Gplot is designed to plot data in full screen mode.

Gplot is designed to plot data in full screen mode.
The most common command is
>gplot adat.dat fit10.dat
Figure gplot captured with <alt><PrtScr>
The full screen view requires <alt>vf. <Esc> returns to the view above. The Edit gives an option of copy
all which when pasted is the full screen view, which can also be reached with <alt>vf followed by
Figure 2 Full screen view after formatting picture.
In full screen view, 10 30 can be entered to give after a couple of questions.
Figure Region fro 10 to 20 with poor x axis spacing
Enter an m to get the menu
Enter a 3 and change Delta x to 2
Enter s to exit.
>debug\gplot "adat.dat ERR1" FIT10.DAT
Figure The menu option for viewing standrd deviations
Figure A better view of the fit
Simply clicking on gplot.exe produces
A final few enters
Use 9 to enter 1 E to get to figure 5.
More options involve multi column arrays such as those produced by nlfit.
In general the command is
>gplot “adat.dat 3 2 err2 4 5” “adat.dat 3 6 err1 5”
This plots the data in column 3 as x and column 2 as y. When requested the errors are drasy from y column 4 to y + column 5. The second plot is column 3 as x column 6 as y and the error is a line from ycolumn5 to y+column 4.
The data is kept in dynamic arrays so that the size is limited only by the available space on the
Gplot on AlienWare (25%)
Gplot on AlienWare (pasted into paint, saved as gif, then inserted into wordpad)