2409.18_90 Page 1 of 2 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK ALASKA REGION (REGION 10) JUNEAU, ALASKA FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 90 – PROGRAMS WITH SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Supplement No.: R-10 2409.18-2006-4 Effective Date: June 9, 2006 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: /s/ Mary Anne Young (for) DENNIS E. BSCHOR Regional Forester Date Approved: 05/18/2006 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last R-10 Supplement to this Handbook was 2409.18-2006-3 to chapter 40. New Document 2409.18_90 2 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 92.41 (2409.18-92-4, 1/15/92) 2 Pages Digest: 92.41: Changes Location from Chatham, Ketchikan, or Stikine Area to Tongass National Forest. R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2006-4 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/09/2006 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18_90 Page 2 of 2 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 90 – PROGRAMS WITH SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 92.41 - Sale Selection SBA Form 441, Tongass National Forest only, explanatory notes follow: Trigger Volume and Set-aside Volume Deferred: leave blank Agency: Forest Service, Region 10 Market Area: Tongass National Forest Location: Tongass National Forest Case Number and Date Screened: leave blank For Sales Period: enter the first or second half of the fiscal year Small Business Base Share Percent: leave blank Approximate Volume: sawlog volume to the nearest 100 MBF Send a completed form to the Regional Office and two copies to: Small Business Administration c/o Industrial Specialist (Forestry) 2615 Fourth Avenue Seattle, WA 98121