Ordinary Differential Equations MATH 308 - 523 A. Bonito April 21 Spring 2015 Last Name: First Name: Exam 2 • 75 minute individual exam; • Answer the questions in the space provided. If you run out of space, continue onto the back of the page. Additional space is provided at the end; • Show and explain all work; • Underline the answer of each steps; • The use of books, personal notes, calculator, cellphone, laptop, and communication with others is forbidden; • By taking this exam, you agree to follow the university’s code of academic integrity. Ex 1 Ex 2 Ex 3 Ex 4 Total Some Laplace Transforms L(f ) f L(f ) f 1 1 s s>0 tn n! 1 sn+1 s>0 e−αt 1 s+α s > −α e−αt tn n! (s+α)n+1 s > −α sin(ωt) ω s2 +ω 2 s>0 cos(ωt) s s2 +ω 2 s>0 eαt sin(ωt) ω (s−α)2 +ω 2 s>α eαt cos(ωt) s−α (s−α)2 +ω 2 s>α sinh(ωt) ω s2 −ω 2 s > |ω| cosh(ωt) s s2 −ω 2 s > |ω| Hα (t) e−αs s s>0 δα (t) e−αs s > −∞ Some Properties of the Laplace Transforms Let f, g : [0, +∞) → R be piecewise continuous functions with piecewise continuous derivatives. Assume there exists K > 0 and a1 , a2 ∈ R such that |f (t)| 6 Kea1 t , |g(t)| 6 M ea2 t , ∀t ∈ [0, +∞). Then there holds dn dn−2 dn−1 n n−1 (ı.) L f (t) (s) = s L (f (t)) − s f (0) − ... − s f (0) − f (0), dtn dtn−2 dtn−1 n d ∀s > a1 , (f ∈ C n−1 ([0, ∞)), f piecewise continuous) dtn Z t 1 (ıı.) L f (τ )dτ (s) = L (f (t)) (s), ∀s > a1 , s 0 (ııı.) L ((−1)n tn f (t)) (s) = dn L (f (t)) (s), dsn (ıv.) L e−αt f (t) (s) = L (f (t)) (s + α), ∀s > a1 , ∀s > a1 + α, α > 0, (v.) L (Hα (t)f (t − α)) (s) = e−αs L (f (t)) (s), (vı.) L ((f ∗ g)(t)) (s) = L(f (t))(s) · L(g(t))(s), ∀s > a1 , α > 0, ∀s > max(a1 , a2 ). Exercise 1 25% Solve the following initial value problem using the Laplace Transforms y 00 + y = sin(t), y(0) = 1, y 0 (0) = 1. (Hint: use the convolution product and the identity 2 sin(a) sin(b) = cos(a − b) − cos(a + b).) Exercise 2 25% • Write the definition of the laplace transform of a function f (t). • Without using the table, compute the laplace transform of g(t) = 5δ3π (t). Do not forget to mention for which values of s the laplace transform L(g)(s) is well defined. • Find the solution of y 00 + 2y 0 + 3y = 5δ3π , (you can use the table for this part.) y(0) = y 0 (0) = 0. Exercise 3 25% Solve the following system y0 = and draw the phase portrait. −2 −5 1 4 y Exercise 4 25% Solve the following system y0 = and draw the phase portrait. 3 4 −2 −1 y Ordinary Differential Equations MATH 308 - 523 A. Bonito April 21 Spring 2015 Exam 2: solutions Exercise 1 25% The Laplace transform of both sides of the ODE yields (s2 + 1)Y − s − 1 = L(sin(t)(s), where Y (s) = L(y)(s). Thus we obtain an expression for Y Y = 1 L(sin(t)(s) s + + . s2 + 1 s2 + 1 s2 + 1 Noting that s2 1 = L(sin(t))(s), +1 we obtain s 1 + 2 + L(sin(t)(s)L(sin(t)(s). +1 s +1 It remains to compute the inverse Laplace transforms of the three terms in the right hand side of the above equation. Using the Laplace table for the two first terms we have 1 s −1 = sin(t), and L = cos(t). L−1 s2 + 1 s2 + 1 Y = s2 For the last term, property (vi) yields L−1 (L(sin(t)(s)L(sin(t)(s)) = sin(t) ∗ sin(t). We compute Z sin(t) ∗ sin(t) = t sin(t − u) sin(u)du = 0 1 2 Z t (cos(t − 2u) − cos(t)) = 0 Adding all the inverse Laplace transforms computed leads to y(t) = 3 t sin(t) + cos(t) − cos(t). 2 2 Exercise 2 25% R∞ • L(f )(s) := 0 f (t)e−st dt. • We start from the definition of the laplace transform Z ∞ L(g)(s) := 5 δ(t − 3π)e−st ds = 5e−3π 0 which holds for any s ∈ R. s 1 t sin(t) − cos(t). 2 2 • We take the laplace transform and use the previous item to arrive at (s2 + 2s + 3)Y = 5e−3πs or 5 e−3πs . + 2s + 3 We first find the Laplace transform inverse of Y = s2 √ 5 5 2 F (s) := 2 =√ , 2+2 s + 2s + 3 (s + 1) 2 which is given by √ 5 L−1 (F )(t) = √ e−t sin( 2t). 2 Hence,using the formula L−1 (F (s)e−cs ) = L−1 (F )(t − c)uc (t) we arrive at y(t) = L−1 ( Exercise 3 √ 5 5 −(t−3π) −3πs √ 2(t − 3π))u3π (t). e )(t) = e sin( s2 + 2s + 3 2 25% We find the eigenvalues-eigenvectors of the matrix. The eigenvalues are found solving −2 − λ 1 det = 0, −5 4−λ i.e. λ2 − 2λ − 3 = 0 or λ1 = 3 and λ2 = −1. The eigenvector associated to λ1 is given by −2 1 ξ1 ξ1 =3 −5 4 ξ2 ξ2 or −5ξ1 + ξ2 = 0. Hence all eigenvectors are given by ξ1 ξ2 =α 1 5 , ∀α 6= 0. The eigenvector associated to λ2 is given by −2 1 ξ1 ξ1 =− −5 4 ξ2 ξ2 or −ξ1 + ξ2 = 0. Hence all eigenvectors are given by ξ1 ξ2 =α 1 1 , ∀α 6= 0. Gathering the above results, we find that the general solution reads 1 1 3t y = C1 e + C2 e−t . 5 1 The phase portrait is provided in Fig. 1. Figure 1: Phase portrait: The red lines correspond to the directions given by the eigenvectors Exercise 4 25% We find the eigenvalues-eigenvectors of the matrix. The eigenvalues are found solving 3−λ −2 det = 0, 4 −1 − λ i.e. λ2 − 2λ + 5 = 0 or λ = 1 ± 2i. We only consider λ = 1 + 2i and find the associated eigenvector: 3 −2 ξ1 ξ1 = (1 + 2i) 4 −1 ξ2 ξ2 or (2 − 2i)ξ1 − 2ξ2 = 0. Hence all eigenvectors are given by ξ1 1 =α , ξ2 1−i ∀α 6= 0. As a consequence two linearly independent solution are given by 1 cos(2t) (1+2i)t t y=< e =e 1−i cos(2t) + sin(2t) and y = = e(1+2i)t 1 1−i = et sin(2t) sin(2t) − cos(2t) . Gathering the above results, we find that the general solution reads cos(2t) sin(2t) t y = e C1 + C2 . cos(2t) + sin(2t) sin(2t) − cos(2t) The phase portrait is provided in Fig. 2. Figure 2: Phase portrait