Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 303 (2011) 81–92 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / p a l a e o Vegetation response to glacial–interglacial climate variability near Lake Malawi in the southern African tropics Kristina R.M. Beuning a,⁎, Kurt A. Zimmerman a, Sarah J. Ivory a, Andrew S. Cohen b a b Department of Biology, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, Eau Claire, WI 54701, United States Department of Geosciences, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721, United States a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 27 March 2008 Received in revised form 29 November 2009 Accepted 16 January 2010 Available online 25 January 2010 Keywords: Pollen Vegetation Pleistocene East Africa Paleoclimate a b s t r a c t Pollen records from Lake Malawi, Africa spanning the last 135 kyr show substantial and abrupt vegetation response to multiple episodes of extreme aridity between 135 and 75 ka. Peaks in both the relative abundance and total production of Podocarpus pollen define the first two of these drought episodes. From 135 to 127 and again from 117 to 105 kyr BP, Podocarpus percentages remain above 16% with peak values as high as 38% indicating a period marked by a cool climate resulting in expansion of montane forest taxa to lower elevations. Marine palynological records from the Angola Margin and Congo Fan show similar peak Podocarpus percentages at this time (oxygen isotope stage 5d) indicating a similar climate across the African continent at this latitude. From 105 to 90 ka, continuing drought resulted in total pollen accumulation rates in Lake Malawi to fall to less than 300 grains/cm2/yr of predominately grass pollen. This episode in African history was severe enough to cause the disappearance of pteridophytes and forest taxa such as Uapaca and Brachystegia as well as montane taxa (Podocarpus, Olea spp. and Ericaceae) within the pollen source area of Lake Malawi. These taxa all remain nearly absent from the surrounding vegetation for the next 18,000 years. The resultant semi-desert vegetation would have been inhospitable for early humans living within or traveling through the Lake Malawi region. Increasing moisture following these arid intervals allowed expansion, creation and maintenance of a more diverse landscape vegetation mosaic around Lake Malawi including Zambezian miombo woodland, humid evergreen woodland and afromontane forests. The relative abundance of each fluctuated in response to either cooling (i.e. afromontane expansion from 60 to 56 ka) or moisture balance (i.e. increasing humid evergreen woodland between 75 and 65 ka). Notably there was no significant change in vegetation composition during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (30–15 ka) as compared to the previous 20,000 years. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction In February 2005, seven continuous drill cores were recovered from two sites in Lake Malawi in southeast Africa. These cores total 623 m of continuous core extending back at least 300,000 years (Scholz et al., 2006; Scholz et al., 2007). The location of Lake Malawi along the southernmost position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) makes these records vitally important for our understanding of continental climate change in the tropics through the Pleistocene and allows us to test questions of the magnitude, timing and interconnectivity of tropical climate change with high-latitude fluctuations throughout the Ice Ages. Through the use of sedimentological, geochemical and paleoecological data, the Malawi research team has begun reconstructing the environmental history of the region and integrating this history into ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail address: (K.R.M. Beuning). 0031-0182/$ – see front matter © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2010.01.025 our understanding of global change during the Pleistocene (Cohen et al., 2007; Scholz et al., 2007; numerous papers this volume). Our component of the project is paleoecological, utilizing pollen and charcoal preserved in the sediments to reconstruct vegetation history surrounding the basin. Using our modern understanding of the climatic constraints of specific plant species (e.g. volumes in Flora Zambesiaca and the Flora of Tropical East Africa) and independent climate records obtained from other indicators within the sediments (Johnson et al., 2011-this issue; Park and Cohen, 2009; Scholz et al., 2011-this issue; Stone et al., 2011-this issue), we hope to elucidate the timing, magnitude and community composition response of tropical vegetation to changes in temperature and moisture availability through the middle-late Pleistocene. This paper presents results from core MAL 1C, a continuous 145 kyr record from the central basin. Prior to acquisition of this sediment core, very few continuous lacustrine records from the African continent reaching beyond 40 kyr BP were available, primarily due to desiccation and subsequent deflation of lake basin sediments or simple gaps in the sedimentary sequence especially during the Last 82 K.R.M. Beuning et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 303 (2011) 81–92 Glacial Maximum (LGM) (25–15 kyr BP). As a result most studies of Pleistocene terrestrial vegetation change in Africa come from marine cores (e.g. Van Campo et al., 1982; Dupont et al., 2000; Zhao et al., 2003). Although a valuable paleoecological record, marine pollen assemblages show only a part of the palynoflora of the adjacent continent due to the lack of preservation of many thin-walled types during aerial, riverine and oceanic transport to the core sites (Dupont et al., 2000). Thus, a lacustrine record, which often minimizes these transport and preservation issues, is ideal for understanding terrestrial vegetation dynamics. The Malawi drill cores provide just such a record integrating the pollen signal of a large source area while also providing a robust record of regional vegetation change. Earlier palynological studies of tropical East Africa have demonstrated substantial vegetation change during the LGM and the transition into the Holocene (see review in Kiage and Liu, 2006 and Van Zinderen Bakker and Coetzee, 1988). In most cases during the LGM, grass-dominated communities covered the landscape in response to aridity caused by reduced global moisture availability due to expansive high-latitude ice sheets. In fact, the LGM aridity has been used as the archetype for tropical response to Northern Hemisphere ice sheet expansion. As the arboreal component of the vegetation began to recover during the transition to the current interglacial, some records also show a reversal to the more herbaceous LGM-type community during the Younger Dryas interval (e.g. Beuning et al, 1997; Ryner et al., 2006; Vincens et al., 1994). When observed with a broad filter, Holocene vegetation of tropical Africa has shown a gradual increase in plant species tolerant of reduced moisture availability in response to the transition from early-Holocene humidity to lateHolocene aridity (e.g. Beuning, 1999; Umer et al., 2007; Van Zinderen Bakker and Coetzee, 1988; Vincens et al., 1999). Additional snapshots of African vegetation beyond the LGM and into the last glacial period derive from marine records (e.g. Van Campo et al., 1982; Dupont et al., 2000; Zhao et al., 2003), and lake cores (Debusk, 1994; Gasse and Campo, 1998; Vincens et al., 2007; Scott et al., 2008). The timing of vegetation changes demonstrated by these authors often corresponds to the marine isotope stages 3–5d but are all within the backdrop of more arid conditions than the current interglacial. No proxy records of vegetation cover from the eastern half of the continent extending through the penultimate interglacial have been published. Here we provide the first continuous, lacustrine record of tropical vegetation change extending from beyond the penultimate interglacial to present. Previous analyses of the seismic stratigraphy, sediment litho- and chemostratigraphy, and the ostracod and diatom assemblages of the MAL 1C core (Cohen et al., 2007; Scholz et al., 2007), allowed delineation of two pronounced megadrought intervals between 135 and 75 ka, from 135 to 127 ka and again from 115 to 95 ka. During these megadroughts, Lake Malawi, the 4th largest lake in the world with regard to volume, dropped over 600 m in water depth (Scholz et al., 2007). In this paper, we demonstrate substantial vegetation response to these multiple periods of profound aridity. In addition, within the last 75 ka we find vegetation change in response to short-term cooling within MIS 4 (74–59 kyr BP) that is surprisingly more pronounced than any response to aridity during the LGM or increased moisture leading into the Holocene. This continuous record of terrestrial vegetation change provides the setting for early anatomically modern human evolution and range expansions and contractions within and out of the African continent. 2. Study site and methodology Lake Malawi, the southernmost lake in the West African Rift Valley, is located between 9°30′S and 14°30′E. The present lake depth is approximately 700 m with a surface area around 29,500 km2 making it the third largest lake in Africa and the fourth deepest lake in the world (Malawi Department of Surveys, 1983). As with most large lakes, Lake Malawi contains only one naturally occurring outlet, the Shire River, which is located at the southern end of the lake (Fig. 1). Fig. 1. Physical map of equatorial south Africa modified from Lehner et al. (2008) showing Lake Malawi and cross-continent Ocean Drilling Program sites from the Congo Fan (GeoB1008) and Angola margin (GeoB1016). Lake and river catchments are delineated by thicker, solid lines. Inset taken from K.R.M. Beuning et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 303 (2011) 81–92 83 The one-meter annual variation in lake level is caused by fluctuations in rainfall during the wet and dry seasons driven by annual movements of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). While the seasonal location and southward extent of the ITCZ is driven by the strength of the northeast African monsoon and the southeast trade winds, the amount of moisture brought by these winds is influenced by the sea-surface temperatures of the Indian and Pacific Oceans (Cane et al., 1994; Goddard and Graham, 1999; Tierney et al., 2008). Presently, Lake Malawi lies at the southern end of the ITCZ and its catchment receives highly seasonal and variable annual rainfall ranging from approximately 800 to 2400 mm/yr depending on location (Agnew and Stubbs, 1972). In all locales, maximum rainfall occurs from November to May. 2.1. Modern topography and vegetation Lake Malawi has an elevation of 472 masl (meters above sea level) with a catchment of over 65,000 km2 (Agnew and Stubbs, 1972). Surrounding the northern half of the basin are several mountainous highlands and escarpments which rise to over 2400 m (Fig. 2), and to the north are the Rungwe volcanic highlands. The Nyika Plateau lies to the west and is characterized by a mosaic of undulating Afromontane grasslands with intermittent patches of Afromontane evergreen forests (see Afromontane undifferentiated vegetation in Fig. 2). The distribution of these Afromontane vegetation constituents is driven by the topography, with trees favoring the wide, level valley bottoms and grasses dominating on the convex valley sides (Meadows, 1984). Afromontane forest typically occurs between 1200 and 2500 masl in regions with mean annual rainfall of between 1250 and 2500 mm. In regions with more rainfall, a diverse, tall (25–45 m) arboreal assemblage grows including members of the Sapotaceae, Ebenaceae, Myrtaceae, Prunus africana, Olea capensis and Podocarpus latifolius. When rainfall is less, a shorter stature forest develops with a somewhat different composition that includes Apodytes, Ilex, Kiggelaria, Prunus africana and Podocarpus falcatus and latifolius (Polhill, 1958; White, 1983). At lower elevation, the primary vegetation community is Zambezian miombo woodland (Fig. 2). Zambezian miombo woodlands are dominated almost exclusively by Brachystegia with varying associated species depending upon differential precipitation: wetter miombo (>1000 mm/year rainfall) or drier miombo (<1000 mm year rainfall). With even less rain, Zambezian scrub woodland grows and is characterized by diminishing arboreal height (3–7 m from 10 to 20 m) with a pronounced and severe dry season of greater than five months from May–June to October (Carter and Radcliffe-Smith, 1988; White, 1983). Species of Uapaca are usually present. Uapacadominated Zambezian scrub woodland can form an ecotone between open grassland and the Brachystegia-dominated miombo woodland. North Zambezian undifferentiated woodlands are those lacking the dominant miombo or scrub woodland taxa yet still containing a diverse arboreal community composition including Afzelia quanzensis, Burkea africana, Dombeya rotundifolia, Pericopsis angolensis, Pseudolachnostylis maprouneifolia, Pterocarpus angolensis and Terminaolia sericea (White, 1983). Today, many of these natural vegetation assemblages are disturbed by anthropogenic manipulation of the landscape. Fig. 2. Natural vegetation types surrounding the Lake Malawi catchment (modified from White (1983)). The dots within lake represent the 2005 Malawi drill sites discussed in the paper. Data in this paper is from a core taken at Site 1. 2.2. Methods Sixty-three 0.5 cm3 sediment samples from Malawi drill core 1C were processed for pollen following standard methods (Faegri and Iversen, 1989). Sediment types ranged from organic-rich gyjtta in the upper parts of the core to several layers of calcareous silty clay with minimal organic remains near the base (for more information regarding lithostratigraphy of the 1C core see Scholz et al., 2009). Sampling resolution represents on average every 2000 years, al- though some temporal intervals, i.e. the megadroughts, have much higher density analyses, while others, i.e. the Holocene, have fewer. Calibrated micropolystyrene spike was added to each sample to allow for calculation of pollen concentration and pollen accumulation rates (PAR) using the depth–age model presented in Scholz et al. (2007). For most samples, over 600 identifiable grains were counted. Grains were identified using a reference collection of African pollen, atlases 84 K.R.M. Beuning et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 303 (2011) 81–92 of pollen morphology, and imagery available through the African Pollen Database. Percentages of all identified taxa were calculated as percent of the total, identifiable grains. Unidentifiable grains (broken/ crumpled) were added to the pollen sum prior to calculation of their percent. Several taxa were placed into broader vegetation groups based on the habitat preference of the parent plants to facilitate interpretation. The three groups presented in Fig. 3 include: Other Montane Taxa (Apodytes, Ericaceae, Ilex, Juniperus, Kiggelaria, Myrtaceae, Olea africana, Olea capensis, and Syzygium-type), Evergreen Trees (Celtis, Alchornea, Macaranga, Moraceae, Ixora, Myrica, Faurea, and Trema) and Other Woodland Taxa (Acalypha, Acanthaceae, Blighia, Combretaceae, Craterispermum, Commiphora, Lannea, Maclura, and Mimosaceae). The ‘Other’ category included all types whose total abundance remained less than 0.5% in all samples analyzed as well as types whose constituent taxa represented diverse ecological preferences. The geochronology of core 1C is based on accelerator mass spectrometry radiocarbon dates on bulk organic matter, paleomagnetic and 10Be analyses and a few luminescence dates. Detailed information regarding construction of the geochronology is presented in Scholz et al. (2007). 3. Results and discussion (Figs. 3 and 4) 3.1. Zones 1–3 (135–105 kyr BP) Within the interval 135–105 ka, primary vegetation response to multiple arid periods (Zones 1 and 3) is defined by peaks in both the relative abundance and total production of Podocarpus pollen. From 135 to 127 and again from 117 to 105 kyr BP, Podocarpus percentages remain above 16% with peak values as high as 38%. These high percentage values in combination with minor peaks in the Other Montane Taxa strongly suggest that aridity associated with the megadrought occurred in conjunction with an increased adiabatic lapse rate, at least seasonally, allowing downslope expansion of afromontane taxa in the highlands to the north and west of Lake Malawi (Fig. 2). Samples from within the Podocarpus forest of the Drakensburg Mountains, South Africa contain only ∼ 40% Podocarpus pollen (Scott, 1989). Such high values in the Lake Malawi sediments would seem to necessitate either abundant Podocarpus plants growing in close proximity to the basin, or an expanded Podocarpus community at greater distance from the basin in conjunction with an increase in the magnitude of northern or westerly winds in the annual wind regime over the lake. Perhaps the latter is more likely as the pollen percentages of lowland Zambezian miombo woodland indicators like Uapaca and Brachystegia follow a pattern similar to Podocarpus, with increases during the arid intervals and declines during the intervening wetter interval from 127 to 117 ka. In fact, the relative abundance of these lowland taxa during the arid intervals is comparable to modern surface samples from Lake Malawi, which currently has extensive miombo woodland in its catchment (Debusk, 1997). Also during Zones 1 and 3, Cyperaceae percentages increase and Typha comprises as much as 6% of the total pollen assemblage, the highest values of the entire 135 kyr record. The substantially-reduced lake levels would have provided abundant near-shore habitat for wetland taxa. What is puzzling is the near absence of arboreal taxa, other than Podocarpus, from 127 to 117 ka, the penultimate interglacial. West African climate reconstructions (Dupont et al., 2001) and the composite lake-level curve suggest a warmer and much wetter environment at this time than during the megadroughts (Zones 1 and 3), although the lake was still at least 150 m below present levels (Fig. 4). Although Podocarpus is present within this interval, the relative abundance of this taxon is much lower than the preceding or subsequent zones (Fig. 3). While a warmer climate could limit Podocarpus, which prefers the cooler environment of the high-elevation afromontane habitat (Polhill, 1958; White, 1983), the increased moisture would presumably allow lowland expansion of arboreal taxa at least within a Zambezian miombo woodland community. In fact the only major taxa represented in the 1C pollen record that increases in relative abundance during the penultimate interglacial is Poaceae, with a corresponding peak in charcoal production (Fig. 4). These results suggest a past interglacial vegetation community quite different than the Holocene. An open grassland in the lowlands surrounding the lake, as implied by the data, seems incongruous with the rise in lake level, which requires a more positive annual moisture balance. We can hypothesize three scenarios under which such apparently incompatible boundary conditions would exist. First, the greater mean annual precipitation did not occur seasonally, as it does today. If mean annual rainfall increased but was distributed throughout the months rather than in seasonal pulses, the net moisture balance would increase, but there could be insufficient moisture during any one season, to allow the establishment and maintenance of trees. Second, the opposite could be true with increased seasonality in the regional climate. If there was one shorter, intense humid season followed by a prolonged severe dry season that would have provided enough drought stress to limit the trees, despite increased annual precipitation overall, while still allowing continuous grass cover. Third, the growth of trees was not limited by climate but by a fire or grazing regime different from the Holocene. Either increased fire or grazing (depending on grazer preference) could have suppressed tree seedling growth. 3.2. Zones 4 and 5 (105–75 kyr BP) Zones 4 and 5 are characterized by remarkably low total PARs of less than 800 grains/cc/yr. The decline in PAR during this interval inversely mirrors the terrigenous component (% sand) of the sediment (Cohen et al., 2008). Because sedimentation rates do not increase along with the increase in sand, the decline in PAR at these times is probably not due to dilution or grain degradation but instead reflects a real change in pollen productivity and/or transport to the coring site. The most extreme of the megadrought intervals occurred within this interval from between 105 and 93 ka (Zone 4). Although increased aridity often results in an expansion of grasslands, this drought was so severe that even grass-dominated plant communities were limited. This is most strikingly recorded between 105 and 93 ka when less than 300 total pollen grains/cm2/yr were deposited in core 1C in Lake Malawi. The grains deposited in this interval were relatively well-preserved and showed no evidence of deterioration due to re-working from exposed lake surfaces. Although these 300 grains were predominately grass, the grass vegetation from which this pollen derived was so patchy and limited that fire could not be sustained on the landscape, as indicated by the absence of charcoal in the first 5000 years of this zone (Fig. 4, note log scale). The resultant lowland vegetation within the Lake Malawi catchment may have been desert-like, with grasses, Compositae and Amaranthaceae herbs distributed intermittently on the landscape. At higher elevation, Podocarpus trees grew and may have flourished although their dominance in the pollen spectrum may be due to their overrepresentation in the impoverished vegetation of this time interval. With time the drought was apparently severe enough to decimate even the high-elevation arboreal vegetation. At 105 ka, other montane taxa drop to near zero and Podocarpus begins a decline from 38% to less than 1% by 90 ka. Furthermore by 95 ka, Brachystegia, Uapaca and even pteridophytes disappear. These taxa all remain nearly absent from the surrounding vegetation for the next 18,000 years. Instead, Poaceae becomes increasing predominant reaching peak values (as high as 92%) at 90 ka (Fig. 3). Pollen spectra from the grass-dominated Sudanian vegetation belt north of the equator contain similarly high grass pollen abundance (80–90%) (Lezine and Edorh, 1991; K.R.M. Beuning et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 303 (2011) 81–92 pp 85–88 Fig. 3. Summary palynostratigraphy of core 1C, Lake Malawi, Africa. Total PAR (pollen accumulation rate) calculated as number of grains and spores/cm2/yr. Pollen types included in ‘Other Montane Taxa’ are: Apodytes, Ericaceae, Ilex, Juniperus, Kiggelaria, Myrtaceae, Olea africana, Olea capensis, and Syzygium-type. ‘Evergreen tree taxa’ include: Alchornea, Celtis, Faurea, Ixora, Macaranga, Moraceae, Myrica, and Trema. ‘Other Woodland Taxa’ include: Acalypha, Acanthaceae, Blighia, Combretaceae, Craterispermum, Commiphora, Lannea, Maclura, and Mimosaceae. Pollen types included in the ‘Other’ grouping include: Adansonia, Aeschynomene, Aneilema, Annona, Anthocleista, Blepharis, Borassus, Bridelia, Canthium, Cassia-type, Cephalosphorin, Cordia-type, Crassula, Craterostigma, Dioscorea, Diospyros, Drypetes, Elaeis, Elephantopus, Erythrococca, Eucalyptus, Euclea, Gallium, Gnidia, Hyalosepalum, Hyphaene, Isoberlinia, Khaya, Landolfia, Lindernia-type, Maesa, Mimusops, Neoboutonia, Nymphaea, Phoenix, Phyllanthus, Polygonum, Rapanea, Rhus, Saggittaria, Strombosia, Striga, Toddelia, Trichilia, Zanthoxylum, and Zygophyllum. The criterion for inclusion in the ‘other’ group was 5 or less grains per sample (< 0.5%) at all analyzed depths in the MAL 1C core or diverse ecological preferences within the taxon group. K.R.M. Beuning et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 303 (2011) 81–92 Fig. 4. Total PAR (pollen accumulation rates, expressed in grains/cm2/yr) and number of charcoal pieces from Malawi drill core 1C. Charcoal methodology described in and data published in Cohen et al. (2007). Lake-level curve derived from stratigraphic evidence of lake lowstands and is first published in Scholtz et al. (2007). Saltzmann et al., 2002) and occur in regions when mean annual precipitation is less than <800 mm/year. During the recovery phase (90–75 ka) from this extreme drought, abundant moisture availability, as evidenced by the 400 m rise in lake level, allowed the growth of evergreen forest taxa (e.g. Moraceae, Celtis and Macaranga; Fig. 3) characteristic of the semi-evergreen lowland rainforests found today further to the North near Lake Victoria. From 90 to 85 ka, the arboreal component of the vegetation was limited to these evergreen components, which would require a mean annual precipitation of at least 1200–1600 mm/yr (White, 1983). The rise in ‘Other Woodland Taxa’ during this 5000 year interval is due primarily to increased number of Combretaceae pollen grains, which could be lianas growing on the evergreen forest trees or scrub trees growing on marginal, sandy soils within the lake catchment (Fig. 3; White, 1983). By 85–80 kyr BP, miombo species such as Uapaca and Brachystegia, reappear, possibly in response to a decline in mean annual precipitation or a reduction in dry season relative humidity at least in some portion of the Lake Malawi catchment (White, 1983). The virtual absence of montane taxa during this recovery phase (90–75 ka) is probably the result of biogeography. If the geographic extent of mortality of the montane taxa during the preceding megadrought (115–95 ka) was widespread, a nearby seed source for “restocking” the landscape would be absent. This would be especially true for the isolate mountain highland “islands” that would rely on regions far north (i.e. the Ruwenzori) or far south (i.e. S. Africa) as the parent populations. In this case, the nearly 15,000 year delay in recovery of montane vegetation could be partly due the slow migration and chance distribution of “new” seeds to the region. 3.3. Zones 6–8 (75–30 kyr BP) This interval appears to be one of instability both with regard to lake level (Stone et al., 2011-this issue) and the vegetation surrounding Malawi (Fig. 3). At the start of Zone 6 (75–62 ka), total PAR rises to over 2500 grains/cm2/yr, much of which is attributable to an apparent expansion of Uapaca in the pollen source area. The percentage of evergreen taxa declines, as does Brachystegia. However by 68 ka, a 89 brief, but rapid drop in total PAR to less than 500 grains/cm2/yr occurs followed by a large peak in the relative abundance of Podocarpus pollen and rise in total PAR leading into Zone 7 (62–52 ka). Despite the riverine distribution of some Podocarpus species, Podocarpus pollen in African pollen diagrams is most frequently interpreted as a montane indicator as most species are found at high elevation (Polhill, 1958). Thus, increases in Podocarpus percentages purportedly represent expansion of the afromontane vegetation community, presumably due to cooler conditions allowing downslope movement (see explanation above in Zones 1–3). Yet, the patchwork mosaic of grassland and forest in many afromontane communities leaves some doubt as to whether increasing Podocarpus occurred because of actual expansion of the vegetation type due to cooler conditions, or merely a shifting grass-to-tree ratio within the highelevation environment (>2000 masl) perhaps as a result of succession or even moisture balance (Meadows, 1984). While this possibility cannot be ruled out, the combined new TEX86 paleotemperature lake water data from Malawi core 2A (Woltering et al., 2009) in conjunction with equatorial Indian ocean SST records (Bard et al., 1997) strongly link Podocarpus expansion with direct air temperature cooling. Starting at around 75 ka, a sharp decline in SST occurs in the equatorial Indian Ocean that culminated between 60 and 65 ka (Bard et al., 1997). Furthermore, Woltering et al. (2009, 2011-this issue) show a ∼ 4 °C drop in mean annual lake surface temperatures between 63 and 59 kyr BP representing the coldest lake water temperatures in Lake Malawi between 75 ka and present. Presumably the decline in lake temperature reflects surface cooling from surrounding colder air temperatures and not enhanced deep-water upwelling during the lake lowstand from 64 to 62 yr BP (Fig. 4). From 63 to 59 kyr BP, the diatom assemblage is dominated by some shallower-water species that are probably indicative of upwelling, however the modern thermal gradient across the thermocline is only 0.5–1 °C during the mixing season (Stone et al., 2009—volume). Thus without a much colder hypolimnion than present, increased upwelling alone is unlikely to result in a ∼ 4 °C sustained drop in water temperatures. The increase in Podocarpus percentages began during this interval of atmospheric cooling. Cooling, as indicated by the TEX86 data, began at 75 ka coincident with a rise in Podocarpus percentages from near 0 to ∼ 5%. Furthermore, maximal cooling of ∼ 4 °C occurred between 60 and 59 kyr BP at the same time as a spike back to values between 26 and 32% Podocarpus, percentages similar to those during the penultimate interglacial. At all other times during the last 75 ka, Podocarpus percentage values in the Lake Malawi sediment remained below 15%. Low sampling resolution within Zone 8 (52–30 ka) precludes drawing any conclusions about the coupled or uncoupled changes in vegetation and climate during a lake lowstand around 40 ka. Total PAR does decline from its peak during Zone 7 and Cyperaceae pollen percentages climb to and remain at between 12 and 18% consistent with modern surface sample data from the lake basin (Debusk, 1997). 3.4. Zone 9 (30–15 kyr BP) In Lake Malawi, the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 25–15 kyr BP) is marked not by substantial change in plant community composition but rather by low total pollen accumulation rates (PARs) that are comparable to the recovery phase (90–75 ka) of the megadrought period (Fig. 3). These results are in direct contrast to data from the much smaller Lake Masoko, just north of Lake Malawi in the Rungwe highlands (Figs. 2 and 3) (Garcin et al., 2006). At Lake Masoko, beginning at 23 ka, an increase in more humid woodland taxa pollen such as Macaranga, Trema and Celtis seemed to suggest increasing moisture balance during the LGM as compared to the millennia prior. The relative abundance of these evergreen tree taxa do not increase in the Lake Malawi record during this interval (Fig. 3). Around Lake 90 K.R.M. Beuning et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 303 (2011) 81–92 Malawi, the abundance of Poaceae, Cyperaceae and the drier Zambezian woodland taxa (Brachystegia and Uapaca) during the LGM remained similar to the prior interval, and in fact in the case of the Zambezian woodland taxa are greater than during most of the Holocene. This LGM grass-dominated landscape is consistent with records from the equatorial rift lakes north of Lake Malawi and suggests that despite a summer insolation maximum at 9°S the regional climate of southern equatorial East Africa was synchronized with Northern Hemisphere glacial boundary conditions. These results do not preclude a southward shift in the ITCZ, which may have increased rainfall over Lake Masoko. However, in this scenario not only would a southward shift be necessary, but also a substantial contraction of the ITCZ latitudinal range would need to occur so that it did not extend much further south than northern Malawi. As Lake Malawi integrates a much larger source area with a regional signal of climate with a severe dry season, it is likely that the increase in moist taxa during the LGM in Lake Masoko reflects, as proposed by the authors of that study, a local signal of increased rainfall associated with changes in local hydrology perhaps due to decreased evaporation caused by cooling (Garcin et al., 2006). Despite the absence of landscape-scale change in vegetation composition during the LGM near Lake Malawi, the LGM vegetation did respond to climate conditions that differed from the previous 20,000 years as evidenced by a precipitous decline in total PAR (Fig. 3). Sedimentation rate did not change during this interval so a dilution effect is unlikely (Cohen et al., 2007). Instead, the decline in PARs suggests “sub-optimal” conditions that may have resulted in reduced resources for pollen production, yet with an overall moisture balance not substantially different than during the late-Pleistocene. The composite lake-level curve for Lake Malawi indicates that water depths remained between near modern from 50,000 yr BP to the LGM (Fig. 4). Perhaps the annual rainy season driven by the southward movement of the ITCZ brought marginally less rain due to reduced glacial sea-surface temperatures in the nearby Indian Ocean (Bard et al., 1997). In contrast, equatorial regions to the north must have experienced substantial moisture deficits due to southward compression of the ITCZ, reduced lake-effect rainfall (Lake Victoria) and/or reduced cross-continent transport of oceanic-derived moisture (Lakes Albert and Edward). The lack of any substantial change in the relative abundance of Podocarpus or other montane taxa in our record can also be used to constrain or corroborate early work addressing temperature change in tropical Africa during the LGM. Initial estimates of temperature depression during the LGM in East Africa suggest a climate 5–8 °C colder than modern based on changes in tree line elevation on East African mountains (Van Zinderen Bakker and Coetzee, 1988) and biogeography of montane taxa (Talbot, et al., 1984; Livingstone, 1993). Additional studies utilizing surface sample assemblages throughout the eastern continent, Bonnefille et al. (1992) concluded that a temperature decline of 2 ± 4 °C must have occurred at this time. More recently, Powers et al. (2005) determined a 3.5 °C overall warming since the LGM from the TEX86 paleotemperature proxy in Lake Malawi. Our data from Lake Malawi is consistent with Powers et al. (2005), and further show that any change that did occur must have been less than a 4° reduction as this magnitude of temperature change initiated a significant increase in Podocarpus or other montane taxa as found during the latter half of MIS Stage 4. Only four samples were counted within Zone 10, the Holocene (Fig. 3). The results from these are consistent with the Holocene vegetation around Malawi reported in Debusk (1998). 3.5. Comparison with West African Records The paleovegetational history archived in the Malawi 1C pollen record is remarkably congruent with pollen records from the Angola Margin (Latitude: −11.7705; Longitude: 11.6819) and Congo Fan (Latitude: − 6.5824 Longitude: 10.318) off the coast of equatorial West Africa throughout the last 135,000 years (Fig. 5) (Shi and Dupont, 1997; Jahns, 2000). While aridity on the African continent can be controlled by changes in atmospheric moisture content modulated by tropical sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) and the strength of the African monsoon (Schefuβ et al., 2003), Bard et al. (1997) found no significant change in SST during the periods of extreme aridity near Lake Malawi. Thus, the consistent cross-continent moisture balance Fig. 5. Podocarpus and Poaceae pollen percentages from the Angola Margin (GeoB1016) and Congo Fan (GeoB1008) overlain on Lake Malawi 1C data. Marine data from Shi and Dupont (1997) and Jahns (2000). K.R.M. Beuning et al. / Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 303 (2011) 81–92 shown by this combined data implies large-scale vegetation changes in Africa during the middle-late Pleistocene controlled not exclusively by tropical SSTs, but perhaps instead by changes in Hadley circulation or the extent of the ITCZ. In addition to consistent monsoon dynamics, the parallel response of Podocarpus in these three records strongly suggests climate forcing that was coherent across the southern African tropics not only with regard to moisture, but also air temperature. The slower response of Podocarpus in the Angola Margin record as compared to Lake Malawi and the Congo Fan to cooling following the penultimate interglacial is surprising especially given the close proximity of the GeoB1016 drillsite to the central highlands of Angola. However, the Congo Fan record is perhaps a more accurate representation of west-equatorial vegetation dynamics due to the more direct riverine transport of pollen and spores to the coring site in the suspended sediment load of the Congo river, which drains a catchment area of 3.7 million km2 (Shahin, 2002). Long-distance aerial transport is limited in the Congo Fan as surface winds blow landward or along the shore (Dupont et al., 2000). In contrast, the Angola basin site derives much of its pollen from the SE trades that flow across and draw pollen from 13 to 17°S, an area south of the central Angola highlands (Dupont et al., 2000). As a result, montane expansion in these highlands would have to be southward before a substantial increase of taxa representative of this vegetation community would be recorded in the Angola basin core. 3.6. Implications for early hominin habitats Although scientific debate persists as to the geographic origin of anatomically modern humans, much research supports the ‘out of Africa’ hypothesis which contends that modern humans evolved in Africa between 200 and 100 kyr BP and then expanded into Eurasia at a later date (Stringer, 1990). Prior to their expansion out of Africa, anatomically modern humans may have existed throughout the eastern half of Africa, from South Africa to Eritrea (Jacobs et al., 2008; Walter et al., 2000). A complex range of behavioral adaptation to fluctuating climates and the resultant environmental stress has been identified as one of the defining factors of modern human behavior (Walter et al., 2000). Within this context, the results in this paper provide important new information regarding the habitat in which these early modern humans lived. The landscape vegetation provides both food and shelter for these individuals. Our results demonstrate substantial change in vegetation structure and community composition during what may have been a key period of modern human evolution and migration (135 to 70 kyr BP). For example, the treeless and thus potentially inhospitable landscape around Lake Malawi during the penultimate interglacial lends credence to recent evidence for enhanced use of coastal marine resources during this interval and earlier (Fig. 3) (Marean et al., 2007; Walter et al., 2000). Furthermore, increased moisture following the extreme arid conditions in tropical Africa during MIS 5 and 6 allowed expansion and creation of a more diverse landscape vegetation mosaic including Zambezian miombo woodland, humid evergreen woodland and afromontane forests. This diversity in resources would have provided excellent habitat for early modern human populations expanding along and up the Nilotic corridor to the north and eventually out of Africa. Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge all who helped in sediment acquisition, initial processing (at LacCore), and dating of the Lake Malawi Scientific Drilling Project. We thank the government of Malawi for the permission to undertake this research. Funding for the field and lab work was provided by the U.S. National Science Foundation—Earth System History Program (EAR 0602404 to K. Beuning; EAR 0602350 to A. Cohen), the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program, the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire Office of Research and 91 Sponsored Programs, and the Smithsonian Institution (Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems Program and Fellowship Program). Marine pollen data and associated age models were accessed at http://www. 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