SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Operated for NASA by AURA The COS/STIS Team @ STScI 5/16/2013 1 Our Diverse COS/STIS Team Alessandra Aloisi Julia Duval Justin Ely Phil Hodge 5/16/2013 2 TEAM LEAD Alessandra Aloisi TEAM DEPUTIES Cristina Oliveira & Charles Proffitt CALIBRATION Julia Duval Justin Ely B L O C K S PIPELINE Azalee Bostroem Svea Hernandez USER SUPPORT Paule Sonentrucker Nolan Walborn Svea Hernandez OPERATIONS Steve Penton Sean Lockwood Calibration planning (Phase 1 & Phase 2), monitoring, data analysis, inputs for reference files & ETCs, science data quality verification Back end of the ground system, DPAS, CALCOS/CALSTIS, formatting and delivery of reference files to Pysynphot Phase I & II support, including CS reviews, APT, ETC, IIHBs, DHBs, ISRs/TIR publication, Help Desk Target acquisitions, front end of the ground system (flight software, TRANS, instructions), anomaly investigations COS FUV XDL Cristina Oliveira 5/16/2013 COS & STIS MAMAs Charles Proffitt CHANNELS STIS CCD John Debes 3 Cosmic Origins Spectrograph (COS) • Designed for maximum spectroscopic sensitivity at ~ 20,000 in FUV 10-30x STIS performance • Installed on Hubble to replace COSTAR during SM4 (May 2009) 4 years of operations in total on Side 1 ! • • • • • • Single 2.5” aperture (PSA or BOA) One-reflection FUV channel 1150-2050 Å using FUSE detector (2 side-by-side 16k x 1k pixel delay-line MCPs) NUV channel 1700-3200 Å using STIS MAMA spare detector (1k x 1k) Medium (~ 20,000) and low (~3,000) resolution gratings Some sensitivity in 900-1150 Å range Some limited imaging capabilities in NUV with ~0.025“ per pixel 5/16/2013 4 COS Design at a Glance 5/16/2013 5 Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) • • Highly versatile spectrograph Replaced FOS (and GHRS) with 2D spectroscopy during SM2 (Feb 1997) – Operated for ~ 4 years on Side 1 and ~ 3 years on Side 2 – Side 2 repaired during SM4 in May 2009 11 years of operations in total and still counting ! • • 3 detectors (can use only one at a time) FUV MAMA: 1150-1700 Å, 1k x 1k, ~0.025” per pixel NUV MAMA: 1600-3200 Å , 1k x 1k, ~0.025” per pixel CCD: 1650-11,000 Å , 1k x 1k, ~ 0.05” per pixel Large set of gratings, slits, and modes ! – – – – Long slit 1st order spectra High-dispersion UV echelle spectra with resolution up to ~ 100,000 Imaging and spectroscopic coronagraphy Imaging and slitless spectroscopy 5/16/201 6 STIS Optical Design 5/16/2013 7 Highlights of current COS/STIS work • COS – Gain sag and lifetime positions – New G130M modes – FUV TDS – FUV Dark Rates • STIS – CCD CTE effects 5/16/2013 8 PHA Distribution with Time of COS FUV Detector • COS XDL is a photon-counting microchannel plate (MCP) detector In COS FUV TIME-TAG mode every photon is recorded with: – – – • • • position (x,y) arrival time (t) total electron charge generated/pulse-height amplitude (0 ≤ PHA ≤ 31) For every detector element, PHA distribution changes with time, as fewer electrons can be extracted from the MCP with usage, the so-called gainsag effects Gain sag leads to a shift of the pulseheight distribution to lower PHA values Modal Gain is peak of PHA distribution PHA distribution of the counts in the whole region of the extracted spectrum for the same target observed in Sep 2009 and Dec 2010 # of events • PHA ≥ 2 adopted for filtering as of Dec 21, 2010 3/19/2013 PHA bin PHA ≥ 4 adopted for filtering at beginning of on-orbit operations 9 COS FUV Modal Gain vs. Time Higher HV (175), SMOV Lower HV (167), SMOV Segment B • • Modal gain vs. x-pixel position on the detector in a 10-by-6 (in x and y) pixel wide region where spectra fall (Segment B) Modal gain drops everywhere with time where “continuum” of the spectra falls Modal Gain – • Modal gain drops even more in regions where geocoronal Lyα falls in G130M settings, the so-called “holes” – • X pixel • Higher HV, test Dec 21 2010 Lower HV, Dec 16 2010 Data from cumulative images at different epochs and operational HV values are presented up to Dec 2010 • faintest targets contribute to holes CALCOS filtering – – PHA = 2 brightest targets contribute to continuum Currently [2,30] (see dotted line) Still in the process of implementing position-dependent filtering Modal gain = 3 is a benchmark for the onset of severe gain-sag effects (flux losses of ~ 5%) Modal gain = 5 is a benchmark for the onset of severe x-walk effects (up to ~ 1 resel = 6 pixels) and resolution degradation by ~ 20% Moving to a New COS FUV Lifetime Position • • New position located at -0.05 and +3.5” in dispersion- and cross-dispersion directions Science operations at new position started on Jul 23 2012 Active area of the detector (in pixels) Current Position at 0” Geocoronal Lya emission Wavecal location New Position at 3.5” +6” +3” 0” −3” −6” COS FUV - Segment B Jan 17, Lifetime 2012 (COS FUV Position Exploratory Program 12678, G130M@1291) 11 Data Quality at New COS FUV Lifetime Position • Data quality meets expectations – Gain sag ameliorated and “holes” from Lyα exposure are avoided – Resolution ~ 90% of that at original position – Throughput at all wavelengths within ~ 2% of that at original position – Detailed re-calibration observations at new position have being analyzed; no changes were found • New set of model LSFs computed with Code V at new FUV position – Excellent agreement with observations – Theoretical LSFs soon to be released to the community resolution/ Update on New COS FUV Lifetime Position Calibration Enabling Exploratory Program ID/Activity Title # Orbits Executed Document Status of Documentation 1 12676 COS/FUV Characterization of Detector Effects 12 Internal Massa et al. (2013a) Under review (ISR) 2 12677 COS/FUV Mapping of Stray PtNe Light Through FCA 16 Internal Oliveira et al. (2013a) Published (ISR 2013-02) 3 12678 COS/FUV Characterization of Optical Effects 6 External Sahnow et al. (2013) To be completed (ISR) 4 Aperture Mechanism Moves − Proffitt et al. (2013a) Under review (ISR) 5 Summary: Choosing the Next FUV Lifetime Position − Oliveira et al. (2013b) To be completed (ISR) 6 Requirements for FUV Enabling and Lifetime Calibration Programs − Osten et al. (2013a) Published (TIR 2013-02) 7 12793/FENA1 FUV Detector High Voltage Sweep: Choosing HV 16 Internal Kriss et al. (2013) To be completed (ISR) 8 12795/FENA2 FUV Spectrum and Aperture Placement 3 External Proffitt et al. (2013b) Published (ISR 2013-03) 9 12796/FENA3 FUV Focus Sweep 9 External Oliveira et al. (2013c) Published (ISR 2013-01) 10 12797/FENA4 FUV Target Acquisition Verification 13 External Penton et al. (2013) To be completed (ISR) 11 FCAL1 FUV Wavelength Scales − Sonnentrucker et al. (2013) Under review (ISR) 12 12805/FCAL2 FUV Spatial & Spectral Resolution 7 External Roman-Duval et al. (2013) Under review (ISR) 13 12806/FCAL3 FUV Flux Calibration, Flat Fields, Time Dependent Sensitivity Transfer 25 External Massa et al. (2013b) To be completed (ISR) 14 12807/FCAL4 FUV BOA Operations 1 External Debes et al. (2013) Under review (ISR) Summary: FUV Enabling and Calibration Programs − Osten et al. (2013b) To be completed (ISR) 15 3/19/2013 13 COS FUV Modal Gain vs. Time: Original Lifetime Position Data up to end of July 2012 before Lifetime move Segment A Segment A: • At time of lifetime move, large part of continuum below PHA = 5, thus affected by X-walk effects • No large holes due to Lyα in G140L Segment B Segment B: • At time of lifetime move, continuum above PHA = 5 • Lots of deep holes due to Lyα in G130M with deepest holes in FP-POS = 3 3/19/2013 14 COS FUV Modal Gain vs. Time: New Lifetime Position Data since Lifetime move at end of July 2012 Segment A Segment A: • Well above PHA = 5 (including low gain region) so not yet affected by X-walk effects • Additional 12-18 months left before continuum reaches PHA = 5 • No holes developed yet Segment B 3/19/2013 Segment B: • Continuum getting close to PHA = 5 where X-walk effects start to be substantial • Several holes due to Lyα in G130M are starting to appear and getting close to PHA = 5 • Mandatory use of all FP-POS is helping in spreading the damage around 15 Resurrecting FUSE: New COS G130M Modes t = 2918 sec FUSE t = 330 sec COS • • • 5/16/2013 Resolution of G130M/1055/1096 greatly improved by focus adjustment • Data quality at these wavelengths comparable to FUSE • New focus implemented in FSW on Dec 10, 2012 GO observations with G130M/1055/1096 at new focus started in Jan 2013 GO observations with G130M/1222 started immediately after move to LP2 (Jul 2012) 16 COS FUV TDS & Solar Activity LP1 LP2 • • • • • TDS Breaks HV change FUVB Switch to LF2 HV change FUVA 3/19/2013 COS FUV sensitivity showed steep drop in late 2011 (up to 20% per year), coincident with period of very high solar activity (curves at the bottom: green is smoothed version of the blue curve ) Subsequent decline much more modest (4% to 6% per year) HV increase on segment A in March 2012, caused a small (~2%) increase because data at lower HV were affected by gain sag Latest TDS break appeared shortly after moving to new position (LP2) Currently TDS trends flattened out again (2-3% per year) and are at this point almost wavelength independent 17 Average COS FUV Dark Rate & Solar Activity Segment A Segment A: Increase in scatter and baseline rate Solar cycle analogue; 10.7 cm radio flux Segment B Segment B: Increase in scatter only with no corresponding baseline increase • • • Overall dark rate, 2D structure, and distribution of pulse heights (PHD) continue to evolve with time for both segments Correlation with solar cycle, though behavior is different for Segment A and B Dark rate on Segment A mysteriously reset to 2009 values, 2D structure, and PHD after Dec 2012 HST Safe (no similar change seen after either the COS suspend in Apr 2012 or the Feb 2013 HST Safe) 3/19/2013 18 2D Structure of the COS FUV Darks Segment A Segment B 11/23/2009 12/20/2012 12/27/2012 • • Recent changes to PHA filtering (from 2-30 to 2-23) has decreased observed dark rate by ~20% An even stricter pixel-by-pixel PHA filtering is under implementation – • Sorting out implications for spectral extraction and background subtraction Increased frequency (2x) of dark observations in Cycle 20 allows to: – – achieve higher S/N data for 2D dark images and improvements to background subtraction method better track trends, identify anomalous changes, and help in the creation of 2D dark corrections 5/16/2013 19 STIS CCD CTE Effects Van Dixon 2011, STIS ISR 2011-02 • • 11 years in the harsh onorbit environment have significantly affected STIS CCD in terms of CTE A STIS algorithms exists to partially correct: Flux of extracted spectra Flux and astrometry of point sources in images • However, no way to correct for added noise due to CTE trails of hot pixels and cosmic ray Red spectrum of a V ~ 18 mag SNa at the default position (S/N ~ 3) Black spectrum of another V ~ 18 mag SNa of similar brightness at the E1 position (S/N ~ 17) 5/16/2013 20 Towards a Pixel-Based CTE correction for STIS CCD • Investigated nature of STIS CCD CTE trails to evaluate feasibility of a pixel-based CTE correction Used ACS script to perform preliminary evaluation of STIS CCD data • – – – – – • • Amplifier STIS hot pixel CTE trails qualitatively similar to ACS/WFC3 Trail length only weakly T dependent Preliminary tests on individual dark frames and science data yield good correction of CTE trails Have not yet fully optimized CTE parameters for STIS Need to finalize characterization of time dependence of CTE Updated ACS script to run on STIS CCD images as a stand-alone tool soon to be released to the community Pixel-based CTE correction for STIS appears to be achievable Sep 25, 2012 21 Additional STIS CCD CTE Efforts • Comparing subarray versus full-frame images to evaluate effect of CCD readout speed on CTE – Understanding this will allow improved pixel-based CTE corrections for subarray data, and might inform impact of timing changes on CTE • Evaluating science benefits of possible CCD readout changes – Since STIS CCD can be readout from either end of detector, doing a parallel split readout (amp D + amp A) would reduce maximum transfers by 50% for the lower ½, although at cost of increased read noise (from 5.6 e- to 8.5 e-) due to noisier amplifier (A) on bottom of detector – Doubling readout speed might improve CTE from current ~0.999 to ~0.9999, but it is unclear if this can be done without a noise penalty • Charge injection strategies may exist, but a compelling science need has not yet been identified It is doubtful at this point that we can scientifically justify expensive hardware testing, so pixel-based CTE correction still remains the most promising way to mitigate STIS CTE effects 3/19/2013 22