Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating Budget & FY 2015 Capital Budget Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Table of Contents Operating Budget ...........................................................................................................................4 Capital Budget and Capital Improvement Plan .......................................................................20 Appendix .......................................................................................................................................40 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Mission Harford Community College provides accessible, innovative learner-centered educational opportunities. As an open-access institution, the College promotes graduation, transfer, individual goal attainment, and career and workforce development. The College fosters lifelong learning, global awareness, and social and cultural enrichment. Vision To be a national higher education leader by transforming lives through imagination, compassion, and rigor. Values Excellence We are creative and passionate in our work. Our highly qualified faculty and staff, learner-centered programs and services, and beautiful campus reflect our commitment to intentional improvement. Lifelong Learning We prepare our students and ourselves to contribute to our community as critical thinkers, knowledgeable citizens, and creative problem solvers. We believe that learning should be engaging and enjoyable. Diversity We embrace differences, respect intellectual and academic freedom, promote critical discourse, and encourage socio-cultural and global awareness. Service We are accessible and responsive to our students, our community, and each other. Helping people achieve their goals is central to our mission. Innovation We cultivate bold vision, creative exploration, and responsible risk taking. Sustainability We are responsible stewards of our resources. We work together to protect our natural resources, renew our human resources, and expand our financial and physical resources. Integrity We adhere to high ethical standards. Honesty, sincerity, fairness, respect, transparency, and trust serve as our foundation. Collaboration We foster teamwork and partnerships. Working together enhances results and builds community. Communication We share information and ideas, listen with open minds, and strive for clarity. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Board of Trustees James J. Valdes, Ph.D., Chair (District E; Term Expires 2018) Richard D. Norling, Vice Chair (District D; Term Expires 2014) Doris G. Carey (District A; Term Expires 2016) April L. Fritts (District F; Term Expires 2014) John F. Haggerty (District C; Term Expires 2018) Cordell E. Hunter, Sr. (At-Large; Term Expires 2017) Bryan E. Kelly, CFP® (At-Large; Term Expires 2015) Jan Stinchcomb (District B; Term Expires 2015) Bradley R. Stover, J.D., (At-Large; Term Expires 2014) Dennis Golladay, Ph.D., President/Secretary-Treasurer Senior Staff Deborah J. Cruise, Ph.D., Vice President Student Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness Annette Haggray, Ph.D., Vice President Academic Affairs Fredrick P. Johnson, Vice President Finance and Operations Brenda Morrison, Vice President Marketing, Development, & Community Relations Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Executive Summary April 24, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Budget Development Framework Harford Community College’s (HCC) operating funds are derived primarily from three revenue sources: tuition and fee payments from students, and funding appropriations from Harford County and the State of Maryland. Historically, tuition and fees have covered approximately one-third of HCC’s operating costs. However, beginning in FY 2008, economic pressures at both the State and County level began resulting in public funding reductions. A five-year period with no public funding increases and a large increase in enrollment led to a significant shift in the percentage allocation of revenue sources, as tuition and fees made up approximately 41% of HCC’s incoming revenues in the FY 2014 budget submission. During this period, HCC has continued to provide higher education at a substantially lower tuition rate than comparable community colleges within the state. With a history of strong financial support from the County and the assumption that this support would eventually rebound, HCC has utilized a “transfer-in” of reserve funds to balance the structural deficit that has evolved during this period due to the inflationary effects and the cost of resources necessary to provide service for a larger FTE base. As there are no indications that County support will be increasing in the near future, HCC is aware of the importance of developing a strategy to balance the structural deficit and ensure that adequate reserves are maintained. Therefore, HCC has proposed a four-year plan designed to erase the structural deficit by FY 2018. This plan implements a $12 per credit hour tuition increase in FY 2015, raising the in-county credit tuition rate to $104. The consolidated fee assessed on the in-county tuition rate will also be raised 2.57% to 20% in FY 2015. HCC places considerable emphasis on containing expenditures. However, in these efforts, HCC resources have absorbed an increased workload resulting from the enrollment “boom” that occurred in the FY 2009-2011 timeframe. During this time period, credit hours generated by HCC increased 21.8% from approximately 110,000 to 134,000. This enrollment hike led to very favorable tuition and fee revenue performance versus the budget which offset a portion of the budgeted structural deficit by supplanting the declining public funds. Subsequent to FY 2011, enrollment has leveled off. In FY 2013, credit hours generated by HCC were approximately 136,000. In FY 2014, enrollment actually declined by approximately 3.5% for both the fall and spring semesters. This declining enrollment performance was also common among the other local community colleges. Given the current economic indicators, demographic data, and recent trends at other community colleges, the notion is that it may be some time before enrollment experience enters favorable territory again. Therefore, HCC has factored this input into the fouryear plan and is projecting a 3% decline in credit enrollment. Further, due to FY 2014 trends on the noncredit side, HCC has projected a 14.4% decrease in noncredit revenue compared to the FY 2014 budget. The FY 2015 operating budget is framed around several broad revenue-related assumptions: $12 per credit hour increase in tuition, and a 2.57% increase to the consolidated fee 3% decline in credit enrollment 14.4% decrease in noncredit revenue compared to the FY 2014 budget State funding increase of $690,095 Flat County funding Minimal growth of cash balances due to interest rates continuing at historic lows A transfer-in from HCC’s undesignated fund balance of $2,450,088 will be required to fund 4 Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets institutional scholarships ($503,421), subsidize certain operational costs associated with the APGFCU Arena auxiliary ($134,000), and balance the structural deficit within the FY 2015 operating budget ($1,812,667). It should be noted that this FY 2015 transfer-in has been reduced $399,920. General Operating Fund Revenues and Transfers In The FY 2015 operating budget of $48,112,201 contains an overall increase of 2.32% in total revenues and transfers. Three primary sources, Harford County Government, the State of Maryland, and student tuition and fees (Table 1) provide the majority of Harford Community College’s operating revenues. Other sources, including building use fees and interest earnings, account for the remaining budget resources. The budget also includes fund transfers for support of student scholarships, the APGFCU Arena auxiliary, and to balance the operating budget. The general operating fund supports the College’s mission and the state law with its attendant expectations to provide accessible and affordable higher education; it includes all instructional programs and services as well as projects, personnel, and related costs. Table 1 – General Operating Fund Revenues ACTUAL 2011-2012 ACTUAL 2012-2013 BUDGET 2013-2014 PRELIM 2014-2015 $ Change FY 14 to FY 15 % Change FY 14 to FY 15 Revenue Tuition and Fees State of Maryland Harford County Other 16,768,761 9,719,168 14,961,612 1,130,124 17,177,927 9,990,807 14,961,612 812,478 18,181,704 10,345,648 14,961,612 680,764 18,983,994 11,035,743 14,961,612 680,764 802,290 690,095 Total - Revenue $42,579,665 $42,942,824 $44,169,728 $45,662,113 $1,492,385 3.38% Transfers In (Auxiliary and Operating) $1,654,634 $1,914,610 $2,850,008 $2,450,088 -$399,920 -14.03% Total - Revenue and Transfers $44,234,299 $44,857,434 $ 47,019,736 $ 48,112,201 $1,092,465 2.32% - 4.41% 6.67% 0.00% 0.00% County Funding The FY 2015 proposed operating budget contains $14,961,612 in funding from Harford County. In FY 2009, Harford County initially allocated $16,778,743 to support HCC’s operations. Based on a slowing of the County’s revenue and its need to maintain a balanced budget, the County administration requested a reduction of 5% of total County funding. HCC’s funding from the County was reduced by $838,937 to $15,939,806. This funding level was carried forward in FY 2010. In FY 2011, the County operating funding was ultimately reduced by 9%, or $1,427,042. This was approximately the equivalent to the total revenues generated from $10 per credit hour during the fiscal year. In FY 2012, additional funding of $448,848 was restored. This represents the amount the County cut in late FY 2011. The College received flat funding in 5 Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets FY 2013 and FY2014, and we anticipate flat funding of $14,961,612 for FY 2015. A comparison of the local portion of funding to support community colleges throughout the state indicates that Harford County’s funding level is comparable to the state and metro area averages (Table 2). HCC’s local funding percentage has historically been higher than the average, but the gap in the local funding percentage has been narrowed in recent years. The proportion of revenues from tuition and fees is well below both the state and metro averages. The transfer-in from fund balance is included in the “Other” category of the data supporting Table 2. Diagram 1 – Operating Budget Actual and Projected Revenue 2005-2015 50.0% 45.0% 40.0% State 35.0% Local Tuition and Fees 30.0% 25.0% 20.0% 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014P 2015P Table 2 – Composition of Operating Funds Community Colleges, Percentage of Unrestricted Revenues FY 2013 Institution State Local Tuition and Fees Other Metro Area Colleges Anne Arundel Baltimore County Carroll Cecil Frederick Harford Howard 26% 22% 25% 23% 20% 22% 16% 30% 25% 29% 37% 34% 33% 34% 42% 53% 44% 38% 43% 38% 48% 1% 1% 2% 1% 4% 6% 2% Metro Area Composite 22% 32% 44% 2% State 24% 31% 44% 2% Source: M HEC, CC Audit ed Financial Report s; numbers have been rounded; HCC 'Ot her' adjust ed t o ref lect act ual t ransf er-in and does not include consolidat ed f ees revenue recognized in rest rict ed f unds. 6 Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets State Funding State operating funding is projected to increase $690,095 in FY 2015. Total state funding of $11,035,743 is included in this operating budget. The State pays 100% of the employers’ share of the retirement costs associated with college employees participating in the Teachers’ Retirement and Pension Systems. This cost is not included in the College’s operating budget. For the current year the employer contribution rate is 13.29% of eligible base salaries. Employees in the state pension system currently contribute 7% of their salary through payroll withholdings. The Optional Retirement Program, a defined contribution plan, is a reimbursement program provided through the State to the College based on a contribution rate of 7.25% of base salary. The State funded, employer contribution was $1.756 million in FY 2013 for the eligible college participants. Participants in the Employees’ Retirement and Pension Systems are funded through the College at a cost of $78,539. Beginning in FY 2012, the College began to pay an administrative and operating fee associated with each member of the State Retirement System’s defined benefit plans. The fee is assessed at $143.88 per plan member. This will cost the College $46,186 based on current participation. Employees participating in the Optional Retirement Program are not included. Tuition and Fees Tuition and fees represent the most significant source for funding College operations at $18,983,994. Tuition is generated through credit and noncredit courses. A budgeted increase of 4.41% in this revenue source, or $802,290, is driven by the $12 increase in tuition per credit hour and 2.57% increase in the consolidated fee. Due to the current enrollment trends and the continuing uncertainty associated with future trends, we are assuming the FY 2015 credit hours generated will decrease 3% compared to FY 2014 projections. In-county tuition will increase $12 to $104 per credit hour. Out-of-county and out-of-state tuition will also increase $12 to $191 and $278, respectively. The consolidated fee will increase to 20% of the in-county tuition rate. A full-time in-county student taking 15 credit hours for the Fall and Spring semesters would pay $3,744 in tuition and consolidated fees. A full-time student taking similar lower division, undergraduate courses at Towson University is projected to pay $8,342 in tuition and fees, absent the $303 annual parking permit. Other Sources Other revenue of $680,764 is comprised of various items such as interest, building use fees, and state waiver reimbursements. No significant changes in these revenues are projected at this time. Transfers The budget includes transfers from the operating budget’s undesignated fund balance. Transfers 7 Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets represent a “one-time” transfer of funds from HCC’s operating fund balance. In FY 2015, $2,450,088 from the undesignated fund balance is allocated as a transfer-in to fund institutional scholarships ($503,421), subsidize certain operational costs associated with the APGFCU Arena auxiliary ($134,000), and balance the structural deficit within the FY 2015 Operating Budget ($1,812,667). General Operating Fund Expenditures The proposed FY 2015 operating budget request (Table 3) is a composition of allocations designed to maintain service levels for enrollment. This budget includes a 2.0% wage increase for full-time and part-time employees. In addition, there are price escalations associated with software and hardware maintenance agreements, housekeeping, instructional services, and health insurance. The College has continued to experience substantial demand, servicing 7,039 credit students in Fall 2013. This demand coupled with the growth in facilities leads to the need for additional resources to support the expansion of HCC’s infrastructure. There are also transferouts representing undesignated fund balance transfers to fund institutional scholarships, and to subsidize certain operational costs associated with the APGFCU Arena auxiliary. This expenditure budget of $48,112,201 will increase overall expenditures 2.32%, or $1,092,465. Table 3 – General Operating Fund Expenditures ACTUAL 2011-2012 Expenditures Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Operations/Maintenance of Plant Waivers/Work Study Non-mandatory Transfers Total - Expenditures ACTUAL 2012-2013 BUDGET 2013-2014 PRELIM 2014-2015 17,152,362 6,076,463 4,661,720 7,848,281 4,308,231 868,017 3,319,225 18,032,988 6,121,109 4,915,732 8,152,357 4,451,472 935,361 2,248,415 18,946,041 6,582,860 5,339,632 8,747,887 4,697,801 1,101,451 1,604,064 19,663,627 6,794,966 5,618,652 9,454,743 4,898,710 1,044,082 637,421 $44,234,299 $44,857,434 $47,019,736 $48,112,201 $ Change FY 14 to FY 15 % Change FY 14 to FY 15 717,586 212,106 279,020 3.79% 3.22% 5.23% 706,856 8.08% 200,909 (57,369) (966,643) 4.28% -5.21% -60.26% $1,092,465 2.32% Budget Development Budget managers were asked to examine their FY 2013 actual expenditures and budgeted FY 2014 appropriations and make adjustments between their accounts to meet the programmatic goals and objectives for FY 2015. This process enabled budget managers to realign funds and reduce allocations as necessary. During this process, budget managers and their supervisors and vice president were to develop performance goals for each budget organization. This is intended to better align planning, assessment, and resource allocation decisions as the data is collected and 8 Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets integrated into the budget development process. For budgetary compliance, expenditures are categorized by function into instruction, academic support, student services, institutional support, operations and maintenance of plant, transfers, and scholarships (Diagram 2). The operating budget supports almost 10,000 credit students and 13,000 noncredit students over the course of the year. Diagram 2 – FY 2015 Operating Budget by Function Expenditures by Function Institutional Support 19.7% Oper & Maint, 10.2% Transfers 1.3% Scholarships 2.2% Student Services 11.7% Academic Support 14.1% Instruction 40.9% Examining the proposed operating budget by object, or account type (Diagram 3), demonstrates the distribution of expenditures. Approximately 71.7% of the budget is assigned to salaries and benefits, which accommodates the Board of Trustees’ guideline to keep such expenditures at no more than 75% of the total operating budget. If the budgeted contracted services portion of costs for security, housekeeping, and grounds are included in this calculation, then the ratio would be approximately 74.8% of the operating budget. Other contracted services include, but are not limited to software licenses (Banner and Blackboard), access to library databases (Lyrasis), audit, legal and IT consulting. 9 Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Diagram 3 – FY 2014 Operating Budget by Account Type Expenditures Classification Contracted Services 14.3% Salary and Benefits 71.7% Supplies and Materials 3.5% Furniture and Equipment 0.3% Other 4.1% Utilities 2.8% Transfers 3.4% The College considers the long-term viability of its decisions to add sufficient resources to attract and retain a strong employee base with competitive benefits in the near term. This guideline ensures that resources are provided to support all the vital aspects of successful educational programs, puts student learning at the forefront, strives to maintain competitive wages with comparable institutions, and provides competitive benefits. Highlights of Budget Requests Salary and Benefits Compensation includes salary/wages, health insurance, and other employee benefits. This budget contains an overall 2.0% wage adjustment for full-time and part-time employees. This will support increases for staff and an increase in the salary scale for faculty. Step increases for faculty are not included. The estimated cost of this adjustment is $562,404. Prior to FY 2012, favorable health claims experience led to minimal increases in insurance premiums. However, during the second half of FY 2012, the claims experience began to trend into unfavorable territory. This unfavorable experience has continued through FY 2013 and into FY 2014. Based on these trends and medical inflation projections, the College has increased medical, dental, and vision premiums by 10% or $400,000. Three new full-time positions are comprised within this budget submission; a term faculty position to support the Nursing and Allied Health program; a maintenance technician who will assist in the support of the new Towson and Darlington Hall buildings; and an additional application developer within the Computer and Technology Services department. The total cost for these three new positions is $151,853. Contracted Services As the Financial Accounting and Reporting Manual (FARM) for Higher Education indicates, the 10 Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets contracted services classification is significant monetarily and covers a broad range of expenses including legal, audit, custodial, security, maintenance, grounds, repairs, postage, mailing, printing and duplicating, freight, advertising, rental of property, professional fees, and dues. Because of the breadth of this classification, subclasses are used to specify types of services such as audit, legal, credit card fees, equipment repair, printing, service agreements, leases, field trips, rent, insurance, and maintenance. Some of the increases within this budget proposal include: Internal control audits – recommended by Mid-States Campus infrastructure expansion and housekeeping price escalation Increase in Legal Fees ACA Mandated Re-Insurance Fees CDL Truck Training program growth Software maintenance agreement price escalations Disability Service Requirements Wellness Initiative $100,000 $81,200 $52,900 $44,285 $44,000 $40,300 $33,300 $30,000 Supplies and Materials Supplies and materials increased $61,578 primarily due to price escalations of custodial supplies, and costs associated with additional campus infrastructure. Professional Development, Training and Travel The increase of $35,606 in these accounts is tied primarily to institutional memberships and developmental workshops. Utilities These accounts have a minimal projected increase of $2,357. Waivers and Transfers Waivers and transfers include the following: Transfer to support institutional scholarships Transfer to support the APGFCU Arena auxiliary Waivers and other $503,421 $134,000 $972,018 Waivers and transfers decreased $1,086,864 mainly due to the reduction in transfers for capital projects. Fixed Charges These accounts encompass HCC’s property and casualty insurance coverage, workers compensation, unemployment, and bad debt expenses. The decrease of $33,209 in these accounts is primarily attributed to a reduction in anticipated unemployment insurance. Equipment Equipment represents non-recurring costs for fixed assets supporting the College. This budget includes $121,156 for library books and database access. 11 Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets The primary resource supporting the acquisition of technology and equipment is the Computer Equipment/Technology capital fund included within the FY 2015 Capital Improvement Program and funded by approximately 27% of the consolidated fee. There is also an Equipment Replacement Reserve (accrued at approximately $52,000 per year) that can be utilized to acquire other types of equipment or vehicles. The attached pages provide additional details of the operating budget by program and account type. 12 Executive Summary June 10, 2014 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET PRELIMINARY OPERATING FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM FOR FY 2015 ACTUAL 2011-2012 FUND SOURCES Beginning Balance (undesignated) ACTUAL 2012-2013 BUDGET 2013-2014 PRELIM 2014-2015 $ Change FY 14 to FY 15 % Change FY 14 to FY 15 $16,801,591 $15,146,957 $13,232,347 $10,382,339 -$2,850,008 Revenue Tuition and Fees State of Maryland Harford County Other 16,768,761 9,719,168 14,961,612 1,130,124 17,177,927 9,990,807 14,961,612 812,478 18,181,704 10,345,648 14,961,612 680,764 18,983,994 11,035,743 14,961,612 680,764 802,290 690,095 - 4.41% 6.67% 0.00% 0.00% Total - Revenue $42,579,665 $42,942,824 $44,169,728 $45,662,113 $1,492,385 3.38% 17,152,362 6,076,463 4,661,720 7,848,281 4,308,231 868,017 3,319,225 18,032,988 6,121,109 4,915,732 8,152,357 4,451,472 935,361 2,248,415 18,946,041 6,582,860 5,339,632 8,747,887 4,697,801 1,101,451 1,604,064 19,663,627 6,794,966 5,618,652 9,454,743 4,898,710 1,044,082 637,421 717,586 212,106 279,020 706,856 200,909 (57,369) (966,643) Total - Expenditures $44,234,299 $44,857,434 $47,019,736 $48,112,201 $1,092,465 2.32% Total - Operating Surplus/(Deficit) -$1,654,634 -$1,914,610 -$2,850,008 -$2,450,088 $399,920 -14.03% Ending Fund Balance $15,146,957 $13,232,347 $10,382,339 $7,932,251 -$2,450,088 -23.60% $1,654,634 $1,914,610 $2,850,008 $2,450,088 -$399,920 -14.03% Expenditures Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Operations/Maintenance of Plant Waivers/Work Study Non-mandatory Transfers Transfers In (Auxiliary and Operating) Executive Summary June 10, 2014 -27.45% 3.79% 3.22% 5.23% 8.08% 4.28% -5.21% -60.26% 13 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET PRELIMINARY OPERATING FUND REVENUE & EXPENDITURES BY ACCOUNT TYPE FOR FY 2015 ACTUAL 2011-2012 ACTUAL 2012-2013 BUDGET 2013-2014 FUND SOURCES Beginning Balance (undesignated) $16,801,591 $15,146,957 $13,232,347 $10,382,339 Revenue Tuition and Fees State of Maryland Harford County Other 16,768,761 9,719,168 14,961,612 1,130,124 17,177,927 9,990,807 14,961,612 812,478 18,181,704 10,345,648 14,961,612 680,764 18,983,994 11,035,743 14,961,612 680,764 Total - Revenue $42,579,665 $42,942,824 $44,169,728 29,781,916 5,726,665 1,422,585 399,977 751,036 3,993,240 971,919 568,367 618,594 31,240,644 6,051,797 1,444,256 421,928 710,098 2,998,985 1,106,893 601,590 281,243 Total - Expenditures $44,234,299 Total - Operating Surplus/(Deficit) Ending Fund Balance Expenditures Salary and Benefits Contracted Services Supplies and Materials Communications Professional Development and Training Waivers and Transfers Utilities Fixed Charges Furniture and Equipment Transfers In (Auxiliary and Operating) PRELIM 2014-2015 $ Change FY 14 to FY 15 -$2,850,008 % Change FY 14 to FY 15 -27.45% 802,290 690,095 - 4.41% 6.67% 0.00% 0.00% $45,662,113 $1,492,385 3.38% 32,840,349 6,485,931 1,604,723 434,238 794,880 2,696,303 1,357,215 687,711 118,386 34,506,529 6,858,579 1,666,301 470,969 830,486 1,644,107 1,359,572 654,502 121,156 1,666,180 372,648 61,578 36,731 35,606 (1,052,196) 2,357 (33,209) 2,770 5.07% 5.75% 3.84% 8.46% 4.48% -39.02% 0.17% -4.83% 2.34% $44,857,434 $47,019,736 $48,112,201 $1,092,465 2.32% -$1,654,634 -$1,914,610 -$2,850,008 -$2,450,088 $399,920 -14.03% $15,146,957 $13,232,347 $10,382,339 $7,932,251 -$2,450,088 -23.60% $1,654,634 $1,914,610 $2,850,008 $2,450,088 -$399,920 -14.03% Executive Summary June 10, 2014 14 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE FY 2015 BUDGETED EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION FY2012 ACTUAL FUNCTION DESCRIPTION FY2013 ACTUAL FY2014 BUDGET FY2015 BUDGET 10 Instruction - Includes expenditures for all activities that are part of the College's instructional programs. This includes expenditures for credit and noncredit courses, for academic, vocational, technical, transitional, and tutorial instruction. $ 17,152,362 $ 18,032,988 $ 18,946,041 $ 19,663,627 40 Academic Support - Includes expenditures in support of the College's primary mission of instruction and public service. These funds include library services, instructional resources, instructional support services, curriculum development, educational development, distance education support, HEAT, welfare reform, workforce development, academic administration, and a portion of the College's Network and Computer Services. $ 6,076,463 $ 6,121,109 $ 6,582,860 $ 6,794,966 50 Student Services - Includes expenditures for enrollment policy and planning, enrollment services (recruitment, outreach, registration, records, financial aid, and student testing), and student development (academic advising, career development, placement, co-op/internships, learning support services, student life, wellness programs, recreation, and intramurals). $ 4,661,720 $ 4,915,732 $ 5,339,632 $ 5,618,652 60 Institutional Support - Includes expenditures for the College's administration, planning, legal services, fiscal operations, the remainder of network and computer services, personnel, safety, procurement, media connections, HCN, student identification, APG Liaison, grant development and support services. $ 7,848,281 $ 8,152,357 $ 8,747,887 $ 9,454,743 70 Operation and Maintenance of Plant - Includes expenditures for the operation and maintenance of the physical plant, utilities, property insurance. $ 4,308,231 $ 4,451,472 $ 4,697,801 $ 4,898,710 80 Scholarships and Fellowships - Includes expenditures for College Work Study stipends, institutional scholarships, and tuition waivers. $ 868,017 $ 935,361 $ 1,101,451 $ 1,044,082 81 Non-Mandatory Transfers - Includes expenditures for the College's contribution and match to student scholarships, grants, cultural programs, student activities, and various capital projects. $ 3,319,225 $ 2,248,415 $ 1,604,064 $ 637,421 Executive Summary June 10, 2014 15 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets FUNCTION 10 INSTRUCTION OBJECT 5000 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6600 7200 DESCRIPTION SALARY AND BENEFITS CONTRACTED SERVICES SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING WAIVERS AND TRANSFERS UTILITIES FIXED CHARGES FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT FY2012 ACTUAL $ 15,752,878 755,425 393,023 33,695 156,132 20,000 6,139 13,614 21,456 $ 17,152,362 FY2013 ACTUAL $ 16,670,058 740,081 402,192 29,357 142,168 2,511 5,509 25,019 16,093 $ 18,032,988 FY2014 BUDGET $ 17,365,445 885,474 460,691 30,869 167,300 10,508 6,140 19,614 $ 18,946,041 FY2015 BUDGET $ 17,986,324 942,476 479,607 31,810 154,862 36,434 5,509 26,605 $ 19,663,627 FY14 to FY15 $ change % change $620,879 $57,002 3.6% 6.4% $18,916 $941 ($12,438) 4.1% 3.0% -7.4% $25,926 ($631) $6,991 246.7% -10.3% 35.6% $0 $717,586 0.0% 3.8% This section includes expenditures for all activities that are part of the College's instructional programs. This includes expenditures for credit and noncredit courses, for academic, vocational, technical, transitional, and tutorial instruction. FUNCTION 40 ACADEMIC SUPPORT OBJECT 5000 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6500 6800 7200 DESCRIPTION SALARY AND BENEFITS CONTRACTED SERVICES SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING WAIVERS AND TRANSFERS UTILITIES FIXED CHARGES FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT FY2012 ACTUAL $4,068,648 1,352,967 331,714 79,847 101,423 5,400 13,951 122,513 $6,076,463 FY2013 ACTUAL $4,143,929 1,306,682 278,961 102,118 92,151 29,950 2,717 164,601 $6,121,109 FY2014 BUDGET $4,392,437 1,406,890 395,369 87,200 106,897 64,729 13,952 115,386 $6,582,860 FY2015 BUDGET $ 4,603,815 1,376,092 411,905 112,094 110,679 56,506 2,719 121,156 $ 6,794,966 FY14 to FY15 $ change % change $211,378 4.8% (30,798) $16,536 $24,894 -2.2% 4.2% 28.5% $3,782 ($8,223) $0 3.5% -12.7% 0.0% ($11,233) $5,770 $212,106 -80.5% 5.0% 3.2% This function includes expenditures in support of the College's primary mission of instruction and public service. These funds include library services, instructional resources, instructional support services, curriculum development, educational development, distance education support, HEAT, welfare reform, workforce development, academic administration, and a portion of the College's Network and Computer Services. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 16 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets FUNCT ION 50 ST UDENT SERVICES OBJECT 5000 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6600 7000 DESCRIPT ION SALARY AND BENEFITS CONTRACTED SERVICES SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING WAIVERS AND TRANSFERS FIXED CHARGES FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT FY2012 ACT UAL $ 3,824,962 342,383 172,940 53,623 246,816 9,200 11,796 $ 4,661,720 FY2013 ACT UAL $ 3,934,929 473,442 159,765 60,947 223,029 31,680 31,940 $ 4,915,732 FY2014 BUDGET $ 4,231,053 489,233 176,125 60,826 227,330 132,565 22,500 $ 5,339,632 FY2015 BUDGET $ 4,588,382 462,930 169,620 66,382 248,102 51,556 31,680 $ 5,618,652 FY14 to FY15 $ change % change $ 357,329 8.4% ($26,303) ($6,505) $5,556 -5.4% -3.7% 9.1% $20,772 ($81,009) $9,180 9.1% -61.1% 40.8% $279,020 0.0% 5.2% This function includes expenditures for enrollment policy and planning, enrollment services (recruitment, outreach, registration, records, financial aid, and student testing), and student development (academic advising, career development, placement, co-op/internships, learning support services, student life, wellness programs, recreation, and intramurals). FUNCTION 60 INSTITUTIONAL SUPPORT OBJECT 5000 6000 6100 6200 6300 6400 6600 7000 DESCRIPTION SALARY AND BENEFITS CONTRACTED SERVICES SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING WAIVERS AND TRANSFERS FIXED CHARGES FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT FY2012 ACTUAL $5,007,946 1,597,744 232,437 229,693 244,328 4,700 467,447 63,986 $7,848,281 FY2013 ACTUAL $ 5,253,945 1,618,791 258,506 223,366 250,263 500 527,558 19,428 $ 8,152,357 FY2014 BUDGET $5,562,219 1,798,523 262,034 252,157 281,663 20,802 567,489 3,000 $8,747,887 FY2015 BUDGET $ 5,872,554 2,134,376 249,599 254,370 302,906 62,056 578,882 $ 9,454,743 FY14 to FY15 $ change % change $310,335 $335,853 ($12,435) 5.6% 18.7% -4.7% $2,213 $21,243 0.9% 7.5% $41,254 $11,393 ($3,000) 198.3% 2.0% -100.0% $706,856 This function includes expenditures for the College's administration, planning, legal services, fiscal operations, the remainder of network and computer services, personnel, safety, procurement, media connections, HCN, student identification, APG liaison, grant development and support services. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 17 8.1% Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets FUNCTION 70 OPERATION / MAINTENANCE OF PLANT OBJECT 5000 6000 6100 6200 6300 6500 6600 7200 DESCRIPTION SALARY AND BENEFITS CONTRACTED SERVICES SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING UTILITIES FIXED CHARGES FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT FY2012 ACTUAL $ 903,380 1,678,146 292,471 3,119 2,337 965,780 64,155 398,843 4,308,231 FY2013 ACTUAL $1,020,031 1,912,801 344,832 6,140 2,487 1,101,384 14,616 49,181 4,451,472 FY2014 BUDGET $1,051,379 1,905,811 310,504 3,186 11,690 1,351,075 64,156 4,697,801 FY2015 BUDGET $ 1,211,506 1,942,705 355,570 6,313 13,937 1,354,063 14,616 4,898,710 FY14 to FY15 $ change % change $ 160,127 $36,894 15.2% 1.9% $45,066 $3,127 14.5% 98.1% $2,247 $2,988 19.2% 0.2% ($49,540) $200,909 -77.2% 0.0% 4.3% This function includes expenditures for the operation and maintenance of the physical plant, utilities, grounds, security, and property insurance. FUNCTION 80 WAIVERS/WORK STUDY OBJECT DESCRIPTION 5000 SALARY AND BENEFITS 6400 WAIVERS AND TRANSFERS FY2012 ACTUAL $ 224,102 643,915 $ 868,017 FY2013 ACTUAL $ 217,752 717,609 $ 935,361 FY2014 BUDGET $ 237,816 863,635 $1,101,451 FY2015 BUDGET $ 243,948 800,134 $ 1,044,082 FY14 to FY15 $ change 2.6% -7.4% ($57,369) -5.2% This function includes expenditures in support of College Work Study stipends and tuition waivers for both credit and non-credit programs. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 % change $6,132 ($63,501) 18 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets FUNCTION 81 NON-MANDATORY TRANSFERS OBJECT DESCRIPTION 6400 WAIVERS AND TRANSFERS FY2012 ACTUAL 3,319,225 $3,319,225 FY2013 ACTUAL 2,248,415 $2,248,415 FY2014 BUDGET 1,604,064 $1,604,064 FY2015 BUDGET 637,421 $ 637,421 FY14 to FY15 $ change % chan ($966,643) -60.3% ($966,643) This function includes expenditures for the College's support of student scholarships ($470,064), Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) support ($33,357), Susquehanna auxiliary support ($134,000) Executive Summary June 10, 2014 19 -60.3% Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets FY 2015 CAPITAL BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Background The capital budget and capital improvement program (CIP) establishes the schedule of planned expenditures and commitments for FY 2015 and the subsequent five fiscal years. The CIP is intended to plan for the College’s needs for additional facility improvements. The CIP is from FY 2015 – FY 2020 and integrates academic and physical planning on a college-wide basis. The CIP establishes an itinerary for accomplishing improvements in existing facilities and proposed new infrastructure investments based on the Facilities Master Plan. The College is required to submit the proposed capital budget to the Harford County government and the State of Maryland for review and funding. For major capital projects, the State of Maryland provides funding through the Community College Capital Grant. Projects are prioritized collectively by the community college presidents and presented to Maryland Higher Education Commission, Department of Budget and Management, and Department of General Services for review and potential funding in the Governor’s capital budget. Within each project proposal page, the Project Schedule reflects the major milestones by fiscal year and is an indication of where the FY 2015 proposal falls in the project timeframe. The Project Status is intended for major milestones that have been accomplished. Within the Expenditure Schedule, a subtotal for requests during the County’s five-year capital program (FY 2015 – FY 2020) is calculated. Harford Community College’s proposal for FY 2015 includes capital funding requests totaling $2,183,633 among six projects: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Maryland Hall Renovation Belcamp Renovation J-Lot North Replacement Susquehanna Roof Replacement Observatory Road and Parking Lot Computer Equipment and Technology $ $ $ $ $ $ 305,000 150,000 130,000 450,000 250,000 898,633 The Maryland Hall request reconfigures the interior space of the building as a result of the nursing program moving into Darlington Hall. Interior space will be modified to accommodate the Testing Center’s activities currently taking place in Fallston Hall. The Testing Center experiences overcrowding conditions during peak times requiring the need for a larger space. Preliminary space analyses have shown that adequate space in Maryland Hall is available to meet the increasing needs of the Testing Center. The Fallston Hall Testing Center space will be converted into standard classroom space. Funding would originate from Capital Projects/Plant Funds 9090. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 20 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets The Belcamp renovation request reconfigures interior space as a result of the nursing program moving into Darlington Hall. Interior space will be modified to accommodate the relocation of Public Safety into the building. Public Safety has outgrown the space it currently occupies in the Library. The existing Public Safety space will be absorbed by Library operations. Funding would originate from Capital Project/Plant Funds 9090. Parking lot improvements to J-lot North will consist of having its surface milled off and a new asphalt surface applied. Additional work will consist of repairs to curbing and storm drains. This lot will continue to serve as the motorcycle training course. Funding would originate from Capital Projects/Plant Funds 9089. The observatory request would consist of constructing a formal asphalt road from Thomas Run Road to the building. This project would also include constructing a formal paved parking lot and required storm water management facilities. The current road and parking lot consist of crushed stone. As a result of the building’s renovation, use has increased dramatically placing a need for a safe access route. Funding would originate from Capital Projects/Plant Funds 9089. The original roof to the Susquehanna Center was not replaced during construction due to both cost and ability to obtain several more years of life from the existing roof. The building is experiencing far more leaks than the original survey had anticipated. Work will consist of removing existing built-up modified roofing system and replacing it with a white TPO roofing membrane. Funding would originate from Capital Projects/Plant Funds 9075. The Computer and Technology request will provide for long term planned upgrades and replacement to aging equipment. This program replaces the former milestone program. It includes phased replacement of classroom and office computers, network and ISP access and continued improvements with the College’s wireless communications systems. Funding will originate from the Capital Projects/Plant Funds 9081. An appropriation is requested for the renovation and expansion of Edgewood Hall. This project was accelerated in the Harford Community College Master Plan. Design work will begin in January 2014 with construction commencing in twelve to fourteen months. The funds will be used to upgrade the HVAC system, replace the roof, renovate classrooms and add two nominal additions to the building. The county has delayed funding for this project until FY16. The Harford Sports Complex contains one varsity baseball field, three softball fields, several practice fields, and a multipurpose stadium field. The varsity baseball field has recently undergone a major improvement to include the installation of artificial turf. This work has created a very attractive and professional facility that will greatly increase the number of spectators visiting the complex during the playing season. This project consists of adding a pre-engineered stadium seating structure and raised press box. This work will provide approximately 300 aluminum seats located at this field. The seating will contain ramps to meet ADA requirements. The press box will be used to announce Executive Summary June 10, 2014 21 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets game play and operate the fields existing scoreboard. This project has been moved to FY16 due to the inability to secure County funding this fiscal year. Capital projects are classified according to the following categories: Campus Infrastructure Improvements – With thousands of students visiting campus every day, the demands on our physical campus need to be addressed. Parking lot and sidewalk repairs are necessary to improve capacity and the flow of traffic. In addition, major maintenance of septic fields and potable water systems upgrades are necessary. Technology Investment – Technology investment is designed to meet the continuing needs of the College’s technology backbone along with the on-going refresh of hardware. This investment will support the network and communications infrastructure throughout the buildings on campus as well as enable remote access. Recreation/Wellness Facilities – Capital investment is designed to support wellness, athletic, and recreational activities. Such facilities include outdoor structures, such as athletic fields, backstops, bleachers, and other support structures. Building Additions and Renovations – Funds provided for these projects will enable the College to upgrade classroom space and facilities. These projects are geared to meet growth demands and facility modernization. Many energy and building efficiencies are incorporated into such projects. The projects requested for FY 2015 include: FY 2015 Project Type Campus Infrastructure Building Additions and Renovations Technology Investment Total Request 830,000 455,000 898,633 $2,183,633 The capital improvement program includes future funding proposals through FY 2020. Details of the College’s capital budget proposal are attached. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 22 HARFORD COUNTY, MARYLAND PROPOSED SIX YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT TITLE TOTAL COST PRIOR APPROP BUDGET YEAR FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE FY 15 Funded Projects: New Nursing & Allied Health Building Computer Equipment/ Technology Maryland Hall Conversion Site Improvements Susquehanna Roof Replacement Belcamp Renovation Out Year Projects Edgewood Hall Renovation & Expansion Harford Sports Complex Ball Field Seating RTE-22 and Thomas Run Road Improvements Apprenticeship and Trades Building HCSO Training Academy University Center Expansion Fallston Hall Renovation New Math, Engineering, & Technology Building College Total by Project Paygo Future Bonds Prior Bonds Reappropriated State Other-HCC Lease Purchase College Total by Fund 0 1,600,957 305,000 3,380,000 450,000 150,000 702,324 0 0 0 0 0 898,633 305,000 380,000 450,000 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000,000 0 0 8,636,000 350,000 750,000 15,860,000 19,000,000 29,700,000 7,138,000 24,400,000 111,719,957 632,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,334,324 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,183,633 7,245,000 350,000 750,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 0 0 0 11,145,000 759,000 0 0 13,000,000 15,000,000 1,700,000 585,000 0 0 0 1,560,000 2,500,000 25,000,000 5,851,000 2,000,000 37,911,000 0 0 0 0 0 3,000,000 702,000 20,000,000 24,702,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,400,000 $3,400,000 350,000 44,269,629 360,000 0 62,279,371 4,460,957 0 0 272,000 360,000 0 0 702,324 0 0 0 0 0 2,183,633 0 350,000 1,877,819 0 0 8,842,181 75,000 0 0 19,454,350 0 0 11,589,650 0 0 10,702,620 0 0 26,708,380 500,000 0 0 10,454,840 0 0 13,747,160 500,000 0 0 1,508,000 0 0 1,392,000 500,000 0 111,719,957 1,334,324 2,183,633 11,145,000 31,044,000 37,911,000 24,702,000 3,400,000 31,044,000 PROJECT: Computer Equipment/ Technology COUNCIL DISTRICT: E HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: This program replaces the former Milestone program. The College uses the dedicated technology component of the consolidated fee to fund this capital program to support technology refresh, network and ISP access improvements. College funds are also used to enable projects to be completed in support of students, faculty, and staff. The College has remote backup at the University Center for the Banner Enterprise Resource Planning system and other essential servers in the Library Data Center. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 15: PCs, network servers, wireless equipment PROJECT STATUS: Ongoing equipment replacement EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Prior Cost Elements Appropriation Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing 702,324 Total Cost 702,324 FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds Other-HCC Total Funds 702,324 702,324 FY 2015 Budget Appropriation Total 898,633 898,633 0 0 0 1,600,957 1,600,957 898,633 898,633 0 0 0 1,600,957 1,600,957 FY 2016 0 0 FY 2017 0 0 FY 2018 0 0 FY 2019 0 0 FY 2020 TOTAL PROJECT COST 0 0 0 0 0 1,600,957 1,600,957 0 0 0 0 1,600,957 1,600,957 PROJECT: Maryland Hall Conversion HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE COUNCIL DISTRICT: E LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: As the nursing program relocates to a new facility in FY 2014, Maryland Hall will require a few modest renovations as its intended functionality changes to meet student needs. While the intended use for Maryland Hall has not been decided, funds need to be budgeted to enable changes to be implemented. The need for a large classroom for up to 100 people with modular walls has been mentioned as one possible need along with breakout rooms and offices PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 15: Design, construction, and equipping PROJECT STATUS: EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Prior Appropriation Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing 2015 Budget 30,000 305,000 Appropriation Total 30,000 0 275,000 0 0 305,000 305,000 0 0 0 305,000 305,000 0 305,000 275,000 Total Cost 0 FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other HCC Total Funds 0 FY 2016 FY 2017 0 FY 2018 0 FY 2019 0 FY 2020 0 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 30,000 0 275,000 0 0 305,000 0 0 0 305,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 305,000 PROJECT: Site and Parking Lot Improvements COUNCIL DISTRICT: E HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: This project involves the replacement, installation, and repair to J-Lot North and Observatory access road. Funding in FY 13 included replacement of Chesapeake Center lot and entrance to T-Lot, Work also included resurfacing of the road on South side of Chesapeake Center, and design for expansion of T-Lot. Funding for FY 16 - 18 includes implemation of the vehicular circulation master plan to decrease vehicle congestion entering and leaving the campus from Thomas Run Road and Route 22; and deconflict vehicles and pedestrians on campus. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 13: Design in progress for T-lot FY 14 Construction of T-lot FY 15 Observatory and J-Lot North PROJECT STATUS: Completion of current projects. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Prior Appropriation Total Cost Appropriation Total 0 0 380,000 380,000 0 0 380,000 380,000 Total Funds 0 0 0 380,000 380,000 Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other HCC 2015 Budget 380,000 380,000 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 90,000 FY 2019 90,000 FY 2020 90,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST 270,000 910,000 910,000 910,000 3,110,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,380,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 1,500,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 500,000 1,000,000 1,880,000 3,380,000 PROJECT: Susquehanna Roof Replacement HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE COUNCIL DISTRICT: E LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: Project consists of replacing roof over the original Susquehanna Center. This roof was not replaced as part of the building's renovation relating to a survey which identified it could last several more years. The roof is experiencing multiple leaks, this roof dates back to 1990. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 15: Design, construction, and equipping PROJECT STATUS: EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Prior Cost Elements Appropriation Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other HCC Total Funds FY 2015 Budget 50,000 450,000 Appropriation Total 50,000 0 400,000 0 0 450,000 450,000 0 0 0 450,000 450,000 0 450,000 400,000 FY 2016 FY 2017 0 FY 2018 0 FY 2019 0 FY 2020 0 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 50,000 0 400,000 0 0 450,000 0 0 0 450,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 450,000 PROJECT: Belcamp Renovation COUNCIL DISTRICT: E HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: As the nursing program relocates to a new facility in FY 2014, Belcamp will require a few modest renovations as its interior space is reconfigured to accommodate relocation of the Public Safety Department. Work will consist of interior wall movements, lighting, plumbing and mechanical system changes. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 15: Design, construction, and equipping PROJECT STATUS: EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Prior Cost Elements Appropriation Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing Total Cost 0 FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other HCC Total Funds 0 FY 2015 Appropriation Budget Total 25,000 25,000 0 125,000 125,000 0 0 150,000 150,000 150,000 0 0 0 150,000 150,000 0 150,000 FY 2016 FY 2017 0 FY 2018 0 FY 2019 0 FY 2020 0 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 25,000 0 125,000 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 150,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 150,000 PROJECT: Edgewood Hall Renovation & Expansion COUNCIL DISTRICT: E HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: This project has been moved up on the Facilities Master Plan due to systemic problems. The project will consist of a major renovation to solve these problems and add two small additions to meet programmatic needs resulting in a building that will serve the College's needs for the next 25 years. The two most critical systemic issues are the roofing and the HVAC systems. The seamed metal roof is rusting where it meets the concealed drain. A major leak caused collapsing ceiling tiles during severe weather. The 2-pipe HVAC system needs to be replaced with a 4-pipe system and wall units replaced with VAV boxes. During renovation sinks will be added in critical classrooms, flooring, paint, ceiling tiles, and bathroom fixtures will be replaced. Expansion will add two new multipurpose labs, a computer classroom, a small office addition, and a telecomm closet. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 14: Design FY 15: Construction FY 16: Equipping PROJECT STATUS: EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds Prior Appropriation 632,000 632,000 2015 Budget 0 Appropriation Total 632,000 0 0 0 0 632,000 0 0 272,000 360,000 0 0 0 632,000 272,000 360,000 Total Funds 632,000 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 7,245,000 0 0 7,245,000 759,000 759,000 3,115,350 4,129,650 326,370 432,630 7,245,000 759,000 FY 2019 0 0 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 632,000 0 7,245,000 0 759,000 8,636,000 0 0 3,713,720 4,922,280 0 0 0 8,636,000 FY2020 0 0 PROJECT: Harford Sports Complex Ball Field Seating COUNCIL DISTRICT: E HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: Project consist of installing a pre-engineered aluminum Grand Stand located behind the varsity baseball field. This work will provide approximately 300 seats and include a raised press box. The seating area will include ramps to comply with ADA requirements. The press box will be connected to the fields scoreboard and sound system for game announcements.This is the only varsity baseball field at the college PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 16: Construction PROJECT STATUS: EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing Total Cost Prior Appropriation 2015 Budget FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY2020 0 0 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 0 0 350,000 0 0 350,000 0 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 350,000 350,000 0 0 FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds Total Funds Appropriation Total 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 0 0 350,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 350,000 0 0 0 PROJECT: Road Improvements HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE COUNCIL DISTRICT: E LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: This project consists of constructing a right turn lane on RTE-22 at Thomas Run Road and constructing a right turn lane on Thomas Run Road at entrance two. This work is being required by Harford County and SHA due to an increase in traffic associated with Darlington Hall and the Susquehanna Center and Arena. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY:16 Construction PROJECT STATUS: EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Prior Cost Elements Appropriation Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing Total Cost 0 FY 2015 Budget 0 Appropriation Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7920 State Bonds R7000 Future Bonds Total Funds 0 FY 2016 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 750,000 750,000 0 0 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 0 0 750,000 0 0 0 750,000 435,000 240,000 75,000 750,000 0 0 0 0 0 435,000 240,000 75,000 0 0 750,000 PROJECT: New Apprenticeship/Trades Building COUNCIL DISTRICT: E HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: The new Apprenticeship/Trades Building located on the West Campus will enable the non-credit and apprentice training programs to grow. This will permit the consolidation of the existing apprenticeship programs now spread-out in Edgewood Hall, Joppa Hall, and the Observatory, into a single, appropriately-design facility. Projected size is 35,000 GSF. Edgewood Hall, which now houses most of the other continuing education and training programs, would be converted to a credit classroom building. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 16: Design FY 17: Construction FY 18: Equipping PROJECT STATUS: EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Prior Appropriation Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing Total Cost 0 FY 2015 Budget 0 Appropriation Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds Total Funds 0 FY 2016 1,300,000 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 1,300,000 0 13,000,000 0 1,560,000 15,860,000 0 0 6,820,000 9,040,000 0 0 0 15,860,000 FY 2020 13,000,000 1,300,000 13,000,000 1,560,000 1,560,000 559,000 741,000 5,590,000 7,410,000 671,000 889,000 1,300,000 13,000,000 1,560,000 0 0 PROJECT: Harford County Sheriff's Office Training Academy COUNCIL DISTRICT: E HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: HCC will work with the Harford County Sheriff's Office (HCSO) to provide a location for an expanded Sheriff's Training Academy. This 50,000 GSF facility will provide the necessary setting for law enforcement training and professional development, and provide opportunities for HCC students in law enforcement-related programs. The building will include 8 classrooms, a computer lab, a 300-seat auditorium, dividable, multi-purpose classroom, fitness labs and locker rooms, 10 offices, a conference room, and support space. Specialty training rooms would be provided for driving simulation along with four simulation rooms. This project would be located on the West Campus and funded through intergovernment sources that would not compete with the State's Community College Capital Grant. The new facility could derive student FTE for the college, and enable existing space in Edgewood Hall presently used by the HCSO to be used for other programs. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 16: Design FY 17: Construction FY 18: Equipping PROJECT STATUS: EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Prior Appropriation Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing Total Cost 0 FY 2015 Budget 0 Appropriation Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds Total Funds 0 FY 2016 1,500,000 FY 2017 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 15,000,000 1,500,000 15,000,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 750,000 750,000 7,500,000 7,500,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,500,000 15,000,000 2,500,000 0 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 1,500,000 0 15,000,000 0 2,500,000 0 19,000,000 0 0 9,500,000 9,500,000 0 0 0 19,000,000 PROJECT: University Center Expansion COUNCIL DISTRICT: E HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: The University Center, Northeastern Maryland has faced capacity issues in supporting the needs of graduates and professional certification programs along with the conferences and non-credit programs. A feasibility study was completed in March 2010 by Edmeades and Stromdahl and the Sage Policy Group. The study concluded that BRAC, combined with normal population growth, increasingly longer commute times into Baltimore, and growing demand for higher education in Harford County, clearly support the expansion of University Center. The construction program includes 70,400 GSF of new construction and 10,500 GSF of converted space that would triple the size of the building from 29,000 GSF to 99,400 GSF. It will enable the facility to better fulfill the needs of the community for the foreseeable future. This project would not be funded through the Community College Capital Grant. The request would be for the State to fund through a regional higher education program. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 17: Design FY 18: Construction FY 19: Equipping PROJECT STATUS: This is a new program. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing Total Cost Prior Appropriation FY 2015 Budget 0 Appropriation Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds Total Funds 0 FY 2016 FY 2017 1,700,000 FY 2018 FY 2019 0 TOTAL PROJECT COST 1,700,000 0 25,000,000 0 3,000,000 29,700,000 0 0 8,760,000 20,940,000 0 0 0 29,700,000 FY 2020 25,000,000 0 0 1,700,000 25,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 1,360,000 340,000 5,000,000 20,000,000 2,400,000 600,000 1,700,000 25,000,000 3,000,000 PROJECT: Fallston Hall Renovation COUNCIL DISTRICT: E HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: Capital renovation of the 24,728 GSF classroom building. The project will include HVAC upgrades, energy efficiency improvements, and interior architectural changes to meet the evolving needs of the users. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 17: Design FY 18: Construction FY-19: Equipping PROJECT STATUS: EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing Total Cost Prior Appropriation Fy 2015 Budget 0 Appropriation Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7920 State Bonds R7000 Future Bonds Total Funds 0 TOTAL PROJECT FY 2016 FY 2017 585,000 FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 0 COST 585,000 0 5,851,000 0 702,000 7,138,000 0 0 4,068,210 3,069,790 0 0 0 7,138,000 5,851,000 0 0 585,000 5,851,000 702,000 702,000 333,000 252,000 3,335,070 2,515,930 400,140 301,860 585,000 5,851,000 702,000 PROJECT: New Math, Engineering, & Technology Building COUNCIL DISTRICT: E HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE LOCATION: Churchville, MD PROJECT DESCRIPTION / JUSTIFICATION: The computation of space needs projections suggests that over 44,000 GSF in classroom and laboratory space will be necessary by FY 2019 to complete the College's science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) needs. This building is in the Facilities Master Plan to be located south of Fallson Hall across the grand lawn and next to the new Nursing & Allied Health Building. PROJECT SCHEDULE: FY 18: Design FY 19: Construction FY 19: Equipping PROJECT STATUS: EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Prior Appropriation Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection Fees Equipment/Furnishing Total Cost 0 FY 2015 Budget Appropriation Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FUNDING SCHEDULE R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds Total Funds 0 FY 2016 FY 2017 2,400,000 TOTAL PROJECT COST 2,000,000 0 20,000,000 0 2,400,000 2,000,000 20,000,000 2,400,000 24,400,000 860,000 1,140,000 8,600,000 11,400,000 1,032,000 1,368,000 2,000,000 20,000,000 2,400,000 FY 2018 2,000,000 FY 2019 FY 2020 20,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 10,492,000 13,908,000 0 0 0 24,400,000 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Nursing and Allied Health Building Rendering Executive Summary June 10, 2014 25 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Nursing and Allied Health Building Classroom Rendering Nursing and Allied Health Building Interior Rendering Executive Summary June 10, 2014 26 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Edgewood Hall Executive Summary June 10, 2014 27 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Harford Community College Overview Harford Community College (HCC), founded in 1957, is a comprehensive two-year institution of higher education addressing the diverse educational needs of Harford County. An open admissions institution that views learning as a life-long activity, the College provides transfer and career programs and continuing education courses to challenge and to support students. The College offers two-year curricula in more than 65 programs of study leading to an Associate of Arts, Associate of Sciences, Associate of Applied Sciences, or Associate of Arts in Teaching degree that can transfer to a four-year program or lead to immediate employment. Shorter curricula are offered leading to a Certificate in 23 occupational fields. The College strives to maintain a campus atmosphere conducive to excellence in learning and teaching. As the only public college located in the county, Harford Community College serves as the coordinator of post-secondary education in Harford County. The College strives to remain responsive to its community by continuously assessing the needs and interests of Harford County residents and, in response to the changing needs of its community, HCC has established a direction and focus for its educational program. The budget process strives to merge resources with identified needs. A nine member Board of Trustees governs Harford Community College. Each member of the Board is appointed by the Governor to a term of five years. A trustee may serve a maximum of two terms. The Board of Trustees plays an integral role in the College Community including establishing policy and developing an annual budget. Harford County’s access to the Boston/Washington corridor’s transportation network and the competitive cost-of-living compared to the other counties in the region makes the county ideal for business growth. High quality technical education that meets the requirements of a changing economy is a critical need in Harford County. The College augments the county’s efforts to drive economic development and attract and retain successful enterprises as new program needs continue to emerge. The College is not only the educational center of the county, it is a cultural and recreational center as well. A cultural events program and a community theater produce a full series of offerings each year. Thomas Run Park, located on the College campus, is a sports complex serving adult athletic needs for tournaments, evening activities, and special events. Campus Location The campus occupies 352 acres, geographically centered in Harford County, near Bel Air, Maryland. The main campus occupies 332,508 assignable square feet of space and has 19 buildings. Harford County is located in northeastern Maryland and consists of 437 square miles with a population of 244,826. The county contains three incorporated towns, Bel Air, Havre de Grace and Aberdeen, of which Bel Air is the county seat. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 28 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Harford County is situated 60 miles north of Washington, D.C., 20 miles north of Baltimore and 75 miles south of Philadelphia. Two major highways, U.S. Route 40 and Interstate 95, traverse the county and provide access to the Baltimore/Washington and Philadelphia/Wilmington areas and to the New Jersey Turnpike. Two mainline railroads cross the county - CSX and Amtrak. In addition, the Port of Baltimore and the Port of Wilmington serve the offshore movement of larger cargo, which is vital to many of our businesses. HCC Executive Summary June 10, 2014 29 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Demographics During fall 2013, 7,039 students were enrolled in credit courses. Approximately 60% of HCC students are female and 40% are male. On average, more than half of Harford County residents attending Maryland institutions of higher education at the undergraduate/lower division level attend Harford Community College. Nearly 26.3% of the students are members of minority groups. Approximately .37% of HCC credit students attend full-time. Institutional Assessment QUALITY AND EFFECTIVENESS INDICATORS Harford Community College, in its recent Strategic Planning process, reaffirmed its commitment to student achievement and excellence in teaching and learning in goal 1: Recognizing the need for more students to achieve their goals, the College will pursue excellence in teaching, learning, and assessment. To those ends, the College has implemented a variety of strategies and activities. Although established benchmarks have been met for PAR indicators 3, 4, and 5, slight drops in the most recent percentages for indicators 3 and 5a and 5c indicate the ongoing need for attention. One initiative is the Reverse Transfer project. In cooperation with Towson University and University of Maryland University College (UMUC), the College registration office identifies students who have the potential to complete their associate’s degrees using credits attained while at Towson or UMUC. To date, the College has identified 79 potential students and awarded 13 reverse transfer degrees. Additionally, the Academic Advising office has identified two groups of students for intrusive advising efforts: those who have attained at least 45 credits, and those who have not yet declared a major. Since this effort began, the College conferred 227 degrees and certificates for August 2012 graduation. 39.6% of the students who were awarded a degree or certificate were from the cohort of students contacted and assisted by an advisor who provided personalized academic, career and transfer advising. The College conferred 327 degrees and certificates for December 2012 graduation; 67% of the students who were awarded a degree or certificate were from the cohort of students contacted and assisted by an advisor who provided personalized academic, career and transfer advising. Other major initiatives address preparation of new students for the rigors of college. These include a reimagined orientation, advising, placement, and registration process called iPlan. iPlan group sessions target 16-19 year-old students who take the academic skills assessment, meet individually with advisors, learn about financial aid, navigate the online registration system, and register for courses. A flexible option exists for students who prefer to navigate the enrollment steps in a more individual way. iPlan sessions are currently being offered in several county high schools. While the iPlan program focuses on the enrollment process, PowerUp new student orientation focuses on student success. Topics covered in these full-day sessions include goal setting, time management, Student Services, and financial management. Current HCC students serve as orientation leaders, a role which requires them to continue contact with new students at points throughout the first semester. Preliminary assessment of the initial pilot program was generally positive. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 30 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Work continues on retention. Indicators 3a and 3b show a slight decline in retention from fall 2010 to fall 2011. In order to address retention and other key issues, the Student Retention, Engagement, and Completion (SERC) committee was convened in fall 2012. This committee, which included representation from all areas of the campus, was charged with collaborating with areas across the College to develop a three to five year strategic plan for improving student retention and completion, with specific goals and recommended strategies for their attainment. The committee and its subcommittees produced a variety of best practices and recommendations that are being considered for implementation. Initiatives and practices resulting from this work will also affect successful persister rates (indicators 5a-d) and graduation-transfer rate after 4 years (indicators 6a-d). These rates also show a slight decline for certain populations of students. There has been a particular effort to intrusively advise students who are classified as General Studies—Undecided. Advisors contact these students to assist them with major selection and career discernment. In AY 2012-2013, there was a 33% increase in the number of students selecting a major by December and a 16% increase in the number of students selecting a major by April. Harford has continued its diverse transfer programming, offering two transfer fairs with over 40 participating institutions. The Advising, Career, and Transfer Services office also schedules several instant-admit and information days throughout the year with transfer institutions such as UMUC, Stevenson, and University of Baltimore. Advisors conduct Steps to a Successful Transfer workshops each semester, providing information on transfer planning, transfer resources, and transfer admissions processes. The College also carefully reviews and updates information in the ARTSYRT transfer database. To support the 2009 Maryland State Plan for Postsecondary Education, Goal 1 (Maintain and strengthen a system of postsecondary education institutions recognized nationally for academic excellence and effectiveness in fulfilling the educational needs of students and the economic and societal development needs of the state and the nation), the College modifies and creates academic programming to respond to career and academic demands and to ensure the best possible pathways to completion of students’ goals. Program enhancements include a Photography track within the Art and Design Degree program; an updated Environmental Science degree designed to reduce time to completion and enhance transfer opportunities; modification of the Computer Information Systems and the Engineering Technology degrees; and development of a Public History track in the History program. HCC has added courses such as CIS 229: Python Programming and BA 130: Introduction to Supply Chain Management. Major changes in the way developmental math and English courses are offered and taught should—if preliminary data is an indicator—have a positive impact on the number of students who successfully navigate their required developmental sequences. In developmental math, an MHEC grant supplied funding for redesigning the sequence of courses and the mode of instruction. Students’ time to credit-bearing math is decreased by up to one and half semesters. Lab time is incorporated into the curriculum, offering students hands-on learning opportunities under the oversight of the classroom instructor. In developmental English, the Accelerated Learning Program, modeled on the Community College of Baltimore County’s program, allows students who have some developmental need to complete the developmental instruction concurrently with their credit-bearing freshman English course. This eliminates one full Executive Summary June 10, 2014 31 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets semester of instruction for these students. In addition, the developmental English faculty undertook an assessment of several elements of the Basic Writing course that resulted in significant changes to testing and evaluation of student work. ACCESS AND AFFORDABILITY INDICATORS Harford supports the 2009 Maryland State Plan for Postsecondary Education Goal 2 (Achieve a system of postsecondary education that promotes accessibility and affordability for all Marylanders) by maintaining low tuition costs and assuring that admission and enrollment processes are easily accessible to students. The College Board of Trustees has recently approved a modulated tuition and fees increase schedule that provides for minimal annual increases for the next five years. This approach was adopted in order to help students plan costs for education for several years out and to assist the College in its planning and budgeting processes. In spite of this increase, HCC tuition remains among the lowest in the state, and indicator 15 remains below the benchmark. For the 2012-2013 academic year, the Financial Aid office awarded over $870,000 in institutional and private funds to 733 students. A Strategic Initiative in the College’s Strategic Plan states that the College will “Strengthen [its] partnership with local schools to increase the readiness of high school graduates for college.” To that end, Harford continues its partnership with the Harford County Public School system, maintaining its strong position for indicators 12 (Market share of recent, college-bound high school graduates) and 14 (High school student enrollment) by offering new student iPlan placement testing, advising, and registration sessions on-site at county high schools. Maryland Senate Bill 740 implementation will likely further bolster Harford’s progress on indicator 10 (Market share of first-time, full-time freshman), and indicator 11 (Market share of part-time undergraduates) already exceeds its benchmark. A recent assessment indicates that students in the Harford County Public Schools who complete their developmental math courses on-site at their high schools enroll in Harford at a higher rate than all students. As part of its implementation of the components of Maryland State Senate Bill 740, HCC will continue to offer these courses in six public high schools. Indicator 16 (Enrollment in continuing education community service and lifelong learning courses) shows a marked decrease in both headcount and enrollments. In a struggling economy, leisure and recreational classes take the largest loss as discretionary income is limited. Furloughs and sequesters at Aberdeen Proving Ground may have affected enrollments. Increased competition from local fitness centers, recreational facilities, and after school programs affect enrollments, as well. In addition, certain institutional changes such as the addition of the auxiliary enterprise Early Learning Center have absorbed preschool and youth camp revenue streams. Limitations on the use by continuing education classes of aquatics and fitness facilities also affected enrollments. Continuing Education and Training (CET) is focusing on personal and professional development classes that could garner increased enrollments. In addition, new CET marketing techniques may drive students toward easier access to information and registration. Decreases in indicator 17 (Enrollment in continuing education basic skills and literacy courses) during FY 2012 have driven the development of aggressive marketing programs designed to Executive Summary June 10, 2014 32 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets increase awareness and thus, enrollment. During FY 2013, HCC developed and implemented a marketing campaign to increase enrollment in basic skills/literacy and inform students about the new computerized 2014 GED® test, which has increased rigor to prepare students for college and career. Increased enrollment in open enrollment Adult Basic Education (ABE) and GED classes from FY 2012 to FY 2013 indicates that the marketing campaign was successful. The follow-up campaign for FY 2014 will focus on "New GED, New Options, New Opportunities." In addition, the duration and intensity of instruction will increase and instructors will develop new curricula with the goal of improving student retention and helping students prepare for the new GED test. The “Certificate to Career in One Year” initiative, implemented in FY 2012, provides financial assistance, advising, and support services to help economically disadvantaged and basic skills-deficient youth between the ages of 16 and 21 complete workforce development certificate programs, improve literacy skills, and obtain employment. While benchmarks for improved literacy and certificate attainment were not achieved in year one, the employment benchmark of 63% was exceeded—90% of the 17 students are employed. This program continued through FY 2013 and is supported with a grant from the Susquehanna Workforce Initiative. Harford continues to see striking increases in online credit enrollment (indicator 13a). Clearly, this mode of course delivery appeals to HCC students and enrollments will likely continue to climb. New courses continue to be added to the online format; most recently, a popular Communications Studies course was developed as an online course. Harford also continues to improve its communication to students. Recently, several offices on campus collaborated to enhance the online credit catalog to make it easier to navigate and use. The online catalog directly addresses the College’s efforts to provide information in a format that students will use and find effective. Another technological enhancement is the implementation of Financial Aid TV. This programming includes tutorials for financial aid processes and services as well as other information of interest to students. In addition, master lists of free technology that can enhance student success have been compiled and are available to students in the Disability Support Services office and in the Tutoring Center. A completely redesigned College website will launch by the fall 2013 semester. DIVERSITY INDICATORS Harford seeks to create a welcoming learning environment for all students and actively supports the 2009 Maryland State Plan for Postsecondary Education Goal 3 (Ensure equal opportunity for Maryland’s diverse citizenry) with a variety of initiatives. As evidence of this commitment, a key strategy of the Strategic Plan addresses the achievement gap for African American students. Harford’s progress on indicator 21 (Successful-persister rate after four years) continues to be uneven. Of continuing concern, too, is the decreasing graduation-transfer rate from African American students, indicator 22. These lags continue to be addressed with engagement strategies such as the Rites of Passage (ROP) mentoring program and with intrusive advising. Another strategy aimed at student retention and success is the Satisfactory Academic Progress process. This process, a federal aid mandate, is carried out in cooperation with the Financial Aid office and Academic Advising. Students who fail to meet minimum standards of academic progress and are thus terminated from federal aid must meet with an academic advisor Executive Summary June 10, 2014 33 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets to map out a plan for improving their academic progress. Plans are tracked and reviewed at the end of each semester. To date, approximately 56% of students complete their plans or have their plans continued, thus permitting continued enrollment and greater opportunity for success. Indicators 21a (Successful-persister rate after four years: African American students) and 22a (Graduation-transfer rate after four years: African American students) continue to lag behind those of all students. Efforts to engage and retain these students include a variety of programs sponsored by the Rites of Passage program. ROP pairs first-time, full-time students with College employees who serve as mentors and who participate with students in a variety of social and cultural events and in academic activities such as campus visits to transfer institutions. In addition to benefitting mentees, ROP participation involves Peer Leaders. Peer Leaders aid in the mentoring program with planning activities and engaging their peers. A maximum of five students have been employed during a given semester. A qualitative assessment by Peer Leaders of the mentoring program, conducted in fall 2012, indicated a high level of satisfaction with the programming and offered several suggestions for improvement. One planned enhancement will involve expanding the program and targeting Latino and Latina students. In September 2012, a scholarship was established on behalf of the Rites of Passage Mentoring Program through a donation made to the College. The donation allows for two scholarships to be granted to eligible students affiliated with Rites of Passage. The College continues to focus on professional development for its employees in order to enhance services to all students. Recent professional development opportunities included sessions on Self-Harm and Mutilation, Sexual Violence, Abuse, and Assault, and Clinical Depression. Progress on indicator 19 (Percent minorities of full-time faculty) continues, albeit at a very slow pace. The human resources department, in conjunction with division deans, continues to employ a variety of strategies to address this disparity, but very low turnover in full-time faculty remains a factor. Progress on indicator 20 (Percent minorities of full-time administrative and professional staff) has stalled, but the College will continue its strategies of targeted advertising using varied media to ensure strong, diverse applicant pools and close monitoring of search committees by Human Resources to ensure a diverse pool of candidates and finalists for employment consideration. STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING INDICATORS Harford continues to prepare students well for performance at transfer institutions as evidenced by its consistently high achievement on indicator 23 (Performance at Transfer Institutions). Performance on indicators 25a and 25b (Associate degrees and credit certificates awarded: Career degrees and Transfer degrees) has improved substantially, with the number of transfer degrees awarded exceeding the benchmark by 125. After a dramatic increase between FY 2010 and FY 2011 in the number of certificates awarded (indicator 25c), FY 2012 saw a drop to just below the benchmark. While it is impossible to pinpoint a single cause for this decline, there are indications that the wide availability of free or low-cost skills training in areas such as interior Executive Summary June 10, 2014 34 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets decorating coupled with certain curricular adjustments in other programs may have affected the number of students seeking certificates. Instructional and support activities at Harford directly address the 2009 Maryland State Plan for Postsecondary Education Goal 4 (Achieve a system of postsecondary education that promotes student-centered learning to meet the needs of all Marylanders). Harford continues to pursue partnerships with four-year institutions in order to meet the needs of students. With the planned opening in fall 2014 of the Towson building, located on the Harford West Campus, students in the local community will have the advantage of a seamless transfer—of credits and of location— to a local four-year institution. In addition to the availability of six programs in new building— Business Administration, Information Technology, Integrated Early Childhood Education/Special Education, Integrated Elementary Education/Special Education, Psychology, and Sociology/Criminal Justice concentration—Harford and Towson have agreed to four new articulations in the areas of sociology, history, general studies, and English. Further support of Maryland State Goal 4 is evidenced by Harford’s focus on student-centered assessment of learning at the course, program, and institution levels. This goal meshes with the College’s Strategic Plan Goal 1, Recognizing the need for more students to achieve their goals, the College will pursue excellence in teaching, learning, and assessment. Academic divisions continue to assess program outcomes by infusing assessment throughout courses within a program. Academic Affairs leadership, along with the faculty, has undertaken an ambitious review of the general education core in preparation for the development of a comprehensive, sustainable plan for assessing general education. ECONOMIC GROWTH AND VITALITY INDICATORS Beginning in fall 2014, Harford will no longer be the county’s only institution of higher education. While Harford Community College has been central to the county’s growth, the addition of Towson University will add measurably to the economic vitality of the region. This initiative, begun several years ago as a cooperative venture between Harford and Towson, will allow students to complete bachelor’s degrees within the county. The close proximity of upperlevel classes may encourage an even higher level of college enrollment than existed previously. This effort directly supports the 2009 Maryland State Plan for Postsecondary Education Goal 5 (Promote economic growth and vitality through the advancement of research and the development of a highly qualified workforce). The College continues to seek means to increase indicators 28 (Percent of full-time employed career program graduates working in a related field) and 29 (Graduate satisfaction with job preparation) including implementation of a variety of career preparation strategies, career and job search workshops, and infusion of job search techniques into curricula. One example of this type of activity is employment readiness workshops for students in the nursing assistant program. The workshops included resume building, interviewing skills, appropriate dress, and mock interviews. Market conditions, coupled with an increase in credit enrollments in certain workforce development programs, may account for declines in indicator 30 (Enrollment in continuing education workforce development courses). Continuing Education and Training continues to increase offerings for both online and face-to-face programs, as well as increasing in-house Executive Summary June 10, 2014 35 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets multi-course certification programs. Declines in indicator 31 (Enrollment in continuing professional education leading to government or industry-required certification or licensure) may be accounted for in part by the regional decline in residential and commercial construction markets, leading to fewer construction-related certifications and licensures. Although Harford contracted with an increased number of business organizations in FY 2012 (indicator 32, Number of business organizations provided training and services under contract), the number of employees trained declined due to reduced training budgets thereby decreasing enrollments (indicator 33, Enrollment in contract training courses). To help increase these numbers, Harford staff attended additional networking events, implemented a sales letter campaign, and attended numerous contract training webinars emphasizing sales. The completion of the APG Federal Credit Union Arena in fall 2012 further solidified the College as a regional force not only for education but for community, commercial, and cultural events. The Arena, at 3300 seats, is the largest indoor arena in Northeast Maryland. A full-time manager and his support team work to assure that the Arena serves its community by booking events such as job fairs, concerts, a family fun day, and athletic events. Community Outreach and Impact Harford Community College remains a vital resource to its community, and students directly benefit from community collaboration. Harford continues to collaborate closely with local employers in ways that enhance curriculum development and student learning. Academic divisions rely on curriculum advisory committees comprised of local experts to review curricula and suggest enhancements. College Central Network allows participating employers to post job opportunities and requirements for students. Cooperative education and internships provide invaluable learning opportunities for students and qualified student employees to employers. Last year, 17 students earned credit for cooperative education and 10 students interned. They worked for businesses such as a local title firm, several law offices, an engineering firm, and a golf club. The Student Engagement, Retention, and Completion committee made several recommendations in 2013 for enhancements to a variety of programs, including cooperative learning and internships, to further strengthen the relationship between the College and local employers. Students also participated in subject-specific community activities. For example, students in the Interior Design program decorated a room in the Baltimore Symphony Decorators’ Show House, and students in the Honors program conducted an ethnographic research study of Welsh traditions in nearby Delta, Pennsylvania, and Harford County. The College also worked with the Aberdeen Proving Ground Federal Credit Union to provide information about financial literacy for the new student PowerUp orientation. The Hays-Heighe House, a historic farmhouse located on the campus, was the venue for several exhibitions and programs including “Beauty in Sport: Celebrating Horse Racing in Harford County,” “Campus Memories: Celebrating 50 Years of HCC at Prospect Hill,” and “Manifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible.” All of these programs were open to the community. College employees volunteer at a wide range of community events, including Seasons of Recovery presentations and Chamber of Commerce expos. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 36 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Harford is a center for the arts in Harford County. With four performance venues, the College hosted 49 performances serving over 19,000 patrons. The Susquehanna Symphony Orchestra, the Harford Choral Society, and the Bel Air Community Band continue to provide opportunities for Harford Community College students to perform alongside community members. Harford Community College collaborates closely with Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) on a number of initiatives, including: Hosting young male students from a local middle school for a viewing of a documentary and discussion with Rites of Passage mentoring students; Expanding services for students attending the Alternative Education High School; Increasing the number of high schools in which Harford’s developmental math courses are taught on-site; Meeting regularly meetings with high school guidance counselors; Participating in the public schools’ Transition Programming for high school students with disabilities; and Expanding the iPlan new student enrollment program to several county high schools. Collaborations with other colleges and universities, in addition to the Towson University oncampus building, include a partnership with the University of Delaware in a National Science Foundation Cybersecurity grant and expanded articulation agreements with both Towson University and York College of Pennsylvania. The College continues to partner with six universities to provide bachelor’s and master’s degree programs at its University Center, Northeastern Maryland. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 37 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Cost Containment The following significant cost containment actions were adopted by HCC in FY 2012: Temporary Actions: Reduction in part-time adjunct non-credit salaries Reduction in electric utility expenses Reduction in natural gas charges Reduction in bad debt expenses Negotiations on purchases Surplus sales $ $ $ $ $ $ 64,000 62,000 80,000 26,000 17,969 1,720 $ $ 80,000 17,860 Permanent Actions: Operating lease reduction (copiers) Reduction in custodial services charges Accountability Indicators See attached HCC 2013 Accountability Indicators Table. Executive Summary June 10, 2014 38 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Executive Summary June 10, 2014 39 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Executive Summary June 10, 2014 40 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Executive Summary June 10, 2014 41 Harford Community College FY 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets Executive Summary June 10, 2014 42