Ross R. Parent Handbook MacKay P.S. Upper Grand District School Board Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Table of Contents Principal’s Message ....................................................................................................................................................4 Communication ..........................................................................................................................................................5 Agendas/Organizers ...................................................................................................................................................5 School Council ............................................................................................................................................................5 Membership:........................................................................................................................................................5 Roles and Responsibilities:...................................................................................................................................6 The School Council Shall: .....................................................................................................................................6 The Members of School Council shall: .................................................................................................................6 Attendance, Absence & “Lates” .................................................................................................................................7 Safe-Arrival Program ............................................................................................................................................7 Student Arrival: ....................................................................................................................................................7 Departure: ............................................................................................................................................................8 Excused From Class ..............................................................................................................................................8 Attendance (Boundary) Areas ....................................................................................................................................8 Custody & Guardianship .............................................................................................................................................8 Field Trips ...................................................................................................................................................................8 Supervision .................................................................................................................................................................9 Outside Supervision: ............................................................................................................................................9 Inside Supervision: ...............................................................................................................................................9 Supervision After School: .....................................................................................................................................9 Nutrition Breaks .........................................................................................................................................................9 Breakfast For Learning................................................................................................................................................9 Hot Lunches & Milk Orders ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Volunteers & Fundraising ........................................................................................................................................ 10 Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act ............................................................................................. 10 Student Home Telephone Numbers ................................................................................................................. 10 Student Medical Information:........................................................................................................................... 11 Page |1 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Students’ Work ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Photographs and Videos of Students................................................................................................................ 11 Student Records ...................................................................................................................................................... 11 Health & Safety........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Emergency ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Fire and Emergency Drills ................................................................................................................................. 12 Illness and Injury ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Medications ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Life Threatening Allergies ................................................................................................................................. 12 Head Lice ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 Seasonal Activities ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Skateboards, Scooters, and Roller-Blades ........................................................................................................ 13 Footwear ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 Term Reports ........................................................................................................................................................... 13 Report Grading System ..................................................................................................................................... 14 Inclement Weather.................................................................................................................................................. 14 Kindergarten ............................................................................................................................................................ 15 Homework ............................................................................................................................................................... 15 Photographs ............................................................................................................................................................ 15 Year End (June) Awards ........................................................................................................................................... 15 Acceptable Use of Digital Technology ..................................................................................................................... 17 Responsibilities of the School ........................................................................................................................... 17 Responsibilities of the User .............................................................................................................................. 18 Unacceptable Uses............................................................................................................................................ 18 Consequences ................................................................................................................................................... 18 Child Abuse Policy ................................................................................................................................................... 19 Code Of Conduct – Ross R. MacKay P.S. .................................................................................................................. 19 Goals: ................................................................................................................................................................ 19 Student Rights & Responsibilities: .................................................................................................................... 19 Page |2 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Parent Rights & Responsibilities: ...................................................................................................................... 20 Staff Rights & Responsibilities: ......................................................................................................................... 20 In-School Expectations: ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Playground Expectations: ................................................................................................................................. 21 Creative Playground Expectations: ................................................................................................................... 21 Dress Code: ....................................................................................................................................................... 22 Behaviour Consequences ........................................................................................................................................ 22 Classroom Level Intervention ........................................................................................................................... 22 Office Visit / Detention / Problem Solving ........................................................................................................ 23 Suspension and Expulsion (ref. Safe Schools Act, 2001)................................................................................... 23 Mitigating Circumstances ................................................................................................................................. 24 Expectations For Bus Conduct ................................................................................................................................. 24 Page |3 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Principal’s Message Welcome to Ross R. MacKay Public School! I would like to welcome you to our wonderful community school of Ross R. MacKay, and hope that you and your family have enjoyed a wonderful summer holiday! The warm welcome that you experience upon entering the front foyer of our school is the result of an amazing connection between parents, students, and staff. Together, we all make Ross R. MacKay a vibrant and exciting place to live and learn. I am confident that as the year progresses, each of you will find a manner in which you might enrich the learning environment for all of our youngsters; I strongly encourage each of you to come forward to share your talents and interests with our school. Ross R. MacKay is very fortunate to have a highly dedicated and committed teaching staff, support staff, School Council, and parent volunteer group. Through the tireless efforts of these people, our students benefit from a host of in-class and extra-curricular activities throughout the year. We have sports teams that represent us year round, clubs that highlight individual students interests and talents, and student leadership opportunities within our school such as morning announcements, office helpers, and classroom helpers. We are also most fortunate to have a fabulous Breakfast Club, that helps to ensure that the nutritional and social needs of all of our youngsters are addressed at the start of each learning day. I look forward to the opportunities and excitement that the coming school year will bring to each of us, and welcome your ideas and input as we work in partnership to enrich the lives of our children. Yours in Education, Mr. P. Huddleston Principal Page |4 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Communication Communication between home and school is vital if children are to meet all learning expectations. Throughout the year, you can expect the following forms of communications from the school: A new/revised Parent Handbook Monthly School Newsletters Monthly Class Newsletters Daily Agenda Use Regular teacher/administration contact via phone and visitations Classroom Visits (appointment required) School Sign (Outside) Messages Community Bulletin Board inside the school lobby We invite you to visit the school, its teachers, the classrooms, and our many programs. Consider getting involved in School Council, which is an advisory group to the principal regarding school initiatives. Your input is respected, appreciated, and most valued! Agendas/Organizers Use of Agendas is strongly encouraged to help our students develop organization and study skills. A specific time each day will be set aside for the completion of Agendas. This becomes an essential communication tool and homework organizer School Council The School Council is elected each year to provide advice to the school principal on school matters. All parents are welcomed to attend and participate in meetings of the Council. Meetings begin at 10:00 am every other month in the school library. Dates are determined each September at the first meeting and are published in the Monthly School Newsletters. Membership: Members shall reflect the diversity of the community and shall include at least the following: • parents and guardians of students (at least 5 , and comprising a majority of the council) • community representatives (at least 1 and appointed by the Council) • the school principal • teachers (at least 1) • non-teaching staff (at least 1) Page |5 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Roles and Responsibilities: The Council will provide advice to the school principal, and where appropriate, to the school board, on any of the following matters which it identifies as a priority: • • • • • • • • • • • • • local school year calendar school code of behaviour curriculum and program goals and priorities responses to achievement and assessment programs preparation of the school profile selection of principals school budget priorities, including local capital improvement plans school-community communication plans methods of reporting to parents and the community extra-curricular activities in the school school based services and partnerships local coordination of services for youth development, implementation, and review of board policies at a local level. The School Council Shall: • • • • establish its own goals, priorities, and procedures organize training sessions for its members communicate with, and seek input from the parents and community promote the best interests of the school community and • hold a minimum of four meetings a year. The chair of Council must be a parent. Responsibilities of the School Council Chair include calling/ chairing meetings, setting agendas, ensuring that meeting minutes are recorded and maintained, participating in relevant training, and maintaining effective communication between the school and parent community. The Members of School Council shall: • • • • • place the overall interests of the school and children first attend and participate in School Council meetings participate in information and training programs act as a link between the School Council and the community and seek community participation and seek to reach consensus in the decision-making processes of the Council. Page |6 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Attendance, Absence & “Lates” Good attendance and punctuality are important to maximize school achievement, and are good habits to develop. Attendance is taken several times each school day. Students are marked late or absent if they are not in class on time. “On time” is defined as when the teacher addresses all students during initial in-class starting exercises. Students arriving late must check in at the office so that the official attendance register can be amended. It is the duty of the parent to ensure the child attends school as required, and to provide the school with reasons for absences. To maintain and support a safe, optimal classroom learning environment for all our students, parents are asked to coordinate ALL student arrivals/departures/pick-ups at the office and foyer only; not at classroom doors or hallways. Safe-Arrival Program Please call the office before 8:30 a.m. at (519) 855-4957 if your child is going to be absent or late. Voicemail is available 24 hours a day. When calling, please supply us with: the name of the student the student’s class, and the reason for absence or lateness If you do not have access to a telephone, please send a written note with a neighbouring student. We will call parents of absent students if we have not been informed by the parent of the reason for the absence. Late students are to report to the office upon entering school to have their return recorded. Student Arrival: • • • • walk along appropriate paths to the back of the school yard onto the south side before school cars drop off / pick up along roadside only to respect bus loading zones: 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., 3:00 - 4:00 p.m., and to ensure the safety of all children. bicycles must be walked onto school property and properly parked and locked at racks We cannot be responsible for damage to or loss of bicycles. For safety reasons, we ask that bicycles not travel through any part of the school grounds. By law, students are required to wear CSA approved helmets to travel by bicycle. Page |7 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Departure: Students must have: • a written note if they are leaving school at any time during the day • a written note authorizing someone other than the legal guardian to pick up your child • a written note authorizing a bussed child to be picked up It is our practice to send the child home on the bus as usual unless we receive notice of other arrangements. Students are only permitted to ride their assigned busses. The may not travel on another bus. (i.e. to a friend’s house after school) Excused From Class Send a note with your child, to be delivered to the school office, first thing in the morning. Please pick up your child in the office; not from the classroom. Under no circumstances should students be removed from the school without checking with his or her teacher and with the office. Attendance (Boundary) Areas The Board establishes school boundaries to maintain a high standard of program for students and ensure the effective use of their facilities. Parents wishing to send their child to school in another area, must contact the school in their attendance area for further information. Custody & Guardianship Although only a custodial parent can make decisions for a child, a non-custodial parent has the right to information about a child and access to a child unless denied by a court of law. If you have concerns about unauthorized access to children or information, it is essential that the principal and office staff be informed and that verification of the custody orders be placed in the OSR. Otherwise, the school assumes that a situation of equal access exists. Field Trips Field trips provide “education beyond the classroom” and support the core curriculum. Short local trips, such as walks on the Elora-Cataract Trail or trips to the town library are considered part of the regular school day and will not require permission forms as ‘blanket’ permission forms are sent home at the beginning of the school year for parents/guardians permission for such excursions. Notice about all other school trips will be sent home in advance. In order for your child to participate, written confirmation is required to ensure that parental permission has been granted and that parents are aware of the details of the trip. Page |8 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Supervision Outside Supervision: Bus and yard supervision begins at 8:25 a.m. If you are dropping off your child(ren) in the morning, please be sure to do so after this time to ensure that your child is supervised. Inside Supervision: Students are not to be in halls, rooms, or the gymnasium without supervision. Supervision After School: When picking up your child, we ask that parents meet at the back or south entrance as all students are dismissed this way. We appreciate parent patience as your child dresses at the end of the day. Learning these independence skills is essential for social success at school. Nutrition Breaks Nutrition Breaks occur two times a day. During first break, there is time to eat a small nutritional snack before outdoor recess. We encourage fresh fruits, vegetables and lots to drink as we know healthy food puts our body in a good state for “healthy” learning. Breakfast For Learning Our Breakfast for Learning program is run by volunteers and between 8:15-8:40 am every Monday, Wednesday & Friday. Participation in the Breakfast Program is voluntary; however, donations will be graciously received. The program is intended for students whose families require and appreciate the necessity of having a nutritious breakfast and may not be able to provide for such a breakfast on a regular basis. If you could spare an hour a week to assist, your contribution would be very much appreciated. School Council has been instrumental in applying for operating grants from the Ministry of Social Services. Grant amounts are minimal and not significant enough to sustain this program throughout the year. Please consider making a donation to the Ross R. MacKay Breakfast Club. Contact the Principal if you are able to make a donation; tax receipts will be issued. Page |9 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Hot Lunches & Milk Orders Each year we ask for volunteers to help organize hot lunches for Fridays. Order forms are sent at the end of each month and are due back by the date indicated on the form. Milk orders for each day are included on this form. Our program depends on parents to help. Please consider donating some of your time as often in the month as you are able. More information can be obtained from the office. Volunteers & Fundraising So many of our successes depend on the support of volunteers. Consider volunteering by : serving on School Council; reading to a student; helping shelve in the library; preparing materials at home; or providing a club during second break; come help with Breakfast for Learning or hot lunches. Any involvement in our school is greatly appreciated. We know increased parent involvement adds up to increased student success. Fundraising is just one part of being involved. Consider joining us for a School Council meeting to help set our priorities for the coming years and direct our funds where you see it most useful! During the school year, your child(ren) will be involved in a variety of activities consistent with educating students under the Education Act. We bring to your attention the following areas that you and/or your child’s personal information may be revealed without your notification so that you may express any concerns. Freedom of Information & Protection of Privacy Act FOI The Municipal Freedom of Information Act and Protection of Privacy Act sets guidelines that Boards must adhere to when protecting the personal information of their students. The Act requires that students and parents/guardians of students under the age of 18, be informed of the uses, disclosures and maintenance of their personal information and that they be given the opportunity to make inquiries about the same. Student Home Telephone Numbers Student home telephone numbers may be released to create telephone lists for distribution as follows: • emergency procedures- to volunteers and bus operators for the purpose of making contact during an emergency, such as inclement weather, the safe arrival program, etc.. • School Council - to be used for soliciting parent involvement in a variety of school related activities that will benefit your child. P a g e | 10 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Student Medical Information: The school will share and update necessary student information with staff and volunteers for purposes of student safety only. The Wellington-Dufferin Health Unit will receive information including your child’s birth date, address, home telephone number, work number of parent, for the purpose of “establishing and maintaining a school health record according to the Health Protection and Promotion Act and Immunization of School Pupils Act”. Students’ Work Student work with their first name and grade level, may be displayed in the classroom or school hallways, or may be shared with the public through science fairs, bulletin board displays, school newsletters, and Board administration offices. The media may be invited to take school photos of students and write articles about achievements, graduations, or special events. The student may be identified by first and last name and grade level. The information gathered is part of our schools communication plan to highlight and share newsworthy events that occur at our school. Photographs and Videos of Students Photogram and videos of students with their names and grades collectively or individually, may be taken and may be used in the following manner: • bulletin boards that are displayed in the classroom and school hallways • school yearbooks, newsletters, calendars, or for school identification purposes • during classroom activities, open house or parents’ night, etc., in local newspapers • on some school buses, to monitor student behaviour • A child identification program Student Records The Ontario Student Record (OSR) is the confidential, ongoing record of a student’s educational progress through schools in Ontario. The information in the OSR is available to supervisory officers, principals, and teachers only for the purpose of improvement of instruction. The OSR is not available to any other person. Students, and parents of students under the age of 18, may examine the OSR. Important: P a g e | 11 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Health & Safety Emergency Please provide reliable emergency contact information on the Student Information Form that is sent home at the beginning of each year. We need to be able to reach someone if an emergency arises. If during the year you change your address, phone number, emergency contact, or place of employment, please phone our office coordinator. Fire and Emergency Drills Fire drills are conducted three times during the first term and three times during the spring term. Tornado drills will occur at least once during the school year. Detailed plans for fire and tornado drills are shared with all teachers. Illness and Injury When a child is feeling ill, the child is asked to inform a teacher of the discomfort. The teacher will contact the office and the student will be escorted by a peer to the office. Full supervision is maintained while parents are notified. When an illness or injury is serious, the principal or designate may take the student to the doctor or hospital. Medications All medications are to be kept in the school office. If your child has an inhaler, the office will need to be notified and the child will carry it with them. Daily disbursements of a medication will be administered in the school office. Forms are available from the office coordinator granting permission for the dispensing of the medication. If a student requires any medications, including Tylenol, the medication must be dropped off at the school office, even if the student requires it for one day. The school cannot provide any medication for headaches, cramps, etc. In situations of life threatening extreme allergies requiring an epipen, the students can carry the pen on their person in a well secured and marked pouch. Life Threatening Allergies We have some students with life threatening allergic reactions to peanuts and nuts. The safety of all our students is important to us. Please be aware that nuts/peanuts in lunches and treats can be life threatening. Teach your child to be aware and wash hands and mouth with soap immediately following eating. Your efforts to keep Ross R. MacKay a peanut/nut aware zone are greatly appreciated. P a g e | 12 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Head Lice Anyone, regardless of cleanliness, can get head lice. Primary children who play closely together are particularly susceptible. Parents are asked to check their children regularly for the presence of small whitish nits (eggs) fastened tightly on the hair shaft near the scalp, and report any occurrences to the principal. Parents of the children in unaffected classroom will be contacted. Children with live lice are sent home to be treated before they can return to school. Signs and Symptoms: • persistent itching and scratching of the scalp • whitish, oval, tiny eggs (nits) glued to the hair shaft • most frequent locations are behind the ears and the back of the head. Treatment: • no live lice may be present upon return • nits must be thoroughly removed Seasonal Activities Although winter is a wonderful time to play in the snow, we want children to be safe and avoid damage to glasses and bodies. The Ontario School Board Insurance Exchange (OSBIE) strictly prohibits activities where personal injury can occur. Skateboards, Scooters, and Roller-Blades Board policy prohibits the use of skateboards, scooters, and rollerblades on school property. No wheels includes the shoes with wheels. Footwear Students must wear shoes in school. Non-marking soles are required for physical education class. To minimize mud and dirt inside the school, students are asked to have a second pair of sneakers that are designated for indoor use only. In case of a fire alarm, students may not stop for footwear. Shoe/boots must be worn at all times while outside. Term Reports Reports are issued at the end of each term in November (Progress) and February and in June. Please carefully review your child’s progress and contact the school if you have any questions. Interviews may be parent or teacher initiated and requested at any time during the school year. Scheduled parentteacher interviews will be offered during 1st term. Maintaining close communication with your child’s teacher is important for school success. P a g e | 13 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook The Ontario Report Card provides opportunities for parents and teachers to review progress and set goals together. Report Grading System Although there are 2 regular reporting periods, do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher at any time for an update on progress at school. Students are generally assessed using a rubric to assign a level 1-4 to projects, assignments, and tests depending on how well the student demonstrates learning. The Provincial Guide for Grading includes letter grades for Primary and Junior students. Note the following chart: Level 4 3 2 1 R (<50) Definition Grade The student demonstrates the required knowledge and skills. Achievement exceeds the provincial standard. The student has demonstrated most of the required knowledge and skills. Achievement meets the provincial standard. The student has demonstrated some of the required knowledge and skills. Achievement approaches the provincial standard The student has demonstrated some of the required knowledge and skills in limited ways. Achievement falls much below the provincial standard. The student has not demonstrated the required knowledge and skills. A+, A, A‘high Degree’ ‘thorough understanding’ B+, B, B‘often’ ‘Usually’ ‘Considerable’ C+, C, C‘sometimes’ ‘learning’ D+, D D‘rarely’ ‘limited’ ‘understanding’ R Inclement Weather ‘Bus Cancellations’ and ‘School Closings’ early morning radio announcements may indicate the status of Centre Wellington and the town of Erin as busses being cancelled, or schools are being closed. It is important to listen for the phrase “Centre Wellington and the town of Erin.” The following radio stations carry official messages regarding cancellations and delays: 1090 AM, KOOL FM 105, 1460 AM-CJOY, 106.1 FM-CIMJ, CBC FM 99.1, CKCO TV. P a g e | 14 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook When buses are canceled but schools remain open, parents may elect to drop their child off at school on the condition that they pick them up. Often, because of the small number of students attending, we combine classes and students have an opportunity to work on outstanding projects and complete enrichment activities. In extreme weather, please make certain that someone (a teacher or administrator, not a custodian or office co-ordinator) is present to receive your child. Sometimes buses are late in picking up or dropping off your child. Please make sure that your child knows what to do if their bus is more than 15 minutes late. Kindergarten Children entering Junior or Senior Kindergarten must be four or five years old on or before December 31 of the starting year. Preregistration takes place in February. Parents are required to bring their child’s birth certificate and immunization records to complete the enrolment process. Homework Homework can provide students with practice that helps reinforce classroom learning and provide other opportunities for independent study. Parents can help their children by arranging an adequate amount of time, a quiet work place, and by seeing that assignments are completed. Most teachers strive to have students accomplish work in their class, under direct supervision. This enables the teacher to provide the student with timely and appropriate feedback regarding their learning. No work completed at home will be evaluated for report card and formal grading purposes; however, some homework will be assessed and feedback provided. Photographs Pictures for students in grades JK to 6 will occur during the first term of school. These pictures will be made available for purchase at reasonable rates without obligation. A grade six promotion picture be taken in early Spring. Year End (June) Awards At the year-end Awards Assembly in June, student achievement in subject areas and areas of citizenship are formally acknowledged. At the Grade 6 Promotion Ceremony students receive the awards reserved for our Grade 6 students. At our general awards assembly at the end of June all student recipients are honoured in front of the school assembly for their achievements. Below is a list of awards students may wish to work towards. We are most appreciative of School Council’s financial support for the awards. Below is an outline of each award. P a g e | 15 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Award AB King Grade Level 6 • Stephen Griffith Creative Arts 6 • French 6 • Jimmy MacPherson Sports 4 • Ruby Reid Citizenship 6 • Valedictorian 6 • OPC Leadership Award Junior • Majourie McDougall Young Reader’s Award Optimist Award 3 • Junior • Description Student has demonstrated high proficiency in scholarship and good citizenship Demonstrates creativity, originality, excellence, and achievement in creative arts Has demonstrated the basic communication skills of French, as well as an appreciation of French culture in Canada and other parts of the world. Has demonstrated qualities of fair play and cheerful participation in the Physical Education program. Has exemplified the principals of: the Lion’s Quest program fostering citizenship skills in responsibility, good judgement, self-discipline and getting along with others. The valedictorian is chosen by the grade 6 class Has demonstrated initiative, citizenship and strong work ethics while contributing positively to his/her school environment. Was presented during ‘Youth Appreciation Week’ in recognition of scholastic achievement, school leadership, extra-curricular activities and interpersonal relationships with fellow students and teachers. P a g e | 16 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Award Grade Level ETFO Citizenship Award 3 Description • • ETFO Perseverance Award • 6 • Has contributed to positive school community building by being friendly and helpful to staff, students and visitors in the school. Has made positive community choices by noticing and helping those who have been treated unfairly, or are in need, or by sharing their positive attitude about learning and caring with others. Has met all the challenges of daily school life with tenacity, perseverance and vigour. Always accepts constructive criticism in a positive way and always works to improve goals. Acceptable Use of Digital Technology It is the policy of the Upper Grand District School Board to provide safe and secure digital technology for educational and Board business applications. The primary purpose of this policy is to support the educational learning experiences of students through enabling research and communication opportunities, and to enhance business operating efficiencies for administrative purposes. Responsibilities of the School It is the responsibility of all Upper Grand schools to: • provide student users with instruction in the proper use of digital technology. • respond to the abuse of digital technology in a manner consistent with the school’s Code of Conduct and Board policies and procedures. P a g e | 17 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Responsibilities of the User It is the responsibility of users of digital technology to: • use digital technology in support of education research or Board business. • be responsible for his/her own actions. • respect the privacy of others. • adhere to standards of courtesy and behaviour consistent with this policy and procedures in conjunction with the school’s Code of Conduct and Board policies and procedures. • report to a teacher (student), supervisor (staff) or Chair of the Board (trustees) the inappropriate use of digital technology. • accept responsibility for the security of his/her own access or user identification. • be responsible for his/her exploration of content and services using digital technologies and be subject to the consequences of the school’s Code of Conduct and Board policies and procedures. Unacceptable Uses Users will not: • violate any local, provincial or federal statute. • use Board-provided equipment and/or services for any unauthorized commercial or illegal activity. • transmit, post or download digital content or software in violation of Copyright laws. • plagiarize another person’s intellectual property • use another person’s intellectual property without his/her prior approval or proper citation. • engage in any form of harassment or bullying (i.e. cyber-bullying see Policy #503 Safe Schools and Policy #408 Harassment in the Workplace). • attempt to violate security or gain unauthorized access to any digital system. • intentionally disable or damage the property of the Board or other person. • connect any personal device or non-Board approved equipment onto the Board’s wired networks at any time or for any reason (see the Acceptable Use of Digital Technology Staff Handbook). Consequences • • Based on the U.G.D.S.B board policy and the Acceptable Use of Digital Technology Staff Handbook, school and Board administrators and supervisors, with appropriate consultation, will decide whether technology has been used inappropriately. If deemed inappropriate, Board administrators and supervisors will determine the consequences and discipline. These may include loss of technology privileges, and/or other consequences consistent with the school’s Code of Conduct and Board policies and procedures. Certain breaches of this policy may constitute an offence under Canada’s Criminal Code and other applicable legislation. Where appropriate, offences of this nature will be reported to police and dealt with accordingly. P a g e | 18 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Child Abuse Policy It is the policy of the Upper Grand School Board to provide appropriate procedures and curriculum to support employees, charged with the responsibility under the law, to report suspected cases of child abuse to appropriate authorities. A child refers to anyone under the age of 16, or a person under the age of 18 who is subject to an order under the Child and Family Services Act. Every citizen has a responsibility to report suspected child abuse or neglect to the appropriate authorities. There is also grounds for reporting whenever a person believes a child is in need of protection from a situation e.g. abandonment, inadequate nutrition. The School’s Role: It is not the school’s role to determine the validity of any disclosure. However, teachers are in a position to observe the effects of abuse or neglect, because they are in care of children on a daily basis. Teachers and principals are obligated by law to report any situations of suspected child abuse. Should a referral to Child and Family Services be made, school principals are prohibited from notifying parents/guardians until authorized to do so. Family and Child Services Telephone: 519-824-2410, 1-519-787-6659 or 1-800-265-8300 24 hours a day Code Of Conduct – Ross R. MacKay P.S. Goals: • • to promote a safe and secure learning environment for all to foster student growth towards self-discipline and accepting responsibility for their personal choices Student Rights & Responsibilities: Students have the right to: • live, work, and play in a safe place • learn free from disruption • be treated with respect, free from abuse, harassment and discrimination • be provided with an appropriate school program. P a g e | 19 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Students Shall: • show respect for themselves, others, and property • be honest and accept responsibility for choices • use polite language • promote a safe, clean environment • use only peaceful means to resolve conflicts • demonstrate behaviours that support the learning environment Parent Rights & Responsibilities: Parents have the right to: • be involved as partners in the learning process • receive regular communication from staff • be treated with dignity and respect Parents are responsible for: • caring for the needs of their child • promoting good learning habits at home • ensuring regular school attendance • encouraging their child to accept responsibility Staff Rights & Responsibilities: Staff have the right to: • work in a safe environment • be treated with respect • be supported in their professional role Staff are responsible for: • encouraging students to achieve their best • providing an appropriate learning environment • communicating regularly with parents In-School Expectations: Students shall: • come to school regularly and attend classes on time • fulfill Academic and Learning Skills expectations • remove hats and headsets on entry • avoid loitering in hallways, foyer, and washrooms • follow directions of all staff members • refrain from gum chewing, during class • follow the Board Internet Use Policy P a g e | 20 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School • • • • Parent Handbook participate cooperatively in school activities be attentive and polite at assemblies dress appropriately: avoiding short-shorts; bare midriffs; spaghetti straps; bandanas or clothing portraying profanity, violence, drugs, or messages inappropriate for school tone Playground Expectations: Students shall: • promote safety, fair play, and effective problem solving • dress appropriately for the weather • stay within defined play areas and within view of supervisors • respect and obey all staff • avoid dumpsters, parking lot, snow piles, wet areas, or uncleared areas • report emergencies, injuries, and unresolved problems to supervisors immediately • obey winter rules (no snowball throwing, ice sliding or deep tunnelling) • avoid littering • avoid wrestling, play wrestling, or body contact games such as British bulldog, Red Rover, tackle football Creative Playground Expectations: Students shall promote cooperative play by: • sharing equipment fairly and taking turns • clearing slides quickly for the next person • making sure nobody is below before sliding Students shall promote safety by: • avoiding food or gum while on equipment • not pushing, hitting, throwing objects • not running, playing tag games, jumping off platforms, or playing at top of slide • always sitting while sliding • not climbing on railings or exterior building structures • reporting injuries to the duty teacher quickly • not moving anyone who is injured Strangulation Hazard: Caution to Parents • Draw strings must be trimmed back and tied securely, or completely removed. • Scarves should not be worn or must be well tucked in when playing on equipment. P a g e | 21 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Dress Code: Everyone uses common sense, good judgement, and dresses appropriately for their age. Appropriate dress is free from symbols of hate, gang membership, violence, death, abuse, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, racism or discrimination, obscenities, put-downs, political or sexual messages, or anything detracting from a positive learning environment School is a public institution where expectations may differ from personal choices. Muscle shirts, spaghetti straps, low scooped necklines, bare midriffs or backs or cutouts are inappropriate. Shorts and skirts must be of reasonable length. Undergarments should never be visible. Jewelry or apparel (such as large chains, spiked bracelets) that represent a safety hazard, or distraction may not come to school Fashion trends change over time. Any decision regarding clothing will be at the discretion of administration Prohibited Items: On Site: weapons, toy weapons, knives, lasers, scooters, skateboards, tobacco products, alcohol, unapproved drugs. Behaviour Consequences Consequences are determined by the frequency and severity of the behaviour, and the child’s ability to understand the school’s expectation and likely consequences for behaviour. Positive discipline shows children what they have done wrong, gives them ownership of the problem, and provides them with options for problem solving. Consequences sometimes provide time for student reflection and developing a plan for improvement. Progressive consequences can help stop inappropriate behaviour. Consequences serve the student, school and community, by supporting a positive learning environment for everyone. Classroom Level Intervention Most problems will be resolved by the classroom teacher or yard supervisor as they occur. In the classroom, problems are often solved through such interventions as: • teacher proximity • visual cues • verbal reminders • time-out • loss of classroom m privileges • missed recesses under the teacher’s supervision • written assignments or reflection papers • fixing the problem P a g e | 22 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School • • Parent Handbook phone calls or notes to parents parent conferences Office Visit / Detention / Problem Solving For repeated or escalating behaviour, or for serious offences, students will be referred to the office to meet with the principal or designate. During these visits, the initial focus is usually on problem solving around school expectations and refocusing students on appropriate behaviour. Office level consequences may include: • time-out or ‘cool down’ sessions • problem-solving sessions • detentions • “community” service • repair for damaged or lost property • restitution • loss of school privileges • phone calls or notes home • parent conferences • referral to school or Board support services • advice to parents on referral to outside support services • mandatory or discretionary suspension Suspension and Expulsion (ref. Safe Schools Act, 2001) Suspension: The principal may suspend a student from attending the school for a period of up to 20 days. A teacher may suspend a student from attending school for one day. A one day suspension is not subject to appeal. The Safe Schools Act and Board Policy outline criteria for compulsory or discretionary suspensions. Expulsion: A Limited Expulsion is imposed by a principal or a school board: an expulsion from the school the student was attending for not less than 21 days and up to a year, provided the re-entry requirements, if specified, are met. A Full Expulsion is imposed only by the school board: an expulsion from all the schools in the province, with no return to any school until a “strict discipline program” has been successfully completed. The Safe Schools Act and Board Policy outline the reasons for mandatory and discretionary expulsions. P a g e | 23 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School Parent Handbook Mitigating Circumstances Schools may exercise discretion with respect to mandatory suspensions and expulsions in the following situations: 1. the pupil does not have the ability to control their behaviour, or 2. the pupil does not have the ability to understand the foreseeable consequences of behaviour, or 3. the pupil’s continuing presence in the school does not create an unacceptable risk to the safety of any person. The Board and its schools are committed to maintaining safe learning and teaching environments throughout the school community. If you have any questions about the Code of Behaviour, please contact the school. Expectations For Bus Conduct Students are responsible to the principal for conduct on the bus. Some of the buses are monitored by videotape, which may be reviewed by the driver and principal. Riding a school bus is a privilege. With this privilege come responsibilities as stated below: 1. While loading, the student shall: • arrive at the stop at least 5 minutes before the pick-up time • stand well away from the road until the bus has stopped • line up and board in an orderly fashion • check traffic before crossing any road and stay 5-8 paces in front of the bus 2. While unloading, the student shall: • stay in the seat until the bus has stopped • leave the bus in an orderly fashion • continue up the lane, if the lane is directly beside the door of the bus • remain on the shoulder at a safe distance (3 paces) until the bus has departed, if it is necessary to walk to the lane way • if it is necessary to cross the road, walk along the shoulder 5-8 paces in front of the bus and cross only when the bus driver has indicated that it is safe to do so, checking for traffic 3. A student is responsible for compensation for any damage to school buses. A Student Shall: • follow the directions of the driver and the patroller • be courteous and respectful at all times • keep off the traveled portion of the road on the way to the pick-up point • ride only on the assigned bus and be picked up and let off at designated stops • keep books, lunches, or bulky items on lap • not carry any potentially dangerous or objectionable objects or materials P a g e | 24 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS Ross R. MacKay Public School • • Parent Handbook remain in an assigned seat on the bus whenever possible, leave the last row of seats vacant The Student Should be Aware That: • serious or repeated misconduct will be recorded and the report may be placed in the OSR and result in loss of transportation Parent Responsibilities Regarding Bus Travel: • be responsible for the safety and conduct of your child at a pick up stop • determine if it is safe for your child to leave for school in inclement weather, and • understand that when a bus does not travel in the morning due to inclement weather, the bus will not travel in the afternoon Transporting Equipment • Skates: Covered by guards, in a bag, on the floor. • Skis and Poles: Transported only if the bus has underneath storage. • Hockey Equipment: Permission of a driver is required. • Musical Instruments: Must be stored on student’s lap. • Other Items: to be determined in advanced with the principal and the transportation department. • Skateboards, scooters and roller-blades may not be transported on the bus. Bus Transportation for a Non Bus Student The school cannot grant permission for students who are not normally bus students to ride a bus to someone’s house, nor can bus students go on a different bus than they were assigned. Consequences for Misbehaviour on the Bus Driver warns student and makes a dated note. 1st Student assigned designated seat. Written note kept by driver. Principal is notified by a misconduct report. Parents are notified. Action is taken. Loss of privileges. Principal is notified by a conduct report. Parents are notified. Bus privileges will be suspended. 2nd 3rd 4th Transportation of Students by Parents: Sometimes, parents help transport students to school functions. As the Board requires certain licensing and insurance to be in place, we require that volunteers planning to transport students complete the form for this purpose from the office. Parents need to have a valid licence, sufficient seat belts, and at least two million dollars in liability insurance to transport students. P a g e | 25 Website: Ross R MacKay Public School's Website Email: Twitter: RossRMacKayPS@RossRMacKayPS