An Overview of the UNU Project and Introduction to the

An Overview of the UNU Project and Introduction to the
Masatoshi Morita
United Nations University
Environment and Sustainable
Development Programme
Programme Advisor
This conference is held to commemorate the successful completion of
the 4th phase [2005[2005-2008] of the UNU project “Environmental
Hydrosphere”” that
Monitoring and Governance in the Asian Coastal Hydrosphere
has been financially and technically supported by Shimadzu
Corporation (Kyoto, Japan) since its inception in 1996.
1990 -1996: A Period that Environmental
Analysis and Regulation of Trace Organic
Chemicals expanded in the U.S.A, EU
countries and Japan.
• In 1996 UNU Project started with support of
Shimadzu Corporation to expand analytical
and governance capability in East Asian
Communities that are rapidly industrialized
and facing to environmental pollution.
• Started with participation of Eight Countries.
Phase Ⅰ (1996 – 1998)
Environmental Governance and Analytical Techniques.
① In 1996
Food Pollution and Industrial Wastes
(International Symposium in Tokyo)
② In 1997
Water Pollution and Water Quality Monitoring
(International Symposium in Singapore)
③ In 1998
Air Pollution and Air Quality Monitoring
(International Symposium in Kyoto)
Phase Ⅱ (1999 – 2001)
Environmental Monitoring and Governance :
Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDC) Pollution in the East Asia
Coastal Hydrosphere. A new member (Philippines) joined.
①Feb. 1999
Environmental Issues Related to EDC Pollution
(International Symposium in Tokyo)
②April. 2000
EDC in the East Asian Coastal Hydrosphere
(International Symposium in Kualalumpur,
③April, 2001
Industries and EDC Pollution
(International Symposium in Soul, Korea)
④April, 2002
Tracing Pollutants from Agrochemical use
(International Symposium in Hanoi, Vietnam)
Phase Ⅲ (2002 – 2004)
Environmental Monitoring and Governance in the East Asian
Hydrosphere: Monitoring of POPs
Environmental Quality Guidelines
( Workshop in Kwangiu, Korea)
②May, 2004
Impacts of POPs from Urban Areas
(International Symposium in Beijin, China)
③April, 2005
Ecosystem Impacts of POPs
(International Symposium in Bangkok, Thailand)
Phase Ⅳ (2005 – 2007)
Environmental Monitoring and Governance in Asia Coastal
Two members (India and Pakistan) newly joined.
① Nov, 2006
POPs in Asia: Its status and future
(International Symposium in Manila, Philippines)
② Nov, 2007
POPs: Global Transport, Best Environmental Practice, and
Risk Perception
(International Symposium in Jakarta, Indonesia)
③ Nov.2008
Conference Today: The Role of Academic and the Private
Sector for the Stockholm Convention
Now 11 Asian countries are involved: China; India; Japan; Republic
Republic of
Korea; Malaysia; Pakistan; Philippines; Singapore; Thailand; Vietnam.
While many multilateral development efforts, this UNU project has
successfully strengthened local academic research capacities.
When the Third phase of the projected commenced in 2002, keeping
abreast of the latest international agreement on the Persistent Organic
is capacity
Pollutants (POPs), this project shifted its focus to POPs analys
n 2004,
development. Since the Stockholm Convention entered into force iin
our project partners have participated in the Stockholm Convention
related meeting as national experts.
This conference focuses to promote roles of academic communities and
private sectors to support the implementation of the Stockholm
Convention. Academic communities have always played important roles
roles in
the environmental interventions by nurturing human resources in the
environmental fields of expertise and ensuring scientific soundness
soundness of the
Today’s conference will have two speakers in this morning session.
①Mr. Shuji Tamura from Japan’
Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade, and
Industry (METI).
②Prof. Martin Scheringer (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
The first afternoon session will be kicked off by three speakers;
③Prof. Gang Yu (Tsinghua University)
④Project partners from University of the Philippines (Prof. Santiago)
and Vietnam National University (Prof. Viet) sharing the project
results with the conference participants.
The second afternoon session will discuss how private sectors can
can be and
should be involved in the implementation of the Stockholm Convention.
⑤Mr. Masanobu Kimura(JESCO)
⑥Mr. Mohamed Eisa (UNDP)
The Conference will be concluded by the ceremony joined by both UNU’
Rector, Prof. Konrad Osterwalder, and Shimazu President, Mr. Shigehiko
hase [2005 –
Hattori, to commemorate the successful completion of the forth p