CHC2D: Canadian Identity Since World War I 519-938-9355

CHC2D: Canadian Identity Since World War I
Course: CHC2D
Teacher(s): L. Britton
Program Leader: T. Gunn
Course Description:
This course explores social, economic, and political developments and events and their impact on the lives of different groups in Canada since 1914.
Students will examine the role of conflict and cooperation in Canadian society, Canada’s evolving role within the global community, and the impact of
various individuals, organizations, and events on Canadian identity, citizenship, and heritage. They will develop their ability to apply the concepts of
historical thinking and the historical inquiry process, including the interpretation and analysis of evidence, when investigating key issues and events in
Canadian history since 1914.
Big Ideas (overall learning outcomes for the course):
1. Canada’s identity as a country has been shaped by our history.
2. History is constantly changing.
3. History is something we “do” not something we memorize.
4. Canada’s identity as a nation has developed through defining moments in its history.
Achievement Categories: Student learning is assessed and evaluated
with respect to the following four categories of knowledge and skills.
Knowledge and Understanding: 25%
Thinking: 25%
Communication: 25%
Application: 25%
Assessment and Evaluation: Students are expected to complete all assigned work and submit it by the teacher's established due date. Every attempt
will be made to encourage students to complete all assigned work on time so their grade represent their actual achievement. Should a student submit
work past the due date, a late mark penalty will be assigned. All summative assessments must be submitted for course credit. Please see Westside's
Assessment and Evaluation Policy for more details. In addition to handing in a paper copy, all assignments must be submitted online through Failure to submit work to by the due date will result in late marks. An assignment will be considered incomplete and the student will not be eligible for course credit
if work is not submitted to Log in info Instructional Strategies: Westside teaching staff will use a variety of instructional strategies to help students develop and improve skills in the following
areas: character, citizenship, communication, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration and teamwork, and creativity and imagination.
Term Work (70%)
Test and/or Assignment
Test and/or Assignment
Test and/or Assignment
WWII-Modern Day
Test and/or Assignment
Final Summative (30%)
Summative Assessment
Summative Exam
I have read and understand the Course Outline:
Student Name (please print): _________________________ Signature: _________________________
Parent/Guardian Name (please print): ____________________ Signature: _______________________