THE STRUCTURE OF THE CRUST AND UPPERMOST MANTLE BENEATH THE CENTRAL ANDES FROM AMBIENT NOISE TOMOGRAPHY Kevin M. Ward , Ryan C. Porter , George Zandt , Susan L. Beck , Estela Minaya , Hernando Tavera , Lara S. Wagner , Maureen D. Long 1 20˚S 21˚S D 24˚S 25˚S Figure 1. Study area map with the location of broadband seismometers used shown as diamonds. The locations of four shear-wave velocity cross-sections (Figure 9) are shown as solid black lines. 10 20 resolution (km) Depth (km) Depth (km) 69˚W 67˚W 68˚W 14˚S 30 40 50 15˚S 60 70 70˚W 71˚W 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Vs (km/s) 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Vs (km/s) 66˚W Bolivia Peru ter n Co rd ille ra 19˚S 3.3 3.2 20˚S 3.1 Subandean Zone Bolivian EC Peruivan EC APVC Central Altiplano Northern Arc Peruivan Arc Bolivian Arc Peruvian Forearc Chilean Forearc 2.9 2.8 8 10 12 14 16 20 25 30 Period (s) 35 18˚S 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Vs (km/s) Chilean Forearc 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Vs (km/s) APVC 0 Chile 70˚W 50 20˚S 22˚S 71˚W 40 60 19˚S 21˚S 72˚W 30 16˚S 22˚S 23˚S 73˚W 20 70 21˚S 40 10 17˚S Altiplano Bolivian Arc 0 15˚S We s 16˚S Vs (km/s) 65˚W 13˚S 14˚S 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 68˚W 67˚W 20 30 40 50 60 Puna 69˚W 10 23˚S 65˚W 66˚W 70 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Vs (km/s) Figure 4 (right). Map showing the locations and 1-D shear-wave velocity profiles of 10 representative points (black/white stars), Holocene volcanic activity (black triangles), simplified geology [modified from Barnes and Ehlers, 2009], and major morphotectonic provinces [modified from Tassara, 2005]. Each 1-D shear-wave velocity profile is assigned an uncertainty envelope (gray area) by inverting for every possible permutation of reasonable values adjustable in the inversion with the results from our preferred values shown as dashed black lines. Profiles are corrected for elevation and zero refers to sea-level. 100 50 22˚S 2.8 2.7 2.6 24˚S 2.5 2.4 26˚S Phase Velocity (km/s) 200 400 600 800 path density 1000 Figure 2 (above). Phase velocity results for 8 seconds. All results shown have at least fair resolution (< 800 km) and the black line contours regions with at least good resolution (< 150 km). Note the first-order correlation of velocity anomalies with the major morphotectonic provinces shown in Figure 4. From the 2-D phase velocity maps at 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 seconds, we construct phase velocity profiles at every grid point (0.1° by 0.1°) in our array. At each grid point where all ten periods used to construct the phase velocity profiles have fair resolution (< 800 km), we iteratively invert for the 1-D shear-wave velocity structure [Herrmann, 1987]. The inversion method requires a 1-D shear-wave velocity starting profile and we use a constant value starting model (dz = 1 km, Vs = 4.6 km/s, Vp/Vs = 1.75, ρ = 3100 kg/m3, Q = 200). Although we have customized these values for our study area and data set, we define the uncertainty of our results by inverting for every possible permutation of reasonable values (Figure 4). Figure 3 (above). Phase velocity results for 20 seconds. All results shown have at least fair resolution (< 800 km) and the black line contours regions with at least good resolution (< 150 km). Note the low-velocity-zone (LVZ) centered near the common border of Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina in the 20 second map agrees with previous work that has identified a LVZ associated with the upper-crustal Altiplano-Puna Magma body (APMB). REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by NSF award #0907880, #0943991, and #0909254. The instruments used in the CAUGHT field program were provided by the PASSCAL facility of the Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS) through the PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech. Data collected during this experiment will be available through the IRIS Data Management Center. The facilities of the IRIS Consortium are supported by the National Science Foundation under Cooperative Agreement EAR-0552316 and by the Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration. We acknowledge the GEOFON Program of GFZ Potsdam as an additional source of waveform data. We further acknowledge all of those who helped to deploy, maintain, and service the seismic stations from the 13 different international networks. Finally, we thank all the PIs from the PLUTONS and the PeruSE experiments for sharing some of their restricted data prior to their release date. Additional support was provided to K. M. Ward by Chevron-Texaco and Conoco-Phillips. Barmin, M. P., M. H. Ritzwoller, and A. L. Levshin (2001), A fast and reliable method for surface wave tomography, Pure Applied Geophys., 158(8), 1351-1375, doi: 10.1007/PL00001225. Barnes, J.B. and Ehlers, T.A. (2009), End member models for Andean plateau uplift, Earth Sci. Rev., 97, pp. 105–132 Bensen, G. D., M. H. Ritzwoller, M. P. Barmin, A. L. Levshin, F. Lin, M. P. Moschetti, N. M. Shapiro, and Y. Yang (2007), Processing seismic ambient noise data to obtain reliable broad band surface wave dispersion measurements, GJI., 169(3), 1239-1260, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03374.x. de Silva, S.L., and Gosnold, W.A., (2007), Episodic construction of batholiths: insights from the spatiotemporal development of an ignimbrite flare-up. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, v. 167, p.320-335. doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2007.07.015 Götze H.-J. and S. Krause, (2002), The Central Andean gravity high, a relic of an old subduction complex? Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 14, pp. 799–811 Herrmann, R. B. (1987), in Computer Programs in Seismology, edited, St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo. Salisbury MJ, Jicha BR, de Silva SL, Singer BS, Jimenez NC, Ort MH (2011) 40Ar/39Ar chronostratigraphy of Altiplano-Puna volcanic complex ignimbrites reveals the development of a major magmatic province. Geol Soc Am Bull doi:10.1130/B30280.1. Tassara, A., (2005), Interaction between the Nazca and South American plates and formation of the Altiplano-Puna Plateau: Review of a flexural analysis along the Andean margin (15°–34°S): Tectonophysics, v. 399, p. 39–57, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2004.12.014. Whitman, D., (1999), The isostatic residual gravity anomaly of the Central Andes, 12° to 29°S: A guide to interpreting crustal structure and deeper lithospheric processes, Int. Geol. Rev., 41, 457–475. Zandt, G., Leidig, M., Chmielowski, J., Baumont, D., Yuan, X., (2003), Seismic detection and characterization of the Altiplano–Puna magma body, central Andes. Pure and Applied Geophysics 160, 789–807. 73˚W EC 3.5 4 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 13˚S 14˚S 14˚S 14˚S 14˚S We ste rn 3. Co rd 5 ille Bolivia ra 17˚S 15˚S 16˚S 17˚S Altiplano 18˚S 19˚S 4.5 20˚S 4.0 21˚S 22˚S 3.5 23˚S 3.0 24˚S 25˚S Bolivia 15˚S 3.5 3.5 16˚S 17˚S 3 APVC 18˚S 18˚S 19˚S 19˚S 20˚S 20˚S 21˚S 21˚S 22˚S 22˚S 23˚S 24˚S 2.5 Argentina Chile 25˚S 26˚S 26˚S 75˚W 74˚W 73˚W 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W 66˚W 65˚W Figure 6 (above). 7 km depth slice results shown with 0.25 km/s contour intervals and the same major morphotectonic provinces [modified from Tassara, 2005]. The Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Complex (APVC) is delineated with a dashed blue line [Zandt et al., 2003]. Many of the same first order correlations seen in the phase velocity results are seen in the 7 km depth slice. Note the correlations of velocity anomalies with the morphotectonic provinces. Maps are corrected for elevation and depth refers to sea-level. Figure 9 (below). Cross-section results shown with 0.1 km/s contour intervals and with the same color palates used in the depth slices. The same major morphotectonic provinces [modified from Tassara, 2005] are projected onto the topographic profiles. Top of Nazca subducting slab shown as thick red line. Cross-sections are corrected for elevation and zero refers to sea-level. Below sea-level, the cross section vertical exaggeration (VE) is approximately 1:1 and above sea-level the VE is 10:1. Cross-section locations are shown on Figure 1. WC 13˚S 16˚S We have selected our color palate to saturate to white at velocities typically associated with mantle rocks (≥ 4.5 km/s), which allows us to form a first order estimate of crustal thickness. Visible in our cross-sections is a thick (~ 70 km) crust under the Andean Plateau that thins to the north and east under the Subandes (Figure 9). The top of the subducting Nazca slab (shown as a thick red line) agrees well with the 4.5 km/s contour in the western part of our study area. The Altiplano-Puna Magma Body (APMB) is clearly visible in the D-D’ cross section. Also visible in the D-D’ cross section is a distinctly separate low-velocity zone west of the active volcanic arc. A’ 13˚S 15˚S The 50 km depth slice results show localized zones of high velocity that correlate with the locations of Neogene ignimbrite eruptive centers (Figure 8). These zones of high velocity lower crust may be pockets of melt residuum associated with magmatic differentiation related to Neogene volcanism. A 13˚S 14˚S Of particular interest is the location of a distinctly separate low-velocity zone west of the Altiplano-Puna Magma Body (APMB). A low-velocity body (2.8 km/s) centered on 22.2˚S, 68.7˚W west of the active volcanic arc (Figure 7) suggests the presence of melts or fluids in the upper crust. Independent active source seismic results observe a “bright spot” in the same area. We interpret this low-velocity zone as a satellite magna body, distinctly separate from the APMB and call it the “Calama Magma Body” after the nearby city in northern Chile. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 13˚S 15 km Peru 15˚S 15˚S 16˚S 16˚S 17˚S 17˚S 5 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 B WC AP EC 3.5 4 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W “Calama Magma Body” 4.5 3.5 B’ 23˚S 3.0 24˚S 25˚S APMB 2.5 CAGH 2.5 18˚S 18˚S 19˚S 19˚S 20˚S 20˚S 21˚S 21˚S 22˚S 22˚S 23˚S 23˚S 24˚S 24˚S 25˚S 25˚S Argentina Chile Figure 7 (above). 15 km depth slice results shown with 0.25 km/s contour intervals. The 3.25 km/s contour has been thickened to emphasize a low-velocity body. Known Neogene ignimbrite eruptive centers are enclosed by white outlines [Salisbury et al., 2011]. The Altiplano-Puna Magma Body (APMB), imaged by previous seismic studies is delineated with a dashed yellow line [Zandt et al., 2003]. The Central Andean Gravity High (CAGH), a positive anomaly in isostatic residual gravity is enclosed by a dashed blue line [Götze and Krause, 2002]. C WC 16˚S 17˚S AP 68˚W EC 67˚W 18˚S 19˚S 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 20˚S 21˚S 22˚S 23˚S 24˚S 2.5 Chile 25˚S Argentina “Calama Magma Body” C’ 3.5 69˚W 4 Figure 8 (above). 50 km depth slice results shown with 0.25 km/s contour intervals. Known Neogene ignimbrite eruptive centers are enclosed by white outlines [Salisbury et al., 2011]. Note the correlation of high velocity anomalies in the lower crust with the locations Neogene ignimbrite eruptive centers. 3 70˚W 15˚S 26˚S 26˚S 75˚W 74˚W 73˚W 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W 66˚W 65˚W 26˚S 26˚S 75˚W 74˚W 73˚W 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W 66˚W 65˚W 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 13˚S 14˚S Bolivia 4 3. 3 4.0 50 km Peru 4 2.9 The 7 km depth slice results show excellent agreement with the major morphotectonic provinces (Figure 6). A high velocity body tracks the Eastern Cordillera with localized pockets of higher velocity that correlate well with mapped Mesozoic and Cenozoic plutonic bodies (Figure 4). The 15 km depth slice results show excellent correlation between zones of low velocity and locations of known Neogene ignimbrite eruptive centers, for example, the Altiplano-Puna Volcanic Center (APVC) (Figure 7). 7 km Peru Shear Velocity (km/s) 3.0 0 66˚W Depth (km) 3.1 SHEAR WAVE RESULTS: 2-D 75˚W 74˚W 73˚W 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W 66˚W 65˚W 12˚S 12˚S 3 3.2 75˚W 74˚W 73˚W 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W 66˚W 65˚W 12˚S 12˚S 4 20˚S 75˚W 74˚W 73˚W 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W 66˚W 65˚W 12˚S 12˚S Shear Velocity (km/s) 3.3 Depth (km) 3.4 3 3.5 3.5 18˚S 3.5 1000 0 Vs (km/s) Vs (km/s) 72˚W 73˚W 13˚S 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 Shear Velocity (km/s) path density Vs (km/s) 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 4 800 Peruvian Forearc 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5 600 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 4. 400 70 3 26˚S Phase Velocity (km/s) 200 70 3.5 24˚S 0 70 3 22˚S 50 70 5 20˚S 3.9 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.5 3.4 3.3 3.2 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 70 3. 18˚S 70 ra Cordille 100 60 Depth (km) 150 16˚S 60 Eastern 250 60 4 14˚S 60 3 400 60 3.4 3.0 50 60 3.5 2.4 50 40 4 resolution (km) 50 40 30 5 800 50 40 30 4 64˚W 50 40 30 5 3. 66˚W 50 40 30 Our first order results confirm that the high Andes 13˚S 13˚S are supported by a thick (~70 km) low-velocity (and Peru presumably low-density) crust with localized but 14˚S 14˚S regionally extensive mid-crustal low-velocity zones. Working under the hypothesis that voluminous 15˚S 15˚S Bolivia ignimbrites are the surface expression of batholith formation at depth as exemplified by the APVC [de Silva 16˚S 16˚S and Gosnold, 2007], we combine our results with the locations of known Neogene ignimbrite eruptive centers 17˚S 17˚S and isostatic residual gravity and conclude the 3.25 km/s contour at 15 km’s depth generally outlines the 18˚S 18˚S extent of a Neogene batholith with isolated pockets of partial melt (Figure 10). This newly outlined batholith 100 generally correlates with the Western Cordillera, but 19˚S 19˚S 80 locally extends into the western Altiplano, Eastern Cordillera, and Puna, and more surprisingly, locally 60 20˚S 20˚S extends into the forearc in the form of the newly 40 discovered Calama Magma Body. The modern volcanic 21˚S 21˚S 20 arc is located predominantly on the western margin of the batholith, suggesting some density control on the 0 22˚S 22˚S localization of melt migration paths. The batholith is -20 relatively narrow (~100 km) between 16° and 19°S, but 23˚S 23˚S splits into two branches farther north in Peru and in -40 southern Bolivia it occupies a significantly greater width -60 Chile of the orogen. The young batholith mostly occupies 24˚S 24˚S regions of high elevation, suggesting the generation of -80 low-density granitoids and the prevailing high Argentina -100 25˚S 25˚S temperatures must counteract the densifying effects of the formation of mafic residues at depth. Although the 26˚S 26˚S prevailing consensus is that the central Andes are built 75˚W 74˚W 73˚W 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W 66˚W 65˚W predominantly by crustal thickening due to Figure 10. Summary figure combining the results of our 15 km depth slice with the compressional shortening, the identification of a large locations of known Neogene ignimbrite eruptive centers [Salisbury et al., 2011] and volume Neogene batholith recalls the possible important isostatic residual gravity [Whitman, 1999]. The 3.25 km/s velocity contour (thick black role of magmatic addition, especially in Peru and the line from the 15 km depth slice) correlates well with areas of low isostatic residual Puna where shortening estimates are relatively smaller gravity and the locations of known Neogene ignimbrite eruptive centers. We interpret this correlation as compelling evidence for the 3.25 km/s contour outlining the than in the central Bolivian segment. Additionally, recent general extent of a Neogene batholith with isolated pockets of partial melt multi-disciplinary studies documenting late Cenozoic uplift on the western margin of the central Andes, with relatively little documented shortening, also suggest magmatic addition as a possible important causative uplift mechanism. Future interdisciplinary studies should reexamine the potential role of magmatic addition and its interactions with crustal scale structures in the uplift history of the Andes. 5 68˚W 40 30 75˚W 74˚W 73˚W 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W 66˚W 65˚W 12˚S 12˚S 3. 70˚W 30 3. 74˚W 72˚W 20 Seconds 20 3.6 2.5 800 150 16˚S 20 18˚S 2.6 64˚W 250 20 3.7 400 14˚S 20 es nd 12˚S 66˚W 20 ba Su The fundamental basis for Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) is that the cross-correlation of ambient seismic noise as recorded by two contemporaneously operating seismometers can be used to extract surface wave empirical Green’s functions (EGFs) for the path between the two stations. We follow the method outlined by Benson et al., [2007] to obtain and quality control interstation surface wave dispersion measurements. Although the cross-correlation step requires stations to be operating simultaneously, all calculated interstation dispersion curves are combined before inverting for 2-D phase velocity maps (Figures 2 and 3) following the method outlined by Barmin et al., [2001]. A distinct advantage of utilizing this approach is that dispersion curves from multiple networks, deployed during non-overlapping time periods can be combined to invert for high quality 2-D phase velocity maps with increased horizontal coverage. 68˚W 20 3.8 Depth (km) AMBIENT NOISE METHODOLOGY 12˚S 70˚W 10 17˚S 2.7 74˚W 72˚W 8 Seconds 10 Forearc 26˚S 26˚S 75˚W 74˚W 73˚W 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W 66˚W 65˚W 64˚W 10 ra Cordille Argentina 10 3.9 23˚S Chile 10 4.0 22˚S D’ 10 Vs (km/s) Figure 5 (below). “Observed” phase velocity profiles shown as dashed lines with different colors corresponding to different morphotectonic provinces. Solid black lines represent the phase velocity profiles calculated from the final shear-wave velocity model. 0 Eastern 25˚S Bolivia C CAUGHT Station PULSE Station PeruSE Station PLUTON Station IPOC Station REFUCA Station Temp GEOFON Station APVC Station BANJO/SEDA Station GT/IU Station Holocene Volcano La Paz, Bolivia 6 CONCLUSIONS Central Altiplano 0 es 24˚S ~7 cm/yr 19˚S 0 Subandean Zone nd ba 23˚S C’ 0 Bolivian EC Su 22˚S 18˚S B Pacific Ocean 5 Gravity Anomaly (mGal) 17˚S 0 Peruivan Arc Depth (km) A 19˚S 21˚S 16˚S Peruivan EC Depth (km) 16˚S 20˚S 15˚S B’ 18˚S 4 Depth (km) 15˚S 17˚S 3 Depth (km) 14˚S Both the phase velocity plots and the 1-D shear-wave results indicate a large range of velocity structures, however, we observe a good correlation between profiles selected from the same major morphotectonic provinces (Figure 4). With the exception of the forearc and the Subandes, we observe generally very slow shear velocities (<3.6 km/s) in the upper 30 to 40 km of the crust. Locally, in regions of young volcanic activity, we observe significant crustal low-velocity zones. Crustal anisotropy may be responsible for some but not all of the observed anomalously low-velocity zones. Northern Arc Depth (km) Peru 14˚S 1 Depth (km) 13˚S Phase Velocity (km/s) 13˚S 0 Depth (km) A’ SHEAR WAVE RESULTS: 1-D Depth (km) 75˚W 74˚W 73˚W 72˚W 71˚W 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W 66˚W 65˚W 64˚W 12˚S 12˚S The Central Andes of southern Peru, Bolivia, and northern Chile (Figure 1) form a wide orogenic plateau with an average elevation in excess of 3 km punctuated by volcanic peaks and pluton-cored ridges exceeding 6 km. The uplift history of the Andean plateau remains a lingering question in the geosciences and two competing end-member geodynamic models have emerged as possible solutions: (1) slow-and-steady uplift associated with crustal shortening, verses (2) rapid uplift associated with isostatic rebound following a delamination event. Each model makes specific predictions that are recorded in the history of the plateaus climate, elevation, lithospheric thickness, composition, and magnitude of deformation. In part, the controversy between models persists because of a lack in fundamental data sets that overlap in time and space. As part of the Central Andes Uplift and the Geodynamics of High Topography (CAUGHT) project, the main objective of the seismological component is to map the crustal and uppermost mantle structure of the Central Andes using multiple techniques including Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT). In this study, we use data from 153 broadband seismic stations (Figure 1) from 13 different international seismic networks, deployed incrementally in the Central Andes from May 1994 through March 2012, to image the vertically polarized shear-wave velocity structure of the Central Andes. 1 1. The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, United States. 2. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Washington DC, United States. 3. El Observatorio San Calixto, La Paz, La Paz, Bolivia. 4. El Instituto Geofísico del Perú, Lima, Lima, Peru. 5. The University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States. 6. Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, United States. INTRODUCTION 1,2 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 D WC 3 3.5 PN D’ APMB2.5 4 70˚W 69˚W 68˚W 67˚W