Math 442 Final Project - Spring 2015 Due Monday, May 4th Directions: You will work individually to develop a mathematical model for a system of your choice. You will then complete a basic analysis of your model and perform numerical simulations. You are responsible for writing your own Matlab and LATEX code. You are to split the writing tasks and critique each others work, bringing everything together into one coherent report at the end. The final project will consist of two parts: (1) a report prepared in LATEX describing your modeling goals, model development, mathematical analysis, numerical results, and conclusions, and (2) a ten-minute presentation prepared using the beamer document class in LATEX in which you explain your modeling goals, methods, results, and conclusions. Part 1: Report You will prepare and submit a formal report using LATEX. Your target audience is a group of undergraduate students who have completed courses in linear algebra and differential equations, but may have forgotten some of the techniques from these courses. The report must include the following: 1. Introduction In the introduction, you should give some background information on the system you will model and state your goals in modeling the system. Try to answer the following questions: • What system are you modeling? • Why is the study of this system important? • Has anyone already developed a model(s) of this system? If so, what were the results of their study? In what ways is your model similar/different to the previously developed model(s)? • What are the goals of your study? • What were the major conclusions of your study? 2. Methods In the methods section, you should describe the development of your model, and present a mathematical analysis. If developing an epidemic model, the methods section should include: 1 • A compartmental diagram. • The definition of all variables/parameters, and their biological significance. • The system of equations which define your model. • Your modeling assumptions. • Calculation of a unique disease-free equilibrium (DFE), if one exists. • Calculation of an expression for the basic reproduction number, R0 , and a biological interpretation of this expression. • Discussion of the stability of the unique DFE. • Calculation of a unique endemic equilibrium (EE), if possible. • Discussion of the stability of the unique EE, if possible. • Discussion of possible disease control strategies. If developing some other model, the methods section should include: • The definition of all variables/parameters, and their biological significance. • The system of equations which define your model. • Your modeling assumptions. • Calculation of all equilibria and a discussion of their stability, if possible. 3. Results In the results section, you should include a table of the parameter values you will use for numerical simulations (along with the sources for the parameter values, if possible), the values of R0 , the DFE, and the EE with these parameter values, the initial conditions you will use, the results of your numerical simulations (included as LATEX figures) and a biological interpretation of these results. See if the numerical simulations confirm your work in the Methods section. Try testing the efficacy of different disease control strategies and discuss which control methods seem to be the best. 4. Conclusions In the conclusions section, summarize the major results of your report along with any limitations of your work. Describe what you have learned about the system based on your model and simulations. 2 5. References Include a list of references for your project. These could include articles describing previously developed models, articles from which parameter values were taken, articles describing the biological/physical nature of the system, etc. 6. Appendix Include your function and script M-files as an appendix to your report. Matlab code should be well-written, in logical order, and include detailed comments. Part 2: Presentation You will prepare a ten-minute presentation summarizing your report using the beamer document class in LATEX. You will present your work to your instructor and classmates. Be sure to practice your presentation for time and allow 2-3 minutes at the end for questions! All students will be cut off after ten minutes. Note: In addition to turning in a hard copy of your report and Matlab files, Email the LATEX and PDF files for your report and presentation (along with the corresponding figures), and Matlab files in a zipped folder to 3