Stabilizing Expectations at the Zero Lower Bound: Experimental Evidence Jasmina Arifovic∗ Luba Petersen† October 2015 Abstract Can monetary or fiscal policy stabilize expectations during a deflationary episode? We study expectation formation near the zero lower bound using a learning-to-forecast laboratory experiment. Monetary policy targets inflation around a constant or statedependent target. Subjects’ expectations significantly over-react to stochastic aggregate demand shocks and historical information leading many economies to experience severe deflationary traps. Neither quantitative nor qualitative communication of statedependent inflation targets reduce the duration or severity of economic crises. A stronger initial recovery of fundamentals or supplementary anticipated fiscal stimulus stabilizes expectations and increases the speed of macroeconomic recovery. JEL classifications: C92, E2, E52, D50, D91 Keywords: monetary policy, expectations, zero lower bound, learning to forecast, communication, laboratory experiment ∗ Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University, e-mail: Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University, e-mail: This paper has benefited from insightful discussions with Klaus Adam, Jess Benhabib, Camille Cornand, and Frank Heinemann. We also thank seminar participants at TU-Berlin/Humboldt University, the June 2014 CEF Meetings in Oslo, the 2014 North American Economic Science Association Meetings, Workshop on Experiments in Monetary Policy at the University of Lyon - GATE in November 2014, Monash University, the 2015 ASSA Meetings in Boston, the 2015 Barcelona GSE Summer Forum on Central Bank Design and the 2015 Expectations in Dynamic Macroeconomics Models Conference in Oregon for useful comments. Finally we would like to thank Andriy Baranskyy for excellent research assistance and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada for generous financial support. † 1 Introduction How should monetary and fiscal policy be conducted when nominal interest rates are close to zero? This question is important as, once interest rates reach zero and cannot be reduced further (often referred to as the zero lower bound (ZLB)), central banks lose an important tool for stimulating the economy. A negative demand shock could turn the situation dire because, close to the ZLB, a central bank may not be able to lower interest rates sufficiently to stimulate the economy during a recession. If the recession is persistent and severe, households and firms may rationally form pessimistic expectations that the central bank will be unable to provide sufficient stimulus. The existence of the ZLB has the potential to generate prolonged selffulfilling macroeconomic crisis often referred to as a liquidity trap. Macroeconomists and policy makers generally agree that policies that create inflationary expectations would alleviate the severity and duration of liquidity traps. For example, Eggertsson and Woodford (2003, 2004) show that creating inflationary expectations by promising to keep nominal interest rates low through increased inflation targets even after the economy has recovered can reduce the length of a liquidity trap. To reinforce the central bank’s commitment to higher future inflation, the state-dependent inflation target would be adjusted upward when inflation fails to achieve past targets. Such a policy has the potential to successfully alleviate recessions if agents form rational expectations and the central bank can credibly commit to a long-run price level target. If agents instead form adaptive expectations, accommodative monetary policy must be combined with significant fiscal stimulus to stimulate expectations and economic activity at the zero lower bound (e.g. Evans et al. 2008). The goal of this paper is to identify how alternative policies influence individual and aggregate expectation formation at the zero lower bound. This is an empirically challenging task as the policies and communication strategies we are interested in studying have not been implemented by central banks. Moreover, even if such policies were explicitly implemented, it would be difficult to disentangle their actual effects on the economy from other past and concurrent policy. To circumvent the limitation in existing data, we design a series of learning-to-forecast laboratory experiments to gain insight into the relative effectiveness of state-dependent inflation targeting and expansionary fiscal policy in stimulating expectations at the ZLB. The laboratory provides a convenient testbed to explore the robustness of policy and central bank communication on real people’s expectations in an environment where we can have precise control over the structure of the economy, information sets of individuals, and the implementation and communication of policy. Such control enables a clear identification of the effects of economic disturbances, policies, and communication strategies on individual 2 and aggregate expectations and the overall economy. Our experimental macroeconomy follows a linearized New Keynesian data-generating process whereby output and inflation evolve in response to aggregate expectations and exogenous observed disturbances. We impose large and persistent unanticipated negative demand shocks to drive the economy down to the ZLB in order to study the expectation formation process and experiment with alternative stabilization strategies. In our baseline treatment, the automated central bank follows a conventional Taylor rule with a constant inflation target. We observe that expectations become pessimistic on impact of the large negative demand shock, resulting in persistent recessions at the ZLB. In some cases, expectations continue to spiral downward despite fundamentals returning to their steady state values. In two additional treatments, we implement a state-dependent inflation target that rises when past inflation levels are below target. The inflation target is communicated either quantitatively as a numerical target or qualitatively in the form of a direction (e.g. ”positive” vs. ”negative”). This distinction between quantitative versus qualitative forward guidance is motivated by the fact that central bank forward guidance has been fluctuating between qualitative and quantitative announcements since 2008, and has become progressively less effective at influencing market expectations (Filardo and Hofmann, 2014). Compared to a constant inflation target, we find that neither form of communication of state-dependent inflation targets leads to a significant reduction in the severity or duration of liquidity traps. Less is more when it comes to central bank communication of a state-dependent inflation target. In the state-dependent inflation targeting treatments, we find that qualitative communication improves economic stability compared to explicit communication of a numerical target. There are at least a couple of reasons why qualitative targets are more effective coordination devices. First, it may be easier for individuals and markets to coordinate on the inflation guidance that is unchanging during the liquidity trap. Second, under a qualitative target, the public simply observes an announcement that the central bank aims to achieve positive inflation. By contrast, under an explicitly communicated target in an ever-worsening recession, the public is continually reminded by the rising target that the economy is not achieving the central bank’s goal of higher inflation. This additional information generates increased pessimism and reduces the perceived credibility of the central bank, leading to a more severe and prolonged recession. Finally, our work contributes to the discussion of the role of fiscal policy at the zero lower bound. We extend our baseline treatment with constant inflation targeting to study whether announced expansionary fiscal policy can stabilize deflationary spirals. The expansionary policy is implemented on impact of the negative demand shock and remains in place until 3 fundamentals return to the steady state. We find that expectations become highly focused on the aggregate shock and recovery of fundamentals. Recessions are less severe and their recoveries are significantly faster when the constant inflation target is supplemented with fiscal stimulus. Announced fiscal policy works better than state-dependent inflation targets to coordinate expectations because its actual effect on the economy occurs with certainty. 2 Policy and Communication: Theory and Evidence This paper investigates whether monetary and fiscal policy can stabilize expectations at the zero lower bound. Recent work has suggested that even when the zero lower bound on interest rates binds, central banks are still able to influence the economy through the expectations of future policy.1 Inflation targeting policies can reduce crises at the zero lower bound if accompanied with a credible promise of future inflation. Eggertsson and Woodford (2003) show that an optimal commitment policy would involve a moving price-level target that would increase in response to historical inability to achieve its target. Because of the state-dependent nature of the target, interest rates would remain at zero even as the economy improves. This in turn should signal to agents that the central bank is willing to accept higher inflation in the future, generating rational inflationary expectations. However, the authors acknowledge that credibility might suffer if the private sector observes the central bank continually failing to reach its target yet keeps raising it for the next period. Nakov (2008) applies global solution methods to study a standard dynamic stochastic sticky-price model with an occasionally binding zero lower bound on interest rates. He compares alternative non-optimal instrumental rules to optimal policy under commitment and discretion and finds that price-level targeting as in Eggertsson and Woodford’s framework performs better than other simple Taylor rules.2 An important contribution of our paper is to provide insight into how expectations respond and evolve in response to moving inflation targets. Much theoretical work has demonstrated that expansionary fiscal policy can stabilize expectations at the zero lower bound. When the monetary authority lacks credibility in generating inflation, Krugman (1998) and Eggertsson (2011) argue that fiscal expenditures are the only way out of a liquidity trap. Fiscal stimulus does not suffer from commitment problems to the same extent as expansionary monetary policy. Evans et al. (2008) demonstrate that learn1 See Walsh (2009) for a detailed discussion on the ability of inflation promises to stabilize expectations. These state-dependent rules are also consistent with the policy advice given (though not taken) to Japan when it faced its zero lower bound. e.g. Krugman (1998), McCallum (2000), Auerbach and Obstfeld (2005). Price–level targeting policies achieve relatively greater economic stability than inflation targeting policies in environments where central bank’s mistake private agents’ expectations as rational (e.g. Preston (2008)). 2 4 ing agents’ adaptive expectations can be stabilized with fiscally-generated aggregate demand. In related work, Benhabib et al. (2014) show that with adaptive agents, a fiscal switching rule that automatically triggers fiscal stimulus when inflation or expectation inflation falls below a threshold can be effective in stabilizing expectations and aggregate activity. The public’s understanding of the central bank’s objectives and policy rules in the future is a critical component of the effectiveness of monetary policy (Woodford, 2005; Eusepi and Preston, 2010). If agents form rational expectations, they should correctly infer the policy rule that the central bank is following and adjust their spending and pricing decisions accordingly. However, if agents have to adapt or learn, or if they possess imperfect information or understanding, a need for central bank communication arises. But do central banks actually communicate effectively? The empirical evidence is mixed. In some cases, central bank announcements about their policy objectives have created more stability in financial markets and private sector forecasts in countries that pursue inflationtargeting policies (Connolly and Kohler, 2004; Fujiwara, 2005; Swanson, 2006). Other empirical work finds that announcements generate significant and undesirable volatility in U.S. asset prices (Kohn and Sack, 2004; Ehrmann and Fratzscher, 2007). Importantly, communication may not be very effective once the central bank’s pre-existing policies are controlled for. Gürkaynak et al. (2006) show that long-term inflation expectations derived from index-linked bonds are significantly less responsive to central bank announcements in inflation-targeting countries like Sweden and the U.K. than they are in the U.S., which has no explicit inflation objective. Indeed, Siklos (2002), Johnson (2002) and Corbo et al. (2002) find in a series of cross-country studies that the adoption of inflation targeting has led to lower forecast errors, suggesting greater macroeconomic stability without the need for communication. Central banks face risks when they communicate to the public. As Woodford (2005) points out, communication of a central bank goal may be misperceived by the public as a promise. If a central bank fails to live up to its stated goals or promises, it will lose credibility and the public will stop conditioning their forecasts and behaviour on the announced goals. This is why many central banks, including the Federal Reserve, have historically communicated very little to the public.3 The success of central bank communication of monetary policy depends crucially on how it is perceived and understood by the public, and the type of expectations the public forms. 3 For example, in December 2012, the Federal Reserve made an unusual announcement that it would keep interest rates low at least as long as the unemployment rate remains below 6.5 percent, the outlook for inflation one-to-two years ahead remains at or below 2.5%, and longer-term inflation expectations remain well anchored. This forward guidance was intended to create long-run inflation expectations within an economy that is perceived to be stuck in a liquidity trap. 5 Surveys of households and professional forecasters are widely used sources of direct evidence on expectation formation. Mankiw et al. (2003) and Coibion and Gorodnichenko (2012) discuss recent studies of expectations from surveys of professional forecasters. While survey data provides important insights into naturally-occurring expectations, they have limited ability to identify agents’ information sets and the economy’s true underlying data generating process. This identification will certainly have an impact on the types of communication (e.g. macroeconomic targets, forecasted paths of future interest rates, central bank outlooks) and the formulation of monetary policies a central bank would find optimal to pursue. Laboratory experiments serve as a useful complementary tool to understand expectation formation and have the advantage of allowing for more precise control of conditions under which subjects form their expectations. Moreover, experiments provide the opportunity to study policies for which there is little data or may not have been previously implemented.4 Below we discuss three learning-to-forecast (LTF) experiments that are most closely related to ours. The experiment presented in this paper directly builds off of Kryvtsov and Petersen (2015) who investigate the robustness of the expectations channel of monetary policy. The key difference in their setup is the absence of a zero lower bound on nominal interest rates. They observe a significant but relatively weak expectations channel that is strengthened with more aggressive monetary policy. Central bank forward guidance in the form of a multiperiod forecast of future nominal interest rates initially effective at coordinating expectations and strengthens the expectations channel, but over time subjects stop conditioning on the information and expectations become more volatile. Importantly, expectations are fundamentally stable and oscillate around the steady state. By contrast, our experiment shows that the introduction of a zero lower bound and a large negative shock to the natural rate of interest can generate significant deflationary spirals if fundamentals recover too slowly. Using a similar LTF experimental design, Cornand and M’Baye (2014) observe that communicating an explicit inflation target is not essential for maintaining economic stability when the central bank has a strict inflation target. However, if the central bank has a dual mandate to stabilize inflation and output, communicating to private agents the central bank’s inflation target leads to significant improvements in stability and convergence to the target. In our experiments, the central bank also faces a dual mandate that, in some treatments, 4 The use of laboratory experiments to study expectations and policy have been well established. e.g. Arifovic and Sargent, 2003; Arifovic et al. 2013, b, Arifovic et al, 2014; Duffy, 2008, 2012; Adam, 2007; Hommes et al, 2008; Pfajfar and Žakelj, 2014; Hommes, 2011, 2013 reviews the literature on the evidence of heterogenous expectations hypothesis in the experimental economies; Chakravarty et al., 2011, review the growing literature on experimental macroeconomics; Cornand and Heinemann (2014) for a survey of experiments on monetary policy, and Amano et al. (2014) for a discussion of how the Bank of Canada is using laboratory experiments to study expectations and monetary policy.) 6 involves a moving inflation target. In contrast to Cornand and M’Baye, we find that explicit communication does not improve stability, and with learning, contributes to worse liquidity traps. Hommes et al. (2015) study behaviour in a non-linear New Keynesian experimental economy with a zero lower bound. They implement expectational shocks to study the dynamics at the zero lower bound and compare the performance of an aggressive monetary policy versus a combination of the aggressive monetary policy and fiscal stimulus. Their preliminary findings indicate that monetary policy alone cannot take experimental economies out of the liquidity trap. Consistent with our results, they observe that additional fiscal stimulus alleviates deflationary spirals and encourages convergence toward the high inflation steady state. 3 Experimental Design and Implementation We designed a laboratory experiment to study expectation formation in the presence of the zero lower bound under alternative monetary and fiscal policies. The experiments were conducted at the CRABE Lab at Simon Fraser University where the subject pool consisted of undergraduate students recruited from a wide variety of disciplines. In each session, groups of nine inexperienced subjects played the role of professional forecasters and were tasked with submitting incentivized forecasts about the future state of the economy. The experimental economy that subjects interacted in followed a data-generating process derived from a linearized version of the New Keynesian framework with optimizing households and firms.5 Specifically, the economy evolved according to the following system of equations: xt = Et∗ xt+1 − σ −1 (it − i∗ − Et∗ πt+1 − rtn ) , (1) πt = βEt∗ πt+1 + κxt , (2) 5 Specifically, the model assumes agents have identical information and initial starting wealth, and form expectations rationally. The homogeneous rational expectations version of the New Keynesian model we implemented would not be correct if subjects’ expectations were not rational. Instead, heterogeneous expectations versions of the model (see Preston (2008) and Woodford (2013) for examples) would be more appropriate. However, versions of the model that employ heterogeneous expectations involve making an ex-ante decision about the form of heterogeneity in expectations or require a much more complicated generalized reduced form model that would be considerably more difficult for subjects to digest in a relatively short amount of time and increase the likelihood that subjects’ behaviour is driven by confusion. In making our decision to implement the homogeneous rational expectations version of the New Keynesian model, we opted to trade off model precision for increased simplicity. 7 i∗ + φ (π − π ∗ ) + φ x π t x t t it = 0, if it ≥ 0 (3) otherwise, n rtn = ρrt−1 + t . (4) Equation 1 refers to the investment-saving equation and describes the dynamics of aggregate demand relative to its flexible-price level or the output gap.6 As aggregate expectations of future demand (Et∗ xt+1 ) and inflation (Et∗ πt+1 ) increase, current demand and output also increase. Exogenous increases in the natural rate of interest, rtn , has a positive effect on demand. Increases in the nominal interest rate, it , from its steady state value, i∗ will contract demand and vice versa. We parameterize σ = 1 and i∗ = 75 basis points. Equation 2 describes the evolution of aggregate supply or inflation. Inflation depends primarily on aggregate expectations of future inflation (Et∗ πt+1 ) and, to a lesser extent, on aggregate demand, xt . The parameters are assigned values of β = 0.995 and κ = 0.13. Equation 3 is the central bank’s response function and describes how nominal interest rates are set. The central bank aggressively responds to positive deviations of inflation from its steady state, πt − πt∗ , and positive output gaps by adjusting nominal interest rates upward, and vice versa. We parameterize the coefficients of the nominal interest rate rule as φπ = 1.5 and φx = 0.5. The monetary transmission operates by influencing the real interest rate through movements in the nominal interest rate. Monetary policy would generally be able to stabilize real output at its potential level for any fluctuation in rtn so long as it can adjust the policy rate such that it − Et πt+1 − rtn can be stabilized to zero. However, in this environment, the presence of a zero lower bound on nominal interest rates prevents the central bank from lowering the nominal interest rate sufficiently in response to very low inflation and output. Finally, Equation 4 describes the evolution of the natural rate of interest or, as we will refer to it throughout the paper, the demand shock. The shock follows an AR(1) process where ρ = 0.8, and t is drawn randomly from a normal distribution with mean zero and standard deviation of 93 basis points. Equations 1-4 yield a steady state of x∗ = π ∗ = 0 and i∗ = 75. Subjects were tasked with repeatedly submitting quarterly forecasts for future inflation and output. At the beginning of each session, subjects participated in a 35 minute instruction phase and a 10 minute practice phase. During the instructions we first explained the data generating process qualitatively. We then provided subjects with a quantitative description of the model and explained in careful detail the shock process and monetary policy rule. We 6 Throughout the paper, we refer to the output gap as simply “output” . 8 walked subjects through the software they would interact with in four practice periods to familiarize them with the interface and provided them with an opportunity to ask questions. The computer interface was highly visual. Subjects learned their forecast accuracy by observing changes in their points between rounds and by comparing visually (and by mousing over) the distance between their forecast and the realized values. Instructions and screenshots of the computer interface can be found in the Online Appendix. During the experiment subjects were not allowed to communicate with one another and once play began were only allowed to ask questions privately to the experimenter. Subjects had access to the following information before submitting their forecast of next period’s inflation and output. They observed all historical information up to and including the previous period’s realized inflation, output, and nominal interest rate, as well as their forecasts and their implied accuracy. Subjects also observed the current period’s shock and any relevant policies or targets. After the instructions and practice phases were complete, subjects submitted incentivized forecasts for an additional 75 minutes. Subjects had 80 seconds in the first 10 rounds and 65 seconds thereafter to submit forecasts. Forecasts were submitted in basis point measurements (i.e. 1% was inputed as 100 basis points) and could be positive or negative. After all subjects submitted their forecasts or time ran out, the median submitted forecasts for inflation and output were used as the aggregate forecast in the calculation of the current period’s realized output, inflation and nominal interest rate.7 Subjects’ scores, and subsequently their earnings in the game, depended on the accuracy of their forecasts each period: Scorei,t = 0.3(e−0.01|Ei,t−1 πt −πt | + e−0.01|Et−1 xi,t −xt | ) , (5) where Ei,t−1 πt − πt and Ei,t−1 xt − xt were subject i’s forecast errors associated with forecasts submitted in period t − 1 for period t variables. The scoring rule incentivized subjects to form accurate forecasts.8 This scoring rule was very similar to that used in the previous 7 Median, rather than average, forecasts were employed to minimize the ability a single subject could have in manipulating aggregate expectations. This design decision is particularly useful when studying aggregate behavior with a limited number of participants. 8 The underlying data-generating process assumes that households and firms form expectations in an effort to maximize their expected discounted utility and profits, respectively. We deviated from this assumptions of the New Keynesian model and instead incentivize subjects based on the accuracy of their forecasts. Consistent with other learning-to-forecast experiments, our goal was to focus on how individuals form beliefs about the economy. In order for subjects to take the task of forecasting seriously and for their decisions to be valuable to us, it is important to reward subjects based on the appropriate task (see Smith (1974) for a discussion of induced value theory). At the same time, we acknowledge the importance of studying expectation formation when subjects’ forecasts play a critical role in influencing their consumption, labor and pricing decisions. We leave that for future research. 9 experimental literature in that scores decrease monotonically with the forecast errors and the minimum score a subject can earn in any period is zero.9 Subjects’ earnings, including a $7 show up fee, ranged from $20 to $38.50, and averaged $26 for two hours of participation. Every session consisted of two repetitions of 40 periods each. To reinforce the steady state values, we initialized each sequence at the steady state and showed five pre-sequence periods where the economy was in the steady state. That is, output, inflation, and the shock were initialized at zero while the nominal interest rate was initialized at 75 basis points. We conducted two different repetitions on the same group of subjects to observe the effects of additional learning on their forecasting behaviour. The experiment focused on the ability of monetary and fiscal policy to alleviate the duration and magnitude of recessions at the ZLB. As such, we implemented economies that would experience and remain at the ZLB for some number of periods. To generate such an environment, we imposed a negative natural rate of interest shock of -400 basis points (±2 basis points) in periods 20 and 15 of the first and second repetitions, respectively. We chose to shock the economies in different periods so that subjects would not anticipate the shock in the second repetition. We selected approximately the same size shock (between -398 and -402) in both repetitions to make consistent comparisons.10 In order to control for variability of draws across treatments, we preselected a set of six shock sequences per repetition and implemented the same set in all treatments. We simulated six hundred randomly generated shock sequences simulated using Equation 4, and we employed social evolutionary learning, SEL (Arifovic et al., 2013a), to explore behavioural responses at the ZLB and to select shock sequences that met the following criteria: 1) The economies did not reach the zero lower bound prior to us imposing the liquidity trap shock, 2) the rtn shock remained negative for 3-8 periods, and 3) the economies rebounded in the later periods with few if any returns to the zero lower bound. 11 We explicitly communicated to subjects that 9 In the scoring rules used by Assenza et al. (2013) and Pfajfar and Žakelj (2014), forecasts are no longer incentivized after a certain threshold. Under our rule, the per-period score reduces by 50% for every 100 basis point forecast error for both inflation and output, continually incentivizing subjects to make the most accurate forecasts possible. 10 Consistent with the theoretical literature, we study linear approximations to agents’ optimal decisions. This implies that the only nonlinearity we consider is the one imposed by the zero lower bound. While we may face poor approximations of inflation and output in response to large shocks, the simplicity of the environment allows us to economize on the dimension of the state space, and avoid having to parametrize higher order terms of the nonlinear model (for further discussion, see Adam and Billi, 2007). Moreover, the linearized data generating process is considerably easier for subjects to understand. We chose the shock of this magnitude in order to ensure that experimental economies reached and remained at the zero lower bound for varied amounts of time. 11 For robustness, in one sequence per treatment (Sequence 1 - Repetition 2) we set the crisis shock to -600 basis points. 10 the randomly drawn shock sequences were preselected for experimental control. Treatments and Predictions We conducted a total of four treatments. Our baseline treatment, Constant Target (Constant), involved the central bank responding to deviations of inflation from a constant inflation target. Our second treatment, State-Dependent Target (SD), had the central bank respond to deviations from an explicitly communicated quantitative state-dependent inflation target. In the third, Directional State Dependent Target (Dir. SD) treatment, we kept the state-dependent inflation targeting rule, but communicated to the subjects only the direction of the movement of the target. Finally, in our fourth,Fiscal Policy (FP) treatment, we added a pre-announced expansionary fiscal policy to our baseline constant-inflation targeting environment. In all treatments, the nominal interest rate generally took the form given in Equation 3. Baseline Treatment In our baseline treatment, an inflation target was set to a constant value, πt∗ = 0. In this Constant Target (Constant) treatment, we conveyed to subjects that the central bank’s objective was to keep inflation and output as close to zero as possible. Monetary Policy Treatments In our state-dependent target treatments, the inflation target evolved based on past realized inflation and output. The time-varying inflation non-optimal target is motivated in part by the optimal history-dependent price-level target developed in Eggertsson and Woodford (2003).12 The inflation target we employed was computed as follows: ∗ πt+1 = λ 1 ∗ λσ (πt − πt ) − (xt − xt−1 ) − xt β κβ β (6) The state-dependent inflation targeting rule consisted of an inflation component and an output gap component. During a severe recession, the central bank may find it difficult to meet higher inflation targets due to the zero lower bound on nominal interest rates. In such cases, the first term of this rule implies that the central bank will increase its inflation target for the subsequent period. 12 We chose to implement an inflation target rather than a price-level target to avoid introducing an additional variable that subjects would have to consider when forming their forecasts. We rederived the optimal pricelevel target in Eggertsson and Woodford (2003) as an inflation target and implemented an approximation of it in our ad-hoc Taylor rule. The derivation can be found in the Online Appendix. 11 When the economy exits the deflationary episode (either due to more optimistic expectations or improving fundamentals), the inflation target does not immediately return to zero. Instead, the central bank gradually decreases the inflation target to allow for higher inflation and output. The central bank accomplishes this by keeping nominal interest rates at zero even after the economy has returned to the steady state. This feature can be observed in the second term of the inflation targeting rule. The state dependent inflation target implies that a credible central bank will accept higher future inflation, leading rational forecasters to form inflationary expectations. Simulations of the rational expectations equilibrium solution under constant and statedependent inflation targets are presented in Figures 1 and 2. These simulations were conducted using OccBin developed by Guerrieri and Iacoviello (2015). OccBin solves dynamics models with occasionally binding constraints by solving for the piece-wise linear non-explosive solution. The simulations presented show the linear solution that ignores the zero lower bound as a red dashed line. The solid blue line is the piece-wise linear solution that accounts for the zero lower bound that is present in our experiments. The simulated dynamics are the impulse responses to a one-time negative natural rate of interest shock of 400 basis points that occurs in period 5. Note that if the economies were to experience positive shocks, the piecewise linear and the linear impulse responses would coincide. The simulations indicate that economic recovery is considerably faster and the severity of the crisis significantly lower under a state-dependent inflation target. When the central bank implements a state dependent inflation target in the presence of a zero lower bound, output and inflation are nearly three and five times less reactive, respectively, on impact of the negative demand shock. Moreover, output and inflation return to and exceed their steady state levels by periods 10 and 8 under a state dependent inflation target, while converge asymptotically to the steady state under a constant inflation target. If our subjects behave in line with the rational expectations equilibrium solution - that is, utilizing only fundamental shocks and inflation targets to formulate their forecasts - we should expect to observe significantly faster recoveries and less severe recessions in the State-Dependent Target treatment. We formulate two hypotheses based on these treatments: Hypothesis 1: Following a severe crisis shock, economies following a state-dependent inflation target will return to the steady state in fewer periods than those following a constant inflation target. Hypothesis 2: Following a severe crisis shock, economies following a state-dependent inflation 12 target will exhibit lower standard deviations of inflation and output than those following a constant inflation target. The key assumption that underlines the success of state-dependent inflation targeting rules is that agents form rational expectations. However, we know from previous learningto-forecast experiments that, initially, subjects do not form rational expectations forecasts.13 The question is whether they learn to form these expectations over time. If they do, and do so fast enough, the inflation targeting policies can be successful in mitigating the impact of a severe demand shocks. However, if subjects do not learn to coordinate their expectations on fundamentals fast enough, these policies might prove ineffective in guiding economies out of liquidity traps. In our State-Dependent Target treatment, the central bank provided subjects a precise inflation target to coordinate their expectations on. Rational agents who use the central bank’s inflation target will be able to respond to the explicitly communicated forward guidance. However, if agents fail to coordinate on the target and fundamentals, the target will continually rise and subjects may come to perceive the quantitative target as irrelevant. By communicating the target qualitatively in the form of a direction, subjects may better understand the central bank’s intentions and more easily coordinate in the central bank’s intended direction. The possibility of perceived lack of central bank credibility provided the motivation to conduct a third treatment in which the central bank communicates a qualitative inflation target. In the Directional State Dependent Target (Dir. SD) treatment, the central bank set monetary policy to stabilize inflation around a state-dependent inflation target (as in the SD treatment), but only communicated to subjects the direction of the target. The direction was presented as either “positive” or “negative.” As such, we removed the time-series graph of the target.14 Ex-ante, we had no clear prior on how expectations would respond to a qualitativelycommunicated target. If subjects formed expectations according to fundamentals, vaguely communicated targets would hinder coordination and economic recovery. If, on the other hand, subjects were reluctant to employ the explicit target in their forecast or believed the central bank to be non-credible, qualitative targeting may better coordinate expectations. Thus, we form a set of conditional hypotheses: 13 Heuristics such as naive, trend-chasing, and constant gain learning have been observed by Pfajfar and Žakelj (2014), Assenza et al. (2013), and Petersen (2014). 14 Our communication variation is similar to Cornand and M’Baye (2014) who vary whether the inflation target is explicitly communicated in the form of constant numerical target or implicitly by communicating the central bank’s objective to stabilize inflation. By contrast, our target fluctuates and we communicate the direction of that fluctuation. 13 Hypothesis 3: Following a severe crisis shock, the communication of a state-dependent inflation target does not influence the number of periods it takes for economies to return to the steady state. Hypothesis 4: Following a severe crisis shock, the communication of a state-dependent inflation target does not influence the standard deviation of output and inflation. Fiscal Policy Treatment We next consider whether economic crises can be effectively ameliorated by anticipated expansionary fiscal policy. As discussed in our review of the literature, much theoretical work has demonstrated that anticipated effective government spending should create more optimistic expectations about future demand and inflation. To determine whether this is the case, we conducted a fourth treatment that introduces fiscal spending into our baseline constant inflation targeting environment. In the Fiscal Policy (FP) treatment, subjects were informed each period of an automated government’s certain policies in the following period. Subjects did not know the nature of how fiscal spending was to be conducted other than the government could conduct positive or negative stimulus that would have direct effects on aggregate demand and was not required to balance its budget over the horizon of the game.15 Government expenditures or taxation, denoted as gt , had a direct effect on aggregate demand, resulting in a modified I-S curve: xt = Et∗ xt+1 − σ −1 (it − i∗ − Et∗ πt+1 − rtn ) + gt , (7) The planned expenditures for the following period were displayed to subjects on their screen in the form of a time series graph in the same panel as the nominal interest rate and the natural rate of interest shock. During the practice phase, subjects encountered both positive and negative government expenditures to ensure that they understood both were possible. During each of the two experimental repetitions, government spending was exogenously set to zero until the crisis occurred. On impact of the crisis shock, the government announced fiscal spending equal to 200 basis points, or 50% of the size of the aggregate demand shock for 15 We chose to have the government not balance its budget to give fiscal policy the best shot at stabilizing expectations on impact of the crisis shock. 14 the following period.16 To capture the fact that fiscal authorities often takes time to enact new expenditures, we introduced the fiscal spending in the period following the initial crisis shock (periods 21 and 16 in the first and second repetition, respectively). The positive government spending announcements remained for as long as the current natural rate of interest shock was trending back up to the steady state. Thus, the last period of positive government spending occurred in the period when the shock first became positive. The decision to keep government stimulus positive until the shock returned to zero seemed to be a simple rule to follow and not overly generous. Let tc denote the period in which the economy experiences the crisis shock and tr=0 denote the first period thereafter when the nature rate of interest surpasses zero. Thus, the government spending rule implemented in the experiment was given by: 0 if t < tc + 1 gt = 200 if tc + 1 ≤ t ≤ tr=0 0 if t > tr=0 . (8) We compute the rational expectations equilibrium solution for the fiscal policy environment with constant inflation targeting and present the impulse responses associated with a -400 basis point natural rate of interest shock in Figure 3. On impact of the negative demand shock in period 5, the government makes an announcement that it will increase government stimulus to 200 basis points in period 6. The government continues to announce and deliver in the following period 200 basis points of government stimulus for the rest of the 35 period horizon as the shock never fully returns to zero. The impulse responses are simulated under the assumption that agents fully anticipate next period’s government stimulus but form no expectations of future spending thereafter. Announced fiscal stimulus reduces the initial response to the shock in period 5. Under a constant inflation target, the output gap decreases 26.3% and inflation decreases 9.3%. By contrast, in the presence of announced fiscal stimulus to begin in period 6, output and inflation decrease 24% and 8.7%, respectively. Announced fiscal stimulus also reduces the amount of time it takes for output and inflation. Output and inflation become positive by period 9 and period 12, respectively. These findings lead us to our key hypothesis for the fiscal policy treatment: Hypothesis 5: Supplementing a constant inflation target with expansionary fiscal policy re16 While our goal was to test whether fiscal policy would reduce the pessimistic reaction to the crisis, we did not want to offset the shock entirely. 15 duces the duration and severity of recessions. It is possible that subjects do not respond optimistically to the fiscal stimulus. The fiscal spending may be insufficient to stabilize pessimistic expectations. In that case, we would expect no significant differences in terms of macroeconomic dynamics between the Constant Target and Fiscal Policy treatments. Each treatment consisted of six independent sessions, where each session involved a different pair of shock sequences. Across treatments, the set of shock sequences were identical. Thus, for any given pair of shock sequences, we can observe how behaviour may differ across treatments. To avoid treatment contamination, we implemented a between-subject experimental design where subjects participated in only one treatment. The different shock sequences implied that the number of periods it took for the fundamental shock to return to zero following a severe crisis shock varied across sessions within any given treatment. If subjects utilize only fundamentals and the inflation target to formulate their forecasts, then the number of periods that it takes for the fundamental shock to return to the steady state should have no bearing on whether subjects’ forecasts are coordinated in the direction of the target. Hypothesis 6: Following a severe crisis shock, the coordination of expectations in the direction of the target is not influenced by the number of periods that it takes for fundamentals to return to the steady state. If fundamentals recover slowly, then changes in inflation and the output gap will be primarily driven by changes in median expectations. Moreover, if expectations are formed adaptively and subjects form initially pessimistic expectations following the crisis shock, slower recoveries of fundamentals have the potential to reduce the perceived credibility of the central bank’s inflation target and reduce its usage in subjects’ forecasts. 4 Aggregate Results This section presents our findings for the aggregate economies. We begin the discussion with results from the monetary policy treatments followed by the fiscal policy treatment. After 20 periods in Repetition 1 or 15 periods in Repetition 2, the experimental economies experienced a crisis shock of -400 basis points. Thereafter, the shock trended back and surpassed zero. Across different shock sequences we varied the number of periods it took for the shock to 16 reach zero. We define CrisisShockLength as the number of periods, including the period of the initial shock, before the natural interest rate shock reaches zero. On impact of the crisis shock, inflation and output expectations in all repetitions decreased significantly, driving the economies down to the ZLB. However, some economies escaped the ZLB and trended back up to the steady state, while others experienced persistent deflationary spirals. In all treatments, we observe liquidity traps where median expectations remain pessimistic in the presence of expansionary monetary policy. We present two examples of shock sequences where the economies, regardless of the treatment, either escaped or remained trapped at the ZLB.17 In Figures 4 and 5, times series of output and inflation are presented in blue and green, respectively. The nominal interest rate is presented in orange, while the shock is presented in bold red. Figure 4 presents the results from sequence 3 where the CrisisShockLength is three periods in Repetition 1 and five periods in Repetition 2. Across all treatments, expectations, and thus output and inflation, track the shock well in the preshock phase. On the impact of the crisis shock, expectations drop and even trend downwards one period after the crisis shock. However, median expectations are quickly reversed and the economies all successfully return back to the steady state relatively quickly in both repetitions. Sequence 4 presented in Figure 5 has a CrisisShockLength of 8 periods in both repetitions. Again, median expectations fall significantly on the impact of the shock, but in all monetary policy treatments, they never return to the steady state, and instead experience severe deflationary episodes with output and inflation reaching very large negative levels. By contrast, in the Fiscal Policy treatment, we observe that expectations and the aggregate economy remain relatively stable and follow fundamentals as the shock trends back to the steady state. We consider two measures of policy effectiveness. The first is related to the success of policy in reducing the duration of a liquidity trap, while the second addresses the policy’s effectiveness in reducing the severity (or standard deviation) of output gap and inflation following the crisis shock. We begin with the duration of the liquidity trap. Because each shock sequence in a given treatment has a different CrisisShockLength, we normalize the number of periods before expectations are reversed by the CrisisShockLength. Specifically, we measure the duration of the liquidity trap at the session-repetition level using Relative Trap Length: Relative Trap Length = Number of periods before expectations are reversed Number of periods before shock becomes nonnegative 17 All time series graphs of inflation, output, interest rates, and forecast distributions can be found in the Online Appendix. 17 The results are aggregated in box-and-whisker plots in Figure 6a.18 Among inexperienced subjects (Repetition 1) in the monetary policy treatments, the relative traps are the lowest in the Constant treatment where it takes an average of 9.5 periods for subjects to reverse their expectations. By contrast, in treatments SD and Dir. SD, it takes an average of 15.2 and 13.8 periods, respectively. However, the differences across treatments are not statistically significant (p-value> 0.126 for all pairwise two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum comparisons). For experienced subjects (Repetition 2), the average relative trap length increases in the Constant Target treatment with subjects taking an average of 12.9 periods to reverse their expectations. The average relative trap length worsens in the SD treatments (with an average of 18 periods to reverse the expectations) and decreases considerably in Dir. SD (with an average of 11 periods to reverse the expectations). Again, none of these are differences in the second repetition are statistically significant (with p-value> 0.469 in all cases). Observation 1: The relative trap length does not differ significantly between the Constant and SD inflation targets, irrespective of how the state-dependent target is communicated. Figure 6b. presents standard deviations of inflation across treatments and repetitions (log scale on the y-axis). During the first repetition, the standard deviation of inflation is significantly lower in the Constant treatment than in the SD treatment (p-value= 0.055). However, because of the considerable variability of inflation across sessions of Dir. SD treatment, we do not observe any statistically significant differences with respect to either the Constant or SD treatments. For experienced subjects, the standard deviation of inflation worsens in the Constant and SD treatments, and we fail to observe any statistically significant differences between the two (p-value= 0.262). However, the qualitative communication in the Dir. SD treatment is more effective at reducing inflation variability than quantitative communication in the SD treatment (where the difference is statistically significant with p-value= 0.109). The results for the output gap follow an identical pattern. Observation 2: The severity of recessions, measured by the standard deviation of inflation and output, is significantly lower under a constant inflation target than under an explicitly communicated inflation target when subjects are inexperienced. With experience, state-dependent 18 The following interpretation for box-and-whisker plots is given by Cox (2009). The eponymous box is used to indicate the lower and upper quartiles of the variable or group being plotted against the magnitude scale. The median is denoted by a line subdividing the box. The length of the box represents the interquartile range (IQR). Whiskers are drawn to span all data points within 1.5 IQR of the nearer quartile. Any data points beyond the whiskers are shown individually. 18 inflation targets communicated qualitatively result in significantly less severe recessions than when communicated quantitatively. Neither form of state-dependent targets significantly reduces the standard deviation of inflation and output relative to a constant inflation target. Does the CrisisShockLength influences the likelihood of over-reacting to the initial crisis shock. We denote an economy as ‘stable’ if both output and inflation remain above -1000 basis points in the postshock phase, and ‘unstable’ otherwise. Figure 7 categorizes each repetition of each session as unstable or stable. Instability is strongly associated with increased CrisisShockLengths in all inflation targeting treatments. With the exception of one session in the first repetition of the Dir. SD treatment, we observe that CrisisShockLengths greater than 5 periods result in unstable dynamics. We further conduct a series of probit regressions to identify the effects of the CrisisShockLength on the likelihood of coordinating expectations in the direction of the inflation target. We employ pooled data collected from both repetitions in the postshock phase. The results for the monetary policy treatments are presented in the first three columns of Table 1, where the data is pooled across repetitions and standard errors are clustered at the session level. The results indicate that the longer the CrisisShockLength is, the lower the probability that individuals will coordinate their expectation in the direction of the inflation target is. More precisely, for every additional period it takes for fundamentals to return to zero, the likelihood a subject forms expectations in the direction of the target decreases by 7.6%. The estimate is large and statistically significant in the Constant treatment, but small and with large standard errors in the two state-dependent treatments. We also consider the possibility that larger adjustments in the aggregate shock in the period after the crisis shock may appear more focal and serve to effectively coordinate optimistic expectations in line with the target. The results are presented in the second half of the table. Indeed, in the Constant and Dir. SD treatments, a larger recovery of the shock immediately after the crisis occurs significantly increases the probability that subjects’ expectations of inflation increase relative to past inflation. However, in the SD treatment, a larger initial recovery in fundamentals has no effect on the likelihood of forming more optimistic inflation expectations. Observation 3: A faster recovery of fundamentals increases the likelihood that subjects formulate forecasts in the direction of the central bank’s constant inflation target. The coordination 19 of expectations in line with the state-dependent inflation targets is not quantitatively or significantly affected by the speed of the recovery of fundamentals. Observation 4: Larger initial adjustment in the fundamental shock immediately following the initial crisis shock significantly increases the probability of forming optimistic expectations under constant and directional state-dependent inflation targets. Combining a constant inflation-targeting monetary policy with fiscal stimulus is effective at stabilizing expectations during an economic crisis. The mean relative trap length under the fiscal policy treatment is 0.937 (SD 1.053) in the first repetition and 0.441 (SD 0.049) in the second repetition (see Figure 6a). This is considerably smaller than the relative trap lengths observed in the Constant Target treatment, which have means of 1.652 (SD 0.977) and 2.536 (SD 1.903) in Repetitions 1 and 2, respectively. Two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum tests reject the null hypothesis of equal distributions (p-value= 0.025) in the second repetition, but fail to in the first repetition (p-value= 0.126). Only one economy in the fiscal policy treatment experienced a severe liquidity trap (shock sequence 2, repetition 1). If we exclude that repetition from our analysis, we find that the differences between the constant and fiscal treatment are again highly significant (p-value= 0.028). The standard deviations of inflation and output are also considerably reduced with the introduction of fiscal policy. Figure 6b presents a comparison of standard deviations at the session level in the Constant Target and Fiscal Policy treatments. The differences across treatments are visually dramatic. Two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum tests indicate that the differences across treatments are stark. In the first repetition, we obtain p-value= 0.078 for inflation and p-value= 0.109 for output, and when exclude the outlier session, the significance increases considerably to p-value= 0.011 for inflation and p-value= 0.018 for output. With experience in the second repetition, the differences are more significant: p-value= 0.010 for inflation and p-value= 0.004 for output. Observation 5: Supplementing a constant inflation target with expansionary fiscal policy reduces the duration and severity of recessions. We report the results from a final series of probit regressions for the fiscal policy treatment in Table 1. We find a small, positive effect of CrisisShockLength on the likelihood of expectations moving in the correct direction but the effect is not statistically significant. Figure 7 20 supports this finding in that all but one session remain stable regardless of the CrisisShockLength. Thus, fiscal policy is effective at reducing the pessimism generated by slow recovery of fundamentals. Second, we observe that subjects in the Fiscal Policy treatment are also more likely to adjust their expectations upward when fundamentals increase by a larger amount in the period immediately following the crisis shock. Observation 6: In the presence of a constant inflation target and expansionary fiscal policy, increasing the speed of recovery of fundamentals has minimal effect on the likelihood subjects form expectations in the direction of the target. A larger initial upward adjustment in fundamentals significantly increases the likelihood subjects form optimistic expectations. 5 Heterogeneity in Forecasting Heuristics We next consider how expectations evolve under various forecasting heuristics: rational, where forecasts condition solely on the fundamental shock, naive, where forecasts condition solely on past realized output or inflation, and trend-chasing where forecasts condition on the change in output or inflation over the past two periods. For each phase of each repetition, we run the following OLS regressions for each individual i: Ei,t xt+1 = βrtn + t , Ei,t xt+1 = βxt−1 + t , and Ei,t xt+1 = β(xt−1 − xt−2 ) + t . For the state-dependent inflation targeting treatments, we also estimate each individual’s responsiveness to the the central bank’s evolving inflation target using the following regression equation: Ei,t xt+1 = βπt∗ +t . Finally, for the fiscal policy treatments, we estimate subjects’ responsiveness to fiscal policy: Ei,t xt+1 = β1 rtn + β2 gt + t .19 These heuristics are motivated by extensive survey evidence of households and professional forecasts, as well as laboratory experimental studies that demonstrate significant evidence of backward-looking, rigid expectations (e.g. Pfajfar and Santoro (2010), Hommes (2011), Coibion and Gorodnichenko, (2012), Assenza et al. (2013), Andrade and Le Bihan (2013)). We consistently observe considerable heterogeneity in all treatments under all forecasting heuristics. We compute a session-repetition-phase measure of the standard deviation of estimated coefficients from each forecasting model. On average, preshock heterogeneity is the largest in the SD treatment, followed by the Dir. SD treatment, Constant treatment, and finally the Fiscal Policy treatment. Two-sided Wilcoxon rank sum tests indicate that when it comes to naive forecasting, subjects exhibit significantly more heterogeneity in their responses to lagged output and inflation in the preshock phases (for both repetitions) of the SD and Dir. SD treatments than in the Constant Target treatment (p < 0.025 in all cases). 19 All these variables are known to participants in period t when formulating their period t + 1 forecasts. 21 We attribute the increased lack of coordination on historical information to the increased cognitive effort associated with the SD and Dir. SD treatments. In these treatments, subjects are presented with an additional piece of information, namely the evolving inflation target, on which they must decide how to condition their forecasts. Moreover, this information is only effective at influencing the economy in the immediate future so long as a sufficient number of subjects utilize it in their forecasts. This complicates the coordination process and contributes to the lack of success of the state-dependent inflation target in the postshock phase. Turning to the Constant and Fiscal Policy treatments, we find no significant differences in preshock heterogeneity across any of the forecasting heuristics. However, in the postshock phase we observe that, by the second repetition, Fiscal Policy subjects are significantly more homogeneous in their responses to fundamentals and lagged outcomes for both their inflation and output forecasts, as well as trend-chasing heuristics for output forecasts. In the Fiscal Policy treatments, all the sessions converge relatively quickly back to the steady state, resulting in little confusion about the future state of the economy. By contrast, in the Constant treatment, most of our sessions overreact on impact of the shock, creating more confusion and heterogeneity in expectations, leading to slower recoveries. Observation 7: In summary, subjects’ expectations are highly heterogeneous and responsive to historical information. Introducing uncertain and evolving inflation targets in the SD and Dir. SD treatments increases the set of information subjects utilize to formulate their expectations and complicates their forecasting task. As a result, expectations formed in the SD and Dir. SD treatment are significantly more heterogeneous than in the Constant treatment. By contrast, expectations are more homogeneous when a constant inflation target is supplemented with expansionary fiscal policy. 6 Discussion We have demonstrated that severe, long-lasting expectations-driven liquidity traps can be generated in the laboratory. With a large unanticipated demand shock, subjects can form extremely pessimistic expectations, causing the economy to diverge into a deep recession. Recent theoretical research suggests that state-dependent inflation targeting by central banks can bring about greater economic stability and faster recoveries by committing to keep interest rates low following a recession even after inflation has returned to its target. We conduct a series of laboratory experiments to test whether such policies live up to these predictions, and if not, to identify why this is so. 22 We find that state-dependent inflation targets do not lead to significantly greater stability. In fact, in many instances, recession duration and severity are made considerably worse by continually raising the central bank’s inflation target. This is particularly the case when fundamentals improve slowly. We attribute the relatively poorer performance of state-dependent inflation targets to a loss of confidence in the central bank’s ability to stabilize the economy. During a slower recovery, the central bank’s inflation target grows quite large as the economy fails to live up to the state-dependent target. The disparity between the inflation target and actual inflation - which is largely driven by non-rational expectations - grows rapidly. Such a policy is unlikely to be successful if agents’ willingness to condition their expectations on the central bank’s target is based on the central bank’s efficacy in achieving past targets. However, the faster fundamentals improve, the greater is the likelihood the central bank achieves its inflation target and individuals coordinate their expectations in the direction of the target. We emphasize that the central bank in our experimental economy is fully committed to its state-dependent policy to keep interest rates low even after the economy begins recovering. Unlike rational expectations’ frameworks where credibility and commitment are synonymous, we have observed that agents may not perceive the central bank’s intentions as credible despite the central bank’s commitment to its policies. In short, our subjects need to “see it to believe it”. Anticipated fiscal policy, by contrast, provides considerable support when fundamentals improve slowly. Compared to our baseline of a constant inflation target, introducing fiscal policy leads to significantly faster and more stable recoveries. Unlike state-dependent inflation targeting monetary policies that provide a promise of future recovery in the uncertain future, anticipated expansionary fiscal policy in our environment stimulates demand with certainty. 23 References [1] Adam, K. (2007). “Experimental Evidence on the Persistence of Output and Inflation.” The Economic Journal, 117(520), 603-636. [2] Adam, K. and R. 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National Bureau of Economic Research. 28 2494 7.67 N χ2 2373 0.12 0.091 (0.48) -0.019 (0.06) 2502 0.01 0.181 (0.38) -0.006 (0.05) 2446 0.53 -0.065 (0.25) 0.035 (0.04) 107 10.62 0.000 0.007*** (0.00) (0.00) 0.003 -0.482 (0.32) (0.36) 108 106 4.873 0.0101 0.006** (0.00) 0.029 (0.41) 106 14.07 0.008 *** (0.00) -0.131 (0.34) Increase Forecast Relative to Past Inflation Constant SD Dir. SD Fiscal I parentheses and clustered at the session-level. the constant in each specification. Significance levels: ∗ p < 0.10, ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ p < 0.01. Standard errors are presented in number of periods it takes for the natural rate of interest shock rtn to return to zero following the onstart of the crisis. α denotes (I) Specifications involve data from the pooled postshock data from Repetitions 1 and 2. CrisisShockLength refers to the 0.651*** (0.17) -0.076*** (0.03) Forecast in Target Direction Constant SD Dir. SD Fiscal α n rtn − rt−1 CrisisShockLength Dep. Var Treatment Table 1: Probit Analysis of CrisisShockLength and Adjustment on Anchoring of Inflation Expectations Figure 1: Simulation of parameterized environment with a constant inflation target Figure 2: Simulation of parameterized environment with a state dependent inflation target Figure 3: Simulation of parameterized environment with a constant inflation target and announced fiscal policy Figure 4: Example of a stable shock sequence Figure 5: Example of an unstable shock sequences 0 2 Relative Trap Length 4 6 8 (a) Relative Trap Length Constant SD DSD Fiscal Constant SD Rep 1 DSD Fiscal Rep 2 Standard Deviation (b) Standard Deviation of Inflation 1.0e+09 1.0e+07 1.0e+06 10,000 1,000 50 Constant SD DSD Rep 1 Fiscal Constant SD DSD Fiscal Rep 2 Figure 6: Duration and Severity of Crises in Constant Target, State-Dependent Target, and Directional State-Dependent Target Treatments 3. Dir. SD Target, Rep 1 4. Fiscal Policy, Rep 1 1. Constant Target, Rep 2 2.State Dependent Target, Rep 2 3. Dir. SD Target, Rep 2 4. Fiscal Policy, Rep 2 0 1 0 Stable Economy = 0; Unstable Economy = 1 1 1. Constant Target, Rep 1 2.State Dependent Target, Rep 1 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Crisis Shock Length Figure 7: Stability of Economies by Length of Crisis Shock - By Treatment and Repetition (a) Fundamentals-Driven Expectations - Output Forecasts Repetition 2, preshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, preshock CDF -.5 0 .5 1 1.5 0 5 15 Repetition 2, postshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, postshock 10 -20 -10 0 10 -20 -10 0 10 20 Estimated coefficient on shock_{t} in output forecast Constant SD Dir. SD Fiscal Policy (b) Fundamentals-Driven Expectations - Inflation Forecasts Repetition 2, preshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, preshock CDF -.5 0 .5 1 0 4 6 8 Repetition 2, postshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, postshock 2 -10 0 10 -15 -10 -5 0 5 Estimated coefficient on shock_{t} in inflation forecast Constant SD Dir. SD Fiscal Policy Figure 8: Distribution of Fundamental Types Across Treatments and Shock Phases - by Repetition and Phase (a) Naive Expectations - Output Forecasts Repetition 2, preshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, preshock CDF -.5 0 .5 1 1.5 -2 0 4 Repetition 2, postshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, postshock 2 -4 -2 0 2 0 .5 1 1.5 Estimated coefficient on output_{t-1} in output forecast Constant SD Dir. SD Fiscal Policy (b) Naive Expectations - Inflation Forecasts Repetition 2, preshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, preshock CDF -5 0 5 -5 0 Repetition 2, postshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, postshock 5 0 10 20 0 10 20 30 40 Estimated coefficient on Inflation_{t-1} in inflation forecast Constant SD Dir. SD Fiscal Policy Figure 9: Distribution of Naive Types Across Treatments and Shock Phases - by Repetition and Phase (a) Trend-chasing & Contrarian Expectations - Output Forecasts Repetition 2, preshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, preshock CDF -1 0 1 2 -10 10 20 Repetition 2, preshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, postshock 0 -5 0 5 10 -2 0 2 4 6 Estimated coefficient on past output trend in output forecast Constant SD Dir. SD Fiscal Policy (b) Trend-chasing & Contrarian - Inflation Forecasts Repetition 2, preshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, preshock CDF -2 -1 0 1 2 0 4 6 8 Repetition 2, postshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, postshock 2 0 20 40 60 -20 0 20 40 Estimated coefficient on past inflation trend in inflation forecast Constant SD Dir. SD Fiscal Policy Figure 10: Distribution of Naive Types Across Treatments and Shock Phases - by Repetition and Phase (a) Inflation Target - Output Forecasts Repetition 2, preshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, preshock CDF -2 -1 0 1 -4 0 2 Repetition 2, postshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, postshock -2 -.5 0 .5 -1 -.5 0 .5 Estimated coefficient on InflationTarget_{t} in output forecast SD Dir. SD (b) Inflation Target - Inflation Forecasts Repetition 2, preshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, preshock CDF -1 -.5 0 .5 1 -1.5 -.5 0 .5 Repetition 2, postshock 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, postshock -1 -5 0 5 -10 -5 0 Estimated coefficient on InflationTarget_{t} in inflation forecast SD Dir. SD Figure 11: Distribution of Responses to State Dependent Inflation Target Across Treatments and Shock Phases - by Repetition and Phase (a) Fiscal Policy - Output Forecasts 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, postshock CDF -.5 0 .5 1 1.5 0 .5 1 Repetition 2, postshock -.5 0 .5 1 Estimated coefficient on g_{t} in output forecast after controlling for r_{t} (b) Fiscal Policy - InflationForecasts 0 .5 1 Repetition 1, postshock CDF 0 .5 1 1.5 0 .5 1 Repetition 2, postshock 0 .5 1 1.5 Estimated coefficient on g_{t} in inflation forecast after controlling for r_{t} Figure 12: Distribution of Responses to Fiscal Policy Across Treatments and Shock Phases by Repetition and Phase 7 Online Appendix - Not for Publication Derivation of State-Dependent Inflation Targeting rule20 Below we discuss how we develop our non-optimal state-dependent inflation targeting rule. We are motivated by Eggertsson and Woodford’s optimal price setting rule: p∗t+1 = p∗t + 1 1 (1 + κσ) ∆t − ∆t−1 (1) β β where ∆t ≡ p∗t − p̃t (2) Here p∗t denotes the price target and λ p̃ = pt + xt (3) κ refers to the output gap adjusted price level. Note that in the steady state, ∆t = 0. We begin by defining the output gap adjusted inflation level as π̃t = p̃t − p̃t−1 ⇔ π̃t = (pt − pt−1 ) + π̃t = πt + λ (xt − xt−1 ) ⇔ κ λ (xt − xt−1 ) (4) κ Equation (1) can be rewritten as p∗t+1 = p∗t + p∗t+1 − p∗t = ∗ = πt+1 ∗ πt+1 = 20 1 1 (1 + κσ) ∆t − ∆t−1 ⇔ β β 1 1 ∗ (1 + κσ) (p∗t − p̃t ) − pt−1 − p̃t−1 ⇔ β β κσ ∗ 1 ∗ pt − p∗t−1 − (p̃t − p̃t−1 ) + (p − p̃t ) ⇔ β β t 1 1 ∗ κσ ∗ pt − p∗t−1 − (p̃t − p̃t−1 ) + (p − p̃t ) ⇔ β β β t We credit Andriy Barynskyy for this derivation. ∗ πt+1 = ∗ πt+1 = 1 ∗ 1 κσ ∗ πt − π̃t + (p − p̃t ) ⇔ β β β t 1 ∗ λ κσ ∗ (πt − πt ) − (xt − xt−1 ) + (p − p̃t ) (5) β κβ β t Now, the first two terms are straightforward and can be easily calculated. What about (p∗t − p̃t )? the term κσ β P Start with πt∗ = p∗t − p∗t−1 . After rearranging, note that p∗t = πt∗ + p∗t−1 = ti=1 πi∗ + p∗0 (6). P P Similarly, p̃t = ti=1 π̃i + p̃0 = ti=1 π̃i + p0 + λκ x0 (7). If we assume that before period 1 po = p∗o , then these terms can be subtracted and we don’t care about price level: κσ κσ ∗ (pt − p̃t ) = β β = κσ β = κσ β t X t X λ π̃i − p0 − x0 κ i=1 i=1 ! t t X X λ ∗ πi − π̃i − x0 κ i=1 i=1 ! t t X X ∗ πi − π̃i (8) πi∗ + p∗0 − i=1 ! i=1 Now substitute (8) into (5): ∗ πt+1 = ∗ πt+1 κσ 1 ∗ 1 πt − π̃t + β β β 1 λ κσ 1 (xt − xt−1 ) + = πt∗ − πt − β β κβ β ∗ πt+1 t X πi∗ − i=1 t X ! π̃i ⇔ i=1 πi∗ − t X i=1 1 λ κσ = (πt∗ − πt ) − (xt − xt−1 ) + β κβ β t X i=1 t X πi∗ − i=1 t λX (xt − xt−1 ) πi − κ i=1 t X i=1 ! πi − ! ⇔ λσ xt (9) β We then use equation (9) as the central bank’s inflation target when simulating the statedependent inflation targeting rule. The inflation target is implemented in a non-optimal Taylor rule that has nominal interest rates responding to deviations of inflation from the target given by equation (9) and output gap from zero: it = r∗ + φπ (πt − πt∗ ) + φx xt In designing our experiment and studying the space of parameters, we conducted simulations using social evolutionary learning agents to study dynamics in response to this statedependent inflation targeting rule. We found in numerous simulations that the economies Pt Pt ∗ − π due π were highly unstable when the inflation target included the term κσ i i i=1 i=1 β to the little weight agents placed on the target in early periods. In response to these initial simulations, we opted remove the term from equation (9) and instead implement the following which led to increased stability: ∗ πt+1 = 1 ∗ λ λσ (πt − πt ) − (xt − xt−1 ) − xt . (10) β κβ β Figure 13: Constant Target Treatment Screenshot Figure 14: State Dependent Target Treatment Screenshot Figure 15: Directional State Dependent Target Treatment Screenshot Figure 16: Fiscal Policy Treatment Screenshot Experimental Instructions for Constant Target Treatment Welcome! You are participating in an economics experiment at CRABE Lab. In this experiment you will participate in the experimental simulation of the economy. If you read these instructions carefully and make appropriate decisions, you may earn a considerable amount of money that will be immediately paid out to you in cash at the end of the experiment. Each participant is paid CDN$7 for attending. Throughout this experiment you will also earn points based on the decisions you make. Every point you earn is worth $0.50. We reserve the right to improve this in your favour if average payoffs are lower than expected. During the experiment you are not allowed to communicate with other participants. If you have any questions, the experimenter will be glad to answer them privately. If you do not comply with these instructions, you will be excluded from the experiment and deprived of all payments aside from the minimum payment of CDN $7 for attending. The experiment is based on a simple simulation that approximates fluctuations in the real economy. Your task is to serve as private forecasters and provide real-time forecasts about future output and inflation in this simulated economy. The instructions will explain what output, inflation, and the interest rate are and how they move around in this economy, as well as how they depend on forecasts. You will also have a chance to try it out in a practice demonstration. In this simulation, households and firms (whose decisions are automated by the computer) will form forecasts identically to yours. So to some degree, outcomes that you will see in the game will depend on the way in which all of you form your forecasts. Your earnings in this experiment will depend on the accuracy of your individual forecasts. Below we will discuss what inflation and output are, and how to predict them. All values will be given in basis points, a measurement often used in descriptions of the economy. All values can be positive, negative, or zero at any point in time. 1 Score Your score will depend on the accuracy of your inflation and output gap forecasts. The absolute difference between your forecasts and the actual values for output and inflation are your absolute forecast errors. Absolute Forecast Error = absolute (Your Forecast – Actual Value) Total Score = 0.30(2^-0.01(Forecast Error for Output)) + 0.30(2^-0.01 (Forecast Error for Inflation)) The maximum score you can earn each period is 0.6 points. Your score will decrease as your forecast error increases. Suppose your forecast errors for each of output and inflation are: 0 -Your score will be 0.6 300 -Your score will be 0.075 50 -Your score will be 0.42 500 -Your score will be 0.02 100 -Your score will be 0.3 1000 -Your score will be 0 200 -Your score will be 0.15 2000 -Your score will be 0 Information about the Interface, Actions, and Payoffs During the experiment, your main screen will display information that will help you make forecasts and earn more points. At the top left of the screen, you will see your subject number, the current period, time remaining, and the total number of points earned. Below that you will see the interest rate for the current period. You will also see three history plots. The top history plot displays past interest rates and shocks. The second plot displays your past forecast of inflation and realized inflation levels. The final plot displays your past forecasts of inflation and realized inflation levels. The difference between your forecasts and the actual realized levels constitutes your forecast errors. Your forecasts will always be shown in blue while the realized value will be shown in red. You can see the exact value for each point on a graph by placing your mouse at that point. When the first period begins, you will have 65 seconds to submit new forecasts for the next period’s inflation and output levels. You may submit both negative and positive forecasts. Please review your forecasts before pressing the SUBMIT button. Once the SUBMIT button has been clicked, you will not be able to revise your forecasts until the next period. You will earn zero points if you do not submit all three forecasts. After the first 9 periods, the amount of time available to make a decision will drop to 50 seconds per period. You will participate in two sequences of 40 periods, for a total of 80 periods of play. Your score, converted into Canadian dollars, plus the show up fee will be paid to you in cash at the end of the experiment. 2 INFORMATION SHARED WITH ALL PARTICIPANTS Each period, you will receive the following information to help you make forecasts. Interest Rate The interest rate is the rate at which consumers and firms borrow and save in this experimental economy. The central bank’s objective is to keep the economy stable. It responds to changes in the current level of output and inflation from the long run target of zero. The central bank aims to keep inflation at a level of 0 basis points per period by adjusting the interest rate. This will imply that, on average, the interest rate will be 75 basis points. The interest rate can be as low as zero and there is no limit on how high it can be. Depends on: Inflation in the current period (+) Example: If inflation increases today, the nominal interest rate will increase. If inflation decreases, the interest rate will be decrease. Depends on: Output in the current period (+) Example: If output increases in the current period, the nominal interest rate will increase. If it decreases, the interest rate will decrease. Question: If inflation and output are -10 and -20, respectively, what sign will the interest rate be? _________. What if inflation is -10 and output is 20?________ Current Shock A shock is a random “event” that affects output. E.g. A natural disaster can suddenly destroy crops, or a technological discovery immediately improves productivity. Depends on: Random Draw The central bank in the economy predicts that the shock will be relatively small most of the time. Two-thirds of the time it will fall between -93 and 93 basis points, and 95% of the time it will fall between -186 and 186 basis points. On average, it will be 0. Every shock takes some time to dissipate. Suppose the shock in the current period is 100. Next period, that shock will now be 80% of 100, or 80 basis points. Assuming no new shocks were to occur, the value of the shock next period is 80 points. Some shock is likely to occur. Shock Forecast The shock forecast is a prediction of what the shock will be next period. It assumes that, on average, next period’s shock is zero. Example: If the current shock is -200 points, the forecasted value of the shock tomorrow is -200(0.80) = -160 3 HOW INFLATION AND OUTPUT ARE DETERMINED You will be making forecasts about what you believe inflation and output will be tomorrow, as well as inflation four periods into the future. 1. Inflation Inflation is the rate at which overall prices change between two periods. Depends on: Forecasted inflation in the next period (+) Example: If the median subject forecasts future inflation to be positive, current inflation will be positive, and vice versa. Question: Holding all else constant, will current inflation be positive or negative if the median forecast for future inflation is -20? _________________. Current output (+) Example: If current output is positive, current inflation will be positive. If current output is negative, current output will be negative. Question: Holding all else constant, what sign is current inflation if current output is 50?______0?_________ 2. Output Output refers to a measure of the quantity of goods produced in a given period. Depends on: Forecasted output in the next period (+) Example: If the median subject forecasts future output to be positive, current output will also be positive. Question: Holding all else constant, will output be positive or negative if the median subject forecasts output to be -15 points next period?_____________ Forecasted inflation in the next period (+) Example: If the median subject forecasts inflation to be positive next period, current output will likely be positive. Question: Holding all else constant, what sign will output be if the median subject forecasts inflation to be 250 points next period?_____________. What sign will inflation have? ___________. Current interest rate (-) Example: If the current interest rate is positive, current output will be negative. Question: Holding all else constant, what sign will output be if interest rates are 10? ______________ What sign will inflation have? _____________ Random Shocks (+) Example: Positive shocks will have a positive effect on output. Negative shocks will have a negative effect on output. Question: Holding all else constant, what sign will output be if the shock is -50?_________ . What sign will inflation have? ________________ 4 How the economy evolves You will submit forecasts for the next period’s inflation and output, measured in basis points: 1% = 100 basis points 3.25% = 325 basis points -0.5% = -50 basis points -4.8% = -480 basis points The economy consists of four main variables: • Inflation, Output, Interest Rate, Shocks At any time, t, the values of these variables will be calculated as follows: Shockt = 0.8(Shockt−1 ) + Random Componentt • The random component is 0 on average. • Roughly two out of three times the shock will be between -93 and 93 basis points. • 95% of the time the shock will be between -186 and 186 basis points. E.g. Shock1 = 30 Shock2 = 30 × 0.8 + N ew Draw = 24 + (30) = 54 Shock2 = 24 + (−150) = −126 1 How the economy evolves: Inf lationt = 0.995(Median forecast of Inflationt+1 )+0.13( Outputt ) Outputt = Median forecast of Outputt+1 + Median forecast of Inflationt+1 − Interest Ratet + Shockt + 75 Interest Ratet = 75 + 1.5(Inf lationt − Inf lation T argett ) + 0.5(Outputt ) Inf lation T argett =0 • The interest rate can never go below 0. If inflation or output become sufficiently negative, the interest rate will be zero. • The Central Bank’s inflation target will always be 0. Its goal is to keep inflation and output at 0. • Expectations are self-fulfilling in this economy. If the median subject forecasts higher inflation and output in the future, both inflation and output will grow higher in the current period. Similarly, median forecasts of negative inflation and output will cause the economy to recede in the current period. 2 How the economy evolves You will submit forecasts for the next period’s inflation and output, measured in basis points: 1% = 100 basis points 3.25% = 325 basis points -0.5% = -50 basis points -4.8% = -480 basis points The economy consists of four main variables: • Inflation, Output, Interest Rate, Shocks At any time, t, the values of these variables will be calculated as follows: Shockt = 0.8(Shockt−1 ) + Random Componentt • The random component is 0 on average. • Roughly two out of three times the shock will be between -93 and 93 basis points. • 95% of the time the shock will be between -186 and 186 basis points. E.g. Shock1 = 30 Shock2 = 30 × 0.8 + N ew Draw = 24 + (30) = 54 Shock2 = 24 + (−150) = −126 1 How the economy evolves: Inf lationt = 0.995(Median forecast of Inflationt+1 )+0.13( Outputt ) Outputt = Median forecast of Outputt+1 + Median forecast of Inflationt+1 − Interest Ratet + Shockt + 75 Interest Ratet = 75 + 3(Inf lationt − Inf lation T argett ) + (Outputt ) Inf lation T argett =(Inf lation T argett−1 − Inf lationt−1 )−0.33(Outputt−1 −Outputt−2 )−0.004Outputt−1 • The interest rate can never go below 0. If inflation or output become sufficiently negative, the interest rate will be zero. • The Central Bank’s inflation target will always be changing in response to the economy. – If the economy is in a recession and past inflation is lower than the Bank’s target, the target will be raised. The Bank will promise to allow for higher inflation for at least a couple of periods after the economy comes out of a recession. – If the economy has been growing above the Bank’s target and past inflation is higher than the Bank’s target, the target will be lowered. The Bank will raise interest rates more aggressively to reduce inflation. This will also persist for at least a couple of periods after the economy returns to its steady state levels. • Expectations are self-fulfilling in this economy. If the median subject forecasts higher inflation and output in the future, both inflation and output will grow higher in the current period. Similarly, median forecasts of negative inflation and output will cause the economy to recede in the current period. 2 How the economy evolves You will submit forecasts for the next period’s inflation and output, measured in basis points: 1% = 100 basis points 3.25% = 325 basis points -0.5% = -50 basis points -4.8% = -480 basis points The economy consists of five main variables: • Inflation, Output, Interest Rate, Government Spending, Shocks At any time, t, the values of these variables will be calculated as follows: Shockt = 0.8(Shockt−1 ) + Random Componentt • The random component is 0 on average. • Roughly two out of three times the shock will be between -93 and 93 basis points. • 95% of the time the shock will be between -186 and 186 basis points. E.g. Shock1 = 30 Shock2 = 30 × 0.8 + N ew Draw = 24 + (30) = 54 Shock2 = 24 + (−150) = −126 1 How the economy evolves: Inf lationt = 0.995(M edian f orecast of Inf lationt+1 ) + 0.13(Outputt ) Outputt = M edian f orecast of Outputt+1 + M edian f orecast of Inf lationt+1 − Interest Ratet +Government Spendingt + Shockt + 75 Interest Ratet = 75 + 1.5(Inf lationt − Inf lation T argett ) + 0.5(Outputt ) where, Inf lation T argett =0 • The government will occasionally spend money to stimulate demand or tax to reduce demand. At any point in time, you will see the government’s planned spending or taxation for the next period. The government does not necessarily need to balance its budget. That is, if the government spends in one period, they are not required to tax in the future, and vice versa. • The interest rate can never go below 0. If inflation or output become sufficiently negative, the interest rate will be zero. • The Central Bank’s inflation target will always be 0. Its goal is to keep inflation and output at 0. • Expectations are self-fulfilling in this economy. If the median subject forecasts higher inflation and output in the future, both inflation and output will grow higher in the current period. Similarly, median forecasts of negative inflation and output will cause the economy to recede in the current period. 2 (a) Sequence 1, Repetition 1 1. Constant Target, 0 1. Constant Target, 1 200 100 0 -100 -200 0 5 10 15 0 400 200 0 -200 -400 -20000 -40000 -60000 20 20 2.State Dependent Target, 0 5 10 15 20 15 20 15 40 25 30 35 40 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 200 100 0 -100 -200 10 35 400 200 0 -200 -400 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 5 30 20000 10000 0 -10000 20 200 100 0 -100 -200 0 25 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 1 200 100 0 -100 -200 10 40 400 200 0 -200 -400 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 0 5 35 1.0e+06 500000 0 -500000 -1.0e+06 20 200 100 0 -100 0 30 2.State Dependent Target, 1 200 100 0 -100 -200 200 0 -200 -400 0 25 Basis Points (Shock) Basis Points (non Shock variables) 200 100 0 -100 -200 400 200 0 -200 -400 400 200 0 -200 -400 20 20 25 30 35 40 Subperiod (b) Sequence 1, Repetition 2 1. Constant Target, 0 1. Constant Target, 1 200 100 0 -100 -200 200 0 -200 0 5 10 15 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 10 2.State Dependent Target, 0 0 -5000 -10000 5 10 0 -1.0e+09 15 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 0 -20000 10 20 30 40 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 200 100 0 -100 -200 10 30 20000 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 5 25 40000 15 200 100 0 -100 -200 0 20 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 1 200 100 0 -100 -200 10 200 0 -200 -400 -600 1.0e+09 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 0 5 40 2.0e+09 15 200 100 0 -100 0 30 2.State Dependent Target, 1 200 100 0 -100 -200 5000 0 20 Basis Points (Shock) Basis Points (non Shock variables) -400 0 -2.0e+07 -4.0e+07 -6.0e+07 -8.0e+07 500 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 0 -500 -1000 15 10 20 30 40 Subperiod Output Inflation Interest Rate Inflation Target Fiscal Exp. Figure 17: Time series data, Pre and Post shock Shock (a) Sequence 2, Repetition 1 1. Constant Target, 0 1. Constant Target, 1 400 200 100 0 -100 -200 200 0 0 5 10 15 20 400 200 0 -200 -400 20 2.State Dependent Target, 0 200 0 -200 -400 5 10 15 200 0 -200 15 -2.0e+07 -4.0e+07 25 30 35 40 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 200 0 -200 15 40 400 200 0 -200 -400 20 200 100 0 -100 -200 10 35 0 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 5 30 2.0e+07 20 400 0 25 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 1 200 100 0 -100 -200 10 40 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 20 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 0 5 35 2.0e+08 1.0e+08 0 -1.0e+08 -2.0e+08 20 400 0 30 2.State Dependent Target, 1 5000 0 -5000 -10000 0 25 Basis Points (Shock) Basis Points (non Shock variables) -200 0 -10000 -20000 -30000 -40000 400 200 0 -200 -400 0 -5.0e+06 -1.0e+07 -1.5e+07 20 20 25 30 35 40 Subperiod (b) Sequence 2, Repetition 2 1. Constant Target, 0 1. Constant Target, 1 300 200 100 0 -100 0 5 10 400 200 0 -200 -400 0 -200000 -400000 -600000 -800000 15 10 2.State Dependent Target, 0 200 150 100 50 0 5 10 0 -1.0e+07 10 400 200 0 -200 -400 0 -2.0e+07 10 20 30 40 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 300 200 100 0 -100 400 200 0 10 40 2.0e+07 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 5 30 4.0e+07 15 600 0 20 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 1 300 200 100 0 -100 10 400 200 0 -200 -400 1.0e+07 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 0 5 40 2.0e+07 15 600 400 200 0 -200 0 30 2.State Dependent Target, 1 300 200 100 0 -100 0 20 Basis Points (Shock) Basis Points (non Shock variables) 600 400 200 0 1000 400 200 0 -200 -400 500 0 -500 15 10 20 30 40 Subperiod Output Inflation Interest Rate Inflation Target Fiscal Exp. Figure 18: Time series data, Pre and Post shock Shock (a) Sequence 3, Repetition 1 Output, Inflation, Interest Rate, Shock i. Constant Target, 0 i. Constant Target, 1 400 200 0 -200 500 0 -500 -1000 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 ii. History Dependent Target, 0 30 35 40 ii. History Dependent Target, 1 200 0 -200 -400 200 100 0 -100 -200 0 5 10 15 20 20 iii. Directional History Dependent Target, 0 25 30 35 40 iii. Directional History Dependent Target, 1 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 500 0 -500 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 iv. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 30 35 40 iv. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 300 200 100 0 -100 400 200 0 -200 -400 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 Subperiod Output Gap Inflation Interest Rate Shock Inflation Target Gov't Spending (b) Sequence 3, Repetition 2 Output, Inflation, Interest Rate, Shock i. Constant Target, 0 i. Constant Target, 1 400 200 0 -200 500 0 -500 -1000 0 5 10 15 10 20 ii. History Dependent Target, 0 30 40 ii. History Dependent Target, 1 400 200 0 -200 -400 200 0 -200 -400 0 5 10 15 10 iii. Directional History Dependent Target, 0 20 30 40 iii. Directional History Dependent Target, 1 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 0 5 10 15 10 iv. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 20 30 40 iv. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 300 200 100 0 -100 400 200 0 -200 -400 -600 0 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 Subperiod Output Gap Output Inflation Inflation Interest Rate Interest Rate Shock Inflation Target Inflation Target Fiscal Exp. Figure 19: Time series data, Pre and Post shock Gov't Spending Shock (a) Sequence 4, Repetition 1 Output, Inflation, Interest Rate, Shock i. Constant Target, 0 i. Constant Target, 1 400 300 200 100 0 -100 0 -200000 -400000 -600000 -800000 -1.0e+06 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 ii. History Dependent Target, 0 30 35 40 ii. History Dependent Target, 1 300 200 100 0 -100 2.0e+06 1.0e+06 0 -1.0e+06 -2.0e+06 0 5 10 15 20 20 iii. Directional History Dependent Target, 0 25 30 35 40 iii. Directional History Dependent Target, 1 300 200 100 0 -100 -200 3.0e+07 2.0e+07 1.0e+07 0 -1.0e+07 -2.0e+07 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 iv. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 30 35 40 iv. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 400 200 0 -200 -400 300 200 100 0 -100 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 Subperiod Output Gap Inflation Interest Rate Shock Inflation Target Gov't Spending (b) Sequence 4, Repetition 2 Output, Inflation, Interest Rate, Shock i. Constant Target, 0 i. Constant Target, 1 800 600 400 200 0 0 -5.0e+08 -1.0e+09 -1.5e+09 -2.0e+09 -2.5e+09 0 5 10 15 10 20 ii. History Dependent Target, 0 30 40 ii. History Dependent Target, 1 2.0e+08 1.0e+08 0 -1.0e+08 -2.0e+08 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 0 5 10 15 10 iii. Directional History Dependent Target, 0 20 30 40 iii. Directional History Dependent Target, 1 1000 2.0e+07 500 1.0e+07 0 0 -500 -1.0e+07 0 5 10 15 10 iv. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 20 30 40 iv. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 600 400 200 0 -200 -400 400 200 0 0 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 Subperiod Output Gap Output Inflation Inflation Interest Rate Interest Rate Shock Inflation Target Inflation Target Fiscal Exp. Figure 20: Time series data, Pre and Post shock Gov't Spending Shock (a) Sequence 5, Repetition 1 1. Constant Target, 0 1. Constant Target, 1 400 300 200 100 0 -100 0 5 10 15 500 200 0 0 -500 -200 -1000 20 -400 20 2.State Dependent Target, 0 0 -500 5 10 15 0 -500 15 0 -200 -400 200 0 -200 -2.0e+07 -400 25 30 35 40 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 400 200 0 15 40 0 20 400 300 200 100 0 -100 10 35 2.0e+07 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 5 30 4.0e+07 20 600 0 25 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 1 400 300 200 100 0 -100 10 40 200 20 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 0 5 35 1.0e+09 0 -1.0e+09 -2.0e+09 20 500 0 30 2.State Dependent Target, 1 400 300 200 100 0 -100 500 0 25 Basis Points (Shock) Basis Points (non Shock variables) 600 400 200 0 400 200 0 -200 -400 20 200 0 -200 -400 20 25 30 35 40 Subperiod (b) Sequence 5, Repetition 2 1. Constant Target, 0 1. Constant Target, 1 250 200 150 100 50 0 400 200 0 5 10 0 -500 15 10 2.State Dependent Target, 0 250 200 150 100 50 0 200 0 -200 5 10 0 -1.0e+13 10 400 200 0 -200 -400 -50000 10 20 30 40 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 250 200 150 100 50 0 400 200 0 10 40 0 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 5 30 50000 15 600 0 20 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 1 250 200 150 100 50 0 10 400 200 0 -200 -400 1.0e+13 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 0 5 40 2.0e+13 15 400 200 0 -200 0 30 2.State Dependent Target, 1 400 0 20 Basis Points (Shock) Basis Points (non Shock variables) 0 400 200 0 -200 -400 500 600 400 200 0 -200 15 400 200 0 -200 -400 10 20 30 40 Subperiod Output Inflation Interest Rate Inflation Target Fiscal Exp. Figure 21: Time series data, Pre and Post shock Shock (a) Sequence 6, Repetition 1 1. Constant Target, 0 1. Constant Target, 1 200 150 100 50 0 -50 0 5 10 15 400 200 0 -200 -400 20 200 0 -200 -400 20 2.State Dependent Target, 0 200 150 100 50 0 -50 200 0 -200 5 10 15 15 200 0 -5.0e+07 -200 -1.0e+08 -400 20 0 -200 -500 -400 25 30 35 40 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 200 100 0 15 40 200 20 200 150 100 50 0 -50 10 35 0 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 5 30 500 20 300 0 25 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 1 200 150 100 50 0 -50 10 40 0 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 0 5 35 5.0e+07 20 300 200 100 0 -100 0 30 2.State Dependent Target, 1 400 0 25 Basis Points (Shock) Basis Points (non Shock variables) 300 200 100 0 -100 400 200 0 -200 -400 20 200 0 -200 -400 20 25 30 35 Subperiod (b) Sequence 6, Repetition 2 1. Constant Target, 0 1. Constant Target, 1 200 150 100 50 0 -50 0 5 10 0 -1.0e+06 -2.0e+06 -3.0e+06 -4.0e+06 15 400 200 0 -200 -400 10 2.State Dependent Target, 0 0 -500 5 10 0 -200 10 10 20 30 40 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 1 200 150 100 50 0 -50 10 40 400 200 0 -200 -400 4. Constant Target + Fiscal Policy, 0 5 30 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 15 300 200 100 0 0 20 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 1 200 150 100 50 0 -50 200 400 200 0 -200 -400 10 3. Directional State Dependent Target, 0 5 40 2.0e+08 1.0e+08 0 -1.0e+08 -2.0e+08 15 400 0 30 2.State Dependent Target, 1 200 150 100 50 0 -50 500 0 20 Basis Points (Shock) Basis Points (non Shock variables) 300 200 100 0 500 400 200 0 -200 -400 0 -500 15 10 20 30 40 Subperiod Output Inflation Interest Rate Inflation Target Fiscal Exp. Figure 22: Time series data, Pre and Post shock Shock 1, 0 1, 1 2, 1 0 150 -10000 60 -5000 100 40 -20000 20 5 10 15 20 -10000 50 -30000 0 Inflation Forecast 2, 0 200 0 80 0 20 25 3, 0 30 35 40 -15000 0 5 3, 1 200 15 20 15 20 25 5, 0 200 100 100 0 0 -100 -100 -200 0 5 10 30 35 40 15 20 40 35 40 -400000 0 5 5, 1 200 35 -300000 0 20 300 40 -200000 -200 10 35 -100000 50 5 30 0 100 0 0 25 4, 1 150 0 -100 20 4, 0 200 100 10 10 15 20 20 25 6, 0 30 6, 1 100 100 50 50 0 -50 0 20 25 30 35 40 -100 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Constant, Rep 1 1, 0 Standard Deviation of Inflation Forecasts 46.73626 1, 1 2, 0 17372.06 7.774602 63.6455 32.62284 0 5 10 15 20 3, 0 80.31189 13.33021 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 4, 1 3.33e+09 0 5 5, 1 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 6, 0 66.59392 8.343328 0 20 25 30 35 40 9.382312 114.5644 13.38843 10 15 20 4, 0 20 25 30 35 40 5, 0 63.24555 5 41.28996 25.3081 0 67.08038 0 3, 1 121.3752 18.5 2, 1 8559.83 5.276295 20 25 30 35 40 6, 1 116.8408 7.991315 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Constant, Rep 1 Figure 23: Distribution of Inflation Forecasts (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile and standard deviation), Constant Rep 1 1, 0 1, 1 100 2, 0 0 50 -200000 100 -50 -1.0e+08 -100 0 Inflation Forecast 0 200 -5.0e+07 0 2, 1 300 5 10 15 10 20 3, 0 30 40 0 100 0 200 0 -200 100 -100 15 50 0 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 4, 1 0 -4.0e+09 -6.0e+09 -8.0e+09 0 10 20 30 40 0 5 5, 1 100 10 -2.0e+09 5, 0 150 15 300 -400 10 10 4, 0 200 5 5 3, 1 200 0 -400000 0 10 15 10 6, 0 150 100 100 -500000 0 50 -1.0e+06 -100 0 -1.5e+06 -200 -50 20 30 40 30 40 6, 1 200 10 20 0 -2.0e+06 0 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Constant, Rep 2 1, 0 1, 1 Standard Deviation of Inflation Forecasts 46.68244 2, 0 3.33e+16 2, 1 54.03188 9.565563 3317764 16.91236 0 5 10 15 10 3, 0 20 30 40 14.01884 15 20 30 40 10 0 5 15 10 15 40 10 20 30 40 6, 1 55.26778 10.92906 5 30 4, 1 6, 0 169.5214 0 20 1.41e+10 5, 1 8.700255 10 14.73469 10 5, 0 51.58919 15 182.1016 30.05597 10 10 4, 0 156.4049 5 5 3, 1 164.7695 0 103.8617 0 3.33e+18 11.75798 10 20 30 40 0 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Constant, Rep 2 0 Figure 24: Distribution of Inflation Forecasts (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile and standard deviation), Constant Rep 2 0 0 1, 0 1, 1 2, 0 0 100 50 -1000 -200000 -5.0e+07 -2000 0 -400000 -50 0 Inflation Forecast 2, 1 0 0 5 10 15 20 -3000 20 25 3, 0 30 35 40 40 10 20 0 0 -10 -20 -20 10 15 20 30 35 40 10 15 20 35 40 35 40 35 40 -1.0e+06 -2.0e+06 0 5 10 15 20 0 -5.0e+07 0 30 35 40 30 6, 1 -50 25 25 0 50 0 20 20 6, 0 100 -1.0e+09 5 30 4, 1 -20 25 -50 0 25 1.0e+06 5, 1 -100 20 0 20 -5.0e+08 20 4, 0 0 0 15 0 5, 0 50 10 20 -40 5 5 3, 1 20 0 -1.0e+08 0 -1.0e+08 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), SD, Rep 1 1, 0 Standard Deviation of Inflation Forecasts 50.95586 1, 1 2, 0 1001380 8.708575 334366.5 38.36991 0 5 10 15 20 2.773886 20 25 30 35 40 3, 0 67.70894 5 10 15 20 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 4, 0 4, 1 3771619 4.30439 20 25 30 35 40 5, 0 58.43396 5 36.75633 7.81025 0 0 3, 1 61.35756 5.019407 2, 1 3.33e+14 0 5 5, 1 10 15 20 16.74896 0 20 25 30 35 40 6, 0 3.33e+33 95.55757 8.61362 6, 1 2.87e+08 14.50862 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), SD, Rep 1 Figure 25: Distribution of Inflation Forecasts (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile and standard deviation), SD Rep 1 1, 0 1, 1 0 0 -1000 -2.0e+08 -2000 -4.0e+08 -3000 -6.0e+08 0 5 10 15 -2.0e+06 -4.0e+06 -20 15 3, 0 20 25 30 -6.0e+06 0 5 3, 1 40 10 15 -50 0 5 10 15 -2.0e+08 -3.0e+08 -200 10 5, 0 20 30 40 0 5 5, 1 100 0 50 -5.0e+12 0 -1.0e+13 -50 -1.5e+13 10 15 5 10 15 30 40 30 40 6, 1 0 -5.0e+07 -200 20 20 0 200 10 10 6, 0 0 0 40 -1.0e+08 -100 0 30 4, 1 0 0 20 0 100 0 -20 0 10 4, 0 50 20 2, 1 0 0 -8.0e+08 -4000 Inflation Forecast 2, 0 20 -1.0e+08 0 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), SD, Rep 2 1, 0 1, 1 Standard Deviation of Inflation Forecasts 891.239 2, 0 7.79e+09 2, 1 52.55341 21.93171 7.41e+13 3.855011 0 5 10 15 15 3, 0 20 25 30 15.28889 15 15 10 20 30 40 4, 1 68.60211 8.917835 10 10 4, 0 74.91681 5 5 3, 1 49.23019 0 0 1.77e+37 2.666667 10 20 30 40 0 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 0 5, 0 5, 1 31.38073 6, 0 3.33e+37 6, 1 364.3316 3.586239 3.00e+14 28.44292 0 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 0 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), SD, Rep 2 Figure 26: Distribution of Inflation Forecasts (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile and standard deviation), SD Rep 2 1, 0 1, 1 2, 1 0 100 0 10 -2000 50 -1.0e+07 0 -4000 0 -2.0e+07 -10 -6000 0 Inflation Forecast 2, 0 20 5 10 15 20 -50 20 25 3, 0 30 35 40 -3.0e+07 0 5 3, 1 50 10 15 20 20 25 4, 0 35 40 35 40 35 40 4, 1 50 50 30 0 -5.0e+06 0 0 0 -1.0e+07 -50 -1.5e+07 -100 -50 0 5 10 15 20 -50 20 25 5, 0 30 35 40 -2.0e+07 0 5 5, 1 10 15 20 20 6, 0 3.0e+18 40 0 2.0e+18 20 0 -100 1.0e+18 0 -100 -200 0 -20 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 30 6, 1 100 0 25 100 -200 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Dir. SD, Rep 1 1, 0 Standard Deviation of Inflation Forecasts 22.76297 0 1, 1 2, 0 3159.453 3.965091 50.45773 7.440349 0 5 10 15 20 3, 0 47.01861 8.615941 20 25 30 35 40 5 10 15 20 10 15 20 0 5 5, 1 10 15 20 79.08979 20 25 30 35 40 6, 1 184.7674 7.361688 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 40 6, 0 14.77329 5 4, 1 3.28e+07 6.22718 4.30e+28 0 20 25 30 35 40 4, 0 20 25 30 35 40 5, 0 88.09717 5 43.83777 11.35537 0 50.5742 0 3, 1 95.05057 5.809475 2, 1 4.13e+07 20.99405 0 5 10 15 20 Period 20 25 30 35 40 0 Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Dir. SD, Rep 1 Figure 27: Distribution of Inflation Forecasts (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile and standard deviation), Dir. SD Rep 1 1, 0 1, 1 30 2, 0 20 -2000 100 0 -4000 0 -10 -6000 -100 10 0 -2.0e+06 -4.0e+06 0 Inflation Forecast 2, 1 200 0 5 10 15 10 20 3, 0 30 40 -6.0e+06 -8.0e+06 0 5 3, 1 100 200 50 100 10 15 10 4, 0 0 0 -5.0e+06 -200 -200 5 10 15 -1.0e+07 -400 10 20 5, 0 30 40 -1.5e+07 0 5 5, 1 200 40 5.0e+06 0 -100 0 30 4, 1 200 0 -50 20 10 15 10 20 6, 0 40 6, 1 400 100 0 30 200 100 50 0 -20000 0 0 -100 -40000 0 5 10 15 -200 -50 10 20 30 40 -400 0 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Dir. SD, Rep 2 1, 0 1, 1 Standard Deviation of Inflation Forecasts 36.14938 2, 0 18949.81 4.737557 8.36826 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 6.763875 10 5 15 15 4, 0 20 30 40 0 5 10 15 15 71.1368 10 0 40 20 30 10 40 20 30 40 6, 1 202.0056 13.01068 10 30 4, 1 6, 0 12.25198 5 20 2.17e+18 5, 1 4.60e+20 0 10 5.525195 10 5, 0 95.46727 10 74.47446 24.69199 5 66.08475 0 3, 1 114.8749 0 1.48e+07 16.74067 10 3, 0 70.02995 2, 1 101.9792 43.05068 0 5 10 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Dir. SD, Rep 2 15 10 20 30 40 0 Figure 28: Distribution of Inflation Forecasts (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile and standard deviation), Dir. SD Rep 1 1, 0 2, 0 100 50 50 150 0 0 100 -50 -50 50 -100 -100 0 Inflation Forecast 1, 1 100 5 10 15 20 -5.0e+07 0 20 25 3, 0 30 35 40 -1.0e+08 0 5 3, 1 150 100 2, 1 0 200 10 15 20 20 25 4, 0 400 100 200 50 0 0 30 35 40 35 40 4, 1 200 150 100 50 0 -50 -200 0 5 10 15 20 25 5, 0 30 35 40 200 100 0 5 -200 -100 15 20 10 15 20 25 30 25 35 200 100 100 50 0 0 -100 40 30 6, 1 150 -50 20 20 6, 0 0 10 0 5, 1 200 5 0 -50 20 400 0 50 -200 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Fiscal, Rep 1 1, 0 Standard Deviation of Inflation Forecasts 38.01645 1, 1 2, 0 35.17259 6.653409 80.74669 13.64225 0 5 10 15 20 8 20 25 30 35 40 3, 0 32.59218 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 5 10 15 20 6, 0 49.88181 4.428443 20 25 30 35 40 4, 1 5.238745 0 5, 1 12.36033 0 20 25 30 35 40 56.8348 6.385748 56.40036 24.62214 10 15 20 4, 0 20 25 30 35 40 5, 0 86.82783 5 22.88073 9.273619 0 0 3, 1 92.48033 6.482883 2, 1 2.91e+07 20 25 30 35 40 6, 1 0 74.22312 12.86576 0 5 10 15 20 20 25 30 35 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Fiscal, Rep 1 Figure 29: Distribution of Inflation Forecasts (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile and standard deviation), Fiscal Rep 1 1, 0 1, 1 50 2, 0 300 400 100 200 200 0 100 0 -100 0 -200 0 -50 -100 -200 Inflation Forecast 0 5 10 15 -100 10 20 3, 0 30 40 50 0 0 -100 -50 10 15 5 10 15 40 30 40 30 40 4, 1 -100 0 10 20 30 40 -200 0 5 10 15 6, 1 100 100 50 0 0 500 0 -50 20 20 1000 150 10 10 6, 0 -100 0 30 0 200 -100 20 100 5, 1 0 10 200 100 300 100 15 200 5, 0 200 10 4, 0 -200 5 5 300 100 0 -400 0 3, 1 100 2, 1 200 30 40 -500 0 5 10 15 10 20 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Fiscal, Rep 2 1, 0 1, 1 Standard Deviation of Inflation Forecasts 31.15731 2, 0 65.84915 2.672612 17.5 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 3.789606 10 15 20 30 40 10 15 20 30 40 5.61496 0 40 30 4, 1 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 6, 1 397.0198 6.35304 10 20 120.5896 49.55664 16.52103 5 10 6, 0 429.2913 18.87459 15 4, 0 5, 1 54.61252 10 6.363961 10 5, 0 0 5 35.68964 8.268078 5 21.84319 0 3, 1 75.0424 0 194.715 3.767551 10 3, 0 647.2885 2, 1 94.89175 9.756764 0 5 10 15 10 20 30 40 Period Graphs by ShockSequence (1-6) and PrePostShock (0,1), Fiscal, Rep 2 Figure 30: Distribution of Inflation Forecasts (25th, 50th, and 75th percentile and standard deviation), Fiscal Rep 2