JEOL JEM-2100 HR TEM •MEC 113 & MEC 113a •CCD camera (Orius SC1000, Gatan) •Point resolution 0.23 nm •Line resolution 0.14 nm •STEM resolution 1.0 nm •EDS chemical analysis (Thermo Electron Corp.) •In-column annular dark field detector • EELS (model 776 Enfina 1000, Gatan) •Tomography unit for reconstruction of 3D images •Temperature control down to 77 K •Magnetic imaging resolution 2.2 nm MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization Historical Development 1931 – Ruska & Knoll build first EM lenses capable of 400x. Siemens obtains patent. 1933 - Ruska builds first TEM (HVI, TU Berlin) 1938 - First practical TEM constructed at University of Toronto by Burton et al. 1939 - Siemens launches first commercial TEM 1947 - DA-1, JEOL’s first commercial TEM 1970s - STEM developed 1986 - Ruska shares Nobel Prize in Physics 1990s - EELS developed 2005 - FEI launches TITAN 2007 - Boise State takes delivery of JEOL 2100HR TEM MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization Projection Limitation T.L. Hayes, Biophysical Aspects of Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM 1 1-10 (1980). MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization The Family of TEMs All TEMs have an electron gun; condenser, objective, and projector lens systems; and a signal detection device Hitachi DSTEM Add scan coils and it becomes a scanning TEM (STEM) JEOL 2100 HR TEM Add EDS/EELS and it becomes an analytical TEM/STEM MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization The Family of TEMs At very high voltage - HVEM 1 MV 1.25 MV World's largest microscope 3 MV Hitachi DSTEM JEOL-1000, High-Voltage Electron Microscope Lab, University of Colorado JEM-ARM1300S "Morning Star", Korea Basic Science Institute Center for Ultra-High Voltage Electron Microscopy, Osaka University MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization The Family of TEMs Add Cs correction ZEISS HRTEM with in-column energy filter FEI Titan MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization JEOL JEM-ARM200F TEM Source First condenser lens, C1 (Spot Size) First demagnified source image Second condenser lens, C2 (Brightness) Condenser aperture Specimen Objective lens Back focal plane Objective aperture First image plane Selected area aperture Intermediate or diffraction lens Second image plane Projector Lens(es) Screen MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization Image or SADP Source First condenser lens, C1 (Spot Size) First demagnified source image Second condenser lens, C2 (Brightness) Condenser aperture Specimen Objective lens Back focal plane Objective aperture First image plane Selected area aperture Intermediate or diffraction lens Second image plane Projector Lens(es) Screen image MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization diffraction pattern Rotary Pump Pressure: 1 .0 – 0.1 Pa Oil usually used as lubricant and gas seal (but oil-free is also possible) High-P side: atmosphere Low-P side: limited by vapour pressure of oil (≥ 0.1 Pa) Used to pump specimen exchange airlock, chamber (from air), and back the DP, so it is typically attached to roughing manifold Reliable and cheap, but dirty and noisy MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization Diaphragm Pump Rated in litres/min Oil-free High-P side: can be many atmospheres Low-P side: typically rated in litres/minute Used to back DP or turbopump MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization Diffusion Pump Pressure: 10-1 - 10-8 Pa High-P side: 10-1 Pa (requires forepump) Forepump can be switched off when TEM is in use because of empty space between DP and manifold At bottom of column, near back, used to pump viewing chamber and film compartment Low-VP polyphenyl ether Santovac® 5 commonly used (synthetic, non-hydrocarbon) Oil may crack/char (oxidise) in high-T or high-P Reliable, simple, no noise/vibration, inexpensive (but slow – about 30 mins to warm up) MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization Turbo Pump Pressure: 10-1 - 10-5 Pa High-P side: ~10-1 Pa (usually backed, but in theory can operate – slowly - at atmosphere) Like a jet engine, with rotating (rotors) and fixed (stators) blades 20,000 – 50,000 rpm More likely to fail (spectacularly) than DP Oil-free, but some vibration (not too bad) Tight tolerances on machining, so expensive MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization Sputter Ion Pump Pressure: 10-5 - 10-10 Pa anodes magnet Ti (cathode) High-P side: 10-4 Pa (needs serious backing) Electrons accelerated (5 keV) from Ti cathode and ionise gas molecules, which go to cathode Gas atoms either form inert compound (TiC) or are embedded in Ti (Ar) – released on shut-off Sputtered Ti condenses on anode and acts as a getter material (chemisorption) The smaller the ionic current, the lower the vacuum No moving parts, no oil MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization Cryogenic Pump Pressure: ≥ 10-4 Pa Liquid nitrogen cools sieves with large surface areas so gas condenses on them Contaminants from vacuum or beam-sample interaction condense on ACD – not sample or apertures Gases are released on shut-off MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization Pirani Gauge Marcello Pirani, 1906 70 Pa – 0.01 Pa Pressure decreases → Temperature increases (less heat lost to gas) Temperature increases → Resistance increases Resistance increases → Current decreases Requires two Pt wires, one sealed (reference) and one in vacuum chamber (gauge) Needs calibration with reference tube Gauge wire can alternatively be kept at constant T and current required measured MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization Penning Gauge 10-1 Pa – 10-8 Pa by several kV Electrons thermionically emitted from filament ionise gas molecules Cations are attracted to cathode (collector), electrons to anode (grid) Current in collector is proportional to rate of ionisation, which is a function of pressure Calibration is difficult and gas-species dependent MSE 421/521 Structural Characterization