CURRICULUM VITAE (2008) Name: Ana Sofia Oliveira Henriques Moita.

Name: Ana Sofia Oliveira Henriques Moita.
Place of birth: Lisbon – Portugal
Date of birth: 4/September/1978.
Nationality: Portuguese.
Institutional Address: Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Av. Rovisco Pais 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal.
Research Institute: Center for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research, IN+.
Telephone: +351 21 841 7851.
Fax: +351 21 849 6156.
E-mail: .
Academic Degrees:
2001 - Diploma Engineer, Mechanical Engineering, Applied Thermodynamics
(Licenciatura em Engenharia Mecânica, ramo de Termodinâmica Aplicada, 5 years
course), Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico, with 14val (within
a scale between 0 and 20). The final dissertation for attainment of the Diploma Engineer
was developed under the theme: Development of an experimental facility to study the
dynamic behaviour of impinging droplets and was concluded in November of 2001,
with 18val.
2004 - M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering. Thesis for attainment of the Degree of Master
of Science: Dynamic Behaviour of Droplets Impacting onto Flat Surfaces, Technical
University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico.
Former Activities and Present Studies/Professional Situation:
2001 – 2004 - I started my research activity in 2001, in the Center for Innovation,
Technology and Policy Research, IN+, during the final project for attainment of the
Diploma Engineer, working in the project “FLOW AND HEAT TRANSFER
POCTI/1999/EME/32960, financed by the National Foundation of Science and
Technology – F.C.T and supervised by Prof. António Luís Nobre Moreira. The work
developed during my M.Sc. was also supported in this project, during which I held a
Research Grant.
The results of this work were published in several papers, mainly presented in
national and international conferences (one of these papers was selected to be published
at a journal). In addition, part of this study was included as a contribution for the
2001-2002 - During the 1st semester of 2001/2002 I lectured the laboratory activities of
the course “Heat Transfer I”, of Year 4 of the Mechanical Engineering Degree.
2004-2007 - At the present moment I am a Ph.D. student of Mechanical Engineering, at
Technical University of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico, supervised by Prof. António
Luís Nobre Moreira and my research work concerns Spray and Droplet/Wall interaction
processes. I am currently finishing my PhD dissertation, pending for the final exam for
defence of the thesis. I develop a research activity in a full-time basis, at IN+ - Center
for Innovation, Technology and Policy Research and I am supported by a fellowship
from the National Foundation of Science and Technology (ref.: SFRH/BD/18250/2004)
since November 2004. The main research work considers the study of the thermal and
fluid-dynamic mechanisms occurring at impact of droplets and sprays onto heated
surfaces. Main diagnostic techniques used are visualization with a high speed camera
and image processing and phase Doppler interferometry. The work developed during
the PhD, up to the present date, has been presented in various international conferences
and in three papers published at peer reviewed international journals (a fourth paper has
been recently submitted for publication at the Experiments in Fluids).
The research work developed during this period has also contributed to the
following projects (which partially supported the research activities):
POCTI/EME/57944/2004. 2005-2008.
IMPINGING SPRAYS”, Project POCTI/1999/EME/32960. 2001-2004.
IMPROVE PERFORMANCE”, FP5, ENK6-CT-2000-00101. 2000-2003.
April 2005 – November 2005 – I undertook a training stage at the Thermofluids and
Heat Transfer Group – THT from the Engineering Faculty of Bergamo University,
under the supervision of Prof. G. E. Cossali and Prof. M. Marengo and co-supervision
of Doctor Maurizio Santini. This stage was financed by a Marie Curie Training Sites
Fellowship n. ENK-CT-2002-50518 and the experimental work was partly financed by
UE through the contract DITICE-2E0006R (sub-project of InteregIII-Regins). The work
developed during this stage evolved positively and resulted in a strong collaboration
between the research groups in Lisbon an in Bergamo. This work was presented in an
international conference and published in an international scientific journal.
2002-2007 – collaboration in the laboratorial activities and teaching (seminars) in
Experimental Methods in Energy and Environment (curricular unit of the 5th year of
Mechanical Engineering course - now re-structured as Mestrado Integrado in
Mechanical Engineering). The only exception was in the 1st semester of 2006 since I
was in the training stage at Bergamo University, in Italy. During this period I also gave
tutorial lessons in the subjects of Thermodynamics, Turbomachinery, Algebra, Calculus
and Physics.
February 2008 – I gave a lecture to the curricular unit of Integrated Energy Systems, in
the MIT Portugal Pos-Graduation Program, (EDAM – Engineering Design and
Advanced Manufacturing) at the Engineering Faculty of University of Minho,
Guimarães – Portugal.
During this current year I supervised the experimental work developed for the
dissertation for attainment of the Integrated Master Degree (post-Bologne) by two
students, one of them is an ERASMUS student from Roma University – Tor Vergata.
I’m a peer reviewer in Experiments in Fluids, Elsevier.
Main Scientific Area of Specialization:
Mechanical Engineering - Applied Thermodynamics: Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer,
Two-Phase Flows.
Research Activities and Present Research Interests:
My research activities and current research interests are mainly focused on the study of
the thermal and fluid dynamic mechanisms involved at droplet interactions with heated
walls, which is required for modelling of complex technological applications
considering spray impingement. Part of the work addresses the impact of fuel droplets
onto rough surfaces to quantity the effect of fuel properties and of the nature of the
surface in droplet dynamics, within the various boiling regimes, in the context of fuel
droplet/valve interactions in internal combustion engines.
Moreover it was necessary to deepen the study on the heat transfer mechanisms as
there are strongly related to the dynamic behaviour and morphology of the impinging
droplets. In this context a study is currently being conduced to infer on the effect of the
thermophysical properties of the working fluids, combined with the use of enhanced
surfaces with different topographies on the dynamics and heat transfer mechanisms and
determine the most favourable combinations of droplet, liquid and surface properties to
improve the cooling performance. In this context, the final part of my research work
under my Doctoral Programme also included the study of the thermal and fluid dynamic
processes occurring at the liquid-solid interface on micro-structured surfaces. Therefore,
the interfacial phenomena and the manufacturing processes of micro-structured surfaces
are currently my leading research interests, which I intend to deepen in a near future.
Different research groups have already shown interest in a strong collaboration for the
prosecution of this work under a post-doc Programme in Portugal, namely the research
THT Group at Bergamo University and the ITLR – Institute of Aerospace
Thermodynamics at Stuttgart University.
A particular emphasis is given to the influence of the nature of the surface
throughout this study, so the characterization of the wettability and topography of the
surfaces is an important part of the work. Therefore this work also required knowledge
on the wettability concepts and on some measurement techniques for characterization of
the contact angle as well as on the basic principles on the characterization of surface
topography. The background on the wettability concepts was provided in the Structural
Chemistry Center at Instituto Superior Técnico, which also provided the facilities to
measure the contact angles. The characterization of the topography of the structured
surfaces was performed in collaboration with the Department of Materials
Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico and with the Laser Surface Processing
Laboratory of Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa.
Main publications:
Moita, A. S. (2004) Dynamic behaviour of droplets impacting onto flat surfaces. Thesis
for attainment of the Degree of Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering:
“Dynamic Behaviour of Droplets Impacting onto Flat Surfaces”, Technical University
of Lisbon, Instituto Superior Técnico.
Publications in peer reviewed journals:
Moita, A.S., Moreira, A. L. N. Development of empirical correlations to predict the
secondary droplet size of impacting boiling droplets. Submitted to Experiments in
Fluids, 2008.
Moreira, A. L. N., Moita, A. S., Cossali, G. E., Marengo, M., Santini, M. (2007)
Secondary atomization of water and isooctane drops impinging onto tilted heated
surfaces. Experiments in Fluids, 43:297-313.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2007) Drop impacts onto cold and heated rigid
surfaces: morphological comparisons, disintegration limits and secondary atomization.
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 20:735-752.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2007) Experimental study on fuel drop impacts onto
rigid surfaces: morphological comparisons, disintegration limits and secondary
atomization. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31:2175-2183.
Moita, A. S. Moreira, A. L. N. (2005) The interaction of Fuel Droplets with Heated
Interposed Surfaces in IC Engines, SAE Technical Paper Series, No. 2005-24-084.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2003) The deformation of single droplets impacting
onto a flat surface. SAE 2002 Transactions – Journal of Fuels and Lubrificants, pp.
Publications in international conferences:
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2008) Development of an empirical correlation to
predict secondary atomization of impacting boiling droplets. 14th International
Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2008) Boiling morphology and heat removal of
impinging coolant droplets. To be presented at the 22nd European Conference on Liquid
Atomization and Spray Systems – ILASS2008, Como Lake, Italy.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2007) Characterization of hydrodynamics and heattransfer processes of drop impacts against surface enhanced heated targets as an
application to microelectromechanical cooling devices. Proceedings of the International
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2006) Experimental study on fuel drop impacts onto
rigid surfaces: morphological comparisons, disintegration limits and secondary
atomization. 31st International Symposium on Combustion. Heidelberg, Germany.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2006) Experimental characterization of disintegration
of fuel droplets onto cold and heated surfaces. Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - ICLASS 2006. Kyoto, Japan.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2006) Experimental characterization of droplet breakup from impacts onto hot metallic surfaces. Proceedings of the 12th International
Symposium on Flow Visualization. Göttingen, Germany.
Moreira, A. L. N., Moita, A. S., Cossali, G. E., Marengo, M., Santini, M. (2006)
Secondary atomization of drop impactions onto heated inclined surfaces. Proceedings of
the 13th International Symposium on Applications of Laser Techniques to Fluid
Mechanics. Lisbon, Portugal.
Moita, A. S. Moreira, A. L. N. (2005) The interaction of Fuel Droplets with Heated
Interposed Surfaces in IC Engines, SAE Technical Paper Series, No. 2005-24-084
(presented at the ICE_SAE2005 – 7th International Conference on Engines for
Automobiles, Capri, Italy).
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2005) The combined effects of surface topography and
heat transfer on droplet/wall interaction mechanisms. Proceedings of the 20th Annual
Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems - ILASS 2005, Orleans, França.
pp. 431-436.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2003) Influence of surface properties on the dynamic
behaviour of impacting droplets. 9th International Conference on Liquid Atomization
and Spray Systems, Sorrento, Italia.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2002) The deformation of single droplets impacting
onto a flat surface. SAE Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Exhibition, San
Diego, California, USA.
Moita A. S., Moreira A. L. N. (2002) The dynamic behaviour of single droplets
impacting onto a flat surface. 18th Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray
Systems, Zaragoza, Spain 9th – 11th September.
Publications in national conferences:
Moita, A. S., Moreira A. L. N. (2004) Efeito das propriedades da superfície nos
mecanismos de desintegração de gotas incidentes: estudo fundamental para o impacto
de gotas de combustível nas superfícies do cilindro. 4as Jornadas Politécnicas de
Engenharia do Porto, 17 e 18 Novembro.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2003) Influência das propriedades da superfície no
comportamento dinâmico de gotas de combustível incidentes nas paredes do cilindro.
3as Jornadas Politécnicas de Engenharia, 19 e 20 Novembro.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2002) MOTORES DE INJECÇÃO DIRECTA:
comportamento dinâmico das gotas de combustível ao incidirem nas superfícies do
cilindro. 2as Jornadas Politécnicas de Engenharia, 13 e 14 Novembro.
Moita, A. S., Moreira, A. L. N. (2001) Motores de injecção directa: estudo dos
processos dinâmicos de deformação das gotas de combustível quando incidem na
cabeça do pistão. 1as Jornadas Politécnicas de Engenharia de Leiria, 14 a 16 Novembro.
Participation in International Journals as a peer reviewer:
I am peer reviewer at Experiments in Fluids.