Last name: name: 1 Quiz 9 (Notes, books, and calculators are not authorized) Show all your work in the blank space you are given on the exam sheet. Answers with no justification will not be graded. Question 1: Let z = x + iy, were x, y ∈ R. Is the function f (z) = cos(y) + i sin(x) holomorphic in C? (Justify rigorously your answer.) Let P (x, y) = cos(y) and Q(x, y) = sin(x) be the real and imaginary parts of f . The functions P and Q are twice continuously differentiable functions with respect to x and y over R2 . Let us verify whether the Cauchy Riemann relations hold: ∂x P (x, y) = 0, ∂y P (x, y) = − sin(y), ∂y Q(x, y) = 0. ∂y Q(x, y) = cos(x). The function f is not holomorphic since ∂y P (x, y) 6= −∂x Q(x, y). Question 2: Using the notation z = reiθ , were r ≥ 0, θ ∈ [−π, π), we define the function log(z) as follows log(z) := log(r) + iθ. Prove that log(z) is not continuous across the axis {y = 0, x < 0}. Let −r0 be an arbitrary number on the negative real axis {y = 0, x < 0}. Let us set z+ (π − ) = r0 ei(π−) , z− () = r0 ei(−π+) with > 0. It is clear that lim z+ () = −r0 = lim z− (), →0 →0 i.e., both z+ () and z− () converge to −r0 as goes to zero. If the complex log function defined above was continuous, the two quantities log(z+ ) and log(z− ) should converge to the same value as goes to zero. But using the above definition of log(z) we have lim log(z+ ) = lim log(r0 ) + i(π − ) = log(r0 ) + iπ →0 →0 and lim log(z− ) = lim log(r0 ) + i(−π + ) = log(r0 ) − iπ. →0 →0 In conclusion lim→0 log(z+ ) 6= lim→0 log(z− ), thereby proving that log(z) as defined above is not continuous across the axis {y = 0, x < 0}. 2 Quiz 9, November 25, 2014 Question 3: Let z = x + iy, were x, y ∈ R. Let ez be defined by ez := ex (cos(y) + i sin(y)). (a) Prove that eiz = e−iz by using the definition of ez . By definition eiz = eix−y = e−y (cos(x) + i sin(x)) = e−y (cos(x) − i sin(x)) = e−y−ix = e−i(x−iy) . As a result eiz = e−iz (b) Define cos(z) := eiz +e−iz . 2 Compute cos(iy) for y ∈ R. Using the definition of cos(z), we infer that cos(iy) = 1 −y (e + ey ) = cosh(y). 2 Question 4: (a) Find the derivative of f (z) = (3 − 2i)z 3 + 2iz − 5 + i and specify where f is holomorphic f 0 (z) = 3(3 − 2i)z 2 + 2i. f is holomorphic in C. (b) Find the derivative of F (z) = F 0 (z) = F is holomorphic in C \ { 21 i}. 3z+i 2z−i and specify where F is holomorphic. 3(2z − i) − 2(3z + i) 5i =− . 2 (2z − i) (2z − i)2