Lab 0: Xilinx ISE Introduction Objectives:

Spring 2011- Lab 0
Digital Systems Laboratory
Lab 0: Xilinx ISE Introduction
This lab is intended to help you get familiar with the laboratory facilities. It lays the foundation for all
future laboratory sessions. In this lab and all others in this course, you will work with the Xilinx ISE
computer-aided design (CAD) software to create a circuit schematic and perform a simulation to
demonstrate that the circuit does what it is intended to do. (In next week’s lab, you will be provided with
a BSU proto-board that will enable you to implement the circuit in hardware.)
This lab will also familiarize you with lab report creation and submittal procedures.
Schematic capture and waveform screen capture in a Word document
Due by end of lab period
Due by Midnight Thursday 1/20/2011
cc: your team partner
Subject: Lab0_TeamX report (X is your team no.)
Attachment: (contents as listed below)
(must be zip format – no others accepted)
Contents of zip file:
1. Report File: \Lab0_TeamX_Report.pdf
Report Content (create in Microsoft Word)
1. Team number
(required for all reports)
2. Team member names
(required for all reports)
3. Lab no. and name
(required for all reports)
4. Schematic capture with caption – re-size to fit on ¼ of page
5. Waveform screen capture with caption – re-size to fit on ¼ of page
6. Brief paragraph referencing figures created above
After report has been created in Word, create a pdf and then zip.
Lab Details:
Complete the Xilinx ISE tutorial, with check-off and report as noted above. You will need a copy of your
schematic capture and waveform screen capture for next week’s lab.
Boise State University
Electrical and Computer Engineering Department
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