Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions 36th MFCS, 2011, EaGL Workshop 9/11/11 Richard J. Lipton Georgia Tech 1 Kenneth W. Regan 2 University at Bualo (SUNY) September 11, 2011 1 Research connected to blog Gödel's Lost Letter and 2 Ditto 3 Supported by NSF CAREER grant CCF-0844796 3 Atri Rudra P = NP Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Symmetric Functions Are... Hard: Parity 2= AC0 . Majority is complete for TC0 . Easy: 2 f 0; 1 gn , depend only on #1(x ). ACC0 symm (quasi-poly many ^) (Beigel-Tarui) Over The x elementary symmetric functions are easy even in Zm (Gromulsz). Main Theorems: Senses in which every function f complexity-equivalent to some symmetric function is g. Why care? Symmetric functions have great algebraic structure. Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Symmetric Functions Over Fields (And Rings R) : Rn ! R is symmetric if for all permutations on [n ], (x ) = f (x ). Symmetric functions closed under +; . N ! R and Hence for any symmetric functions 1 ; : : : ; n : R1 0 n N 0 polynomials f : R0 ! R, the function f : R1 ! R0 is f f symmetric, where f 0 y1 ; : : : ; yN ( Provided each f When does Note: if F ) = f (1 (~y ); : : : ; n (~y )): i (y1 ; : : : ; yN ) is easy to compute, f 0 f . f 0? is a nite eld then every function from polynomial. Fn to F is a Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Fast Symmetrization Goal: Compute f (a1 ; : : : ; an ) over R0 . Given: Can compute f 0 (~b ) = f (1 (~b ); : : : ; n (~b )) for any b 2 R1N . Task: Pick the i ~b 2 R1N such that so that given any a1 Then So f f 0. ~a 2 R0n one can eciently nd = 1 (~b ); a2 = 2 (~b ); : : : ; an = n (~b ) ( ) = f 0 (~b ): f ~ a Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Coding Via Symmetric Functions We want = (1 ; : : : ; n ), so that : R1N ! R0n , to be onto R0n eciently invertible as well as computable. Complexity considerations: Size of R1 If N Degree Time and N? Dene s = 1 + logjR0 j (jR1 jN =jR0 jn ). = n , and R0 is a eld F , then R1 can be the eld extension F d0 of f0 as a symmetric polynomial,vs. degree ( ) to invert , i.e. to compute u n 1 (~a ) = ~b : Time and ( ) to compute . t n Two main constructions in paper give dierent tradeos. d of f. s . Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions 1. Elementary Symmetrization The elementary symmetric polynomials s1 ; s2 ; : : : ; sn are dened by ( si b1 ; : : : ; bn )= X Y J [n ];jJ j=i j 2J s1 (~ b ) = b1 + + bn , ~ s2 (b ) = b1 b2 + + b1 bn + b2 b3 + + bn : Rn ! R bj : So sn = b1 b2 bn . 1 bn , and Form an algebra basis for all symmetric polynomials on Idea is to dene the following, which gives degree f 0 b1 ; : : : ; bn ( By counting, s dlog2 n e cannot 3. d0 Rn . = dn : ) = f (s1 (~b ); : : : ; sn (~b )): have jR1 j = jR0 j = q , so s > 1. Theorem: Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Simple Example The 2 2 permanent polynomial ad + bc undergoes the substitutions a 7! e + f + g + h b 7! ef + eg + eh + fg + fh + gh c 7! efg + efh + egh + fgh d 7! efgh to yield e 2f 2g e 2 fh 2 + + e 2 fg 2 + ef 2 g 2 + e 2 f 2 h + e 2 g 2 h + f 2 g 2 h + ef 2 h 2 + e 2 gh 2 + f 2 gh 2 + eg 2 h 2 + fg 2 h 2 +4e 2 fgh + 4ef 2 gh + 4efg 2 h + 4efgh 2 Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Elementary Facts Y( + ) = For a formal single variable n i =1 x bi x, xn + X n si b1 ; : : : ; bn x i 1 : ( i =1 ) (1) Fact: All si (~b ) are computed in O (n (log n )2 ) time by using FFT to multiply out the product on the left-hand side of (1). (a1 ; : : : ; an ), we want ~b = (b1 ; : : : ; bn ) such that for each i , ai = si (~ b ). Dene For inversion, given = ~a (x ) = x n + Y = ( By fact (1), our goal is to split ai n i =1 ai x i 1 : into linear factors: i This will make X x + bi ): = si (~b ) for each i . Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Splitting Can Be Hard to Do The problem is that may notindeed by the counting, generally will notsplit into linear factors over R1 to be an extension Fs. R0 . We need How large must s R0 to be a eld F, and be? Lemma (well-known) The minimum s equals the least common multiple of the degrees of all irreducible factors of over F . Alas, this s p n O ( n ), can be as high as making the extension eld elements themselves have exponential size. Theorem (also known) Pr~ a 2F [log s > log2 n ] < 2 n p ( log n ) . Thus there are exp-few bad ~a that make s larger than n O (log n ) . Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Quasi-Good Randomized Algorithm The theorem gives various deterministic and randomized quasi-poly(n ) time algorithms that work on all except the bad ~a arguments. To get correctness on Take a random slope all , m ~ we employ one more randomization. for a line through ~a and dene ( ) = f (a1 + m1 y ; a2 + m2 y ; : : : ; an + mn y ): of at least 3d + 3 points on this line will contain relatively P~a y A set S few bad points. Using S and polynomial interpolation, can recover Theorem (paper has more-general form) ( ) If the symmetric function f is in time v n , then f RTIME dv n n O (log n ) q O (1) . 2 [ ( )+ ] ( ) = P~a (0). f ~ a Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions 2. Second Symmetrization Can we do better than quasi-polynomial time overhead? Answer is yes, but degree of f0 becomes higher: Still needs an extension eld, but s d0 1 + dlogq n e. = q 2 dn logq n . Less algebraically simple to dene, but running time basically cannot be beat: Theorem Every function f f 0 : Fn ! Fq : Fqn ! Fq is equivalent to a symmetric function ~( ) with above parameters, up to O n deterministic time complexity (plus poly q ; s pre-processing to represent Fq s ). q s Note that f0 ( ) maps from the extension eld into the original eld. Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Idea: How to encode information symmetrically? Recall the task is to pick symmetric can eciently nd ~ b 2 R1N a1 so that i so that given any ~a 2 R0n = 1 (~b ); a2 = 2 (~b ); : : : ; an = n (~b ) f 0 b1 ; : : : ; bn ( ) = f (1 (~b ); : : : ; n (~b )): Idea is to encode bi = hi ; ai i. In general we have pairs hj ; a i. know which index function one such that i (j ). j gives us Then each ai ai ? How do we We need to create a Kronecker delta can be represented symmetrically as a sum ai = X ( ) n j =1 i j aj : Over nite elds, all this can be done with polynomials. Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Proof of Second Main Theorem Pre-process to represent formal root Fq s by an irreducible polynomial with , giving every element of the extension eld as = By choice of X = ( 0 `=s 1 s s , n q 1 , so ` ` s 1 ; : : : ; 0 ): embed [n ] into rst s 1 places. k that project out the k -th place: k () = k : To do so, dene V to be the Vandermonde matrix whose row `, q` 0 ` s 1, comprises the rst s powers of . Then using Next construct polynomials column vectors, V so k (s 1 ; : : : ; 0 ) = (q 1 ; : : : ; q 2 ; q ; ); is obtained by invering s V and dotting its right-hand side. Use polynomial closed-form for k -th row with the V 1 to get k . Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Key Coding Lemma Abbreviate Fq s to E and Fq to F, and let stand for co-ordinate, which may be an embedded value in Lemma [n ]. minus its 0 2[ ] For each j n we can construct a symmetric polynomial n j E F of degree at most sq s such that for any elements 1 n ; : : : ; in E n , : ! j (1 ; : : : ; n ) = X i 2[n ]: =j i0 : i The proof picks apart embedded value in j into the F s 1. s 1 co-ordinates First idea is to represent the Kronecker delta function on the embedded values, namely otherwise. (js 1 ; : : : ; j1 ) of its j (i ) = 1 if i = j and 0 Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Kronecker Delta and Place Picker This formula makes j (j ) = 1 since the fractions are identically 1: j (us 1 ; : : : ; u1 ) = And j (i ) = 0 for i 6= j Y Y s 1 u` `=1 2F nf j` g j` because the numerator hits a zero. Now dene: j (z1 ; : : : ; zn ) = X ( n i =1 j s 1 (zi ); : : : ; 1 (zi )) 0 (zi ): i0 for which the rst s j , thus proving the lemma's equation. Moreover j This picks out only those proving the lemma. : 1 co-ordinates yield is symmetric, thus Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Completing the Construction Finally we dene Since each qs 1 : E n ! F by f 0 (~ b ) = f (1 (~ b ); 2 (~ b ); : : : ; n (~ b ): sq s , and s is chosen to make 2 has degree at most sndq . f 0 from f , one linear scan of ~ b can identify all the j nq , f 0 To compute f0 has degree at most terms that will contribute to the sums in the Lemma, giving the arguments of f. To compute ~b ( ) with arguments from the base eld F , we need to nd j (~b ) = aj , and nd it eciently. f ~ a over the extension eld such that This is done by using the embedded natural numbers, which pick out indices, as co-ordinates: = (is 1 ; : : : ; i1 ; ai ): Then for all j , j (~ b ) = 0 (bj ) = aj , as needed. This is done in O (sn ) ~ (n ) time overall. time treating entries as units, which gives O bi Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Innite Fields? The elementary symmetrization works over any eld. The second one does not, because the coding tricks require nite elds. Dierent coding tricks work over the reals or complex numbers, but do not yield polynomials. Paper gives a result over the reals. Symmetric Functions Capture General Functions Open Questions Can we prove that no symmetrization by polynomials over an innite eld gives ~ ( ) time? O n Can the possibility N >n be used to improve either symmetrization? Can either symmetrization be used in a positive way to enable more-structured analysis of, say, symmetrized permanent polynomials? Can the idea be used to derive more (conditional) lower bounds? Are elds needed? What can be done over the rings composite? Zm for m