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At San Jose State University, Prof. Le is responsible in teaching graduate and undergraduate courses in digital system design, computer and microprocessor architecture, computer interfacing, numerical methods, probability and random processes, and linear system theory. He also serves as research advisor in the areas of digital system and logic design, inter-communication and inter- networking, computer clustering, advanced and parallel computer architectures, probability and digital signal processing, computational electronic, micro-controller and microprocessor. Prof. Le has also been working on several projects with local companies. These projects include highperformance system architectures, parallel algorithms and applications, digital arithmetic algorithms and circuit design, and System-on-Chip verification and validation. Before joining San Jose State University, Dr. Le was a Senior Research Engineer of the Scientific Computation Division at Savannah River Laboratory. He also served as an Adjunct Professor in Mathematical and Engineering Department at the University of South Carolina. At Savannah River Laboratory, Dr. Le participated in the design of five new nuclear reactors for Tritium production. In this capacity, he co-authored several computational nuclear reactor physics and radiation shielding codes, which include the three-dimensional vectorized reactor design code (GRIMHX3), the improved collision probability assembly resonance treatment code (MARJORI), the threedimensional radiation shielding analysis code (ROOMDOSE), and the two-dimensional generalized geometry discrete ordinates code. Dr. Le was also a member the Quality Assurance Team who is responsible for the verification and validation of the computer codes in use at Savannah River Site. These codes include the nuclear fuel cycle and spent fuel analysis codes, reactor safety analysis systems, and the reactor charge design codes. From 1988 to 1990, Dr. Le was a Physics Instructor at U.C. Berkeley and College of Alameda, and was also a Research Assistant in Physics Department at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. While there he participated in a large DOE funded research project in hydrogenated amorphous silicon, which includes the studies of hydrogenated amorphous silicon structure, very low noise preamplifier, radiation effects on semiconductor, memory, and electronic systems, and high-energy electromagnetic shower simulation. During the period of 1986 and 1990, Dr. Le also performed another research project in High-performance Computational Nuclear Reactor Physics in Nuclear Engineering Department at University of California Berkeley. In this project, he developed a Mathematical Nodal model that can speed-up the solutions of three-dimensional neutron diffusion problem in nuclear reactor core. He successfully prototyped and benchmarked his work by implementing three-dimensional neutron diffusion with thermal-hydraulic feedback code running on 64KB IBM PC-XT. During the periods of 1993 to 1996 and from 1989 to 1990, Dr. Le was an independent contractor of Sierra Nuclear Corporation, California. In this capacity, he served as an independent technical reviewer to review and give comments on documents and reports in the areas of nuclear fuel storage calculations, cask design, and criticality analysis for the transportation of nuclear spent fuels. During the period of 1985 to 1988, he worked as a Reactor Operator and Nuclear Health Physicist for the Triga Mark III nuclear research reactor at the University of California, Berkeley. Prof. Le has served as general chair, technical program chair, session chair, reviewer, and committee member of a number of technical international conferences and symposiums. His publications include technical papers, seminars, and reports in broad areas of parallel and distributed computing and algorithms, computer architectures and computer networks, grid computing, computational reactor physics and fluid dynamics. He has been continuously selected for listing in Who's Who in Science and Engineering and Who's Who in America published by Marquis Who's Who. He has also been continuously nominated by many of his former honor students and is continuously listed in Who's Who Among America's Teachers: The Best Teachers in America Selected By The Best Students. Prof. Le’s current research interests include topics in ASIC, SoC and Embedded System Design, Microprocessor and Microcontroller, System-Area Networks (SAN), implementation of Probability theory and Monte Carlo simulation, radiation effects to electronic devices and systems. Prof. Le is also a Co-Founder and Advisor of the Vietnamese Strategic Ventures Network (now is Strategic Alliance Vietnamese Ventures International) and Chairman of the Board of the United States–Vietnam Foundation. 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