Developments in Laser Techniques and Applications to Fluid Mechanics Part I

Developments in Laser Techniques and Applications to Fluid Mechanics
Proceedings of the 7 th Intl. Symp.
R.J. Adrian, D.F.G. Durão, F. Durst, M.V. Heitor, M. Maeda and J.H. Whitelaw
Table of Contents
Part I
Low Reynolds number effects on the inner region of a turbulent boundary layer. By C.Y.
Ching, L. Djenidi and R.A. Antonia.
Circular couette flow and Taylor vortices in shear-thinning liquids. M.P. Escudier, I.W.
Gouldson and D.M. Jones.
LDV measurements of confined vortex breakdown generated by a rotating cone. D.F.G.
Durão, J.C.F. Pereira and J.M. Sousa.
LDV-measurements on wide gap instabilities in spherical couette flow. C. Egbers and H.J.
Axial and tangential velocity components at the exhaust end of a highly cyclonic flow. P.A.
Yazdabadi, A.J. griffiths and N. Syred.
Mean flow and turbulence measurements in a rotating passage using a stationary fibre optic
LDA probe. S.C. Cheah, H. Iacovides, D.C. Jackson, H. Ji and B.E. Launder.
Three-dimensional laser-Doppler measurements in a curved flume. R. Booji and J. Tukker.
Application of laser induced fluorescence for measuring the thickness of evaporating gasoline
liquid films. J.F. Le Coz and T. Baritaud.
Manifold injection and the origin of droplets at the exit of an inlet valve. M. Posylkin, A.M.K.P.
Taylor and J.H. Whitelaw.
Phase-Doppler Anemometry (PDA); a new tool for monitoring thermal spraying. R. Zeller, J.
Domnick, E. Schubert, H.W. Bergmann and F. Durst.
Part II
Characteristics of counter-gradient heat transfer in a non-premixed swirling flame. Y.
Hardalupas, M. Tagawa and A.M.K.P . Taylor.
Flame structure characterization and two-point-laser-Doppler measurements. D. Duarte, P.
Ferrão and M.V. Heitor.
Simultaneous measurements of temperature and OH concentration and one single CCD
camera. S. Kampmann and A. Leipertz
Structure of spark-gnited spherical flames propagating in a droplet cloud. F. Akamatsu, K.
Nakabe , M. Katsuki, Y. Mizutani and T. Tabata.
Part III
A phase screen approach to non-particle laser anemometry. L. Lading, R.V. Edwards and M.
Gaussian beam errors in phase-Doppler anemometry and their elimination. G. Gouesbet and
G. Ghrean.
Quantization of Droplet signals: how many bits are needed? K. Andersen and A. HostMadsen.
Direction sensitive LDA using a single high-frequency pulsed laser diode and a single
photodetector without frequency shifting. H. Wang, H. Muller, V. Strunck and D. Dopheide.
Measurements of bubbles by phase Doppler technique and trajectory ambiguity. G. Grehan,
F. Onofri, G. Gouesbet, F. Durst and C. Tropea.
Examination of the rainbow position of optically levitated droplets for the determination of
evaporation rates of droplets. N. Roth, K. Anders and A. Fhron.
A new technique to measure refractive index with phase Doppler anemometry. H.H.
Benzon, T. Nonn and P. Buchhave.
Simultaneous determination of temperature and size droplets from rainbow using air theory.
J.P.A.J. van Beck and M.L. Riethmuller.
A rigorous procedure for design and response determination of phase Doppler systems. A.
Naqwi and R. Menon.
Measurements of size and velocity of arbitrarily shaped particles by LDA based shadow
image technique. H. Morikita, K. Hishida and M. Maeda.
Part IV
Interrogation and validation of three-dimensional vector fields. C.D. Meinhart, D.H. Barnhart
and R.J. Adrian.
High speed 3-D scanning particle image (3-D SPIV). Y.G. Guezennec, Y. Zhao and T.J.
Multiple light sheet particle holography for three-dimensional flow velocimetry. H. Hinrichs
and K. Hinsch.
A compact and simple all optical evaluation method for PIV recordings. A. Vogt, F. Reichel
and J. Kompenhans.
A new paradigm for particle tracking velocimetry based on graph-theory and pulsed neural
network. D. Derou and L. Herault.
Precision whole-field velocity measurements with frequency-scanned filtered Rayleigh
scattering. R.B. Miles, J.N. Forkey, N. Finkelstein and W.R. Lempert.