SYLLABUS Math 142:203 Business Mathematics II Summer II, 2014 Texas A&M University

Math 142:203 Business Mathematics II
Summer II, 2014
Texas A&M University
MTWRF 12:00-1:35pm, Blocker 161
Instructor: Tina Mai
Office: Blocker 631
Office Hours:
• Monday-Friday 1:40pm - 2:40pm, Blocker 205
• or by appointment
• no office hours on exam days
Course webpage:
Required Textbook:
Calculus: Applications and Technology, 3rd ed. by Tomastik.
NOTE: Included in your paid course fees is access to WebAssign
and an eBook version of the textbook through WebAssign. For more information, visit
courses/eHomework, then choose “Student Information Page”.
Course Description: Business Mathematics II. CREDIT: 3. Derivatives, curve sketching and optimization, techniques
of derivatives, logarithms and exponential functions with applications, integrals, techniques and applications of integrals,
multivariate calculus.
Prerequisites: High school algebra I and II and geometry or satisfactory performance on a qualifying examination.
Credit will not be given for more than one of MATH 131, 142, 147, 151 and 171.
Calculator Policy: You will be required to have either a TI-83, TI-84 (Plus or Silver Editions are fine), or TI-Nspire
(non-CAS version) (or equivalent versions of other brands). Use of any other calculator is neither allowed nor discussed
in class. You will also be required to reset memory before each exam and quiz. If there are any programs that you want
to keep for personal use, you will want to save them to your computer so that you can reload them after the class is
completed. Note that I am only familiar with the TI-83 and TI-84 calculators. Therefore, if you are not very familiar
with your calculator, I would strongly recommend using a TI-83 or TI-84 for this class as I will not be able to help you
with questions or issues coming from another type of calculator. If you do not bring your calculator to class every day,
you may miss out on a valuable resource for quizzes and exams. I will likely not have an extra calculator for you to use,
and you are NOT allowed to share calculators during quizzes and exams.
Email policy: Please check your TAMU email account DAILY. I will send urgent announcements, important information,
as well as updates via email, and you are responsible for knowing any of the information I send. Email is also the best
way for you to get in touch with me. Feel free to email me at any time to ask questions, notify me of emergencies, or for
any other need for correspondence. I will respond to you in a timely manner when your email is succinct and contains
any information I need to respond to. However, do not wait until the evening/morning that an assignment is due to email
me questions, which can not be guaranteed timely answers. Note also that, due to privacy issues, I can not discuss grades
over email or phone. When you send me any email, please INCLUDE in the email subject your full name, course number
142, and section number 205, and a brief description of the content of your email as well. If any of this information is
missing or if I need to look up information, it will delay my response.
Cell Phone Policy: As a courtesy to me, and your classmates, all cell phones must be turned OFF and must
not be out during class hours, office hours, or exams.
Texas A&M Student ID: Bring your student ID to all exams. Because we can not discuss grades via email or phone,
when you have questions about grades, please come see me in person with your student ID.
Study Groups: Groups of three will be assigned on the third day of class and will stay together for all semester.
Grading Policy:
Exam I
Exam II
Exam III
Final Exam
WebAssign Homework
A = 90% − 100%
B = 80% − 89%
C = 70% − 79%
D = 60% − 69%
F = 0% − 59%
Grade Disputes: Any questions regarding grading/scoring must be dealt with at the time you receive the exam or
assignment before leaving class the day the exam or assignment is returned.
Exams: There will be three in-class exams and one comprehensive final exam. Each of the three in-class exams will be
95 minutes long and will be free response. You will be expected to show all of your work on a free response exam. The
final exam is cumulative, will be two hours long and all multiple-choice. You must bring your Texas A&M student ID to
the exams. You must work exams in pencil. After entering the classroom on each exam day, you will not be allowed to
leave until you turn your exam in. You will not be able to use scratch paper.
Tentative dates for the in-class exams are as follows:
Exam I
Thursday, July 17
Exam II
Tuesday, July 29
Exam III
Friday, August 8
Please see the Make Up Policy.
The final exam will be given on TUESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1:00pm - 3:00pm Blocker 161.
Quizzes: Please bring some extra blank papers with you every day for quizzes. Quizzes will be given almost every day.
They may be announced (see calendar) or unannounced, in-class or take home, taken on your own or in a group, open
notes and textbook or not. Please see the Make-Up Policy.
WebAssign Homework:
Go to the provided link to access your WebAssign Homework (and tutorials on how to use WebAssign). Homework will
be due frequently (see calendar). Since the homework can be done at your convenience and because there will be a sliding
scale used in grading the homework, there will be no make-ups or extensions on homework. If you have questions on
the homework, please visit me during office hours, study previous Week-in-Reviews, or go to help sessions. A useful note
is that a few times during the semester, WebAssign Homework will be due AFTER the exam on which the material is
corvered. Hence, it will benefit your preparation for the exams if you can finish your WebAssign Homework before the
exam. Information on Help Sessions will be posted on the Math Departmental Webpage:
More information regarding WebAssign Homework:
• Each assignment has a “practice” version and a “homework” version. In the practice version, you are given 20
attempts for each question. In the homework version, you have 3 attempts for each question with unlimited time
before the deadline to submit.
• In the practice version, after submitting each answer, you will see the correct answer. It is highly encouraged that
you work on the practice version before the homework, which helps you identify the format you should use for your
answers in the WebAssign Homework.
• Only the “homework” versions will be graded. The “practice” is just for practice.
• Make sure you have Java and Flash installed on the computer you are using to do WebAssign Homework.
• If you have any technical difficulties with WebAssign, please go to the following website
to either see some possible solutions for the difficulties or fill out a “Student Help Request Form” which is available
there also.
• Since there will be no make-ups or extensions on WebAssign Homework, you should start the homework as early
as possible before the deadline so that you have enough time to resolve any technical difficulties.
Grading Policy for WebAssign Homework: Due to the pace of the summer session, your online homework will be graded
using a sliding scale (i.e., you do not have to get all of the problems correct to receive a 100%).
In WebAssign, when you work a problem correctly, you will see that you have earned one point (partial points are possible
for questions with multiple parts). The following categories are based on TOTAL % you earned at the end of semester:
50% - 100% 100%
45% - 49%
40% - 44%
35% - 39%
30% - 34%
25% - 29%
20% - 24%
15% - 19%
10% - 14%
5% - 9%
0% - 4%
When I post grades, they will be posted on eCampus. If you ever want to know what your most up-to-date grade is, you
can always come see me in my office.
Attendance: I strongly encourage you attend and participate in every lecture. You must arrive and be fully prepared
for class (including reading notes and textbook) by the class start time to be ready to actively get involve in the class
during lectures, activities, and group discussions. You are expected to stay the entire class time unless you notify me
prior to class. I will only post the blank notes on the Course Webpage; completed notes will not be posted. Moreover,
the cumulative nature of the course combined with the pace of a summer class will make it very difficult to catch up,
should you miss a class. (There is also the fact that at least 18% of your grade is dependent on you actually being in
class.) If you do not attend class on the day a take home quiz is assigned, then you will not be allowed to turn in that
quiz. If you miss class due to a University excused absence and have proper notification, you will be able to hand copy
my class notes during office hours and make up any missed work (excluding WA homework). Having an exam for another
class is not a University excused absence, so plan your schedule accordingly. A record of your attendance will be kept
and may be one of the factors used to determine grades in borderline cases.
Make-Up Policy: No make-ups will be given without written evidence of an official University excused absence (see
University Student Rules). In addition, you MUST notify me NO LATER than the end of the second working day after
the missed assignment. Sending me a quick email as soon as you know you will be absent helps me make preparations
that may be impossible if you don’t notify me:
... the student must notify his or her instructor in writing (acknowledged e-mail message is acceptable) prior
to the date of absence if such notification is feasible. In cases where advance notification is not feasible
(e.g. accident or emergency) the student must provide notification by the end of the second working day after
the absence. This notification should include an explanation of why notice could not be sent prior to the
class. (Section 7.3 of the University Student Rules)
If no such notice is given, you forfeit your rights to a make-up. Specifically, in the case of injury or illness, students are
required to obtain a confirmation note from a health care professional affirming date and time of a medical office visit
regarding the injury or illness. A routine office visit does not constitute an excused absence as you can schedule that
around your schedule, whereas with an injury or illness, it is an immediate need to see a health care professional. Once an
assignment has been returned, I will not give a make-up for that assignment. I will handle these situations case-by-case. I
will not accept the Explanatory Statement for Absence from Class form as sufficient written documentation of an excused
absence. For non-medical absences, ask me what proof is required. Students with an official University excused absence
are permitted to make up work only for the dates of the absence and only for the dates specifically mentioned in the
documentation. Please be aware that manufacturing or falsifying documentation is a violation of the Aggie Honor Code
and it is my obligation to report all violations to the Honor Council.
Quizzes: At a minimum, I will drop your two lowest quiz grades at the end of the session. As long as you have proper
documentation and make arrangements with me in a timely manner (see the Make Up Policy), you will be allowed to
make up work missed.
Homework: Since the homework is done at your convenience and because of the sliding scale being used this session, there
will be no make ups or extensions on homework.
Exams: If you miss an exam, you will have the opportunity to make it up at the following scheduled times. If your
Univeristy excused absence requires you to miss the make up exam, you must provide documentation covering those days
as well. In the case that you have University excused absences for the original exam date and the scheduled make up
exam, you and the instructor will make arrangements on a case-by-case basis.
Make Up Exam Schedule (BLOC 631)
Exam 1
Exam 2
Exam 3
July 21, 9:25am - 11am July 31, 9:25am - 11:00am August 11, 9:25am - 11:00am
Late Work Policy: Late work will not be accepted without a University excused absence.
Academic Integrity Statement:
An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.
It is my obligation (and yours as an Aggie) to report any violations of the Aggie Honor Code to the Honor Council. I
further refer the student to the Honor Council Rules and Procedures on the web at
Students with Disabilities: The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is a federal anti-discrimination statute that
provides comprehensive civil rights protection for persons with disabilities. Among other things, this legislation requires
that all students with disabilities be guaranteed a learning environment that provides for reasonable accommodation of
their disabilities. If you believe you have a disability requiring an accommodation, please contact Disability Services, in
Cain Hall, Room B118, or call 845-1637. For additional information visit
Note: I must have written proof of the necessary accommodations before a quiz or exam. It is your responsibility to visit
Disability Services as soon as possible. They have time requirements for fulfilling your accommodations as well as turn
around time.
Classroom Ettiquette: Students are the center. Thus, besides traditional mathematics lectures, I will ask questions
frequently, give time for you to think and answer to understand new concepts or theorems, and apply them to solve
problems. Sometimes, a question in lecture becomes a pop quiz in class or take home. I will also hold group activities,
where you work in groups to complete assignments related to new lectures or old lectures, which builds collaborative
spirit, power, understanding of the mathematics, fun, and motivates ideas of each other. In these activities, notes and
textbook may be allowed. Therefore, you should read corresponding notes and the textbook before coming to each
class meeting, so that you will not be behind your classmates when discussing in activities. During class hours, please
stay focused on learning the mathematics being taught and discussed. This means you should stay awake throughout
class, actively participate in the class activities, not reading a newspaper or materials for other courses, refraining from
discussion in not related to class, and you should not leave class early until you have informed me first. You should never
have a cell phone out or turned on during class.
Sources of Help:
• Help Sessions: Help sessions are an opportunity for you to ask questions and get help with your homework. In the
summer, the help sessions are led by graduate students. The dates and times will be posted on the departmental
web page as well as on my own.
• Instructor Office Hours: I am always willing to help you, but I won’t know if you have a question that needs my
help unless you ask me. I encourage you to ask questions both in and out of class, come to office hours, talk to me,
send emails, etc. The more you participate, practice, and attempt to understand, the more successful you will be.
• Class Notes: An outline of notes will be posted prior to class. It will be helpful to print these out and bring them to
class, fill in details during class. You should review your notes after class to make sure you understand everything
covered and note any questions you may need answered before the next class. I will NOT post completed notes
after class. The notes are designed to be a primary help for homework as well as a primary review for exams.
• Your Classmates: Form study groups! Ask each other for assistance. Work together to understand the material.
• Week-in-Review (WIR): Links to previous WIRs will be posted on my web page. This is an excellent resource for
studying for exams.
• Practice: It is essential that you practice as many problems as you can. In addition to the quizzes, in-class activities,
and WebAssign homework, there are suggested homework problems and old Week In Review problem sets for you
to work through.
• TI-83 calculator help, see on Course Webpage.
• Additionally, see Tips for Success on Course Webpage.
Copyright Policy: All printed materials disseminated in class or on the web are protected by Copyright laws. Do not
post these materials, quizzes, exams, solutions ... on other websites such as Yahoo Answers, without permission from
me. One copy (or download from the web) is allowed for personal use. Multiple copies or sale of any of these materials
is strictly prohibited.
Tentative Schedule: (See last page of the syllabus.)
Learning Objectives: This course is focused on quantitative literacy in mathematics found in both business and
everyday life. Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
• Logically formulate mathematical variables and equations to quantitatively create mathematical models representing
problems in everyday life, as well as business, so that calculus can be applied to achieve an optimal solution.
• Quantitatively analyze business concepts such as market equilibrium and break-even analysis.
• Demonstrate knowledge of basic functions, including exponentials and logarithms, to solve financial investment
• Identify patterns in numeric data to calculate limits and derivatives of functions numerically.
• Justify whether a function is continuous or not using the mathematical definition of continuity.
• Understand the derivative as a rate of change in order to quantitatively apply it to everyday life as well as business
applications such as marginal analysis and elasticity of demand.
• Investigate the relationship between a function and its first and second derivatives, and use the information obtained
from its derivatives to identify pertinent information about the function.
• Apply the definite integral to quantitatively determine solutions to problems in everyday life and business such as
area between curves, average value of a function, and producers’ and consumers’ surplus.
• Recongize and appreciate the relationship between the derivative (rate of change) and the definite integral
(accumulation of change), and utilize the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus as the bridge between the two.
• Generalize and extend the pattern of various calculus techniques to functions of two variables in order to find
solutions to both everyday and business problems such as marginal productivity of labor and capital.
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE: Math 142:203 Business Math II, summer II, 2014, July 8 - August 13, Texas A&M University
July 8
July 9
Intro to Course & Syllabus Notes: Review of
Q0: Algebra (Appendix A) Functions, 1.2
(Bring a paper copy of the
syllabus with you)
Notes: Review of Functions
July 10
WA Due: HW 00-01
Notes: 1.3, 1.5
Q1: Review, 1.1
July 11
July 12
Last day to add/drop class
July 13
WA Due: HW 02
Notes: 3.1
Q2: 1.2
July 14
July 15
Due: HW A
WA Due: HW 03, 04
Notes: 3.1 (con't), 3.2
Notes: 3.2 (con't), 3.3
Q3: 1.3, 1.5
Q4: Take Home Review
(Emphasis on 3.1 – 3.3)
July 16
WA Due: HW 05, 06
Notes: 3.3 (con't)
Review for exam I
July 17
Due: Q4
WA Due: HW 07, 08
EXAM I: topics from A.8,
1.0, 1.1, all of 1.2, 1.3, 1.5,
July 18
Notes: 4.1 – 4.2
July 19
July 21
WA Due: HW 09, 10
Notes: 4.3-4.5
Q5:: 4.1, 4.2
July 22
WA Due: HW 11
Notes: 4.3-4.5
Q6: 4.3
Q10: Take Home Review
(Emphasis on 4.3)
July 23
WA Due: HW 12, 13
Notes: 5.1
Q7: 4.4, 4.5
July 24
Due: Q10
Notes: 5.1-5.2
Q8: 5.1
July 25
WA Due: HW 14
Q9: 5.2
Q11: Take Home Review
(Emphasis on 5.1 – 5.2)
July 26
July 28
Last day Q-drop
WA Due: HW 16, 17
Notes: 5.3 (con't) – 5.6
July 29
Due: Q11
WA Due: HW 18, 19
EXAM II: 4.1 – 4.5, 5.1 –
July 30
Notes: 6.1 – 6.2
July 31
Dr. Peter Howard Visiting
WA Due: HW 20 (6.1)
Notes: 6.1– 6.2
Q14: 6.1
August 1
WA Due: HW 21 (6.2)
Notes: 6.3 – 6.5
Q15: 6.2
August 2
August 4
WA Due: HW 22 (6.3)
Notes: 6.5 – 6.6
Q16: 6.3
August 5
WA Due: HW 23,24(6.4,6.5)
Notes: 6.6 – 6.7
Q17: 6.4, 6.5
Q18: Take Home Review
(Emphasis on 6.4 – 6.7)
August 6
WA Due: HW 25 (6.6)
Notes: 8.1 – 8.2
Q19: 6.6
August 7
WA Due: HW 26, 27 (6.7, 8.1)
Notes: 8.2 – 8.3
Q20: 6.7
Q21: Take Home Review for
Final Exam (8.1 – 8.3)
August 8
WA Due: HW 28 (8.2)
Due: Q18
EXAM III: 6.1 – 6.7, 8.1
– 8.2
August 9
August 11
Due: Q21
Last day of class
Review for Final Exam
August 12
1:00pm - 3:00pm
August 13
August 14
August 15
August 16
July 20
July 27
WA Due: HW
August 3
August 10
WA Due: HW
29 (8.3)
August 17