MATH 439 HW 6 Solutions Section 2-5 Problem 9 Show that the surface of revolution can be parametrized so that F ≡ 0, G ≡ 1. Solution: WLOG, the axis of revolution is the z-axis, and the curve is contained in the xz-plane and does not meet the z-axis. We proceed as in Example 4, section 2-3, by writing the curve as α(t) = (f (t), 0, g(t)), and getting the parametrization of the surface of revolution: x(u, v) = (f (v) cos(u), f (v) sin(u), g(v)), where u ∈ I, v ∈ (0, 2π), and we may assume α is an arclength parametrization of the curve. Now we have: xu = (−f (v) sin(u), f (v) cos(u), 0); xv = (f 0 (v) cos(u), f 0 (v) sin(u), g 0 (v)), and so F = xu · xv = −f (v)f 0 (v) sin(u) cos(u) + f (v)f 0 (v) cos(u) sin(u) = 0; G = xv · xv = f 0 (v)2 (cos2 (u) + sin2 (u)) + g 0 (v)2 = f 0 (v)2 + g 0 (v)2 = |α(v)|2 = 1, since α was taken to be the arclength parameter. Problem 10 Compute the first fundamental form of the parametrization of the xy plane by polar coordinates: x(ρ, θ) = (ρ cos θ, ρ sin θ, 0). Solution: By a straightforward computation: xρ = (cos θ, sin θ, 0), xθ = (−ρ sin θ, ρ cos θ, 0); 1 and thus E = hxρ , xρ i = cos2 θ + sin2 θ = 1; F = hxθ , xρ i = −ρ sin θ cos θ + ρ cos θ sin θ = 0; G = hxθ , xθ i = ρ2 (cos2 θ + sin2 θ) = ρ2 , Therefor I = dρ2 + ρ2 dθ2 . √ Note that dA = EG − F 2 dρ dθ = ρ dρ dθ, which must be familiar to you from Calculus 3, where you studied the change to the polar coordinates in double integrals. Problem 12 Show that a regular tube of radius r around a curve α has area 2πL, where L is the length of α. Solution: We may assume that α : [0, u0 ] → R3 is the arclength parametrization of the curve. From Ex. 10, section 2-4, we get the parametrization of the tube: x(u, v) = α(u) + r sin(v)n + r cos(v)b, where u ∈ [0, u0 ], v ∈ (0, 2π) and {t, n, b} is the Frenet moving frame. Then xu = t + r sin(v)(−κt + τ b) + r cos(v)(−τ n) = (1 − κr sin v)t − τ r cos(v)n + τ r sin(v)b; xv = r cos(v)n − r sin vb, Therefore, E = hxu , xu i = (1 − κr sin(v))2 + (τ r cos(v))2 + (τ r sin(v))2 = (1 − κr sin(v))2 + (τ r)2 ; G = hxv , xv i = r2 (cos2 (v) + sin2 (v)) = r2 ; F = hxu , xv i = −τ r2 (cos2 (v) + sin2 (v)) = −τ r2 . Therefore, EG − F 2 = r2 (1 − κr sin(v))2 + τ 2 r4 − τ 2 r4 = r2 (1 − κr sin(v))2 . We now get the area element: dA = √ EG − F 2 du dv = r(1 − κr sin(v)) du dv 2 We get the area by integration: Z u0 Z 2π r(1 − κr sin(v))dvdu A= Z0 u0 = 0 r(v + κr cos(v))|2π 0 du Z0 u0 2πrdu = 0 = 2πru0 . Since we took α to be the arc length parameter for the curve, L = L(α) = u0 , and so A = 2πrL, completing the proof. Section 3-2 Problem 1 Show that at a hyperbolic point, the principal directions bisect the asymptotic directions. Proof: If e1 and e2 are the unit vectors in the principle directions. Assume that a direction w has an angle θ with the direction of e1 . Then by the Euler formula w is an asymptotic direction if and only if k1 cos2 θ + k2 sin2 θ = 0 ⇔ tan2 θ = − k1 k2 So, if the angle θ is in an asymptotic direction, then −θ, π − θ and π + θ are in symptotic directions, i.e. the principle directions bisect the asymptotic ones, q.e.d. Problem 2 Show that if a surface is tangent to a plane along a curve, then the points of this curve are either parabolic or planar. Proof: if N is the Gauss map, and α(t) is the curve, then N (α(t)) is normal to the plane and hence constant. Thus 0 ≡ dN = dN (α0 (t)) at all points of the curve. Assuming α is a regular parametrization, dt α0 (t) 6= 0, and so ker dN 6= 0, i.e dN is not injective and det dN ≡ 0 on α. The result follows by definition. . 3 Problem 4 Assume the principal curvatures k1 , k2 of a surface S satisfy |k1 |, |k2 | ≤ 1. Is it true that a curve α in S must have curvature k with |k| ≤ 1? Solution: No. Planar curves may have any curvature; e.g. the circle of radius 1/k has curvature k everywhere, while the plane has principal curvatures k1 ≡ k2 ≡ 0. Problem 6 Show that the sum of normal curvatures for any pair of orthogonal directions at p is constant. Proof: For an umbilical point the statement of the problem is obvious. Assume that the point is not umbilical. Let v1 , v2 be two unit vectors in the given orthogonal directions, and let e1 , e2 be the unit vectors generating the principal directions. Then there exist θ such that e1 = cos θe1 + sin θe2 (actually θ can be chosen as the angle between e1 and v1 counted in the direction of the shortest rotation from e1 to e2 ). Replacing v2 with −v2 , if necessary (this does not change the normal curvature), we will have that e2 = cos(θ + π π )e1 + sin(θ + )e2 = − sin θe1 + cos θe2 . 2 2 Then, by Euler’s formula (as on p.145), we have kn (v1 ) = k1 cos2 (θ) + k2 sin2 (θ) kn (v2 ) = k1 sin2 (θ) + k2 cos2 (θ) kn (v1 ) + kn (v2 ) = (k1 + k2 )(cos2 (θ) + sin2 (θ)) = k1 + k2 = 2H(= − tr dN ), i.e. for any pair of orthogonal directions the sum of the normal curvatures in these directions is equal to the double of the mean curvature. . 4