Our footprint calculations

Our footprint calculations
The carbon footprints cover the production chain of our products, from the handling of raw materials
to the finished product ready for delivery at the mill. We also present emissions from transport of
products. However, these emissions vary due to the location of the customer, therefore we present the
average emissions figures for transport, but on request we can supply the real figures for an individual
Raw material
Carbon dioxide from harvesting and timber transport, as well as the emissions caused by the production of
forest seedlings and silviculture. This also includes emissions caused by other input items.
Carbon dioxide from the production processes, including internal transportation in the plant. Östrand uses a
high share of biofuels.
Purchased energy
Our industry uses electricity purchased from the grid, besides the electricity produced on site. This electricity
from the grid comes from various sources. We estimate the emissions of carbon dioxide as the average for
electricity production in Sweden, which have extremely low carbon-dioxide emissions, account for most
electricity production.
We are well in control of our carbon-dioxide emissions from transportation right up to the point when the
product has been delivered to the customer. Here, we present the average emissions for delivery of one tonne
of paper to a customer. We can, however, provide specific emissions data for deliveries to any particular
customer on request..
Carbon footprint per product H1 2012
The 10 toes of CEPI/CEPIPRINT
1. Carbon sequestration in forest
(Biogenic CO 2)
2. Carbon stored in the product (Biogenic
kg CO2/ADT
kg CO2/ADT
kg CO2/ADT
SCA ownes 2.6 million hectares of forest the net growth binds more
biogenic CO 2 then the fossil emissions from our products (read more
under Sustainable forestry)
3. Greenhouse gas emissions from pulp
and paper production
4. Greenhouse gas emissions when
producing fibre
5. Greenhouse gas emissions when
producing other raw materials/fuels
6. Greenhouse gas emissions associated
with purchased electricity, steam, heat,
hot and cold water
7 a) Transport-related greenhouse gas
emissions, transport to mill gate
Total fossil CO 2-emissions excl trp to
7 b) Transport-related greenhouse gas
emissions, transport from mill to
Sum fossil CO 2-emissions, incl transport
to customer
8. Emissions associated with product use
To be calculated by our customers, SCA can be of assistance
9. Emissions associated with product
To be calculated by our customers, SCA can be of assistance
10. Avoided emissions and offsets
To fulfil the picture of the results of our enterprise our performed energy-related investments this toe can be
included but separated from others.
As SCA deliver some 3 TWh of biofuel, biopellets this can be considered as replacing fuel oil in other energy
systems. Also delivered waste heat to municipal district heating can be considered replacing oil.
By investing in own “green” electricity production as CHP cogeneration, water- or wind power other marginal
energy sources are reduced in actual energy system.
Offsets are not included.
SCA is in the process of building 450 windmills on its forest land. The production of these windmills, when
they are operative around 2015, will be 2.4 TWh of green electricity per annum. Through this emissions of
more than one million tonnes of carbon dioxide from electricity production from fossil fuels man be avoided.
All our mills also have energyeffective CHPs producing both heat and electricity. At Östrand pulp mill we
produce nearly 0,5 TWh of green electricity which contributes to avoided emissions from other sources of
electricity production. The mills also deliver waste heat to the nearby communities, which reduces other
sources for heat production to households.
SCA produces 1.8 million cubic metres of solid wood products. Wood has a much smaller carbon footprint
than alternative materials such as aluminium, steel, plastic and concrete. It is difficult to set up general
calculation models for measuring the amount of carbon dioxide substituted through the choice of wood before
less climate friendly materials, but the amount is substantial.