Marty Durkin, Glenn Miller 5/17/2012

Marty Durkin, Glenn Miller
Goal of ITSD
 Provide outstanding customer service and IT tools to
the user community to enable the Institute to meet its
Mission, Science and Business goals.
Feedback on ITSD
 We obtained input from:
 Our Customers: Meeting with Division Management,
Director ‘s Office and Institute staff on their perception
 ITSD Staff: Focus Group report from Dr. Fred Mael
 ITSD Management: Branch Managers analyzed work
flow and issues within the Division
 What did we find from this feedback?
 ITSD does a tremendous amount of good work but there
are areas where we need to improve.
Focus Areas
 Areas we are focusing on to make ITSD more effective:
 Increase the role of the customer in how decisions are
made and priorities are set
 Clear understanding of the roles and primary points of
 Streamline and simplify processes
ITSD Approach Going Forward
 Build and maintain stronger relationships with our
 Receptive to new ideas and technologies
 Recognize the value of failing forward
 Build capable and adaptable teams
Structural Improvements
 Streamline and clarify workflow through
organizational changes
 Align the focus of the teams with customer needs
 Create Technical Lead & Chief Technical Lead roles
 Technical Leads are identified points of contact and will
lead and coordinate work across the work units.
 Part of their role is to partner with the OED Chief
Engineers in the relevant domains.
ITSD Current Org Structure
ITSD New Org Structure
ITSD New Organization
 4 Branches
 Staff Desktop and OS Support Branch
Helpdesk (Val Ausherman)
Desktop OS support (Jim Grice)
 Mission & Server Support Branch
Mission support
 HST(Patrick Taylor)
 JWST (Matt Sienkiewicz)
 CMO (Ron Russell)
 SCIENCE (Tony Darnell)
Servers (Phil Grant)
ITSD New Organization (cont’d)
 4 Branches (cont’d)
 Infrastructure Support Branch
Network/VOIP (Gary Gladney)
Security (Jamie Lipinski)
Storage & Backups (Prem Mishra)
Email & Calendaring (Greg Sachs)
Database (Jeff Wagner)
ITSD New Organization (cont’d)
 4 Branches (cont’d)
 Business, Applications and User Tools Branch
Business Tools (Joy Hale)
Custom Applications (Joy Hale)
A/V (Calvin Tullos)
Documentation and Handbooks
Web (Leigh McCuen)
 Branches will come up with final branch names.
IT Services Division Reorganization
Next Steps
 Deploy new structure (4/9/2012)
 Finalize branch names (5/11/2012)
 Customer Service training (5/2012)
 Update and communicate IT roadmaps (6/2012)
 Define and advertise priorities of ITSD work and how
this ties into the Institute’s mission. (6/2012)
 Reinforce values and behaviors (ongoing)
What We Plan to Accomplish
 Our customers will view us as the IT source for
enabling them to get their jobs done.
 Modern and innovative approaches and solutions are
an integral part of the way we work.
 Metrics
 Response time to helpdesk requests
 Time to deliver new systems
 Meeting deliverables
 Number of new technology evaluations
 Customer Feedback