TIPS/JIM June 19, 2008 Agenda: INS Division News (Stefano Casertano) HST Pointing: Some Recent Statistics (Matt Lallo) Updated CTE correction formulae for ACS (Marco Chiaberge) NIRCam: Status Update (Kailash Sahu) Next TIPS/JIM: July 17, 2008 1 HST News: Preparation for the servicing mission continues smoothly; the last HST MSR (Tuesday June 17) was dedicated to a review of the status of STScI work for SM4 and SMOV. STScI will conduct a Readiness Review September 9-10. JWST News: Following the successful PDR and NAR earlier this year, JWST has now passed the Science Mission Directorate review at NASA Headquarters. Division news: We plan to add new staff in preparation for the upcoming HST and JWST work. o Interviews for several open RIA positions are ongoing. The first new hire, Tyler Desjardins, will arrive Monday June 23. o Derck Massa, a Visiting Scientist, will join the COS/STIS Team on August 4. Other members of the research staff will arrive in the next three months (dates TBD). HR is implementing a mechanism to provide input on supervisors’ performance as part of the Performance Appraisal process. All INS staff will receive an email inviting them to fill in an evaluation of their supervisors. The evaluation form will be short, but will provide an opportunity to include free-form comments if desired. The input will be collected anonymously and collated by HR for use by the supervisor’s manager. Participation is voluntary but strongly encouraged. Of course, we continue to have an open door policy and strongly encourage anyone with comments, praise, or concerns for managers’ performances to talk to us directly; this new mechanism is meant to provide an additional, confidential channel to convey such information. The work of the Diversity, Culture, and Respect Working Group has received numerous accolades from external groups that have reviewed the Institute’s performance and status in these areas. After a very successful year of activity, we are looking for up to three new members to provide a fresh perspective and help with he tasks ahead. Please send nominations (including self-nominations) to Kevin Lindsay or Stefano Casertano. In the spirit of the DCRWG’s recommendation to hold more social events, we continue to look for sponsors for luncheons and afternoon gatherings. To accommodate the sponsors’ constraints, this month’s afternoon gathering will take place June 26 at 4:30pm in the CafeCon. We want to remind all Division staff of the availability of Beth Spotts, the Institute’s Ombudsperson. She will be at the Institute on July 23, and after that every month on the third Wednesday. She can be found in S216C. We encourage you to please use Beth as a confidential resource for any workplace (or personal) issues you might have. Confidentiality is strictly protected in all cases (with limits in cases involving physical abuse or endangerment). Talk to Beth if you have any questions. TIPS/JIM June 19, 2008 Agenda: INS Division News (Stefano Casertano) HST Pointing: Some Recent Statistics (Matt Lallo) Updated CTE correction formulae for ACS (Marco Chiaberge) NIRCam: Status Update (Kailash Sahu) Next TIPS/JIM: July 17, 2008 1 #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, !"#!$%&'(&')!*+,-%./+/'(0 "%+/!-/1/'(!"(2(&0(&10 34!5266% #*$"78*3!9:!8;'/!<==> HST Pointing Improvements Why Improve HST Pointing & Astrometry? 1. Absolute astrometry increasingly important: - multi-mission archives, multi-wavelength campaigns, coordinated observations “Fundamentally important property of HST data” – STUC, 2002 2. Improved pointing supports the most efficient COS acquisition scenarios. 3. Well-calibrated FOV entering SM4 simplifies SMOV calibrations & operations. What Comprised the Initiative? 1. Use of GSC2 in operations since mid-2006 (Cycle 15) - Reduces catalog error to 0.25˝ (1! absolute) and 0.18˝ (1! relative across FOV) 2. Retroactive improvements in HLA astrometry - Updated astrometry keywords by identifying GSC2 objects in images. Other methods for archive astrometry improvements being assessed. 3. SI & FGS alignment calibrations (“focal plane alignment”) #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, Focal Plane Alignment #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, Basic Process ! ! ! ! 1. update FGS magnifications (this linear distortion term continues to trend significantly for many years on-orbit) 2. with ~20mas astrometry stars, use guidestars and astrometer FGS to obtain zero point and rotation of the three FGSs 3. with the resulting current FGS calibrations, determine accurate relative locations of SIs 4. make operational updates to SIAF, FGS matrices, FGS magnifications and related products. CAL-OTA 11021 and the routine FGS calibration program obtained such data. ! New FGS calibrations were made operational on 2008.014 (matrices & magnifications) ! SI updates were not made due to the loss of ACS, and small deltas for WFPC2 & NICMOS Assessing the Improvement #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, Guidestar Separations Compare guidestar pairs’ angular separation based on their GSC coordinates against their separation based on their FGS-observed locations and operational transformation to V2V3. Pro: large number statistics Con: doesn’t tell you what’s happening at the SI Target coordinates obtained from science data For centroidable astrometric targets, determine from the science data headers the RA & Dec and compare against their astrometric coordinates Pro: measures exactly what you want to check Con: more labor intensive and not possible/feasible in most cases Guidestar Separations #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, Guidestar Separations Guide Star Pair Fit Error during 2005 GSC1 Ops 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 F;+G/-!%H!@"!,2&-0 E<9DD 3/2'!"/,2-2(&%'!?--%A=49B!2-10/1%'C0 9!0&)+2!012((/=4DE!2-10/1%'C0 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2 2005 2005.1 2005.2 2005.3 2005.4 2005.5 2005.6 2005.7 2005.8 2005.9 2006 #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, Guidestar Separations Guide Star Pair Fit Error during 2007 GSC2 Ops 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 F;+G/-!%H!@"!,2&-0 <EDB: 3/2'!"/,2-2(&%'!?--%A=4<<!2-10/1%'C0 9!0&)+2!012((/=4B:!2-10/1%'C0 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2 2007 2007.1 2007.2 2007.3 2007.4 2007.5 2007.6 2007.7 2007.8 2007.9 2008 #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, Guidestar Separations Guide Star Pair Fit Error since 2008.014 realignment 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 F;+G/-!%H!@"!,2&-0 :I>> 3/2'!"/,2-2(&%'!?--%A=4=B!2-10/1%'C0 9!0&)+2!012((/=4<I!2-10/1%'C0 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2 2008.1 2008.15 2008.2 2008.25 2008.3 2008.35 Guidestar Separations #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, Guidestar Separations GSC1- 2005 2000 1000 -2 -1 0 arcseconds 1 2 #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, Guidestar Separations GSC2 Operations - 2007 3000 2000 1000 -2 -1 0 1 2 #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, Guidestar Separations GSC2 & New Calibrations, 2008 days 14 - present 2000 1000 -2 -1 0 arcseconds 1 2 Target Coordinates Spot Check #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, 1.0 0.8 0.6 Observations of Upgren 69 with WFPC2/PC: 0.4 RA & Dec for centroided pixel position using DS9 compared against Tycho position with proper motions applied. 0.2 -1.0 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Cycle 17 Onward #*$"78*3! 9:!8;'/!<==> #?5!@-%;, Maintain pointing and astrometry close to the GSC2-catalog limited value of ~0.2 arcseconds Align new SIs & FGSs Newly flown instruments trend the most. Keep new FGS from acting as dominant guider during Cycle 17. Only use dedicated HST time when necessary - Track COS & STIS missed distances. From the stored slew amount to center a target with the on-board acq, we will obtain a large number of “missed distances” indicating pointing performance. These data were amassed with STIS for a number of years in early 2000 and facilitated FGS alignment in 2002. - Guidestar pair statistics, sorted by FGS, gives information to facilitate alignment. All-sky UCAC3 (early 2009) can allow accurate SI alignment to be accomplished without dedicated observations. TIPS/JIM June 19, 2008 Agenda: INS Division News (Stefano Casertano) HST Pointing: Some Recent Statistics (Matt Lallo) Updated CTE correction formulae for ACS (Marco Chiaberge) NIRCam: Status Update (Kailash Sahu) Next TIPS/JIM: July 17, 2008 1 UPDATED CTE CORRECTION FORMULAE FOR ACS Marco Chiaberge Pey Lian Lim, Vera Kozhurina-Platais, Marco Sirianni Ron Gilliland, Jennifer Mack CHARGE TRANFER EFFICIENCY (CTE) per pixel Defined as CTE = 1 - ΔQ/Q = 1 - CTI For an ideal CCD CTE = 1.0 For real CCDs CTE < 1 manufacturing imperfections in the crystalline lattice radiation damage (increasing with time) The total CTE is CTEN significant effect for large CCDs CTE depends on flux, sky level, # of transfers The effect of CTE on stellar photometry is to reduce the measured flux (up to ~20% or more) A fraction of the “lost” flux goes into the “tail” But significant flux is just lost and cannot be recovered Photometric test Allows to measure the total flux lost and provides correction formulae for photometry. Stars are positioned at different distance from the readout amplifier thus changing the number of transfers and therefore the impact of CTE. D C A C B A WFC HRC D Observations Programs: CAL/ACS 9648, 10043, 10368 (PI:A. Riess), 10730 (PI: Chiab) FILTERS: F606W, F775W, F502N EXP TIMES: 30s, 360s for HRC; 30s and 400s for WFC (for HRC/F502N, 360s only) Post-flash used to achieve higher background levels F606W, LOW-FLASH, MED-FLASH, HIGH-FLASH Exp times: 30s, 360s No CR-REJECTION, no dithering 2 Observations/year (Cycle 11-13) Cycle 14 only 1 epoch (March 2006), no post-flash Cycle 15 1 test visit (Jul- Sept 2006) to test CR-SPLIT + dithering POTENTIAL PROBLEMS Background levels Cycle 13, August 2005, HRC FLASH=0.5s FLASH=1s FLASH=3s HOT PIXELS HRC, F606W, 30s 25”x25” COSMIC RAYS WFC F606W, 400s 30”x30” CR are not uniformly distributed CRs and hot pixels may affect CTE estimates More important for low CTI, they increase the error Published results before our new analysis WFC time dependent formula based on 3 epochs March 2003 – Feb 2004 Riess & Mack ISR 2004-006 HRC time dependent formula based on 1 epoch March 2003 Riess ISR 2003 – 009 ANALYSIS PROCEDURE • IRAF, SM, some IDL • Generate “clean”, deep, drz image using all data • Identify cosmic rays, hot pixels and saturated pixels and mark them on DQ extension of FLT files • Mask out area around the saturated stars • Measure flux of “good” stars only on the single_sci files • Reject outliers (sigma clipping, 3 itearations) • Fit delta mag vs # of transfers for different bins of flux HRC – F606W 360sec WFC F775W – 400s Photometry Aperture photometry with “phot” (iraf. noao) R = 3 pixels Larger aperture radii return too few stars Background is measured in an annulus around each star (r = 15 d = 3) WFC F775W - 30s March 2006 A linear fit is performed for each bin of flux (blue lines) Errors on the slope are estimated (yellow lines) Δmag = ax + b a = (7.9 ± 0.6) e-5 At y = 2000 this means a loss of 0.158 ± 0.015 mag WFC F606W – 30s March 2003 HRC F502N 360s Mar 2006 Results (Δmagy=2000) are collected for all bins of stellar flux and sky background at each epoch We assume a linear dependence with flux, sky, and # of transfers in agreement with other instruments and with internal CTE tests Δmagy=2000 = 10A’ x SKY B x FLUX C For each epoch, the coefficients A’, B, C of the formula are determined by performing a multi-linear regression fit A’ IS TIME DEPENDENT We assume linear dependence on time and Δmag ~ 0 at t = 0 (launch) We use Δmagy=0 = 0 Δmag = 10A x SKYB x FLUXC x Y/2000 x (MJD-52333)/365 The coefficients A, B, C are not time dependent and can be averaged between epochs Weighted means are calculated using 4 epochs (March 2003, March 2005, Aug 2005, March 2006) Typical errors on the coefficients (single epoch) ≤ 0.1 B is the coefficient with the largest spread among epochs (σ = 0.06 WFC, σ = 0.04 for HRC) A B C WFC HRC -0.15 ± 0.04 -0.44 ± 0.05 (0.14 ± 0.14) (-0.89 ± 0.26) -0.25 ± 0.01 -0.15 ± 0.02 (-0.31 ± 0.02) (-0.24 ± 0.13) -0.44 ± 0.01 -0.36 ± 0.01 (-0.64 ± 0.05) (-0.21 ± 0.07) TESTING THE FORMULAE Apply the correction to data from different epochs, for different sky levels using the same data that were used to derive the formula Apply the correction to photometry performed with ePSF (both aperture photometry and PSF fitting) Compare prediction of the formula with measured mag losses at different epochs F502N - 30s March 2005 F775W – 30s March 2005 HRC F606W 30s - March 2003 March 2006 ePSF photometry WFC F606W Aperture photometry 30s vs 400s - March 2006 PSF fitting COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS FORMULA ACS fail. SM4 Sky = 2e Flux = 650 Sky = 2e Flux = 2500e Sky = 2e Flux = 650 RESULTS and FUTURE WORK • Data from 4 epochs (March 2003 through March 2006) were analyzed using a new data analysis strategy aimed at obtaining “cleaner” results • We derived time-dependent correction formulae for both HRC and WFC that are accurate at the level of a few percent • New observations after SM4 using CR-REJ and possibly dithering • Procedures should be made automatic (or semi-automatic) • Formula for different aperture radii • Better data might lead to a better characterization Different form of the formula? Cycle 11 observations, from ISR ACS 2003 009 TIPS/JIM June 19, 2008 Agenda: INS Division News (Stefano Casertano) HST Pointing: Some Recent Statistics (Matt Lallo) Updated CTE correction formulae for ACS (Marco Chiaberge) NIRCam: Status Update (Kailash Sahu) Next TIPS/JIM: July 17, 2008 1 NIRCam: Status Update Optical Telescope Element (OTE) Primary Mirror 1m Cold, spacefacing side Integrate d Science Instrume nt Module (ISIM) Spacecraft Bus Sunshield Warm, Sun-facing side Kailash C. Sahu NIRCam’s Role in JWST’s Science Themes NIRCam NIRCAM_X000 Modern Universe Clusters Clusters&& Morphology Reionoization First FirstGalaxies Galaxies Recombination Forming Atomic Nuclei Inflation Quark Soup First Light in the Universe: NIRCam will execute deep surveys to find and categorize first galaxies. Assembly of Galaxies: NIRCam will provide details on shapes and colors of galaxies. Birth of Stars and Protoplanetary Systems: NIRCam will be ideal to study disks and protoplanetary systems. young solar system Kuiper Belt Planets Planetary Systems and Origins of Life: NIRCam and its coronagraph will image and characterize disks and planets, and study extrasolar planets with high S/N observations. What’s NIRCam? •NIRCam is the near-infrared camera (0.6-5 microns) for JWST –Dichroic used to split range into short (0.62.3µm) and long (2.4-5µ) sections –Nyquist sampling at 2 and 4µm –Coronagraphic capability for both short and long wavelengths –Low-resolution spectroscopic capability in the LW channel. •NIRCam is the wavefront sensor –Must be fully redundant 2 Channels Per Module – 7 wide band filters (4 SW, 3 LW) for deep surveys – Survey efficiency is increased by observing the same field at long and short wavelength simultaneously • Pixel scale: SW: 0.032”/pix LW: 0.064”/pix Module B • Each module has two channels (0.6 to 2.3 µm and 2.4 to 5 µm) Module A Short wavelength channel 2.2’ Long wavelength channel NIRCam Optical Layout* *there are 2 identical modules Pupil Imaging Lens Assembly Shortwave Focal Plane Housing Fold Mirror Shortwave Fold Mirror Longwave Focal Plane Housing Fold Mirror Shortwave Triplet Subassembly Shortwave Filter Wheel Assembly Elements Longwave Triplet Subassembly Dichroic Beamsplitter Longwave Filter Wheel Assembly Elements Collimator Triplet Subassembly Coronagraph Elements First Fold Mirror Subassembly Starlight from OTE Pick off Mirror Subassembly JWST-Spitzer Image Comparison 1’x1’ region in the UDF – 3.5 to 5.8 µm Spitzer, 25 hour per band JWST, 1000s per band (simulated) (GOODS collaboration) Courtesy: Stefano Casertano Precision Transit Light Curves • Large collecting area – 45 × Spitzer, Kepler – 350 × CoRoT • Increased SNR (∝D), faster observations (∝D2) • Very precise light curves for primary eclipses – Smaller planets – Rings, moons, etc. – Ingress & egress curves for temp map (Rauscher et al) • Thermal mapping (secondary transit light curves). E. Rauscher et al. (2007) Transits With NIRCAM • Lenses introduce 4,8,12 λ of defocus to spread light over many hundreds of pixels – Reduce flat-field errors for bright stars 5<K<10 mag – Ultra-high precision data for bright transits • Diffused images (weak lenses) or spectrally dispersed images (grism) reduce brightness/pixel by >5 mag. K=3-5 mag stars not saturated. PSF with F212N & Weak Lenses Courtesy John Krist In Focus F210M 8λ Defocus x10 4λ Defocus 12λ Defocus x10 SW #1 Flight detector Illuminated Dark • RN and QE better than spec requirements. But minor problems remain… • First-frame effect (RN is larger in the first few ms after reset, which effects first 2 rows). • RN level is unstable, which may require active temperature control. Current Status • FPA has been thoroughly tested at UofA. • It has gone to Lockheed Martin for checkout of the focal plane electronics. • FSW script development is in progress at STScI. Script testing will be done in GSFC/LMATC in 2008/2009. • Calibration, DMS, PPS and ETC development in progress. Project is moving along! NIRCam qualification focal plane. NIRCam ETU bench. 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Concept Development mission formulation authorized science operations mission implementation NIRCam delivery launch Summary • NIRCam will be a versatile instrument capable of detecting “First Light” galaxies • Recent additions to NIRCam such as long wavelength slitless grisms and use of weak lenses make it also capable of definitive exoplanet studies • Both NIRCam and the entire JWST Project are making great progress towards a 2013 launch.