Preliminary Results from the CAUGHT Experiment: Investigation of the North Central Andes Subsurface University of Arizona University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Using Receiver Functions and Ambient Noise Tomography 1 2 1 -12˚ -74˚ -73˚ -72˚ -71˚ -70˚ -69˚ -68˚ -67˚ -66˚ -65˚ Shear Velocity (km/s) 2.0 2.5 Noise 3.0 3.5 4.0 Ambient Results: The cross-section below was done in two segments to take advantage of the station spacing along the densest part of the array; the western segment at an azimuth of 58 degrees centered around the south-western most point on the dense station line, and the eastern segment at an azimuth of 30 degrees centered around the mid-point of the station line (see station map). Peru -13˚ -5 0 Peru -15˚ WC AP 5km Bolivia -13˚ AP -15˚ 3 -71˚ -70˚ -69˚ -68˚ -67˚ -66˚ -65˚ Ambient-Noise Tomography (ANT) results are attained from the cross-correlation of background noise between station pairs. These cross-correlations are used to estimate the Empirical Green’s Function response of Raleigh waves traveling between station pairs. Dispersion curves between station pairs are then used to invert for phase velocities at every prescribed grid point (Barmin et. al, 2001). Where the phase velocity resolution met acceptable criteria we also inverted for absolute shear wave velocity (Herrmann, 1987). -19˚ depth (km) Figure 5: Receiver function cross-section along dense line; Gaussian 2.5, SNR >= 2, 15 km bins. In the above cross-section we observe a Moho arrival beneath most of the Altiplano, Eastern Cordillera and Subandean provinces, ranging from 60 km underneath the Altiplano to ~35 km underneath the Subandean zone. It appears that the transition from 60 km to ~50 km takes place gradually in the Eastern Cordillera, while an abrupt shallowing of the Moho may occur under the Subandean zone. radial Figure 2: Basic receiver function conversions. transverse seconds Figure 3: Example calculated receiver function prior to CCP stacking. CB25 --- CB26 CB25 --- CB27 CB25 --- CB28 CB25 --- CB2A CB25 --- CB2B CB25 --- CB2C CB25 --- CB2D CB25 --- CB2E CB25 --- CB2F Seconds Figure 4: Representative example of cross-correlated station pairs sorted by increasing interstation distance from top down. Figure 14: Combined cross-section sections of receiver functions. 0 10 km 20 30 40 50 -70.5 -71˚ -70˚ -69˚ -68˚ -67˚ -66˚ -12˚ Bolivia -13˚ -14˚ SA -15˚ AP WC EC 3. 75 -16˚ A 3 3.25 -17˚ -17˚ B Pacific Ocean -19˚ -19˚ -20˚ -20˚ -73˚ -66˚ -72˚ -17˚ -18˚ -16˚ -19˚ Chile -71˚ -70˚ -69˚ -68˚ -67˚ Figures 6,7: 5 km (6) and 20km (7) slice shear velocity results. Thick black lines delineate the major morphotectonic provinces of the Central Andes from west to east: Western Cordillera (active arc), Altiplano, Eastern Cordillera, Sub-Andes (active thrusting). -20˚ -66˚ B 3 3.25 3 -70.0 3.25 3.5 3.75 3.5 -69.5 -69.0 3.75 -68.5 Preliminary results from the 5 km depth slice show low velocity areas that correlate well with the Altiplano and Subandean Zone and a high velocity body beneath the Eastern Cordillera. In the 20 km depth slice we observe a high velocity body along the Eastern Cordillera that extends SW into the area below Lake Titicaca. Figure 15: Map-view image showing locations for cross-section segments. Figure 13: Combined cross-section sections of ambient-noise tomography. CB25 --- CB29 A -72˚ -67˚ 20km -13˚ -13˚ -18˚ -18˚ Chile -68˚ 20 km 0 10 20 km 30 40 50 -68.0 -70.0 3.5 3.2 5 -69.5 3.5 3.25 -69.0 3.5 -68.5 -68.0 -67.5 Figures 8,9: Cross-section results from a transect perpendicular to strike (8) and along the dense station line (9) with the best phase velocity resolution. Combined Results and Interpretation: PpPhs PpShs Pp Ps -20˚ -73˚ 5 B Pacific Ocean 3.25 5 -18˚ 2.7 2.7 ? -69˚ Peru -16˚ A -17˚ Amplitude relative to direct P-arrival Ambient Noise Methodology: ? ? The depth of the Moho under the westernmost Altiplano and Western Cordillera is uncertain at this time. High amplitude arrivals at ~40 km and ~75 km are potential candidates. During the last service trip we installed an additional station to fill the gap near the Peru-Bolivia border. The additional data should lead to improved images for this region. relative amplitude The raw waveforms are cut, checked for appropriate signal-to-noise ratios and then rotated into their radial and transverse components. We then deconvolved the rotated components using iterdecon to create the receiver functions. Common conversion-point (CCP) stacking was later utilized to take large numbers of quality-controlled receiver functions and collapse them around the points where phase conversions occurred. ? -20˚ Figure 1: CAUGHT station map with USGS slab contours overlain. A-A’-A’’ cross-section line defines the two transects used for receiver functions. Receiver functions utilize P-S conversions generated at sharp impedance boundaries in the Earth, i.e. velocity transitions. A comparison of the arrival times of the primary phase to the converted phases yields the depth to the interface causing the conversion, while the amplitude of the arrival is dependent on the size of the velocity contrast. Generally the largest amplitude arrivals in receiver functions are the primary arrival from the direct P wave, and the high velocity contrast conversion arrival associated with the Moho. ? Absolute shear wave velocity (km/s) -72˚ -70˚ 4.5 3.5 -73˚ 4.0 3 -74˚ -19˚ -71˚ EC WC -16˚ 3.5 4.5 -15˚ -15˚ 2.5 Chile Pacific Ocean -19˚ PULSE station CAUGHT station PBP station LPAZ station Holocene Volcano Arequipa, Peru La Paz, Bolivia -18˚ -72˚ SA 5 ~ 7 cm/yr -18˚ -20˚ A -73˚ -66˚ -12˚ -12˚ -14˚ -14˚ SA EC -17˚ A’ -67˚ -14˚ -16˚ -17˚ -68˚ 2.7 -16˚ -69˚ 4.0 3. 5 0 0 -5 00 -70˚ 3.0 3.5 75 -35 -3 0 A’’ -71˚ 2.5 3.0 2.5 3. -40 A’’ -72˚ 5 km Shear Velocity (km/s) 2.0 2.0 3 0 50 -2 -20 -10 -150 -15˚ A -14˚ Bolivia A’ -73˚ -12˚ 4.5 Shear Velocity (km/s) 75 3. 00 -4 50 -14˚ Receiver Function Methodology: For the shear wave inversion, our starting model is 100 kilometers thick with 5-kilometer thick layers. The top 60 kilometers of the model are assigned a Vp equal to 6.5 km/s and a Vs equal to 3.71 km/s and the remaining 40 kilometers are assigned a Vp equal to 8.0 km/s and a Vs equal to 4.57 km/s. 3 Receiver Function Results: The CAUGHT Experiment: The Central Andean Uplift and Geodynamics of High Topography (CAUGHT) seismology component is a deployment of 50 broadband seismometers in northwestern Bolivia and southern Peru to investigate the interplay between crustal shortening, lithospheric removal and surface uplift. There is a total of 275 km of documented upper crustal shortening in northwest Bolivia (15° to 17° S) (McQuarrie et al, 2008). Associated with such shortening is crustal thickening and the potential for lithospheric removal as the thickened lithospheric root becomes unstable. The instruments have been out for slightly over a year, and ~6 months of data have been retrieved and cataloged. With that data receiver functions images were created to constrain Moho depth underneath the Central Andes, and ambient noise tomography was used to estimate an improved shear wave velocity model. 2 5 1 3. 1 3.5 1 3.7 5 Jamie Ryan , Kevin M. Ward , Ryan Porter , Susan Beck , George Zandt , Lara Wagner , Estela Minaya and 1 El Observatorio San Calixto, La Paz, Bolivia 4 4 Hernando Tavera Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Lima, Peru 3 First order correlations can be seen between the two techniques in both cross section segments. The western segments show a distinct velocity transition pattern from slow to a fast velocity anomaly in the mid-crust, followed by a decrease in velocity above the Moho. The eastern segments show patterns of low- and high-velocity transitions that seem to indicate the presence of a high-velocity body in the shallow- to mid-crustal region. Presented here are three cross-sections from the Central Andes that portray different models of lower crustal deformation (McQuarrie et., al (2008 ), Baby et., al (1997), and Schmitz, M., and J. Kley, (1997). As more data becomes available from the CAUGHT array, we hope to combine crustal thickness estimates from receiver functions with ambient-noise tomography results to improve our understanding of crustal deformation in the Central Andes. tion of Neogene shortening and to estimate its contribution to crustal thickening. Mechanism of crustal underplating by tectonically eroded material is proposed to explain 70 km crustal thickness below Altiplano. “Short” Figures 10,11,12: Crosssection at 16-17°S (10), McQuarrie et., al, 2008; cross-section, 21°-22°S (11) Baby et. al, 1997; cross-section at ~21°S (12) Schmitz, M., and J. Kley, 1997 21° S References Baby, P., Rochat, P., Masclé, G., and Hérail, G., 1997, Neogene shortening contribution to crustal thickening in the back arc of the Central Andes: Geology, v. 25, p. 883–886. Barmin, M.P., Ritzwoller, M.H. and Levshin, A.L., 2001. A fast and reliable method for surface wave tomography. Pure and applied geophysics, 158(8): 1351-1375. Herrmann, R.B., 1987. Computer Programs in Seismology. St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. International Seismological Centre, EHB Bulletin,, Internatl. Seis. Cent., Thatcham, United Kingdom, 2009. Ligorria, J. and Ammon, C. (1999) Iterative deconvolution and receiver-function estimation. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (October 1999), 89(5):1395-1400. McQuarrie, N., Barnes, J.B. & Ehlers, T.A. (2008) Geometric, kinematic, and erosional history of the central Andean Plateau, Bolivia (15–17°S). Tectonics, TC3007, doi: DOI: 0.1029/2006TC00205. Schmitz, M., and J. Kley, 1997, The geometry of the Central Andean backarc crust: joint interpretation of cross-section balancing and seismic refraction data:Journal of South American Earth Sciences, v. 10, p. 99–110. Acknowledgments We’d like to acknowledge the following groups: NSF Continental Dynamics for funding the CAUGHT project (#0907880), our collaborators and the staff members of both El Observatori San Calixto in Bolivia and the Instituto Geofísico del Perú in Peru, IRIS-PASSCAL for providing the equipment, technical support and field assistance, and also the generous people and families in Bolivia and Peru who graciously allowed us the use of their property for this experiment. J. Ryan and K. Ward also received support from Chevron and Conoco-Phillips.