A Summary Overview of the Bl kh k Wind Blackhawk Wi d Turbine T bi 3/4/10 B. Boatner,EE Lead Engineer/Partner The Blackhawk Project, LLC B i ID Boise, The Blackhawk Wind Turbine What is the VAWT/AR*? ((*Vertical Vertical Axis Wind Turbine w/ Articulating Rotor) • A new sub-class of VAWT • Uses U rotor tilt il to controll AOA (A (Angle l off A Attack) k) • The first major technological breakthrough since the h D Darrieus i patent (1931) (1931), complying l i with i h the h Betz Equations. • Combination C bi i off helicopter h li rotor head h d andd wind i d turbine design • Result R l off 7 years off researchh • No directly related prior art in USPTO • U.S. Patent #7,677,862 The Betz Theorem – 1929 The “Bible” of wind turbine design • Maximum theoretical efficiency = 59.6% • Slow Sl incoming i i air i mass by b no more than th 1/3 • Minimize solidity quotient • Maximize Tip p Speed p Ratio ((TSR)) • Bottom Line: Least number of blades traveling at a maximum possible speed From Patent Application: 2-Bladed and 3-Bladed variations shown How does the VAWT/AR work? 1. Wind causes Rotor Tilt 2. Rotor Tilt sets Airfoil Angle of Attack (AOA) 3. Airfoil AOA creates Aerodynamic Lift 4. Aerodynamic y Lift creates Rotation/Torque q 5. Self-corrects for gy gyroscopic p pprecession. Action of wind (403,404) against the side of the airfoils (405, 406) causes tilting force (409) on the rotor arm (401). When the rotor (18) tilts, the stationary pushrods (41, 42) cause the airfoils (11, 12) to change angles due to different radii. Power is produced cyclically in 2 main quadrants Main Rotor Tilt controls Pitch of Airfoils Elastomeric dampeners limit rotor tilt Operating characteristics • • • • • • • Very high torque due to long moment arms Large g working g areas for more ppower Dynamic response to wind and load conditions Self-limiting to prevent run-aways No external wind alignment mechanics Self-starting at low wind speeds Very quiet compared to most turbines Blackhawk AFPMG* (*Axial Flux Permanent Magnet Generator) • 12,, 24 or 48 Volts • Full charging voltage at very low speed • Operating range 40 – 120 RPM • 1.5 1 5 KW potential output • Non-cogging design allows easy start-up • Self cooling • No brushes or slip rings • In-house design Generator Design: Expertise and Experience Gained • Unable to identify OEM source for low-speed transmission-less design: “it can’t be done”. • Design analysis of multiple generators and mathematical performance modeling produced initial successful design – 40 RPM cut-in. cut in • With field-verified results, we are now able to easily il produce d any size/configuration/speed i / fi i / d variation needed. • That makes us a leader in the field. AFPMG Design/Test Station AFPMG Components (L) Magnet Wheel (1 of 2), and (R) Stator Electronics • 20+ years Silicon Valley Electrical Engineering microcontroller hardware/software design experience • “The “Th Limiter” Li i ” allows ll user to set RPM limit li i andd timei out period for very high wind conditions (currently in field use). • “The Governor”: upgrade of “The Limiter” that will use PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) to intelligently control loads (designed - not yet implemented) • MPPT: proprietary Maximum Power Point Tracking algorithm will dynamically match loads to varying wind conditions for optimal efficiency (designed – not yyet implemented) p ) Blackhawk Electronics Limiter PCB Limiter Control Unit Power Control Cabinet Precision Test Loads Blackhawk System y Wiring g Clockwise from top left: Grand View, ID; Wells Fargo Bldg, Boise; Clarkston, WA; CAES Idaho Falls; Emmett Proof-of-Concept: Critical Design Targets Achieved • • • • • • • System is reliably self-starting System is stable under varying wind conditions System is quiet & aesthetically pleasing S System hhas survived i d 100 100+ MPH winds i d System is easy to manufacture & assemble System is easy to transport and erect System is reliably producing power Design Variations: The Rapid Deployment Concept • • • • Configuration possible with VAWT/AR design Folds up like an umbrella Less than 5 minute deployment/furling Can be combined with extensive emergency bbattery e y backup b c up power powe on o a trailer e • Military and emergency potential usage Blackhawk RD-10 R id Deployment Rapid D l t Device D i Blackhawk RD RD-10 10 and Trailer Blackhawk RD-10 RD 10 Rapid Deployment Sequence •Quiet operation… •Endless aesthetic possibilities… Status of Intellectual Property p y • U.S. Utility Patent application 12/7/06 • Patent pending Australia/New Zealand • No N prior i artt found f d representing ti tilt vs. AOA control methods • I.P. owned by The Blackhawk Project, LLC: 50% Bruce Boatner, 50% Pat Large • U.S. Patent #7,677,862 issuance notification 3/2/10 Our current staff • Bruce Boatner, EE: Inventor, Partner, Lead Engineer • Dawn Cardwell: Project Manager • Pat P tL Large: Business B i Partner P t • Randy Peterson: Technician Project Requirements For Production • • • • • • • • Product engineering Design engineering support Manufacturing engineering Materials analysis M f t i logistics Manufacturing l i ti & capital it l Testing & Certification Marketing strategy Accounting & other overhead Inter-Disciplinary Research Efforts at INL/CAES* (* Idaho Id h Nat’l N t’l L Laboratory, b t Center C t for f Advanced Ad d Energy E Studies) St di ) BoatnerConsulting@earthlink.net (925) 695-5469