Three-Dimensional Sketch Tool

Three-Dimensional Sketch Tool
Ian Sheardwright
Bachelor of Architecture, 1993
University of Houston
Submitted to the Department of Architecture in Partial
Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Architecture Studies
at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
JudE-May; 2002
C 2002 Ian Sheardwright
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Three-Dimensional Sketch Tool
Ian Sheardwright
Submitted to the Department of Architecture
on May 23, 2002 in Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Degree of
Master of Science in Architecture Studies
This thesis depicts a computer software program that enables a user to sketch lines and shapes
into three-dimensional space. The problem with current computer modeling software is its
requirement for the precise input of control points to establish three-dimensional objects and
scenes. This heavy demand for precision makes the current technology too cumbersome to use
during the early stages of design, which is inherently imprecise. Alternatively, a tool that allows
the designer to sketch three-dimensionally and free from the rigor of control points, promises to
bring the use of the computer closer to the earlier stages of design. Furthermore, the designer is
able to benefit from the computational powers afforded by the computer, such as being able to
orbit around a digital sketch and viewing the design from multiple views, as opposed to the
limits of a single view sketched on two-dimensional paper.
Thesis Supervisor: William L. Porter
Title: Muriel and Norman B. Leventhal Professor of Architecture and Planning
Currently available three-dimensional modeling software (AutoCAD, 3D Studio Max, FormZ,
etc.) allows for the creation of very precise models in three-dimensional space by using a method
of defining control points through vector-based geometry. However, use of this software is
limited early in a design process when control points have not yet been established. During these
early phases of a design, it is probably more appropriate to employ a less precise method of
imaging such as bitmaps, which contain information about individual pixels instead of control
point geometry. By combining a simple line tool found in conventional paint software with a
digital pen stylus, the accumulation of pixels along a line can more closely resemble a traditional
sketch produced by pen and paper (i.e., wherever the point of a pen touches the surface of the
paper, it makes a predictable mark on the paper, without regard for where the previous mark was
located). Yet, currently available paint software (Adobe Photoshop, Macromedia Fireworks, etc.)
is limited to two-dimensions and only offers the creation and editing of depth by using stacked
layers, there is no true Z-dimension or perspective. What is needed is a tool that brings together
the benefits of these two systems into a three-dimensional bitmap imaging system that translates
a manual method of sketching into three-dimensional space. Currently, such a system does not
exist and is proposed here.
A gap currently exists between the tools that are used for the production of a design, and the
tools that are used for creating a design. On the production side, there is a highly automated and
precise process made possible by computer technology. On the creative side, there is generally a
manual and imprecise process of exploration through conceptual sketching and model building.
The tools for production are appropriately very precise, while the tools available for designing
tend to be imprecise. Closing the gap between these tools requires a solution that addresses how
the design flows from creative tools to production tools.
Computers have been very effective in documenting how a design is to be built, or depicting how
a design will look, but these are end result products that follow the conceptual development of a
design. Similarly, vector-based geometry is an end result product that produces a line, object, or
shape only after control points have been fed into the system. End result products can be defined
by logical algorithms and therefore easily transferred to a control point system, which then
simulates and represents a design with striking accuracy. But these simulations and
representations are fundamentally post-design and best serve to either confirm or refute the
success of the initial design before it is finally implemented. Once the design is in the system,
only limited adjustments to the design are tolerable while extensive adjustments are not;
therefore, any use of this precision tool early in the design process is often impractical. For these
reasons, it is easy to understand how computer aided drafting revolutionized the process of
construction documentation in the architectural profession. The construction documentation
phase of a project is an end result period when the design, for all intents and purposes, is
Recent efforts made by software companies to reverse engineer the design process and bridge the
gap between end result and conceptual design have resulted in products which shoehorn
precision systems into earlier stages of design in a predictably heavy handed and top-down
manner. For example, the software company Autodesk markets ArchitecturalStudio as a product
for use early in the design process, along with seamless integration into its more established
production oriented software. While this product even has bitmap imaging capability (which
appears to be industry recognition of the shortcomings of using vector-based geometry early in
the design process), the ability to manipulate bitmap images is still limited to only twodimensions. Having to submit to the legacy of its already established vector-based software to
achieve "seamless integration", the only method available in this product for creating a threedimensional design is a solid modeling technique which forces the designer to sculpt the design
out of solid objects defined by control points, as opposed to the more traditional and widely
accepted process of sketching the design.
To successfully create a computer software program that bridges the gap between end result and
conceptual design, the program must be developed from the bottom-up, which requires starting
from the beginning with a sketch. Moreover, if the sketch is developed with three-dimensional
intelligence, the bridge between design and end result is greater due to the continuity of three-
dimensional representation and understanding internal to the design sketch. In other words, the
sketch does not have to be translated from two to three-dimensions (a common practice in
today's design professions and always a dangerous transition vulnerable to misinterpretation).
There are two distinct realms of visual representation available to designers: The first realm is
manual and manifest through techniques such as hand drawing and physical model building. The
second realm is digital and exemplified through software programs for computer-aided drafting
(CAD), three-dimensional modeling, and two-dimensional image editing. The manual realm is
often abstract and therefore suggestive and open to interpretation. For example, a manual
drawing may suggest a pattern on a surface that looks like brick, but without color, shade, and
texture the pattern may be interpreted as tile. Furthermore, if a manual depiction of a design is
rendered for the effect of realism, such as a pencil shaded or watercolor rendering, the depiction
never achieves photo-realism and can only be seen as an approximation of what the design will
actually look like. Conversely, the digital realm, which also allows for the depiction of a design
abstractly, has the added capacity for pure representation in the form of photo-realistic
renderings and animations, free from misinterpretation. In fact, interpretation in CAD is required
to be absolute for construction purposes. A good set of construction drawings has only one way
to interpret them.
Traditional Perspective Drawing
The traditional perspective drawing is a representation of three-dimensions projected onto a twodimensional surface called a "picture plane". Ever since the technical discovery of perspective
construction during the Renaissance, designers have been able to manually depict their visions of
space and objects through a fixed three-dimensional view collapsed onto a two-dimensional
piece of paper.
Manually created perspectives are either constructed or sketched. The constructed method is very
cumbersome and requires the precise projection and plotting of points onto a picture plane. This
method relies less on the three-dimensional vision of the designer to construct the drawing since
each point in the perspective can be projected from two-dimensional top and side views of the
design. Since this method requires so much precision, it is often deemed impractical for use early
in the design process. On the other hand, the sketched method is much faster than the constructed
method, but less accurate and relies more on the designer's three-dimensional vision for
constructing the drawing. However, while the designer may possess keen spatial perception
skills, others might not. Others viewing the sketch might not understand the three-dimensional
implications of the design and may require multiple sketches of the same object or space from
different vantage points to piece together the vision of the designer. Besides being perceptually
disjointed for the viewer, relying on multiple sketches to depict the same scene or object also
increases the potential for conflicts between the sketches, such as misalignments, shifting
relationships between parts of the scene, etc. Even with using precise construction methods,
manually produced perspectives can mislead, hide, or even distort what is possible in real threedimensional space. The drawings of M.C. Escher exploit this potential and portray scenes
impossible to reconstruct in a three-dimensional computer modeling system.
With this latent risk of sketching the impossible, or missing important spatial relationships in the
design, the three-dimensional truth of the traditional perspective sketch is tested whenever it is
translated into a three-dimensional model, or documented for actual construction. Inevitably, this
translation will eventually result in design conflicts caused by inadequate three-dimensional
development, and/or misunderstanding by the designer due to the limitations of traditional
perspective drawings.
CAD and Modeling Software
Computer Aided Drafting (CAD) and three-dimensional modeling software requires the very
precise input of control points to define the geometry of a design. Lines need a start point and an
end point, and possibly more points to define a curved line or circle. Once the control points are
input, the computer connects the points. Knowing where these points exist is a prerequisite for
drawing a line in a conventional CAD system. The term "drafting" (as used in "CAD") is distinct
from "sketching" in that "drafting" implies a transition from a "sketch" where the points emerge,
to a "hard-line" drawing that uses control points for creating the line. Furthermore, construction
lines are used in the process of drafting to layout the position of points in preparation for the
hard-line stroke. This decisive state of hard-line drawings is what made CAD systems so
conducive and efficient for construction drawings. Automated CAD systems found their manual
equivalent in construction drawings and very quickly replaced the traditional T square, triangle,
eraser, and pen. Once the design is established CAD systems are very well suited for
documenting the design in preparation for construction.
Most digital modeling systems use a solid modeling technique for building three-dimensional
computer models. This method is very abstract and requires tremendous precision and
forethought in constructing the models. For example, a Boolean operation combines or subtracts
multiple solid objects into one single object and is the preferred method for making complex
shapes out of simple primitive objects. Using this method to make a uncomplicated model of a
wall with a window opening in it, the following process must take place: First, a solid object
must be made to represent the wall. Then a solid object is made to match the size and shape of
the window opening. Lastly, the window solid is positioned in the correct location and then
subtracted from the wall object. Two issues in this process cause a radical jump from how the
wall and window would otherwise be sketched on paper, while also adding considerable time to
the process. First, the window opening is initially conceived of as a solid and not a void. Since
window openings are voids in reality, this causes the designer to think unintuitively about how to
make the window opening "solid". This may not be so difficult if the opening is rectangular,
since the solid can be generated through a single primitive command, such as a "box"; however,
if the opening has a complex geometric profile, several solid objects may have to be created and
undergo Boolean commands themselves before the correct solid shape of the window opening is
ready for subtraction from the wall. On the other hand, if the opening were sketched, this would
be a simple matter of drawing the profile of the opening on the sketched surface of the wall. The
second divergence from a sketch is the "depth" of the solid. When sketching a wall on paper,
little importance is placed on the depth of the wall. Only when the wall has a visible edge, or an
offset in the surface is the depth relevant. It is often the case that in sketching a corner condition,
the depth of each wall surface is concealed by the intersection of the two surfaces and therefore
only the two surfaces need to be sketched. In the computer modeling software, the depth is
required for every solid object and therefore cumbersome to the process.
Three-Dimensional Sketch System
Sketching is done in a manner comparable to the traditional pen and paper method (see
"Appendix A: Sketch Example"). The "pen" is a digital input device such as a mouse or
preferably a pen stylus used with a tablet or touch sensitive screen. The "paper" is a digital
representation on the screen of a planar surface located within a three-dimensional scene. Three
interlocking planar surfaces are presented to the user, each plane corresponding to the three axes
of a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system: XY, XZ, and YZ planes. The user selects
between the three planes and can move and/or rotate the selected plane within the interlocking
system of planes. Through a process of selecting, moving, and rotating the planes, it is possible
to position and orient a plane anywhere within the three-dimensional scene. Once the plane is
positioned, the user adjusts the view of the scene to best view the plane by orbiting the camera
around the planes. Once the surface of the plane is viewable through the camera, the user
sketches onto the plane as if it where a sheet of paper. If desired, a surface can appear solid by
filling a surface with color (the fill surface area must be defined on all sides by continuous and
intersecting lines). Once an individual sketch is made on a plane, the plane can then be
repositioned for further sketching, leaving in place the previous sketch. The accumulation of
sketches within the scene results in a three dimensional model to be viewed from any position
while also providing for the accurate three-dimensional translation of sketched lines into other
modeling and visualization software.
Development Software:
This system is developed using Macromedia Director 8.5 and its Lingo object oriented
programming language. Director is a development platform for the creation of interactive
applications that run through web-browsers (using the Shockwave browser plug-in), or stand
alone executable files that are compiled for use on either Windows or Macintosh operating
systems. Version 8.5 makes possible the creation and control of interactive three-dimensional
environments through use of 3D Lingo functions. Primarily targeted for game developers to
create three-dimensional gamming environments, Director 8.5 uses a real-time three-dimensional
gamming engine that allows for full flexibility in programming user interactions and feedback.
Since Lingo provides for both high level programming (e.g., the creation of pre-developed
camera objects and primitive solid objects, such as planes and spheres, which only require
property definitions such as position, field-of-view for cameras, and dimensions for primitives
objects), and low level programming (e.g., pixel level manipulation of image objects and custom
definition of objects and get/set access to their specific properties), Director is more proficient
than core low-level programming languages, such as C++ and Java, which require full bottom-up
development of objects such as cameras and primitive objects. Therefore, due to this sketch
system's extensive use of both high and low level interactions and the need for real-time threedimensional representation, Director 8.5 is used.
System Interface and Interaction:
System Start
The program starts with the display of three planes that correspond to the XY, YZ, and XZ
planes on a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system (Figure 1). At the start of the
program, one of the planes is active and shown by a semi-transparent white surface. The inactive
planes are indicated by an outline of the plane. The three intersection lines of the planes are also
shown for clarity and are used to establish the rotation axis when the planes are rotated.
Figure 1. Example view of the planes at system start. 1
When the program starts, the Lingo code first carries out the "prepareMovie" handler (also
known as a function), which initializes the global variables and creates objects that are used for
reference and tracking changes in properties throughout the program. The three-dimensional
scene is a special object created in Director and is placed in a library of objects called a "cast".
These objects are then placed on the "stage" which represents the display window for the
application when it runs. The tasks that take place in the "prepareMovie" handler are as follows:
on prepareMovie
Clear any global variables that may exist in RAM.
--Assign the 3D cast member to a global variable for reference
throughout code.
Reset the 3D cast member.
Assign default settings to global variables.
Assign default settings to screen dialogs.
Initialize a global list to hold a list of paper image objects as
they are created.
Create a mode object to hold modes as they change while
runs (e.g., axisLock = TRUE or FALSE).
Create a "Tools" object that holds and tracks the image objects
used for pen and eraser tips.
Create an "UndoBuffer" object to hold images for undo commands.
-Create a "RedoBuffer" object to hold images for redo commands.
end prepareMovie
Once the "prepareMovie" handler has finished, the three-dimensional cast member located on
the stage (called a "sprite") is initialized and the planes, intersection lines, camera, and lights in
the scene are created and set in the "beginSprite" handler:
on beginSprite
-Set a global variable for the corner of the 3D member on the
stage for use in finding the location of cursor relative to 3D
scene when the mouseDown or mouseOver the 3D scene.
-Call handler to create shaders ("Shaders" are surface properties
for models, such as giving the active plane a semi-transparent
Call handler to assign active shader to active plane
Create primary camera called "Planes"
Set position and rotation for camera("Planes")
plane surface object for XZ plane
plane surface object for XY plane
plane surface object for YZ plane
intersection lines
Assign camera used to camera("Planes")
Create and orient lights in 3D scene
end beginSprite
Each plane surface is created through a class object called "PlaneObject". Once the planes are
created, their internal handlers are accessed whenever the plane is moved, rotated, or sketched
onto. Each plane has the following internal properties and handlers:
name of the object plane ("xy"etc.)
name of the object model
position of the plane
rotation vector of the plane
length of the plane (Height)
Holds the original plane length (used to restore the
plane's original length when the plane is rotated)
Holds the width of the plane
Top left corner posit
ion of the plane
Top right corner position of the plane
Bottom right corner position of the plane
Bottom left corner position of the plane
Position of pivot point 1
Position of pivot point 2
Position of intersection point 1 (Top)
Position of intersection point 2 (Bottom)
Holds the original center position of the plane as
it rotates to maintain a reference point when
determining if the top and bottom of the plane are
at their original height
hGetOrigPlaneLength 0-hGetPlaneWidth()
Construct plane surface
Construct edge of plane
Get plane length
Get original plane length
Get plane width
Get corner position (WORLD Relative)
Get Corner Position (PARENT Relative)
Set Corner Position (PARENT Relative)
Set Plane Position
Translate (Move) Plane (WORLD RELATIVE)
Translate (Move) Plane (PARENT RELATIVE)
Rotate Plane
Get Plane Position (WORLD RELATIVE)
Get Plane Rotation
Set Plane Rotation
Get Plane Run
Get Plane Rise
Set Pivot Position
(only for xy and yz
Get Pivot Position (WORLD RELATIVE)
Get Pivot Position (PARENT RELATIVE)
Translate Bench Mark
Get Bench Mark WORLD Position
Get Intersection WORLD Position
Get Intersection PARENT Position
Translate Intersection Position (WORLD
Translate Intersection Position
Transform Length of Plane
Rotate Plane About Pivot Point
Once the program is started, the primary options for the user are changing the active plane,
moving and rotating the active plane, orbiting the camera view around the planes, and sketching
or editing an image located at the current position and orientation of the active plane. All
commands are accessed either by using the buttons located above the three-dimensional window,
by using the drop down menus at the top of the program window, or by using keyboard shortcuts
(see "Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts").
Changing the Active Plane
By clicking on the corresponding button at the top of the screen or by pressing the TAB key to
cycle through the planes, the user can select each plane individually and make it active (Figures
2a-c). Once a plane is active, it can then be moved, rotated, or sketched onto.
Figure 2a. XZ plane active. 1
Figure 2b. YZ plane active.
Figure 2c. XY plane active.
When the user changes the active plane, the global variable that holds the current active plane is
changed accordingly and a handler called " hActivatePlane" is called. This handler uses a repeat
loop to cycle through the three planes. If the plane in the current cycle equals the global variable
for the active plane, the plane is assigned an active "shader" object that makes the surface white,
and is therefore identified as the active sketching surface. If the plane in the current cycle does
not match the global variable for the active plane, the plane is assigned an inactive shader object
that makes the surface of the plane appear transparent with a white outline.
on hActivatePlane
vAxisList = list of three planes ("XY", "YZ", and "XZ")
repeat with i in vAxisList
if i = (global variable for active plane) then
assign active shader to plane object
assign inactive shader to plane object
end if
end repeat
end hActivatePlane
Sketching on the Active Plane
When the user clicks the draw line button at the top of the screen, or presses the "D" key on the
keyboard, the global variable for the current mode is changed to "Draw". A call is then made to
the "hCreatePaper" handler to create an instance of the paper object where the current active
plane is located. In this handler a test is done to determine if a paper object already exists at the
current location of the active plane. If a paper object does exist, that object is deleted and its
sketch image is assigned to the new paper object created. The new paper object is then assigned
to the global variable holding the active paper object and all subsequent sketching is applied to
that object.
on hCreatePaper
-Get a list
of paper objects already existing in the scene
-Get the name of the active plane (global variable).
Get the width of the active plane.
Get the height of the active plane.
Get the position and rotation of the active plane.
CALL handler to test if a paper object already exists at location
of new paper: "hTestPaperExists". (If a paper object exists, this
handler deletes the existing object and returns the name and the
existing sketch image object for creating the new paper object.)
If paper exists, then assign name of existing paper to new paper.
Create new paper object from class object called "Paper".
Add new paper to list of paper objects in scene.
Assign new paper object to global variable for active paper.
If paper existed prior to creating the new paper object, then
change the image of the new paper object to the existing sketch
image object.
Add image to undo buffer. (See "on prepareMovie" handler for
creation of undo buffer)
end hCreatePaper
The paper object is distinct from the active plane, such that when the active plane is moved from
the sketch, the paper object remains in its sketched location while the active plane moves
independently of the paper. For the sketch to appear stationary, the paper has its own plane
object with a transparent alpha image applied to its surface. This alpha image allows the plane to
be invisible, except for the areas where the user has sketched on the image, thereby causing the
alpha channel to become opaque and showing the image pixels corresponding to the sketched
In creating the paper object, the length and width of the object is the same as the active plane
while the image has a resolution of three times the paper object's length and width. This is done
to increase the resolution of the image being displayed on the paper object. Otherwise, if the size
of the image object is the same as the paper, the resolution would be too low and the sketch
would appear very coarse. Therefore, since the image resolution is quite high for calculating the
real-time translation of a sketched line from the cursor location to pixels in three-dimensional
space (especially if the user sketches a line quickly), the paper is subdivided into a three by three
grid, which holds smaller paper and image objects. These zones are then used to capture the
movement of the cursor over the paper and perform faster pixel calculations on smaller image
objects. Once the stroke is complete, the pixels representing the line are transferred from the nine
zones to their corresponding area in the larger image.
Another complexity associated with the programming of this tool has to do with a limitation of
the current three-dimensional rendering engine used by Director 8.5. The current rendering
engine uses a Z-sorting algorithm instead of a Z-buffer algorithm. The consequences of this is
that if two objects intersect each other, and both objects have alpha transparent images applied to
them, the alpha information is not shown correctly and hidden lines may be visible. This problem
is caused by the layering process of Z-sorting, which overrides the surface texture information
that may influence the appearance of intersecting objects. Conversely, in a Z-buffered system,
the depth calculations for surfaces in the scene are done at a pixel level, not at the object level,
and therefore intersecting alpha images are rendered correctly. However, since this program has
to deal with these problems of a Z-sorting system, each paper object is subdivided into smaller
mesh objects that are each rendered separately. While this "granular"approach to the creating
the paper object creates more vertex points for the rendering engine to process, it does create a
more accurate rendering of surfaces and hidden lines.
The class object for the paper is called "Paper" (which inherits the class objects "Paper Surface"
and "Sketch Image") and has the following properties and handlers:
Holds a list of 9 images corresponding to 9 zones.
Holds a list of 9 alpha images corresponding to 9
Holds a list of coordinates for each zone.
pPrevEndPnt -- Holds the location of the last pixel position when a
line is in the process of being drawn. (This is used
to interpolate between the new pixel location and
the previous location to achieve a continuous line,
regardless of how fast the cursor is moved.)
pAxisDirect -- Holds direction for line while it is being drawn and
the axis lock is on ("H"/"V"/VOID).
-Holds the name of the 3D cast member
-- Holds the name of the paper object. (The name is a
number that corresponds to the number position of
the object in the global variable list of paper
objects in the scene.)
-- Holds the name of the sketch surface mesh model.
-Holds the width of the paper object.
-Holds the length of the paper object.
-- Holds the position and rotation of the paper object.
-- Holds reference to surface mesh resources.
pSurfaceList-- Holds reference to the list of surface models.
-- Holds reference to the shader assigned to the paper.
-- Holds a reference to the active plane when the paper
was created.
-- Holds the number of horizontal mesh subdivisions.
(This number is used to counter the display of
hidden lines when rendering. The higher the number,
the more meshes are created and less hidden lines
are shown. See description above about Z-sorting.)
-- Holds the number of vertical mesh subdivisions. (See
PsubDivH, above, for description)
-- Holds a reference to the sketch image object applied
to the surface of the mesh.
Holds a reference to the alpha image object applied
to the sketch image object.
pImageWidth -pImageHeight--
Holds the width of the sketch image object
Holds the height of the sketch image object
Create 9 texture and image objects with
alpha channels
(1 for each zone).
Create zone plane models and apply image
Delete zone plane models, shaders, and
Create list of rectangles defining each
zone. (This is used for determining which
zone the mouse is in when drawing a line.)
Get previous end point of line while
Set previous end point of line while
Get axis direction of line (used with axis
Set axis direction of line (used with axis
Get list of zone rectangles.
Reset Paper For Next Line. (This handler
puts zone images onto main sketch image
object and clears zone images for next
Updates the sketch image object in the
surface texture object after a sketch mark
has been made.
Clear all 9 zone images to be transparent.
Create surface parameters for mesh model.
Create mesh model for sketch surface.
Create surface shader with sketch image
name of paper.
width of paper.
length of paper.
transform of paper.
both length and width of paper.
active plane when paper object was
Delete all sub mesh models and resources.
Get name of paper image.
Get name of paper alpha image.
Set pixels in main image.
Flood fill pixels in main image.
Change main image resulting from an undo
Once the paper object is created, the program loops through the "hDraw" handler, awaiting a
"mouseDown" command from the user, indicating that a line is being sketched on the paper
object. When the line is being sketched, a repeat loop catches each point where the cursor
intersects with the active plane inside the three-dimensional scene. This point is then used to
transfer the image of the pen tip to the corresponding point in the main sketch image. Each pass
through the loop creates additional points along the line while the "mouseDown" is true and the
user is sketching.
on hDraw
CALL handler to get world transform (position, rotation, and
-scale) and inverse information for the active plane.
CALL handler in tools object (global variable) to get active pen
-image object.
-Call handler in active paper object to get list of zone rectangle
coordinates (9 Zones).
Start loop for drawing line while the mouse is pressed
-repeat while the mouseDown
Set the "drawState" in the modes object to TRUE
Get location of mouse over 3D scene
If the mouse is over the active plane, then get intersection
of mouse with active plane below; else, exit repeat loop.
(Intersection is world coordinate vector)
Change intersection world coordinate to the active plane
coordinate system by using the inverse transform of the
active plane. (Result is a 3D vector)
Change 3D vector to 2D point location relative to the active
CALL handler to get location in paper image space of 2D point
(paper image resolution is 3 times larger than the unit
length and width of the paper object, so the point must be
scaled to correspond with the larger image size).
CALL handler to get list of points along the line and their
zones. (This handler takes the current mouse location and
compares it to the previous mouse position and returns all
the points between to create a continuous line; otherwise,
the line would only occur at the points where the repeat
loop catches the current mouse position. In such a case, the
continuity of the line would depend on how fast the computer
processor is and how fast the cursor is moved.)
CALL handler in paper object to translate the pen tip image
object to the pixels specified in the list of points along
the line, and in the corresponding zones.
CALL handler in paper object to update the sketch image
object in the surface texture.
CALL system command to update the screen image.
end repeat
CALL handler in active paper object to reset the paper for the
next line. (This command transfers the sketch images from the
zone images to the main sketch image. Then, the zone images are
reset to receive the next sketched line.)
Add image to undo buffer
end hDraw
When the user selects a command other than draw, any existing zone objects are deleted to avoid
unnecessary build-up of objects in the scene, leaving behind the paper surface model with the
main sketch image applied to it. If a paper object already exists and is selected for additional
editing, the zones and paper are recreated and the existing image object is applied to this newly
created paper object.
Since the basic process of selecting and positioning a plane for sketching on can be moderately
tedious and redundant, several tools were discovered along the way that relieve this burden. Such
tools are "Position Plane", which automatically moves the active plane to the location where the
cursor intersects a line or fill surface already drawn, and "Select Surface", which can be used to
automatically select and position the appropriate active plane to an existing sketch surface. The
success of these tools is certainly due to the automating of an otherwise manual task. However,
the success of this project depends upon a balance between automating the appropriate tools, and
allowing the designer to freely create a design through sketching.
While the benefits of using this three-dimensional sketch tool for early design studies are
significant, much is still left desired for sketching more complicated non-planar surfaces and
lines. In the current program, the user can only make two-dimensional lines relative to the planar
surface. It is only when the planar surface of the sketch is moved and/or rotated in threedimensions that the sketch lines have three-dimensions. Further embodiments of this program
may enable the user to define a contoured paper surface and then be able to sketch threedimensional lines and surfaces.
Appendix A
Appendix A: Sketch Example
Figure A.1. Start of program
Figure A.2. Activate and position the desired plane. Orbit
camera to best view plane and sketch elevation.
Appendix A
-1I I
Figure A.3. Once the sketched lines intersect at the corners and
create a closed shape, the fill command can be used
to make the surface opaque.
Figure A.4. Activate and position the desired plane and
continue sketching.
Appendix A
Figure A.5. While sketching, the planes can be hidden to view
the sketch more clearly.
Figure A.6. Continue sketching and filling surfaces on the
active plane.
Appendix A
Figure A.7. Continue selecting and positioning the active plane
and sketching.
Figure A.8. View of the sketch with planes hidden.
Appendix A
Figure A.9. View of active plane rotated prior to sketching the
Figure A.10. View of the sketch with planes hidden.
Appendix A
Figure A.11. View of the horizontal plane active prior to
sketching the flat roof.
Figure A.12. View of the sketch with planes hidden.
Appendix B
Appendix B: Keyboard Shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts are used in the "3DSketchTool.exe" program file on the
associated computer disk:
Change Plane
Move Plane
Key Shortcut
Rotate Plane
Position Plane
Hide / Show Planes
Select Surface
Orbit Camera
Draw Line
Axis Lock
One-Pixel Line
Two-Pixel Line
Three-Pixel Line
End Notes
1. All illustrations shown in this thesis document are by author.