THEORETICAL MODELS FOR SUBSURFACE GEOPHYSICAL PROBING WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES by Leung Tsang SB, Institute Massachusetts of Technology June 1971 SM, EE, Massachusetts Institute of Technology February 1973 SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF at PHILOSOPHY the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY December 1975 Signature of Author .. Departmen of Ell and Computer Science, .r. a - -... Engineering December 12, .f.Eect 1975 Certified by Tass b-6 r .................. Accepted byQ. ChairmTh 0 00 0 Departmental Committee on Graduate Students ARCHIVES APR 2 1976 &RAR1ES THEORETICAL MODELS FOR SUBSURFACE GEOPHYSICAL PROBING WITH ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES by Leung Tsang Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science on December 12, 1975, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ABSTRACT The electromagnetic interference fringes method radio or lower frequencies) (at can be used to probe subsurface features of celestial bodies and terrestrial areas with low In order to interpret the interference patterns, conductivity. we have studied theoretically the electromagnetic fields due to a horizontal dipole antenna on the surface of a stratified n-layered uniaxial medium. Three approaches are used to cal1. geometric optics apculate the interference patterns: 3. fast Fourier Transform proach, 2. mode approach, and approach. saddle point residue The geometric optics approach makes use of the method. The mode approach makes use of the series method and the modified saddle point method. The fast Fourier Transform approach is designed to treat general complicated cases when the above two analytic approaches Numerical results from these three approaches are not useful. The advantages and disadvantages of agree with one another. Theoretical results also each of the approaches are discussed. compare favorably with data obtained from a model tank experiment. Theoretical models are constructed for the microwave passive remote sensing technique which can be used for geophysical subsurface exploration of large geographical areas. By using a laminar structure (A laminar structure has variations in one dimension only.), simple analytic formulas are obtained for the brightness temperatures. The problem of microwave thermal emission from a half space random medium with a nonuniform temperature distribution is studied with the radiative transfer approach. Modified radiative transfer (MRT) equations are derived for a two layer random medium from the Dyson equation by using the nonlinear approximation and from the Bethe-Salpeter equation by using the ladder approximation. It is found that the nonlinear approximation instead of the more popular bilocal approximation should be used for the case of bounded medium. A two variable expansion procedure is used to solve for the mean Green's function which is then substituted into the Bethe-Salpeter equation to derive the MRT equations. The MRT equations give rise to simple solution for the emissivity of the two layer random medium. The fluctuation-dissipation approach is used to solve for the brightness temperature of a stratified medium with a temperature profile. Because a stratified model can approximate a continuously varying model by including more layers, our solution can actually apply to a stratified and/or continuously varying medium. Thesis Supervisor: Jin Au Kong Title: Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Professor Jin graduate schooling. Au Kong helped me throughout my He provided the motivation for the work in this thesis and gave me the encouragement and advice I needed throughout the research. I also wish to thank Professor Gene Simmons for his interest and for valuable assistance in this thesis. I would also like to express my appreciation to the other members of my thesis committee, Professors Robert Kyhl and David Staelin for their helpful suggestions and criticisms. Thanks are also due to Mr. Eni Njoku for many stimulating discussions. Finally I would also like to thank Miss Cynthia Kopf for her excellent typing of this thesis. The research was conducted at the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics. DEDICATION TO MY PARENTS 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ................................................ 1 ABSTRACT ................... 2 ............ 4 ................. 5 .......... 6 ............ 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT DEDICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES LIST OF PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS 12 .. ......... 21 Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION Chapter 2. DYADIC GREEN' S FUNCTION FOR STRATIFIED ....... UNIAXIAL MEDIUM Sec. 29 1 Dyadic Green's function for medium Infinite space Sec. 2 Dyadic Green's function for ......... a ...... *00.. 3 Propagation matrices ...35 39 .................... ... 30 stratified .............. medium Sec. i. Sec. 4 Reflection coefficients expressed in ....... continuous fractions ... Chapter 3. DIPOLE RADIATION IN THE PRESENCE OF .. 45 STRATIFIED MEDIUM ...... Sec. 1 Electromagnetic fields for horizontal electric Sec. 43 dipole 2 Transmitted fields ........ for h alf space medium *.. 46 ..49 7 Chapter 4. RADIATION PATTERN FOR HORIZONTAL ELECTRIC DIPOLE. .................................... Sec. Radiation patterns ........................ Sec. Graphical determination of k vector Chapter 5. ....... 52 53 59 GEOMETRICAL OPTICS APPROACH .................61 Sec. Mathematical development .................. 62 Sec. Physical interpretation ................... 68 MODAL APPROACH ............................ 73 Chapter 6. Sec. Modes contribution ........................ 75 Sec. Inhomogeneous wave contribution ............ 78 Sec. Direct wave contribution .................. 79 Sec. Numerical results and discussion ........... 84 FAST FOURIER TRANSFORM APPROACH ............ 89 Chapter 7. Sec. Mathematical preliminaries .................. 90 Sec. Aliasing .................................. 93 Sec. Numerical results and discussion ........... 99 Chapter 8 MICROWAVE PASSIVE REMOTE SENSING .......... 104 Sec. Reciprocity approach ...................... 105 Sec. Radiative transfer approach ................ 106 Sec. Chapter 9. 3 Fluctuation dissipation approach BORN SERIES APPROXIMATION PROBLEMS .............................. Sec. 1 Formulation ........................... Sec. 2 Born series ........................... .......... 108 TO SCATTERING .... 110 .... 111 ..117 8 Sec. 3 Special cases ............................ 121 Chapter 10. BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE OF A HALF SPACE RANDOM MEDIUM WITH NONUNIFORM TEMPERATURE PROFILE .................................. 123 Sec. 1 Formulation .............................. 124 Sec. 2 Scattering phase functions ................ 128 Sec. Chapter 1l. 3 Solution of RT equations .................. 134 EMISSIVITY OF A TWO LAYER RANDOM MEDIUM ---- MRT APPROACH .................. 143 Sec. 1 Introduction ............................. 144 Sec. 2 Renormalization method ---- Dyson's equation and Bethe-Salpeter equation Sec. 3 Mean Green's function and mean field ..... 146 ..... 153 Sec. 4 Derivation of MRT equation from Bethe- Salpeter equation ........................ 166 Sec. 5 Solution to MRT equations ................. 180 Sec. 6 Conservation of energy Chapter 12. ................... 187 THERMAL EMISSION FROM STRATIFIED MEDIUM WITH NONUNIFORM TEMPERATURE PROFILE ...... 191 Sec. 1 Brightness temperature of stratified medium ................................. .. 192 Sec. 2 Numerical results and discussion ....... .. 198 9 CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER Chapter 13. STUDY BIBLIOGRAPHY ... .................................. 205 .................. .................... 208 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE............................................222 10 LIST OF FIGURES uniaxial 36 medium ...................... 2-1 Stratified 4-1 Radiation pattern of HED over half space medium ......................................... 58 4-2 Graphical determination of k-vector ............. 60 5-1 Interference 5-2 Interference pattern of 'a two layer medium ..... 5-3 Physical interpretation of GOA ................... 69 5-4 Graphical determination of k-vector ............. 71 6-1 Complex 0-plane for mode analysis ............... 76 6-2 Comparison of results 83 6-3 Interference pattern for thin layers ............ 85 6-4 Comparison of theoretical results ---- pattern for half space medium ..... by OSP, MSP and GHQ ...... 67 Simpson's rule, mode and GOA ............................. 6-5 66 86 Comparison of scaled model tank experimental data with GOA and mode ......................... 88 7-1 Aliasing ....................................... 95 7-2 Comparison of Simpson's rule and FFT for a three layer model .............................. 101 7-3 Comparison of Simpson's rule and FFT for a six layer model ................................ 102 7-4 Comparison of FFT, mode and GOA for a two layer model .................................... 103 11 9-1 Two layer random medium ....................... 112 10-1 Geometry of the problem of thermal radiation from a half space random medium ............... 125 10-2 Brightness temperature for shelf glacier and compared with that obtained by Gurvich et al 10-3 42 .137 Brightness temperature for continental glacier and compared with that obtained by Gurvich et al 4 2 10-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Brightness temperature as a function of frequency ..................................... 141 10-5 Brightness temperature as a function of viewing angle for TE and TM waves ..................... 142 11-1 Emissivity of a two layer random medium ....... 186 12-1 Stratified medium with temperature distribution .................................. 193 12-2 Brightness temperature as a function of viewing angle ......................................... 199 12-3 Brightness temperature as a function of frequency ..................................... 200 12-4 Brightness temperature calculated with the stratified model compared with that calculated with the WKB method ............................ 202 12-5 Reflectivities calculated for the stratified medium and for the WKB method ................. 203 12 LIST OF PRINCIPAL SYMBOLS Numbers enclosed in parentheses are the pages on which the symbols are defined. We use superscript single prime to denote the real part of a denote the double prime to and superscript quantity imaginary part of a quantity. Angular bracket < > is used to denote ensemble average. A : coefficient of upward going TE waves in the Z th region. (37) anisotropy factor of permittivity. a: a(f): Fourier transform of g(k (93) (94) version of a(f). aliased a p(f): ). (54) B :coefficient of downward going TE waves in the k th region. (37) B, Bo, Bh : emission sources. (106), Bf( , ) defined in text. (117) b : anisotropy factor of permeability. b( ) function of dielectric correlation uations. C C : defined in : (135) (54) constant fluct- (129) text. (160) coefficient of upward going TM waves in the k th region. (37) c : speed of light in vacuum. (108) 13 defined in D D (175) text. : defined in text. (175) defined in text. (115) D2 : coefficient of downward going TM waves in the Z th D region. d (37) :depth of the k th layer. lu' (36) u 'd ld :fluctuating parts of the field in region 1 of upward and downward going waves respectively. (z')> <,,(z)E : covariance of the fluctuating part of the electric field (z) E.m mean field in region X. field. (118), 0 e e (118), (30), (45) components of electric field in cylindrical (47) electric field of incident wave. (111) : unperturbed electric field in region k. (116) emissivity of the medium. (105) : unit vector in the direction of electric field for TE wave in the k th region. erfc : error F0 Nyquist frequency of a(f). F k. (115) coordinates. E. (151) (147) : electric field vector in region Z. (E , E , Ez) E region Z. in fluctuating part of the field in region E9 :scattered E 2FO. FFT : fast (166) function. (34) (81) (93) (93) Fourier transform. (23) (147) 14 : defined in text. f(z) f 2 : def ined in G . ijm0 , G . : ijml (113) (181) text. respectively zeroth order and first order mean Green's functions with source in region j and observation point in region i . . :dyadic Green's function with observation region j. region i and source in =t G point Gaussian quadrature formula. : geometric optic GOA 0 G.. approach. (155) in (35) transpose of the dyadic Green's function. GHQ . (37) (79) (23) : unperturbed Green'n function with observation point 1J in region i and source in g : defined in text. : def ined in text. (177) (176), (91) . (96) gp (k ) : aliased version of g(k (1) : Hankel function of first kind and order n. Hn HED : horizontal electric dipole. (H9, H, Hz) coordinates. TM wave in I : electric I( , ) the direction of electric the Z th region. dipole moment. : intensity in cylindrical (47) (34) specific intensity. (106) IZ (47) (58) : magnetic field components : unit vector in (113) (158) gf, gb : defined in text. g(k ) region j. (46) operator. (151) field for 15 : correlation between fields of upward and downward I (168) going waves. I : denoting respectively the poles, branch point , Ib' Is and saddle point contributions of the integral occuring : Iu in chapter 6. (74) (124) 1. upward propagating specific intensity. 2. magnitude square of the fluctuating part of the electric field of upward going wave. (167) 1. Id: (124) downward propagating specific intensity. 2. magnitude square of fluctuating part of the electric field of downward going wave. I ) ( , ) I2 , ) into source of scattering J I d. direction of I. (106) ) : respectively covariances of fields of (167) upward and downward going waves. J ' ' , c2 covariance between fields of upward ) and downward going waves. function of J ( ) K : Boltzmann's constant. : Bessel text. first Ak : sampling interval of g(k ). kz) (47) (93) (31) : wave number in (kr, k y n. (178) ks : defined in k : wave vector. kind and order (167) (106) Ks, k (171) : defined in text. (124) di ' ) J' ) respectively sources of scattering into Iu and : d Ju' , 14 ( (167) k th region. (39) : wave vector in cartesian coordinates. (31) 16 k zZ, wave vector components of the k th region in k z z direction for type i (33) respectively. E , k : wave vectors of the Z : (34) integration variable occuring in integral representof electromagnetic ations k l m: mean wave number Ll, th region for type I and waves respectively. type II k and type II waves L2 in fields in region 1. : defined in text. (158), EIF method. (46) (113) (161) t : correlation length of fluctuations of permittivity. (117) za' s : respectively absorption and scattering lengths. M : mass operator. M , M2 : defined (148) in text. (159) (28) MRT : modified radiative transfer. MSP : modified saddle point method. N : number of data points in FFT. Nl, N2 (153) : defined in text. (79) (92) (159) saddle point method. (79) OSP : ordinary Pf Pb : respectively forward and backward scattering phase PfI functions. (124) pb : defined in text. (179) Q(, ) RT radiative RTE, RTM : reflection coefficients for TE and TM waves : mass operator. transfer. respectively. (149) (27) (35) 17 R reflection coefficient for TE wave in region k, caused by boundary separating regions Z and 9+1. r : reflectivity of the medium. : r radius vector. and k+l. 0, (r, $) (105) (30) reflectivity r,(9 +1) of boundary separating (119), Sr S T T (53), (55) reflection coefficient for TM wave in region Z, caused by boundary between regions k and Z+l. (41) : Poynting vector. , k spherical coordinates indicating location of radial component of Poynting vector. TE regions (126) observation point in EIF method. Sk(k+1) (55), (55) (59) TM.. : transmission coefficients for TE and TM waves respectively. (38) T : 1. period of g p(k ) ; (96) 2. TE TB , temperature of the medium. TM TB : (z) (105) brightness temperature of TE and TM waves respectively. T (41) (109) temperature profile in region T(z) : temperature profile. To' h : defined in text. (134) (126), 9. (192) (134) t 9I(k+l): transmissivity of boundary separating regions and Z+l. (183) k 18 =TE =TM V (Z+1)' (Z+1)k : forward propagating matrices from to region region k Z+l for TE and TM waves respectively. X.. : 1 + R... (49) Y.. (49) : 1 + S. .. (40), (41) y1 , y2 : quantities used to test conservation of energy. (187) a :1. defined in text; (56) 2. effective extinction per unit length; 3. am defined in text. (181) denoting location of the saddle point of the m th image source. defined in (63) text. (56) long distance scale. 6: 6( (134) (155) variance in fluctuations in dielectric constant. ) : Dirac delta function. (117) (31) I ,1 n2 : effective propagation constants in random medium. (161) permittivity tensor in medium. (30), (36) : permittivities of the uniaxial medium in region CZ, ez 9. Cer :relative Ce(r) the Z th region of the uniaxial (30), (36) permittivity. (106) imaginary part of permittivity at position r region 9. (108), (192) in 19 (111) im : mean permittivity in region 1. if : fluctuating part of the permittivity in region 1. F for wave coefficient reflection medium. (112), y defined in K, K: text. (134) downward propagating region for type I Ka : absorption per unit length. K : 1. scattering per unit length; scattering wave number. 2. defined in text. 1 , K2 z in the waves (126) (106), (126) (106), (153) : 1. total extinction per unit length K K and type II in (34) respectively. 2. onto random incident (115) wave vectors k th (111) ; (126) (178) : two times the imaginary parts of 1 and n2 respectively. (175) : permeability tensor in P y region k. (30), (36) , y9z : permeabilities of the uniaxial medium in region k. (30), defined in (36) (91) text. v : o : angular frequency. : 1. 2. (30) scattering albedo; defined in text. (135) (181) 20 (p, $, z) components of cylindrical coordinates denoting location of the observation point in 60 1. EIF method. refer to (r, (47) 60, f); (53), (55) 2. viewing angle of radiometer. 6 (124) 1. complex integration variable in the plane of which contour integration is carried out; (73) 2. direction of specific intensities Iu and Id* (124) 21 Chapter 1 Introduction Electromagnetic methods have been used widely for geophysical exploration.1-2 Until recently, the main thrust of interest lies in probing areas of relatively high conductivity. Surface effects are dominant in such cases and rough surface scattering behavior has been studied extensively. Subsurface probing of such areas is chiefly carried out by 1 3 1 2 the induction method, - the antenna impedance method, ' -4 and the wave tilt method,5 etc. Recently there is an interest in subsurface probing of highly resistive geological environments, 6,7 such as ice and snow areas, glaciers and deserts. The surface layers of many planetary bodies e.g. the moon, are also of very low conductivity. feasible. For such cases, electromagnetic wave methods are In 1955, radio frequency interference fringes (EIF) were used for geophysical prospection of underground water in the Egyptian desert.8-9 Recently the technique was developed for use during the Apollo 17 mission to measure the subsurface electromagnetic properties of the moon. The EIF method consists of a transmitting antenna which 22 radiates at radio or lower frequencies and a receiving antenna which measures wave amplitudes of the various wave components. With the receiving antenna transversing surveying areas, the measured data can be plotted as a function of distance from the transmitter. Due to the interference of various wave com- ponents generated, the result is an interference pattern. The peaks and troughs of the pattern conceal information about the subsurface electromagnetic properties of the medium. The problem of using dipole antennas in geophysical An excellent probing has been studied extensively. 1,10-28 review of the half space case is contained in the book by Sommerfeldl0 and in the monograph by Banos.11 Propagation and radiation in stratified medium are treated by Wait, 1 Brekhovskih,17 and Budden.29 2 Ward, 1 3 Wolfl8 and Bhattacharya19 con- sidered the case of dipoles on a two layer earth. Wait 2 0 - 2 1 solved the problem of electric and magnetic dipoles over a stratified isotropic medium. The case of an anisotropic half space was studied by Chataev22 and Wait.23 and Bhattacharya, 25262 and Sinha2 6 -27 Praus,24 Sinha treated electric and mag- netic dipoles over a two-layer anisotropic earth. Wait 2 8 formally solved the case of a horizontal dipole over a fied anisotropic medium. strati- All these works are carried out by means of Sommerfeld's Herzian potential functions and the primary interest is concentrated in the limits of high conductivity. The theory of the EIF method, which applies to low 23 conductivity areas such as ice, snow, deserts, and lunar surface, is lacking. In this thesis, oretical basis for such a method. stratified we will develop a the- The model chosen is a medium. Kong 3 0 abandoned the conventional method of using poten- tial functions and chose the electric and magnetic field along the principal axis to be the fundamental scalar functions in terms of which all other field components are expressed. Geometric optic approach has been used to interpret interfer- .31-35 ence fringes of a two layer isotropic medium. In this thesis, we use dyadic Green's function to relate the electromagnetic fields to the source. In chapter 2 Dyadic Green's functions for stratified uniaxial medium are derived. In chapter 3, integral representations for electromagnetic field components for a horizontal electric dipole are obtained. Three approaches are used to solve the integrals--the geometric optics approach (GOA), the mode approach, and the Fast Fourier Transform approach. (FFT) The geometric optic approach interpret the interference fringes as generated-by-the interference of waves given rise by image sources. To facilitate physical interpretation of the geometric optics approach, we plot the radiation pattern of the horizontal electric dipole over a half space uniaxial medium in chapter 4. In chapter 5, the geometric optics ap- 24 proach is used to solve the interference pattern for the dipole over a two layer uniaxial medium. A combination of saddle point method and branch cut contour integration is used. The geometric optics approach yield simple formula for the various wave contributions. It is useful if the slab is thick and lossy when only a few images are needed. In chapter 6, we discuss the mode approach. The residues method, the modified saddle point method, and the GaussianHermite quadrature method are exercised. The mode approach interpret the fringes as generated by the interference of the modes and the direct wave from the antenna. It is useful when the slab is thin so that only a few modes are excited. results of GOA The and mode are compared with each other and also with data from a model tank experiment. Analytic methods are not useful when the number of layers gets large. On the other hand, a direct numerical integration consumes a lot of computer time. In chapter 7, we introduce Although this method con- the Fast Fourier Transform method. sumes more computer time than the analytic approaches, it can treat cases of a general nature. Since a continuous profile can be approximated by a stratified model by including more layers, interference pattern in the presence of continuously varying medium can also be handled. We also compare numeri- cal results from the three approaches--GOA, and FFT. mode approach, 25 Geophysical subsurface exploration of large geographical areas can be handled by the method of microwave passive remote sensing with a radiometer aboard aircraft or satellite. 3 6 In this area of passive remote sensing with microwaves, considerable effort has been spent in collecting data from spacecraft and satellites. While voluminous data keep on piling up, theoretical models are lagging behind. Emphasis on theory has been largely restricted to scattering effects due to rough surfaces. 3 7 - 4 1 Theories are few for the case of low conducti- vity areas, such as snow, ice covered land or water, desert and lunar areas, where absorption, subsurface layering and scat- tering, and nonuniform temperature effects are dominant factors. Assuming uniform temperature distribution, Gurvich et al 4 2 derived expressions for the brightness temperatures of a half space random medium with a laminar structure in the single scattering approximation. in one dimension only.) (A laminar structure has randomness England43 examined emission darkening of a half space containing randomly distributed isotropic point scatterers by employing the radiative transfer approach. With the model of a vertically structured medium, Stogryn44 formulated the solution for the brightness temperature of a vertically structured medium in terms of a two-point boundary value problem by solving a second order ordinary differential equation, together with the evaluation of an integral. He also 26 studied scattering by random dielectric constant fluctuations in the low conductivity limit by using the distorted Born .45 approximation. Extending the half space model of Gurvich et al, 4 2 Kong46 considered a composite model, which accounts for absorption, layering, tropy. submerged scattering The composite model was used 4 from satellites ments.50-51 and from aircraft The objective in centers 7 ~4 9 and aniso- to match data collected with ground truth this thesis is measure- to develop theoretical models that are practical and useful in data interpretation. 'The half space model of Gurvich et al42 does not simulate the practical situation because the Antarctic area exhibit nonuniform temperature distribution. 5 2 -5 3 In addition, for highly resistive areas, e.g. the shelf glaciers, multiple scattering effects are important. The layered model of Kong46 assumes that due to scattering only the noncoherent part of the field is needed. It does not simulate the practical situation because there is significant coherent effect 5 1 ,5 4 in a layered model. In chapter 8, we outline the three approaches that have been used to obtain the brightness temperature--the reciprocity approach, the radiative transfer approach, and the fluctuation-dissipation approach. 27 In our consideration of scattering models, we have This chosen the laminar structure used by Gurvich et al.42 solutions choice enables us to obtain simple analytic for the brightness temperatures in many cases. In chapter 9, we discuss the Born series approximation to scattering of waves by a two layer random medium. series is a result of The Born iteration of the integral equation for the scattering problem. The series converge very fast if ab- sorption dominates over scattering. In chapter 10, we use the radiative transfer approach to solve the brightness temperature of a half space random medium with a nonuniform temperature profile. By assuming far field The radiative trans- interaction, phase functions are derived. fer approach (RT) can deal with multiple scattering effects. In the case of low albedo, the results from RT reduce to that of Born series approximation. In chapter 11, random medium. two layer adequate. medium we study the emissivity of a two layer There is so that significant coherent effect a transfer radiative A wave approach is needed. in a approach is in- The renormalization method has been used widely to study wave propagation in random unbounded medium. 5 5 - 5 6 for the mean field It gives rise to the Dyson equation and the Bethe-Salpeter covariance of the field. The bilocal equation for the approximation and the ladder approximation are usually applied to the Dyson's 28 equation and the Bethe-Salpeter equation respectively. We found that the nonlinear approximation, 57-5 8 55 -5 6 instead of the more popular bilocal approximation, should be used for the case of bounded medium. We use a two variable expansion procedure to solve for the mean Green's function which is then substituted into the ladder approximated Bethe Salpeter equation to derive a set of modified radiative transfer equations (MRT). They are modified because, in our derivation, we have included the correlation effect between waves going in the The upward and downward directions. to simple analytic solutions. equations give rise MRT Conservation of energy59 is shown to be preserved under the nonlinear approximation. the case of low scattering albedo, the that of the Born series approximation. MRT In results agree with For the half space case, they agree with those from radiative transfer in chapter 10. In chapter 12, we use the fluctuation-dissipation approach to find the brightness temperature of a nonuniform temperature profiles. of chapter 2 is used. stratified medium with The dyadic Green's function The solution to this problem is an im- portant one because only very few special profiles can be approximated and solved in analytic forms. By including more layers, a stratified model can approximate a continuously varying model. 29 Chapter 2 Dyadic Green's Function for Stratified Uniaxial Medium For linear fields, wherein the superposition principle is applicable, the basic problem is that of determining the field excited by a point source. source is the Green's function. for the vector electromagnetic The field due to a point Green's functions are dyadic fields.60 Since stratified medium is the basic geometry in this thesis, dyadic Green's function G for stratified uniaxial medium will be derived first. The Fourier transform approach61 will be taken to derive the dyadic Green's function in the absence of stratified medium. The dyadic Green's function in other regions of a stratified medium is then obtained by matching boundary conditions. With the aid of propagation matrices, 61 wave amplitudes are easily calculated in terms of those in any other region. A closed form solution for the reflection coefficient is obtained in the form of continuous fraction. 30 2.1 Dyadic Green's Function for Uniaxial Medium--Infinite Space In for this section we derive the dyadic an infinite the z uniaxial axis. Green's function medium with optic axis parallel to The Fourier transform method is adopted. From Faraday's law and Ampere's law, it that the wave equation for the electric field (V -y - _-: Er) - = We -V - = iw can be shown E - ~) -- is (2-1) where Fl/p 0 0 1/p 0 0 0 (2-2) 0 1/py is the inverse permeability tensor, E= is 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 S the permittivity (2-3) z tensor, I denotes the identity matrix, 31 and V V - A = V x A is defined by for any vector A. The dyadic Green's function satisfies the following equation (V =-o V - - E:) - = G (r- , r'- = -- I6(r f =i r'r) (2-4) . We write the Fourier transform pair of dyadic Green's function as G' r')- r G(r,d 3dr ik - r e (2-5) -Co 00 G(r, r') = 1 d 3 k G(k, -f 8'r3 = (2-6) _0 On substituting (2-6) G(k, r') - r -)ik r' e into -iw[k (2-4), =1 - y we obtain k + W 2= 2_ 1 e ik -r' (2-7) where 0 -k z -k y z k 0 -k k 0 x After introducing y (2-8) x (2-2) , (2-3) , and (2-8) into (2-7), 32 and performing the matrix inversion, we obtain, -k k k 2 G (k, r' - =- .-.- = - ZZ WE z k x 2 + k y k k + 1 D2 (k x 2 + k k x _ zk 2 +k x _ -k k 2 (k 2 2 - .r' e k 2 + k k 2 )D 2 x 2 2 + k 2 2 2 W 2PICz x k 2 x + k k y x k k _ 2 0 0 k k y k k x z 2 zk 2 + k 2 2 kk y y z y k k z x 0 y y y x k 2 x 2 k2+ 01 y x - y x - [ ( ) + k y yZkk x y W2 z y k 2_ 2- (2-9) where D 1 (k) = 2 k + -E- (k 2 + k 2 2V - y (2-10) E) z D 2 (k) = k 2 + (k z 2 x + k 2 _ W2P ). (2-11) Z To evaluate the integration over kz in (2-6), we find that 33 D2 (k), corresponding to k m z 2 =k - k = and k k and D 1 () the poles of the integrand occur at the zeros of k ze z= where (2-12) + k y 2 )/P z (kx 2 and k ze - /2 E(ka2 + k 2)/E x y - (2-13) z .& They correspond to the type I and type II characteristic waves in the medium.61 Assuming the medium is slightly lossy, then we find C 87f 2 x 0 - (E r') - ee e k y e e )h(k zj )e z kze ik A t dk dk 1e h(k + G(r, ~ ff -- r e for z' < z r') 00 8ir + 2 1 kze z iK dk dk ff & (r - r') em ^ ^ e i7e h(-k e )h(-k )e z z for z < zI (2-14) where 34 k K = x k m = x k e + y k x + y k x A K e = xk m y + z km (2-16) y - z ke (2-17) z z A A + yk x y =(x x ) 2 = + k y z (2-19) - y k ) 2 x k ] (2-20) [e x K ] (2-21) [e - (2-18) - z km k k h (k (2-15) y x e ke z + z + y k =x k k k e) h(-k ) k z and direction 1A - k = w/pE. We see that of the electric field e is a unit vector in the for TE waves and in the direction of the electric field for TM h waves. is 35 Dyadic Green's Function for Stratified Medium 2.2 Consider a point source located above a stratified medium. Let region (Figure 2.1) 0, The field in region for 0 be free space. z < z', Thus, using equa- of both upward and downward going waves. tion (14), must be composed the dyadic Green's function in this region must assume the following form, G 00 (r, r') = - 8T2 f/ 1 dk dk -{(R TB" e (k) e ik -r z + e(-k ) e 1K r z + (R TM hh (k) ) e(-k z ) e -1K * e } ) h(-k ) e z + h(-k ) e z for z < z' (2-22) In writing dyadic Green's functions, subscript to denote the region in is located and the second subscript which the source is located. RTM we use the first which the observation point to denote the region in In equation (2-22), RTE and are reflection coefficients the values of which are to 36 Figure Stratified 2.1 Uniaxial Medium z Region 0 p, S z= 0 , Region 1 z =-d z = -d Region k Region n yn' z =-d z = -1 n z = Region t -d it' St -d n 37 be determined by boundary conditions. the dyadic Green's for relation (r, S 00 (', G0') 00 = where the superscript it Using the symmetry function, (2-23) r) t denotes the transpose of the matrix, immediately follows that CO~ S (r, F') f - oo x 802 -iK - r' Z 1 ykz "ikr ) e {e(k (R TE " e (-k z z -r' ~-ik + e(k ) e + (RTM h(-k ) e + h(k ) e + h(k - dk dk ) e ) . z > z' (2-24) In order that the boundary conditions can be matched at z = -dn, n = 0, 1, 2, ... , for all the dyadic r', Green's functions in other regions must assume the following form, iK m r') S (r, to (,2 = - JL j dk dk {(Az e (km z) -z .- m +Be ( k ) e - ) e(-k) e 38 + (Czh (k) e in region ~ e e ) +e + zhk(-k Z) e ) h(-k ) e- K - r (2-25) and Z, .- m G to (r, r' // E 8Tfr 2 = e(-kz) +TTM .. TTM e -1K h ( t The coefficients dk dk x Y k _00 TE , t Z ( -km tZ et - R TM , }. h(-k ) e t e tz R {TTE e A,, Bt, Ck, Dk,, T TE (2-26) and are related to one another through boundary conditions. We note that the TE wave corresponds to type I char- acteristic wave because the electric field is perpendicular to the optic axis. In the same way, TM wave corresponds to type II wave because the magnetic field is perpendicular to the optic axis. 39 Propagation Matrices 2.3 The boundary conditions for the dyadic Green's functions are the continuity of -d at each boundary z x V x G. continuity of Using equation z x G (2-25), and the we find that -ikm d zz k + B e e A ikm d z k e ik e + Bk km k [A9 e ik ' d 2 (k d -ikm (9 + 1) z k )d + 1) z z (2-27a) km ik z d - B91e + 1) -ik [At ke e (k d d + 1) z A ikm e B - k kz -ik 12 + 1)z k (k +1) (0C -- (2-27b) ke iked D 91z k. -ike d 9,z z (Cz e d (9. + 1) z 2], [CR e + 1 e -ik ed Z 2 d ik + d (2.+ 1) z k. - D9 1) z 2.9(-2a + (2. e + 1 + D e ik e d z k - (=.+1) 11(z + 1) 2-2 8a) 40 -ike A with = 1, D B0 = = RTE, Ct = d 0, Dt = ee (9 Bt = + 1) z TE, d 9] (2-28b) C0 = RTM TM (2-28), we can express the in terms of those in region Z + 1 wave, -ikm d +1 + 1)zd e-ik Z + 1 (2-27) and wave amplitudes in region TE + D At = 0, 1, and Using equations For the ike (P + 1) z [Ck + 1 e -TE V(k + 1) 9 ( B 9,+1e where=TE V (9+ where + 1) zdk + 1 1)z B~e TE is called the ikm d Z (2-29) forward propagation matrix and is given by =TE V(9 + 1) k eik R( 9, - 1.(~ + l 2 p + 1) z (d + 1 + l)( ik 9, y- + 1) kmz (, km k ( - + 1)z + 1), dz ) )e(Z + R~ t + 1 - d ) e dk) 1 1) z (9 + 1)z (d9, + 1 - d ) (2-30) 41 where 1-y + 1) 1 km(9, + 1) z /1 ((9 + 1) km 9, k 9+ km (9,+ 1) z /P1 is the reflection coefficient for (9,+ 1) TE km waves in region caused by the boundary separating regions For -ik e + 1) zd 9, + 1 ik e + 1 9 + and 1. ike d 9, z 9, C e = e 9 waves, we have, TM + 1 e C (2-31) m Mk d VTM V(k + 1)t 9 (91 + 1) z 9, + 1 D e ike d 9z (2-32) where =TM V(91 + 1)9 (9,+ 1)kk 2 K 1 + -ik e + 1 - d ) (9,+ 1)z (d9 SZ + ,e ke F-9 y k(z + 1) e ke i(9, + 1) (9 + 1)z) (9 , + 1),e ik e (d ) 9,+ 1 - d 9, (9, +1) z e + 1)z(d z + 1 + 1)z i(Z (d - - d dt) ) (2-33) and Eke S9k(k + 1) - k (9 + 1)z z + 1 ke 9,Z E / 1 + ke (9 + 1)z E9 k z (2-34) 42 is the reflection coefficient for TM waves in region caused by the boundary separating regions k and k k + 1. 43 Reflection Coefficients Expressed in Continuous Fractions 2.4 By using equations (2-27) and (2-28), reflection coefficients RTE and RTM we can cast the in the form of con- tinuous fractions. RTE -- -i2k m d 1 (1 Rl 1 + / / 1 --- 1K e -i2km lzd -i2k R12 (d2 - 1+.... 000* R12 + 1 --- e d1 ) -i2k mz(d 2 - d1 ) e + + R(n + Rnt. - 1)n R2 (n - -i2km nz (d n - d n - 1 1)n) F / -i2km (d nz dn 1 R(n - ~ nd n - l)n (2-35) ( 44 / -i2k d 1 RTM -- 1 K + Sl 1 i 2 ke d S~l S12 -e S01 -i2k e(d 1 - d 2 ) )e- - -- Sl 2 + + -i2ke 1 - d1 ) (d 2 -e S12 1 1 + S (n + e 1-' -i 2 ke (dn - dn n nz 1) S (n-Lnl- )n -i2kenz (dn - d n - 1e S (n 1) )n (2-36) + Snt. The procedure is to calculate using equations Ci, Dy, TTE (2-35) and and TTM (2-36). RTE and RTM The values of first by A., B , can then be obtained through the forward propagation matrices. 45 Chapter 3 Dipole Radiation in the Presence of Stratified Medium Once the dyadic Green's function is determined, the electromagnetic fields for arbitrary source distribution can be found. region 0, E (r) For a given electric current source the electric field in region = f/f d 3 r' G o(r, r') Z j(r) in is given by J(r'). (3-1) In this thesis, we illustrate the use of horizontal electric dipole for the EIF method. In this chapter, single integral representations are obtained for the electromagnetic fields of this horizontal dipole in the presence of stratified medium. 46 3.1 Electromagnetic Fields for Horizontal Electric Dipole Consider a horizontal electric origin and pointing in the x dipole placed at the direction with current dis- tribution j(r) = I k 6(r). (3-2) Using equation (3-1), the electric field in region k is given by E= G (r, r' = 0) - x. In the zeroth region, the (3-3) z component of the electric field is, on substituting the appropriate values in equation (2-24) 00 = E it 8Tr 2 ff dk dk k (F x00 y e ik - r (1 - R ). (3-4) We can convert the above expression to cylindrical coordinates by setting = k k k y = k cos k (3-5a) sink (3 -5b) p$ 47 x = (3-6a) p cos $ y = p sin $ . (3-6b) The location of the observation point is expressed in cylindrical coordinates, p, # and z. On using the following Bessel function identities, 6 2 = n 2r 1 2Trin eiB cos 6 + in 6 dO -vyri H H(1) ( ( ) (3-8) we can further simplify the expression k 8rs (3-7) 0 -Co 2 p dk p eikz in (1 - R TM) equation H 1 (3-4) (k p) cos p . (3-9) The procedure outlined in equations repeated for other field components. in cylindrical coordinates with and H denoting [H9, H , Hz]* E (3-4) to (3-8) can be We express our fields denoting [Er, E, Ez 48 TM ik z ikzk k -oo \ - z i( dk TM =f (1 z H RTM ikzz H RTM ik z z H RTMp (kp) sin # 1p p 8TrE/ k p (1 - cos $ (k p) (k p p) cos $ 1 (3-10) 1 (1 - RTM) k. (1 - RTM) ik z H (k p) sin $ p 00 -TM dkp (It/8r) p e H (1) (k p) cos $ 1 p j 0 (3-11) l Z kp (.1 + RTE eikz (1 + RTE) ez dk -o (Iwp/8Tr) -p 1 (k p) cos p ik z, k FTE = f H ep z H (k p) sin kz 0 (3-12) ik ik (1 + RTE e p sin $ pk i(1 + RTE -TB7 p kP2 k (1 + RTE ik zz H ()(kp) 1H ik zz H~1 p Cos$ ) si (k p) sin 1 p I, (3-13) 49 3.2 Transmitted Fields for Half Space Medium The fields in other regions can be calculated with the help of equation (3-3). In this section, we illustrate this by calculating the transmitted fields of the half space medium. For a half space medium, RTE = R (3-14) RTM = S (3-15) TTE (3-16) = XOl lk Y TTM 1 (3-17) yk 1 where X.. 1JJ = Y.. = lJ (3-18) 1 + R.. J + S... (3-19) IJ Substituting equations (3-14) to (3-17) into (3-3), using equation (2-26), we find that, fields in medium are given by, in cylindrical coordinates, 1 50 00I f -ik k k dk p lz _ ~p -0 ez e lz H 1 01 Bro (k p) cos $ p e -TM I9 dk f--Od L1 dk ( It / 1 zz H( 87 -we pz 00 f kz 1 y0 \ k p z lZZH ()(k -ik Y01 e -i (k p) 1 p sin $ p) cos $ lz / (3-20) r 00 dk -00~ 00 HTM = f dk -00 (iz1 81T p ) -ik e Y0 1 e eeik lz Ir k \8 7T P) y e 01 e -iklzz H (k p) H 1 p 1 (kp) 1 p sin $ cos$ 0 (3-21) 51 It 00 f -00 p 00 -TE EB f -O dk op T - dk TTE H (k p) e - ikm z lz Cos 8T kzP) It op kpT (l -ik mz l P T TEH ()(k p) e 87r k p p sin $ 0 (3-22) 6 IPk km co f dk -o It 00 flTE = f -00 f dk (87 dk -00 k p lz 8' kz i p I 1 1 km y k1 kz -ik m z T TE H ) (k p) e lz sin# p -ik m z TTE H (k p) e lz cos # l TTE H ( (k p) -ikm z lz e sin# 87r k1 (3-23) 52 Chapter 4 Radiation Pattern for Horizontal Electric Dipole To facilitate physical interpretation of the interference pattern through the geometrical optics approach, the radiation patterns for the horizontal electric dipole over a half space medium are calculated. The mathematics in this chapter and the next, with appropriate scaling, follow closely that of reference 31. the first order saddle-point contribution of the integral. The directions, are noted. The radiation field is equivalent to in which maximum radiation energy are launched, These directions will later on be related to the geometrical optics interpretation of interference patterns. In section 2 of this chapter, the direction of propagation of wave and the direction of Poynting power flow from the dipole are related graphically. 53 4.1 Radiation Patterns By using the saddle point method of integration, asym- totic evaluation of the integrals can be carried out for large radial distance. In reference 31, it was shown that, for a typical integral, o F(k ik2 )k - k 2z H(1) (k 0 /k2 -- - k p the saddle point occurs at k p = k sin k 6 kg = 60 0 point contribution to the integral 2 eikrF() s i 4fr p) dk p (4-1) 2 on making the transformation = 2 - p + tan~ Is, (F"(6) and p/z. k z = k cos k, The saddle to second order, is + F'(6) cot 6) (4-2) 2ikr where r= p2 Z2. Inside the uniaxial medium, from equations (4-3) (3-20) to (3-23), we observe that a typical integral assumes the form 54 k P2 0 F (k )dk I: = f - -- z f e p p -00 k2 i H ()(k 0 P p) k 2 dk p (4-4) 2 k2 f where a, f = a = b =lz b lz 1 (4- 5a) 1. (4- 5b) Equation (4-4) is of the same form as equation [F k we identify k and z -+ (4-1) if Therefore, the saddle z/v'. point occurs at VE k lp k km km = lz p p for 2 +- k z 1 = bp z b = ;k 2 p +- 2 a TM + Z2 k z 1 Vak lp for (4-6) waves and at TE k 2 waves. ke lz = fap + (4-7) z2 55 By following the asymtotic method procedure in references It is found 31 and 32, the radiation fields can be determined. that the Poynting vectors are in the radial direction both in the isotropic and uniaxial medium. the upper medium, In Sr - (I/4) which is P k[X2 2 2 free sin (0 space, 2 $ + cos 2 G 010 r Y o 2 (0 ) cos 2p] 10o (4-8) where 2 y k cos X01(0 (4-9a) =0 2 k pk 1 2 sin G 0 2 ~b0 11 k2 2E Y1 0 ( 0 ) 00 k1 2 ++ 1 lk cos Go sin 2 G a - (4.9b) = k 2 2 sin G E+ 1 k cos 2 k e a Inside the uniaxial medium, Sr 1 (I/4 )2 + 2 r + 1 oelz (a sin 20(b ask 1 sin2 6 bk 1 (sz 3 cos 2 e0 52 + COS 3/2 2 Ix1 0 12 sin 2 4 0) cosl (4-10) + cos 2G0 ) 56 where a = tan P tan- (v5 tan 0 ) (4-1la) (Va (4-1lb) IzI = tan =/ap tan tan 0) zI X10 2P yk 1 cos a + y 2 E Y0 In equations -b k /k 2 - (4-8) to (4-12) , k are shown in the broadside direction (the a k 00 2 sin 2 is used to denote the Figure y sin2a (4-12b) observation angle measured from the The results 2 2 - a k cos 6 + c s k (4-12a) z-axis. (4.1). direction, We note that in 5 = 90*), the radiation patterns are affected by the anisotropy in permeability because the magnetic field is in the plane determined by the optic axis and the direction of propagation. By the same argument, radiation patterns in the endfire direction, $ = 0*, (the x in permittivity. direction) are affected by the anisotropy We also observe that power couples more into the half space medium when the medium is positively uniaxial (a > 1, b > 1). The opposite is true when the medium is 57 negative < 1, (a uniaxial b < 1). In Figure 4.1, the quantity 4Tr 2 G(6, G(6, $) defined by S r $= Pt is plotted. Pt and is equal to is the total radiated power in free space /y'j/E (kIk) 2 /(12-r). 58 z = 3.2 4 4 4 b =0 .8 b =1 8 Sb =1 .2 HED Broadside, #- 7T 2 z 4 4 a = 0.8 a=1 4 -a =1.2 8 HED Endfire, # = 0 Figure 4.1 Radiation Pattern of HED Over Half-Space Medium 59 4.2 Graphical Determination of The wave vector k Vector is normal to the ray surface and is normal to the wave surface.61 S the Poynting vector k In the case of dipole radiation, inside the uniaxial medium, the Poynting vector is always radial from the antenna to the observation point. To determine the direction of k vector for the observation point graphically, we can construct a ray surface around the point. For the uniaxial medium, the ray surface is governed by the equation s s 2 f = a, b z- 2 P f k (4-13) 2f which is an ellipse. A line from the dipole source to the observation point intersects the ray surface at one point. The normal to the ray surface at this point is in the same direction as the R vector. (Figure 4.2) This fact can be checked mathematically by using the values in equations (4-6) and (4-7) for the k vector. In the broadside direction, the direction of maximum radiation power (Figure 4.1) is at the Type I wave critical angle of the vector. k This corresponds to k = k. In the endfire direction, the radiation power is null in the direction of the critical angle of the II wave. k-vector for the type 60 Figure 4.2 Graphical Determination of E-vector z dipole source -P N N N N N surface observation point A R vector S vector 61 Chapter 5 Geometrical Optics Approach Due to the interference of the various wave components, the field distance plot is an interference pattern. In order to obtain explicit expressions for the six field components, the following three different approaches are used to evaluate the integrals of the fields: proach (GOA), (i) the geometrical optics ap- (ii) mode approach, and (iii) FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) technique of numerically calculating the integrals. In this chapter, we illustrate the geometrical optics approach by the two layer case. The geometrical optics ap- proach consumes very little computer time and permits a very simple interpretation in terms of ray optics. cussion of the validity of the 31. GOA A detailed dis- can be found in reference 62 5.1 Mathematical Development The reflection coefficients for the two layer case are I 1 R1 RTE 1 1 Rl0 lz R1 2 01 1 A +R12exp (i2k d) and RTM S1 1 01 _ S 01 1 S01 (5-lb) + Sl2 exp (i2k 1 + R 1 2 exp (i2k TM zd) (5-2a) X0 1 + R0 1 R1 1 -R d) d) So 1 TEB = l + R 1 - (5-la) 2 exp (i2km d) S12 exp (i2ked) = 1 + S 0 1 S 1 2 exp (i2k ed) (5-2b) Y100 In the geometrical optics approximation, we expand 1 -RTM and 1 + RTE 1 + RTE in a series. exp (i2k~nmd) I +Rml m = 1 010 12 em (5-3a) 63 00 RTM 1 - _ 1 1 Y 01 11 M =E 1 221 exp (i2k md)}. (5-3b) The first term in equation solution. (5-3) is the half space The summation term corresponds to contributions arising from image sources. In the summation term, the saddle point occurs at k for p = Va k 1 sin am ,F a= -l p/a tan 2md TM wave, and at k p a = / =tan k TE -l p/E wave. m = 1, 2, 3, . (5-5) (5-6) 1 sin am ,i 2md for (5-4) m = 1, , 2, 3, . (5-7) We have assumed that both the slab and the bottom media have the same factors of anisotropy a and b. We next apply the saddle point method and the branch cut contour integration method31 to our integrals. results for E pz and H , The asymtotic are, when the observation point is 64 at z = 0 4Tr P iVE kip 2ak 1 ikp 2 kp 2 EIzAoy k 2 p 2 Elz i/H7 k m k 2 M= 1 Va- k ke y 1 ~y 0 Yz 0 01 z 1 m e 12 rn-i 0 R 1mm (5-8) R m where 2 R H 2md) a + (5-9) k2 2 _9I z 47 T 2 (bk 1 2 - k 2) 00~ 2k'~ - 01X10 1- k 2 e ik R 1x m-m k z k1 im i/F k P) 11ezikp P R 2 (5-10) R m where R mF = 2 (2md) + 2 (5-11) b As discussed in reference 31, the saddle point method as used in the point am G.O.A. approach is not valid when the saddle is close to the branch point due to kz. the problem will not be serious if the slab is thick. However, 65 In Figure 5.1 we plot the interference pattern for |E for a half space medium and in Figure 5.2, we plot the inter- ference pattern for a two layer medium. The plot is normalized as follows. E I = 20 log 1 0 IZ&p norm. 4-F k is taken to be 2w. 66 Figure 5.1 Interference Pattern of Half Space Medium Observation point at z = E Pnorm 3.2(1 + i.01)E 0 C= a = .8 -15 - -30 - -45 - -60 0 0 3 6 Distance in 9 wavelengths 12 15 0 67 Figure 5.2 Interference Pattern of a Two Layer Medium E Pnorm observation I d = 3X = 3.2(1 + i.01)E 1 a -15 = Po = .8 F2 = 81 9 - first peak due to reflection -30 - -45 - I -60 0 3 I 9 6 Distance in z = 0 point at 12 wavelengths 15 2 = a = .8 68 5.2 Physical Interpretation In GOA, the interference pattern is determined by three kinds of waves: 1. the direct wave from the antenna 2. the inhomogeneous wave excited by the antenna on the surface, and 3. the wave reflected in the subsurface following ray optics paths (Figure 5.3) The first two kinds of waves are in the classic half space solution. The direct wave corresponds to the saddle point contribution (equation 4-2) and travels with wave number k. The inhomogeneous wave corresponds to the branch point contribution due to ke lz travels with wave number TE wave and TM for /lT k for km lz TM for TE wave and It wave. V k for wave. The third kind of wave corresponds to the summation series in equation (5-3). Each term in the series is attributed to a particular image source. The wave that arrives at the re- ceiver after one reflection from the subsurface can be traced back to the first image and is identified with the first term in the summation series. the receiver after sented by the nth n Similarly the wave that arrives at reflections from the surface is repre- term (image) in the summation series. 69 Figure 5.3 Physical Interpretation of GOA receiver transmitter o' Eo 1dJ~, C1 d 1.0 d first image 2d second image t' ~t 70 The ray direction is in the same direction as the Poynting vector S. To obtain the R vector, a ray surface can be drawn around the point of reflection at the subsurface (Figure 5.4) and the K vector is the normal to the surface. The phase of the wave at the receiver from the source is then given by nth image k p + klz (2nd). If there is no subsurface reflector, the interference pattern is generated by the first two kinds of waves. spatial wavelength of the interference pattern Xint The is re- lated to the dielectric properties of the medium by V/F = 1 + k where 0 f a, b (5-12) int is X from Figure the free space wavelength. This can be observed (5.1). When there is a subsurface reflector, we first note the direction of the maximum radiation energy the peak due to the first reflection occurs at then the thickness of the layer, d = y d, (Chapter 4). If a distance pco' is given by (5-13) . c 2 tan y We can observe this effect in Figure (5.2). The geometrical optics optics approach yield simple 71 Figure 5.4 Graphical Determination of k Vector receiver transmitter o ' o d Ole% 't' Ile. d first image t 72 analytic formula for the various wave contributions. It is useful if the slab is thick and lossy so that a ray optics analysis is valid and also only a few image sources are needed. 73 Chapter 6 Modal Approach In this chapter, we illustrate the model approach by solving the component of Hz iItkp2 o H = z f dk - p P 8irk the two layer case. TE (1 + RT ikzz ) e Z zH (k p) p sin $ z (6-1) In order to solve the integral in (6-1), we make the transformation k = k sin 0 (6-2) so that the two Riemann sheets due to the branch point are unfolded. branch point at k We then have four Riemann sheets due to the km lz and km. 2z Inside the integrand in (6-1), we can write , (1) H1 (k pP) = H (1) (k p) exp (-ik and insert an exponential factor p) exp(ik p) (6-3) which is in fact 74 the factor for the Hankel function at its asymptotic limits when k p tends to infinity. there is a plex saddle point at 0 = Corresponding to this factor, ff/2. We detour, on the com- 6-plane, the original path of integration to the steepest descent path passing through the saddle point. to the integral is then composed of three parts, H (1) z Ip =I is p + I 27i b + 1 The contribution (Figure 6-1). (6-4) s times the residue series of the poles enclosed between the new and old paths. (2) I b is the branch cut contribution due to km lz and km 2z' (3) the saddle point contribution. I is Ip corresponds to the modes excited. geneous wave contribution, and bution. Is Ib is the inhomo- is the direct wave contri- In the following sections, we elaborate on these three kinds of waves. The mode approach interpret the interference fringes as generated by interference of these three kinds of waves. 75 6.1 Modes Contribution A pole location plot on the complex 2.16(1 + iO.0022) c wavelength with 1 (6-1) for layer of depth trated in Figure permittivity 6-plane is illus- over a perfect conductor. Each pole can be interpreted as a normal mode pertaining to The original path of integration and the the layer medium.29 new steepest descent path are also shown in the same figure. The number of normal modes excited by the antenna depends on the thickness of the slab. If the slab is sufficiently thin no mode will be excited at all. 1 + RTE The poles of are determined from R 1 0 R 1 2 exp(i2 k z d) = exp(i2Z7). k = 0, 1, 2, Setting In ... actual computation, R10 = yields positions of the poles. we set exp(i) exp(i R12 (6-5) (6-6a) 2 (6-6b) ) so that 2k M d + $ z + $2 = 2. k = 0, 1, 2, ... (6-7) 1X 2.16(1 + iO.0022), s Osurf ace wave modes, ) A leaky wave modes, unexcited modes a " perfect conductor X original path of integration A steepest descent x A path A X 6' 'T/2 0 A A A A Figure 6.1 Complex 6 plane for Mode Analysis Tr 77 The pole locations are obtained through iterating equation (6-7) by first neglecting $ 2* and Each pole corresponds to a wave mode. wave vector components Re(k ) and modes. < 0 Im(k ) k < Re(k > 0 ) < k1 , (Figure 6-1) The modes with Im(k ) > 0, are surface wave These surface waves are associated with the guided waves of the slab region. They decrease in magnitude exponen- tially as they leave the surface. number of them excited. There are only a finite They are the significant ones when distance is large from the transmitter. modes are the leaky wave modes. components Im(kz) < 0. Re(k ) < k, Im(k P) The other group of (Figure 6-1) > 0, Re(k z) The wave vector > 0, and They correspond to waves that reach the receiver from beneath the surface and increase in magnitude exponentially as they leave the surface. There are an infinite number of leaky wave modes being excited and they decay very rapidly with distance from the transmitting antenna. only in the near and intermediate ranges. They are important 78 6.2 Inhomogeneous Wave Contribution Corresponding to the two branch points at kP = k and Re(k Vb, ) = 0. and medium we chose two branch cuts k . The integrand is IF k Thus the branch point at can be calculated by detouring the to the path of steepest descent. references 31 and 32. L(l and to does not contribute km + e R 2 a path parallel is The result 2 k 2 -k 2 b1 / 2 i2k zd 1 The mathematics is similar to (1 + R 0 l) (1 + R 10 ) k 2e 2 Tr and an even function of branch cut to -2 I- = 0 Re(kM) The contribution due to the branch point the integral. that in VIE k1 same value of anisotropicity to assume the the same permeability. = we allow medium For the sake of simplicity, 2 k km k lz z 1 d eik2P/jE p2 k = k2 (6-8) Physically this corresponds to an inhomogeneous wave that decays away from the bottom surface with the exponential factor exp(-2 k 2 2 - k1 2 d). Therefore, except in cases when the slab region is very thin, the effect due to the branch point k2 is not observed on the surface of the layered medium. *S. 79 6.3 Direct Wave Contribution In the absence of any stratified medium, the saddle point contribution from the transmitter corresponds to the direct wave from the dipole. When there is stratified medium present, the evaluation of the saddle point contribution is complicated by the poles in the neighborhood of the saddle point. Besides the pole effects, the saddle point contribution is also affected by the rapidly varying exponential reflection when coefficient. d is large. exp(i2k z d) The oscillation of this factor is fast We thus evaluate the saddle point contri- bution for the following three cases: use the ordinary saddle point method (1) When (OSP). we use the modified saddle point method1 6,63 p ~ d, factor in the p >> d, (2) When (MSP). we p > d, (3) When we resort to numerical evaluation by using the Gaussian Hermite Quadrature (GHQ) formula. 6 2 In applying the saddle point method, we transform the integral by setting sin 6) = x 2 /2 ikp(l - (6-9) so that I = S0 where f 0 (x) exp(-x 2 /2) dx (6-10) 80 iI k (x)= 8Trk = x) TE (1 + RTE) "11 H1 (k p) eikp dk p.6-l P z ( dx in a Taylor series. O (x) We expand 2 0~ x A 2 (6-12) M = 0 p >> d, When there are no poles near the saddle point, the does not oscillate very fast. 4l(x) function saddle point method is applicable. The ordinary The asymtotic series solu- tion is obtained by directly substituting equation (6-12) into (6-10) . We denote the solution by If there is a pole, say at to the saddle point, i.e. saddle point method. M = lim x*x = OSP. x = x0 , x 0 << 1, equation (6-12) is ill-behaved. Is which is very close then the Taylor series in We then apply the modified Let cl(x) (x - x 0 ) (6-13) 0 and define (x= (x) x which is (6-14) M well-behaved. - x0 81 Since, fir Me x -o - erfc // (-ix ) Imx > 0 d/2 - Me_ p 0 x -x 2/2 Me S-ir _ erfc (ix < 0 /2) Imx 0 0 (6-15) therefore, on substituting equation (6-14) into equation (6-10) and applying ordinary saddle point method to the well-behaved function p (x), we obtain, taking into account the effect of all the poles, I = MSP = OSP + E {W - [W ]}. (6-16) poles [W ] p dently, as denotes x0 W >> 1, p in inverse power series of Evi- the modified saddle point result is identical to the ordinary saddle point result. in x . The summation (6-16) extends over all poles near the saddle point. For the case p < d, the MSP fails to apply. Because in addition to the effect of the poles, the integrand oscillates rapidly due to the presence of the in the reflection coefficient. exp(i2km d) factor In this case, the Gaussian Hermite Quadrature formula is particularly useful in evaluating the line integral along the steepest descent path. 82 Figure (6-2) illustrates layer with permittivity e1 = 2.16(1 + 0.0022) S0 OSP, MSP, and GHQ. GHQ coincide for considerably for GHQ, For for p > 1OX. p < 1OX. 1OX < p < 10OX, p > 10OX, over a It is seen that all three methods approach the same value as and dielectric 4X The saddle point contribution is calcu- perfect reflector. lated by using the case of a OSP p > 10OX. MSP The All three methods depart Thus for p < 1OX, one can use either is sufficiently accurate. we recommend MSP or GHQ. 83 Figure 6-2 Comparison of results by OSP, MSP and GHQ Vertical scale is z=0 30 dB/divison d=4X E =2.16(1+i.0022)E perfect reflector OSP MSP GHQ S. 1 10 100 Distance in Wavelengths 500 0 84 6.4 Numerical Results and Discussion In this section, we illustrate the mode approach by calculating the interference patterns as a function of distance from the transmitter. When the slab is sufficiently thin, no mode is excited and the integral is due to the saddle point and the k z branch cut. pattern due to a layer with 0.1 c Figure (6-3) shows interference = 3.0(1 + iO.001) 6 and depth wavelength on top of a dielectric half-space with 62 = 5.0(1 + iO.002) c0. The saddle point contribution is When the layer calculated by the ordinary saddle point method. becomes thicker, modes will be excited. depth .5 and 1 wavelength, only 1 For the same media with to 3 surface wave modes are excited. The integral in equation (6-1) can be readily computed by However, the compu- using the Simpson's rule of integration. tation time is large because the Hankel function is a rapidly oscillating function for large p and thousands of divisions are needed to provide the required accuracy. In Figure (6-4), we show Hz as a function of distance calculated on the basis of three different approaches mode approach and Simpson's rule). The model consists of a single layer, four wavelengths in thickness, with 0.01, and loss tangent fect conductor below. at a height of 3 (GOA, 1 ' = 3.3E between free space above and a perThe fields are calculated for a receiver meters above surface at 8 MHz. Field 85 Figure 6-3 Interference Pattern for Thin Layers z= 0 Vertical scale is 20dB per division d C = 3(1+i.001)£ 0 E2 = 5(l+i.002)£ d =1 0 X HI d = 0.5 X d = 0.lX For purpose of comparison, neighboring curves are separated by one divison 0 2 6 4 Distance in Wavelengths 8 10 Figure 6.4 Comparison of Theoretical Results--Simpson's Rule, Mode and GOA 1.2 Numerical ~... (Simpson's Rule) Geometrical Optics Mode 1.0 \. 0 z = 0 . 08 X 4X E 1 = 3.3(1 + iO.01)6 o 0.8 perfect conductor 0.6 - 0.4 0.2 0.0 4lO6 8X Distance in Free Space Wavelengths 10x 12X 87 amplitude is normalized with factor IZ/4TX 2 . Inspection of the figure shows that the results from mode approach agree well with those obtained from Simpson's rule. from GOA The results are inferior for the reasons stated in chapter 5. In Figure (6-5), we further compare GOA and mode ap- proach with scale model tank experimental data 3 4 - 3 5 for various thicknesses. We note that all three agree for large layer thicknesses. Note specifically that for shallower depths the geometrical optics approximation fails to account for even the gross features whereas the mode approach fits the experimental data excellently. The general features of the model tank experiment were described by Rossiter et al. 3 4 We conclude that plement each other. thicknesses. is large when exercised 5, GOA GOA and mode approach serve to com- Mode approach is valid for all layer However, the number of surface wave modes excited d is large. in that case. In addition, GHQ has to be On the other hand, as noted in chapter is particularly appropriate for thick and lossy layers. 88 Figure 6.5 Comparison of Scaled Model Tank Experimental Data with GOA and Mode Experimental Result . --- Geometrical Optics Approximations d e= 2.16(1 + iO.0022) a Mode Approach +o vertical scales (15 dB/division) d =2.5X *0 0 So 0410 t d =5X .- 0 3 6 Distance in 9 *. 12 Free-Space Wavelengths 15 18 0 89 Chapter 7 Fast Fourier Transform Approach Though analytic methods yield simple solutions and allow physical interpretation of the results, they are not useful when the number of layers gets large so that the reflection coefficient becomes extremely complicated. is sought to handle more complicated cases. A numerical method Due to the rapid' oscillation of the Bessel function inside the integrand, a direct numerical integration consumes a lot of computer time. 64 To save computer time, we have developed a fast Fourier Transform 65,84 ' method. technique. In this chapter, we elaborate on this 90 7.1 Mathematical Preliminaries By using Bessel function identities, the Hankel function in equation (6-1) can be changed into a Bessel function and the range of integration can also be changed to integral in f z o. - The (6-1) becomes dk 00 2 ik dk H 0 i ik z (1 I 47r k + RTE z J 1 (k p) sin$. Z (7-1) As k p + R o, TE + 0 and exp (ik z) also tends to z 0. The Bessel function oscillates rapidly for large arguments. The integrand will converge rapidly if we choose z / Physically, this choice corresponds to the observation 0. point being above the free surface of the stratified medium. Separate the integral in (7-1) into two parts 12. I and The first part corresponds to solutions in the absence of any stratified medium, and the result is given by the identity ikr - =- I 1 . 3p r -k - 2 - 2 kP 2 e k ik z (k p) dk. z 1 The second part includes all effects due to coefficient RTE and is p p (7-2) the reflection 91 iltk 0 12 =f dk 0 2 9 P R TEikzz e Z (k p) 4Trk sin # which is the integral that we want to solve with In applying the (7-3) J FFT, FFT. we use the formula66 -- vk f e J 1 (k p) dk P 9 0 1 - = p P 2 + 92 Re{v + ipl> 0. V = VR + iv 1 , (7-4) The integral is written in the following form -v k 1 = f dk g(k ) e pJ (k (7-5) p) dk where k 2 ik z + v k = g(k) 9 The aim of our e Rp VR < z. (7-6) 4'r kR z FFT method is to develop an algorithm such that when calculating the field as a function of distance we can make' use of the formula in calculate the integral in The FFT (7-4) and do not have to (7-5) for every individual p. subroutine computer program, for a given set p, 92 of data of N points, dk, k = 0, 1, 2, j = 0, 1 ... N - 1, returns N - l. (7-7) the result 27rjk N T. = 1N k = 0 The subroutine d k e . (7-7) is available through the Mathlib of MIT Information Processing Center. In the following section, we will show how to cast the integral in (7-5) into discrete form so that equation (7-7) is directly applicable. 93 7.2 Aliasing We define a(f) g(k ). to be the Fourier transform of 00 = a(f) f (7-8a) g(k ) exp(-2Trifk ) dk g) g (k ) f (7-8b) a(f) exp(21'rifk Suppose the Nyquist frequency of a(f) for ~ 0 (Figure 7-la). Ak Next, we sample a(f) IfI is F 0 ,o i.e. (7-9) > F g(k ) with sample interval where Ak =- - p F (7-10) 2F 0 (7-8) Then, from equation 00 g(jAk ) a(f) exp(2Trifj/F) = f j k = -C -00, ... ... -1, 0, (k + 1)F 00 E = df f a(f) exp(27rifj/F) kF df 1, 2, 00o 94 F = f a a (f) (f) (7-ll) exp(27rifj/F) where 00 p = The function sion of a a(f) . (Figure 7-ib) is called an aliased ver- (f) and is a periodic function. g(jAk ) (7-11) identifies ap (f) Therefore, F j =-00 We next sample Af = F_ N as the Fourier coefficients of (7-13) j/F) exp (-2T if g (jAk p with interval ap (f) where Af, 1 NAk (7-14) P 1 (nAf) = a The relation in we can write a (f) P (7-12) a(f + kF). E k = -00 F j = 0 P 00 E -k = -00 g (jAk n = -o, =- 1N - P + NAk .. exp(-2rijn/N) P -1, 0, 1, 2, . * .o 1 NE g (jAk ) exp(-2Trijn/N) p F j = 0 (7-15) 95 a(f) -F0 0 a -2F -F Figure -F f F0 Figure 7-lb (f) 0 0 7-la F F0 g (k 2F ) Figure 7-ic I 6 ____fn -T/ 2 T/2 \.. (k 1 k ) A Figure 7-ld NIo ,0 3T/2 \,,000 -T/ 2 Figure j \000 7-i iT T/ 2 Aliasing 2 X kp 96 where 00 g (k ) = P p 0 is the aliased version of T We choose p (7-17) such that ~ 0 for (Figures and 7.ld). for and is periodic with period . N g(k ) is g(k ) where T = NAk for (7-16) g(k + ZT) p CO= Z k lying between chosen such that k > T/2, gp (k ) = g(k ) We notice that -T/2 and (7-18) Ik | > T/2 T/2. Therefore, if vR is essentially zero gp (k ) exp(-vRk p) then T/ 2 f gp (k ) exp(-v k) J (kPp) dk p T/ 2 g(k ) exp(-v Rk ) J.(k p) dk 0 00 0 g (k P) exp (-vRk P J(k P ) dkP = 2* (7-19) 97 By switching the roles of a(f) g(k ), and an equation analogous to equation we can derive (7-13), 0n (k) = Z - T .. = a(nAf) exp(2Trink P/T). (7-20) into Substituting equation equation (because (7-19), and making use of (7-4), we have 00 00 2 (7-20) -- - a (nAf) f Z T n a(f) is almost zero outside 1 N/2 - 1 T n exp(-k p (yR 2'rin/T) ) - = -- a(nAf) f -N/2 = 0 exp(-kP(vR - 2'iin/T)) NR - NAk9 n = -N/2 ) - dk P F ) N/2 - 1 a(n/NAk J 1 (k P ) J 1 (k~p) dkp i2ffn/NAk ) 1 - Sp /(R - 2p p i2'rn/NAk )2 + p (7-21) Equation (7-21) is the final answer for the integral 12' We list the numerical computation procedure as follows: 98 g(jAk ) (1) First (2) gp(jAk P) (3) a P(nAf) is obtained directly from the integrand. is then calculated by aliasing is then evaluated by using equation is identical to the (4) a(nAf) FFT N, (7-15) subroutine in equation is then obtained by de-aliasing The proper choice of a p which (7-7). (nAf). the number of samples, is essential for the best performance of the and should be some integral power of etc.). g(jAk ). 2 FFT (i.e. subroutine 21, 22, 23, 99 7.3 Numerical In Figures pattern for Results and Discussion (7-2) and Hz (7-3), we show the interference calculated with FFT approach and Simpson's rule for a three layer and a six layer case respectively. height of the observation point is at responds to 2 z = 0.213X meters for a frequency of The which cor- 32 MHz. The two methods, as seen from the figures, yield identical results. The computation time for cases. FFT is about 2.5 minutes for both For Simpson's rule, the computation time is about minutes for the three layer case and about the six layer case. 40 32 minutes for The computation was carried out on the IBM 360/65 computer. One must also bear in mind that FFT consumes a lot of storage space of the computer when the Nyquist frequency and the number of sampling points are big. The parameters in Figure (7-1) are E1 = (3.3) (1 + iO.01)E 0 d 1 = 1x E2 = (5.0) (1 + iO.02)E 0 d 2 = 2X £3 = (8.0) (1 + 10.04)e 0 ' The parameters in Figure (7-2) are (2.0)(1 + iO.01)E 0 d 1 = 0.5X + iO.02)E 0 d2 £3 = (4.0)(1 + iO.03)E 0 d3 = 2A 1 = £2 = (3.0) (1 = lx 100 = (5.0)(1 + iO.04)s 0 d e5 = (6.0) (1 + iO.05)s 0 d5 = 4X Et = (8.0) (1 + iO.06)e 0 ' E4 In Figure from GOA very little (7-4), we compare and mode approach. time, FFT = 3X method with results The analytic methods consume but they are applicable only in regions according to the nature of the method. other hand, can treat the most general cases. lacks physical interpretation. certain FFT, on the However, FFT Figure 7-2 Comparison of Simpson's Rule and FFT for a three layer model Vertical scale is 10 dB/divison The curves have been displaced 20 dB for ease of comparison FFT 10 dB IH zI SIMPSON'S I 0 1 RULE I I 2 3 I I 4 5 Distance in Wavelengths I I 6 7 8 H 01 H Vertical Scale is 10 dB/divison Figure 7-3 Comparison of Simpson's rule and FFT for a six layer model FFT 10 dB IHZI SIMPSON'S RULE The curves have been displaced 20 dB for ease of comparison 0 I I I I I I I I 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Distance in Wavelengths H C0 to Figure 7-4 Comparison of FFT, mode and GOA for a three layer model Vertical Scale is 10 dB/divison 4X E = 3.3(l+i.02)E 0 E 2 = 6.0 (l+i.04)E0 FFT 1z MODE H GOA 10 dB The curves have been displaced vertically 20 dB for ease of comparison 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Distance in Wavelengths 8 9 104 Chapter 8 Microwave Passive Remote Sensing Geophysical subsurface exploration of large geophysical areas can be handled by the method of microwave passive remote sensing with a radiometer. In this chapter, we list the three approaches that have been used to solve for the brightness temperature of a medium--the reciprocity approach, 3 7 the radiative transfer approach,67,71 and the fluctuation dissipation approach. 68 neglected in ,83 Atmospheric effects and cosmic radiation are our development. 105 8.1 Reciprocity Approach If the medium under observation is of constant temperature T, the brightness temperature T e where reflectivity. = = e TB is given by eT (8-1) 1 - r (8-2) is the emissivity of the medium, and The reflectivity from boundaries as well as r is the includes effects of reflection scattering from the medium. 106 Radiative Transfer Approach 8.2 In microwave thermal emission, the specific intensity of radiation of a given polarization, I, measured in free space, I by 6 8 TB is related to the brightness temperature B (8-3) -2 where K 1.38 x 10-23 Joules/*K = is Boltzmann's constant. At local thermodynamic equilibrium, energy conservation requires that the changes in specific intensity of radiation given polarization dI where = K - ds state a Ids - K I of a be given by s Ids + K a Bds + K Jds s (8-4) is the distance the wave propagates through a die electric medium of relative permittivity r , K are the absorption and scattering coefficients, due to absorption, direction of I, K K Bds Ids and a - K Ids K s is is due to scattering out of the is due to emission, and due to scattering into the direction of Jds K is I. At microwave frequencies, the emission source B is given by E B r KT (8-5) 107 where T is the local temperature By solving for I from (8-4), in ds. the corresponding bright- ness temperature can be obtained from equation radiative transfer approach is simple to apply. (8-3). The However, it neglects the wave nature of radiation and thus only yields useful results in cases where coherent effects can be ignored. 108 8.3 Fluctuation Dissipation Approach dissipation According to the fluctuation theorem, thermal radiation is generated by an equivalent current J(r, w), 4 with expectation value W')> W) J(r', <J(r, - 4 - s"(r) 4 , source 6 7 KT(r)I 6(w - w')6(r - r') Tr (8-6) where is the imaginary part of the permittivity. e"(r) < > angular bracket The is used to denote ensemble average. The expected value of the energy density of the radiation with polarization U(r) p, is, in free space, (8-7) <lp -12> = where 00 (r, t) = dw f d 3 k E f w) exp[i(k wk, r- - wt)]. (8-8) 0 The energy density is related to the specific intensity, in free space, by, 00 df f dQ U~r 0 (8-9) c 109 (8-7)-(8-9), we have, Combining equations (8-3), T /"(7) C/ T B(k, w) 2100 (c/) 00 f cE - E {e - ) W i(- E*k' k') r - ') > i(w - for the horizontal polarization or TTM (k, w) {h - <E(k, i(E - w')t} TE (8-10) waves and k 2 dk f dw' f 0 0 2 K , f (c/w)2 1- c 23 d 3 k' -0 0 0 2 K 3 200 k 2 dk f dw' f dsk' -C w) E*(k', o')> ' - - i(w for the vertical polarization or Once the electric field - TM E(k, w) w')t} 8-11) waves. in free space has been determined, the brightness temperature can be found from equations (8-10) and (8-11). The determination of E(k, w) in the presence of the current source in equation (8-6) and the medium properties poses a well defined electromagnetic boundary value problem. 110 Chapter 9 Born Series Approximation to Scattering Problems In this chapter, scattering of waves from a two layer random medium with a laminar structure, is solved with the Born series approximation. Emissivity is calculated by using reciprocity. By using Green's function for unperturbed problem, inAn iteration procedure 6 9 tegral equations can be formulated. can be applied to solve these integral equations, leading to the Born series. scattering, In the case that absorption dominates over the Born series give useful converge very fast in such a case. answers as the series The answers from Born series approximation can also be used to compare results from other approaches within their common regions of validity. 111 9.1 Formulation Consider a two-layer medium with boundaries at and z = -d (Figure 9-1). z = 0 The slab between the two boundaries is a random medium with a permittivity = 6lm + Fl (z)> = <i (9-1) if (z) 0. (9-2) The mean permittivity Elm is independent of depth. random part of the permittivity Ef (z) is real and has a zero ensemble average as indicated by (9-2). ing in the z direction only. The It is also vary- The variance of the fluctuating part of the permittivity is also assumed to be small. A monochromatic plane wave is normally incident upon the two layer medium E = exp(-i k z). The time dependent factor (9-3) exp(-iwt) has been suppressed. The governing equations are the one-dimensional wave equations in each region. d2 + k2 0 \dZ2 in region 0, E o =0 (9-4) 112 Figure 9-1 Two-Layer Random Medium z L e-ik 0 z I reik z region 0 z = 0 1 = Elm + region 1 random medium z = -d region 2 62 (Z) 113 + k2 (dZ in f'(z) E1 (9-5) and 1, region d 2 in = im a + k 2 2) E 2 = 0 where 2, region 2 :- mk k lm (9-6) (9-7) 0 0 f (Z) ;i f (Z) - k 2 (9-8) 0 0 (9-9) 0 The Green's function for the unperturbed problem E5 f (z) = 0) is first determined. (i.e. It satisfies the following equations: (2 + k 2) 0 ( G01(z, 2 k2 G1 (z, z') = 0 z'I) = 6(z - z') (9-1Oa) (9 -1Ob) 114 D' 2 + k2 G21(z, Sz 2 We use superscript o = 0. (9-1Oc) to denote unperturbed quantities. Solving equation (9-10) G0 z') gives (z, z I) x1 0 [exp (-iklmz') + R12 exp(iklm(z' 1k z + 2d))] (9-la) 0 e 2iklm + R1 [exp(-ik lmz' [exp(iklmz) G (z, z') = -R 0 1 + 2d))] exp(iklm(z' exp(-iklmz)] for 1 2ik lmD 2 z > z' 2 [exp(iklmz') -R [exp(-iklMz) + R12 exp(iklm(z + 2d))] exp(-iklm for z < z' (9-lib) 115 G2 (z X 12 ') = 2ik [exp (-iklmz')] D2 - exp(-ik 2 (z + d) + ikimd) (9-11c) where D2 = 1 + R0 1 R1 The scattered Es (z) field = r (9-12) exp (2iklmd) . 2 in region 0, E (Z) , is given by (9-13) z) . exp (ik r is the reflection coefficient and is a random variable. It can be shown easily that E satisfies the integral (z) equation 0 E9 (Z) = Es (z) + f G0 (z, z f (z ) E ) (z ) dz, (9-14) whr-d where ik E s (z) = r0 e o z 0 is the unperturbed field in region (9-15) 0 and 116 2ikld r 0 R01 + R12 e = The field in region (9-16) 1 satisfies the integral equation 0 E (z) = E 1 1 (z) + f G 0(z, z1 ) f(z 1 ) ~-da 1 E (z1 ) dz 1 (9-17) where E is - ik lm(z -iklmz X01 + e the unperturbed field r12ei in region 1. + 2d) I (9-18) 117 9.2 Born Series To form the Born series for (0) (0) + G0 E = 1 0 we apply the method (z), (01) f(l) E 0 (9-17). (l) 0 + G 0 1 (01) In equation S (9-14) and make use of of iteration to equation E E (9-19), f(l) Go (12) f(2) E (2) ... (9-19) . a contracted notation is used. Integration is implied for repeated-integer arguments. We use B (Z, 6 where z1 ) = <f(z) f(z )> = 6k 4 exp(-[z - z1 I/k) (9-20) represents the magnitude of fluctuations and is a small number. is the correlation length of the fluctua- Z tions. Multiplying (9-19) by its complex conjugate, taking the 6 ensemble average, and keeping terms to order r find the reflectivity r = <rr*> = <E = <E 0(0) E only, we (0) E *(0)> (0)> + G01(01) G (02) B (12) 118 E (1) E + 2 Real (2) (E s (0) G0 01 (01) G 11 (12) B f1(12) E (9-21) (2)). We let E (z) <eS where (z)> (9-23) 0 = Esm (z) ating field. (9-22) (Z) (z) + =E 6 is the mean field and We see from equation (z) (9-19) is the fluctu- that the first and third terms in equation (9-21) represent the contribution of the mean field and the second term represents the contribution of the fluctuating field. Substituting equation (9-20) into (9-21), and carrying out a brute force integration, we obtain -2K 6k 14klX r = r01 01X1 0 2 1 +I 41klM 12I D2 - K ) e 1 + 2a K Ka -2K (1 d e (1 + r2 1 a 2 a d -2K + 8r1 2 d e 1 d a -+ Ka -1- 2a| 2 119 2ikld +2 Real 1 - a*_ 1 - 2a* 2 2ikm #- 2R 1 2 e ik* 2ikmd + 2 Real e 1 + 2a* 2 ad R12 2r -l ikim - (1 (1 + 2ik - ilm e -4ikmd (1 - - 2ik{Z) + 2a*) 2a) (1 _ -2 ik* + R* R* - 26k lm , Real 9) (1 + 2a)(1 - 2ik (1 2a) d 4ik R 2 12 + 2a (1 - a) -2 iklmd 2 Real -2ik* d m (1 +a*) 01 2iklmd I d m e 12 01 X10 2 2 3 - 4ik 9 8iklmD 2a*) 2 3 + 4ik 9 4iklmR1 e (1 - (R 0 1 2ik lmd) R 01 R 12 e S12 1 + 2ik lm 2iklm R3 2iklmd -2) 1 - 2a +e (2 R12 1 - 2a 1 120 2(3 2a)R - 1 - 2 (1 + 2(3 + 4a) 01 + 2R + 2a R{2 1 + 2a (1 - 2R 1R12 1 + 2a - 4a)R 0 1 R 1 1 - 2a 4iklmd 2(3 4a R 1 2 2a R3 (3 - 8a + 8a (1 2a) - + 8a + 8a 2 ) + 4a (3 R (1 + 2a) 2 2(3 + 2a) R01R12 + e 1 + 2a 11 2 2 2 ) U R2 01 12 6ik lmd (9-24) where a = ik lm, (9-25) - 121 9.3 Special Cases We examine the following special cases: (a) Half space case, r = IR 0 1 1 - o: I|X 6k 2 j201 - + 4|k R R Real Since d 1 all - 2a1 X-( 01 CR 8ik'(1 - 2a) 0 1X 1 0 a km 12K 2 26k' 4 z lm 2) (9-26) the third term in equation (9-26) is much less than the second term and our results are identical to that of Gurvich et al.42 We conclude that he essentially used the Born approximation. (b) For equation klmd >> l, i.e. the slab contains many wavelengths, (9-24) reduces to -2K 6k i2|X01X12 | r + (1 + rl2 11 m 4|klm 2D 2 1 K - (1 -K a al Z) e 1l d d 1-2K d d e + 8r a 2 a Ka -2K 1+ e + a12 12 a 122 - 26k '4 Z Real lm ,. R* i lm 12 2ik m 3 1 -2ik* d m 2 2 2 4ik z -2ik X 2 D X 0110 z 2ik d)] A 3 +4ik - |D 8ik3 t 4iklmd R e + R R0lRl2 e (9-27) . 1 + 2ik l im We end this chapter by making the following remark. The Born series tude of f(z) (9-19) can be ill-behaved. Though the magni- is small, if the terms of the integrand inter- fere constructively, an integration over a large domain may give a significant contribution. (or infinite) On the other hand, if absorption dominates over scattering, then there is an exponential decay involved, and the Born series converges. we will discuss in chapter 11, the can be interpreted as the nth nth As term in the Born series order scattering. 123 Chapter 10 Brightness Temperature of a Half Space Random Medium with Non-Uniform Temperature Profile In this chapter, we use the radiative transfer approach to solve the problem of microwave thermal emission from a half space random medium with a laminar structure and non-uniform temperature profile. The randomness is in one dimension. Scattering phase functions are derived and are then substituted into the radiative transfer the absorption and scattering (RT) equations. the case that are constants coefficients dependent of space coordinates, the In RT in- equations can be solved exactly. We note that while the Born series approximation truncation) treats a finite order of scattering, with multiple scattering effects. RT (upon deals 124 10.1 Formulation We assume the half space random medium to have the same In addition, we allow characteristics as that in chapter 9. T(z) the medium to possess a nonuniform temperature profile A radiometer is sensing at an angle (Figure 10.1). the polarization and the observation angle lm 00. Let Iu and denote intensities for the upward and downward radiation inside the medium which make angle E" from The resultant brightness temperature is dependent on nadir. Id 60 << c ', lm terms of 6. The RT d and Since are related simply by G In what follows all results are expressed in Snell's law. from equation equations are, (8-4), I cos 6 = K - dz cos 6 the angles with nadir. 6 6 d e I e d u + K a a B B + K - Ks J s d u (10-1) (10-2) dz with f 2 I Id + 2 (10-3) 125 Figure 10-1 Geometry of the Problem of Thermal Radiation from a Half Space Random Medium z to radiometer 10 Region 0 C 0 ' 10 Region t Random medium t lm + 1 f (Z) 126 J f ~- I + - 2 subject to (10-4) I 2 the boundary condition (10-5) =rot Iu Idz Z wz = 0 where b 0 is the Fresnel reflectivity at the boundary which r ot depends on 6, e0, polarization, and the properties of the medium. In equations B lm K =- (10-1) and (10-2), (10-6) (z). - 0 is K the loss per unit length of intensity due to absorption K K e a = (10-7) 2 k" lm is the total extinction per unit length caused by absorption and scattering. K e =K a + K (10-8) s The scattering loss per unit length Ks and the scattering 127 phase functions Pf (forward phase function) and ward phase function) for following section. TE and TM Pb (back- are derived in the Scattering is caused by the randomly fluctuating part of the permittivity 1 f(Z) . 128 10.2 Scattering Phase Functions We imagine an incident wave with =A E e E. 1 0 0 (10-9) shining on a volume with fluctuating permittivity c + E (r) (10-10) k = wVP. Es The scattered electric field of incident field can be expressed in terms of total field E E. by the wave equa- tion V X V x Es() - k 2 Es (r) = w 2 .P f (r) E(r). (10-11) In terms of the dyadic Green's function we have Es(r) = - i f d 3 r' G(r, r') Inside the integrand in - f (r') E(r' (10-12) (10-12), we write, E(r') % E.(r'). Using far-field approximation, we obtain, (10-13) 129 e ES2 Es C) ks k ) (- = s - A *4 0 i(Ek f d 3 r' ikr e 4ir E s ) - r' - f(r') e (10-14) and k64 E < Er)2 2 sin2 16Tr2 62r d 3 r2 f d3 r 2 1 f s (f2)> r2 1 (10-15) where X is the angle between the incident polarization and the scattered direction <Ef (r 1 ) f*(r 2 )> Letting ks. = AE 2 b(r 1 - p = r1 - r 2 r2 ) A0 and (10-16) we find the bistatic scattering cross section per unit volume to be q(k, This result k = sin 2 X A f d 3 p b(p) e checks with that obtained by Gurvich et al42 (10-17) (1973) 130 A = 4ano2 (1961) when we identify and Tatarski70 To calculate scattering loss per unit length, we consider the case when b(p) (10-1 8) =e-IzI/k. x - Let the plane of incidence be the z (10-1 9) + z k cos 0 k = x k sin e s+ =x k sin 0s cos y k sin 6 + z k cos The scattering loss per unit length K = 27 IT d$ 0 sin $s (10-20) s K s is q (k, kS) f dQ = f We write plane. f s d 0 s sin sin2X k4 A s ^n 6(k sin 6 - k sin es cos $s) Within the range of 2k 2 1 + k (cos 6 - cos 6(k sin es sin $s). s) 2 Z 2 (10-21) integration, the Dirac delta functions give nonzero results at (1) $s = 0 and es = e which cor- 131 responds to forward scattering, and give rise to forward phase function Pf and (2) $s = 0 as = f - and 0 which corre- sponds to backward scattering and give rise to backward phase function This finding is Pb. essentially dictated by phase matching for the laminar structure The integral in [Kong,61 19751. (10-21) is evaluated by changing variables (10-22) u = k sin Gs cos $s - k sin 0 s v = k sin 0s sin which gives the Jacobian (10-23) 1/Ik 2 sin 6s cos s . Before we list the final answers for the scattering phase function, we make the following remarks. The assumption of Scattering contributions far field interaction has been made. to intensity at a point mainly arise from scattering that are far away. Scattering phase functions, thus, are well defined. The variance of the fluctuation proximation (10-13) is valid. A is small so that the ap- (This is contrast to the Rayleigh phase function in which a quasistatic approximation is made for the field inside the small particle.) We make the correspondence section and A with 6 k with of chapter 9. klm of the previous Because the randomness is in one dimension only, there are only forward phase function P and backward phase function Pb. From equation (10-21), we 132 observe that (1) TE For = K waves, k2 6k lm l s 2 case6 X = 7/2, 1 + and (10-24) 1 The first term is from forward scattering and the second term from backward scattering. The forward and backward phase Pf + Pb = 2. functions obey the relationship (2) For TM waves, we have for forward scattering, sin2X = cos and for backward scattering loss per unit length is s K k m 6 2lm e 2 cos 26. The scattering calculated to be cos 1 + 1 l 2 X = f/2 2 26 4k 2 m2 1 + (10-25) cos 2O lm) Again the first term is from forward scattering and the second term from backward scattering. In summary, (1) For K = s TE waves k2 6k lm cos 1 + 2k 2 £2 lm___ e 1 + 4k m _ 2 cos __ _ 2 0 _ cos26 (10-26a) 133 1 + 4k 2 m2 cos 2 e P lm Pf (10-26b) 1 + 2k2 2 lm Pb (2) For cos G 1 = (10-26c) 1 + 2k 2lm £2 cos 2 6 TM waves k m 6Z 1 + 4k m 2cos 2 cos 2 0 + cos2 20 (10-27a) 1+4k 2 k2 lm 2 2(1 + 4km lm P 1 + 4k 2 im p= b 2 £2 2 cos 2 0) (10-27b) cos 2 0 + cos 2 20 2 cos 2 20 l + 4k £2 cos 2 0 + cos 2 26 1m. (10-27c) 2 We notice that as frequency increases, from 1 to 2 while Pb decreases from proportional to frequency squared. Pf i However, increases to 0. Ks cannot be allowed to increase arbitrarily because the condition klm must hold in order that RT is valid. is K Ks «< 134 Solution of 10.3 Equations RT The task now is to solve equations (10-1), (10-2), and Once the upward intensity (10-5) for given medium properties. is obtained, the brightness temperature TB as measured by a radiometer is given by TB (1 ,x K (10-28) u - rot -lm z= 0 We assume a nonuniform temperature of the type T(z) = T found to be The solution is I (10-29) + Th eyz Td =p 6+B 0 eZ/C5 =P eaz/cos + B d 0 u a - a + K Ka + a2 + Ka yCOS 6 + a _ 2 ez/cos6 +B a Cos 2 Cos2 +a2 0 2 (10-30a) Bh e Ka. y cos 6 2 Cos2e z (10-3 Ob) where a = Ke (1f- 2) 1 - 2 P /2 + Pb I (10-31) 135 (a* + K) ) Pa (a (1- + K ( 2 rot + KY cos ( 6) - B o = K s' im Th lm r) at r ot (a2 _ KY COS B0 (10-32) B =K~'B2(10-33) B Bh = K - 2 COS 2 _ CL2 a - T /c X a (10-33) o 2 (10-34) , a and the scattering albedo (10-35) W = Ks K e. The brightness temperature is determined from (10-28) (10-30b) and T 2 Ka ( Ka a+ = B a {T - Ka) + a a + y cos T . J (10-36) can be interpreted as the effective extinctive rate of the medium. a rt rot a Since there is forward scattering, therefore is always less than K . We now examine several special cases. 136 (a) For medium with uniform temperature distribution and no T B = Ks = Th = 0, scattering, (1 - r 0, and a = K Thus . ot ) T . The emissivity is (10-37) (1-7 1 - rot. seen to be given by This result also agrees with that obtained by reciprocity arguments. (b) For medium with no scattering, Ks = 0, the result is (1 B r t) (T 0 + o o K K T a h. + Y Cos 6 T = It is interesting to note that (10-36) also reduces to which occurs at high frequency. Pb = 0 (10-38) when (10-38) In our model, the overall scattering effect on the brightness temperature is zero when there is no backward scattering. when (c) Pf = 2, a = Also, Ka' For medium with scattering and uniform temperature dis- Th = 0, tribution, 2K = T B and we find (1 - rt) a ( +K) a - r ot ot (a T . (10-39) - K ) a Numerical results are presented in Figures (10.2) and (10.3) 137 Figure 10-2 Brightness Temperature for Shelf Glacier and Compared with that Obtained by Gurvich et al (broken line) Gurvich et al's Notations Shelf Glacier F-im n. = 2.5 x 10~4 =1. 8 E, lm = 6.7 x 10 - FLm ss Temperature Br 6 = .002 9 = 2 mm. z = 2 mm. P= 2.7 7 8 = 2580K Ta 260 42 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 _ - 160 150 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Wavelength in cm. 9 10 138 Figure 10-3 Brightness Temperature for Continental Glacier and compared with that obtained (broken line) by Gurvich et al Gurvich et al 4 2 Continental Glacier 'm = Brightness Temperature 0i Notations 1.8 E, lm = 5.4 x 6 = .0006 k = .6 mm. 10 4Ec n.1 =2 x 10~ 4 zO = P = 1 .6 mm. = 233 0K 250 240 230 220 210 200 190 180 170 160 I 150 0 1 1 2 11 1 1 1 3 4 5 6 Wavelength in w 7 cm. 8 9 10 139 (solid lines) and compared with that obtained by Gurvich et al42 [19731 (broken lines). [Figure 10.2], with our model. We see that for the Shelf glacier higher brightness temperatures are predicted This is because their results are applicable to low scattering cases while the scattering albedo for the Shelf glacier is rather high. glacier [Figure 10.3] In the case of continental where the scattering albedo is quite small, both models agree quite well. (d) In the case of uniform temperature distribution and small scattering albedo, we expand to first order in o by noting that (1 K U %e t Pf /2) and Ka Ka K e (1-) The result is casted in a form to compare with that obtained by Gurvich et al42 [1973]. (1 - r T = B ) (1-r ot 1 ) ot 8k" lm 2 lm 6k cos e (1 + 4k 2 k2 cos2O) T lm (10-40) 140 This expression differed from their result in which there is a cos Go in the numerator instead of a nominator as shown in (10-40). 6 = 60 = 0, (9-26) from Born approximation. (10-4), we plot the brightness temperature for = 222 + 81 e0.51z T(z) In the case of observation (10-40) is identical to Gurvich et al's42 results as well as In Figure in the de- (10-40) can be confirmed by using the Born approximation.71 at nadir, cos 6 by using equation - 88 e0.66z (10-36). We observe that the brightness temperatures in Figures (10-2), (10-3) and 2k lm (10-4) have a minimum at = 1. The overall scattering effect on the brightness temperature is the product Ks Pb. we observe that Ks related to (10-27), with frequency while Pb From equation (10-26) and is monotonically increasing is monotonically decreasing with frequency. Numerical results are given in Figure TE and TM (10-5) to compare waves as a function of radiometer viewing angle 0 . 0 In the case of non-constant absorption and/or scattering coefficients, the differential equations of RT can be cast in the form of integral equations which can be solved by an iterative approach. 71 141 Figure 10-4 Brightness Temperature as a function of frequency Brightness Temperature im = 1.8c0 Fm = Q = 2 mm. .00054c0 230 220 6 = .0001 6 = .0005 6 .001 210 . 200 = _ 190 180 - 170 10 20 Frequency 30 in 40 GHz 50 142 Figure 10-5 Brightness Temperature as a function of Viewing angles for TE and TM waves T(z) = 222 + 34 e0.81z Frequency = 20 GHz Brightness Temperature e ' lm = 1.8t. Elm = .00054t lm 240 6 = 0 220 TM 200 TE 6=.002 180 6=0 160 TE 6=.002 140 120 100 80 60 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Observation angle in degrees 80 90 2 mm. 143 Chapter 11 Emissivity of a Two Layer Random Medium--MRT Approach In this chapter, we will study the emissivity of a two layer random medium by employing a wave approach. In a two layer medium, there is significant coherent effect between waves going in the upward and downward direction. A RT approach is inadequate. The Born series approxima- tion, as pointed out in chapter 9, works only for cases of low scattering albedo. 144 11.1 Introduction The problem of random medium has been treated in the past with the renormalization method 5 5 - 5 6 which deals directly with field quantities. It gives rise to the Dyson equation for the mean field and the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the covariance of the field. 5 5 - 5 6 In solving these equations, the bilocal approximation is usually applied to the Dyson equation which is then solved by mathematical techniques such as the A Fourier transform method. the Bethe-Salpeter of iteration. ladder approximation is made on equation which is then solved by the method In the case of multiple wave scattering, the method of iteration involves solving many integrals and leads to complicated results after one or two iterations. the assumption of far field Under interaction and incoherence among waves in different directions for unbounded medium, radiative transfer equations have been derived from Bethe-Salpeter equa- .72-77 tion to study multiple scattering. In the past, attention has largely been restricted to cases of unbounded medium. Rosenbaum studied the coherent wave motion (i.e. the mean field) in the case of a half space laminar random medium by using the bilocal approximation to Dysn's78 Dyson's equation. Stogryn, 45 by employing dyadic Green's function, generalized Rosenbaum's approach to treat three dimensional variations. He also iterate the Bethe-Salpeter 145 equation once (which corresponds to single scattering of the mean field) to obtain the coefficients. scattering static scattered intensity and the bi- In this chapter, we investigate the scattering of waves by a slab random medium with a laminar structure (randomness in one dimension only) and bounded by different dielectrics on both sides (i.e. same model as chapter that the nonlinear approximation, 9). It is found 57-58 instead of the more popular bilocal approximation, should be used in the Dyson's equation for the case of bounded medium. tions yield identical results for variable expansion technique 79-80 The two approxima- the unbounded case. A two is applied to obtain the mean Green's function, which'is then substituted into the Bethe-Salpeter equation to derive a transfer (MRT) equations. set of modified radiative They are modified because in our derivation we include correlation effects between waves in different directions which are important in the case of bounded medium. The MRT two layer random medium. equations are then solved for a Conservation of energy is shown to be preserved under the nonlinear approximation and the results for the case of small scattering albedo agree with that obtained from the Born series approximation. give rise to simple analytic solutions. The MRT equations 146 11.2 Renormalization Method--Dyson's Equation and BetheSalpeter Equation (9-17), If we iterate equation E (0) = E 0 (0) + Go 1 f (1) E (01) + Go (01) f (1) G' + Go (01) f (1) Go we obtain the series (1) (12) f (2) E 1 0 (2) (12) f (2) Go (23) f (3) E 1 03) (11-1) Using the notation of Feymann's diagram,55-56 representing G0 by f by E 0 by we rewrite equation E + ......-. (11-1) as + 1+ S + ... . 0 S S~- (11-2) 147 f(z) is assumed to be a gaussian random process with correlation function given by average of (11-2) + Em 1M Taking the ensemble (9-20). + * = 4 + (11-3) +6ee denotes the two point correlation between two where f's. To give an example, the last figure in equation is equivalent G0 (01) Go (11-3) to (12) Go (23) Go (34) E 0(4) B (13) B (24) . The fields in each region are separated into two parts; one part is the mean field, the other accounts for fluctuation. E = Em + with <E> = E (11-4) and <6> = 0. The field intensity is 148 <EE*> = E 12 + <C(*>. (11-5) We next list the following definitions: (i) A diagram without terminals is a diagram which has been stripped of its (ii) external solid lines. e.g. A diagram without terminals is strongly connected if it cannot be cut into two or more diagrams without cutting (Th any e.g. lines. connected: the following diagrams are strongly (" The following diagrams are weakly connected:_ (iii) The mass operator denoted by M or the symbol * is the sum of all possibly strongly connected diagrams. + Equation operator. ... (11-3) can be resummed by making use of the mass (11-6) 149 + Elm + -~ p + 0 0 we obtain the Dyson's equation, Therefore, Elm =+ - (11-7) Elm Or, 0 (d2 dZ where 2 + k') E 1 m(Z) -d dz 1 Q(z, z 1 ) Elm (z) (11-8) -d Q (z, z1 ) the mean Green's is the mass operator. function G 1 1 m(z, z 1 ), Writing in terms of the Dyson's equation becomes 0 + k ) dz 1 Q(z, z 1 ) G 1 1 m(Z1 , z') G 1 1 m (z, -d + 6(z - z'). (ll-9) 150 Following the same procedure as outlined for Dyson's equation, we obtain the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the covariance of the field by resummation, <E 1 (z) E 1 *(z')> = + + + + . 0 .a(11-10) By defining the intensity operator as the sum of all strongly connected operators, + + . . + . the Bethe-Salpeter equation takes the following form: (11-11) 151 0 < <(z) &*(z')> = 1 f 0 -d G* I(z 1 , z2 ' dz 2 -d (z', [Elm(z where 0 f dz 1 2 z 0 ') z 2 ') dz2' dz ' f -d 1 -d I(z 1 , z 2 ' z ) EIm(z 2 ') z 1 ', f + < 6'(z Gllm(z, imZ 2 z ) 1 ', z 2 1 ) 2 2*(z)> 1 (11-12) is the intensity operator. (11-12) involves the mean Since the integrand in equation Green's function, thus the Dyson equation must be solved before one can solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Both the Dyson equation and the Bethe-Salpeter equation are exact equations. However, the mass operator and the intensity operator are in the form of infinite series. We notice that the weakly connected terms are more secular than strongly connected terms. Thus the most popular approxi- mation to the Dyson equation is the bolocal approximation which of replacing consists ~ the mass operator by its first --- term, (11-13) Another approximation for the Dyson's equation is the nonlinear approximation in Q(z, z) Qn(z, z1 ) which, = Gll(z, z ) B (z, z1 ). (11-14) 152 The usual approximation to the Bethe-Salpeter equation is the ladder I(z 1 , z 2 ; approximation, z1 ', z 2 ') y B (z 1 , z') 6(z - z2 ) 6(z' -2 (11-15) In this chapter, we will use the nonlinear approximation and the ladder approximation to derive the MRT equations. These two approximations are energetically consistent for bounded medium (Section 11.6). 153 Mean Green's Function and Mean Field 11.3 Before proceeding to the solutions, we define some parameters. real Let k lm = k' + i lm k" lm with k' im and k" lm both (we use prime and double prime to denote the real and imaginary parts of a quantity respectively). wave number Ka and the absorption length The absorption Za are defined to be K = a ka = The 2k" lm (11-16) 2ff/K a (11-17) scattering wave number Ks and the scattering length Zs are defined to be K = 6k k'2 lm (11-18) = 2 (11-19) s zs where k 7T/Ks is the correlation length of the fluctuation of the random permittivity. taken to be Aim = 2/k The wavelength inside medium 1 is . Our basic assumptions (which actually are quite natural 154 assumptions for the purpose of (1) K a' Ks << k . subsurface For subsurface sensing) are: probing by waves, must be much larger than the rate of absorption the rate of scattering (2) >> Ka' Ks. 1/k Ks k' Ka and in the medium. Absorption and scattering should not completely distort the wave within one correlation length of the fluctuation. d >> Xalm* (3) The slab must contain many wavelengths so that the fast varying part of the wave can average out and a modified radiative transfer approach is adequate. (4) There must be enough statistical d>> Y. samples in the slab. The Dyson equation under the nonlinear approximation is 0 d dz 2 + k2 Gl(z, z') In equation dz 6k 4 Gllm(z, z 1 ) ' -d I e-|z - z Gl1 m(z 1 ,z) + 6(z - z'). (11-20) (11-20), we have used the exponential correlation function of chapter 9. to = (Our approach can easily be generalized include other correlation functions.) This equation can be 155 solved by using the two variable expansion procedures. define C long distance = 6z 1 . d2 dz = 6z From 92 = 2 3z = 6z, scales 32 + 26 2 = C' 6z', We and it follows that + 62292 -z35 (11-21) 352 The mean Green's function is expanded in perturbation series ; z',, GllM~z ( = G llmo (z, C') + 6 Gl l m l(z, Substituting (11-21) and on balancing terms to k2 + k2 C; z', C; z', (11-22) into z', C') ... (11-22) . (11-20), zeroth order in Gllmo(z,r; + E') C') we find that 6, = 6(z - z') (11-23) Bz2 and to first order in 2 + k 2 Gllm (z, 6 ; z', ') = -2 2 Gll (z, ; z', , ') 156 0 dz 1 G 1 1mo(z, + km z1 ) e G llmo(z , -m d z'). (11-24) The solution to (11-24) is written as Gllmo (z, C') z for C; z', > z' = [A(C) e-iklm zI [U(C') eik lmz' + W(') e- ikm zI [A(E') eiklm (ll-25a) and = E') z', Glmo(z, C; [U(C) z < z'. for + B(E) e ikm In + B(E') eklmZI I (ll-25b) eiklmz + W(C) e-iklmz (11-25) note the symmetry property of the Green's function. Following the two variable expansion procedure, we substitute (11-25) in observe that A( (11-24) and eliminate secular terms. ), B( 1 ), U( 1 ) in the integrand are varying on the They vary much more slowly than 1 at z = z and decays on the and ka W( and 1 ) ks exp(-|z - zjI /Z) Z scale. We as variables scale. which is These terms can 157 be taken out of the integral sign and substituted with their values at = (. We find that in order to eliminate the secular terms, the following equations must be satisfied: dA(C) + g A( ) B(C) U(C) d 2 + i3k 1 m,k l1 + i2k lmZ (1 + A(E) dB() - g B(E) A () W(C) W() ik1m 1 (1 - i2klmZ 2 - \1 - dL + B( ) U(E) l ik 0 (11-26) 0 (11-27) i3klm Z) i2klmZ/ l + ik 1 + i2k lmz dUI(E) + gU( ) B( ) U( ) d dC / (1 + i2k + A( ) W(C) dW(E) l + iklm - g W(C) A(C) W(E) 91 (2 - i3k lm0 2m-1 1 - i2k lmZ 1 - iklm l - i2k lm ) /Z (11-28) 158 + B(C) U() 2 + i3k= 1 + i2kl (11-29) 0 -k where Combining (11-30) . g = ik with (11-29), (11-26) and (11-27) with (11-28), we obtain W(c) dA(C) d + A(C) B(C) dU(() dE + U( (11-31a) dW(C) =0 dE and ) dB(C) = dC (11-31b) 0. Thus where A(5) W() =L B(E) U() = L and Substituting (11-32a) (11-32b) 2 L2 are constants independent of (11-32) in (11-26) to C. (11-29), we can solve for 159 U( B() A~g), A(g) C = g (N L2 U(g) = 1 + N2 -g(N 1 (11-33) (11-34) + N2 (11-35) e -- W(C). -g ( M2 + M 1 ) e C2 e B and ), r C2 L g (M2 + M1) e+ Cl W(E) (11-36) where m 1 - L (1 - M2 = L2 N2 =L 2 (11-37) 2iklmZ) (< 2 + i3k lm Z (11-38) 1 + i2kl m 2 IN L ik lm k - i3k lm) (1 - i2k lm 91 1 + ik lz lm~ £ 1 + i2km (11-39) (11-40) 160 Substituting in (11-25) yields G llmo(z, z') + M1 )6z -g(M2 = {C e g(N + N2)6z e ik MZ -iklmz ik mz' + N 2 )6z' -g(N {L2e L1 + - e -ik g(M 2 + Ml) 6z' mz' e }m (11-41a) C for z > z' and + M 1 )6z' -g(M2 G llmo(z, z') ik lmz' e ={C e -iklmz g(NI + N 2 )6z' + e } e -g(N 1 + N 2)6z ikmz {L2e g(M L 2 + Ml)6z -iklmz } +e (11-41b) C for z < z', where C = C 1 /C be determined together with 2 L in (11-41) is a constant to and L2 by the boundary con- ditions. The Green's functions in (11-41) are continuous at 161 z = - z '4 By (11-20) we must also have [dGllmo/dz] z = z L - L2 = ' = 1 which gives (11-42) 1/i2klm We next match the continuity z = 0 and at [dGllmo/dz]z = z + z = -d. of At z = G llmo 0, and dG llmo/dz at we have (11-43) C = 1/R10 where R10 z = -d is the reflection coefficient z = 0. At we have C L2 g[N + N2 + M + M e where at ] 6d. 1 R12 i2kM d im e is the reflection coefficient at k R10 2 k lm k k (11-44) z = -d. - k 0 + k k2 kl1M + k 2 R 01 (11-45a) (11-45b) 162 We define 11 1)2 From i' + T 2' + - 2"1 K - = (1 k - k2 =-j T S + n = +R view of (11-46b) (11-47) 2 3 - In + M2)). 6 Z(M 1 (l1 -4 6a) (11-44), we find (11-42) and -n1 6k (Nj + N 2 ) ) T1 " = klm(1 - k2 i 2k - 1 0R 1 2 (11-41), kl 6m L - i4k lm i2k 1 MZ (3 + i4k mk'\ i ( 1 e \i + i2k 1 I) (11-42) and 1 R 1 0 12 e (11-4 8) (11-4 9) i - 2)d (11-44) , therefore 1 i2k 1 m(1 + + n 2 )d ) Thus the zeroth order mean Green's function as determined from (11-41) reads 163 Gllmo (z, z ') = L 1 (e + ( (n T2 2+ R 10e-1z) )d + in -in 2z ' z (ll-50a) (R1 2 e for z > z' and Gl (z, z') (R1 e = L 1 (e i( for 2 z < z'. 1+ From 2z' n 2 )d + in 11z and (11-47) tive propagation constants conditions as well as z' + R10 e-in -in +e (11-48) and 1 q2 the properties 2z ) (11-5Ob) we see that the effec- depend on the boundary of the media. Under the nonlinear approximation, the mean field satisfies the equation, dd/ dz 0 + k2 2 1lm; Elm (z) Mi = 6k4 It can easily be shown from = 2ik G lM(0, dz GllM(z, z ) -d e E lm(z) f -Iz - ZlI/k E M (z (11-20) and z) .( ). (11-51) (11-51) that (ll-52) 164 Hence, (l1-50a), using Elmo (z) = i2klm 1 + R12 eiI For the L + 1 2 space case as half (11-53) )d + i 1 z). d -* L2 1 - 2 (e X01 then o, 0, 2ik1 'n = kl + idt k 2 lm 2 k2 lm i6. n kim + lim 2 _ -1 K - 2ik iRz lm- I 2 k I~ im - 3ik lm k 2 iklmA - - in Gl (z,z') = 2ik 1 - (e + R10 z e-in 2 z' e + for z > z' for z < z' 2z' (e + R10e 2ik1 165 This answer 78 is different from that given by Rosenbaum who applied the bilocal approximation. and n2 In his results, n are the same and are both given by the above ex- pression for 12' For the case of unbounded medium, G llmo (z, =e z')z') 1 2ikl el2Iz 1 - R1 0 = 0, and z'| 1 .T This answer is identical to that yielded by the bilocal approximation. 7 8,81 166 Derivation of 11.4 from Bethe-Salpeter Equation MRT MRT We now proceed to derive Under the ladder approximation Bethe-Salpeter equation. (equation (11-15)), equations from the (11-12) becomes <6 (z) 6 *(z')> 0 0 = 6km f f dz -d (Z"-1Z G* G z2 Gllm(z, z1 ) Gilm(z', {El(z ) E + < 6(z (z 2 ) dz -d 1 2 1 - e <e (z1 ) part The fluctuating § 1 *(z 2 )> of the field (11-54) ) &1 *(z 2 )>}. Note that in the right hand side of equation only need to know z2 1/k (11-54), we |z for is - written z2 | = as a O(A). sum- mation of upward and downward propagating waves, e (z) 1lu = (z) e ikimz + 1d (z) (11-55) e -ikim We then have <e (z) 1 61U*(z')> = Ju(z, z') e ikjlm(z - z') 167 -ik{m(z + Jd(z, +Jc C2 z') z') - e +Jc e (z, z') -ikim(z (z, z') e ikjm(z + z') i + z') (11-56) where (Z, J Jd(z, Jc z') = <d z') = < l(z)* 61d (Z z') = < (z, Jc(z, z') = C2 (z'> (11-57a) d (z')> (11-57b) (Z) $ lu <e-lid (z)cc*d(z'> 1d (11-57c) * (11-57d) z) l (z')> The case to be dealt here is different from that of unbounded medium because there are correlations between the upward and downward going waves. J and l J These correlations are denoted by 2 We wish to derive radiative transfer equations that govern the behavior of intensities I u(Z) = Id(Z) = u(z, z) Jd(z, z) (11-58) (11-59) 168 I (z) = J C c (z, z) = J* (z, c2 The derivation of MRT is z). (11-60) long and complicated. We first list the observations on the Bethe-Salpeter equations as expressed in 1. (11-54). The quantities of interest are Ic (z). I (z), Id (z) Thus, in view of the statement beneath equation (11-54), we conclude that we only need to ) <6(z and when '*(z')> Iz - z'| = O(k solve for Xlm) or in both the left hand side and right hand side of equation (11-54). 2. We foresee that d' u' Ic d' c and are varying with the rate of the order of Ka and and thus are varying much more slowly than k' or J Ks Iu' 1/9. 3. Iu' In view of 2, the quantities be close to the boundary on the and yet can be far (This fact is away on the very important later boundary conditions for I and and Id 1/K a' or Xlm 1Ks Z Ic can scale scale. on when we match Id' 169 Next, we outline the steps in the derivation of MRT. 1. Substitute dz 2 (11-56) into The integral over (11-54). can be easily evaluated because of observation 2 above. 2. The integration over can be approximated dz following argument. Since d >> Xlm' by the therefore only constructive interference terms contribute when the integration over is carried out over many wave- dz 1 lengths. 3. (11-54) can The left and right hand sides of equation be balanced by their phase factor dependence on z and z'. Integral equations are then set up with Jc and J on the left hand sides of the integral equations. c 2 4. By setting z' -+ z, solely in terms of 5. the integral equations are then I u, Id and Ic' Finally, the integral equations for are converted Consider the wavelength scale which is much less Id and Ic equations. into differential separation of Iu' z and than z' ka to be on the and Z scale, 170 |z « z'I '" O(x)lm - lz' |z + d|, are far + d|, away from the two boundaries on the wavelength scale However, and the correlation length scale. can be close to the boundary on the z' so are z' and z namely both d >> Xlm' Iz'l, |z|, Consider also that s. ka' J , we consider J J and (11-54) for z' On substituting s ka' and scale, and Without loss of generality z > z', and then let phase factors . J z both balance terms by their z. + (11-50) into (step 1) we find (11-54) that, < 1 (z) -R 1 = {e *(z')> n 2z 2 z + irl *z' l 01 -i(TI * + - in - 2 -iriiz *z' z - -mir R0e .12 *)d + in + ir *z' +r01e 2 z - in 1 in2*z } 1 1 z, z') *z 12 z + ir 2*z' - Rl01-in - R0R12 e-i + {R01 i hri (T1 * + n2*)d iT12 z + ir 2*z' - + q 2 ) d + in1 z in 1 z - ir 1*z I - } 1 2 (Z' z') 2z + ir *z' ~ ~i0 ir12*z ' 01 171 -i1 1 2 z ill 2 *z' - e R*1R 01 12 + q 2 )d + inlz + ifl*z i(r)l + -(1 K } 3 (z, z') z - inI *z' 2)d + in + {rl2 e -in 2z + R*12 e z jfl*2 + R e 12 + n2*)d - il2z -i(fl* + - 2 )d + ir 1 z + i ( i1 2 *z' + ii - ir1 *z' (11-61) z ') (z, } I1 where 2 6 k = D1 z') [E -da * + -i (r [R* 2 fd 2 4| zI z T'2 *) e (z1 ) E* (z dz 1 2 ) f -d 2 [R 1 2 2 )d + iI +e e d - i-n 1* z2 + <e (z + i(r I dz z 1- I exp (11-6 2a) ) 6' *(z2)>] lm 6 k 12 (z, fd z') 4D 12 (ei (R 1 2 e dz 1 -d + n 2 )d -i1 0 z f dz z' + il z 2 +e (e 12z 1 2 z2 1 *z 2 ill1*z R z1 ) exp 2 Z21 172 [Elm(z ) E mz 2 6 k2 3 z z') = 0 2 -i(a z * + n2*)d E m(z 2 ) = 41D1 (e -1n2 * [E l(z)E* - (e 2 in integrands in (z1 , z 2 ), + <d 0 -R 01 *z2 - R 2*z2 *(z -2 ( )ex z )>] dz (e 2 - z2 (11-62c) - R01 z (z2 ) + <f (z (11-53) and since J c2(z 1 , z 2 ) scale, we replace them by respectively. z2 1 -z 1 )l*Z2 exp e (11-62), and T1 1 Z 1 0 z 1 E (z ) dz mf 2 We now substitute ) dz -d z 6 k2 I 4 (z, z') (11-62b) 6 * (z2) >] + e [Em (z) Ic*(z ) e (R1 2 Jc (z dz 1 f m f 41 D + <f (11-62d) *(z2)>. z 1 ) (11-56) into J (z , z2 ' (11-62). d(z , In the z2)' k are slowly varying on the Iu(z 1) Id(z ), Ic(z ) Because of the range of z and and z', most of the contributions of the integrals in (11-62) come from terms of constructive interference (step 2). We conclude 173 then that z') 12 (z , z ' ) and and I3 z, z') are small compared with 1 4 (z, z'). Balancing terms on both sides of equation (11-61) by their respective phases (step 3) , we arrive at the following equations ik{ J (z, z') (z - e ik'l - + rl2 (z - I1 + z') Sd (z , z') ie + iT n 2 )d (z - -ik{ phase factor z') e phase factor 1 2z z - in2*z' z') - in *z' 14 (z, (ll-63a) z') z') e e-ik m(z - -inIz + in *z z') = r01 Il (z, z') -i1n2 z + irn2*z' 14 (z, phase factor eik (z + z') z') (ll-63b) 174 (z ik z') S(z, c1 + z') R* =- e + ir :11111 + n 2 )d 1 e ir2z + irl1*z -ikl (z + z') e -ik{ (z + z') =--Rl e -i(1* + n2 )d i1*z - z' + z in equation - (K = 1 1 (z, z) r0 1 e i2k' z') 2z - (11-63d) 4 (z, z') . (z) = e Id(z) 1 (z, e Setting I ir12*z ' -ir1 z - z') e + R*12 (11-63c) 14 (z, z') phase factor Jc C2 (z, z') z + ir12*z + R12 (z, I I (z, z + 2 + K2)d (step 4) - K1 z I gives (z z) (11-64) (11-65) (z, z) I 42z + n *)z I 01 1 1 e 2 z) + e i (r12 Ic (z) e + R1ei(I + r1 (11-63) )d + i(q 1 (z, z) + n2*)z I4 (z z) (11-66) 175 where = 1 2r K 2= s 1 2 2 |D1 K K D + K "j = K + - a - 2a + sk2lm 2 D i D 1 D = 1 -r0l + 0 1 12 6 k -(z 4 gf rl 2 (1 + 4k2 2) (3 + 8k2 2 ) (11-67b) (1 + 4k 2 2 (11-68a) dz e (11-67a) 2 )d K2 )d + 1 (11-68b) -d 2 X1 1 |D12 - + + gf r12 d(z +Kd -i 1 -2(K + K2 )d 1 2 2 + u (z ) e-K Ic (z ) e R* f12 2 - [9b rl2 2K2 + (KK 21 )d + gb rl2 + g 2) lm z 4 1D 1 + 2 + 8k2 r1 2 e D = + 2 (3 e - (K Z) D K K 2 K - Z + gb d (z ) e + gK u z ez + q2*)d + i(2k' - TI - 2)z 2K 1 z 1 (PTL-TT)= zz { (0OL-TTV T T .I a (T Z) I TO~ ;f, *U+ - T z(* ZLt - LI) T UIT Ll q_ a (( TZ)P G + *T U)T- + T >1) z (Z G T T 11TO * * (Tz) + (Tz) n, + 1 p(U+ p( T LI) T - TI T + TN) - p (ZN q5] T O _I + ;aZT 11T011 J f T:1TO : + T) I111t zI TOxIJI fz -Z I9c 0 (69-TT) T Z) T (WT 9LT - ZU+ +5 + T 1) z Tz(ZN + TA) ) (Tz)n I q.6) + Tb + a OJ qB + DI TO~ 11J a Z a ((Z)P P(* L = T U)T + P( ZU + T U)T Tu-. (Z i Z) :vI 177 29., g_ and r01 = express (11-71b) 1 + 4k2m - 1R0 r1 , = 2 in terms of I i(2km 2 11 2 -2 |R1 2 1 2 . From I Id' l*)z - and U { ce 1 R R1 2 + R* 01 r 01 (z) e r12 (Z) I12z ie ( + 12 In view of (n + T 2 )d + K2z K~z 2 (K 1 + K 2 )d - K1 z e e + T 2 )d - (11-64), (11-65), r 0 1 1u(0) (-d) e K 1z} d Id I (z) 0 01 D - I (11-66), we can = r 1 2 Id(-d). (11-7 2) (11-69) and (11-70) (11-73a) (11-73b) These are the boundary conditions satisfied by the intensities 178 I Uand 65) in differential form dI -- I K (step 5) , we obtain, I (p Pf+ 5 K dz K I ed -(K erl21-4 2 - s 2 (Pf Id + pb Iu + K 2 )d K z 1 + 1 + - e + / (Ks X0 1 +D 2L s b e + d) + pb 2 +K (11- K2z K -- + dz dId (11-64) and Writing the integral equations Id* K2 )d 2 x01 - r1 ID12 k pf Pf K1 z (11-74) K pb sb 2 2 K2 z (11-75) 2 where K k (1 + 2k 2 im = S 1 + 4k 1D+ 2 ) (11-76) 2Z2 D. = K K K e = =K K a 2 k + K (11-77) S S (11-78) 179 p 1 + 4k 2 - 2 klm = 2 k2 1 + 2k (ll-79a) = (11-79b) lm p 1 1 + 2k lm 2 (11-75) together with the boundary con- (11-74) and Equations ditions in (11-73) are the modified radiative transfer equa- tions derived from the Bethe-Salpeter equation under the ladder approximation. In the case of a half-space random medium, we let d + co and the modified radiative transfer equations reduce to kp k dI u = - K I Iu + pb d) + s 2 2 dz d (p + (Pf Id + Pb e Id dz u _ s K Z 0112 e e x0 1 12 e e 2 2 We remark that if we use bilocal quantities in the derivation, the MRT equations so obtained lack symmetry and do not conserve energy even for the half space case. The principle of energy conservation is preserved with the use of the nonlinear approximation (Section 11.6). 180 MRT Solution to 11.5 Equations The modified radiative transfer equations (11-74) and (11-75) are simply two simultaneous first order differential equations with constant coefficients. They are readily solved and written in the following form: d d 01 12 (P ez I 01 ( e-a (z + Q f f2 + 2d) z + Q e-a(z + 2d) (ll-80a) 2z) r -K z - (K + K 2 )d ID (ll-80b) where (1 (1 - f 2 r 0 1 ) (1 - - f2 r 1 2) f2 rl2)D - (f2 - r 0 1 ) (f2 - r 1 2 e- (ll-81a) Q=-P 2 1 -f - r2 2 r1 2 (ll-81b) 181 a- K f Ka + a C5 2 P r%1/ 2 (-W) cK W = Ks Ke and (11-82) a f2 that (11-83) 2 is the albedo. of the two layer medium, e To calculate emissivity we note pb 1/2 + by reciprocity (11-84) e = 1 - r where r is the reflectivity. The field in region 0 can be written as -ik E 0 z 0 =e ik + Fe The reflectivity is <E E *> By and (11-53) and r z 08 <PI*>. = |Eom (0) 12 (11-85) = lElm(0) We observe that 2 at <E E *> = the boundary z = 0. (11-85), we have iRr+R R01 + R12 n2) (11-86) D 182 <E E *> 0 By (11-56) <E 1 E = 1 + <r> + <1*> + 12 + JElm(Q) = <L = 1 + <F> + <r*> + I<r>| = 1 + <F> + <F*> + |<r>| 2 and I<r>| = <rP*> = R0 1 + R12 e 2 2 + Iu 0)|X ih1 + -2)d { (1 - + (1 - f 2 ~r r 0 1 ) (1 (11-88) )X 1 0 12 2 2 t 2 01 -r(K 1d 2 - - 1 2 )( 2 - 1 1 + r 0 1) + K2 ) 2 - r12 K 2 )d -2ad -2ad 2 12) - + Ic*(0) 1 01 -(K (f 0 Iu + Ic(0) ID1 2 f2 r12 f2 r 0 1 ) (1 + Id(0) + Iu(0) + - 0 = we obtain (11-88) D 12 (1 z 11 0 (11-87) (11-87) <Fr*>. and (11-66) , we have (11-64) , z= Equating r 0 f2 r 1 2) (11-89) - f2 - r 01)( 2 - r 1 2 )e- 2a d 183 where t01 = 1 - -90) 01 We now consider 1. A several cases: special half space random medium. We let d + oo, and (11-89) becomes t2 r = r01 + 2 1(11 1 -r This is the 2. and RT identical f2 to that in equation (10-39) as yielded by approach. Small albedo. a 01 -91) K (1 - w We let p f/ 2 ). + 0, Equation -2K e 2 4K d e e)( -2K + 8 (p /pb )Ke (11-89) becomes t2 k p + 01 s b 1D1 4 |D12 + r2 p b f 2 1 R0 1 + R12 e { (1 which yields r 1 2 de -2K d e d e }1.2 (11-92) 184 It can be shown that easily this identical is yielded by the Born series approximation. to (9-27) as It is useful to note that the result obtained by the Born approximation is valid when k d >> 1 Ka s and Xlm' and the k « result is valid when MRT ka' ks. Thus the two results complement each other and they agree within their common domains of validity. 3. The second layer is perfect conductor. and r r1 2 = 1. Equation i(h1 + n2) i(1 + -2 (11-89) R 12= We have - becomes 2 = t2 t01 + (1 f d e R -(K + K2 )d 2 + -e (1 - - f 2 r 0 1 + (f2 - r 0 1 ) e-2ad fe l- 1 + K 2 )d i 01 -2ad + T)2 )d I- ROl e (11-93) It is interesting to note that as f2 + 1 and from (11-93) r + 1. W + 1, we have a -+ 0, Thus all the incident power 185 is reflected. In Figure 11.1, we illustrate the emissivity for a slab medium with 6 = 0.1 and 0.2. We see that scattering dam- pens the interference pattern and decreases emissivity in general. The existence of the interference patterns depends on the location of the subsurface and the extinction loss of the random medium. Figure 11.1 00 Emissivity of Two Layer Random Medium Emissivity 1.0 k = 2 mm 20 cm IEm = 3.2(1 + iO.05) 0 E2 = 81 E0 .9 4op.00 0.1 4000 do dop 400 am do .00 000 .8 6 = 0.2 .7 .6 .5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Frequency in 9 10 GHz 20 30 40 50 187 11.6 Conservation of Energy Because the fluctuating part of the permittivity is real, we can obtain from equation (9-5) the energy conserva- tion relationship E * dz 2 E - E 1 1 dz2 E * + 2i(k 2 1 )"|E 1 lm 2 = 0. (11-94) We use superscript double prime to denote imaginary part of a quantity. Taking the ensemble average of E* d2 lm dz 2 + lim Z'+Z + lm -E lm dz 2 d2 <e(Z) < dz 2i (k2) E* lm *(z')> - 2 + < (z) Taking the integration of d2 dz 2 | 2 >} = 2 "{ IEl 1 (11-94), we have y1 < * (Z) (z')> (11-95) 0. over region 1, we define y2 0 -d dz y = 0. (11-96) 188 y1 Note that and are defined for the purpose of y2 testing energy conservation. For energy conservation to the zeroth order, both and of y2 must be of order 0(6) does not imply integration of y1 We remark that 0(6). is of y2 from z = for a half-space medium, may yield a y2. of being the 0 (6). For instance, 0, which is the case to -o y1 y significant value for Thus there should be no constructive interference terms 0(6) in y antee that From E This condition then is sufficient to guar- is of 2 d 2 L E 0(6). we obtain (11-51), m dz 2 + 2i y1 . d llm dz lm 2 2 2 E 1M = -2i(k lm )1"|Elm 0" Gll(z, z ) B -d (z, z1 ) E 1m (z) E m l (z) dzl. (11-97) In view of d <6(z) lim z-*z' dz 2 (11-20) 6*(z')> and (11-54) (z) (z')> 189 = - 0 0 dz l(Z) |2> + 2i 2i(k m Gllm(z, 1 z 1 ) B f(z, z1 ) l-d i ) + <e (z) el*(z [El(z) E*m(z) 0 + 2i / dz Gll (z, z ) B (z, z ) (z ) (z)> -d (11-98) Substituting (11-97) into Thus energy is (11-98), we find that y1 = 0(62). conserved to the required order. If we had used the bilocal approximation to Dyson's equation rather than the nonlinear approximation, i.e. instead of (11-14), we use Q(z, z1 ) G 0(z, G 0(z, z1 ) where z1 ) B (z, (11-99) z1 ) is the Green's function for the unperturbed problem, we would have obtained 0 y, = 2it [E 0 dz (G lm(z, (z) E m(z) z1 ) + <& *(z) G lm(z, z )) 1)>0 B (z, z1 ) (ll-100) (11-1(z 190 We use superscript If for |z - G (z, then 101) y z11 b to denote bilocal quantities. < 0(k), b as given by , )= (11-100) 0(6), is of (11-101) 0(62). Equation (11- is in general true for unbounded medium but not for bounded medium. 191 Chapter 12 Thermal Emission from Stratified Medium with Nonuniform Temperature Profile In this chapter we apply the fluctuation-dissipation approach to find the brightness temperature of a medium with nonuniform temperature profiles. stratified (Scattering by random fluctuations of dielectric constant is not included in the model of this chapter.) According to the fluctuation dissipation theorem, thermal radiation can be treated as generated by an equivalent source with a certain expectation value. 4 4 ,67 The dyadic Green's function for stratified medium serves to relate the electromagnetic field to this equivalent current source. The propagation matrix formalism is then applied and the brightness temperature is solved in closed form. Since a stratified medium can approximate a contin- uous profile, brightness temperature for a stratified and/ or continuous profile can be calculated. 192 Brightness Temperature of Stratified Medium 11.1 From equation (8-6), 2th the current source in the layer (Figure 12.1) is given by <3 rw) J ±E " KT =- 4 (',o) -E I6(o =K-T (z) W') 6(r (12-1) - r') iT Using dyadic Green's function, the electric field in region 0 is given by E, t E O) = k = No where t = N + 1 f dx' f dy' f (12-2) (, ') - P ') and d + . By the symmetric of dyadic Green's functions, the superscript dz' -00 -W 1 t oz (r, r') denotes transpose. properties (r', r), = In view of where (2-25), we find iiiz - r- 00 5 2 ok E') r = - 8(2r, / d 3 k 6(k z -/2p6 - k x 2 - k 2) y e k k Z 193 Figure 12-1 Stratified Medium with Temperature Distribution z L Region 0 0.1O, O z =0 Region 1 Region k Region n Region t T 1 (z), I , E1 z =-d z =-d z =-d z = -d -l z = -d T z(z) , p , Tn (Z) , pn' Tt(z), pt' n t n 194 -ik (-k z) (kz )[A {e (k z e + D kh k(k zZ e + B e e II -ik + h(kZ) [C9,h (-k kz) e ] I. (12-3) k and -k Introducing into (12-2), E(k, o) is made in arriving at y (12-3). k y -k x (12-3) -d 00 E ff dx'dy' -00 k 28 k, = 1 - _/W 2 6 (kz x we obtain t =- , to A change of variable of integration from e - k k22- k 2)2 1 f dz' -d {~ {e(kz) [A k e k (-kz) 1K e z -i] + h(k )[C + B ze 91(k z ) e -ik0 A + Dk h Using h z(-kz 9, ) e 9 (k zz (12-1), e (r' . (12-4) (8-10) and (8-11), we find the brightness temperature to be r 195 TE^ TT (k, o) OS8 = k cos0 t "-d E f B = 1 1 [A e 1 ik (-k z) 1 dz' -d E -ikk z' e T k(z') + B e (k zz 2 } e z) (12-5a) z t TM ^ TB S -d " (k, A) COS G = ks co 09 1 [C h ik (-kk z e T (z') - - 1 1 dz' 3 -ik z' Z + D h 9,(k9, 9, z) z' 2 . } 9,z e (12-5b) z In the derivation of - /2yE k 2 - k 21 -1 for = U(k ) cos 0 z y x o U(k ) = 0 and > 0 k (12-5) we use the relation 6 (k - for w/IpI) forward. where - U(k z ) < 0. k The calculation of the integral in , 6 [kz (12-5) is straight- Without loss of generality, we let the plane of observation be the perature T (z') x - z plane and set is a constant in region = 0. k 9, The tem- (the case of non-constant temperature can be generalized easily) we find that for horizontal polarization TE TB (a B n 0 ) 6 k"T A9 e -{k k = _k OSb U0o X, A =1 2k'Z zd Z 2z 196 -2kz "(d k9zdZ2 k(19 B ke d ) - -1 ( 2kk"(d - - e 1 - d ) ) 2k" -ik (A d ikz d9 S~1) (B , e Z)* e (1 - e -i2kz' (d9 - d) 1 ) 2ik d ik -iktzd (A9 e e )*(B (12ik k cos Similarly, TTM B (12-6) 9 2kt" 0 0 for vertical cos -ik C L e 1 Z= 0 a 9Pz d ( 1k 2 -2k 9zi "(dz 2 + k 2) - -9 ) e " ik d ID9e k z 2 2 2k (1 - e 2kZ" we obtain polarization, (1 2k n Tt, t k 0 1 - dz) - e) ' -2ktz j TE 1 2 e + (dk i2k Z' ) + "(d - d 9 ) k'z Ik -k | 2 + k 197 -ik zd e (C, ik e)* ) d 1-Ze i2k k (d _ - d ) ) 2ikz' -ik d ik (C e )*(D d ) e 2ikt' k Cos 6 + ) - d '(d ( -i2k 2 £t (|ktz + k 2 )Tt ITTM 2 e-2ktz dn (12-7) |olkt 0 . 2ktz For homogeneous half-space with constant temperature, we find TTE (l B (12-8) TE ) T and 'TM .5. TM = (1 In the derivation of identities 2 t' k tz 2k ' + Et (12-9) Tt. (12-8) and (12-9), we made use of the ktz ktz ")/ktz t and I tz 2 + k 2 198 12.2 Numerical Results and Discussion In Figure (12-2) we examine the angular the brightness temperature. 1 GHz, At TTE dependence of and TTM are plotted as a function of observation angle for the following profiles: 61(z) 1 = 9.0(1 + iO.3) - (5.5 + i2.5) a eaz (12-10a) 0 et (12-10b) 1(-d) T(z) = T + AT ebz (12-10c) Tt = T(-d) with and (12-10d) a = 0.02 cm ~, AT = ± 204K. b = 0.05 cm~, d = 30 cm, T0 = 280*K It is interesting to observe a maximum for vertical polarizations similar to the Brewster angle for a uniform half space medium. In Figure (12-3), we plot the brightness temperature of a radiometer looking from nadir as a function of 'frequency with and a = 0.02 cm~, b = 0.05 cm -1 d = 30 cm, and -1 0.1 cm~. T0 = 280*K, AT = 20*K, In the calculations the temperature and the permittivity profiles are stratified into Brightness Temperature Figure 12-2 Brightness Temperature as a function of viewing angle 280 270- TM AT =20 0K 270 TM 260 AT = -20 0K 250 240 230 TE 220 AT 200K 210 _E 200- 190- 180. -1"7A Observation angle in degrees AT 200K 200 Figure 12-3 Brightness as Temperature a function of frequency Brightness Temperature .4 b = 270 .05 b = 265 TO = 280 260 - 255 - 250 _ 245 - 0.1 AT = 20 0 K 0 K, AT = T0 = 2800K, - 20 K b = 0.1 240 b = 235 I 2 I 4 1 6 8 0.051 1,__ 1 1 1 10 12 14 16 Frequency in GHz 18 20 201 350 layers from 0 z = -d. to We see that at low fre- quencies the subsurface temperature affects at high frequencies. TB more than At very low frequencies the brightness temperatures for different parameters of the same value dictated by T0 a and b approach and the effective emissivity of the medium. The profile in (12-10) can actually be solved exactly in terms of Bessel functions. 8 cal comparison. The result 2 ,8 3 calculated We have made the numeriwith the stratified model is found to agree very well with that calculated with the exact formulas. At the high frequency limit, we can use the od 4 4 ' 8 3 which may require less computer time. (12-4), we plot the WKB WKB In Figure result to compare with the result obtained from the stratified model. We note that the result is quite accurate in the high frequency side. low frequencies, the fects. meth- WKB fails WKB For to predict interference ef- This is due to the fact that the reflectivity is a constant for the WKB approach, whereas for the stratified model, the reflectivity exhibits the interference effect. The reflectivities are plotted in Figure 12-5. in using the IBM 370 CPU time for calculation of the brightness tem- perature in Figure 12-4 is approximately the stratified model, The 0.10 0.12 minutes for minutes for the exact solution, Brightness Temperature 280 KB Brightness Temperature Figure 12-4 Calculated with the Stratified Model compared with that calculwith the WKD method 270 260 Stratified Model 250 240 230 0.1 1.0 Frequency in GHz 10.0 C [ Figure 12-5 Reflectivity Reflectivities calculated for the stratified medium Lb and for the WKB method 0.15 0.14 0.13 - 0.12 0.11 . 0.10 . stratified 0.09 - 0.08 - 0.07 - model WKB 0.06 0.1 1.0 Frequency in GHz 10.0 C LbJ 204 and minutes for the 0.03 WKB for Figures 12-4 and 12-5 are The parameters approach. . C1(Z) = (2.88 + iO.34) e-az E: 0 Et (z T(z) = 300 a = 2 m b =3 m~- = - -1 m) 20 ebz -00 < z < 0, 205 Chapter 13 Conclusions and Suggestions for Further Study In this thesis, a theoretical basis of the EIF method has been developed by using the model of a stratified medium. Three approaches are used ---- the geometric optics approach, the mode approach, and the fast Fourier Transform approach. Each of the three approaches has its advantages. They serve to complement one another. For lossy media and large layer thicknesses, the geometric optics approach gives simple and accurate results. The interference patterns calculated with this approach can be easily interpreted in terms of ray optics. When losses are small and layers are thin, the mode approach is most attractive. The results can be interpreted modes of the layered medium. in terms of the normal Analytic methods are not useful when the number of layers gets large. The fast Fourier trans- form method is a numerical approach designed to treat general cases of arbitrary number of layers with various properties. Though the fundamental work on the EIF method has been completed, there are still many loopholes to cover. We have 206 used only the stratified model. In many situations the interfaces between layers are sloping instead of being flat. They may also have random undulations. The medium may con- tain inhomogeneties acting as scattering centers. ing of electromagnetic tain a waves of a dipole source Scatter- (which con- spectrum of plane waves) by the above obj.ects is a difficult problem. However, simple studies can be made on scattering by a finite number of large objects with the ray optics approach. Scattering by small objects can be handled by a perturbation analysis. In this thesis, we have also developed theoretical models for subsurface passive microwave remote sensing. using a laminar structure, simple analytic formulas By are obtained for the brightness temperatures. The difference between our results Gurvich et al 42, and the results of is that they studied only single scattering while we have been able to analyse multiple scattering effects. We also included a nonuniform temperature profile in the half space random medium. A two layer medium exhibits coherent effects. We derived modified radiative transfer equations from the Dyson's equation and the Bethe-Salpeter equation. Then we solved for the emissivity of a two layer random medium. We also found that the nonlinear approximation must be applied to the Dyson equation in order to obtain MRT equations from 207 ladder approximated Bethe-Salpeter equation. The fluctuation-dissipation method is the wave apprWe use oach to treating nonuniform temperature effects. it to solve for the brightness temperature of a stratified medium. Because a stratified model can approximate a continuously varying model by including more layers, our is solution applicable to a stratified and/or continuous medium. The task of developing theoretical models is by no means complete. We have concentrated on laminar structures. Lateral variations need to be considered in the future. Surface roughness has so far been neglected. Scattering by a composite model, including surface roughness and random fluctuations of dielectric constant, is an important and challenging problem. The fluctuation-dissipation approach should also be extended to include scattering effects. 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Having finished high school at Wah Yan College, Kowloon, Hong Kong in 1967, Canada, as a as a he went to McGill University, Montreal, freshman. sophomore in In September 1968, he came to MIT the Department of Electrical from which he received the SM and EE degrees in graduate and a student, teaching SB degree February 1973. Engineering in June 1971 and the In the years as a he has served both as a research assistant assistant. Mr. Tsang is a member of Tau Beta Pi and Eta Kappa Nu. Publications 1. L. C. Shen, L. Tsang, and J. A. Kong, "Multifrequency Excitation of a Wire Antenna for an Invariant Radiation Pattern", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-20, no. 6, November 1972, pp. 784-785. 2. L. Tsang, J. A. Kong and Gene Simmons, "Interference Patterns of a Horizontal Electric Dipole over Layered Dielectric Media", Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 78, 3. no. 17, June 10, 1973, pp. 3287-3300. J. A. Kong, L. Tsang, and Gene Simmons, "Geophysical Subsurface Probing with Radio Frequency Interferometry", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP- 22, no. 4, July 1974, pp. 616-620. 223 4. L. Tsang and J. A. Kong, "Electromagnetic Fields due to a Horizontal Electric Dipole Laid on the Surface of a Two-Layer Medium", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-22, no. 5, September 1974, pp. 709-711. 5. L. Tsang, Raymon Brown, J. A. Kong and Gene Simmons, "Numerical Evaluation of Electromagnetic Fields due to Dipole Antennas in the Presence of Stratified Medium", Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 79, no. 14, May 1974, pp. 2077-2080. 6. L. Tsang and J. A. Kong, "Application of the Radio Frequency Interferometry Method to a Stratified Anisotropic Medium", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. AP-23, September 1975, pp. 725-728. 7. L. Tsang, E. Njoku, and J. A. Kong, "Microwave Thermal Emission from a Stratified Medium with Nonuniform Temperature Distribution", Journal of Applied Physics, in press, 1975. 8. L. Tsang and J. A. Kong, "The Brightness Temperature of a Half Space Random Medium with Nonuniform Temperature Profile", Radio Science, in press, 1975. 9. L. Tsang and J. A. Kong, "Microwave Remote Sensing of a Two-Layer Random Medium", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, in press, 1976. Conference Papers 1. J. A. Kong, L. Tsang, and Gene Simmons, "Lunar Subsurface Probing with Radio Frequency Interferometry", URSI Symposium, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1972. 2. L. Tsang and J. A. Kong, "Microwave Remote Sensing of Bounded Random Medium", URSI Symposium, Boulder, Colorado, 1975. 3. J. A. Kong, W. C. Chan, and L. Tsang, "Geophysical Subsurface Probing with the Electromagnetic Interference Fringes (EIF) Method", URSI Symposium, Boulder, Colorado, 1975.