Section 9D – Vector Length

Math 150 – Fall 2015
Section 9D
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Section 9D – Vector Length
Theorem. The length of any vector hx1 , x2 i in R2 is defined to be the distance form
the origin to the point (x1 , x2 ) which is
||hx1 , x2 i|| = x21 + x22
We use the notation ||hx1 , x2 i|| to mean the length of the vector. A similar formula for
the length of a vector exists for vectors in Rn .
||hx1 , x2 , . . . , xn i|| = x21 + x22 + · · · + x2n
Example 1. Find the length of the vector h−3, 5i.
Note. We use the notation ||hx1 , x2 i|| to denote the length of a vector. This is similar
to absolute value of a real number, but we use slightly different notation to remind
ourselves that we are dealing with a vector, and not a real number.
~ and Y
~ is ||X
~ −Y
~ || (the order does not
Theorem. The distance between two vectors X
Example 2. Find the distance between the vectors h8, −4i and h−3, −2i.
Math 150 – Fall 2015
Section 9D
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~ and Y
~ be arbitrary vectors and let α and β be arbitrary scalars.
Properties: Let X
Then we have the following properties.
~ = 0 if and only if X
~ is the zero vector (the vector in which all the components
1. ||X||
are zero, i.e., h0, 0i in R2 ).
~ = |a| · ||X||.
2. ||αX||
That is the length of a scalar times a vector is the same as
the length of the vector times the absolute value of the scalar.
~ +Y
~ || ≤ ||X||
~ + ||Y
~ ||. This is called the triangle inequality because the vectors
3. ||X
~ Y
~ , and X
~ +Y
~ can be thought of as the three sides of a triangle, and the sum
of two side of the triangle must be longer than or equal to the third side.
Example 3. Find the unit vector in the direction of h6, −7i.
Example 4. Consider a plane which is flying at 35,000 feet due north with a speed
of 450 miles per hour. Suppose our plane suddenly experiences a down draft whose
velocity is 125 mph. Find a vector to represent the planes velocity and find the speed
of the plane.
Example 5. Suppose a ferry is crossing a river 12 miles wide with a downstream
current of 4 miles per hour. The ferry goes in a direction perpendicular to the bank at
10 miles per hour. How far downstream will the ferry reach the other bank?
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