CODE First Name Last Name Email 1004 UV Vibrational Raman Spectroscopy Flame Levy Yeshayahou and Diagnostic System Kartvelishvili Liana Abstract Title Liana Kartvelishvili Israel 1005 Role of particle/particle collisions in a dilute tube flow : Analysis and experiments for mono and bi-dispersed situations 1006 Experimental study of mixing and transport in a compressed vortex using PLIF and PIV 1007 High Soatial Resolution Optical TipClearance Probe for Harsh Environments N. CARAMAN , J. BORÉE, I. FLOUR J. Borée liana@aerodyne.te Tecnion-Israel Institute of Tecnology jacques.boree@le LEA ENSMA J. Moreau, J. Boree, G. Charnay J. Borée FRANCE Andreas Kempe, Stefan Schlamp, Thomas Rösgen M. Bruchhausen, F. Guillard, F. Lemoine Andreas Kempe kempe@ifd.mavt. Institute of Fluid Dynamics Switzerland Matthias Bruchhausen mathias.bruchhau LEMTA-CNRS sen@ensem.inpl- UMR 7563 France L. Zimmer, S. Tachibana Combustion Laurent and K. Suzuki and Detonation Zimmer zimmer.laurent@j Japan Aerospace JAPAN Exploration Agency J. Haertig, F. Sourgen, C. Rey Noboru Nakatani Jacques Haertig Noboru Nakatani nakatani@ashiya- Ashiya University Japan P Lindstedt, D Luff, D Smith and J H Whitelaw J. H. Whitelaw JHWhitelaw@com Imperial College United Kingdom Suzuki Japan STEPOWSKI denis.stepowski@ UMR 6614 CORIA, CNRS et Université de Rouen France Lowe USA 1013 Instantaneous measurement of the twodimensional temperature fields in flluids by two color planar laser induced fluorescence 1016 Time-resolved OH-PLIF in laser ignition applied to lean premixed preheated methane-air flames 1018 Density Field Measurement by 1019 Laser Photothermal Velocimeter by Compulsorily Operating Point Locked Optical-deflection-probe 1020 Velocity and strain-rate characteristics of opposed isothermal flows Authors Session 1021 Effect of Excess Addition of Counter-ion on Hiroshi SUZUKI, Phuc H. Wall Flows Hiroshi Development Characteristics of DragNGUYEN, Satoko Reducing Surfactant Solution FLow YAMAUCHI and Hiromoto USUI 1023 Applications of LDV with conditional D.Stepowski LDV Signal and denis seeding in turbulent jets with variable Data densitY processing. Turbulent mixing. K. T. Lowe R. L. Novel 1024 A ‘comprehensive’ LDV system for fullyKevin Simpson Measurement resolved measurements of the Methods instantaneous vorticity and dissipation tensors and the Reynolds averaged velocity-pressure gradient fluctuation tensor in turbulent flows Page 1 of 27 Institution LEA ENSMA ISL Kobe University Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Country FRANCE France CODE Abstract Title 1028 Vortical structure and scalar mixing of a plane jet with spanwise non-uniform forcing 1031 The structure of propane sprays from automotive fuel injectors as a function of fuel and ambient pressure by Mie and LIF imaging 1032 Laser induced fluorescence measurements of the thickness of fuel films on the combustion chamber surface of a gasoline SI engine 1033 Errors due to scattering of the detected light by the spray lying between the camera and the light sheet in light sheet imaging experiments First Name Last Name Email Jun Sakakibara, Taira Omiya, Miwa Hayashi Authors Session Jun Sakakibara sakakiba@kz.tsuk University of Tsukuba Institution Japan Country A Vuorenkoski, TI Mohamad, M Harrison and M Jermy Mark Jermy United Kingdom M. Jermy, T. Noel and W. Doherty Mark Jermy School of Engineering, Cranfield University m.jermy@cranfiel Cranfield University F Moukaideche, E Berrocal and M Jermy Mark Jermy m.jermy@cranfiel School of Engineering United Kingdom United Kingdom 1038 Considerations and improvements on G. Usera , A. Vernet, J. analysing algorithms for time resolved PIV Pallares, J. A. Ferré of turbulent wall bounded flows PIV Signal and Josep Data Processing Ferre jaferre@etseq.urv. Universitat es Rovira i Virgili Spain 1040 Laser Doppler Anemometry measurements V.A. Nievaart R.F. of near wall turbulence in a Venturi Mudde H.R.E. van Maanen 1042 Design of a dense motion estimator for piv Thomas Corpetti Etienne images using an optical-flow scheme with Mémin Dominique Heitz physical laws Georges Arroyo Wall Flows Sander Nievaart The Netherlands Novel Measurement Methods Thomas Corpetti victor.nievaart@jr JRC Institute for Energy / IRI TU Delft thomas.corpetti@c 1043 Estimation of motion using a piv Thomas Corpetti, Alina correlation-based method and an ``optical-Santa-Cruz, Dominique flow'' one for two experimental flows: Heitz, Georges Arroyo, quantitative and qualitative comparison Étienne Mémin Novel Measurement Methods Thomas Corpetti thomas.corpetti@c Cemagref France Victoria Sanderson victoria.sanderson Siemens @industrialturbines.siemens.c om UK 1049 VISUALIZATIONS OF VISCOELASTIC FLOW M. A. Alves F. T. Pinho IN A 4:1 SQUARE/SQUARE CONTRACTION P. J. Oliveira Fernando Pinho Portugal 1050 Combining 3D PIV and 3D LDA to Map the Chris Swales, Matt Flow Characteristics within an Automotive Crompton, Gerald Air Handling Unit Richter Chris Swales cswales1@visteon. com 1045 Study of an Industrial Gas Turbine Fuel Spray Injector in a cross-flow. Characterisation and Comparisons with CFD predictions. Nigel Wilbraham, Sprays for Victoria Sanderson, Engines Khawar Syed‡, Marios S Christodoulou Page 2 of 27 Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto France Germany CODE Session First Name Last Name Email 1051 Experimental and Numerical Modelling of M.P. Arruda, N.J. an Oscillatory Jet Thrust Vectoring System Lawson, M.R. Davidson Abstract Title Authors Jets Nicholas Lawson n.lawson@cranfiel Cranfield University Institution Country 1052 Design of a Three Component G. S. Hawkes S. J. Instantaneous Doppler Global Velocimeter Thorpe R.W. Ainsworth Planar Doppler Graham Velocimetry/Do ppler Global Velocimetry Hawkes graham.hawkes@ Oxford University UK UK 1053 MCCDPIV Investigation of a Micro-Injector Philippa O'Neill, Ing Kiet Controlled Swirling Jet Toh, Julio Soria and Damon Honnery 1054 Measurements of Multicomponent Yong ZHAO and Huihe Sprays for Microdroplet Evaporation by Using Novel QIU Engines Optical Techniques Philippa O'Neill philippa.oneill@en Monash University Australia Huihe Qiu Hong Kong SAR, China 1055 Simultaneous measurement of turbulent F.-C. Li, Y. Kawaguchi, velocity field and surface wave amplitude T. Segawa and K. Suga in the initial stage of an open channel flow by PIV Yasuo Kawaguchi kawaguchi.y@aist. National Institute Japan of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology JARIUS marc.jarius@dlr.d DLR e Germany LDV Signal and Wouter Data Processing Free Surface Andreas Flows, Separated Flows Maurizio Harteveld w.k.harteveld@klf Delft University of Technology Netherlands Wierschem andreas.wiersche Germany Santini maurizio.santini@ Università degli Italy Studi di Bergamo Novel Measurement Methods Victor Chan v.chan@wbmt.tud Delft University of Technology The Netherlands Rob Poole University of k Liverpool United Kingdom 1058 DETAILED FLOW INVESTIGATION USING PIV IN A STATIONARY TWO-PASS COOLING SYSTEM 1060 Dual burst wavelet LDA processor implemented and tested on real flows Dr. Marc P. JARIUS and Turbomachiner Marc Martin ELFERT y or Engines W.K. Harteveld, R.F. Mudde, H.E.A. van den Akker 1062 VISUALIZATION OF VORTICES AND FREE- A. Wierschem N. Aksel SURFACE CONTOURS IN GRAVITY-DRIVEN CHANNEL FLOW OVER UNDULATED BOTTOMS 1064 Laser Doppler and optical techniques G. E. Cossali M. applied to multiple drops impact on solid Marengo M. Santini hot dry surfaces 1066 HPIV using Polarization Multiplexing V S S Chan, W D Koek, Holography in Bacteriorhodopsin (bR) D H Barnhart, T A Ooms, N Bhattacharya, J J M Braat and J Westerweel 1067 Laminar viscoelastic flow through a 1:4 plane sudden expansion Free-Surface Flows R J Poole and M P Escudier Page 3 of 27 Hong University of Science and Technology University of Bayreuth CODE Last Name Email 1068 EFFECT OF RADIAL DILUTION AIR INJECTION IN A LEAN PREMIXED SWIRL FLAME Abstract Title David VAUCHELLE Gilles Turbomachiner David CABOT Benoît TAUPIN y Abdelkrim BOUKHALFA Authors Session First Name Vauchelles david.vauchelles@ CORIA - UMR CNRS 6614 France 1069 Evaluation of optical distortion effects in PIV G.E. Elsinga B.W. van Oudheusden F. Scarano Gerrit Elsinga g.e.elsinga@lr.tud Delft University of Technology The Netherlands 1070 TIME RESOLVED PARTICLE IMAGING VELOCIMETRY FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF ROTATING STALL IN A RADIAL PUMP N. Krause, K. Zähringer, E. Pap Elemer Pap Germany 1073 Structure of turbulent heat flux in a flow over heated waves determined by simultaneous vT-measurements Nils Kruse and Philipp Rudolf von Rohr Elemer.Pap@VST. Otto-vonUni-Magdeburg.DE Guericke Universität Magdeburg kruse@ivuk.mavt. Institute of Process Engineering 1074 INVESTIGATION OF VORTEX STATISTICS IN LAMINAR CAVITY FLOW BY PIV MEASUREMENTS Elif Ozsoy*, Patrick Rambaud, Adel Stitou and M.L. Riethmuller Wall Flow or Nils COMBINING PIV AND SCALAR MEASUREMENT S SEPARATED Michel FLOWS EXPANSION Kruse Institution Country Switzerland RIETHMULLER von Karman Belgium .be Institute for Fluid Dynamics 1075 Comparisons between 3D-LDA Alfred Leder Martin Bred Separated measurements and time-resolved PIV data Flows in the separated flow of circular cylinders Alfred Leder alfred.leder@mbst Univ. Rostock Germany 1076 Local flame structure analysis of stratified O. Degardin B. Renou A. Combustion V-shaped flame by Rayleigh scattering and Boukhalfa E. Dominguès PLIF on acetone Bruno RENOU bruno.renou@cori UMR6614 CORIA France 1077 Determination of the composition of multicomponent droplets by rainbow refractometry 1078 Technique for measurements of the evaporation rate of single, freely falling, droplets 1079 Experimental investigation on the accuracy of PIV measurements under realistic pulsating physiological flow conditions J. Wilms, N. Roth, S. Arndt, B. Weigand Two-Phase Flow Jochen Wilms jochen.wilms@itlr. University of Stuttgart Germany N. Roth, J. Wilms, B. Weigand Two-Phase Flow Norbert Roth norbert.roth@itlr. University of Stuttgart Germany Knapp Y Kadem L Rieu R Biological and Kadem Complex Flows Lyes kadem@esm2.imt- Ecole Généraliste France d'Ingénieurs de Marseille (EGIM) RENOU bruno.renou@cori UMR 6614 CORIA France 1080 Experimental characterization of a Partially B. Renou B. Le Naour F- scalar, Stirred Reactor (PaSR) .X. Demoulin L. Danaïla diagnostics, micro-mixing Bruno Page 4 of 27 CODE Abstract Title Last Name Email Institution Country Querzoli Università di Cagliari ITALIA Bruno GAZENGEL bruno.gazengel@u LAUM France Stefan Becker sbecker@lstm.uni- University Erlangen Germany J.R. Kadambi, M. Mehta, Turbomachiner Jaikrishnan J. Sankovic, G. Addie y and R. Visintainer Kadambi Case Western Reserve University U.S.A. 1085 Experimental Studies of Laser-Induced Hydrodynamics and Bubbles by PIV and PDA Xishi WANG, Zhenlan XUE and Huihe QIU Two Phase Flows Huihe Qiu Hong Kong SAR, China 1086 INVESTIGATION ON WAVE TRANSFORMATION AND BREAKING OVER AN OBSTACLE 1087 Blurring by Defocusing Technique for 3-D Monocular Particle Tracking Velocimetry Ferrari S. and Querzoli G. Free-Surface Flows Giorgio Querzoli Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Università di Cagliari V.Zubtsov Zubtsov Energy Systems Institute Russia 1093 Two-Color Particle Tracking Velocimetry and Thermometry A.Mikheev, V.Zubtsov Novel Vladimir Measurement Methods Optical Vladimir methods for thermodynamic properties Zubtsov Energy Systems Institute Russia 1081 A laboratory model of the left ventricle of human heart 1082 In-duct measurement of acoustic particle velocity by LDV with weak flow 1083 Experimental investigations of boundary layer suction in a large index refraction channel 1084 Velocity Measurements of Particles in the Impeller of a Centrifugal Slurry Pump Authors Session A. Cenedese, Z. Del Prete, M. Miozzi and G. Querzoli Philippe ROUQUIER, Bruno GAZENGEL, Olivier RICHOUX Stefan Becker Biological and Giorgio Complex Flows wall flows First Name ITALIA 1094 Large Scale Particle Imaging Velocimetry J. Bosbach, J. Penneçot, of Mixed Convection Aircraft Cabin Airflow C. Wagner, M. Raffel, T. Lerche, S. Repp Johannes Bosbach Germany johannes.bosbach German Aerospace Center (DLR) 1095 Delivery of high peak power light through J Parry, T J Stephens, J hollow waveguide fibres for particle image D Shephard, Y. velocimetry Matsuura†, Y. W. Shi†, M. Haste‡, D. P. Towers, M. Miyagi†, J. D. C. Jones and D. P. Hand Jonathan Parry Boyke Richter boyke.richter@its. University of Karlsruhe 1096 Investigation of secondary droplet characteristics produced during wall impact B. Richter and K. Dullenkopf Sprays for engines Page 5 of 27 Heriot Watt University UK Germany CODE Abstract Title Last Name Email Shin-ichi Satake, PIV Signal and Shin-ichi Tomoaki Kunugi, Data Kazuho Sato, Processing Tomoyoshi Ito William 1101 Flowfield Development in Narrow Channels Q. Wan, T. Wu, J. via Acoustic Streaming Chastain, W. L. Roberts, A. V. Kuznetsov, and P. I. Ro Authors Session First Name Satake satake@te.noda.t Tokyo University Japan of Science Roberts wlrobert@eos.ncs North Carolina State University USA 1102 The Investigation of Acoustic Damping Rate in Helium - Argon Mixtures Y. Li, W. L. Roberts, and Optical William M. S. Brown methods for thermodynamic properties Roberts wlrobert@eos.ncs North Carolina State University USA 1103 A description of the vortical skeleton behind a finite-span flapping wing Parker, K., von Ellenrieder, K. D and Soria, J 1. Laboratory for Turbulence Research in Aerospace & Combustion Mechanical Engineering, Monash University Clayton, Victoria, 3800 AUSTRALIA 2. Dept. Ocean Engineering Florida Atlantic University Dania Beach, FL 33004-3023, USA Vortices and Vortical Flows, Aerodynamic Flows Kamalluddien Parker Kamal.Parker@en Monash University Australia 1104 Reynolds Number Effect on Vortical Structures of Various Scales in a Selfpreserving Turbulent Flow Akira RINOSHIKA (Hui LI), Yu ZHOU, Masami NAKANO Vortices and Vortical Flows or Free flows AKIRA RINOSHIKA rinosika@yz.yama Yamagata University JAPAN Jun Sakakibara Japan Shinsuke Mochizuki sakakiba@kz.tsuk Institute of Engineering Mechanics and Systems shinsuke@yamagu Yamaguchi University 1097 3-D flow around an obstacle in narrow channel via Digital holographic PTV 1105 Application of Scanning Stereo PIV: 3D Toshio HORI, Jun Vortical Structure in a Turbulent Round Jet SAKAKIBARA 1106 LDA Measurement in Roughness Sublayer beneath Turbulent Boundary Layer Developed over Two-dimensional Square Rough Surface Takatsugu KAMEDA Shinsuke MOCHIZUKI Hideo OSAKA Wall flows Page 6 of 27 Institution Country Japan CODE First Name Last Name Email Institution Country 1107 Experimental Investigation of Interfacial- Yasuhiko Sugii, Koji Tension Generated Stress on Miscible Tow Okamoto, Akihide Liquid Fluids in Microfluidic Device Hibara, Manabu Tokeshi and Takehiko Kitamori Abstract Title Authors Yasuhiko Sugii University of Tokyo Japan 1108 Evolution of anisotropy over a flat plate with suction Amit Agrawal Amit.Agrawal@ne University of Newcastle 1109 Comparison of PLIF and spark equivalence M.Bellenoue, S. ratio diagnostics during direct injection of Malheiro, A. Claverie methane in air. and S.A.Labuda BELLENOUE Marc France marc.bellenoue@l Laboratoire de Combustion et de Détonique 1110 Experimental study of a particulate turbulent confined jet by optical methods Vignal Laure Buettner TSUSHIMA tsushima@mech.ti Tokyo Institute of Japan Technology Holger Nobach, Nils PIV/PTV image Holger Damaschke and Cam processing Tropea 1115 Evaluation of temperature gradients within G. Castanet, A. Fabrice combusting droplets in linear stream using Delconte, F. Lemoine, L. two colors laser-induced fluorescence Mees, G. Grehan Nobach hnobach@nambis. TU Darmstadt de Germany Lemoine flemoine@ensem.i LEMTA-CNRS France 1116 Diesel spray formation, autoignition and soot production at elevated in-cylinder pressures Crua c.crua@brighton.a University of Brighton United Kingdom Amit Agrawal, Lyazid Djenidi, R.A. Antonia L. Vignal L. Ben V. Roig Two-Phase R. Bazile J. Borée Flow 1111 Phase evaluating laser Doppler velocity Lars Büttner Jürgen profile sensor with sub-micrometer spatial Czarske resolution 1112 Time-Resolved PIV Measurement on Turbulent Wake Flow over Critical Reynolds Number for CO2 Ocean Sequestration 1113 High-precision sub-pixel interpolation in PIV/PTV image processing Session Shohji TSUSHIMA, Ryoichi MURAOKA, Shuichiro HIRAI Cyril Crua, Morgan Heikal, Martin Gold Techniques for Lars micro-scale and nano-scale flow Shohji Cyril Page 7 of 27 Australia IMFT, Institut de France Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse Laser Zentrum Germany Hannover e.V. CODE Authors Session First Name Last Name Email 1117 Simultaneous OH and HCHO LIF measurements in HCCI engine Abstract Title A. Fayoux : : PSA Peugeot Citroën +Laboratoire EM2C,Ecole Centrale Paris and CNRS S. Dupre : : PSA Peugeot Citroën O.Pajot : : PSA Peugeot Citroën J.C. Rolon : Laboratoire EM2C,Ecole Centrale Paris and CNRS engine Amelie Fayoux amelie.fayoux@m PSA Peugeot Citroen France 1118 Precessional flow macro-instabilities in stirred vessels: study of variation in two locations through conditional sampling phase-averaging and cross-correlation approaches 1120 Simultaneous Measurement of Velocity and Oxygen Distributions using PIV-PSP Hybrid System 1121 Development of a miniaturized LDA coupled with hot-film anemometry for further applications in fluid mechanics Martina Micheletti Michael Yianneskis Michael Yianneskis michael.yianneskis King's College London United Kingdom Koji Okamoto okamoto@tokai.t. The University of JAPAN Tokyo Lothar Jehring S. Abe, S.D. Hong, H. Madarame and K. Okamoto S.Bourmich, C.Doering, S.Eckert, C.Egbers, L.Jehring , J.Pflanz, C.Schultz, D.Suchland Novel measurement OR PSP Novel Measurement Methods Institution Brandenburgian Technical University Cottbus Country Germany 1124 Cross Flow Investigation by Stereoscopic PIV measurements L. David, R. Fraticelli, D. JET, Vortices Calluaud, J. Borée structures, mass transfer DAVID Laurent Laurent.David@un University of Poitiers 1127 Acoustic velocity extraction in mean flow by Laser Doppler Velocimetry BOUCHERON Romuald, BAILLIET Hélène, VALIERE JeanChristophe, HERZOG Philippe. BOUCHERON Romuald romuald.bouchero Laboratoire POITIERS n@lea.univd'Etudes Cedex Aérodynamiques 1128 PIV spectral optimization for the study of turbulent flow FOUCAUT Jean-Marc STANISLAS Michel Jean-Marc FOUCAUT tachibana.shigeru n°1 : LDV Signal and Data Processing. n°2:Aerodyna mic Flows 1129 Flame front detection and dynamics using Shigeru Tachibana, Combustion Shigeru PIV in a turbulent premixed flame Laurent Zimmer, Kazuo and detonation Suzuki Page 8 of 27 Tachibana France Laboratoire de FRANCE Mécanique de Lille Japan Aerospace JAPAN Exploration Agency CODE Abstract Title Authors Session 1130 Phase average velocity field in the vicinity Laurent-Emmanuel of an isolated wheel model BRIZZI Alain NOEL Vincent HERBERT 1131 Glare-Point Velocimetry and Sizing (GPVS): introduction of a new optical 2D measuring technique for bubbly flows Sam Dehaeck Jeroen van Beeck M.L. Riethmuller First Name Last Name Email BRIZZI LaurentEmmanuel Laurent.brizzi@lea Laboratoire France d’Etudes Aérodynamiques, Université de Poitiers Von Karman Belgium e Institute Two-phase flow Sam instrumentatio n Dehaeck Institution Country 1133 PIV INVESTIGATION OF INTERNAL Roberto Garcia Casado, Turbomachiner Roberto COOLING CHANNELS FOR GAS TURBINES, Mylene Thierry, Roberto y WITH 45º INCLINED RIBS Fedrizzi, Alberto Di Sante, Tony Arts Garcia Casado von Karman Belgium e Institute for Fluid Dynamics 1134 Preliminary Investigations on Thermometry in Thermal Flows via Transient Grating Spectroscopy (TGS) Friedrich Bake friedrich.bake@dlr German Germany Aerospace Center .de (DLR) - Institute of Propulsion Technology Novel 1135 Two-frequency Planar Doppler Velocimetry Tom O.H. Charrett, Helen D. Ford, David S. Measurement Methods Nobes and Ralph P. Tatam 1136 Measurement of depth-averaged R. Matsumoto, H. concentration fields in microchannels by Farangis Zadeh, P. means of a fluorescence intensity method Ehrhard (speaker) Ralph Tatam r.p.tatam@cranfiel Cranfield University UK Peter Ehrhard p.ehrhard@iket.fz Research Centre Karlsruhe Germany 1137 Interaction of the flame with acoustic and bulk mode instabilities in a pre-mixed dump combustor. 1138 Professor D. B. Hann and J. A. Fitzpatrick combustion David Hann hannd@tcd,ie Ireland Xin Zhang either vortices and vortical flow or aerodynamic flows Xin Zhang University of uk Southampton UK 1140 Application of Self-Calibration-Stereo-PIV in Enclosed Measurement Volumes Bernhard Wieneke Stereo-PIV Bernhard Wieneke b.wieneke@lavisio LaVision GmbH Germany 1141 Experimental study of the linear phase of the vortex ring instability A. Dazin P. Dupont M. Stanislas Vortices and Vortical flows Antoine Dazin antoine.dazin@ec- ENSAM France Friedrich Bake Bernhard Lehmann Page 9 of 27 Trinity College Dublin CODE Abstract Title Last Name Email C. Resagk, R. du Puits, Complex Flows, Christian A. Thess, F.H. Busse, A. Wall Flows Tilgner Resagk christian.resagk@t Ilmenau University of Technology B.S. Rinkevichius, I.L. Raskovskaya, N.M.Skornyakova, A.V.Tolkachev. Rinkevichyus RinkeviciusBS@m Moscow Power Russia Engineering Institute(Technic al University) Jacob Two-Phase Instrumentatio n C.M. Kolera, F.T.M. Novel Chittiappa Nieuwstadt, J.C.R. Hunt Measurement Laboratory for Aero & Methods Hydrodynamics, Delft University of Technology, Leeghwaterstraat 21, 2628-CA, Delft, Netherlands Roberts eaxjtr@nottingha Kolera Chittiappa@wbmt. Delft University of Technology Netherlands 1154 Dr Ammourah S Aroussi A Vloeberghs M Nottingham University ENGLAND 1155 Dr Ammourah S Aroussi A Vloeberghs M Nottingham University ENGLAND 1156 Dr Ammourah S Aroussi A Vloeberghs M Nottingham University ENGLAND 1157 Dynamic 3D stereoscopic PIV and schlieren investigation of turbulent flow structures generated by laser induced plasma 1160 Dr Christian J. Kähler abdelwahab.arous uk abdelwahab.arous uk abdelwahab.arous uk Nottingham University ENGLAND 1161 Investigation of film flow by means of µPIV P. Schober, B. Richter, O. Schäfer and K. Dullenkopf Ammourah S Aroussi A Vloeberghs M abdelwahab.arous uk peter.schober@its Universität Karlsruhe Germany 1142 Velocity and temperature measurements in a large-scale Rayleigh-Bénardexperiment using LDA and micro thermistors 1151 The Diffraction-Shadow Technique of the Single Particle or Bubble 1152 Visualisation of pulverised fuel in a pneumatic conveying junction 1153 Measurement of the Aerodynamic Forces on a Small Particle 1163 Dr Authors Session First Name two phase flow Bronyus instrumentatio n J Roberts, P Rogers, D Giddings and A Aroussi Ammourah S Aroussi A Vloeberghs M Biomechanics or diffusive flows Biomechanics or diffusive flows Biomechanics or diffusive flows Abdelwahab Aroussi Abdelwahab Aroussi Abdelwahab Aroussi Christian Kähler Biomechanics or diffusive flows Two-Phase Flow Abdelwahab Aroussi Peter Schober Biomechanics or diffusive flows Abdelwahab Aroussi Page 10 of 27 Institution University of Nottingham Country Germany United Kingdom Germany abdelwahab.arous Nottingham University uk ENGLAND CODE Abstract Title Authors 1168 Dynamic evaluation of time-resolved PIV recordings 1170 An investigation of passive scalar transport in canopy turbulence using LDA and LIF Rainer Hain, Christian Kähler Davide Poggi, Monica Deval, John Albertson, Luca Ridolfi, and Gabriel Katul 1171 The use of a deformable weight function and of advanced validation procedures in PIV 1172 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF TWO DIMENSIONAL TURBULENCE USING FEATURE TRACKING TECHNIQUE 1173 A Novel Technique to Improve Near Wall Resolution in PIV using Cylindrical Lenses Marrazzo, De Gregorio, Romano Session First Name Last Name Email Rainer Hain Germany davide.poggi@duk NC, USA Novel Davide Poggi Measurement Methods, wall flows and scalar diagnostics PIV Signal and Giovanni Paolo Romano data processing Stefania Espa Massimo Novel Miozzi Antonio Cenedese Measurement Methods V.S.R. Somandepalli M.G. Mungal Mechanical Engineering Department Stanford University, Stanford 94309-3032, USA Institution Country University "La Italy Sapienza", Roma Espa Stefania stefania.espa@uni University La Sapienza Italy Vijay Somandepalli vijay@stanford.ed Stanford u University USA 1176 Development of an Enhanced PDA-System M. Hehle, O. Schäfer, K. Two-Phase for Simultaneous Measurement of Both Dullenkopf, S. Wittig Flow Phases in Two-Phase Flows Instrumentatio n 1177 Particle Image Velocimetry using Feature Massimo Miozzi Novel Tracking and Delauny Tessellation Measurement Methods 1178 PENETRATIVE CONVECTION IN Antonio Cenedese, STRATIFIED FLUIDS: VELOCITY Massimo Miozzi and MEASUREMENTS BY IMAGE ANALYSIS Monica Moroni TECHNIQUES 1179 Cross Sectional Area Difference Method N. Damaschke, H. For Backscatter Particle Sizing Nobach, N. Semidetnov, C. Tropea Marc Hehle marc.hehle@its.un Universitaet Karlsruhe Germany Massimo Miozzi Italy Monica Moroni massimo.miozzi@ University of Rome "La Sapienza" monica.moroni@u University of Rome "La Sapienza" Nils Damaschke damaschke@sla.tu-TU-Darmstadt Germany 1180 Dr. Humberto Chaves Humberto Chaves 1181 Non-intrusive measurements of transonic cavity flows S A Ritchie Dr N J Lawson Dr K Knowles Simon Ritchie Humberto.Chaves s.a.ritchie@rmcs.c Separated Flows Page 11 of 27 Italy Technical Germany University Freiberg RMCS UK Shrivenham/Cran field University CODE Abstract Title 1182 An experimental study of pulsating flow past a heated flat plate 1184 PARTICLE EJECTION VELOCITY DISTRIBUTION FROM 2D BUBBLING FLUIDIZED BED 1185 Micro-DGV measurements in the sheer layer above a flat plate 1186 Dipl.-Ing., Dipl.-Phys. 1187 Experimental Investigation of a New Combustor Model for GasTurbines First Name Last Name Email H.C. Mak, S. Balabani Authors Stavroula Balabani Santana D., Nauri S., Lecuona A., Nogueira J. Domingo Santana stavroula.balabani dsantana@ing.uc3 Ingo Roehle Jens Ortmanns Mário Costa non intrusive measurement techniques Rolf H. Engler DLR Göttingen, Germany Germany Antonio Acosta aacosta@ing.uc3 SPAIN Wall flows, Novel measurement methods Ellen Longmire Universidad Carlos III de Madrid elle@aem.umn.ed Univeristy of u Minnesota Lichuan Gui USA I. Roehle, C. Willert Micro Fluid Mechanics Jens Ortmanns, Christian J. Kähler M.J. Melo(1), J.M.M. Sousa(1) and M. Costa(1) and Y. Levy(2) (1) Instituto Superior Técnico, Mechanical Engineering Department, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal. (2) Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Technion City, Haifa 32000, Israel. 1188 Steady and unsteady flow investigation using Pressure Sensitive Paint (PSP) Rolf H. Engler 1189 Two Dimensional Adaptive Filters for High Resolution PIV Data Derivatives A. Acosta, A. Lecuona and J. Nogueira 1190 Dual-plane PIV technique to resolve complete velocity gradient tensor in a turbulent boundary layer Session Bharathram Ganapathisubramani Ellen K longmire Ivan Marusic Stamatios Pothos 1191 A Long-distance Forward-scattering Micro- L. Gui, R.D. Hasse and scale Particle Image Velocimetry (LFMJ.M. Seiner National PIV) Center for Physical Acoustics The University of Mississippi, University, MS 38677, USA Page 12 of 27 Institution King's College London Universidad Carlos III de Madrid Ingo.Roehle@DLR. German de Aerospace Center Country United Kingdom Spain Germany j.ortmanns@tuTU Braunschweig Germany Portugal USA CODE Abstract Title Authors 1192 LDA measurements of flow velocity P.J. Mendes(1,2), J.F. through a standard analyser used for Pinto(2) and J.M.M. quality control of medical aerosol products Sousa(1) (1) Instituto Superior Técnico – Mechanical Engineering. Dept. Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal (2) Faculdade de Farmácia of Lisbon University – Pharmaceutical Technology Dept. Av. Prof. Gama Pinto 1649003 Lisboa, Portugal Session First Name Last Name João Melo de Sousa Instituto Superior Portugal Técnico Doppler Global Chris Velocimetry, Aerodynamic flows 1193 Application of Doppler Global Velocimetry in Cryogenic Wind Tunnels C. Willert, G. Stockhausen, J. Klinner, M. Beversdorff, C. Lempereur, P. Barricau, J. Quest, U. Jansen 1194 FLOW STUDY IN A BLOOD FILTER USING PARTICLE IMAGE VELOCIMETRY STUDY AND DYE INJECTION TECHNIQUES Rudolf Huebner Enrico Biological and Rudolf Primo Tomasini Paolo Complex Flows Castellini Marcos Pinotti 1195 VELOCITY MEASUREMENT IN AN ARTERIAL Rudolf Huebner Enrico BLOOD FILTER USING THE LASER Primo Tomasini Nicola DOPPLER ANEMOMETRY TECHNIQUE Paone Marcos Pinotti Geraldo Augusto Campolina França Biological and Rudolf Complex Flows J. Nogueira, A. Lecuona, Novel Jose P. A. Rodríguez Measurement Methods 1198 Experimental Study of a Lifted LPP Flame: Guillaume Martins Gilles Turbomachiner Gilles LDV, CH Chemiluminescence, PLIFCabot Benoit Taupin y Acetone Measurements Abdelkrim Boukhalfa 1197 Limits on the resolution of correlation PIV iterative methods Page 13 of 27 Email Institution Country Willert chris.willert@dlr.d German Germany e Aerospace Center (DLR) Huebner rudolf01@planetar Universidade Brazil Federal de Minas Gerais Huebner rudolf01@planetar Universidade Brazil Federal de Minas Gerais Nogueira goriba@ing.uc3m. Universidad es Carlos III de Madrid gilles.cabot@coria. CORIA-UMR fr CNRS 6614 Cabot Spain France CODE Abstract Title First Name Last Name Email Harald Müller harald.mueller@pt Technische Bundesanstalt Germany Mauricio GamboaMarrufo mauricio.gamboa- University of marrufo@eng.ox.a Oxford UK Knud Erik Meyer Technical University of Denmark Denmark Ulrich Scholz Christian Kähler 1203 Turbulent dividing flow on 60º bifurcations R. Maia, N. Pereira da Separated Costa, M. F. Proença, F. Flows T. Pinho Ulrich Scholz Germany Rodrigo Maia Portugal 1205 Time-Average Measurement of Velocity, Density, Temperature, and Turbulence Intensity Using Molecular Rayleigh Scattering 1206 Kilohertz PIV/PLMS of low-gravity turbulent flames in a drop tower. Amy F. Mielke Richard G. Seasholtz Kristie A. Elam Jayanta Panda Amy Mielke Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto Amy.F.Mielke@na NASA Glenn Research Center Boxx, I.G., Idicheria, C.A., Clemens, N.T. Isaac Boxx igboxx@mail.utex University of Texas at Austin USA Rodrigo Maia Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto james.gord@wpaf Air Force Research Laboratory Portugal 1199 Time resolved DGV based on laser frequency modulation Authors Session H. Müller, M. Eggert, N. Multi-Point Pape, D. Dopheide, J. Measurement Czarske, L. Büttner, T. Techniques Razik 1200 Use of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in M. Gamboa-Marrufo, C. the study of Conical RoofEdge Vortices J. Wood, R. Belcher 1201 Flow structures in large-angle conical diffusers measured by PIV Knud Erik Meyer, Lars Nielsen and Niels Finderup Nielsen Separated Flows 1202 Automated mask generation for PIV 1211 Turbulent Flow Over a Sphere – An Approach to Erosion R.F. Aleixo; R. Maia Free-Surface Flows 1215 Studies of hydroxyl distribution and soot formation in turbulent spray flames James R. Gord Terrence Combustion James R. Meyer Sukesh Roy and Detonation Sivaram P. Gogineni 1216 Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements Stephen M. Walker of Velocity, Accleration, and Shear Within Cell Growth Experimental Setup 1218 Three-Dimensional Topology of Hairpin Packet Structure in Turbulent Boundary Kyung Chun Kim, Sung Hoon Kwon 1222 A Dynamic PIV measurement of Instantaneous Flow with Micro-Second Order Masaaki ISHIKAWA, Koji OKAMOTO Turbulence Gord Institution Country USA USA Stephen Walker Stephen.M.Walker NASA Ames Research Center USA Kyung Chun Kim Pusan National r University Korea(South ) Masaaki ISHIKAWA Japan Page 14 of 27 Nuclear Engineering Research Laboratory CODE Abstract Title Authors Session First Name Last Name Email Hannu Eloranta hannu.eloranta@t Tampere University of Technology FINLAND Abdelwahab Aroussi abdelwahab.arous uk xavier.coron@lcd. Nottingham University UK Fechtmann Germany ZARM - Center for Applied Space Technology and Microgravitation Michel Riethmuller von Karman Belgium .be Institute for Fluid Dynamics Compressible Flow Makoto Yamamoto yamamoto@rs.ka Tokyo University Japan of Science Separated Flows Antonio Amador antonio.amador@ Polytechnic University of Catalunya Spain Ambrosini dario@ing.univaq.i University of t L'Aquila Italy Müller harald.mueller@pt Technische Bundesanstalt Germany 1223 Analysis of fluid-structure interaction with PIV and SLV; the case of flat plate in a converging channel flow Hannu Eloranta, Tero Pärssinen and Pentti Saarenrinne 1224 Dr Aroussi A Novel techniques 1225 Simultaneous measurements of velocity field and flame contour in stagnating turbulent premixed flames by means of PIV 1226 Novel Technique for LDV burst signal frequency estimation Jean-Louis CHAMPION Michel CHAMPION Xavier CORON Combustion Xavier and Detonation Coron C. Fechtmann, T. Wedemeyer, M. Raithel LDV Signal Processing Carsten 1227 Improvements in the accuracy of a hybrid Stitou A ,Theunissen R., PIV POSTPIV-PTV algorithm Riethmuller M.L. PROCESSING (or PROCESSING) 1229 Numerical Error Estimation in Particle Tracking Measurement behind a Shock Wave 1230 Characterization of the flow field in a stepped spillway by PIV Youhei Shinohara, Kazuyuki Toda and Makoto Yamamoto A. Amador, G. van der Graaf, M. Sanchez-Juny, F. Sanchez-Tembleque 1232 Natural convection in rib-roughened Dario Ambrosini, vertical channels with asymmetric heating Domenica Paoletti, Giovanni Tanda Optical Dario Methods for thermodynamic s properties 1233 Flow rate measurement for gas under high H. Müller, V. Strunck, R. Novel pressure based on LDV Kramer, B. Mickan, D. Measurement Dopheide, H.-J. Hotze Methods Harald Page 15 of 27 Institution Country Laboratoire de FRANCE Combustion et de Détonique CODE First Name Last Name Email 1234 Measurements of Turbulent Premixed Flames by Simultaneous CH-OH PLIF and Stereoscopic PIV Abstract Title Mamoru TANAHASHI, Gyung-Min CHOI, Shinichirou MURAKAMI, Yuichi FUKUCHI and Toshio MIYAUCHI Authors Mamoru Tanahashi mtanahas@mes.tit Tokyo Institute of JAPAN Technology 1235 LDV MEASUREMENTS OF STATIONARY STALL IN AN IMPELLER OF A CENTRIFUGAL VOLUTE PUMP David A. Johnson Nicholas Pedersen Christian Brix Jacobsen Turbomachiner David A. y Johnson da3johns@meche University of Waterloo Canada Complex Flows, David A. Convecting Flows Johnson da3johns@meche University of Waterloo CANADA The Netherlands 1236 PIV Measurements of the Flow Field inside M.A.H. Mamun, D.A. a Enclosed Cubical Johnson, W.H. Leong, K.G.T. Hollands Session Institution Country T.A. Ooms, V.S.S. Chan, W.D. Koek, J. Westerweel & J.J.M. Braat Brücker, Ch.; Spatz, J.; Schröder, W. Thomas Ooms thomas@dutw147 Delft University of Technology Christoph Bruecker bruecker@aia.rwt Aerodynamisches Germany Institut 1241 The Time-Resolved Stereoscopic Digital Mamoru TANAHASHI, Particle Image Velocimetry up to 26.7 kHz Yuichi FUKUCHI, GyungMin CHOI, Katsukiho FUKUZATO and Toshio MIYAUCHI Mamoru Tanahashi mtanahas@mes.tit Tokyo Institute of JAPAN Technology 1242 Simultaneous Spatial and Temporal A. BOIARCIUC, F. Resolved Laser-Induced Incandescence to FOUCHER, B. MOREAU, Study the Soot Particles Formation O. PAJOT, C. MOUNAÏMROUSSELLE Andrei BOIARCIUC andrei.boiarciuc@ LME France 1243 Errors due to multiple scattering in spray imaging measurements: simulation of polydisperse sprays Mark Jermy Cranfield University United Kingdom 1239 Digital Holographic Particle Image Velocimetry -Optimizing particle size and seeding density 1240 Wall shear stress imaging in turbulent flows using microstructured surfaces with flexible micropillars E Berrocal and M Jermy Page 16 of 27 CODE First Name Last Name Email 1244 Determination of Turbulent Scales in Subsonic and Supersonic Jets from LDV Measurements Abstract Title O.Power1, F.Kerhave2, J.A.Fitzpatrick1, P.Jordan2 1- Mechanical Engineering Dept., Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. 2- Laboratoire d’Etudes Aerodynamique, University of Poitiers, France. John Fitzpatrick john.fitzpatrick@t Trinity College Dublin Ireland 1245 A Comparison of Correlation Slotting and Sample-and-Hold for Determination of Cross Power Spectra from LDV Measurements L.Simon1 ,J.A.Fitzpatrick2, P.Jordan3 1- LAUM, Universite du Maine, Le Mans, France. 2Mechanical Engineering Dept., Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. 3Laboratoire d’Etudes Aerodynamique, University of Poitiers, France. John Fitzpatrick john.fitzpatrick@t Trinity College Dublin Ireland 1246 Spatio-temporal correlations in turbulent flows L.Chatellier , J. Fitzpatrick Mechanical Engineering Dept., Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland. John Fitzpatrick john.fitzpatrick@t Trinity College Dublin Ireland 1247 PIV Measurements and Convective Heat Transfer of an Impinging Air Jet Tadhg S. O'Donovan Darina B. Murray Andrew A. Torrance S. COURTINE A. SPOHN Separated flows Tadhg O'Donovan Ireland Sébastien COURTINE courtine@ensma.f Laboratoire FRANCE r d'Etudes Aérodynamiques E.N.S.M.A. 1248 Dynamics of Separation Bubbles Formed on Rounded Edges Authors Session Page 17 of 27 Institution Trinity College Country CODE Abstract Title Authors 1249 Investigation of the density and velocity F. Klinge, T. Kirmse, J. distribution of a wing tip vortex by means Kompenhans of stereoscopic Background Oriented Schlieren Method (BOS) and stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Session Last Name Email Institution Klinge Falk.Klinge Germany Deutsches Zentrum für Luftund Raumfahrt (German Aerospace Center) DLR Hiroshi Nakayama naka@mech.nago Nagoya University Japan Tuneaki Ishima ishima@me.gunm Gunma University Japan Sebastian Combustion and Detonation (alt.: PIV) Pfadler Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik Germany Sprays for Engines Delay Guillaume Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse France Esther Palacios Lorenzo Naoki Kurimoto mepalaci@mi.upm Universidad Spain .es Carlos III de Madrid kurimoto@thtlab.t The University of Japan Tokyo Yoshio Zama 1250 Simultaneous Measurement of Velocity Masafumi Hirota, Hiroshi and Temperature in Thermal Mixing Shear Nakayama Hideo Asano Layer using LDV and Cold Wire Yasuhiro Mizuno Shunsaku Hirayama 1251 LDA and PIV Measurements and Numerical Tomokazu, Nomura Simulation on In-Cylinder Flow under Yasushi, Takahashi Steady State Flow Condition Tsuneaki, Ishima Tomio, Obokata 1252 Measurement of the Conditioned Sebastian Pfadler, Micha Turbulence and Temperature Field of a Löffler, Friedrich Ring Stabilized Bunsen Type Premixed Dinkelacker, Alfred Burner Using Planar Laser Rayleigh Leipertz Scattering and Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry 1254 Temporal Dependency Of Air Entrainment G. Delay1, R. Bazile1, G To Liquid Flow Rate Variations For Charnay1 , HJ Nuglisch2 Gazoline Direct Injection Sprays. 1 Institut de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France 2 Siemens VDO Automotive, Toulouse, France 1255 Determination of the measurement volume E. Palacios*, M. de diameter in the PDA technique Vega, A. Lecuona, P.A. Rodríguez 1256 Coaxial Jet Control for Lifted Flame Naoki Kurimoto, Yuji Stabilization with Arrayed Miniature Suzuki and Nobuhide Actuators Kasagi 1258 Development of simultaneous Zama, Y. Kawahashi, M. measurement of droplet size and 3D Hirahara, H. velocity in spray First Name # Optical Falk methods for thermodynamic properties # Aerodynamic Flows# Novel Measurement Methods# Compressible Flows engines Page 18 of 27 dolphine@lamb.m Country JAPAN CODE Abstract Title 1259 Highly spatial resolved measurements of turbulent boundary layers 1261 Development of Doppler Global Velocimetry (DGV) measurement devices and their application to gas turbine combustor Authors Session Last Name Email Institution Country Büttner, L. Shirai, K. Razik, T. Czarske, J. Müller, H. Dopheide, D. Becker, S. Lienhart, H. Durst, F. M. Fischer, G. Stockhausen, J. Heinze, M. Müller, R. Schodl Institute of Propulsion Technology, German Aerospace Center (DLR) M. Blomeyer, S. Buch, L. Terjung Siemens PG, Mülheim /Ruhr Techniques for Buettner micro-scale and nano-scale flow Lars Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. Germany Doppler Global Michael Velocimetry / Combustion Fischer Germany Michael.Fischer@d German Aerospace Center (DLR) Nadezhda Skornyakova Compressible Flows Marc Havermann Russia SkorniakovaNM@ Moscow Power Engineering Institute (Technical University) havermann@isl.t French-German France Research Institute of SaintLouis wall flows Andreas Schroeder andreas.schroeder DLR - German Germany Aerospace Centre Two-Phase Flows Justus Lipowsky justus.lipowsky@i Martin-LutherGermany Universität HalleWittenberg V. Palero, J. Lobera and P. Arroyo Virginia Palero Björn Hof, Cas W.H.van Wall Flows / Doorne, Jerry Vortices and Westerweel & Frans Vortical Flows T.M. Nieuwstadt Bjoern Hof b.hof@wbmt.tudel Delft University of Technology Netherlands Anandarajah K.Anandarajah@lb Loughborough University United Kingdom 1262 The investigation of heat transfer by Background Oriented Shlieren Method E. M. Popova, B.S. Rinkevichius, N.M. Skornyakova, A.V.Tolkachev 1263 Flow visualization and Particle Image Velocimetry of Highly Underexpanded Supersonic Free Jets M. Havermann, J. Haertig, C. Rey, A. George 1265 Investigation on trailing-edge noise sources by means of high-speed PIV A. Schröder, U. Dierksheide, J. Wolf, J. Kompenhans 1266 PDA measurement of particle dispersion in J. Lipowsky M. confined swirling air flows with and Sommerfeld without recirculation 1268 Digital Image Plane Holography (DIPH) for two-phase flow diagnostics in multiple planes 1269 An experimental observation of nonlinear travelling waves in turbulent pipe flow. 1272 Time-Resolved Digital Particle Image Velocimetry (DPIV): Error analysis First Name K. Anandarajah G. K. PIV Signal and Kuberan Hargrave N. A. Halliwell Data Processing Page 19 of 27 Universidad de Zaragoza Spain CODE First Name Last Name Email 1273 Coherent Structures in Critical Wing Flows K. Kindler, H.-P. Kreplin Abstract Title Authors Session Kolja Kindler 1274 Comparison of two S-PIV techniques: pinhole model vs. image dewarping and misalignment correction F. Scarano1, L. David2, PIV optical M. Bsibsi1, D. systems Calluaud2, R.A.D. Akkermans1 1 TU DELFT 2 Université de Poitiers Fulvio Scarano kolja.kindler@dlr. German Germany de Aerospace Center (DLR) f.scarano@lr.tudel Delft University The of Technology Netherlands 1275 Wandering of Wing-Tip Vortices A L Heyes R F Jones D A Aerodynamic R Smith Flows Andrew Heyes a.heyes@imperial. Imperial College London England Yassin Hassan yTexas A&M University USA ICHIYANAGI Keio University Japan 1276 TEMPORAL CORRELATION MODIFICATION Yassin A. Hassan, C. C. BY MICROBUBBLES INJECTION NEARGutierrez-Torres, J. A. WALL IN A CHANNEL FLOW Jimenez-Bernal, E. Dominguez-Ontiveros 1277 Spatial Distribution of Electrokinetically Driven Flow Measured by Micro-PIV (An Evaluation of Electric Double Layer in Microchannel) Mitsuhisa ICHIYANAGI Koichiro SAIKI Yohei SATO Koichi HISHIDA Techniques for Mitsuhisa micro-scale and nano-scale flow Institution Country 1280 Application of PSP for Determination of the Christian Klein Ulrich Pressure Field Henne Werner E. Sachs Christian Klein christian.klein@dlr DLR-GÖTTINGEN GERMANY .de 1282 Flow field investigation of a generic truck model Michael Thimm, Daniel Reidt, Jan Roblin, Johannes Bosbach, Sigfried Loose, Hugues, Markus Raffel Michael Thimm 1283 Aero-optical effects induced by a transsonic turbulent boundary layer using high resolution Shack-Hartmann wave front analysis and LES simulations R. DERON, E. TROMEUR, J-P DUSSAUGE, E. GARNIER and P. SAGAUT Aerodynamic flows; Wall flows; Novel measurement methods 1284 Flow Characteristics of Spray Impingement M. R. O. Panão and A. L. Engines in PFI Injection Systems N. Moreira DERON RUY Germany michael.thimm@dl German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute for Aerordynamics and Flow Technology ONERA FRANCE António Moreira Instituto Superior Portugal Técnico 1286 ADAPTIVE MULTI-FRAME PIV Francisco Pereira f.pereira@insean.i INSEAN t F. Pereira, A. Ciarravano, G. P. Romano, F. Di Felice PIV SIGNAL AND DATA PROCESSING Page 20 of 27 Italy CODE Abstract Title Authors Session First Name Last Name Email António Moreira Instituto Superior Portugal Técnico Aerodynamical COUDRAIN 1289 Temporal aero-optical effects induced by a C. COUDRAIN, R. transsonic cavity flow using high speed DERON, F. MENDEZ and flow, novel quad cell technique P. GEFFROY measurements technique 1290 Effect of variable density on mixing in B. SARH, I. SERRES, C. Free Flows and SARH axisymmetric impinging jet flow CHAUVEAU and I. Flames GÖKALP CHRISTOPHE ONERA Brahim 1291 Measurements of Electric Double Layer between Electrolyte-Glass Interface by Evanescent Wave Light Illumination Yutaka KAZOE and Yohei SATO SATO Keio University jp Japan 1292 Development of Fibrescope Stereo PTV with Illumination Timing Control of Diode Laser - Modified Algorithm and Interpolation for 3D Velocity Detection - Hayanari Tachibana, PIV Signal and Hayanari Tsugumichi Mori, Koichi Data Hishida Processing Tachibana Keio University Japan 1293 Spatial distribution of droplet size and velocity in air heated spray measured by interferometric laser imaging technique Goro TAKEUCHI, Tatsuya KAWAGUCHI, Koichi HISHIDA, Masanobu MAEDA TAKEUCHI Keio University Japan 1294 Flow Characterization by PIV measurements for Feedback Control of Heat Transfer in Dual Impinging Jets Kazuyuki Kazuyuki YAMAMOTO*, Jet and Heat Tomoaki KATAYAMA and Transfer(Vortic Koichi HISHIDA es and Vortical Flows) Yamamoto Keio University Japan 1295 Field Application Development of SuperLong-Range PIV system by using Cassegrain Telescope Hideaki Tezuka Michitsugu Mori Koichi Hishida Masanobu Maeda Mori moriTokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. p Japan 1288 Evaluation of the Phase Doppler Technique M. R. O. Panão and A. L. Two Phase for the Characterization of Transient N. Moreira Spray/Wall Impingement Techniques for Yohei micro-scale and nano-scale flow two-phase flow Goro instrumentatio n Novel Measurement Methods Michitsugu Page 21 of 27 Institution Country FRANCE Laboratoire de FRANCE Combustion et Systèmes Réactifs - CNRSUniversité Orléans CODE Abstract Title Authors Session 1296 Yoshiaki Kodama, National Maritime Research Institute, Japan Yoshiaki Kodama, Two-Phase National Maritime Flow Research Institute, Japan Atsuhide Kitagawa, National Maritime Research Institute, Japan Koichi Hishida, Keio University, Japan Masahiko Makino, National Maritime Research Institute, Japan 1297 On the stability of iterative PIV image interrogation methods F. Scarano 1299 2nd derivative cross correlation based PIV F. Scarano super-resolution First Name Last Name Email Yoshiaki Kodama kodama@nmri.go. National Maritime Japan jp Research Institute Scarano f.scarano@lr.tudel Delft University of Technology The Netherlands Scarano f.scarano@lr.tudel Delft University of Technology The Netherlands Yang Industrial Technology Research Institute Taiwan JAPAN PIV Fulvio interrogation methods Fulvio PIV interrogation methods Techniques for Cheng-Tsair micro-scale and nano-scale flow Institution Country 1300 A Novel Technique for 3-D Microflow Measurement by Using Multiplexing Holography Cheng-Tsair Yang HanSheng Chuang 1301 Measurement of Unburned Gas Temperature in an SI Engine Using FiberOptic Laser Interferometry Nobuyuki Kawahara, Eiji Engines Tomita, Kouji Takasu and Kazuhiro Goto* Department of Mechanical Engineering, Okayama University * Yamaha Motor Co.,Ltd. Nobuyuki KAWAHARA kawahara@mech. Okayama University 1302 Simple Optical Setup for 3D PIV Using Stereo Digital Holography Tomomasa UEMURA, PIV, HPIV, 3D Yasufumi Yamamoto, G. measuremnt Matsui Tomomasa UEMURA Kansai University JAPAN Rinkevichyus RinkevichiusBS@ Moscow Power Russia Engineering Insnitute(Technic al University) 1303 THE VISUALIZATION OF NON STATIONARY O.A.Evikhieva, FREE CONVECTION B.S.Rinkevichius, A.V.Tolkachev Optical Bronius methods for thermodynamic properties Page 22 of 27 CODE Abstract Title Authors Session First Name Last Name Email H. Loureiro, M. R. O. Panão and A. L. N. Moreira Wall flows António Moreira Instituto Superior Portugal Técnico Kawahara kawahara@mech. Okayama University Japan Hassan yTexas A&M University USA Shtork Instituto Superior Portugal Técnico .pt Fernandes ecfernandes@dem IST EDGAR FERNANDES ecfernandes@dem Instituto Superior PORTUGAL Técnico Yannis Hardalupas y.hardalupas@imp Imperial College London United Kingdom P. Vedula and R. J. Adrian Ronald J. Adrian University of Illinois USA R. J. Adrian, E. Yamaguchi, P. Vanka, T. Plattner and W. Lai Ronald J. Adrian University of Illinois USA 1323 Relationship between In-cylinder Flow and G.Pitcher, M.S. Goodwin Pressure and GDI Spray Propagation and G. Wigley Graham Wigley G.Wigley@lboro.a Loughborough University United Kingdom 1324 Visualization of blood flow in aortic arch by Takao Inamura, Hideki using PIV method Yanaoka, Junichi Yamazaki, Nobuo Funakoshi, Ikuo Fukuda, Masahito Minagawa and Kozo Fukui Takao INAMURA JAPAN 1304 Simultaneous Measurements of Droplet Characteristics and Surface Thermal Behavior to Study Spray Cooling with Pulsed Sprays 1311 An optical spark plug sensor for in-situ fuel concentration measurement in an engine cylinder by 3.39 mm infrared absorption method 1312 Spectral Dynamics of Drag Reduction by Microbubbles Atsushi Nishiyama, Engines Nobuyuki Nobuyuki Kawahara, Eiji Tomita, Masahiro Fujiwara Jose A. Jimenez-Bernal, Two-phase flow Yassin A. Yassin A. Hassan, Claudiad del C. Gutierrez-Torres, Carlos Estrada-Perez C.E. Cala, E.C. Vortices and 1313 LDA ANALYSIS OF PVC-CENTRAL RECIRCULATION ZONE INTERACTION IN A Fernandes, M.V. Heitor, Vortical Flows MODEL VORTEX BURNER S.I. Shtork 1314 The Visualization and Acoustics of a Laminar Premixed Impinging Flame E.C. Fernandes and R.E. Combustion Edgar Leandro and detonation 1319 PIV MEASUREMENTS IN A WATER-PUMP INTAKE L.Eça, A.C.Duarte, E.C.Fernandes and J.M.Silva 1320 Optimisation of the Droplet Sizing G. Charalampous, Y. Accuracy of the combined Scattering/Laser Hardalupas* and Induced Fluorescence technique A.M.K.P. Taylor 1321 Optimal Solenoidal Interpolation of Turbulent Vectors: Application to PTV and Super-resolution PIV 1322 Validation of Micro PIV Measurements in PDMS Micro-channel Flow Geometries Sergei Free-Surface Flows Page 23 of 27 Institution Hirosaki University Country Portugal CODE First Name Last Name Email 1325 Characterization of Water Mist Sprays Benjamin Ditch and Using a Phase-Doppler Particle Analyzer Hong-Zeng Yu and an Iso-Kinetic Sampling Probe for Validation of Scale Modeling of Water Mist Fire Suppression Abstract Title Authors Hong-Zeng Yu bert.yu@fmglobal. FM Global com Research 1326 EFFECTS OF PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE, MODICA Vincent, CONCENTRATION ON THE LASER MORIN Céline and INDUCED FLUORESCENCE OF GAS-PHASE GUIBERT Philippe BIACETYL-DODECANE MIXTURE Vincent Modica modica@ccr.jussie Université Pierre FRANCE et Marie Curie Paris 6 Triep, M.; Brücker, Ch.; 1327 High-speed stereo PIV measurements of Schröder, W. the flow downstream a dynamic mechanical model of the human vocal folds John A. Mullin and 1328 Direct Experimental Measurements of Velocity Gradient Fields in Turbulent Flows Werner J.A. Dahm via High-Resolution Frequency-Based DualPlane Stereo PIV (DSPIV) Michael Triep michaelt@aia.rwth-Aerodynamisches Germany Institut der RWTH-Aachen Werner Dahm wdahm@umich.ed The University of USA u Michigan 1329 LDA CALIBRATION SENSOR INTERCOMPARISON Sánchez, J.R.; Müller, H.; Care, I.; Seynhaeve, J.M. and Cordier, Y. José R. Sánchez Instituto Nacional Spain de Tecnica Aeroespacial 1331 3-D Turbulent Near-Wake Structure of a Rectangular Cylinder in Channel Flow M. Senda, K. Inaoka, N. Shigemoto and T. Okuno Mamoru Senda msenda@mail.dos Doshisha University Japan Fabrice Onofri Fabrice.Onofri@po Université de Provence France Anne Lenoble, Fabrice Onofri, Stefan Radev Fabrice Onofri Fabrice.Onofri@po Université de Provence France Syred, N.; Langman, A.; Chong, W.; RodriquezMartinez, V.; Alwahabi, Z.; Nathan, G. Nick Syred Cardiff University United uk Kingdom 1332 Simultaneous Particle Size, Velocity and Fabrice Onofri, KuangMaterial Recognition Measurements with Fang Ren, Gérard the Dual Mode Phase Doppler Anemometry Gréhan, Alain Cartellier, Pierre Benech, Pierre Lemaître-Augier 1333 3-coherent beams Phase Doppler and Laser Doppler Velocimetry Measurements Techniques 1334 Characterisation of the Occurrence of the Precessing Vortex Core in Partially Premixed and Premixed Swirling Flow Session Page 24 of 27 Institution Country USA CODE Abstract Title First Name Last Name Email Nick Syred Cardiff University United uk Kingdom Pêgo joaopego@lstm.un LSTM-ERLANGEN GERMANY Lourenco lourenco@idtpiv.c IDT, Inc. om USA Massoli p.massoli@im.cnr. Istituto Motori it CNR Italy Y.Z. Liu, W. Kang, H. J. Multi-Point Hyung Jin Sung Measurement Techniques for surface properties 1340 Icing Processes in Aerospace Applications R. Calabria, B. Esposito, Two phase flow Patrizio Studied by Laser Light Scattering P. Massoli , Two-phase Techniques flows instrumentatio n C. Bricaud, B. Richter, Klaus 1341 STEREO PIV-MEASUREMENTS IN AN ENCLOSED ROTOR-STATOR SYSTEM WITH K. Dullenkopf PRE-SWIRLED COOLING AIR Sung Korea Advanced r Institute of Science and Technology Republic of Korea Massoli p.massoli@im.cnr. Istituto Motori it CNR Italy Dullenkopf klaus.dullenkopf@i University of ts.uniKarlsruhe Germany 1342 A Study of Bifurcation Phenomena using LDA and UVP in Taylor-Couette Flow at Small Aspect Ratio Kikura kikura@nr.titech.a Tokyo Institute of JAPAN Technology 1335 Studies of the Release of Sodium from Pulverised Coal in a Flat Flame Burner Authors Syred, N.; Karachur, D.; Chong, W.; Alwahabi, Z.; Nathan, G. 1336 Development in the research of turbulence Pêgo, João; Lienhart, of swirling flows Hermann; Jovanovic, Jovan; Pashtrapanska, Mira; 1337 Using a High-Speed PIV System to Study the Transient Processes in Superfluid Helium 1338 SCATTERING IMAGING TO MEASURE SIZE AND VELOCITY OF SMALL PARTICLES IN DENSE PARTICLE SYSTEMS T. Zhang, S. W. van Scriver and L. M. Lourenco R. Calabria and P. Massoli Session Turbomachiner João y Luiz Novel Patrizio Measurement Methods; Twophase flow instrumentatio n 1339 Wall pressure fluctuations of turbulent separated and reattaching flow with local forcing H. Kikura, H. Kawai and M. Aritomi Hiroshige Page 25 of 27 Institution Country CODE Abstract Title First Name Last Name Email THIBAULT Pierre thibault@grenoble CNRS-Centre de Recherches sur les très Basses Températures France 1344 Boundary layer investigation on a tilt-rotor C. Barla E. Berton D. blade by embedded LDV measurements Favier C. Maresca ERIC BERTON eric@morille.univ- LABM USR2164 CNRS University of Méditerranée France 1345 Stereoscopic Particle Image Velocimetry: J.A. Tatum, N.J. Application to a non-Newtonian Flow Field Lawson, G.M. Harrison Generated by a Sedimenting Sphere Graham Harrison graham.harrison@ Clemson University U.S.A. 1348 A STUDY OF ABLATION ON A RE-ENTRY VEHICLE Udaloy V.A., Ivanov N.M., Sokolov N.L., Pazdnikov V.U. Nikolay Sokolov Russia 1350 Temperature Measurements of Laminar Propane/Air Premixed Flame Yuji IKEDA, Takahiro KURAHASHI, Nobuyuki KAWAHARA and Eiji TOMITA Yuji Ikeda yuji@imagineering Imagineering, Inc JAPAN .jp 1351 Considerations for high resolution laser Doppler measurements in very small nozzles 1352 Micro Holographic Particle Image Velocimetry:Digital 3C-3D Measurement of Free Jet Flow D. Kalantari and C. Tropea Cam Tropea 1343 Mist observation in superfluid He twophase flow by PDA techniques 1353 The Development of Multi-Point Laser Doppler Anemometry (MPLDA) : A New Method to Estimate Fluid Flow Statistics Authors Session P. Thibault**, E. Di Muoio**, S. Perraud*, B. Rousset*, L. Puech**, P. E. Wolf**, R. van Weelderen*** * CEA/SBT France, ** CNRS/CRTBT France, *** CERN Suisse Hui Yang, Neil Halliwell and Jeremy Coupland Techniques for Jeremy micro-scale and nano-scale flow J.M. Coupland Novel Loughborough Measurement University, Methods Loughborough LE11 3TU N.J. Lawson Cranfield University, Cranfield MK43 0AL Jeremy Page 26 of 27 Coupland Coupland Institution Mission Control and Modeling Center Country Technische Universität Darmstadt j.m.coupland@lbo Loughborough University Germany j.m.coupland@lbo Loughborough University UK UK CODE Abstract Title Authors 1354 Investigation of flow and transport in the M. Stoehr A. Khalili vicinity of uprising bubbles near the interface of permeable sediments using 3D PLIF 1355 Laser-Doppler Measurements of a Highly Barata, JMM Durão, DFG Ferrão, F Silva, AR Curved Flow Silvestre, MA Ohmi, Kazuo 1356 Neural Network PTV Using a SelfOrganizing Map Method 1357 Measurement of rotation and strain-rate O. Özcan, K.E. Meyer, tensors by using stereoscopic PIV P.S. Larsen Session First Name Last Name Email Institution Country Two-Phase Flow Michael Stoehr Germany Separated Flows Jorge Barata Max-PlanckInstitute for marine microbiology Universidade da Beira Interior Kazuo Ohmi Ozcan Osaka Sangyo University Yildiz Technical University Japan Oktay .tr Page 27 of 27 Portugal Turkey