŽ n., 1re , and 2 k .
D. An Overview of the Main Construction
Our main construction is described in this paragraph. For simplicity, we consider
here the special case of approximating the joint distribution of n independent 0-1
random variables. Namely, each random variable X i satisfies X i g 0, 14 . Let
pi s PrŽ X i s 0.. To construct a Ž k, e .-approximation of X s X 1 ??? X n , we use a
Ž l, er2 lq1 .-approximation of the uniform distribution over 0, 14 nl , where l sdef
O Ž k q logŽ1re ... We partition the latter nl Boolean random variables into n
consecutive blocks with l random variables in each block. We interpret each block
as the binary representation of an integer, and let Bi denote the integer represented by the ith block. The approximation to X, denoted Y s Y1 ??? Yn , is determined by letting Yi s 0 if Bi - pi ? 2 l , and Yi s 1 otherwise.
If the Bi ’s are a Ž k, er2 k l .-approximation of the uniform distribution over
0, 1, . . . , 2 l y 14 n, then the Yi ’s defined above would be a Ž k, e .-approximation of
the specification Pn, 2 . This, however, requires the individual bits of all of the Bi ’s
to be a Ž l ? k, er2 k l .-approximation of the uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n. However, we want to Žand do. use a much weaker approximation, that is, a Ž l, er2 lq1 .approximation of the uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n.
Our analysis uses the observation that, typically, each Yi is determined by a few
of the Žmost significant. bits of the corresponding Bi . Specifically, we show that
only with small probability are the values of the Yi ’s determined by more than
l s O Ž k q logŽ1re .. bits in the representation of the Bi ’s. Thus it suffices that the
bit string, obtained by concatenating the binary representations of the Bi ’s, is an
Ž l, er2 lq1 .-approximation Žof the uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n ..
We end this overview by presenting an alternative construction of unknown
quality. The problem of constructing Ž k, e .-approximations to arbitrary product
distributions is reminiscent of the classic problem of generating arbitrary probability distributions by using a uniform probability distribution over binary strings Žor,
in other words, by using an unbiased coin.. In particular, Knuth and Yao have
extensively analyzed the expected number of coin tosses required in such schemes
w13x. The input to such a scheme is a uniformly distributed binary sequence, and
the output is a sequence that approximates the desired distribution. A natural
suggestion is to use one of these schemes to produce an a Ž k, e .-approximation to
the n-fold distribution, by feeding it as input a Ž O Ž k ., e 9.-approximation to the
uniform binary distribution, for some appropriate e 9. We do not know whether this
alternative approach works; actually, we conjecture that, in general, it does not.
E. Omitted from This Version
The conference version w9x of the current paper contains some material that is
omitted here. This includes
Discussing the problem of constructing small sets with low discrepancy with
respect to certain families of Žaxis-parallel . rectangles in high-dimensional
spaces. We comment that, in subsequent literature, the rectangles considered
in w9x are referred to as geometric rectangles.
Relating the problem of constructing approximations of product distributions
to the problem of constructing small sets with low discrepancy Žas above.. In
particular, the main construction presented in this write-up was presented in
w9x, using the terminology of low discrepancy sets.
Ref. 9 contains two additional constructions of small sets with low discrepancy. The first such construction has been superseded by Chari et al. w5x and
by Armoni et al. w3x, whereas the second construction follows immediately
from a theorem in w19x. Both constructions apply also to combinatorial
rectangles Žalthough the statement in w9x refers only to geometric rectangles ..
In light of the above developments, we chose to omit all of these results from the
current write-up. In particular, we have omitted a result of w9x that has found
further application in subsequent work Že.g., w5x.. We refer to the fact that, for any
specification matrix Pn, m , any k-wise independent approximation to Pn, m constitutes a 2yV Ž k .-approximation to Pn, m . ŽA proof can be found in w5, 9, or 10x..
F. Subsequent Work
In the 5 years that have elapsed since the conference presentation of this work Žcf.
w9x., a few related works have appeared. We briefly describe the related results in
w5, 15x.
The work of Chari et al. w5, Sect. 3x is most relevant to the current write-up. It
presents constructions that match or yield an improvement over the sizes of all
constructions presented in w9x. However, for some natural setting of the parameters, the size of the main construction of the current write-up is only matched by w5,
Sect. 3x. Specifically, their construction has size polynomial in logŽ n., 1re , and
min 2 k , k logŽ1r e .4 Žwhereas our construction has size polynomial in logŽ n., 1re , and
2 k .. Thus w5, Sect. 3x yields no improvement when e - 2yk , which is the typical case
when one requires a bound on the approximation in the Norm-1 measure Žrather
than in Max-Norm, as defined above..3
Linial et al. w15x consider a one-sided version of the discrepancy problem. That
is, rather than construct sets that approximate the volume of all rectangles, they
construct sets that hit all sufficiently big rectangles. Their construction is polynomial in all relevant parameters Žincluding the bound on the density of rectangles
that must be hit..
The problem of constructing low discrepancy sets of polynomial size in all
relevant parameters is still open. In particular, it is an open problem to construct
sample spaces of size polyŽ n, k, ey1 . that Ž k, e .-approximate any n-fold product
distribution. We comment that if one drops the requirement that the sets be
efficiently constructible, then sets Žresp., spaces. of the desired sizes can easily be
shown to exist by using a random construction. This suggests the following
Recall that an Ž k, e .-approximation Žin Max-Norm. to, say, Un, 2 yields a variation distance Ži.e.,
Norm-1 approximation. of, at most, 2 ke over windows of size k. Thus, to derive a meaningful result for
Norm-1, one needs to have e - 2yk .
Žprobably easier, definitely no harder. open problem: using randomness to produce
certified low discrepancy sets Ži.e., a Las Vegas rather than Monte Carlo randomized construction..
Theorem 1 ŽGeneral product approximator.. There is a deterministic algorithm,
which on input a specification matrix Pn, m s pi, j : i s 1, . . . , n, j s 0, . . . , m y 14 , and
parameters Ž k, e . outputs a sample space of size polyŽ2 k , ey1, log n., which constitutes
a Ž k, e .-approximation for Pn, m . The algorithm works in time polyŽ n, 2 k , ey1, log m..
The above yields a Ž k, m k ? e .-L1-approximation of Pn, m .
We first present our construction for the special Žyet interesting . case of
approximating Boolean-valued random variables. We later generalize the construction to handle random variables ranging over arbitrary sets.
A. Special Case: Boolean-Valued Random Variables
Assume we are given a Boolean specification matrix, Pn, 2 s pi, j : i s 1, . . . , n, j s
0, 14 Ži.e., m s 2.. Clearly, it suffices to specify the probability that each of the n
variables is to be assigned 0. Let pi sdef pi, 0 , for every i F n, and denote by
pi Ž1., pi Ž2., . . . the bits in the binary expansion of pi Ži.e., pi s Ý jG 1 pi Ž j . ? 2yj .. We
construct a Ž k, e .-approximation of Pn, 2 as follows.
Let l and t be integer parameters to be determined later Že.g., l s t s 4Ž k q
logŽ2re .. will do.. In our construction we use an arbitrary Žefficiently constructible .
Ž t, Ž er2 tq1 ..-approximation of the uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n. Let us denote
the 0-1 random variables in this approximation by Z1Ž1., . . . , Z1Ž l ., Z2 Ž1., . . . ,
Z2 Ž l ., . . . , ZnŽ1., . . . , ZnŽ l .. Intuitively, l denotes the number of 0-1 random variables
that may affect a single random variable in the result, and t denotes the total
number of 0-1 variables that will actually be considered in the analysis.
Construction 1. Let Z1Ž1., . . . , Z1Ž l ., Z2 Ž1., . . . , Z2 Ž l ., . . . , ZnŽ1., . . . , ZnŽ l . be a
Ž t, er2 tq1 .-approximation of the uniform distribution o¨ er 0, 14 l n. For e¨ ery i, if the
string Zi Ž1. ??? Zi Ž l . is smaller Ž in lexicographic order . than the string pi Ž1. ??? pi Ž l .,
then set Yi s 0; otherwise set Yi s 1.
In other words, the sample space S Žover which the Zi Ž j .’s are defined. also serves
as the probability space for the Yi ’s. Each sample point in S, denoted by
z1Ž1., . . . , z1Ž l ., . . . , z nŽ1., . . . , z nŽ l ., is mapped to a point, y 1 , . . . , yn , in the new
sample space Žwhere yi s 0 iff z i Ž1. ??? z i Ž l . - pi Ž1. ??? pi Ž l ...
Our analysis of the above construction is somewhat analogous to the proof of
Theorem 3 in w17x. We fix k variables Yi1, . . . , Yi k out of Y1 , . . . , Yn , and consider the
quality of the approximation that they provide. Without loss of generality, we
consider the random variables Y1 , . . . , Yk . Rather than bounding the Max-Norm
performance of the approximation Žas required in the theorem., we will actually
bound the variation distance:
s 1 ??? s k
Pr Ž Y1 ??? Yk s s 1 ??? s k . y Ł pi , s i
Ž 3.
Consider the following card game. The values of the random variables Zi Ž j . are
written on cards that are placed face down. We turn the cards over, one by one,
starting with the card holding Z1Ž1., and continue turning the cards over in the first
block until the value of Y1 is determined Žwhich happens when the sequence of
Z1Ž j .’s deviates from the binary expansion of p1 .. Then we skip to the next block,
and continue in the same fashion. Our goal is to prove that if t s l s 4Ž k q
log 2 Ž2re .., then the probability that we will turn over more than t cards is
bounded by er2. This will enable us to take advantage of variables Zi Ž j . that are a
Ž t, er2 tq1 .-approximation of nl perfectly random bits. Our proof is divided into
two stages: First we assume that the bits Zi Ž j . are perfectly random, and we bound
the probability of having to turn over more than t cards. Then we add the error
term due to the fact that the Zi Ž j .’s are not perfectly random.
We model this card game by considering an infinite random walk in a labeled
infinite binary tree as follows.
1. Each node has two children, one reachable by an edge labeled 0, and the
other reachable by an edge labeled 1. We associate with each path the binary
string obtained by the edge labels along the string. Moreover, this binary
string is interpreted as the binary representation of fraction 0.b1 b 2 . . . , where
the most significant bit appears closer to the root. The random walk starts at
the root, and at each node a random step is made so that each of the two
children is reached with equal probability Žof one-half.. A step in the random
walk corresponds to turning a card over in the card game.
2. The nodes in the tree are labeled by pairs of the form Ž i, s ., where
i g 1, . . . ,k 4 and s g 0, 1, )4 . The i component in a node label signifies the
block that we are now dealing with. The s component signifies the status of
the block as follows: s g 0, 14 means that Yi has been determined Ži.e., Yi set
to s ., and s s ) means that Yi is not determined yet, and that we need to
reveal more bits from the ith block.
3. We now describe how the node labels are defined. We start by describing how
the labels corresponding to Y1 are ‘‘hung’’ from the root. The root is labeled
Ž1, ).. Consider the infinite path, denoted by pathŽ root, p1 . s p1Ž1., p1Ž2., . . . ,
starting from the root, that corresponds to the binary representation of p1.
All of the nodes along pathŽ root, p1 . are labeled Ž1, ).. All of the nodes that
are exactly an edge away from pathŽ root, p1 . are labeled either Ž1, 0. or Ž1, 1.
according to the following rule: consider the fractions corresponding to the
labels along paths, and consider the order induced by this correspondence on
paths that have the same starting point. A deviation from pathŽ root, p1 . that
defines a path ‘‘smaller’’ than pathŽ root, p1 . ends with a node label Ž1, 0., and
a deviation that defines a path ‘‘greater’’ than pathŽ root, p1 . ends with a node
label Ž1, 1.. For example, suppose that p1Ž j . s 0; then the node reached by
the path p1Ž1., . . . , p1Ž j y 1., 1 has label Ž1, 1.. This completes the description
of the node labels corresponding to Y1.
4. We continue to label the tree with node labels corresponding to Y2 by
‘‘hanging’’ them from subtrees rooted at nodes labeled Ž1, 0. or Ž1, 1.. Given a
node ¨ labeled Ž1, s ., where s g 0, 14 , let pathŽ ¨ , p 2 . s p 2 Ž1., p 2 Ž2., . . . denote the infinite path starting at ¨ corresponding to the binary representation
of p 2 . All of the nodes along pathŽ ¨ , p 2 . Žexcept ¨ . are labeled Ž2, )..
Deviations from pathŽ ¨ , p 2 . are labeled Ž2, 0. or Ž2, 1., depending on whether
they are ‘‘smaller’’ or ‘‘greater’’ than pathŽ ¨ , p 2 .. We continue in this fashion
until the nodes labels of Y1 , . . . , Yk are given.
5. We define a node to be complete if it has the label Ž k, 0. or Ž k, 1.. For the
sake of simplicity, we label by Ž k, s . the children of any node labeled Ž k, s .
for s g 0, 14 . Recall that reaching a complete node via a random walk results
in setting values for all of the Žrelevant. variables Y1 , . . . , Yk .
The following claims are easily verified.
Claim 1. Consider a random infinite path going down the tree and set Y˜i s si if and
only if the path goes through a node labeled Ž k, si ., where si g 0, 14 . Then for e¨ ery
a s s 1 ??? s k g 0, 14 k ,
Pr Y˜1 ??? Y˜k s a s Ł pi , s i
Proof. The process by which the Y˜i ’s are set is identical to independently and
uniformly selecting Žreal numbers. ri ’s in the interval w0, 1x and setting Y˜i s 0 if
ri - pi Žand Y˜i s 1 if ri ) pi ..
Claim 2. The number of noncomplete nodes at le¨ el t is
< 2 Ž3r4.tqk .
Proof. Consider an incomplete node ¨ and the path p from the root to ¨ . Let i
denote the maximum index for which a label Ž i, 0. or Ž i, 1. exists along the path p.
The path p is uniquely determined by the i y 1 levels that contain nodes with
labels Ž i9, 0. or Ž i9, 1. Žwhere i9 F i . along p. The reason for this is that, between
two such levels, the path p follows the edge labels equal to the binary representation of the fraction pi9 , where Ž i9 y 1, s . is the last non-* node label reached. Thus
the number of noncomplete nodes at level t equals
Clearly, for t F 4 k, this expression is bounded by 2 t F 2 Ž3r4.tqk . For t ) 4 k, the
expression is bounded by 2 H 2 Ž k r t .?t - 2 Ž3r4.tqk Žsince H2 Ž a . - 34 q a for all a - 1,
where H2 is the binary entropy function..
Claim 3. Consider a random path of length t going down the tree and set Y˜i s si if
the path goes through a node labeled Ž i, si ., where si g 0, 14 . In case in which the
path does not go through any node labeled Ž i, s . Ž with s g 0, 14., set Y˜i arbitrarily.
Then the ¨ ariation distance between the distribution of Y˜1 ??? Y˜k and the specification
Pn, 2 is bounded by 2yŽ t r4yk ..
Proof. By Claim 1, the variation distance is due to non-complete nodes in the t th
level. Using Claim 2, such nodes are reached with probability bounded by 2yt r4qk .
The definition of the Y˜i ’s in Claim 3 differs from the setting of the Yi in
Construction 1 only in the independence requirements. Specifically, the proof of
Claim 3 assumes that each path in the tree is equally likely, whereas in Construction 1, the Zi Ž j . are a Ž t, er2 tq1 .-approximation of the uniform distribution over
0, 14 l n. We show below that using the Zi Ž j .’s to define the probabilities of taking
the paths down the tree merely adds an error term bounded by er2. Hence we get
Proposition 1. Let l s t s 4Ž k q log 2 Ž2re ... Then Yi ’s presented in Construction 1
constitute a Ž k, e .-L1-approximation of Pn, 2 .
Proof. Our aim is to establish an upper bound on the variation distance of
expression Ž3. for the Yi ’s presented in Construction 1. By Claim 3 and the setting
of t, it follows that for the Y˜i ’s, as defined in Claim 3, we have
? Ý Pr Y˜1 ??? Y˜k s a y Ł pi , s i - 2yŽ t r4yk . s
Ž 4.
However, we claim that the Y˜i ’s are set exactly as they would have been set in the
construction if the Zi Ž j .’s were to be a t-wise independent approximation of the
uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n. Intuitively, the Y˜i ’s are defined by limiting the
length of the random walk down the tree to t levels, and the same should hold
even when the moves down the tree are governed by a nondisjoint sequence of
random variables, as long as the random variables along each path are independent
and uniformly distributed in 0, 14 .
Claim 4. Suppose that the Zi Ž j .’s are a t-wise independent approximation of the
uniform distribution o¨ er 0, 14 l n. Then Yi ’s presented in Construction 1 constitute a
Ž k, er2.-L1-approximation of Pn, 2 .
Proof. Recall that the values of the Zi Ž j .’s determine the random walk down the
tree. Specifically, the steps taken until node Ž1, s . Žwith s g 0, 14. is reached are
determined by the random variables in the first block,
Z1 Ž 1 . , Z1 Ž 2 . , . . . , Z1 Ž j1 . ,
where j1 F t F l is the number of such steps. The next steps, taken until node Ž2, s .
is reached, are determined by the random variables Z2 Ž1., Z2 Ž2., . . . , Z2 Ž j2 ., where
j2 F t is the number of such steps, and so on. It is important to observe that,
although different paths make us consider Žor reveal. different Zi Ž j .’s, the hypoth-
esis that the Zi Ž j .’s constitute a t-wise independent approximation Žto the uniform
distribution over 0, 14 l n . implies that each node in level t is reached with probability 2yt .
This important observation follows from the fact that we reach a specific node ¨
in level t if and only if we reveal t specific values on t specific Zi Ž j .’s. The cards
we reveal from the ith block are determined by the subpath from the root to ¨ , the
nodes of which are labeled Ž i, s ., and the values that we reveal in the ith block are
the edge labels along this subpath. Thus, as claimed, each node in level t is
reached with probability 2yt , and so Ž Y1 , . . . , Yk . is distributed identically to
Ž Y˜1 , . . . , Y˜k .. Using Eq. Ž4., the claim follows.
Turning to the actual Zi Ž j .’s, which are ‘‘only’’ a Ž t, er2 tq1 .-approximations of
the uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n, we conclude that if the walk on the tree is
determined by the actual Zi Ž j .’s, then, for every node ¨ in level t, the probability
of reaching ¨ is in the interval w2yt y er2 tq1, 2yt q er2 tq1 x. Thus the Yi ’s deviate
from the Y˜i ’s by at most 2 t ? 2yŽ tq1. ? e , and the proposition follows.
Comment 1. Proposition 1 holds also when setting l s log 2 Ž4 kre . and t s 4Ž k q
log 2 Ž4re .. This can be accomplished by rounding the probabilities to O ŽlogŽ kre ..
bits of precision, and modifying the tree labeling so that paths labeled Ž i, ). are
finite. However, the gain is negligible, since the value of l has only a poly-log effect
on the size of the sample space for the Zi Ž j .’s Žspecifically, the size is exponential
in k and logarithmic in l, and so reducing l from O Ž k q logŽ1re .. to O ŽlogŽ kre ..
has little impact..
B. The General Case
The construction for the general case extends Construction 1 in an obvious
manner. That is, let Pn, m s pi, j : 1 F i F n, 0 F j F m y 14 be a specification maŽ
trix. For i s 1, . . . , n and j s 0, 1, . . . , m, let qi, j sdef ݨjy1
s0 pi, ¨ and qi, 0 s 0 . Denote by qi, j Ž1., qi, j Ž2., . . . the bits in the binary expansion of qi, j . Let l and t be
integers to be determined later Že.g., l s t s 4Ž2 k q logŽ2re .. will do..
Construction 2. Let Z1Ž1., . . . , Z1Ž l ., Z2 Ž1., . . . , Z2 Ž l ., . . . , ZnŽ1., . . . , ZnŽ l . be a
Ž t, Ž er2 tq1 ..-approximation of the uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n. For every i, if
the string Zi Ž1. ??? Zi Ž l . is Žin lexicographic order. between the string qi, j Ž1. ??? qi, j Ž l .
and the string qi, jq1Ž1. ??? qi, jq1Ž l ., then set Yi s j. In case Zi Ž1. ??? Zi Ž l . s qi, j Ž1. ???
qi, j Ž l ., set Yi s j.
Extending the argument used in the previous subsection, we can easily evaluate the
quality of approximation provided by Construction 2. Again, we consider without
loss of generality, the variables Y1 , . . . , Yk . This time, we upper bound for each
a s s 1 ??? s k g 0, 1, . . . , m y 14 k , the absolute difference
Pr Ž Y1 ??? Yk s a . y Ł pi , s i
Ž 5.
The card game we play this time depends on s 1 ??? s k , and the purpose of the
game is to decide whether Yi s si , for i s 1, . . . , k. This means that we turn over
cards from each block until we can decide whether Yi s si or not. In the case
where Yi / si , we do not care about the exact value of Yi .
The labeling of the binary tree that models the card game depends on s 1 ??? s k
and is described below. For each i s 1, . . . , k, we are interested in the binary
expansions of both qi, s i and qi, s iq1. Each node in the tree is labeled by a pair of
the form Ž i, t ., where i s 1, . . . , k and t g q, y, )4 . Intuitively, a node labeled
Ž i, q. corresponds to a setting Yi s si , a node labeled Ž i, y. corresponds to a
setting Yi / si , and a node labeled Ž i, ). indicates that Yi is yet to be set. ŽIndeed,
in the binary case setting, Yi / si means Yi s si [ 1..
The root is labeled Ž1, )., and there are two infinite paths going down from the
root with all nodes on it labeled Ž1, ).. These are the paths corresponding to the
binary expansion of q1, s 1 and q1, s 1q1 , respectively. All of the nodes reached by
following such a path up to some node and then taking a single step away from the
path are labeled Ž1, t ., where t g q, y4 . Specifically, if q1, s 1Ž j . s 0, then the path
going down from the root following the edge labeling ² q1, s 1Ž1., . . . , q1, s 1Ž j y 1., 1:
reaches a node labeled Ž1, q.. In the case where q1, s 1Ž j . s 1, the path going down
from the root following the edge labeling ² q1, s 1Ž1., . . . , q1, s 1Ž j y 1., 0: reaches a
node labeled Ž1, y.. Similarly, if q1, s 1q1Ž j . s 0 Žresp., q1, s 1q1Ž j . s 1., then the path
going down from the root following the edge labeling ² q1, s 1q1Ž1., . . . , q1, s 1q1Ž j y
1., 1: Žresp., labeling ² q1, s 1q1Ž1., . . . , q1, s 1q1Ž j y 1., 0:. reaches a node labeled
Ž1, y. Žresp., labeled Ž1, q... Recall that when a random walk reaches a node
labeled Ž1, q. Žresp., labeled Ž1, y.., the random variable Y1 is set to s 1 Žresp., to
s 9 / s 1 ..
From each node labeled Ž i, t ., with i - k and t g q, y4 , there are two infinite
paths going down the tree with all nodes labeled Ž i q 1, ).. These are the paths
corresponding to the binary expansion of qiq1, s iq 1 and qiq1, s iq 1q1 , respectively.
The nodes reached from a node labeled Ž i, t . by following the ‘‘qiq1, s iq 1-expansion
path’’ Žresp., ‘‘qiq1, s iq 1q1-expansion path’’. up to some node and then taking a
single step away from the path are labeled Ž i q 1, t 9., where t 9 g q, y4 . Again, if
qiq1, s iq 1Ž j . s 0 Žresp., qiq1, s iq 1Ž j . s 1., then the path going down from the root
following the edge labeling ² qiq1, s iq 1Ž1., . . . , q1, s iq 1Ž j y 1., 1: Žresp., labeling
² qiq1, s Ž1., . . . , q1, s Ž j y 1., 0:. reaches a node labeled Ž i q 1, q. Žresp., labeled
iq 1
iq 1
Ž i q 1, y... Furthermore, if qiq1, s q1Ž j . s 0 Žresp., qiq1, s q1Ž j . s 1., then the
iq 1
iq 1
path going down from the root following the edge labeling ² qiq1, s iq 1q1Ž1., . . . ,
q1, s iq 1q1Ž j y 1., 1: Žresp., labeling ² qiq1, s iq 1q1Ž1., . . . , q1, s iq 1q1Ž j y 1., 0:. reaches a
node labeled Ž i q 1, y. Žresp., labeled Ž i q 1, q... Reaching a node labeled Ž i q
1, q. Žresp., labeled Ž i q 1, y.. sets the random variable Yiq1 to siq1 Žresp., to
siq1 " 1.. We define a node to be complete if it has the label Ž k, q. or Ž k, y.. For
the sake of simplicity, we label by Ž k, t . the children of any node labeled Ž k, t . for
t g q, y4 . Intuitively, reaching a complete node via a random path from the root
means that we can determine for every i g w1, . . . , k x whether Yi s si .
The following Žanalogous to the above. claims are easily verified
Claim 5. Let a s s 1 ??? s k g 0, 14 k , and consider a random infinite path going down
the tree in which nodes are labeled according to a Ž as described abo¨ e .. Suppose we set
Y˜i s si if and only if the path goes through a node labeled Ž i, q.. Then
Pr Y˜1 ??? Y˜k s a s Ł pi , s i
Claim 6. The number of nodes at le¨ el t that are not complete is
? 2 iq1 < 2 Ž3r4.tq2 k
The extra 2 iq1 factor Žcompared to Claim 2. is due to the fact that incomplete
paths are not fully determined by the levels in which the path is not marked by )
Žas before.. From each vertex marked Ž j, t ., with j F i and t g q, y4 , there are
two paths Žrather than one. marked by Ž j q 1, )., and so an incomplete path is
determined by both the non-) levels and the identity of one of the two corresponding possible paths.
Claim 7. Let a s s 1 ??? s k g 0, 14 k , and consider a random path of length t going
down the tree in which nodes are labeled according to a . Suppose we set Y˜i s si if the
path goes through a node labeled Ž i, q., and set Y˜i / si if the path goes through a
node labeled Ž i, y.. In the case where the path does not go through any node labeled
Ž i, t ., with t g q, y4 , we set Y˜i arbitrarily. Then
Pr Y˜1 ??? Y˜k s s y Ł pi , s i - 2yŽ t r4y2 k .
The definition of the Y˜i ’s in Claim 7 corresponds to the setting of the Yi ’s in
Construction 2, provided that the Zi Ž j .’s constitute a t-wise independent approximation of the uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n, and that l G t. As in the proof of
Proposition 1, setting l s t and allowing the Zi Ž j .’s to constitute a Ž t, Ž er2 tq1 ..-approximation of the uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n merely adds an error term
bounded by er2. Hence we get
Proposition 2. Let l s t s 4 ? Ž2 k q log 2 Ž2re ... Then Yi ’s presented in Construction
2 constitute a Ž k, e .-approximation of Pn, m .
We are able to prove Ž k, e .-L1-approximation in the binary case and only Ž k, e .approximation in the general case because the tree labeling in the general case
depends on the values s 1 ??? s k , whereas in the binary case the tree labeling
depends only on the probed indices Žwhich, for simplicity, were chosen to be
1, . . . , k ..
Proof of Theorem 1. Using the known results on Ž t, e 9.-approximation of the
uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n, Theorem 1 follows. Specifically, we need a
Ž t, 2yŽ tq1. ? e .-approximation of the uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n, where l s t s
4 ? Ž2 k q log 2 Ž2re ... By the results of w2x, such approximations can be efficiently
constructed with sample space of size
t ? log 2 Ž ln .
2 2 tq2 ? Ž t log 2 Ž ln . .
2 16 k ? Ž log n .
e 10
˜Ž x . s polyŽlog x . ? x. The theorem follows.
where O
Comment 2. The complexity of our construction is determined by the complexity
of the Ž t, e 9.-approximation to the uniform distribution over 0, 14 l n, for e 9 s er2 tq1.
The overhead added by our construction is merely performing the easily computed
mapping of ln-bit-long sequences Ži.e., points in the latter sample space. to
n-sequences over 0, . . . , m y 14 Ži.e., points in the former sample space.. Recall
that this mapping amounts to comparisons of l-bit strings.
Comment 3. Construction 2 corresponds to a small set of low discrepancy with
respect to Žaxis-parallel . Žgeometric. rectangles with at most k-nondegenerate
coordinates. This claim follows from the fact that the underlying sample space Ži.e.,
the random variables Z1Ž1., . . . , ZnŽ l .. do ot depend on the specification matrix
Pn, m . Thus, for any specification matrix Pn, m , the approximation Y1 , . . . , Yn is
determined by the same Zi Ž j .’s Žusing the actual specification matrix Pn, m ..
Furthermore, it is important that each Yi is determined only by the random
variables Zi Ž j .’s, j s 1, . . . , l, and that the setting of Yi Žunder any specification
matrix. corresponds to settings of Zi Ž1., . . . , Zi Ž l . that correspond to intervals in
w0, 1x. For details see w9x. Actually, to derive such low discrepancy sets, it suffices to
use our construction while setting m s 3.
In the special case in which all of the entries in the specification matrix, Pn, m , are
rationals of the form qrp, for some small prime p or prime power Že.g., p s 3.,
better Ž k, e .-approximation schemes can be constructed. In this case, a Ž k, e .approximation of Pn, m is constructed Žin the obvious manner. by using a Ž k, e .approximation of the uniform distribution over GF Ž p . n. Recall that Ž k, e .-approximation of the uniform distribution over GF Ž p . n can be constructed by using
support of the same cardinality as in the construction of such approximations for
the uniform binary distribution w2, 4, 8x Žcf. w10, Chap. 3x..4 We get
We stress that when a small-bias probability space is constructed over GF Ž p . n , the size of the space
does not depend on p, provided small bias is defined in terms of an upper bound on the Fourier
coefficients. The transformation from max-norm in the Fourier basis to max-norm in the Žstandard.
pointwise basis preserves this upper bound. ŽNote that the Fourier basis is not normal, and while
normalizing one gains a p k factor in the basis transformation.. For details see w10, Chap. 3x.
Theorem 2. Let p be a prime and Mn,p m denote the set of all n-by-m specification
matrices in which e¨ ery entry is an integer multiple of 1rp. Then there is a determination algorithm, which on input of a prime p, a specification matrix Pn, m s pi, j : i s
1, . . . , n, j s 0, . . . , m y 14 g Mn,p m , and parameters Ž k, e ., outputs a sample space of
size Ž k ? ey1 ? log n. 2 , which constitutes a Ž k, f p Ž Pn, m . ? e .-approximation for Pn, m ,
f p Ž Pn , m . s max
I : < I <Fk
js0, . . . , my1
pi , j 4
Proof. We use an efficient construction of a Ž k, e .-approximation of the uniform
distribution over GF Ž p . n. Such a construction has size Ž k ? ey1 ? log n. 2 . We transform each sample point Ž s1 , . . . , sn . in the above space to a sample point Ž r 1 , . . . , rn .
in our space by setting ri s j, if qi, j - si F qi, jq1 , where qi, j sdef ݨjy1
s0 pi, ¨ . Clearly,
the value sequence ² ¨ 1 , . . . , ¨ l : g 0, . . . , m y 14 l , l F k Žas an assignment to a
specific sequence ² i1 , . . . , i l : of coordinates., deviates from the specification by at
most ŽŁ ljs1Ž p? pi j, ¨ j .. ? e , and the theorem follows.
The alternative construction can be extended to the case in which all entries in
the specification matrix Pn, m are well approximated by rationals of the form qrp,
for some small prime p. By ‘‘good approximation’’ we mean that each entry is
approximated up to an additive error er2 k, where e is the approximation parameter desired for the final construction. Hence this approach is applicable only if the
specification matrix is approximated well by a rational matrix with a relatively small
common denominator.
We thank Josef Beck, Nati Linial, Emo Welzl, and Avi Wigderson for helpful
discussions. We are also grateful to two anonymous referees for their useful
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A revised version has appeared as TR97-01 of DIMACS, 1997.