Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium

Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium
Kyle, Gerard, comp., ed. 2000. Proceedings of the 1999 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium; 1999
April 11-14; Bolton Landing, NY. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-269. Newton square, PA: U.S. Department of
Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station. 426 p.
Symposium Topics:
Environmental Attitudes and Values
Water Resource Issues in Recreation
Gender, Ethnicity, and Special Populations
Visitor Experiences and Satisfaction
Demographic Trends
Recreation Planning and Management
Historic Preservation in Recreation
Forest Resource Issues in Recreation
Human Dimensions of Fisheries
Economics of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism
Contemporary Issues in Recreation and the Environment[5/25/12 8:56:21 AM]
Visitor Experiences and Participation
Place Attachment
Round Tables
Poster Session
Management Sessions
Founder’s Forum
Keynote Address
Complete List
Other Years: 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Home[5/25/12 8:56:21 AM]
Tourism 99
The Perceived Impacts of Tourism: Economic, Environmental, and Sociocultural
Influences of Tourism on the Host Community
James Murdy, Andrew Yiannakis, and Josh Shuart A Regional Analysis of the Consequences of Tourism Development From a Community
Yooshik Yoon and Joseph S. Chen An Evaluation of State Tourism Web Sites
A. Leslie Burns and Robert A. Robertson Sustainability Indicators Regarding Tourism Development and Coral Reef Conservation:
A Case Study of Akumal, in the Mexican Caribbean
Wendy J. Garpow Developing a Culturally and Ecologically Sensitive Ecotourism in a Resource Extraction,
Consumptive Recreation-Oriented Area
Deborah Che Virtual Tourism on the Internet
Robert S. Bristow[5/25/12 8:56:27 AM]
Env Val 99
Environmental Attitudes and Values
Environmentalism: A Study of Undergraduate Students
Brijesh Thapa Attitudes of Outdoor Recreationists Toward Environmental Issues
Gene L. Theodori and A. E. Luloff An Exploration of the Influence of Gender and Locality on Environmental Attitudes
Using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) Scale
Vinod Sasidharan and Brijesh Thapa Recreational Use of Wetlands in Juneau, Alaska
James F. Palmer Environmental Education Needs Assessment: An Overview
Anneliese Mueller, Robert A. Robertson, Eleanor Abrams, Scott Fletcher, Christine
L. Schadler, and Dave L. Howell[5/25/12 8:56:33 AM]
Water Rec 99
Water Resource Issues in Recreation
Improving Recreational Customer Satisfaction: Focusing on Communication and Changes
in Quality of Experience at US Army Corps of Engineers Reservoirs
James D. Absher, Robert C. Burns, and Alan R. Graefe Public Perception of the Connecticut River’s Quality and Suitability as a Recreational
Jo Beth Mullens and Melissa McNally A Holistic Approach to Maintaining Quality in Environmental Management and Visitor
Fiery Hamilton-S,nith River of Promise: Community Based Conservation for the Cheat River Watershed in West
Dave Bassage, Rick Buckley, Jeanne Kraje, Randy Robinson, and Steve Selin[5/25/12 8:56:38 AM]
Gender 99
Gender, Ethnicity, and Special Populations
Ethnicity and Recreation: Problems With Concepts and a Need For New Approaches
Edwin Goniez
Similarities and Differences in the Outdoor Recreation Participation of Racial/Ethnic
Groups: An Example from Illinois
John F. Dwyer Disabled Wildlife-Associated Recreation Participants
Allan Marsinko[5/25/12 8:56:44 AM]
Vis Sat 99
Visitor Experiences and Satisfaction
More on Conceptualizing and Measuring Leisure Involvement
Gerard Kyle, Deborah Kerstetter, and Frank Guadagnolo User Satisfactions and Perceptions of Crowding in Four Adirondack Wilderness Areas
Chad Dawson, Peter Newman, and Cathy Fuller[5/25/12 8:56:49 AM]
Demo Trends 99
Demographic Trends
Demographic Change in the 2l~ Century: The Impact on Recreation Participation
Amy L. Sheaffer, Ken Cordell, and Joseph T. O’Leary The New England Travel Market: An Update of Changing Demographics and Geographic
Markets, 1980 to 1996
Rod Warnick Promoting In-State Tourism Using Travel Consumer Profiles
Sotiris H. Avgoustis The Relationship Between the Experiences of Organized Sports League and Leisure
Seok-Pyo Hong[5/25/12 8:56:54 AM]
Rec Plan/Man 99
Recreation Planning and Management
Park Partnerships: A Case Study of Yosemite Institute and Yosemite National Park
Sin Doble, Chad Dawson, and Robin Hoffman The Importance of Environmental History in Natural Resources Management and
Karl Roenke The Effect of Fees on Recreation Site Choice: ManagementiAgency Implications
Allan Marsinko Boosting Confidence In Importance-Performance Analysis: An Explanation and
Application of An I/P Modification
Erin K. Smith and Michael A. Tarrant The Destruction of Wildlife Habitat by Suburban Sprawl and the Mitigating Effects of
Land Use Planning
Richard B. Nichols Visitor Perceptions of Personal Security and Crime at Outdoor Recreation Areas:
Contemporary Issues at US Army Corps of Engineers Lakes and Along the Appalachian
Robert C. Burns, Robert D. Lee Jr., and Alan R. Graefe Weather Related Liability in Outdoor Recreation[5/25/12 8:57:00 AM]
Rec Plan/Man 99
Bruce Hronek Mountain Bicyclists’ Behavior in Social Trail Etiquette Situations
William W. Hendricks, Roy H. Ramthun, and Deborah J. Chavez Distinctions Between Permitted and Non-permitted Registered Snowmobilers
JoelA. Lynch and Charles M.Nelson[5/25/12 8:57:00 AM]
Hist 99
Historic Preservation in Recreation
Museums and Cultural Institutions in Michigan: Can They Be Viable Tourism Attractions
and Tourism Industry Partners?
GailA. VanderStoep[5/25/12 8:57:05 AM]
For Res Iss 99
Forest Resource Issues in Recreation
Aspects of Nonindustrial Forest Ownership That Influence Attaining Recreation and
Other Nontimber Objectives
Donald F. Dennis, Thomas H. Stevens, David B. Kittredge, and Mark G.
Recreationists’ Attitudes Toward the Forest and Forest Management Policies
Gene L. Theodoni, A. E. Luloff and Timothy A. Slack[5/25/12 8:57:10 AM]
Humans in Fisheries 99
Human Dimensions of Fisheries
Development and Verification of a Specialization Index for Angler Segmentation
Ronald J. Salz and David K. Loonus
Testing Recreation Specialization: Application of a Specialization Index
Kelly L. Finn and David K. Loomis
Assessment of Tourists’ Attitudes Toward Marine Aquaculture - A Preliminary
Investigation of UNH’s Sea Grant Discovery Passengers
Torene Tan go-Lowy and Robert A. Robertson[5/25/12 8:57:16 AM]
Economics 99
Economics of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism
Economic Impact of Elk Viewing in Rural Pennsylvania
Bruce E. Lord, Charles H. Strauss, and Walter M. Tzilkowski Fiscal Trends in America’s State Parks: A Eight-Year Analysis
Daniel D. McLean, Deborah Chavez, and Julie Knapp Economic Impacts Of A Heritage Tourism System
Charles H. Strauss and Bruce F. Lord
Spending Priorities for Outdoor Recreation Planning in New Hampshire: Implications for
Al Williams, Sam Lankford, and Robert A. Robertson Determining Economic Impact Through Secondary Data
Hans Vogelsong and Alan Graefe[5/25/12 8:57:21 AM]
Con Iss Rec 99
Contemporary Issues in Recreation and the Environment
Information Search by Backpackers: A Qualitative Analysis of Planning Behaviors
Roy Ramthun Using Geographic Information Systems with Travel Cost Models: A Case Study
William Zawacki and Allan Marsinko[5/25/12 8:57:26 AM]
Visitor Exp 99
Visitor Experiences and Participation
Five Good Reasons to Have Reservations About Benetits-Based Management
Thomas A. More and Walter F. Kuentzel Intensity and Extensity of Recreation Participation in Light of the Mean Scores on the
Leisure Resourcefulness Scale
Jerry L. Ricciardo The Relationship Between Quiltmakers’ Level of Development and Participation in Other
Leisure Activities
Sharon L. Todd Self-Efficacy Perceptions Among Mid-Level Recreation Program Managers
Julie S. Knapp and Daniel D. McLean[5/25/12 8:57:32 AM]
Place Att 99
Place Attachment
Differences in Place Attachment Among Allegheny National Forest Users
John J. Confer Jr., Alan Graefe, Jim Absher, and Bnijesh Thapa The Relationship Between Place Attachment and First Night Participants Views of
Crowding, Overall Satisfaction and Future Attendance
Thomas D. Wickham and Deborah L. Kerstetter Relationships Between Place Attachment, Activity Involvement, Desired Experiences, and
Frequency of Urban Park Use
Andrew J. Mowen and Alan R. Graefe
Exploring Visitor Meanings of Place and Enriching Interpreter Knowledge of Audience in
the National Capitol Parks
Wei-Li Jasmine Chen, Theresa L. Wang, and David L. Larsen[5/25/12 8:57:37 AM]
Roundtables 99
Round Tables
A Roundtable: Discussion of Three Case Studies Involving Tourism and Wilderness
Stephen C. Bentley, Katharine C. Bloo,n, and Mark Gleason
Alternative Tourism: Gay and Lesbian Travelers - A Viable Hidden Market
Kimberly Monk and Lisa Din gman[5/25/12 8:57:42 AM]
Posters 99
Poster Session
Use of Qualitative Data Analysis Tool to Understand the Relationship Between
Recreational Fishing and Open Ocean Aquaculture Development
Angela Wright and Robert A. Robertson Estimating Tourism Impacts of Deer Hunting in New York State: A Case Study of 1997
Deer Take Data
Russell W Patterson, Aaron Alsheimer, James F. Booker, and Diana S. Sinton Recreational Use of Industrial Forest Lands in New York State
Sergio Capozzi, Rene Germain, and Chad Dawson
Competition for Common Property Space: New Hampshire’s Recreational Fishers and
Open Ocean Aquaculture Development
Jody Grimes Use of Qualitative Data Analysis to Demonstrate Three Approaches Taken by New
Hampshire Recreational Fishers Toward Open Ocean Aquaculture Development
Nena F. Stracuzzi
The Use of GIS in Recreation Planning: An Application of Spatial Analysis to Find
Suitable Locations for Recreational Trails
Matthew Starr, Mikios Gratzer, and Allen Lewis Storm Chasing: Risk Recreation for the Nineties[5/25/12 8:57:48 AM]
Posters 99
Heather Cantillon, Jere~ny Merriam, and Christopher Naughton Who Owns the Ocean? A Qualitative Study Of Saltwater Recreational Fishers and Open
Ocean Aquaculture in New Hampshire
Jody Grimes, Nena F. Stracuzzi, Robert Robertson, and Cynthia Duncan[5/25/12 8:57:48 AM]
Mgt Sess 99
Management Sessions
Maintaining the Quality of Park Resources and Visitor Experiences: An Overview of a
New Handbook for Managers
Theresa L. Wang, Dorothy H. Anderson, and David W. Lime[5/25/12 8:57:53 AM]
Fnd For 99
Founder’s Forum
Reconceiving Recreation in an Era of Growing Social Inequality
Thomas A. More[5/25/12 8:57:59 AM]
Keynote 99
Keynote Address
Parks Have a Future, But it has More Problems than the Present
Elery Hamilton-South[5/25/12 8:58:04 AM]
cl 99
The Perceived Impacts of Tourism: Economic, Environmental, and Sociocultural
Influences of Tourism on the Host Community
James Murdy, Andrew Yiannakis, and Josh Shuart A Regional Analysis of the Consequences of Tourism Development From a Community
Yooshik Yoon and Joseph S. Chen An Evaluation of State Tourism Web Sites
A. Leslie Burns and Robert A. Robertson Sustainability Indicators Regarding Tourism Development and Coral Reef Conservation:
A Case Study of Akumal, in the Mexican Caribbean
Wendy J. Garpow Developing a Culturally and Ecologically Sensitive Ecotourism in a Resource Extraction,
Consumptive Recreation-Oriented Area
Deborah Che Virtual Tourism on the Internet
Robert S. Bristow[5/25/12 8:58:09 AM]
cl 99
Environmental Attitudes and Values
Environmentalism: A Study of Undergraduate Students
Brijesh Thapa Attitudes of Outdoor Recreationists Toward Environmental Issues
Gene L. Theodori and A. E. Luloff An Exploration of the Influence of Gender and Locality on Environmental Attitudes
Using the New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) Scale
Vinod Sasidharan and Brijesh Thapa Water Resource Issues in Recreation
Improving Recreational Customer Satisfaction: Focusing on Communication and Changes
in Quality of Experience at US Army Corps of Engineers Reservoirs
James D. Absher, Robert C. Burns, and Alan R. Graefe Public Perception of the Connecticut River’s Quality and Suitability as a Recreational
Jo Beth Mullens and Melissa McNally A Holistic Approach to Maintaining Quality in Environmental Management and Visitor
Fiery Hamilton-S,nith River of Promise: Community Based Conservation for the Cheat River Watershed in West
Dave Bassage, Rick Buckley, Jeanne Kraje, Randy Robinson, and Steve Selin[5/25/12 8:58:09 AM]
cl 99
Gender, Ethnicity, and Special Populations
Ethnicity and Recreation: Problems With Concepts and a Need For New Approaches
Edwin Goniez
Similarities and Differences in the Outdoor Recreation Participation of Racial/Ethnic
Groups: An Example from Illinois
John F. Dwyer Disabled Wildlife-Associated Recreation Participants
Allan Marsinko
Visitor Experiences and Satisfaction
More on Conceptualizing and Measuring Leisure Involvement
Gerard Kyle, Deborah Kerstetter, and Frank Guadagnolo User Satisfactions and Perceptions of Crowding in Four Adirondack Wilderness Areas
Chad Dawson, Peter Newman, and Cathy Fuller
Demographic Trends
Demographic Change in the 2l~ Century: The Impact on Recreation Participation
Amy L. Sheaffer, Ken Cordell, and Joseph T. O’Leary The New England Travel Market: An Update of Changing Demographics and Geographic
Markets, 1980 to 1996[5/25/12 8:58:09 AM]
cl 99
Rod Warnick Promoting In-State Tourism Using Travel Consumer Profiles
Sotiris H. Avgoustis The Relationship Between the Experiences of Organized Sports League and Leisure
Seok-Pyo Hong
Recreation Planning and Management
Park Partnerships: A Case Study of Yosemite Institute and Yosemite National Park
Sin Doble, Chad Dawson, and Robin Hoffman The Importance of Environmental History in Natural Resources Management and
Karl Roenke The Effect of Fees on Recreation Site Choice: ManagementiAgency Implications
Allan Marsinko Boosting Confidence In Importance-Performance Analysis: An Explanation and
Application of An I/P Modification
Erin K. Smith and Michael A. Tarrant The Destruction of Wildlife Habitat by Suburban Sprawl and the Mitigating Effects of
Land Use Planning
Richard B. Nichols Visitor Perceptions of Personal Security and Crime at Outdoor Recreation Areas:
Contemporary Issues at US Army Corps of Engineers Lakes and Along the Appalachian
Trail[5/25/12 8:58:09 AM]
cl 99
Robert C. Burns, Robert D. Lee Jr., and Alan R. Graefe Weather Related Liability in Outdoor Recreation
Bruce Hronek Mountain Bicyclists’ Behavior in Social Trail Etiquette Situations
William W. Hendricks, Roy H. Ramthun, and Deborah J. Chavez Distinctions Between Permitted and Non-permitted Registered Snowmobilers
JoelA. Lynch and Charles M.Nelson
Historic Preservation in Recreation
Museums and Cultural Institutions in Michigan: Can They Be Viable Tourism Attractions
and Tourism Industry Partners?
GailA. VanderStoep
Forest Resource Issues in Recreation
Aspects of Nonindustrial Forest Ownership That Influence Attaining Recreation and
Other Nontimber Objectives
Donald F. Dennis, Thomas H. Stevens, David B. Kittredge, and Mark G.
Recreationists’ Attitudes Toward the Forest and Forest Management Policies
Gene L. Theodoni, A. E. Luloff and Timothy A. Slack
Human Dimensions of Fisheries[5/25/12 8:58:09 AM]
cl 99
Development and Verification of a Specialization Index for Angler Segmentation
Ronald J. Salz and David K. Loonus
Testing Recreation Specialization: Application of a Specialization Index
Kelly L. Finn and David K. Loomis
Assessment of Tourists’ Attitudes Toward Marine Aquaculture - A Preliminary
Investigation of UNH’s Sea Grant Discovery Passengers
Torene Tan go-Lowy and Robert A. Robertson
Economics of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism
Economic Impact of Elk Viewing in Rural Pennsylvania
Bruce E. Lord, Charles H. Strauss, and Walter M. Tzilkowski Fiscal Trends in America’s State Parks: A Eight-Year Analysis
Daniel D. McLean, Deborah Chavez, and Julie Knapp Economic Impacts Of A Heritage Tourism System
Charles H. Strauss and Bruce F. Lord
Spending Priorities for Outdoor Recreation Planning in New Hampshire: Implications for
Al Williams, Sam Lankford, and Robert A. Robertson Determining Economic Impact Through Secondary Data
Hans Vogelsong and Alan Graefe[5/25/12 8:58:09 AM]
cl 99
Contemporary Issues in Recreation and the Environment
Information Search by Backpackers: A Qualitative Analysis of Planning Behaviors
Roy Ramthun Using Geographic Information Systems with Travel Cost Models: A Case Study
William Zawacki and Allan Marsinko
Visitor Experiences and Participation
Five Good Reasons to Have Reservations About Benetits-Based Management
Thomas A. More and Walter F. Kuentzel Intensity and Extensity of Recreation Participation in Light of the Mean Scores on the
Leisure Resourcefulness Scale
Jerry L. Ricciardo The Relationship Between Quiltmakers’ Level of Development and Participation in Other
Leisure Activities
Sharon L. Todd Self-Efficacy Perceptions Among Mid-Level Recreation Program Managers
Julie S. Knapp and Daniel D. McLean
Place Attachment
Differences in Place Attachment Among Allegheny National Forest Users[5/25/12 8:58:09 AM]
cl 99
John J. Confer Jr., Alan Graefe, Jim Absher, and Bnijesh Thapa The Relationship Between Place Attachment and First Night Participants Views of
Crowding, Overall Satisfaction and Future Attendance
Thomas D. Wickham and Deborah L. Kerstetter Relationships Between Place Attachment, Activity Involvement, Desired Experiences, and
Frequency of Urban Park Use
Andrew J. Mowen and Alan R. Graefe
Exploring Visitor Meanings of Place and Enriching Interpreter Knowledge of Audience in
the National Capitol Parks
Wei-Li Jasmine Chen, Theresa L. Wang, and David L. Larsen
Round Tables
A Roundtable: Discussion of Three Case Studies Involving Tourism and Wilderness
Stephen C. Bentley, Katharine C. Bloo,n, and Mark Gleason
Alternative Tourism: Gay and Lesbian Travelers - A Viable Hidden Market
Kimberly Monk and Lisa Din gman
Poster Session
Use of Qualitative Data Analysis Tool to Understand the Relationship Between
Recreational Fishing and Open Ocean Aquaculture Development
Angela Wright and Robert A. Robertson Estimating Tourism Impacts of Deer Hunting in New York State: A Case Study of 1997
Deer Take Data[5/25/12 8:58:09 AM]
cl 99
Russell W Patterson, Aaron Alsheimer, James F. Booker, and Diana S. Sinton Recreational Use of Industrial Forest Lands in New York State
Sergio Capozzi, Rene Germain, and Chad Dawson
Competition for Common Property Space: New Hampshire’s Recreational Fishers and
Open Ocean Aquaculture Development
Jody Grimes Use of Qualitative Data Analysis to Demonstrate Three Approaches Taken by New
Hampshire Recreational Fishers Toward Open Ocean Aquaculture Development
Nena F. Stracuzzi
The Use of GIS in Recreation Planning: An Application of Spatial Analysis to Find
Suitable Locations for Recreational Trails
Matthew Starr, Mikios Gratzer, and Allen Lewis Storm Chasing: Risk Recreation for the Nineties
Heather Cantillon, Jere~ny Merriam, and Christopher Naughton Who Owns the Ocean? A Qualitative Study Of Saltwater Recreational Fishers and Open
Ocean Aquaculture in New Hampshire
Jody Grimes, Nena F. Stracuzzi, Robert Robertson, and Cynthia Duncan
Management Sessions
Maintaining the Quality of Park Resources and Visitor Experiences: An Overview of a
New Handbook for Managers
Theresa L. Wang, Dorothy H. Anderson, and David W. Lime
Founder’s Forum[5/25/12 8:58:09 AM]
cl 99
Reconceiving Recreation in an Era of Growing Social Inequality
Thomas A. More Keynote Address
Parks Have a Future, But it has More Problems than the Present
Elery Hamilton-South[5/25/12 8:58:09 AM]