A Neighborhood Alternative Energy Plant by Douglas James Brooks B.S.A.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1979) Submitted to the Department of Architecture in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Architecture at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology September, 1982 @ Douglas James Brooks 1982 The author hereby grants to the Massachusetts Institute of Technolog to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author..... *.... ... .... ... ... .. . . ..... .0 . . . . .S..SS ission to reproduce and z *,ve 0 . . sees.. . . . a s Department of Architecture, June .9a2---7f Certified by .............. ................................ Robert J. Slattery, Professor of Archi Accepted ... .. ... ... ... .. ,,, ... .. ,, hpXs Superv jy.... Shun Kanda, Chairman, Departmental Commitie on tradhate Students Rotc-h ............... k 1 MITLibraries Document Services 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.2800 Email: docs@mit.edu http://Iibraries.mit.edu/docs DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. The images contained in this document are of the best quality available. 2 I I ernIV pi Eney wb 6m4 I 3j For Helen Your love, patience and support made all possible. With heartfelt thanks to Bob Slattery and Richard Tabors, who kept a designer's dreams alive, well and living within the realm of possibility. And to my parents, who gave me dreams and let me live them. Table of Contents Contents Page Abstract.s ..... ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intro duction..........................................................9 0 0 a0 0 9 a a 0 0 Program .............................................................. History of the Site.-. 239a sa e** a e 9 ae e*2 ................... a*0 * Design.....asa............as.......egs a aa. *. ........ a.a. . -33 . .a.a. ......... a.. ........ *.49 Master Plan NAEP Site 50 60 NAEP 72 Viability.@..............e.a .... e.........e.....@geg e ea e@as.. e.. as. .. 103 Hydroelectricity 106 Cogeneration Anaerobic Digestion Wind Power 128 136 146 Photovoltaics 150 Conclusion. . 6 4aa..................... Appendixes.. . .. 0 0*a.................................g ..... ........ *.....e.o ............ e a g ema em .me a0 eea0a9a a gaa ea4 0 a0 am 0aa............167 168 Heating Load Passive Solar Heating 173 Auxiliary Energy Demand Cooling Load 185 188 Historical Cost Indexes 192 Building Cost Estimate Bibliography.................................................megee 193 g.955 e a 0g0e159 6 A Neighborhood Alternative Energy Plant by Douglas James Brooks Submitted to the Department of Architecture on June 15, 1982, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Architecture. ABSTRACT A design that proposes the redefinition of the role of a power plant facility within a community by creating a humane environment for recreation, education, community gathering, living, and energy production; rather than the traditional remote and often inhumane environments of the present. This thesis explores the design of a small scale alternative energy plant as the center of a new framework for revitalizing small industries, developing industrial cogeneration of energy, and redeveloping mixed use commercial, office, and residential areas within the context of a deteriorated urban neighborhood. Located in a historic area of Rockford, Illinois, the design incorporates some fifty new passive solar residences and a 34,000 square foot clean energy plant within an eleven and one-half acre inner-city site. Fueled by the sun, the wind, the Rock River, and the community's municipal refuse and sewage, this neighborhood alternative energy plant (NAEP) represents not only a renewable energy resource, but both a recreational and educational resource as well. The challenge of this project is to provide an integrated alternative method for both producing power and participating in its production. Included in the design of this NAEP are: an overview of alternative energy use in architecture and community planning; a history of small scale power generation within the context of the neighborhood; a master plan for the site; design of the facility; and energy and economic analysis, designed to demonstrate the viability of the project within a contemporary marketplace. Thesis Supervisor: Robert J. Slattery Title: Associate Professor of Architecture 7 8 I I I I I I I I I I -~ LT-rv I I I I CT4T"N 9 Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. -Robert Frost Today's architect stands before the figurative crossroads of the poet Robert Frost. Following decades in pursuit of a style and method of building that have increasingly relied on higher technology and greater energy to satisfy man's most basic needs, the contemporary architect faces the decision of the poet -- whether or not to continue along that more highly trodden path. The alternative way, the path of soft technology architecture is the premise of this thesis. Physicist Amory B. Lovins contrasts the present United States federal policy of 10 rapid expansion of centralized high technologies with an alternative path of re- newable energy sources which are matched in scale and energy to the end use needs. In Lovin's terms, soft technologies are characterized as follows: -- They rely on renewable energy flows that are always there whether we use them or not, such as sun and wind and vegetation: on energy income, not on depletable energy capital. -- They are diverse, so that energy supply is an aggregate of very many individually modest contributions, each designed for maximum effectiveness in particular circumstances. --They are flexible and relatively lowtechnology -- which does not mean un- sophisticated, but rather, easy to understand and use without esoteric skills, accessible rather than arcane. -- They are matched in scale and geographic distribution to the end use needs, taking advantage of the free distribution of most natural energy flows. -- They are matched in energy quality to end use needs. mission to low quality needs of heating and lighting. An alternative approach would be the design of small scale neighborhood power plants which utilize soft technology energy sources, recover waste heat, and cogenerate steam with electri- Clearly, these characteristics are di- city -- for the distinct uses of heating rectly applicable to architecture and com- and cooling versus lighting and manufac- munity planning. turing -- In the case of centra- lized generation of electricity, currently the United States generates this energy with greatly reduced energy transmission losses. In addition to mismatching our energy through the burning of high quality fossil production and its use, in the past half fuels at high temperatures, or through the century our approach to energy in archi- process of high temperature nuclear fis- tecture has followed a hard technology sion; yet two-thirds of that generated approach towards greater reliance on electricity is lost in wide-spread trans- mechanical systems and high technology 44 solutions to human habitation. As one ex- ample of our past, compare the World Trade Center building in New York City with the town of Schenectady, New York. Schenectady serves the needs of over 100,000 people with a full range of residential, institutional, industrial, and commercial facilities that any city requires; whereas the twin World Trade buildings were deGrassy Brook Village, Brookline, Vermont Proposeid graSSy brok life systeis signed to serve the needs of approximately 50,000 people on a more limited and dubious basis. Yet, both Schenectady and a set of two 110 story office buildings share a common link, both require the same 80 megawatts of energy demand -- or over 250,000,000 BTUs per hour. Herein lies the crux of the architectural-technological dilemna. Not only have we in the industrialized world tied up enormous amounts of energy in the construction of our high technology steel and glass buildings, such as the World Trade Center, but we have also ensured that these buildings will continue to consume 12 a vast amount of energy in order to operate daily, for years to come. The Lovins solution to our high technology dilemna is not an easy pill to swallow, for in the long run it points toward nothing short I iV ~ of pulling the plug on an established infrastructure of energy generation. But r~4~ let us consider in smaller detail what his solution entails. Basically, what Lovins envisions in architecture is a building or collection of buildings that operate like a living organism, capable of producing all or a majority of their energy needs singlehandedly. This hypothetical structure is tailored to the individual, rather than the anonomous mass of users; rather than turn on a ceiling full of lights, one could turn on a single task light; rather than ventilate an entire floor, one could open a few windows; rather than air condition a glass curtainwall, one could shade the windows; and rather than purchase electricity from a vast nuclear grid, one could capture his own solar power and buy electricity from a neighborhood alternative energy plant. Prince Edward Island Ark by the New Alchemy Institute master plan for the NAEP redevelopment area. 7..-5 14 Section through the site. As an embodiment of the soft technology concepts of Lovins and the work of others, such as the New Alchemy Institute, I propose the design of an alternative energy plant on the scale of a neighborhood. Using a number of diverse soft energies including: solar, wind, water, and biomass sources, as well as some tradition fossil fuels. However, the intent is not to pro- vide purely autonomous power, rather to augment the existing infrastructures of centralized power by lessening the demand on them for increased energy capacity. Lovins observes that the utilities have come closer to financial disaster than any other industry. Because of their failures to base historic prices on the long run cost of new supply, many utilities predict Hamilton Solar Village: 1) Marshland/Aquaculture -- 600 acres yielding 50-100 tons/year/ 2) Solar Technology Center -- soft tech industries. acre of edible shrimp and fish. 3) Transit Center -- where on-site foot, bicycle and electric vehicle traffic interfaces with off-site car, bus, rail, and ferry traffic. 4) Rehabilitated Housing -- 160 existing units retrofitted for solar water heating and energy conservation. 5) Corporate Office Center 6) Energy Production -- a 4-5 megawatt solar thermal electric plant. 7) Waste Recovery -- oxidation lagoons and greenhouses to purify sewage for irrigation. 8) Food Production -- 100 acres of commercial organic truck farm bordered by community gardens. 9) New Solar Housing -- 650 units with 80-100% passive solar heating and cooling. 10) Sport and Recreation Center. a trebling of the dollar cost of a kilo- enhanced by localized distribution, but in watt-hour (in addition, the free sources of alternate the ten year period between 1975 and 1985), and that two-thirds of that increase will be capital charges for new plants. The economic basis for a soft energies are often best utilized at this scale. The Public Utilities Regulatory Policy smaller scale neighborhood power plant has Act of 1978 provides the main incentive for never been better; not only is the effi- the creation of a neighborhood alternative ciency of fossil fuel conversion greatly energy plant or any qualifying cogenera- m -U U m 4 " NAEP SITE tion facility. The act represents a major milestone in removing institutional barriers to cogeneration and alternative energy facilities, and is analagous to deregulation of the phone industry. Just F--_ II as subsequent changes in the telephone industry regulations have helped to revolutionize the communication industry, PURPA will soon create a similar revolution in the power generating industry. The near future will find electricity from solar, wind, water, and biomass sources wheeled onto the utilities transmission lines with the utility acting as common carrier. The major provisions of PURPA are as follows: 1) Electric utilites are now required to purchase excess power offered for sale by qualifying facilities. (W) 2) A W is defined as a facility that is owned by an individual or corporation (including municipalities), with no more than fifty percent of the equity interest owned by an electric utility and said facility produces electric energy primarily by use of a renewable resource. The W cannot have a power Arcosanti, Arizonat A) East Crescent B) Greenhouse C) Pool D) East Housing E) Vaults F) Lab Building G) West Housing H) Foundry Apse J) Ceramic Apse K) Crafts L) West Crescent N) Main Structure N) Greenhouse P) Cloister production capacity of over 80 MW. 3) Electric utilities, required to purchase a W's excess energy if offered for sale, are defined to include any person, state agency (including political subdivisions thereof) or federal agency that sells electricity. 4) The rate which purchasing electric utilities are required to pay a W has three elements. Rates for purchase shall: 17 PRELIMIN, NAEP DESIGNS: 7 .4 4 I, 1~ - K -~&Aft -jMA.., "sq 1111 Y 1 II I-~_1 B .0 I I. 6 e-1. a- . .-. a) be just and reasonable to the elec- 5) PURPA authorizes the Federal Energy to exempt tric consumer of the electric utili- Regulatory Commission (FERC) ty and in the public interest; Qs (up to 30 MW) using renewable resources or waste products for more than b) not discriminate against the QF; and Avoided costs are defined as 75 percent of their primary energy from regulation under the Federal Power Act the incremental costs to an electric and Public Utility Holding Companies Act utility of electrical energy, capaci- and state laws. c) not exceed the utility's avoided costs. ty, or both, which but for the pur- 6) Section 402 of PURPA provides loans for chase from the QF, such utility municipalities, electrical cooperatives, would generate itself or purchase industrial development agencies, non from another source. profit organizations or "any other per- iiw 1 ML,ISO ALI [Ar 11-w T!"4t rNfta Lik son" to conduct feasability studies for small hydroelectric facilities and prepare applications for licensing. Fund- Prior to the state by state enactment of PURPA in the first quarter of 1981, there have been many attempts at providing ing is provided through 10-year loans at cogenerated power from soft energy sources. favorable interest rates. In recent years the New Alchemists have 7) PURPA requires the FERC to issue regu- devised two "Arks", located on Prince Ed- lations defining who are qualifying facilities and setting standards for the ward Island and Cape Cod, which provide rates. residences. totally autonomous power for single family Others in Brookline, Vermont have designed new condominium clusters which utilize alternate energy sources in a high density communal fashion to provide independant power. Village Homes Subdivi- sion in Davis, California provides another reference for moderate density communal energy sharing, and there are additional examples on the order of new town planning which include Hamilton Solar Village in Prince Edward Island Ark by the New Alchemy Institute California and Arcosanti in Arizona. challenge of my proposal, The which has been largely ignored until now, is to provide shared alternative energy sources within the framework of a typical existing lowto-medium density, American neighborhood. The problem has few, if indeed any, pre- cedents in the United States, yet it is a problem that may very well be a major one in the future. 23 Land Use n- It: WAz 24 Land use map of central light industrial zoning. A neighborhood alternative energy plant (NAEP) must adapt to its site, surroundings and neighborhood as these conditions warrant. Its program is therefore, by definition, flexible; yet its central component, that of clean energy, is fundamental. In the fullest sense of the NAEP concept, the facility becomes an integral part in the evolution or redevelopment of a neighborhood or community. The greatest opportunity, and indeed novelty, of such a facility is to design it within an urban context and established network of electrical power generation to provide an integrated alternative method for both generating power and participating in its production. The organization of this NAEP is perhaps best understood in three components: 1)the small-to-medium scale energy plant, at the heart of 2)a new framework for the revitalization of small industries and the development of industrial cogeneration of energy, Winnebago County that are integrated with 3)a development of mixed-use commercial and residential uses -all designed, in this case, to reinforce an older inner-city neighborhood. In essence, 25 stria 0 ?EJ rnD 11 the NAEP concept proposes a redefinition of the role of a power station within a community. In contrast to traditional power plants that are often remote and arcane to the community, a NAEP must be both accessible and comprehensible. By definition it must become a more humane place designed not only for work and energy production, but also for community gathering, education, recreation and living. The design for this NAEP, located on an 11.5 acre inner-city redevelopment site in Rockford, Illinois takes advantage of an existing, yet untapped energy resource -- the Rock rate east with River. The master plan would incorposome fifty new solar townhouses on the (or left) bank of the river together a planned redevelopment of a light in- dustrial park on the west bank of the river. project area map. Sourcet The Left Bank Project. In addition, the design calls for the historic preservation of an existing manufacturing building (the old Rockford Watch Co.) to be converted into commercial and office uses in association with the adjacent neighborhood Haight Village -- a designated historic dis- trict. Central to the scheme is the NAEP, a 27 ROCK RIVER LEFT BANK PROJECT Project area map. 34,000 square foot clean energy plant. Because the plant can be fueled by the neigh- The Left Bank Project. energy library, a community greenhouse and cluding the river, the wind, the sun, and the gardens, an alternative energy products store, as well as offices and living spaces for its caretaker and crew. In conjunction community's refuse and sewage -- with the building is a river front park which borhood's clean, 28 Source: renewable resources -- in- the facility can provide many functions other than power serves as the southern terminus in a chain of production. city parklands linked by the river, an elec- Besides housing the apparatus for electrical power generation and process tric trolley, and pedestrian and bicycle path- steam cogeneration, this NAEP for Rockford is designed to house a recycling center, an ways. In concept, the NAEP development area is designed as an addition to the downtown redevelopment area of Rockford known as the Left Bank Project. Begun in 1978, and currently under construction the project is designed to revitalize the city's deteriorating urban core into a specialized retail center for the community and the region. Facilities planned for the Left Bank include restaurants, entertainment establishments, professional offices, art galleries, and a variety of specialty shops. Planned with the concept of shopping as a form of recreation, these retail ventures will be interspersed with two new urban waterfront parks, several turn-ofthe-century elements designed to improve the streetscape, and a trolley that will link the area to the city's riverfront parklands. The project provides for the adaptive reuse of several historic buildings within the area, including the East Side Inn, the Davis Building (Waterside Center), and the Cudahy Building (see project map). The neighboring NAEP redevelopment area is designed to complement this retail development of the Left Bank, but with greater emphasis on the educational, residential, and industrial base of the community. In many respects, the concept of a NAEP is both a vision of the future and a resurrection of the past. In program it represents an assemblage of many traditionally separate functions, yet in its scale and scope it has many precedents. A strange beast, an NAEP requires both a blend of old and new technologies and a mixture of contemporary and traditional lifesyles to make it work. It is through an examination of the history of the NAEP's technology, site, and neighborhood that a contemporary planner may gain insight into what may seem arcane, but which is indeed very familiar. 5 N on, !r Aerial view of NA1P redevelopment area. Courtesy: City of Rockford IE~, 449 NAEP #te, 7-7r 30 '111 Vr- & JU P' S , r 4, .9; r,~4~q F44~ I.i 32 I I I I SITE 33 It$t- *1 -^ ,i . _X p.4O -" Much of the history of Rockford, Illinois begins with its river, the Rock, and at the site of the modern Fordam Dam. In the early 19th Century the Rock River was more of an obstacle to east-west travel than a source of power. Along the Rock's 286 mile southwesterly trek from southeastern Wisconsin to the Mississippi River there were few shallow crossings, or fords, for wagon travel. Rockford, however, provided a stepping stone for the growing east-west movement with a ford of less than three feet during the summer dry season. 1 Originally named Midway because of its equidistant location between Galena and Chicago, Rockford would take its name from the rocky ford which spurred its existence, in 1835. As time passed, Galena, Illinois to the west would grow to become the second largest lead mining center in the world. Likewise, Chicago to the east would event- Source. Mayer and Wade, Chicago. Growth of a Metropolis. 1 Past and Present of Winnebago County, p.51. 1905. But it was the power of the Rock River, not only its crossing that provided the opportunity for the tiny stopping point to become a large industrial city in its own Thus, Rockford's commercial and ually become one of the world's greatest centers of transportation and manufactur- right. Rockford, by virtue of its geography, developed as a link essential to commerce. with the construction of its first bridge and dam. ing. industrial development began in the 1840's SKANDIA SHOE MANUFACTURING CO. SKANDIA PLOW COMPANY. 2 SinnissippI Saga, p.139, 1967. By 1840, the lack of transportation on The Rockford Hydraulic and Manufactur- and over the Rock had become a major prob- ing Company, incorporated by the law of lem. 1843, was not fully organized until the On January 11th of that year, a meeting was held to seek a congressional Spring of 1844 when it grant to improve the Rock River and make it a navigable stream. In addition, four on the first dam. years earlier, a charter had been obtained of timber, brush, stone and earth, and was for a railroad between Rockford and Chicago but eastern financers had seen no fu- located above the rocky ford,. the head of began construction Completed by the Autumn of 1845, the city's first dam was built the river's rapids, some 33 feet above ture in northern Illinois and progress was stalled on both accounts. It was not un- Park Avenue.2 til February, 1843 that an act of the the dam was chosen because it was general- state legislature in Vandalia, 238 miles ly believed that if the dam were located to the south, authorized the building of a at the head of the rapids, the town would bridge and a dam at Rockford, and the improvement of navigation of the rapids. have been built there. As recorded in a 1905 his- tory of Winnebago County, "This site for Had the dam been built at the ford, on the Rock bottom, it ROCKFORD DESK ANo FURNITURE Co. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS LATEN510N TABLENEyor.501 BoADos Cr.FONiERS LiBRARY-CASESSECREtAnRES SMANDIA FURNITURE COMPANY WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS. 3Paat and Present of Winnebago County, p.51. 1905. would have required a larger outlay of first dam. On the southeastern corner of cash. This article was scarce, while tim- the newly incorporated Rockford, in 1839, a residential area called Haightsville developed. Haightsville, or Haight Village as it was later called, was named after its first resident in 1835, Daniel Shaw Haight. The neighborhood was located some forty feet above the sprawling industries ber, brush, stone and earth were abunFinanced with the issuance of dant." $250,000 of capital stock, the city's first dam had head gates and provided direct mechanical power by means of two mill races on both the east and the west river banks. Individual water wheels equipped with wooden-tooth gears turned out power for six industries by 1846, that included: three saw mills, a grist mill, an iron foundry, and a wool processing plant. Rockford did, in fact, begin to grow immediately adjacent to the site of the of the river, on a natural limestone bluff. Due in part to its isolation, the area has survived to remain the only intact residential area in the original square mile settlement called Rockford. In 1847, the Rockford Female Seminary located its original campus along the south edge of Haight Village. Later AO- 'o f A4 - - rAy - A NA A L 38Source: d ~ ~\ -- Rockford Public Librar \\--\r\C known as Rockford College, the university provided prestige and protection to the surrounding residential area for over 100 years. Haight Village residents became prominent leaders in the areas of business, industry, education, politics, medicine and civic affairs. At the same time, the neighborhood had maintained a diverse social fabric which is reflected in the 1857 city register which lists a blacksmith, tailor, building mover, civil engineer, clerk, cement roofer, laundress, attorney, carriage maker, farmer, doctor and chairmaker, among others, as residents. Most of the neighborhood's homes were construc- Reprinted from the Haight Village Calendar. ted between 1850 and 1890 in victorian gothic and the picturesque styles. While the construction of the first dam was being completed, Rockford's first bridge at State Street opened to traffic on July 4, 1845. Built at a cost of $5,500 with timber from government lands that had been floated downstream, the bridge would later become a vital portion of the first US 20. Prior to final com- pletion, the powerful waters of the Rock had taken their toll on the wooden structure when, on the eve of December 24, 1844, high waters tipped the crossing over. These waters flooded again in April, 1846 and March, 1847 destroying portions of the earthen dam. Yet, the bridge remained unscathed. In February, 1849 the Illinois legislature passed a general law providing for further improvement of the navigation -IIMVAMI - OPM"Irvr- -W*m in -ftmmwL-W.WV4 4 Amu& A hw!o :,. AftAAP A ~ 0 n 0NW a V AWAN m. FOREST CITY FURNITURE COMPANY. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS. ROCKFORD WATCH COMPANY. of the Rock River and production of hydraulic power. But before man-made improvements could be made, nature intervened; the Rock flooded again on June 1, than seven feet, and maintain such locks 1851, completely destroying the earthen dam and its hydraulic enterprise was abandoned. Within three months following the collapse of the first dam, the construction of a new permanent dam on the rock bottom stimulus for the growth of a wide variety of industries and products including furniture, agricultural implements of all kinds, stoves, pumps, engines, hardware of the old ford was planned. In the spring of 1853 the new ?50 foot long dam and races were completed on the site of the contemporary Fordam dam. The newly organized Rockford Water Power Company was empowered by the Acts of 1843 and 1849 to raise the water in the river by not more as were necessary for the passage of steam boats drawing three feet of water. In the following years the new dam provided the specialties of all kinds, sewing machines, paper and wire. Yet, by the turn of the 19th Century the Rock was rarely used for commercial trafficking of these products because of the advent of the railroad. August 2, 1852 marked the arrival of the first train of the Galena and Chicago Union Railway (later the Chicago and Northwestern Railway) in Rockford. Two years _4V I A. ~ EMO~ j~ ~ Af- ~ t;~ ~ 46 ts It-so'% ~~Q It In, Am] 6 44 SO It's, *~N&t.C.,~ T~4 -U., ~ A INLI Vtl Nr -4p - W. U ew- 0-9q~ k V.I Ov .' 04 ~ 4 41 ~~ 14 121 P. Vt Al 4 ' *4 ji. 40.. or 4L, * vp)?If, A.'\ t Am '~t 1'~ 41 A144'4 -A A 9 on i -k- It .Sli fq A i4 J, 2 4 i~~ ~ th '' ~ YJ earlier, the G&CU had been the only railway in Chicago, but "by 1856 Chicago was the focus of ten trunk lines with nearly 3000 miles of track; fifty-eight passenger and thirty-eight freight trains that arrived and departed daily." .Thus, within a half-dozen years Chicago had become the world's largest railroad center and Rockford a vital part of that network. By 1914 there was no commercial traffic on the river with the exception of a large stern-wheel steamer which made regular trips up the river with excursion passengers from the pool above the Rockford dam. Fordam Station, operated by the Rockford Electric Co., was built in 1896 adjacent to the permanent dam along the east side race. Until 1908 the plant operated solely on water power but, by 1912, the Fordam power plant was doing a more extensive 'NOY/L 'CO Source: 4 Chicago: 1969. Mayer and Wade, Chicago: Growth of a Metropolis. Growth of a Metropolis, Mayer and Wade, pp.35-38, lighting and power business as well as supplying steam heat to the central portion of the city on both the east and west sides.5 Powered then by coal-fired, hori- 5 Originally, electric power was supplied by direct current, but transmission was limited to a 30 mile length of wire. It is unclear, from the histories of the dam, at what point Rockford's old E District was converted to an alternating current supply, perhaps 1903. zontal steam turbines and the dam's hydroelectric turbines, the total station capa- 6RHockford: _1912, pp.48-49. city was 15,500 horse power (11,600 KW) -a 600 kilowatt capacity in water power. In 1912, Rockford Electric Company's main power plant was described as "one of the largest, finest, and best equipped plants in the country....The company has 77 miles of poles erected in the city, carrying over 800 miles of wire.... It has 3,900 meters in service supplying 30,000 people with light, power and heat....The company's lines thoroughly cover the city. It furnishes the city street lighting, which requires 551 arc lamps, and also supplies all the power used by the Rockford & Interurban Railway company in its extensive interurban and city railway sys- Interior views of Fordam Station. Source: tem." 6 In 1946 the needs of the community had grown and Rockford's Fordam station was expanded by the Central Illinois Electric and Gas Co., eventually to its peak electric capacity of 72,00 kilowatts in 1971. Two upgraded hydroelectric turbines were installed in 1923 and 1924 with a rated capacity of 600 kilowatts each. The power plant became the property of Commonwealth Edison in 1966. And in 1971, after 75 years of service, the utility dismantled the facility along with 65 other coalfired generating stations in the Chicago area in favor of cleaner, less expensive nuclear and natural gas fueled stations. Rockford: 1912. Steam production for the downtown heat system was continued for a few years following the plant's shutdown by Northern Illinois Gas Co. until steam production In 1974-75 Commonwealth Edison closed the Sterling Hydro plant and undertook an estimated four to five million dollar renovation of the Fordam dam at Rockford. Facing the decision to remove the dam and extend mud flats for some 50 feet above the structure or rebuild the dam and main- was abandoned because of obsolescence. Although Commonwealth Edison halted hydroelectric production at Fordam in 1971, it continued to operate two hydroelectric stations downstream from Rockford on the Rock River at Dixon and Sterling, Illinois. Likewise, the Wisconsin Power and Light Company operated a small hydro plant above the Rockford dam at South Beloit, Illinois. FORDAM STATION 1912 -I-M - tain a high water level for recreational use, the utility chose the latter. At the time of this renovation, no new hydroelectric capacity was added and the two existing turbines were kept in place only to provide start-up power for the electric grid in case of a blackout. The two operating hydroelectric plants in Dixon and South Beloit continue to provide approximately 13,631,000 and 3,294,000 kilowatt hours of electricity annually. 7 -1-W- 4b TQ.T.P. VP *r., * 46 koAV 4+ AMP Al 44 Bow Jr WL71mix= v --Alt At Alm Ir fA ja L*r l .00 -. L- eta, IW , It -,w v%. ROOK FOID, ILNOfS 1965 48 49 Aerial view of Fordam Station from West. Courtesy: Commonwealth Edison. N-1 AO $ 50 I FOIDA L! 0 200 77 400 'el 4 r -- 4> A*- Early sketch for NAEP site development. T 'I a I - -, I~I- uz~ 1. - 52 YA - Aerial view of NAEP site as it looks today. Source: City of Rockford. ~g 0 200 400 -4- r Early sketch for NAEP site development. 53 For many reasons the history of Rockford's NAEP redevelopment site must play an important role in any contemporary design. The neighborhood is a historic district; the area is rich in the history of the community; and the project provides a rare opportunity to demonstrate that his- tory can be repeated. The design of a NAEP is a turning back of the hands of time to an era when power supplied a neighborhood; when small industry, commerce and housing could coexist; and when communities were built around the source of their power and development. History, however, cannot be transcribed verbatim because it AO, is clear that neighborhoods and coal-fired power plants or industry do not coexist well. Likewise, a contemporary cogeneration facility may not be able to provide power to a single neighborhood; rather, it must often plug into a utility's regional grid. But, by proper design, a NAEP may demonstrate that clean energy can reunite traditionally separate life pattens into a common community. / ~ v& Early master plan for NAEP area showing: proposed freeway intersecting the site; solar housing; process steam pipe; and, early NAEP design with a marina. / V 400 8C The design of Rockford's NAEP begins at the level of a master plan for the 11.5 acre left bank site. At present, the area suffers from a number of physical and institutional barriers that separate the Haight Village neighborhood from the riverfront. Current planning has allocated the old Fordam Station property for use as a park; yet the site is completely isolated from the neighborhood by the John F. Barnes manufacturing plant, a concrete mixing facility, and Commonwealth Edison's own electric substation. However, with the potential abandonment of the JF Barnes' property, there is great potential for the restoration of the link between the city and its waterfront. It is within this context that the design for the NAEP redevelopment area begins. This alternative design would convert the Barnes' property into primarily residential use of solar rowhouse or townhouse construction. In organization, this housing provides for a public edge along the riverfront that is defined by the street, the trolley, pedestrian paths, and a nar- SECTION AA row strip of parkland. This esplanade forms an extension of the work already under construction in the adjacent Left Bank Project area. As a result, the NAEP site can be conceived of as the southern terminus of a long chain of the city's parklands. In contrast to its public edge, the residential area would include a shared private zone of terraced gardens, courtyards and green spaces along the western slope of the hillside site. The orthogo- nal grid of the city would remain, but east-west extensions of it would become cul-de-sacs linked by pedestrian pathways. The historic portion of the Barnes plant, the old Rockford Watch Co., would be reno- vated for commercial and office uses. Of major impact to the site are plans to construct a freeway along the right of way property of the little-used Chicago and Northwestern railroad tracks. This depressed expressway would link the city's downtown with the interstate highway system, but also serve to divide the neighborhood and the NAEP redevelopment area in- Passive solar townhouse design sketches. to two halves. In any case, the tracks and/or expressway crossing the river are assumed to be permanent barriers as is the switchyard of the utilty's electrical substation. With these constraints in mind, the design of the NAEP site began. t~0 N 0 NAEP Site Plan 125 250 Today, a visitor to the site of the old Fordam Station must travel the backways of its two railway lines, scale the walls and steep incline of its riverbank, or sneak by the private yards of the old Rockford Watch Co. and into the tunnel of its railway trestle to reach the expanse of the dam and riverfront. The experience is one of dis- covery. Within this quiet place of powerful scale only the massive walls of the old station and corners of its huge concrete foundations remain. The place is something like a sanctuary, isolated by the high walls, the enormous spans of two iron-trussed railway bridges and the long massive dam which form its boundaries. The design of the NAEP site is generated from the place and the experience of it. Early designs considered the building as an extension of the walls of the site, but tended to isolate it even more. (see Introduction) Although the area is hidden, it must not become inaccessable. For this reason, the earlier schemes that tended to surround the park and form a more institutional gateway through the building were View from west bank of the Rock River toward the NAEP site. discarded. Indeed, the existing limestone tunnel forms a natural gateway to the area and is retained in the final solution. Another focus of concern is parking for the facility. At the onset, the designs unintentionally made the asphalt parking area the arrival point of the entry sequence. Because the site is perceived as the terminus to a long riverfront esplanade stretching the length of the city, the parking in the final design has been moved so that the park, the dam, and the NAEP constitute one's sense of arrival. In addition, the parking lot is constructed of The remains of the old Fordam Station's massive concrete concrete walls and limestone tunnel. grass and concrete blocks to minimize the impact of the built form on the natural environment. In designing the site, the automobile has been accepted as a given, but also as something that should not interfere with use of the parks and alternative means of transportation, including the trolley. The streets and the parking are thus given a scenic riverfront location for carseat viewers, but they are limited in size. The intent is to encourage off-site Fordam Im as viewed from the southeastern bank of the NAEP site. parking and increased use of the trolley and bicycles. In the solution presented, the riverside edge of the site, from the residential area to the end of the park, is preserved as a natural, unbuilt edge. As a result, the NAEP facility was built into the south-facing hillside of the site. In this location, the impact of the building on potential parkland is minimized. The structure acts as a screen of trash collection operations and of freeway construction above and at the rear of the plant; and the length of the building can act as a solar greenhouse collector. Yet, the scale of the site is such that the NAEP building had to add up to some- thing as big as its surroundings. In organization it is analgous to the palm of a giant hand cupped toward the riverfront. The physical extensions of this big hand, the figurative fingers, are the old retaining walls, the railroad bridges and the dam with its raceway. All of these elements make up the NAEP, or the hand, which cups and shelters the park but which opens up 4-~ 'q: * -. *~ A' ., ~>'1%. ,.-A,~', . -.*~t ' .7,>. . . * p * .. U~ * * , . *. * Sl4k.I The NAiP site as viewed from the southwest. 4 and reaches out toward the water. The built forms of the site, the massive concrete and lighter steel, become elements of the architecture. The juxtaposition of light and heavy elements, soft and hard edges, natural and man-made materials, and scales of man and nature are all intended to give the design a complexity, a richness, a breadth and a tension unique to the area. In design the building and the landscape interact to become one; the terraced gardens are transformed into greenhouses and the old walls penetrate and begin to define the NAEP spaces. The complex geometry of the building is, in one sense, an outgrowth of the intersection of the city's two orthogonal grids on the site. These two fields, one following a true north-south orientation and the other running parallel to the riverbank, combine to make the site a special place. But the union of these two dimensional fields with a third dimension creates a unique organization for the site and its architecture. The prismatic NAEP struc- Looking toward the south on the NAli site. 69 ture reflects both the man-made elements of the site and a natural crystalline form. The theme of the NAEP site design is discovery. Aside from creating a special place, the design is intended to reveal something of the area and the operation of the facility. The hydroelectric turbines, today underground, would become a feature of the park's landscape. The water supplying their power, now contained in tubes beneath the soil, would be uncovered and located above ground in the original raceway. The dam, now inaccessable, would be- come a pedestrian path across the river. The NAEP site as viewed from the southest corner. Windmills could be located on the super- structures of the railroad bridges. In addition, a steam pipeline carried on the underside of a bridge would link the NAEP site with the industrial park on the opposite riverbank. And, for the first time, the city's downtown would have access to the river beneath the dam via a boatlaunch. 70 ) Looking north on the NAEP site. G hi,: -ml I-- Southwest 0 16 32 Elevation Discovery became an important criteria in the design of the NAEP building. The opening up, the revealing, of the plant's operation present on the site is also present within the building. In organization, the facility is intended to be an educational experience as well as a recreational one. A visitor to the site may initially perceive the NAEP building as merely a large botanical greenhouse with terraced levels that open into the landscape. Yet, a closer look reveals two things: there is a head to the building, a body attached to the building, and there is a tail -- a broad, tall chimney that is at once a landmark and something functional. More than just a greenhouse, this NAEP has something mysterious going on inside of it. ~- Longitudinal 0 16 32 Section Once inside its threshold, the building begins to reveal its organization. The walls of the structure are suddenly present -- it is not all glass -- define a large central lobby. and they Surrounding this glazed four-story space are three spaces. The greenhouse, the largest ele- ment, stretches the length of the building with its thin glass and steel skeleton supported on massive concrete walls. Behind these walls that never meet but bend where their corner should be are the head, body and tail of the building. In the head are the store, the library, and the living quarters of the building's staff. While in the tail and body a glimpse of the vast mechanical spaces of the power plant can be seen. South 0 16 Elevation 32 &-MFOMN Here, then, are the first clues to the nature of this architectural organism. In its mechanical bowels it digests sewage and trash, produces methane gas, generates electricity, eliminates sludge, and eventually grows plants on its waste material. While this renewable process takes place in the belly of the beast, the head of the building provides a haven for the caretaker, his family and crew. Isolated from the dirt, noise and vibrations of the mechanical plant, this five-story element W"WL (Y% fbecomes Wr4M more associated with the river, the greenhouse and the landscape of the park. Longitudinal Section Fifth Floor Square Feet Porch/Stairs 520 Apartment 955 Subtotal 1,475 Apt. Fifth Floor 0 16 32~ One begins a tour of the dwelling spaces at the fifth floor where a small apartment for some of the crew is located. Here the collective areas of the apartment open onto a panorama of the river, the park and the neighborhood. On the roof of the adjoining mechanical area only the long silent arrays of the flat plate photovoltaic collectors operate. By extending over the northern face of the building, these ar- Transverse Section rays form a canopy over the shipping and receiving area below. This design not only increases the available solar aperture but it also provides shelter from wind, rain and snow. Descending the external staircase to the fourth level, one finds a collective porch for the upper level of the caretaker's apartment and convertible space for office, warehouse or apartment use. At this level, one story above the grade of the northern side of the site, the building system of heavy walls and lightweight frame becomes more apparent. Caretaker A Warehous - ~~1 -i - - ,Offic - Floor Fourth 0 16 T 32 intry and lobby area. Fourth Floor Warehouse/Office Elevator Porch/Stairs Caretaker's Apt. (Second Level) Subtotal Square Feet 1,682 120 520 955 3,277 Greenhouse ezanine. Transverse 0 163 Section As mentioned earlier, the building forms and geometry come from the site and the landscape. The building is designed as a completion of the walls and planes already existing on the site. In plan, the two geometries of the site take on functional relationships in areas such as the loading docks; but it is their three-dimensional interweaving that gives the entire building Terraced gardens. a special energy all its own. In section, the heavy earthen forms begin in the mechanical plant where the ruins of the old stations' concrete walls form the north wall of the building. As the structure rises from the ground, these heavy concrete walls become pilasters and columns with glass block and masonry infill, then structural steel with glass as the building gives way to the sky. This layering of the lightweight greenhouse with the infilled living spaces on top of the heavy mechanical areas reflects the human needs and mechanical functions in each area. Longitudinal 0 16 32 Section The mechanical areas are massive to isolate sounds and vibrations, support the heavy loads of the equipment, and provide the building with thermal storage of the sun's energy. In section, the vertical south-facing wall between the two-story mechanical areas and the greenhouse acts as the most efficient area for radiative heat gain during the winter in this latitude. During the summer cantilevered planting areas serve to shade the walkways along this wall and the wall from excessive solar gain. Additional summer shadSection through the building's greenhouse and trash processing area. ing is provided by canvas or nylon slings under the sloped glass. In section the building's design permits natural cross ventilation. Large sliding doors open the greenhouse to the park outside and permit the prevailing summer winds to sweep through the space and up through the major mechanical areas. Electric Plant Transverse 0 16 32 Section A tour of the inner workings of the NAEP would begin on the third level. It is here that the initial process of separating the neighborhood's trash, salvaging the recyclable components, and mixing the organic components with sewage sludge ocIWcaue., curs. An exhibit area between the landing of the stairs and elevator would provide a description of the process and the NAEP concept. Here the solitary visitor or a school bus load could view the recycling operation as well as gaze downward into the control room and electrical plant below. As the tour continues, it emerges from these darkened spaces into the very top of the sunlit greenhouse. Traveling along the mezzanine that overlooks both the trash processing areas and planting beds, the sensation of an industrial complex linked to the landscape becomes more apparent. K>--I I - I I i--~~ I I - -r * ~N. I Third Floor 0 16 32 At the landing of the second level, the planting areas are now underfoot, touchable, and the long strong wall of the park's eastern edge defines the space. Here, at the corner of the greenhouse space, the wall and the landscape become one. Here, a framework of steel and glass is in sharp contrast to the heavy planes of concrete and earth. Third Floor Square Feet Greenhouse Extension 4, 968 Greenhouse Mezzanine 1,352 Trash Processing/Recycling 3,052 Office Exhibition Space 210 1,705 Loading Dock 340 Elevator/Stairs 260 Caretaker's Apt. (First Level) Porch Subtotal 1,120 48 13,055 H-- Tr h Proc sing J L- Longitudinal 0 16 32 Section Ilk& Proceeding into the tail of the greenhouse, a visitor would glimpse the massive dam which, in size and form, seems to be an arm stretched out from the building. Walk- ing back beneath the sun baked racks of dried humus, the second portion of the tour begins. A metal catwalk provides an elevated view of the five massive anaerobic digestion tanks, which feed on the ground trash and sewage formula to produce Elow methane gas and dried compost. Along this path there are fragmentary views of the electrical generating process; but it is not until one exits the greenhouse and reaches the central control room that the entire operation is unveiled. -4 West 0 16 E levation 32 In the control room, accessible to the public, nearly every phase of the NAEP process can be seen. Displayed and monitored from within this loft space are the anaerobic digestors producing gas; the gas-burning, electricity-generating turbines; the heat recovery boiler making process steam and more electricity; and the absorption chiller that cools the dwelling spaces of the building with a portion of the steam. Here at the core of the complex, the building's prismatic geometry once again inten- sifies the space, forming the glazed edge between the body and the mind of the NAEP. Second Floor Square Feet Library/Conference Room 600 Circulation/Hall 960 Exhibition/Control Room Equipment Room Stairs/Elevator Bathroom Subtotal 1,620 312 290 64 3,846 Room -. 4 Second. Floor 0 16 32 -_ 0 10 _ _ -_ -- __ - , _ Near the completion of the building's tour, at the energy library, a final overlook of the dam awaits the visitor and beckons him to complete his visit outside. The library, a quiet aside, would serve the community as a repository of energy related material and an infrequent meeting '\W \\\CA room. Below, the energy store would sell the agricultural wares of the NAEP along with alternative energy equipment and information. Arriving through the portal of the fivestory concrete wall, the lobby once again Ground Floor Square Feet NAEP Store Lobby/Meeting Area Janitor's Closet Office Bathrooms/Locker Rooms 1,114 Mechanical Main Greenhouse 3,620 Elevator/Stairs 240 Subtotal 96 1,300 50 1,000 520 4,656 12,140 greets the visitor. From here, a more complete tour of the greenhouse, gardens, park, and dam could begin. W M M .S .9 F1 0 16 32 The greenhouse serves the community as a year-round botanical garden. Set against the industrial backdrop of the old and new power plant walls, the focus of this long, linear space is designed to be outward rather than inward. This space extends from the walls upon a lattice of heavy steel posts and beams that support a projecting mezzanine. Beneath this framework for planting and hanging plants, terraced planting beds step up and into the landscape of the park. Here, along the sawtoothed edge between outside and inside, the industrial framework may be added to again to create a trellis over sun-warmed resting areas -- where seasonal use could be extended. In addition, the steps of the outdoor landscape provide a natural grandstand for recreational events below it. Elevation North 0 16 32 99 In contrast to the more formal framework of the south-facing greenhouse is the playful expression of the north elevation. Here, the new masonry walls extend above the old concrete station walls and explain something of the geometry and organization inside. The two halves of the power plant, its tail and the head of the building, are perhaps best seen from this elevation. The walls are more lively here; they become inter-penetrated with the saw-toothed loading docks and rise to define a rear entry. In all, the energy of the NAEP, its operation, and a little bit of its history are summed up here. I |1 | i | 1 1 1 1 | I T-7 Northwest 0 16 32 Elevation 101 102 103 The viability of the NAEP -- or that process by which it germinates from design conception into built reality -- depends not only upon the strength of the project's design but upon its economics. In order to successfully market a NAEP today one needs to make it a profitable venture. While in this chapter we will measure the value of a NAEP for Rockford in terms of cost versus benefits, it is important to recognize the intrinsic, immeasurable values of the NAEP within the community. In its most basic form the NAEP provides clean and renewable energy as a stimulus to redevelopment within the community. Because this energy is clean and uses a minimum of natural resources, the NAEP does not adversely impact the area. As well, the facility enhances the opportunity for recreational and mixed-use redevelopment on the site. Perhaps most importantly, the NAEP serves as a learning center to educate a throw-away cultured community about recycling, generating power from refuse and 104 sewage, and energy conservation. Thus the fruits of one's recycling efforts can be both readily seen and used. In addition, Ilk1% the NAEP provides a place to grow botanical exhibits or commercial herbs and vegetables year round and collective community gardeas in season. JL Finally, the facility provides jobs and the opportunity to participate in its total operation either as an employee 13A do or volunteer. With these considerations in mind, we proceed with an analysis of the nuts and its bolts economics of the NAEP operation. The following pages detail each component of the NAEP's power plant from the dam and hydroelectric turbines to its photovoltaic Jo collectors. These pages are intended as a tool for the designer and layman in understanding the total NAEP concept, its opera- tion, and its marketability. 105 H us-ot Slob 0 ... - I Fordam Dam 106 --- # 4. .. e. *M - .. [t o l.t1'7kC. Q Mc \/AQ -Azctrve {A(.4.LAT1ON- 1L PAILY PitcwAreE. ovIIO ( ;:r 3 / !&cono') Ecc Zu(?Jut. WAMC 9JM4,) YEA1e. IN -a ill ?611 Ii1lZ 91in 4-11 1114 65I6 1915 -MA(i1ia 1111 -NA- 19'18 ?-631 1119 4a39 I-c- M4 i1b% 3L20 2Vo ~-4f34 4145 47o&.. 534tb 5110 1441 ~1811 1984 M84 '7131,1 3295 9164 2.540 zfl 3,-51 311 212. 33 3i8o 3103 lo10o0 1b63 -7&41 4r'o IZalo -. I ~--. 414o 1236 2.611 11110 TI~q Iz4-1 9611 9C - 363q 1153 4161 3164f 3150 &701 3451 tale 1415 1-280 1181 9155 -0Zs W5 3ZI 51ro 31o 1 -391i E450 416 41636 d 4291 55ti ManMY Av&, 44cg YeAI-.- 1311 bolo 11411 1112 - &to |,401, 11 MPT 3/sec.. 1,524, 9e0 3,1 , V50 117 ' 7-11431 410 IIb Source: United States Geological Survey. - 56(o 139 0 YE4(t 5~o21 Z~b I I2.lo 8160 I 1146 (,1oe (1% I 107 Concrete Gravity BuoConcrete 108ource facing on stone Gravity Concrete Wall-' - ~~~ ~Head Gt ier Gt works m- roe of Gravity Wall Boardsd-Mill . Hinde &Dauche tail race nder flume discharge 203 sjf ________ Oc 4.0 Eleu. Top oEl Flash na. rete eFlume.e'....stn - Flesh (odRcktyA &____ (466.0 W. 6g.0 W., 0orM Ne section A-A root Bridge 473.0 49.0 Gate ''52.k 42454.0 No.r . . . LongitudinalSection A low head hydro-power installation typical of the early 20th century. Source: Creager and Justin, Typical dam, raceway and power plant locations. (Fordam Dam is of type D construction.) 108 Source: creager and Justin. 4Vw C4LAVc1)AlNs- I. Ckocciric AN KLI At-, MA&~6 9 K76dA61 2A LY 4! ( C-5) 534t Vy pr.,71zlop r34c - %V6N \1EArt- PM012o 1116 15-4 6ArACITY- AUA . F-";VOIL Cztrcecma OJLY) 4.4 v% ivh 041 MJiLOE.b. A44 V4j1 2 xo 6VD~PI b . 44 wieL-s7 (PAM -M t1UCZV1CC eCjDi*.) r. ItZ 1 -6,41& PY L p~ L4)y K -LI tic F - (eoe, - A/Vr 3 ) ( i z,z6& 4oq& f,-'i I (I., I FT- HEAD) + 131 (3~~co) KW (3cot) t 56 109 w - I , Source: United States Geological Survey. e ~ I-. St I' ~ II' I~ \~ N ~9000 CF5 K t~N Flowu Z#TE 10 110 ia 4. 40 5o 6 1 ~i 00 10 11146 WALED M pXCOVW ( %) ' 00 ACTIO, (6C1t... rO> CALCLA10N$? P(ItA1oN ( egyg6 ON dWev N ~ar- vg.Ar. SenTOY AiIV FmeZvaf.y YO '7000 Iocv 1900 Z,000 1t.1o iS.b *3560 44,0 44.0 50W0 focv 6502 6600 Source, 345" F~o~o I~'A~ CCF~) z.0 14,00 gsco 6J500 14,-1 15.5 11000 It,poo 14, 6C60 15,5 Icooo 11,500 FIe soey 'Z1.4 Io E0oo 4omo 4f5cc0 1 O pwlop ) 8.3i I5,000 16,500 11,1ooo z4 4 l't 2. o.t fez 4I.et I I, sco 1, o 000 Iz-goo United States Geological Survey. i1 Source: 'SI 1914 letter from the Secretary of War: /~D. Va %bS- 6'0 112 1 &40 ( PT) 14 Report on the Rock River. I4YLvQ. ecrEzvc C ULLAtk2Nf4.e 6 VLOW)41U -. /i~i ~ cqt.4 /131 %~( 74~1FLow ~, 1 744 tlVl L~j -1500 U.0 20 o 40 1%0 looscO 11 o15t J, T 916o wesv/yrc I 1191,6 637,703 '714.511 7o51 40co 1IM00o,635 I148t .144 5, we 186 -764 -As 11534,330 (14161141 1,36111U4 L - - 4- 7.35 3,316,418 11, 19jo I 14tooO 313,11( 714 81,510 1 06, ti So I Ib 4 U1~834 icZ12-,,40 .1S#135 171000 14IN5 1I J1*,762- I13"ltI coxo 135 I t,Gw 'Ill s14 8q 4coo -To WoH at~ l, 46o5 111.00 1,861, Zo ~ 17l~ 151, 209 ".9 156~166 "91 113 300 100- -Tp 2Z 9 ~~wN ~~ouir(w Common application ranges for conventional hydraulic turbines. 114 Source: H.A. Mayo. Cross sections of: a) a tube turbine unit; b) a bulb generator unit; and, c) a rim generator unit. Source: H.A. Mayo. HYWI 6woml(.00CAVWLAT1cNS Qr-iISMUM4 96SPI 6N Cc'NDrI-flc*Js MZ~gA66r 149 4110 310 kw k NLu At A CO~eo-ANI' Zo4 " I) 101 %o/6r ftm TIME f35: t- cCUR.* AT , -nts KtOYr 6FFIe4E;N'r AN 4Lt, CNEM6 y -e6600 Wlever.. 13,qqll- 05 KWI+ ANNL*UY At A 4oM't..,ANr 511~ Ie:w 1 4-Z,1 0/0 6F IK -riKilg Ner C Otr&)( Foom uzvemC~ k j vuntW4, e'VCALL, T-6 Pw uctW 1 (WATSrM *-75 t wuL;n - u -A %r PLANT ) 10, (p coCK6 ol qqlo 05 K .r 10, 4qq 31419,15 At II 115 t1Uf AMMe PARLt Source: P6AArC PAN United States Geological Survey. Sco low Avta Sa10voIX~b oo .- ..-.. ..... - . .- .. . . - .... J ... .EBp. A - CA VCULAT70k6 Source: United States Geological Survey. MOWNT0/Y AV(EAG - A(1I P16C4AtWoE rr 'l-Vt ! 7nr2V Pelop p N F I3 5 5 0 '151 MO1T16.. AVCVA&5 I M 15 PouWGre.. t?AG\/ &g0B6 i e I - Z&1b | I .a I-' | 3410 FEbe- WOWKy d zaO cps 9. ' HEAP FA i Se 'Z2(W V-i 4 A4 /-144 x1tO "144 TWNU/ Z.1 K 8W Ii 1olo9 6 8to ysol 4166 3295 3441 (Yv-k) 'lA 14 1 II C k o) 9 x744 IS U234 Z551 Z16 J I 64'3 |4384 I A .J US J 513 xl2o 144 Al 244 lil *7eO '-144 !5 2.40'7 -744 (1le0) C, kto( L i,tH,5?-1.550 )(tfP 4 . (,t- l,t4 4M,Zo ANKJUOt- NET I I ,-75' EFFIC.(EOKd 26-5 5451 744 x -1. 56510 A 3.81 2,%1 6i' i 11,445 42 + CA;E6f . Z9g&, 0o' ICwH 117 7 i AL 4,4; A typical powerhouse which could be used for the basis of a series of standardized plant designs. Source: A typical submersible powerhouse which could be used in a specialized H.A. Mayo. low head plant design. CesAR' 118 c4sWt' Sourcei Mosnoyi. &;Nlv2c? I 1 0O x -14'S ev)O S311?' 141,Wtl foq' s 31&5 100 I YL4) :OO~- cr( -C &, 3t11 30W c~f'5 .50 xc 9.'HEAP g) x 1% 41 kY-W e1~ K-H /YC ~'51~,~(o51 - /r 2 1eb511 1?JeN I zoo 14W) (4o2 14W AqX4) UN I T-5 oo 31W Io JLIC.iL IN,. A 401 X, 14 -S 1'560 cF 4 6 'L214 ol ,2MG %~loI4 w 7! x SX2)X -741, 21% x tCuO 5crCF xi o 1 < o x 5-0 Fct 1i 3,cv0 51 Sb5o CF5 '~~ = ,4o-Z~ 1 1Wo ',134 r(Ati /ya- 1601 z 31 - -z4clt4(0 yz 119 Based on current avoided cost rates in Commonwealth Edison system for Qualifying Facilities of 1,000 kilowatts or more. (g/KWh) Source: Summer Months Non-Summer Months 5.23# 2.86o 5.090 3.329 peak period (9 am to 10 pm, M-F) off peak period Commonwealth Edison. t~c4ag (6ye OL110H (Fro,/$) 7O~o ~ M- - ptw Aer -14 -E+1 4 O 1 -7 (sq VMtLq) -AM 2t0/0/51. wile ...... AWal 04ue44 4o oLAWt c"Fel 0 4o koft Typical installed capacity and minimum energy cost for small hydro plants at existing dams in the Northeastern United States. (Conditions at Fordam Dam shown.) 120 Source: R.S. Brown, et.al. '~uAfat e a0N 0'4k ANtUVi5'152 ANAUY-,,or714 INVI 15TMGNr lNlrl& 1- ev Tuml * I /Wl+ l(o l3qj 1(031 Vwo )(,j4-1tw"- ANN~f Re4 &v~r fz411o.- Nji T 1N alf Rmrno; ,%o0 Sal IX1/eUc VZATM OF 60/6 EotM. A)OUCNY ~wrw 0o00 00 ANNLUAG OIPbifii1x Nc< P"%4100, ( -tyrA" P09 V - ~oe I 4;6 )(0 i5,lb 1$ p0 =- o 91 14 cg,11 6 51vl% '01 I 1 111 -142 121 "NEk IAfEr. im w#4 Typical cost breakdown for a mini-hydro project. 8.6. Ie 4 66 e-4 DOlstAXe Z1. IL (COW1"IM~u 0g 44 4* Ir. PVC "ONP) Typical sizing chart for standardized hydro-electric generating units. Source: Anderson and Benham. (Design conditions for Rockford are shown.) 122 Source: H.A. Mayo. &ON(~ .2M (16(y $) ,) Oqs(" Z4O 4 Z620 INA"Vd.* IK)Ve! ;%tMENT .. -o? I Aw-Vo~oeA *AvI 3, MMOAt 1 10c&.q304 IZWH Y.40 4/r-w4 * mvrt:4L" *A-/w O%"Ait 6 N~er N1~V~ Nq (01t. 1211 . 504 t68 VC0-f VALU6 £oE (Muf F-CVaMoC ~N .0 rvetz-ve 00 FU Z. 5m-, 103 , X,-15,1 a (.,c1q31, 110t e~o~r V11 o 1.11 NIv Nt ( wAqNr2FI M~lo ,IOL 'j ;r- 14 123 2 124 W40/ 1 60N02W1C ANAL/'SI3 .- O-*k - ~NdII u rY ZN-r mFawq r I /Aitc /W~K17 125 HAAeo , ftu&Tv CAL OXA11oNe ErITalAf6 ON A ANNLIG EN~1/ I12yr ggbf RA1W kW 1K OF oroN Or- orI% *101tO/wi x ,4&v * - 10 (CFJY lot,) 126 Sources Electrical World Directory of Electric Utilities. xs P0sODrTIoN IWL'?o A1aV 4616YrK elo Aer,, rCF- WV . W..rfV6 6ALLLJ -A11ok.,, ANNt4M, NY FV~(N~~ KacLa4oJ(Ltv PN 3,4z,6,cow9Cblb ~o Z3 00 1911, 5b45, 8(4 b o 160, It, U-110*o 345,11cco 1,(li I31,511, * Ic~O4A) 1,500 kw HyMo NA-16 " I (~H) lom;L C')isaq ac i~,j.,~ti) Acqi35, oco (.990) '!7m u 0&- ( xw llt 5 4 IWO0 000 sfAzrIctI5 14,g&6q o46o Z,116,ocoo I'414 ~ I I V71 > 1~ 1 10 1i,41,010 ( 600 11 b _lb zo 4 4 15...M4, o6O -~ (48)1 atzmICAL yw.Lp 0jZLCVlZY Or QX,-C-WIG t)TILIRC5 phk)6p5 4our AI 12Z7 COGENERATION Cogeneration Operation Cycles. Somumins9 Cycle 128 Source: F.H. Athearn, et. al. Fuel - Process -- Eectict 6d'A4' TOI1ki .\AfDE 6GT e E6Lr I(O6&AThIMON 12M(&OINEt ENoteN 11t4,(Z TYPE E :t*A - A oorRDr . " -5A it UIEN T -)k I1~ 6ATI 45( 4-(2xo Source. (oart goo te/i" 6050 O Soo VOLTA.4~ NeAr kJAJtAzL~ RO 08 -il160 W,26W L exVper IYWLXA £~clsAu.srI 48 Io I Manufacturer's data. - ge> KW -. I L4V)(9 ttr 20' ' r.'-4 ti ,00c, goft. "Ao 1,70 AT \$0 4ONPti1OH ( IAI' f , fA L,6 VI.IJ 1 Lf Jme/Mxur tss HeAf tlomes-1 r- 1 . Ar L 4% -- VrVv4A E1kb1A-f Ftpuy Mue etMAM -81-5 "f-. Wlw& -CVMEA PFFto ~@o0 F 01 000 On A I Tut504E rdNEe AMT % 5 SoL o*F EFILoL~ 1600K 8,1 M61 Combined cycle heat and power plant based tn gas turbine/backpressure Sulzer Technical Review. turbine package, with heat flows. Sources &0Z ra, YctE Ki tFI ceo FM cx 516 KLa) or:-129 To steam-users From steam-users VP model jacket water and exhaust waste heat recovery silencer Gas or diesel generators Typical gas turbine generator set with heat recovery system. 130 A'9: 1OUOAN1 69CNI&Q rOV, Fo CL WW-)Uvm P-noN olWi IMA ltof'N*At ND/W 911I Z63 10:1 C N~tMIlvN 4w \,lo Ioceo 5$O&A5 -; q~-1# mei , p /o 1690 mm1~r eA~k=IL, 40 OcNr-LO~6 TVIZD 11415 -el erq4ji 6WIlWE~e2 I(600 1kLO +I ~( x 1O(1 ILI1 + I~oA ~-~YPw +- 31?,C 541 4Kw rtxccm TAc RzW 0r-,z'r~t Pro -.-,ObiL.t "ti~Zr'1tj w1ovvC[1t4 3'~41 co M& SOVMC LS 131 Waste heat recovery boiler systems. Jacket water inlet Exhaust in Steam turbine. --- Jacket water return Blowdown Source Turbomachinery International. 17W24N~ 66K(EEATr.. Cx)604 1i rATo4 mAt 015r Source: Guidelines for Adopting State Cogeneration Policies. x ca.O i%;r 4) ( iu e--&Osow1Cs f550 + Heok a#40ER eetAonr. 000 4S~oOO - P0USk. t~4~f MtX1k 00 351 /VAo ~W)c* 1 f50,04 4MEO , ogI ai,06z $NNOUIt oflYAiA 60'r OIP, +70 ,Sore Sourcei 1,((0 ,05?- >c xhd* *0 e- 41, b4t rio/v Gas./ 0 __od4ol" ro 3COA'-- Northern Illinois Gas. AMN Oft lwuguu SLreC aryC Z11tp yW )( ro.>/t7y Wqn sP/Wr - 52 (AMet.;: (W rml PewoD) x X 6. (WtAX. F.A T (0:0 5 INCLUMP lts * /A-i x.9-4 AWoIGM cost r 44, 6'1 ) 133 ~Y~I~ih 9195aW 04&Ih" Ot~) edC (ao/'. pu) 495--145 ?40 ~ag~L~ No, 2oolI ftixEr, I W&~TAL4 9, -"=-skEOJX Lek)~A1 (P~Y (Pit) ISO-co 4wv A e)o- 50 Ao - 68r TUASW Mo.t 139tLE1L M4YOfIL >1 4-N-%1 15-4w C)AL mv TooC 1150 irJ MA WO, ftm- 00 FOZ CO(CAGOmIL 134~ 4I NA NA NA. Sourcet 52) - Sa3 550 -960 Guidelines for Adopting State Cogeneration Policies. , AM -rEXPAN6 64eq~ E"AWIv %X1r LO&GNMLATV0N c 1161t ) plvMOI40wlc6 v~~ewu* 6 1tbG,6w + dl-' " 7( $ZIglco35 1x5 -K!5 7-1 ? W" Y.. do ft/yr- tO7I~ NWr e*-njwr K 1014 1t- to,0 53O/y. - ?-O wI q(o ~42~,S41~ Z~2 iO4'1 _ 4 II~,41b 4 WA NO-Mf1 VT5W I: 1lf 1I3~ 49s 0 f x I 13, 15 67(a 11 NEY ee~MErr AT'o 00O 57&1 1-1 3z. 0 / 00 4oof (OC/ 11,5&11 -137. AVOtVCP fOLU tC - t,*r'UV~t 135 ANAEROBIC DIGESTION 136 Ml OAN6 "t e i 00 AMg 4CuctX&C t!5OAb cAI4uA170ON AN~AU00c5ic -rl- w OeI6V Mro4 a y Gxme-tAt 104\js RAMP v(aomL "'XLJp 1 -r PISY)'I ( tog P41c9v klri" Pf9W VIrCJ 6^9fs pv7qkZaot VA t-5,14o r-T Cq6l-lv;) Sources r--a~pl4o FO -0%K 1501V k4 iiiPPp 1 Z.5'frpP, N5FtZ PA\i -A'2, F I , It I e to -Q-AY S? -PAY U=lc Swartzbaugh, et. al. 449 VT3 oLEk. %II I 137 138 P4MMANomaft- 6S~ ?C*4 fZU-iX2c/ CALWWMR ';Wm PZCCM~66 W-U576 P1666dw 6A4IN'/w. Y641c.. I.bI Vtvv 6~A4)J469 24'17, YEAR-/ Sourca: j1145 L1 001Tr1j4 -1t~ T~'/ Swartzbaugh, at]. al. PIA C46IN (o 44,2, - ~4cc A-4 ft/ 4CO 4 1 66 *f ~Ah~5 139 ACCtM~5 Th4E5E (Thp)M; now 6I6M4*zaI M6wqqN- wetC'Mime gWe"Jqtw i Fsft C. P16 f*144%. ,0 64 Recycling begins at home with separation of refuse components. 140 %tk)A& 45 M~tP CWNo0 VWV~ 141IlAL #&,M A bYA914! p t (,0966 (ift $ JI\6eI- N 3 T10,941 co OF; VL2,C5rV 6qPC r NU01 M4NLJAG rZ&., VC IVf oCr aEVJzcriV Io 00 In/ I'Lov5us ( o?49 cf:r AOCiPW Ngt-e COST r e2UM (6kLe.$) t 60 00 /i 00IOSOx(lv 41 (t ws/-,oo OA&) 65013 -orAL- MA\t4 tfMA11N(, At- + 5q 8 00 VAINMMCNt $ ZI/-rx .4-OPIAIN&o 4!: 00 Iz-Or/Ytc 00 , oi3 -mrAL.. 110TAL * wumt*t6 pmoca? Is ~~gc1Iik4o:l. p 4OF co k~wg4(i'-N14 141 Trash conveyor and sorting operation, Source, Typical salvaged paper baling machine. 142 Source, showing bales of salvaged paper. Goldstein. Goldstein. Automated composting system. Source, Godstein. IMC-MtkNl froM $4~flkN(~ ~o*1 54U6 Amp2 '4tA) SZrNaII4& ANALtY N~1T WVCNu1 6C IV~ 00 451-615 ?)1 1 10,6054~ 3 L' I. pjo 10,64-1 Nr ?xto t Zi-A)P6c gUlp fIvor,4 ~~oO c0o tZ OS Ip I 9W 143 rc~r;A tAflMQ M"M Ib2AM-r~10 -7-rfP 5-122.) towmirc W~1CN IThMA6 :-I W9~ M412a9r Azt9A ~r Source: Goldstein. VACV& * It4O 1ogril ? 1 7401 CCD 'C I~o# /~, 144 ~Vsoo 4L 6 f~&9/Y. (0mo flrO4N6 CAVULtA41ON ( 1146z, Source, ) IN 1imV&I 5TPPI 6rwAtir1Y, 1'~W roti/Ye W6 Goldstein. x K13 iirVz C x ~ - 4 l4o1 ooo 00 cr~ qt2OIr - - 71&qo v 6HIX~, $50!)' 00 30 X 051, %, 'Croll 00 ~- VALoc r :r_- 74o0 ,OO Ib .2 m?61AJr 145 WIND POWER AvW*CCexiW Moanay orce- Source: OeH NOAA. le # 11.0 10.5 q.6 9.0 6.0 1.15 J V M A M site Diagram showing wind turbulence areas for wind generators at the Fordam Dam site. 146 S 0N p N CAL(OAt11OWf ZAA \Nl149 F Rilfty AVa.A WINr2 -5F @ r6cck~row, u~ (,%") Sourcei NOAA. koiNP DDE.Atlom (Q CA IAo IIG I 0- mp + A-, tZAromt (m) IMPW\11" 4'.1 vt % AIeroer &HkU (rVAme) mepI+ 1 V'0 ~1% 0/0 ?6,Zo 5% t7~ Sourcei AeONfIILf Ari e -I4)IND FD16T 6 eoCicFoZD, tL t, I I a Ar A19 I o.1. o' i, (wmvs / Y4 I I1 b5 I 3 (4I ) I Wolfe. p'I I -s \L C' | ez I qt I V4 \ I 174 S11 V\A\w I 1T 1 iMi I( 10-71 Sources Home Wind Power. 14? 1I %tq L? RV)m (A LC(X1AT1ONfl f 2 ~~ ~ 15~)Are ~A~'~@IrbO (imooz) A 4 (w) WtAT Ly ?o 16z f&4 IIt 4-361 &T '100 5oG S o N '55C4 651 loto 85 N6f- CK10FLY A 1 6151 T5141. -1 -9- &144I (o1o3l 15W7 61, 31 F7 0) 0 cc 6 KuJ/iAm x ~' Pf?,1It A1f I'i2 iZ' 14Lj8 1,?AFW1YcIAnLY 5)K-', THAT At 4o' oAytp -x 74 Htt, ? '~443 IA)NV V2WUVL 6,AW(UL-AtjaV INITI1At., Sources vx YX A W1l2LO~lW,tKY..& 10 ,i & Ifl4Ptru Home Wind Power. 1IZ-40 Vt W/ &17Ob WLCI ItJ LUZ iilC. Curf IN Lie IV,I X 00 ; Ol A14rn Nikt 1: 0 0 4 LMfg KWH e I 4 '-IKW H OZI 1" - Opubtf36 2,64'v1 ct V) VybX1 or NIZ. " 6n f -/10,JT b400 , -'Y - ( ,/ 4 jII P*T qa-if ZI l / kl? 9& 2t lob41~M rpcc-q 06 149 PHOTOVOLTA ICS A1eWM LI V"~ ~I~N ON RAQM 601A ~FAc.6 M/Prl . MY 2,2oo 1140, I,*ao Levn Iw Low 0 4vo J FJM A JJ Sources 150 A 0ND Solar Heating and Cooling of Residential Buildings. 9Lk '$tLAV- Yht' 1.. 6.UCL-A-t4L7QkW r HVNu-,rfv AU&YA: o 'f}A" N~l2~g5 cN A LAT - 10 (.2T) I ,S~ h.41 (+z> 119 t-s' (s-1-1 1.qo verus~ (Ol') j,1~ 1.54 L-Ar 11,62 ,14 .94 NN4 W A\/Eqhid! 3012FACJE , Tarx6-OrZo , ItL- HoozomN..(*) ,AT -I ' (i?) (6T) Wgne1.g. NO) Sources 1Q C1T/ 1561 I328 1530 1142 169 b 0 1ot ,1 .19 ,4' ,14 ,40 N 11I 1. S6 1.50 I lI''' 1,44 I's's 1'45 I.i~ ,so 1.ML I, S~ II ,15' ,41. ON 1.10 -16 2,11 t.o A ~~fXE FT L) I 1152 1491 14 ZI 110 IL, gockgf otz) ,14 .1 1lc6 1,5ao 1$03 $SofEA, TiL.-r A A -- -4 -, -m - 94(o 11A4 I lqv3 1018 6 o? EPAL-Y im oN A 1.0Z S.51 Tlut 1?A2tA-toN MI~t.NArt,,,, f= | i i-.,r (ATr t I1G PA4t> 631 2034 194 ZeI& ie in,11 1151 116' IS01 1514 846b 8141 - I I - I1-7b 11.3+- o IN1 1004 51b s4 155 691 l6eFI 144' loo5 b14 1001 "I' 146(o 10wI (165' 122-5 K4~ ic41035 Solar Heating and Cooling of Residential Buildings. 151 -I 9NO1VVW AVWFAE P:AILY RAtil4 Oru ON A TI-1WP /PT - AY sue.JM4:A6 LAT-16 LAjrpt r. . . . . .* LAr415 I-r boo --- 4 2oo 4vo 200 J f M AMJ J Sources 152 A O N p Solar Heating and Cooling of Residential Buildings. ~oL~A~ CoU~&iZA~ VKIONT%4fl. viJAYIkobt ANNO4C MNt1ZAW MGY 1VAL17AT1ON A-nLitv '"AJzrAA hw ckcuovo45 CALCULIIT1GN5 OXMI . joNr IL'u I A $41JUMi PAtINf A -- r8i j - -1 Nr A flLJIV ( m 3/ Ff 9- j 5 Ij 0 1561 513& 1N1 A= 56 51 5 I ROD /Pr 153 AVEM46 cLV 1APIAT14N C EyfMQ YAY. AN A u/Pr' -DAY A"* 160. 140o e - loCo J JPMAmJ Source. 154 A toKP Solar Heating and Cooling of Residential Buildings. OLAV- CoWLLE'tZt (ALCwUATo*W7 RiOtVOOLT AIL AMA\/ 1061 mt HIadI Low I I"ri e/ ~1qo 0./w Itiq~ ZocO 1,54/w ii,9/Lu ANNL.AcdotUAE., 6NEAz6y oN Sources i cO KWw AU1196? tM1 P-t-LWNC I 10. , Ia 5,0 1Z.5% (0.6 12,-5 %/ 7, es 1-3.5% e,.I k4AL wA)h* LOr ;-, 56AA Flk( OLA X, EZ UIRL FM 84 A i t)o / FT'2 PN91DOLTAIG te(AWe to x sl Fr 2 crei)4 (pmooo t. 1 041o' Solar Heating and Cooling of Residential Buildings. .,5- X o5 * PFzow %tZL AIPIZD~pQL~Ih 1 155 5'ObP\ (OLWtCVl- CALCvLAIIONQ MflOjeVAI(. Ar I HI irtkL., W£zY4l 4KJ (t IVa 5{o~oWtC RiALUIVFIOt ,( 1161000 , (A4/Lo) - 16000 ( II iA t094) OE'&)A11 K)6 (M HNuAto ) L)6 1NkyID " -A: II 5 .068 4= I erFi -f FAV 00. I le,600 ikUx'wW La~r MlC 51 00 5E100 , a 5,#)/tw i 2.., &q3 00 DO TL 156 c3 I5,Ac 'I - qc~rzoasvu so 6v ff /607 f - <«,<I '5ZT ,oIzeK YVL~Ar AT 3 % IY&qL 90LAI1 (Le 6A1,w)Lkro& & AlVAY fl1c4OVuf-rKC SLfioec6 6xoHoW\\-& AN ALuYe y~~1 pz -- 110co 200 C b9it ! ( le't 4) 52 io Cco Seri: l 10 CjoOb -'-a, -I- mK t4ur MOM5 Source, ' .41 ( 519TI IIIAT15P Wrum1c AFThE- 7eAJ7~. VAL-OEC. A New Prosperity. 157 158 159 What role can a neighborhood alternative energy plant play in our contemporary quest for more energy? On the scale of a nuclear reactor the NAEP for Rockford seems insignificant. It can produce only one half of one percent of the total annual energy generated by a single nuclear reactor, such as at Zion, Illinois. Within the context of the Commonwealth Edison service area, the Rockford NAEP seems even more minuscule. Plugged into this vast electrical grid, the NAEP's peak power amounts to less than five one-hundredths of one percent of the total system's peak load. Yet, what value can we ascribe to the role of an educator? The NAEP acts not only as a producer of energy, but it also serves to educate and shape the conscience of its community. Indeed, although small in scale, its influence upon the minds and hearts of people within the neighborhood, community and region may be more positive and far greater than that of any nuclear power plant. Rather than becoming a source of fear and derision, the NAEP becomes a 160 source of community pride and participation. ANNUAL ENERGY PRODUCTION 1982 6,722,820 KWH 28.0% 429,260 KWH 2.0% Hydroelectric 16,806,934 KWH 70.0% Total 23,959,014 KWH 72.0% 6,722,820 KWH 27.9% Gas Turbine Methane Digestor 2000 Gas Turbine Methane Digestor Hydroelectric Photovoltaic Total 429,260 KWH 1.8% 16,806,934 KWH 69.9% 85,824 KWH 24,044,838 KWH From Renewable Sources 0.4WO 72.1% From Renewable Sources 161 Di*NMT- Today, a neighborhood alternative ener- AQEJEWe PEA, RXMWt gy plant can be a viable alternative to conventional energy production in the United (MW) States. But, it is important to recognize that a NAEP cannot operate without the benefit of PURPA. With minor modifications the Rockford NAEP would fall within the I-T jurisdiction of PURPA,, which requires that 75% of a qualifying facility's energy be derived from renewable resources. The fa- cility is a model of energy conservation and self-sufficiency. Passive solar heat- ing can account for as much as 49% of the building's annual heating load. Prelimi- - - &46 T"NF_ nary estimates suggest that the overall efficiency of the electricity and steam cogeneration process can exceed 79%. most, if And not all, of the NAEP's technology has been proven in the field for several J 162 P III A bi J J A !9 0 years. i dNWEA'L4 vvwY FE- 00 &. r"AWAfls 1eoo eoo g0o Io loom *IM Source: J F 1AMJ JA Commonwealth Edison Co. oND 163 t1oNt-Ly A\4rM~. -r riNr6/ In addition, a NAEP for Rockford is affordable. The heart of the plant, its hy- dro-electric operation, can be expected to earn twice as much as its initial cost, i~'tAL over a thiry year period at a 6% discount rate. Federal loans for hydro power feas- ibility studies are currently available, and tax incentives favor the use of this largely untapped resource, the Rock River. For a price tag under seven million dollars, the City of Rockford could enjoy the numerous benefits of the total NAEP design inWfr1VoY cluding: 4AS TU"INE F M A J _j -I A, 0 N 0' a large botannical greenhouse, community gardens, an energy library, an alternative energy store, a recycling center, and a revenue generating power plant. Additional money toward site improvements could realize the development of the park land and restoration of the Haight Village neighborhood. In summary, the NAEP is a sound investment in the future of a community. It is the road not taken in the past but waiting ahead for travelers in the future. 164 ECONOMICS TALLY SHEET (1982 Dollars) Initial Cost Annual Operating Expense Annual Revenue (Income) $ 3,528,000 $ 168,069 70,547 Sum of Net Present Value of Benefits* Benefit/ Cost Ratio $ 672,277 $ 6,937,902 1.97 34,944 45,598 146,000 2.08 1,041,052 312,049 425,547 1,561,732 1.34 Subtotal $ 4,639,599 $ 515,062 $ 1,143,422 $ 8,646,234 1.86 Building $ 2,186,368 Total $ 6,825,967 $ 515,062 $ 1,143,422 $ 8,646,234 1.27 Hydroelectric 3720 KW Methane Digestor 127 KW Natural Gas Turbine 1,989 KW * Benefits = Revenues - Operating Expense, taken over a 30 year period at a 6% discount rate. 165 166 167 Hourly and Annual Heat Lnni kiAreLa 6 kwinnxmu 9NDWEC/ Loss 70*--- r ZAr //4r loss ,< d-W 141 x ait|Mbu5 c '145f,. 9 x W>|Vr"c cti )N L}t#l- 6 Co - /171, 5%zk 7" " 634 |x uWP DAZic Sf 7A&* 4rjzX0 168 $ x e. 6V 74 x 10 'g x 77 11 x kA lut ze:0,I9S ze, '7/cO N W4$CCe G wiy 0- Ift 32, il/7 49, 327. ) @ 4+4 0 dIAL r.4 3'2,76/ IT, (d<oS,, so 43/,818 /2-,961 L-. wuk, P/ ;&x 79 zsSq! (tri/ 6Kyvbifr mNW x 77 0 F x Ar 1,59 x' 7? 0 7//86 4/ Rate 4 Pt 2, 29|( -[,(lD- 46 >K , s- > -77 2F, 617 w~kvA AO~A: )<t-- /Lft Y ~r C-ewpu6rlva Z@ t~x2e~ l /x t6- .609)K -(9 11 K _3X7 63e~ I' /orI # wf)lW x 1,4AO 3e 6),x ,3 Q _3,K -t K , -'6'0 l< -lq 2.,4&0P ze S? WA1-X6 1140 -. 71 W05 K 71ael C AerNV/w4w. !506' S71 35-N0 /4- / 17601 A # X 35, 7147 ersiv. 1 169 me.4t r toss O~~c-r1417 Xi~ UOS rutft4k WALL5%- tlI- -j~ j7tAfftVjq Of owA$ Ac x f 77 KAr iz, 61iq 5,0o$ -i2-4 4eeb -31, 0 3& 57V/14 &, 96c' 4 FAL rT /'t x 49 87044--i (Ip:ek cole k4 C5s4 ) 71% 0 /( 108 x 1 60&t- Faf e , 018 A ff 0 O/t6 A 45,3epe Brolttsc 47- / &/oI-760 170 x Coo It 57 6Oi541AI. 11l1F1(-,-M4 7704 agi 1"l 7q PtAt- Z/438/83-/ 8tulh" AAiA/L/h ~5O p~ 0 x( :?A48,34 b~k-c x 4 hk1D Z- 6-C)60.. Y me.?-ru -7?O 2, 041WAL 1~b 3(1/.- 7-l1l 301871 arvl /k& w. -77 l Or, -;vi -. F4K-/, /1Z.3 8 V6F-TKL j5m/if c 6s IC6 171 StINfATA FOR LATI TUDE 1o o 70 0 172 1* * 80 0 6. f t 90 s | t le tO 4'N Passive Solar Heating (!:b4%4 6AL~6OL-A1c4J S-. -ZA MAze4 14Z 5' V 44, o r~v,/Frz 124 q54= I -o -jJA,-Y - .1 1005 AO&bs-. (D mIlAeIU$4 - TW P A1 VZ vO1Adtq Te + VLJ11504. L ~t/T ~1. A aT+ Ove, 4 O L 41. & C. x-4-l ~ q Mobo-b'f a~4 M~ro AT I(c I Y 49.4 q4qI 81 35's / 0 -31_ - $1," 173 PkVLAb /aAC itAT kA IAM Fk MW\E.114Z 1,rrv1 FAC&I N, p5, 6tA50 fcr- fitE ler F' v Ir F l.tu / F T1 dIA 4) I LAI11967 LA'n TUC* FEZ .40 IW 1622 42 W1AV 661L i66 I5K oCX NOV D., '30 11o 14 \'7% lilt uI30 W I4q~v 04 I l469~ 540 15507 1'4 Iko -SI Aj4 9 9i s 44 104Z M -44 JULY 4 1!14 ib4t MAC OAPL. d -4bi 150 1411 Source: q44 t4qz, [56q 144& 13419 Johnson. 1114 414 1561 151y. I712o It Aufe, INSIOc o to 4o so 60 -1e 60 TO O' OEMP plFF1GCCC. OT t - T-er Source: ) Johnson. pf Vkl-Cft1ci 0 ARA (ALCLA1-1note; Th 1~i. - 6LnwlI- I1-n I I -I 43.1 - zs1. A~oc,u6r Z4wMe5 AWPL.Mv5 - in I t, I :L0 - go, 0 ~u1 II.v5 6 JiAFV 1:61 m 'IM0diW'( cI.0! 1Tro Z- oze.1 0 F: Z's F I5.~ f~r q 15 175 t~K'~ 7 1/ 00 I a4 -4 - 4' I~i~o~r 176 7-,' DC no CACA-tnfCN5 PIZW 044 tA 4~v~6A @S2 '~7v~~tHEAfc(AP(,c-r/ AIWtA *1'* 6A) 5510 qI X( o0,2 E kAsslo WA%-r wv4u, $W~UAtOC NAE-MPtf (.59-4) P~1~ I, o (be*su aAj4b-*) to WWAV A\Y,6v i M(W- Al ID I4/. a WA TkX 96 5,115 x~ :!5s4 of 5-3 51 4Z. x a06-1 L04t zsb4 .I14 9 .101 1,44/1 ~ Sco /', o SO I- Ilo be z I + LxAtrv 6Ocrs 2 AC~o5CL 1.51 177 ro~allC VAOHAL 14ik1r AL.1 A1AAIry py LIUIE Cct~c* 153 PC'P y(1' 6FfAl(C ttATr CW/LeF) qw PIC AN 11 L ?AI 5Y S410 AO* ( 1I4, 'j5 IfO O.Le' .3t so .3t 0 o.t1 ViZZ OZZt 0.4,1 C% 19 g4CvO'o(4 ~4 C op 40 OA 0,0Ijdn 4AM 615Z 7.1i 4,Oq Zlj4 2,10 3,11 514 4 .%4,4 5.44 xwo 1'j3l S.1 *zo c' 2.11 ~~8 I1 '1 1-1 ,14 i l 4,114 £41 I.j 'Lb. (6" Source: Johnson. * 2. 4 10 I&A % M1L.O,/k Source, 178 Johnson. I& S . CA~~~jyATIOW,$ eNeuLl Ius jvw"7ur 4O1k.b$ c, (Te ---rc4., ) k I t5f )!Z. (041)_ &M!5'j 4 84 9q I) AIvo ( c1491I) W) I i A.. I 2 AN4 ~ZO5' - -31 16111sl IZt C,v ~Z4' Pf-U m W a =I:N,( Y. s 0 Z0F - ALO 179 Ore - TIP 0,-71 45'0f SkU#~4f pp.L(,I~ C t CPlul~m ri41 V;y *XJ WT ~6414 p/Ljvfr By 2-4) QAVPiA$1uAFLY 10 4N k L O~ 4 WAC*HEA T &( F4C'I*L Ply' r y cXLrtP~tC P-rj/h- Rit F Ct'up~gV '4Ap r ONCe 4dL OUMA f"W,15" A4XFA('Z PAIty 050KI M~l4P, Sourcei Johnson. T0INOEWIAL ,*Mcy MIN, C' ou5cor4 &LA L05; lwep, F rf Ce4frl(r 5MNI' UW- OUAF1Vtl u~tvr fr rAt L OA r Itl- Lu ipr 0 S!S or F IE-Nr ' v /&I -- "LF P,ItuA AXO trcp '$AsSources 180 FTt F Johnson. (N, COAtION5 P 66wanuc.,IMP, 5k)lxy 5 V14A ~4i 1-e + 1(., i41t~$ y4tL= K t3ANUAjtL-Y I. Itq se,,v F 0P ?0019 Kit4L 44A~~&'l+1 lo Fmom rAPI.4-nUC T6WFMI)R E 1:31i41Mr.LI rp Mt4pfA q. 5 .5I II-I - AU60cof- O c(, Z 1q11 I,0 181 Meteorological Data For The Current Year 6ocar066. Siem.e ILL1o9011 Targ e eccMoefto a66600T G.6a1EN Fmes 1 D I S I -~ -I ij aislnt .66ate In 1'. 6 Longtuda 69* 061 Nnbrof 1*10 Yew devs oul Fernt. pensi. fewt 17. EWssn- fouil. pt, h1V9. Sen Latd cEhReat .ecquama aW *F I u Stonddteound: t Mes 69 III III - A I - I- -- -- - -,-,. 0 6 .H ..! 69. J M-~ . .! - - i ,96 11 . I Fe3 3 | 122* o n 2: 6 T I s ii0 nI 9 0 22 31 96 S1.0199.0 7 si j a,2| 34.:1| -al 0.9 2.a, I I&C.1 31 Ia2 a 20 O 0 2' JV ale 606 1 s i s 1 11129 to I ST 4 To 0 o 2 it 20 6 o 1 e... 0 22 2 969.2 996.0 969.6 Normals, Means, And Extremes T emes* Puespnee ... qmiit P~ in "whis Fnnew,EDmee ten "Wind 151 wes Faso la i 1 12 6is9i ~I! . "ow of eas nmIL -- jsitj 'iji i 99 996.9 906.6 ess.9 969.6 990.9 996.9 996.9 S6.4 39.6 s.64 9.91e1l 1.611 teans and extrines above are from e0xieing and coMarable exposures. July 1936 112 in ten6rature locality as followra 666.fanl 36.1 ia January 19106. onthly Nighest Annual extrmme have been exceeded at other sites in the lowest teomerature -2s in January 1924. and February - lasedon record for the 1941-1990period. (a) Lengthof record. years. throOgh the MOWLS recent Is costsof DATE0F M E6T019E- The current year unless otherwisenated. occurrence. 6sed on Januarydata. DIRCTIO - Rcord through1963. PREAILIlGWID (b) 70* andaboveat Alaskan stations. - NumeralsIldicate tons of degreesclockwise 6ID DIRECTIO e Less tae onehalf. sost TTrace. 182 S-91 6i multiple Indicates cal. from trut north. 0 NILEMIND - Speed Is fastest ObservedI-inute value FASTEST ohmn the direction Is In tns of degrees. 19331 maximum pja~r AOi CAVCULAll LV VAD4TIVV. W?4 TA~r 1 1%AK 154 - II 1.I z- II., Y ItZIA Ik~0 r =ICI AK I(. 39a tj6 I44AiZcIt 3A-r j ~3.t54i I4t~j, MVINJ ,Y- MI( Z3" F Fr~ MAA4C . 60 IZvF coo r 'I(01i 150 183 M6NMLly' Ve'clp, IL-.L, r400 124W IxO fox *0 1x to 600 .1 J 184 Source: NOAA. F M A M J A 6 O N 1 r AI~dbhlJAt IULuu' MWQ ANNIt ! £AV It1\_:,0s A~NC~ powll r, 1- ipmwr I, ,z0 x ?k (I 6eO KW0) cootewpm~ t0~000 e~1v/kh.. -+ 1 14b1 O,) Itco 6TD/w6ww 1& 51Oo I' 1 M Vlw lkrvoc- PL~tY AUG.,I N1XZk TvwmAO5tAr .5,cr. -1-toF - 6 115, 10 (Ai10$ UA-por 11 0 soa p 185 AMMWLIv AOXILIr./ 6NEwr\y "t4AO39 ANNHUAL f5YE1 y6> ;v0J AN44 x 1011 wor~Irp Moc. ft*.1 ?01 t 30 ..IAtI A ty. ' xOA OAO iI~b 15 30 111 it', V5EP I I GCmo.)1 tz~b. SLI fTO 14 551,'t M.91e~ sNHP AUK-I LA*(Y two.) 1.00 Mil VS'. 61 (0q0, 56. 5' rft( MtAit 5:5 rA 50,11 410, 1& ,zo , M' 204. 5 l'5)6 n~ 8i545 b143 11 , 1.00 5), (1 (0, 17,61,06~ ~4e~4 ~ 10k 10 1T( ~ 1) A4t-JAL.. r_ 5c'Ae- HrA1Thwo FrAC11O , 41 ANNt~ L*115 % I~Vt~~)(0 186 S4 *01 1 coo Icco wv 'K 1-6 Cj X6e~, : A5? 018i . 10 10 P-15rv A k. ANA?4AL ~r. AWtolk Ato~ PtMAND C44Ar~y AtNu tk CMEWcv 54Vi.1CS AN CA V-Y CA5E~l 470,18)(10 4-ob, ix W/m (47 IO c2 o 0 t O 4g, ; qr/wv. x 4 WK elu ~10/0 0,., IF L(tACU^15 To 115%r tTHVV4MAL,, M 1C/ IV tmG !tlif...x VAAI.., .0, 3; Of Naz; rr':o-WW Po/ (oEM' tKjc&AX 6A-5 -tII46 1)e~iM~/g 5jz tbblt d5c- 14ATkI"6i Uy-,p fm' Hv7,mkykL, (AC~-&) 187 (S :? ?Kl I fv 24iv M61 Af -=- 003 0 Fcx.)r. do. CoN D t~cmt Uc 130 F1 sc. A~jrA Ii~o4~ ft (KAICIX- 0 6H A - .,45 'I 156 -45 KOM~trI L44t 144 SY ~~m0 11 10 15b - , &00 ,45~ itL cool., 3062. 34,1'j0 1IIs~ wI N 11~ tc~ Js(o 'I aeP6 -z'cb 31oU~ 14 I' 551414 0OA NO ~ 15, qz'6 K. 11 LSS' =- ll.q'L' 6c) 188 * V-4cOA17orj:5 A-!',SOi4- No coL' IN MEC 4 tAJICL AND~A~A AVtA5 (,OAP CAL UL.AI1 t'N C4NrPtXrO6 ANQ MOI~htVE ArUxA %4 u N - UA(.e-VC Wk-L-S ' - N6 okL4t (,0~/ 14:So/t 1601 uydo - ,A- t, rp , tp 17,21 COOL.- SF. !u'- ereP ,016 (vo 60~ I~ - OVA Wo 6 ~( It i 4t ealorucl) tli x .5 45 A 1- - 4&o 5, ,60 -& 1Y13 1 le ZI 33(ol _3!5361. -5511 APPITnONAL,-, - 110 t 10 - 144 - - .(PC MVOO Z5CM 1.0 I14 6o (P36-12, ~60 6( 6LAZA)ce c~Ecmq 114o - 10 - 0. 1.oo 160 - ,6o j2~ (0511 *4141-7f42. 189 6ot,v L/, 6 L~OAJ, et-A rcirI ve 6AALCPg41~ V u to An c) 4 it u r;?PP 4,1'E 1#440 4 U SC S14 f SF W-r-Af&A (4N AMMONMO.: ~, 67, FAerY WAiL 11 INTO It to '4 A43 I PA~TY ~AiAU- &L05, 46e1b 10 i It 40* 61 two MM~rce j~o 10! 160 z'To 6441 31-5s ICb e~)u^ /it.~ IT I&qq I~l 59%( I 1 1N ltzNA1 &,AIN5 1 155, 1 (a I N r .- 1A10 4 .59 er L6 10SZ-14:70 ri 5 3 if LA~TNr 431.2 190 twf4s I )c 10 -X -71. T X o,00 5 (A.W x 0, ci 6 ( 9rt4P 14L lb ,s 6- 190LW& WAV t/-1&6otAnoF4j5 j 75AA ADSOPPlICH 4::IttkZ G 0, VzXO&p KAT U'At5 PY,-T, " CZ6Y Y FVCW - 1 018) EXICMAt, -0,-OOVCf: t, -"4ep )c I zxo 5MT Fj v LI"IDU4 E50OU41M :!;YtPTEloi 50 1oo 0 lk,!Rowl; 10 AIC totA p W401*6 or, *i 558,000 fbTAL. r5N LV&Y tmm (,fly7 tuaalw 191 pltV7n(AL- (499TI ~R9txc, V~r f A$L2 HeAV/ 66'NI 4EUCfQN .WAIoc1 00i%Ovar-,, YMC LAOOV.., IMArM ALla .03t (,0 tq .12M~R2 7Ka2lKp6 Y .Ar Z J 146 01 1 + 1, t iz ~5 ',-)w t 1o4,z. 11o1. tA0G6 2 1 ,v z ('li:5) Il-li I lei -141- - TIP- 1"454 I.11-l 041( (16f IqIbz. it 570 1,&.54 1,1A53 IA '101 1c00 l e~ i 10 A 9-- a a jI'Vlo 9i1v1- 10010 I-qI 8 IIlq I-t 5 qqo -rot-AL 192 1'I1 B I Mtk 1116,15 ' ; 0 66F I'11I I jqjt jq-11 li'vrt I'Ll -4) 1IST :-F kX-"r1V _ C6 ( i s1 s 11 ' O 6 0~ 1 be "b 1 1116 rin 1180 m115 1914 Ii-r5 1 3.1 14-7.1 1601. 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